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S14.E10: Big O’s And Broken Toes

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7 minutes ago, Shellbell59 said:

Yeah...that was so “staged”.... unless they’ve changed things...it has to be ordered 48 hrs in advance...

so if they’re acting as though they just happened to order the pig head on the spot...ummm...no.

didn't the waitress say the pighead was already ready to go (meaning that it was preordered) I think they were just stageing it so the "audience" knew what they had ordered in case they liked it and went into the restaurant maybe?  

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12 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

didn't the waitress say the pighead was already ready to go (meaning that it was preordered) I think they were just stageing it so the "audience" knew what they had ordered in case they liked it and went into the restaurant maybe?  

The only one time I’ve seen that pigheaded was in a James Bond movie where Louis Jordan was eating the eyeball of the pig head.  Must be a delicacy.  Gross. ( guess auto correct not working).

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3 minutes ago, Silver Bells said:

The only one time I’ve seen that pigheaded was in a James Bond movie where Louis Jordan was eating the eyeball of the pig head.  Must be a delicacy.  Gross. ( guess auto correct not working).

I'm Greek-American and every Easter the lamb's head is sitting there on the table.  The elder uncles fight for the eyeballs.  I'm 55 and its still the grossest thing I've ever seen.  

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34 minutes ago, Silver Bells said:

So, what was the purpose of that?  Eating a pig head.  What, are we in a third world country now?  What’s going on here?  Getting crazier by the minute.

Advertising “Social” restaurant maybe? I dunno...

all I know is it’s kind of their novelty dish...I was shocked and noticed it was 48 hr advance required...

like Peking Duck in Chinese restaurants..I guess. Point being...to order it spur of the moment is unlikely...especially during what looked like lunch.

If the waitress said “It’s ready to go”.. I missed that...or was confused by Emily saying...”I’ll have the Pig......oh...and meatballs”... like she was actually ordering from the menu in the moment 

Edited by Shellbell59
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35 minutes ago, Silver Bells said:

So, what was the purpose of that?  Eating a pig head.  What, are we in a third world country now?  What’s going on here?  Getting crazier by the minute.

I just figured they were trying to keep the "Pig" theme going b/c of Vicki. They seem to be doing the same thing by using the word "train" every chance they get! 

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The only one time I’ve seen that pigheaded was in a James Bond movie where Louis Jordan was eating the eyeball of the pig head.

I believe that was a goat.


What, are we in a third world country now?

Does Hawaii count as a third world country?

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Is Brawnwin lying (this time) to “be liked” by her husband?

Or is Tamra’s lying to be what she thinks is cool (like prison love)...saying “Oh! Eddie and I do that too!”...

the look on Tamra’s face when Braunwyn revealed at Miraval..looked too vanilla to actually participate in like behavior 

lying liar pants...both of them...ick factor went up big time. Fame ho

Edited by Shellbell59
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1 hour ago, Silver Bells said:

I hope this was just a test to see how far Bravo can go.  N.Y. is my only enjoyment now, so they better not screw that up.  I want to see holidays at Bluestone Manor, vacations, LuAnn croaking, er I mean singing, Sonja on the Jitney to the Hamptons  and more of LuAnns house upstate.  And that’s it!  No procedures, no threesomes, nothing.  Just fun stuff.  They each have a unique personality, so let them shine, Andy.   We do not want nudity or slobbery .

Wish I could "like" this 100 times. Perfectly said. Exactly what I want to see on NY.

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2 hours ago, Silver Bells said:

Yep. Emily feels like she needs Gina as none of the others seem to like her.  Gina wants to knock Vikie out and be the third Amiga.  I think Emily is too nice for this group.

Yes.  There's no one Emily can easily cozy up.  Of the 4 others besides Gina, the one she might be able to befriend would be...Kelly.  Trouble is she'd have to let go of the Kelly-Shane fight and name calling.  I guess that's not likely.

Maybe she could stand as an island unto herself.   

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16 minutes ago, Saltgypsie said:

First off, I think Emily looks amazing.  I, myself am 6ft tall and weight slightly over what Emily does. A person can be big, and yet healthy.  I've had several Drs tell me that what matters is my actual numbers. My BP, cholesterol, pulse, etc are all great.  I do exercise everyday but this is where my actual body wants to be.  That said, i would love to know Eddies and Tamaras' qualifications. Anyone can own a gym, but not everyone should be giving advise or instruction.

I was wondering that myself.  Did they need a license?  Don’t they have to know every part of the body?  Who says they know what they are doing?  My daughter had to go to school two years for a license to be a massage therapist.  Do Tamballs and Eddy know every body part before telling people what machine to use?  Maybe Tam thinks the cute outfit qualifies her.

