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S03.E13: She Don't Know How To Love


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Chloe is quite the little bitch laughing at Maxin rehab and she was mad he missed her prom to go to rehab...no Chloe just no. Don't get me started on home wrecker Hailey...she loves the drama and can barely contain her glee. I hope she ends up pregnant and he does the same to her. I know she is young but talk about morally bankrupt.

  • Love 23

Good lord Chloe those teeth...that smile reminds me if Chantel, you are not all that. She is a kid and has no idea with her "if he tried he can stop anytime" nonsense but her parents should enroll her in alanon. She chose to procreate with an addict so she needs to learn as well.

Edited by sainte-chapelle
  • Love 17

Oh my gosh, Both Max AND Caelen are making beats? The world is not ready for this much musical talent. 

Seriously, though, it was so frustrating seeing Chloe speak down to Max when he was feeling positive about his future. She needs to accept reality and go to Alanon. 

And Caelen needs to stay on top of that legal shit. Meanwhile McKayla is claiming she couldn't stay with him because she couldn't fulfill his dream of having her as a SAHM. Ummmmm.... I'm sorry, what is she right now???? 

Matthew and Hailey 2 are real pieces of work. Intentionally trying to upset Hailey 1. And Hailey 1 still makes out with him! What a pathetic love triangle. I wish he would get on his scooter and scoot away.

Rilah got engaged while her mama was sweeping in the background. So romantic. 

  • LOL 3
  • Love 19

Chloe can’t see the reality check that’s coming toward her like a freight train. I hope she continues her education as planned but I’m afraid she’s weak enough to be derailed by the guy wheeling the trash out of the back door at Mickey D’s. Jessica, yet again, showed her true colors as she bitched and bitched during graduation. Her husband’s body language and lack of eye contact should have been a clue to shut it. I’m guessing Chloe is Jessica, aged 17, all over again. 

Who was ululating while Rylah was giving birth? I thought it was her at first but it couldn’t have been because it happened all the while she was pushing. 

Karma has Hayleigh2 in the forefront of her mind. What a despicable little bitch! Matthew is a D.O.G. and I hope Hayleigh1 will resist his advances long term but I’m not holding my breath. 

McKayla is so insufferable that it’s hard to believe she isn’t putting on an act. But alas, her actions are 100% real, thanks to her grandparents continued willingness to play doormats and ATM’s 24/7. In what alternate universe does a 18 or 19 year old girl do nothing, other than her makeup and procreate, and then dumps her two babies with their great grandparents without batting an eye? This one is a cold hearted bitch, who will always put herself first! Also, why was she so aggressively bouncing that poor baby? First in the bouncy seat and again on the sofa. The springs were begging for mercy, no matter she only weighs 95 pounds  

Who is the host for the tell-all? I don’t know that I’ve ever seen her before. And why was Caelan’s face so heavily made up? His face looked jaundiced in the previews. 

  • Love 9

Good suggestion that Chloe should go to Alanon.  But I don't get how she's so clueless about addiction.  I went to grade school in the 80s, at a Catholic school, in the deep south.  Ergo, not the most progressive place on the planet.  Nevertheless, we were repeatedly taught in health class through the middle school years (6 to 8th grades) about alcoholism, addiction, and the disease aspect of it.  Of course, there was the "Just Say No" Nancy Reagan tinge to it, but there were definite units and tests on addiction as a disease and so on.  Do they not teach that in schools any more?  Even reaching further, has Chloe never seen any media about addiction, even something as ubiquitous as a single episode of Intervention or Mom?  She's never paid any attention to the myriad of musical performers who have gone to rehab?  To think that rehab is just a dry-out facility is not merely ignorant, but work had to be done to be that oblivious to not have absorbed something about it.

Caelen's musical stylings were nearly as embarrassing as his connection to McKayla.  

  • LOL 3
  • Love 11

I'm a pretty new Unexpected viewer and HOLY SHIT, the stupidity is off the charts, with the adults being some of the worst perpetrators. It killed me to hear Hailey's mom say that she knew Matthew came to sex up Hailey as soon as she was six weeks post-partum, and she still let them go into Hailey's bedroom to be alone. Lady, that is YOUR HOUSE. Make them park their butts in the living room with their child where they can be supervised and find a way to interact with each other that doesn't involve groping. Hailey will 100% have sex with Matthew to try to win him back or hurt Hailey 2 (love that that's her official chyron) and Hailey's mom needs to step up to do what she can to prevent another baby. Birth control is an obvious must, and limiting their privacy in her home is another. If that weasely wimp is in her home, it should be to see his daughter, not to score with Hailey.