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13 hours ago, breezy424 said:

I hope Shannon continues to do well with her food line.

At $110 for a pkg. of 9 meals I higly doubt it's going to stay around for long. Yikes that's roughly $12 per frozen meal plus tax and shipping and the reviews say the meals are small. That is nuts! Maybe her rich buddies in Newport Beach will pay that but not the average home shopping buyer. 

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51 minutes ago, Shellbell59 said:

Advertising “Social” restaurant maybe? I dunno...

all I know is it’s kind of their novelty dish...I was shocked and noticed it was 48 hr advance required...

like Peking Duck in Chinese restaurants..I guess. Point being...to order it spur of the moment is unlikely...especially during what looked like lunch.

If the waitress said “It’s ready to go”.. I missed that...or was confused by Emily saying...”I’ll have the Pig......oh...and meatballs”... like she was actually ordering from the menu in the moment 

41 minutes ago, Hiyo said:

I believe that was a goat.

Does Hawaii count as a third world country?

I can't explain the way the pig was served other than it is a specialty preparation this restaurant is known for.

I can explain the Duck, Chicken, Fish served in Chinese restaurants. Culturally, there is symbolism in serving a "whole" chicken, duck, fish with the body intact. It represents the whole family being together and intact. The head and tail - good beginnings and endings. It also shows your status - that you can afford to kill and eat an entire animal - you have good fortune and are not left with only being able to buy the remnants,

The story goes that a long time ago when Chinese Restaurants began to cater to non Chinese customers - they served their food the non Chinese way - no head and no butt. One restaurant began to pronounce in their advertising that their specialty was "whole" chicken. A non-Chinese customer got out of paying the bill - because he claimed he wasn't served a "whole" chicken and they were trying to con him. Once that happened, they began serving the "whole" chicken by cooking it, cutting it, then reshaping the cut pieces back together so you would see it is a "whole" chicken.

Same with the fish - normally the whole fish is intact when brought to the table. It is then, cut and served in front of customers. The clarity of the eyes of the fish also show the "freshness"

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12 hours ago, bravofan27 said:

Gina is married with three little kids. She's super cute, but it's going to be tough meeting someone who is willing to take care of her and her kids.

She already has. She said on WWHL the other night that she has a boyfriend and is very happy. People move on quickly. 

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13 hours ago, bravofan27 said:

Brawnyn is gross to me. Her mannerisms are really jerky, and she twitches and has this chemical thing about her. She always blinking and jerking and just being strange.

This is chillingly spot-on.  It's exactly how I feel about her.  She looks like she would give chlamydia a bad name.  

The restaurant Kelly went to with her friends was called Vig.  Was I the only one who thought this was a slight to Vicki (Vig = Vicki + Pig)?  Just me?  Thought so.  

Can we cast Kelly's friend--at least the blonde one--instead?  She seemed like she would have been better for the show than the Ho's we have now.

Yes, Braunwynn, you are just so edgy for dressing your family up as the Addams Family for your portrait.  I love how she says she doesn't know from this life, and that taking care of kids is her "normal" as she flops onto a bed in lingerie in broad daylight to talk to her husband about three and foursomes.  Braunwynn, your "normal" was grooming to be on this show, hence the friendships with Gretchen and Lizzie that you lied about.  I am convinced she moved her family across the country for the opportunity, and she is determined not to blow it, regardless of what that may entail.  I think she would fuck Eddie to stay on the show (not that Eddie wants any piece of that).

I know it's against Shane's religion to drink, but can he smoke marijuana?  His cousin is a cow walking around a fence?  Huh?  I think his cousin is just an asshole with a girlfriend.  Hey Cousin, breaking a date for a broken toe and not even picking up the phone to call Gina, but texting Emily is not "west coast," as you characterized it on the phone.  Around here, we call that being "an asshole" and no self-respecting woman would give him the time of day (which means, of course, that Gina will start dating him immediately).

Gina, Matt is trying to get into your pants and that's holding you back?  Holding you back from what?  What does this woman even have going on?  Why doesn't she just tell Matt that he cheated on her, she's embarassed, and they will only communicate about the children?  Everything else can be done through the lawyers.  Oh yeah, I already figured it out--she has no self-respect.  She just wants it out there that Matt's trying to get in her pants.  Like that's some kind of prize.  Gina is definitely sabotaging her relationship with Emily.

Kelly's brother seemed way too normal to share DNA with Kelly.