Chloe's unfounded impression that she is oh-so mature and intelligent and superior to Max is ridiculous and obnoxious. She clearly has no idea of the severity of his issues and makes no bones about wanting to understand or sympathize. Max is no catch and has a ton of work to do to better himself, but I do feel bad that his girlfriend dismisses him and talks down to him so nakedly. It's as if Chloe thinks she's doing Max a favor by dating him, and doesn't so much care about him as she does having him as an accessory to her young, teen mom lifestyle. She sees his drug problem as nothing more than an annoying hindrance to her own glowing self-image.

  • Love 22

If that was Ananda, I *really* hope the reboot of While You Were Out is picked up so she doesn't have to slum it on this show.

As for the Haileys....yikes on that Matthew.  He's worse than that turd that was Lexus' boyfriend.  Both of their mothers (in my mind, I regard Hailey 1's mother as "Ramona Singer if she had a worse childhood and never sold TJMaxx remnants") they BOTH need to get them into therapy ASAP because they are both lowering themselves to be with a POS worse than any dude--including Max, who actually seems to like his daughter--on this show.  That may be an arguable point, I'll admit, but both could do better to not fight over such scraps.  

  • Love 6
44 minutes ago, Linny said:

I'm a pretty new Unexpected viewer and HOLY SHIT, the stupidity is off the charts, with the adults being some of the worst perpetrators. It killed me to hear Hailey's mom say that she knew Matthew came to sex up Hailey as soon as she was six weeks post-partum, and she still let them go into Hailey's bedroom to be alone. Lady, that is YOUR HOUSE. Make them park their butts in the living room with their child where they can be supervised and find a way to interact with each other that doesn't involve groping. Hailey will 100% have sex with Matthew to try to win him back or hurt Hailey 2 (love that that's her official chyron) and Hailey's mom needs to step up to do what she can to prevent another baby. Birth control is an obvious must, and limiting their privacy in her home is another. If that weasely wimp is in her home, it should be to see his daughter, not to score with Hailey.

Thank you, yass!  That whole scene Hailey and her mom filmed about Matthew coming over exactly six weeks later and he was trying to have sex, and Hailey2 came to pick him up, but her had an erection and he had to wait in the hall for it to subside...was trash to the meaning.  Did I get a little schadenfreude about the fact that Matthew cheated on Hailey2?  Yes.  But, good God, Hailey's mom should not be filiming revenge scenes!  That is so disgusting that a 54 year old woman would go on TV to send a message that some kid wanted to fuck her minor daughter, and he came damn close, in order to throw it in another teenaged girl's face.  Remember the story Hailey's half-sister told wherein her dad told her he had a surprise for her, and it was a baby Hailey?  So, it appears that Hailey's mom was in some clandestine, unhealthy relationship when she had her daughter, and now she is passing on the same ethos as her daughter becomes a mom.  Good work.

Party of one, but I was really glad Anthony proposed to Rilah, and I hope they get married.  For the life of me, I have no idea how someone can be ready to be a parent, but not ready to be a spouse.  It's not like you need a rule book for how to be a spouse either:  love each other.  (And in case you want counseling, which I would recommend to almost anyone getting married, it's available).

I am at the point where I don't care about McKayla and her skintight dress and leather jacket going to church.  That whole situation is so fucked that it doesn't bother me anymore.  Caelen's music didn't even bother me.  I'm just not sure why a 20 year old man would go to a recording studio with his mother.  I asked my husband, and he said he didn't want anything to do with his mother period when he was 20.  I think Caelen is a little directionless, but congrats on finally getting used to being away from her!  That actually shows growth, which doesn't happen on this show.