I was glad at least one other person thought Alexis looked bad.  She looked like she aged 15 years since that flashback.  I guess a second divorce will be hard on anyone.  She just seemed vacant and tired to me.  There was no charm from earlier seasons left there.  Oh, and Alexis?  A mimosa with vodka is a screwdriver with champagne poured on it.  You can say it in however way you want; it's hard alcohol in the middle of the day (not that I'm judging).  I just think it seems silly to cling to the word "mimosa" as if that makes anything more or less socially acceptable.

As an aside, this episode pushed me over the edge with the waiter/waitress euphemisms.  On this particular episode the waitress asked Emily and Shane if she could "grab [them] a drink."  As a former waitress, I absolutely cringe at this folksy, aw-shucks restaurant lingo into which we've devolved.  You don't need to grab me a drink; you can just bring me one.  Also, all talk of "doing" ("I'll do the salmon") sounds like it's illegal in 38 states.  Also, waitstaff, after you complete the taking of an order, you do not need to follow up with, "perfect" before you walk away from a table.  Is it really "perfect" that people ordered ribs and you're about to enter that info into a computer?  It's so disingenuous.  I could go on, but I've made my point.  Two last things:  wait staff have got to stop asking how "we're" doing tonight.  I have no idea how you're doing.  Also, never kneel at the table to meet my eye level.  I'm completely comfortable with you taking my order from full height.  The ones who are the most desperate to be cast are the ones who shout their first name for the camera and proceed to speak at extremely high volumes during talking scenes that I'm actually trying to hear.  "And here comes the duck!!!!" is not going to get Steven Spielberg to get in touch with Scott Dunlop so he can get you into his next movie.  Just go to the casting calls like everyone else and stop being a distraction.  

Sorry to go off about the restaurant scenes.  The super-animated ordering (looking at you Heather DuBrow) paired with the over-enthusiastic wait staff makes me as tense as Shannon squeezing silicone breast implants while she gets a vial of blood injected into her...

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3 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

I don't think Emily knew the cousin had a girlfriend. As for Shane I will give him the benefit of the doubt.

As for the cousin, I think he would have been fine going on a date with unknown CA girl - but once he found out it was going to be "filmed" he backed out.

It was that or Emily/Shane showed him a picture of Gina and he ran for his life.


LOL! It's also possible that he really doesn't have a girlfriend, changed his mind about going out with Gina, and used that as an excuse. 

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I accidentally ordered a whole chicken at a really nice restaurant in Hong Kong.  Two waiters carried the platter to the table, and there, on this huge platter, was an entire chicken, beak, feet, and all, spread out.  I ordered "crispy chicken".  I had no idea it was whole!  LOL

I applaud Emily for being so vulnerable about her weight issues, and not just acting like she's the "10" that Braunwyn claims in her tagline (ugh).  Weight struggles for women are real, and in image-conscious OC, even more so.  Tamra making that face when Emily said the word "tacos" made me want to punch her.

Eddie is, I believe, a licensed personal trainer, and I'm willing to bet he has necessary certifications to provide physical fitness advice.  He was so professional in his delivery, although I, too, calculated her actual weight in 2 seconds with his numbers.  I have a feeling that was already agreed upon by Emily, as her weight was revealed in the chyron.

Face it:  Eddie's business is based on people like Emily.  Hard working, decent earners (can therefore afford his services), looking to get into better shape.  When Shannon's trainer made that audible gasp when she took off her shirt, I'd have smacked him and walked out.

Edited by Sterling
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16 hours ago, TexasGal said:

OMG its an actual pig head.  Wow.  Weird. 

More Archie please!

DID NOT NEED TO SEE THAT!  Frankly I didn't need to see a lot of this show.  I know way too much about the bedroom activities, or alleged bedroom activities, of Brownwind.  Her family pics also looked stupid.  Mom is in a negligee while her kids try and look, what, emotionless?  We know you bone Brownwind.  You have a million kids.  And no, with your OC hair, you are not edgy.  Gina continues to look sloppy.  A broken toe would only stop a man SUPER not interested.  Maybe he googled her and thought, yeah, no.  I think Emily looks fine bodywise, she just needs to leave her face alone.  If she DOES want a trainer, let it be Eddie and not Tamra.  He has some empathy and compassion.  I have no need to learn about Shannon's orgasm's or lack thereof.  Is nothing sacred anymore???!!!!   I need an emotional support animal from what I have seen/heard.  Or I can just pet my hair like Megan McCain.  One way or another, I need some soothing!

16 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

Oh no Jesus Jugs. I’m changing the channel for awhile. 