Party of one again, but I like Chloe.  I can't help it.  It seems like she's walking the walk, as in, taking care of her daughter (we know Jessica would be the first one to tell the cameras if Chloe was neglecting Ava), but she just sounds like an airhead. I would take that over someone who pontificated about noble things, but never got up and did anything.  I think it would be a good thing if Chloe went to Al-anon a few times to understand Max, but I wouldn't want her to get too steeped in 12 step bullshit.  I mean, the Twelve Steps say that a person who is an addict has a "disease" that has no cure, but it can be "arrested" a day at a time as long as one "works the steps."  Max was a young adult with a drug problem (maybe he still has one; the jury is still out).  That doesn't mean that he has to go the rest of his life walking around with that stigma of being "a recovering addict."  I don't like that for people.  I fully believe that people--especially young people--can go through a period in life where they are abusing drugs and move on from it without having to call a sponsor every day when they are 50, without having to go to meetings where they confess how powerless they are, and without being about to have champagne at a wedding when they're 35.  I hope Max is able to ween away from that and move on and be sober by his own choices in the future.  In the meantime, I hope I get to hear these beats he's dropping!

  • Love 4

I am by no means a fan of Max, but I wanted to slap Chloe right in her buck-toothed face when she was being so rude and dismissive as he described his list of ways to stay off of drugs. I hope there is at least one person in her life who will see that and say, WTAF bitch?

Jessica also gets on my nerves. I know this situation must be as frustrating as hell, but she needs to try to help that girl mature. She may be behaving reasonably responsibly, though how hard is that when the mother is doing all of the things she ticked off that the idiot child should have done herself, but she has the brain of a 14-year-old.

Hailey 1 also is a silly cow who needs someone in her life, just one freaking person, please, to talk some sense into her. Her mother ought to be cited for child abuse because she should not even allow Matthew to enter the girl's bedroom. She is stupid as hell. And yes, Hailey 2 is a morally bankrupt person.

Don't really care about Rhyla and Anthony. Why would he get down on bended knee with the mother just a few feet away sweeping. Stupid people. 

No words for McKayla. And poor Caelen, I like you, but you cannot sing. 

  • Love 18

Jessica is still a teenager herself. I don't know how that works when she's married to an adult.

Diet Hailey sure was proud that she was TRYING to anger Classic Hailey and her mom. We're talking about your alleged former best friend and what, two weeks postpartum? That's who you want to anger?

Caelan is going to lose me if he's spending money on that crappy ass music. I don't think people who aren't paying for their children's needs can afford hobbies.

  • Love 9
13 minutes ago, IvySpice said:

Jessica is still a teenager herself. I don't know how that works when she's married to an adult.

Diet Hailey sure was proud that she was TRYING to anger Classic Hailey and her mom. We're talking about your alleged former best friend and what, two weeks postpartum? That's who you want to anger?

Caelan is going to lose me if he's spending money on that crappy ass music. I don't think people who aren't paying for their children's needs can afford hobbies.

Do we know for sure that Caelen is not paying child support? I don't believe a word that comes out of Tim and Cindy's mouths. It's really sad how much they've changed. Before McKayla childishly moved out, he was paying plenty as the only person working.

Yeah, each week Jessica is acting more and more like a petulant teen, whining, "All she cares about is Max." I must be a master in the bedroom or something because I don't get what Chloe sees in him. He's so not cute and is a fucking addict and sometime thief. What a prize.

  • Love 8
12 minutes ago, RoxiP said:

If only the mother has rights in a situation such as this Caelyn may have very well not been required by law at this point to pay support (although of course he should because that's what real men (and/or women) do for their children).  Shame on him for not getting a custodial order in place for Timmy.

That's my assumption, too. There is no custody, visitation or child support order on file. But they had been planning on living together or actually living together or whatever they were doing so I can maybe see why this had not been handled.

  • Love 4

I'm tired of the toxic teenage drama between Matthew, Hailey1&2, & Hailey’s mom. It's like a fucked up foursome.

Anyone catch Max’s comment in the car about whether Chloe had shaved while he was away… 🤢. Only thing worse this episode was hearing about Matthew's erection. 🤮

Caelen - stahp - I think my ears started bleeding. His mom is his number one only fan.

Max’s head with that hair cut looked like a balloon with a face & some hair drawn on it.

  • LOL 9
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8 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Party of one, but I was really glad Anthony proposed to Rilah, and I hope they get married.  For the life of me, I have no idea how someone can be ready to be a parent, but not ready to be a spouse.  It's not like you need a rule book for how to be a spouse either:  love each other.  (And in case you want counseling, which I would recommend to almost anyone getting married, it's available).

True, but I haven’t seen anyone on this show who Is ready to be a parent or killing it in the bare minimum of parenting either. 

As for love, Anthony wasn’t even sure he was the father since Rilah was supposedly sleeping with another guy. This does not bode well for the future.

  • Useful 1
  • Love 3

That was awful. The only bright spot was Rilah’s delivery and her joy over being at home with her baby and Anthony. The proposal was wack and they don’t stand a chance in hell but they’re miles better than the rest (this week).

I almost have no words for McKayla. She’s absolute trash. That whole situation is unbelievable. Sad thing is I really believe her grandparents hate Caelan enough to encourage her dating ANYONE else. 
H1 has negative self esteem. Her mother should be protecting her, as she clearly will do anything to please Matthew, but instead she’s allowing him to run the house. I’ve never seen anything like this before. Her mother has failed her terribly. 

H2 will get hers one day. I hope it’s filmed so I can see karma in all its glory. 

  • Love 12

McKay la and her whackadoodle family all need a good swift kick. I sure hope Caelyn continues to pursue his paternal rights. 

Chloe and Hailey continue to be a shit show. Hailey's sItuition continues to sound like something the producers have encouraged because they love drama.  Jessica continues to drive Chloe right to Max. 

Riah and Anthony win the prize for the most potential. This week. I can't shake the feeling that, for a nurse, Rilah's mom doesn't come across as too bright. 

  • Love 6
On 10/28/2019 at 1:21 AM, Nilo said:

I cannot even believe that I found myself getting angry on Max’s behalf tonight.  Truly, it is the end of times.

But what was that, Chloe?  I don’t expect super-intelligence from her, but I guess I thought common decency toward “the love of her life” might be in her wheelhouse.  Hearing her repeatedly beat him down and then hang up on him just made me feel so damn sorry for him.  And I am no fan of Max’s!

It occurred to me that Chloe likes Max because she's the alpha and can control the relationship.  She treats Max like her mother treats her.

  • Useful 1
  • Love 8
10 hours ago, IvySpice said:

We don't, but even if he's working 80 hours a week at the vape shop, he isn't making enough to have cushion for two kids. He's got no business buying studio time. Sing into a karaoke app on your phone (or, actually, don't, because you have no talent).

I think I read he's a mechanic.  Anyhoo, while I completely agree he should support his children and should prioritize his money for them and their well-being, he made enough money to rent them that nice house so he must do ok.  I wonder if the studio time was paid for by the show or comped by the studio for TV air time?

  • Love 3
On 10/28/2019 at 3:31 AM, Lizzing said:

Good suggestion that Chloe should go to Alanon.  But I don't get how she's so clueless about addiction.  I went to grade school in the 80s, at a Catholic school, in the deep south.  Ergo, not the most progressive place on the planet.  Nevertheless, we were repeatedly taught in health class through the middle school years (6 to 8th grades) about alcoholism, addiction, and the disease aspect of it.  Of course, there was the "Just Say No" Nancy Reagan tinge to it, but there were definite units and tests on addiction as a disease and so on.  Do they not teach that in schools any more?  Even reaching further, has Chloe never seen any media about addiction, even something as ubiquitous as a single episode of Intervention or Mom?  She's never paid any attention to the myriad of musical performers who have gone to rehab?  To think that rehab is just a dry-out facility is not merely ignorant, but work had to be done to be that oblivious to not have absorbed something about it.

Caelen's musical stylings were nearly as embarrassing as his connection to McKayla.  

And, ever if Chloe had never heard or known anything about addiction, which like you I don't believe, wouldn't you think that NOW she'd make it a priority to learn something ASAP?

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, readheaded said:

It occurred to me that Chloe likes Max because she's the alpha and can control the relationship.  She treats Max like her mother treats her.

I forgot to mention the wonderful mother/daughter relationship that is Jessica and Chloe. That whole thing over the graduation was so twisted. Why was Jessica that angry that Todd and Max would be there? They know he and Chloe are a couple. Was he just not supposed to come celebrate his girlfriend’s graduation?

Jessica was mad because she couldn’t control the situation. It wasn’t a low budget baby shower she could ban him from attending. She went on that unnecessary rant and her pitiful husband just stared down at the ground like he was embarrassed. I was surprised to see he was emotional about Chloe graduating but Jessica was not. 