I feel for Emily. She was brave for letting her weight be shown like that. I thought Eddie was very professional in how he counseled her. Unlike Tamra who was making faces about the diet and tacos eating confession

Gotta say this moved Emily into a better place with me.  How can I hate someone who has a love for tacos like I do???

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15 hours ago, angelamh66 said:

Dear Bravo, 

I do NOT need to see any more of these HoWives having vaginal procedures ever ever again. The bizarre fascination with this is perplexing. I mean, do what you need to do, but maybe without the film crew. Just saying. 

Also no way is Emily 191 lbs. I would have guessed 150 tops. It makes no sense unless she is much taller than I think she is. 

Also, also STFU Gina. She is just looking for reasons to be mad at Emily. I’m surprised that cross necklace Tamra was wearing didn’t burn right into her skin. Evil. 

I believe it.  She is a taller woman and carries it pretty evenly.  I think she is curvy but it fits her stature.  She does not seem small boned.

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16 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

I thought Eddie was very professional in how he counseled her. Unlike Tamra who was making faces about the diet and tacos eating confession. 

I know, right!!?? I thought it was so rude and unprofessional of Tams to make faces. I've always liked Eddie. He's never appeared to change at all IMO. He's cordial, level headed & undramatic.  A shame he had a heart problem. Shocked to hear Emily is considered obese! She really doesn't look that big to me! I'm feeling bad for her anyway.  Gina is a sh** and i hope Emily prevails here.

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2 hours ago, Silver Bells said:

So, what was the purpose of that?  Eating a pig head.  What, are we in a third world country now?  What’s going on here?  Getting crazier by the minute.

Maybe an ode to Vicki since there have been porcine comparisons.

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1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

At $110 for a pkg. of 9 meals I higly doubt it's going to stay around for long. Yikes that's roughly $12 per frozen meal plus tax and shipping and the reviews say the meals are small. That is nuts! Maybe her rich buddies in Newport Beach will pay that but not the average home shopping buyer. 

Presently on QVC she has 3 items, veggie burgers, a salmon meal and a combo seafood meal all marked down in price.  Reviews aren't great.  I agree these dinners are too expensive for basically TV dinners. The supermarkets are well stocked with healthy frozen dinners and at a much cheaper price point.  

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3 hours ago, Silver Bells said:

So, what was the purpose of that?  Eating a pig head.  What, are we in a third world country now?  What’s going on here?  Getting crazier by the minute.

Eating pig is cultural.  Island food!

 Islands are tiny. We don’t have enough land to raise cattle!  

Pig, Chicken, Goat or Seafood! Take your pick! 

You know what they eat in true 3rd world countries...?  


No animal protein....bc, it is too expensive. 

Super blessed if they can get a cup of goat milk or even an egg to feed their children. 

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1 hour ago, KungFuBunny said:

I can't explain the way the pig was served other than it is a specialty preparation this restaurant is known for.

I can explain the Duck, Chicken, Fish served in Chinese restaurants. Culturally, there is symbolism in serving a "whole" chicken, duck, fish with the body intact. It represents the whole family being together and intact. The head and tail - good beginnings and endings. It also shows your status - that you can afford to kill and eat an entire animal - you have good fortune and are not left with only being able to buy the remnants,

The story goes that a long time ago when Chinese Restaurants began to cater to non Chinese customers - they served their food the non Chinese way - no head and no butt. One restaurant began to pronounce in their advertising that their specialty was "whole" chicken. A non-Chinese customer got out of paying the bill - because he claimed he wasn't served a "whole" chicken and they were trying to con him. Once that happened, they began serving the "whole" chicken by cooking it, cutting it, then reshaping the cut pieces back together so you would see it is a "whole" chicken.

Same with the fish - normally the whole fish is intact when brought to the table. It is then, cut and served in front of customers. The clarity of the eyes of the fish also show the "freshness"

IIRC...it was served with tortillas and salsas...like other pork carnitas...

supposedly...very succulent...like pork belly...w/ crispy skin/cracklings.

IF one can get past the obvious 🥴

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35 minutes ago, Dance4Life said:

Eating pig is cultural.  Island food!

 Islands are tiny. We don’t have enough land to raise cattle!  

Pig, Chicken, Goat or Seafood! Take your pick! 

You know what they eat in true 3rd world countries...?  


No animal protein....bc, it is too expensive. 

Super blessed if they can get a cup of goat milk or even an egg to feed their children. 

True..all of this.

When in Africa (Kenya) a family was blessed if they had one cow (female)...where they would “bleed” the cow by arrow to neck...mixed with milk...put in a dried gourd that had been “cleaned” using a particular burnt wood charcoal tip...(only protein unless in areas where a male cow was born/butchered...but they were usually sold).