  • Love 7

Jessica's basic behavior aside, in a TH she listed all the things she's done for 'miss maturity' - Chloe-  which was pretty much everything. The last mention was something about a job recruiter & spoiled brat immediately cut in "I don't have a job yet." Apparently that was up to Jessica as well.  Jessica is good enough for Chloe when she's getting everything she wants. Her mom needs to let Chloe do *everything* for herself from now on while she lives with Max (shudder) - unfortunately the baby is at risk but Chloe may learn some hard lessons soon if Jessica pulls back completely.

2 hours ago, readheaded said:

I wonder if the studio time was paid for by the show or comped by the studio for TV air time?

Probably. They needed some crappy beats to promote poor, pitiful, victimized Caelen while McK dumps the kids on the grands again & slithers out of the house in her skin tight dress to go to "church" with her new BF.  🙄

9 hours ago, Soup333 said:

H1 has negative self esteem. Her mother should be protecting her, as she clearly will do anything to please Matthew, but instead she’s allowing him to run the house. I’ve never seen anything like this before. Her mother has failed her terribly. 

I think her mom might take the prize for biggest fucked up mess of a mom on this show.

  • Love 2
20 hours ago, IvySpice said:

Diet Hailey sure was proud that she was TRYING to anger Classic Hailey and her mom. We're talking about your alleged former best friend and what, two weeks postpartum? That's who you want to anger?

That girl is psychotic!!!! Why is she so angry at Hailey and her mom and her biggest revenge is stealing Hailey's boyfriend??  Yes she's correct in that what's his face should not stay in a toxic relationship for a child but NO you should not make it your goal to make him your boyfriend just weeks after he had a kid with your BEST FRIEND!  I can't believe she got invited to the tell-all......

20 hours ago, politichick said:

Do we know for sure that Caelen is not paying child support? I don't believe a word that comes out of Tim and Cindy's mouths. It's really sad how much they've changed. Before McKayla childishly moved out, he was paying plenty as the only person working.

Well the way it sounds when these episodes were filmed... he wouldn't be able to give her any money or items for the kids because she would never let him come over.  Could he mail a check? Sure... but I think if I was in this position and the mother of my baby was refusing to let me see my kids for FOUR MONTHS... no way would I freaking give her a dime. 

3 hours ago, Soup333 said:

I forgot to mention the wonderful mother/daughter relationship that is Jessica and Chloe. That whole thing over the graduation was so twisted. Why was Jessica that angry that Todd and Max would be there? They know he and Chloe are a couple. Was he just not supposed to come celebrate his girlfriend’s graduation?

And even angrier that they had the audacity to STAND instead of sitting "like everyone else".  Holy shit Jessica.. Max is not standing so that he feels he's 'closer' to Chloe on the field than you..  I hope she watches these episodes and see's how ridiculous she is as a mother.  You are not in high school Jessica. Chloe is going to move on and start her own family.  Obviously having an addict as a partner is not ideal. 

But it was nice to see that Jessica and her husband were actually scared for Max once they realized it was fentenyl he was caught using.  At least they're human a little bit.  It's really too bad that Chloe doesn't understand the severity of it as well.  

  • Love 6
22 hours ago, IvySpice said:

Caelan is going to lose me if he's spending money on that crappy ass music. I don't think people who aren't paying for their children's needs can afford hobbies.

You know?  I agree that Caelan is not the next American Idol or anything.   But the kid is out there, he's working hard to support himself (I hope he's contributing something to the childrens' care).  Let him have his hobby.  Renting a studio for $ 100 isn't a bad thing to do for one's self worth.  I'm ok with it.

And the question that hasn't been answered about support is:  has he tried to contribute but was refused because it would give him standing to have visitation?  Yes, I've known people to do that (if I can't see them, I ain't payin').

  • Love 6
On 10/27/2019 at 11:06 PM, Auntie Anxiety said:

Well, at least he didn’t propose while her mother was scrubbing the toilet.

At least then, maybe they would have been alone, with the housecleaning happening in another room.  (I would hope.)  Watching the sweeping going on in the background of the proposal was one of the stranger things I've seen on TV.

Also, the way he pitched himself down on his knee was also weird.  There is something very off about him, and I wonder if I'm just not that used to watching people who are of very low intelligence.  All that talk about how it's a real diamond that he got at a jewelry store.  I don't know...it doesn't smell like mere immaturity to me.


On 10/28/2019 at 8:40 AM, Linny said:

Lady, that is YOUR HOUSE. Make them park their butts in the living room with their child where they can be supervised and find a way to interact with each other that doesn't involve groping.

I know I yell at the TV all the time on this show, but that one really took the cake.  Usually, I think I'm just smarter and wiser than the dopes I'm watching, but that one?   She handled the situation and kept things at bay by constantly walking past the bedroom door?  THAT was her tactic?  Jesus.

I get that things are quite complicated--Matthew calls her "mom," after all--but dang.


22 hours ago, politichick said:

Yeah, each week Jessica is acting more and more like a petulant teen, whining, "All she cares about is Max."

I called that one in a previous thread.  Jessica is jealous because her best friend is choosing her boyfriend over her.  She's also pissed off because Chloe isn't sufficiently appreciative of her efforts regarding financial aid, etc.  You know, acting like a petulant teen, which I would say Chloe is more entitled to do than Jessica is, given that she actually IS a teen.

But speaking of teens, I just don't know how people handle being around phone-addicted teens these days.  During their talking head couch, Jessica stomps off and before she even clears the camera, Chloe has pulled her phone out from behind her and is checking it.  She also did it during the argument in the house about Jessica finding the photo evidence that Max was in her house. 

Not only that, she was apparently surfing on it while talking to Max when he called from rehab.  That's just rude.


7 hours ago, readheaded said:

It occurred to me that Chloe likes Max because she's the alpha and can control the relationship.  She treats Max like her mother treats her.

At least that's an explanation, because I just don't get it.  She clearly is crazy about him. 


16 minutes ago, b2H said:

Renting a studio for $ 100 isn't a bad thing to do for one's self worth.  I'm ok with it.

But surely his self worth is going to take a big hit when he actually hears what he did.  What the hell was that, anyway? 

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

I think it’s safe to say that the education system has failed Hailey 1 as much, if not more, than her mother. I shudder to think that our future is in the hands of these dimwits who cannot seem to put a noun and verb together and need to say “like” after every other word. 

The education system probably tried but got no support from her coddling mother.  

  • Love 3
16 hours ago, ChristmasJones said:

In this episode, I felt Jessica's bitchy style was being emulated by Chloe when she was talking to Max.   Her mother is just so juvenile. Its not a good look.

Chloe is just like her mother. Jessica is controlling, condescending, and gaslights her daughter. Chloe then turns around and tries to do the same shit to Max. I wish Max would cut her loose and get his ass in regular therapy. 

  • Love 5

 I’m not sure if I missed this or if it just didn’t happen: did Michaela ever ask her parents to watch her children or did she just leave the house dressed like a hooker assuming that they’d take care of her kids?

ETA:  as far as phone addicted Chloe goes, obviously Jessica never had any rules around the phone. I have two teenage nieces. Their parents do not allow them to have their phones during meals or to use them when they are visiting their grandparents/relatives.  And speaking as an aunt, I have always made it a point to model good phone behavior- like not using my phone during meals or when having conversations with them or others or WHILE DRIVING.

Edited by PityFree
  • Love 3
9 minutes ago, PityFree said:

 I’m not sure if I missed this or if it just didn’t happen: did Michaela ever ask her parents grandparents to watch her children or did she just leave the house dressed like a hooker assuming that they’d take care of her kids?

Fixed that for you.

In answer to your question, my guess is that McKayla doesn’t ask. She tells them her plans maybe a day or two in advance and just assumes that will be fine with them. And it probably is, because those two do anything their grand-princess tells them to do trying to compensate for whatever made McKayla’s mother go off the rails when she was McKayla’s age.

  • Love 5
8 hours ago, Dmarie019 said:

Could he mail a check? Sure... but I think if I was in this position and the mother of my baby was refusing to let me see my kids for FOUR MONTHS... no way would I freaking give her a dime. 

But the money is not for the mother. It’s for the children. Who do indeed need it. He’s making a right step by getting visitation on the books. Which is the right thing to do when the other parent is blocking visitation attempts.

  • Love 2

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