Only for special days/occasions. It was called Mursik ...I was invited to a a national’s home for dinner..it was offered (I was told they’d rather you try it and lose it than refuse)...I drank it..and felt it going through my intestines for a few days.

Other than this...they mainly only ate corn...like “feed” corn here in states.

Bowel obstruction surgery..after bowel obstruction surgery...

We brought lettuce seeds...something green and leafy with quick results to help with digestion...and we also did “dramas” informing villages of malnutrition.

Pig of any kind...even the head would have been most welcome...a protein to chew on..get gut juices flowing.

Pigs have litters...heifers birth only one calf (reject one twin). So that’s a consideration. Very limited source.

Shoot.. Guinea pigs…are a delicacy in Peru? Is it Peru?

Oh! Forgot to add...the blood/milk in gourd is left out in sun for 7 days....


Edited by Shellbell59
7 days to cure...
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28 minutes ago, Dance4Life said:

Eating pig is cultural.  Island food!

 Islands are tiny. We don’t have enough land to raise cattle!  

Pig, Chicken, Goat or Seafood! Take your pick! 

You know what they eat in true 3rd world countries...?  


No animal protein....bc, it is too expensive. 

Super blessed if they can get a cup of goat milk or even an egg to feed their children. 

Pig heads also are served at restaurants in Europe and major cities in the U.S.

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14 minutes ago, Dance4Life said:

Eating pig is cultural.  Island food!

 Islands are tiny. We don’t have enough land to raise cattle!  

Pig, Chicken, Goat or Seafood! Take your pick! 

You know what they eat in true 3rd world countries...?  


No animal protein....bc, it is too expensive. 

Super blessed if they can get a cup of goat milk or even an egg to feed their children. 

12 minutes ago, Shellbell59 said:

IIRC...it was served with tortillas and salsas...like other pork carnitas...

supposedly...very succulent...like pork belly...w/ crispy skin/cracklings.

IF one can get past the obvious 🥴

There is something similar in the Chinese culture - which is fried pig. Outside is super crunchy crispy and right underneath the layer of crispiness is a layer of fat and then underneath the meat. It is served as one of the dishes at many banquets. It is also customary for a Bride on her wedding day to have a "whole" fried pig in her parents home. It's significance of it being "whole" shows you being of wealth and it is served to the people that come visiting the home before the wedding ceremony.

I've had cochinillo asado - a friend had that suckling roasting in the backyard - on a makeshift rotisserie. I've also had a different version where the whole pig is split in half and placed between 2 metal frames and cooked over a coal pit.

I can understand how it might not seem pleasant to some who are used to eating meat/fish that is already packaged and cellophaned but I don't have an issue because though I grew up a city girl - my mom bought home LIVE poultry/seafood and I saw the prep from the start.

Funny true story: I went to my sisters apartment when I was about 12. She told me to take the meat out of the freezer because her boyfriend was going to make venison stew. Boyfriend asked if I knew what venison was and I said no. He told me it was deer and his friend gave him a piece of his last kill. Anyhoo, I went to the freezer and the aluminum covered hind leg was in there. It was put in "fresh" as there were droplets of blood that went into the ice tray. For some reason that "freaked me out - you know the movie Bambi? I swear I heard the rifle gun shot - I ran out of there like ET did when he got scared with his arms over his head and ran all the way home like that.

It's weird when you think about it - like I said I used to play with the chickens, ducks, crabs, fish, snails when they were brought home alive and had no issues watching my mom kill, de-feather, drop live into a boiling vat of water and an aluminum shaped leg had me in tears.

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19 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

There is something similar in the Chinese culture - which is fried pig. Outside is super crunchy crispy and right underneath the layer of crispiness is a layer of fat and then underneath the meat. It is served as one of the dishes at many banquets. It is also customary for a Bride on her wedding day to have a "whole" fried pig in her parents home. It's significance of it being "whole" shows you being of wealth and it is served to the people that come visiting the home before the wedding ceremony.

I've had cochinillo asado - a friend had that suckling roasting in the backyard - on a makeshift rotisserie. I've also had a different version where the whole pig is split in half and placed between 2 metal frames and cooked over a coal pit.

I can understand how it might not seem pleasant to some who are used to eating meat/fish that is already packaged and cellophaned but I don't have an issue because though I grew up a city girl - my mom bought home LIVE poultry/seafood and I saw the prep from the start.

Funny true story: I went to my sisters apartment when I was about 12. She told me to take the meat out of the freezer because her boyfriend was going to make venison stew. Boyfriend asked if I knew what venison was and I said no. He told me it was deer and his friend gave him a piece of his last kill. Anyhoo, I went to the freezer and the aluminum covered hind leg was in there. It was put in "fresh" as there were droplets of blood that went into the ice tray. For some reason that "freaked me out - you know the movie Bambi? I swear I heard the rifle gun shot - I ran out of there like ET did when he got scared with his arms over his head and ran all the way home like that.

It's weird when you think about it - like I said I used to play with the chickens, ducks, crabs, fish, snails when they were brought home alive and had no issues watching my mom kill, de-feather, drop live into a boiling vat of water and an aluminum shaped leg had me in tears.

Great post...funny story..

I too grew up with hunting/fishing..and eating what was the kill.

I would always cut the head off my caught fish though! 🥴

...and I love a whole pig roast...
but I usually only see the meat in buffet line! 🤣

I think the presentation of “just the head” was a shock to those not aquatinted..and it wasn’t a head with an apple in its mouth..as seen on Below Deck Tahiti ...it kind of looked like a skinned head...Buffalo Bill like 😣for many.

Edited by Shellbell59
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As to Eddie's handling of Emily I would give him a good passing grade.  But I do not know how that machine calculated body fat.  We saw some probes for her wrists, but I don't think there was any calipers in play.  It does not seem to be any of the 10 "best ways" from this website:


My guess it was just giving a readout (and a calculation of fat) of BMI from her height and weight.

Chart for women:

I would think he read off 34 as her BMI not percentage fat


Just because she's tall and heavy doesn't mean she has lots of fat.

Note, if she is like 5'4" or higher  and BMI of 34, then she would weigh more than 191.  For 5'9" that would be 230.

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4 hours ago, Coffeewinewater said:

Is she?  I hate to talk about anyone's looks but here I go, I don't find Gina pretty or even cute. Sorry🤷🏽‍♀️

But, I agree she has a lot of baggage the guy might have just been "nah, can't deal with all that."

I think a man would find her very bangable. She doesn't have that plastic surgery look that the other housewives (including Emily-- that lady's face doesn't budge and her lips were obviously done by the same person as Alexis) have, which is probably hard to find in the OC.

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1 minute ago, bravofan27 said:

I think a man would find her very bangable. She doesn't have that plastic surgery look that the other housewives (including Emily-- that lady's face doesn't budge and her lips were obviously done by the same person as Alexis) have, which is probably hard to find in the OC.

Ah, ok, I see. 😄

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1 hour ago, LibertarianSlut said:

I know it's against Shane's religion to drink, but can he smoke marijuana?  His cousin is a cow walking around a fence?  Huh?  I think his cousin is just an asshole with a girlfriend.  Hey Cousin, breaking a date for a broken toe and not even picking up the phone to call Gina, but texting Emily is not "west coast," as you characterized it on the phone.  Around here, we call that being "an asshole" and no self-respecting woman would give him the time of day (which means, of course, that Gina will start dating him immediately).

Spot on with the Bronwyn stuff.  And so funny!

The cow comment was about Matt- like he (Matt) is trying to get to Gina in any way he can.  So he tries being lovey dovey.  If she doesn't bite, he tries criticizing her.  And etc.  I didn't think Shane expressed it clearly enough, but I did think he completely understood the Matt situation and was correct.

My guess is that the cousin didn't have a girlfriend so much as decide he wanted nothing to do with Gina.  I can't fault him for that.  I also think he probably legit broke his toe because who couldn't come up with something better than that?  But as for canceling the date- I think he was open to being set up, started texting with Gina, and found out she's a whiny, selfish asshat.

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47 minutes ago, politichick said:

Pig heads also are served at restaurants in Europe and major cities in the U.S.


Was just relating why pig (and, especially the festive whole pig roast) is the choice meat in nations such as the Caribbean and Asia. It is locally raised and sold.

I still remember being little and my parents driving to the farms in the mountains to buy the whole pig (already cleaned) to roast (in the ground) at family celebrations. 

I only eat pork once or twice a year now. Usually during the  Christmas time.  It is so fattening! 🤣

 The head is not served that way where I am from.  
(And, I would not eat the head)

We are known for our pernil and Cuchifrito!! 😘🐷 

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18 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

How hideous


42 minutes ago, MajorNelson said:

As to Eddie's handling of Emily I would give him a good passing grade.  But I do not know how that machine calculated body fat.  We saw some probes for her wrists, but I don't think there was any calipers in play.  It does not seem to be any of the 10 "best ways" from this website:


My guess it was just giving a readout (and a calculation of fat) of BMI from her height and weight.

Chart for women:

I would think he read off 34 as her BMI not percentage fat


Just because she's tall and heavy doesn't mean she has lots of fat.

Note, if she is like 5'4" or higher  and BMI of 34, then she would weigh more than 191.  For 5'9" that would be 230.

Is Eddie a certified trainer or just a guy that works at his wife's gym and they refer to him as "trainer"?

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I guess the model for all these Real Housewives franchises is for one or more of them to get a vaginal rejuvenation or another invasive procedure to the vaginal area and have it filmed...this seems like desperation to me on the part of Bravo to go this route. I mean, for me, the episode in the Real Housewives of New Jersey where Margaret's mother got the vaginal rejuvenation and subjected viewers to this was gross. 

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4 hours ago, Saltgypsie said:

[snip for space]…i would love to know Eddies and Tamaras' qualifications. Anyone can own a gym, but not everyone should be giving advise or instruction.

3 hours ago, Silver Bells said:

I was wondering that myself.  Did they need a license?  Don’t they have to know every part of the body?  Who says they know what they are doing?  My daughter had to go to school two years for a license to be a massage therapist.  Do Tamballs and Eddy know every body part before telling people what machine to use?  Maybe Tam thinks the cute outfit qualifies her.

2 hours ago, Sterling said:

Eddie is, I believe, a licensed personal trainer, and I'm willing to bet he has necessary certifications to provide physical fitness advice.  He was so professional in his delivery, although I, too, calculated her actual weight in 2 seconds with his numbers.  I have a feeling that was already agreed upon by Emily, as her weight was revealed in the chyron.

Face it:  Eddie's business is based on people like Emily.  Hard working, decent earners (can therefore afford his services), looking to get into better shape.  When Shannon's trainer made that audible gasp when she took off her shirt, I'd have smacked him and walked out.

It’s weird—Eddie’s bio on the CUT site says he has many certifications, but doesn’t specify what they are. I do, however, see he’s worked at places like Equinox and Sports Club/LA, and I am 99% certain they would never hire a trainer without a nationally recognized certification (e.g. NASM or ACE).

Tamra? Isn’t listed on the “team” so who the heck knows. An MRS isn’t a qualifying accreditation ... that I know.

57 minutes ago, MajorNelson said:

As to Eddie's handling of Emily I would give him a good passing grade.  But I do not know how that machine calculated body fat.  We saw some probes for her wrists, but I don't think there was any calipers in play.  It does not seem to be any of the 10 "best ways" from this website:


My guess it was just giving a readout (and a calculation of fat) of BMI from her height and weight.

It gives you BMI, but it’s more than that. On the InBody, you grab a hold of the two handles, and you also stand barefoot as you would on a scale. I don’t know the science of it, but it reads fat mass, muscle mass, water mass, skeletal mass... and tells you fat/muscle in your limbs and torso. You see all the results on the printout. Ideally your trainer would walk you through everything, and my guess is that “in real life” Eddie would do just that. It’s a legit thing and it’s REALLY helpful in the hands of an expert. Like anything it is imperfect, but I’ve found it to be more accurate than (the dreaded) calipers. 

Edited by ivygirl
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18 minutes ago, kicksave said:


Is Eddie a certified trainer or just a guy that works at his wife's gym and they refer to him as "trainer"?

On the CUT fitness page it says he is TMX certified. And he has lots of different certifications too. Lots of certifications. Granted, they could be in accounting, law, or child care, but whatever. He's certified in lots of things. And he has spent a lot of time in fancy gyms. So he knows.

2 minutes ago, ivygirl said:

It’s weird—Eddie’s bio on the CUT site says he has many certifications, but doesn’t specify what they are. I do, however, see he’s worked at places like Equinox and Sports Club/LA, and I am 99% certain they would never hire a trainer without a nationally recognized certification (e.g. NASM or ACE).

It says that he TRAINED in those gyms. Not worked there. I think that they are trying to hard to beef up his bio points to the fact he isn't formally trained. And Tamara doesn't even have a bio, so she is clearly not certified in a thing.

I too do not believe they are qualified and should be giving fitness advice to people. It seems that they DO have on staff people qualified to be real trainers. I think Tamara just uses it as a place to work out, and Eddie teaches cycling. They probably don't even own much of it anymore-- my guess is they have sold most of the equity and they get paid for the use of their faces.

Edited by bravofan27
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 I’m 30 minutes into the episode and just heard about Braunwin’s daughter’s fashion show. My eyes rolled so far up into my head that I’m not sure they have come down yet.These housewives shows are certainly running out of ideas.

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45 minutes ago, MajorNelson said:

As to Eddie's handling of Emily I would give him a good passing grade.  But I do not know how that machine calculated body fat.  We saw some probes for her wrists, but I don't think there was any calipers in play.  It does not seem to be any of the 10 "best ways" from this website:


My guess it was just giving a readout (and a calculation of fat) of BMI from her height and weight.

Chart for women:

I would think he read off 34 as her BMI not percentage fat


Just because she's tall and heavy doesn't mean she has lots of fat.

Note, if she is like 5'4" or higher  and BMI of 34, then she would weigh more than 191.  For 5'9" that would be 230.

I think a lot of us see Emily as not fat.

But, I think it is also because, she is pretty and can dress well.

When Emily did the dance in Vegas and she was onstage.....that is when I was like .....oh, she is a big girl.

I don’t know if it was because the other dancers were in shape ......or, because maybe she wears Spanx underneath her clothes....or, what!

Onstage she wore a catsuit and a waist corset. She was looking very  ‘stuffed sausage.’

Emily gives me Kirstie Alley vibes.  They can hold a lot of extra weight and still look pretty. I love their hair.

I think Emily knows this and she is at the point where she cannot gain anymore weight. She has reached her max weight.....and, her arthritis is telling her so.

Same with Emily.  She is nice and thick now.   But, she cannot gain anymore weight.

Kelly....she is already gained too much weight.  That weight gain has her looking matronly this season.  She has been really cute the last 2 seasons......and, has nice breasts!

Really....it is the drinking they do.  They must do at least 1-2 cups of sugar when they go out.

But, a TACO is a......Nooooooooo???????

A margarita can have twice the calories!

I see spicy Margaritas are a thing this season! 🥳

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5 minutes ago, bravofan27 said:

On the CUT fitness page it says he is TMX certified. And he has lots of different certifications too. Lots of certifications. Granted, they could be in accounting, law, or child care, but whatever. He's certified in lots of things. And he has spent a lot of time in fancy gyms. So he knows.

It says that he TRAINED in those gyms. Not worked there.

I took that to mean that he trained others. I could be wrong. 

I don’t find Eddie to be a shyster, as I do Tamra. So perhaps I’m less cynical. I work with personal trainers and he does and says a lot of the things they do. He even reminds me of one of my coworkers quite a bit.

As I said, I find it odd that he doesn’t specify the certifications, but I don’t know that it necessarily means he doesn’t have them.

Edited by ivygirl
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While I agree that mother’s need time away from their children sometimes I have to say that it was pretty fucked up for Gina to miss her kids sporting event to go on a date (a date that she knew wasn’t going to show up before she even went). Her kids need stability right now more than ever and it sounds like her ex husband didn’t even go? 

I for one am sick and tired of seeing people get their vaginas worked on. It’s gross and personal and offers me no entertainment value. 

The khakis and white polos on the beach would have looked far better than what’s Brawynwyn showed up in for the family photos.  My grandmas would have a few choice words if I sent out our family Christmas card looking like that!

I thought Eddie was very respectful and professional when dealing with Emily. Tamra not so much. 

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6 minutes ago, bravofan27 said:

On the CUT fitness page it says he is TMX certified. And he has lots of different certifications too. Lots of certifications. Granted, they could be in accounting, law, or child care, but whatever. He's certified in lots of things. And he has spent a lot of time in fancy gyms. So he knows.

It says that he TRAINED in those gyms. Not worked there.


Did he “train” at those places...or did he “train” FOR those places...??? Hmmm...🤔

very tricky wording...


Yes..I get it...”TRAIN”... running theme. Hah! 😆

Edited by Shellbell59
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1 minute ago, bravofan27 said:

On the CUT fitness page it says he is TMX certified. And he has lots of different certifications too. Lots of certifications. Granted, they could be in accounting, law, or child care, but whatever. He's certified in lots of things. And he has spent a lot of time in fancy gyms. So he knows.

It says that he TRAINED in those gyms. Not worked there.

3 minutes ago, ivygirl said:

I took that to mean that he trained others. 

No, it just says that "he trained in this fancy gym and this fancy gym." So my guess is literally that he just worked out there.

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1 minute ago, bravofan27 said:

No, it just says that "he trained in this fancy gym and this fancy gym." So my guess is literally that he just worked out there.

I edited my reply while you were writing. If I’m wrong, I’m wrong. But we don’t know unless Eddie himself spells it out. 

I mean, I’ve worked out at Equinox but I’m not going to put that on a resume.

Edited by ivygirl
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