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All Episodes Talk: Let’s Talk About Dr Phil the Show


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2 hours ago, MrSmith said:

Not to be a pedant, but the Department of Homeland Security has not yet existed for 20 years, let alone 20+. It was created in the wake of the September 11, 2001 attack, which would make it - at best - almost 16 and 1/2 years old.

DHS was formed by taking all or part of 22 other federal departments.  So, technically, she might have been in one of those, and has been part of DHS since it was formed.  I'm thinking maybe she was a cashier in one of their cafeterias . . . this lady had NOTHING to do with anything that involved using her head for anything other than a place to park her wig.

  • Love 8

Ooof that was painful. When she tried to emphasize her dignity, her smarts, her intellectual discernment and her pride to the audience, my heart was breaking in pieces thinking about how she'd feel when she'd find out she'd been scammed all along. I watched the show to see that very moment, but after that, I really didn't want to see it anymore. I was thinking Phil should have had her meet Perry (I'm disappointed he wouldn't show up, LOL maybe some impostor is scamming Phil too) in private and skip making it a show.

Again she illustrated how religious mind-rot lead her to take as absolute truth, totally preposterous statements because he works in mysterious ways. The functioning of the real world doesn't count - natural laws can be broken any time by miracles, so anything goes.  She referred to herself as an anointed woman of god, walking by faith, waiting for Perry to fulfill some divine order, believing just about any nonsense because he told me, she has powerful prayer as a woman of god, the lost money is immaterial because god will provide, even people in Kenya have heard of her and are inviting her for speaking engagement as an anointed woman of god. So much of her ego, and feelings of superiority were wrapped up in this mythology, she'd fall apart without it. Instead of concluding with "As a Southern Baptist Christian to another Christian" Phil should have sent her for religious deprograming.

I am not optimistic for her. The deep flaws in her processing and interpretation of events and information will allow her to continue in her delusions that she's married to Tyler Perry. She will rationalize. Maybe he was testing her faith? "Dr Phil, just tell him I love him" - she's going to double down, she cannot face the wound to her ego and how her so-called anointment and walking in faith led her to be exploited by a scheming, venal foreigner who liberally invoked religion as  a higher motive to play her like a violin.

She will do nothing to add signatories to her checking account and will continue to send money to bogus charities at fake Tyler Perry's behest.

Edited by Toaster Strudel
  • Love 7

Well, that was a depressing exercise in futility.  All that recitation of her church duties and proclaiming of her supreme religiosity seemed to be aimed at disproving all those non-existent nasty allegations that "went viral" against her, sigh.  Her computer skills must be severely limited if she can't/didn't think to do a Google search of her own name to see if she could find those "viral" rumors herself.

Wow.  I really do feel sorry for this woman and her family.  Is Phil providing any aftercare for her?  Also, what do other posters think--would it have helped get through to her if the real Tyler Perry had appeared?  Or would it have only twisted her delusion in another direction, somehow?

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I don't think having the real Tyler Perry there would have helped.  In fact, I think it would have made it worse in that she would have gotten what she wanted-time with Tyler Perry.  I feel the same about this as I did the young woman who thought another woman (who she never met) was the love of her life and sending secret messages to her via social media.  Dr. Phil brought out the victim of the stalker at the end of the show and, viola, the young woman got her dream of actually meeting the woman she had been stalking and sending nude pictures to.

Mrs. Perry's delusion is a reflection of both ego and entitlement.  She had no intention of stopping her communication with fake Tyler.  Her statement to Dr. Phil to tell Tyler that she forgives him and still loves him demonstrates that she has no intention of listening to anyone but herself.  I don't feel sorry for her as she refuses to listen to the advice and viewpoints of others.  

  • Love 9

I watched the painful episode about the lady who believed she is married to Tyler Perry.  I feel so bad for her daughters.  Other than mental illness there is no answer for what this lady is doing.  She needs inpatient therapy with no access to a cell phone.  And she should be banned from cell phones and the internet for life.  

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That poor disillusioned woman. I wonder what she will think when her last penny is gone and he never calls her back.  What about her 2 children sitting in front of her?  Don't they deserve anything from her?  How is spending her money "living in faith" when it comes to their welfare and future?  Oh I forgot she said God will provide. 

  • Love 3
On 2/2/2018 at 5:01 PM, seacliffsal said:

Just finished the second part of Bailey and Jasmine.  Bailey thinks Jasmine has been sending her secret messages and that they are in love.

During the second hour of Bailey's story, she very quickly agreed that there wasn't a real relationship between the two of them and had been misguided in this belief.  I think Bailey realized what Dr. Phil thought and just started changing her answers to meet his expectations.  She was too quick to change from "love of my life" to "I have been living in a fantasy."  She needs a LOT of help.

I agree. I think she said that stuff just to get Dr Phil off her back, but I'm not so sure she really believed it. I can't remember if Jasmine had gotten an restraining order but she should definitely look itno get some sort of protection.

On 2/3/2018 at 4:34 PM, parrotfeathers said:

I think the very intelligent Bailey knows exactly what she was saying to Dr. Phil--just what he wanted to hear.  I don't believe for one minute she is going to leave Jasmine alone.  I think meeting her was the best ending ever for her (Bailey).  By the way, is this Jasmine someone famous or just a plain person?

And another thing--why didn't Dr. Phil suggest to her that she pray to God instead of Morgan Freeman or Denzel Washington?  How could you get those 3 confused?

Well, Morgan did play God in some Jim Carey movie LOL!

  • Love 1
On 2/6/2018 at 8:01 PM, hoosiermom said:

There was NO evidence whatsoever. Just a vindictive ex girlfriend and her crazy mother out to ruin a man’s reputation and to keep him from seeing his daughter.

That was my feeling too. She was a little bit off and she's trying to get back at dude. Mom takes her side cuz she's her mom.

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On 2/8/2018 at 6:02 PM, Toaster Strudel said:

You know Tyler Perry will show up tomorrow, and tell her straight up it's not him.

I agree with the daughter, the audience making fun of someone so clearly mentally ill with delusions is no better than laughing at someone that is suicidal and depressed.

She seems very religious, and the whole concept of religion, believing in things you don't see and agencies with mysterious motives primes a person to become vulnerable to other kinds of scams involving people you don't see and their mysterious motives. The Lord works in mysterious ways, just like the Nigerian Tyler Perry impersonator. It's easy to transfer this flawed thinking from religion to more venal, earthly matters.

Yeah, I was kind of feeling that she must have had a nervous breakdown at some point but it's being overlooked because of the catfish aspect. I mean, it's not just the usual send the fake boyfriend money and someday we'll be together stuff, it's "Tyler took my eggs!" This is someone who actually was in need of a psych evaluation.

  • Love 6
37 minutes ago, ed2962 said:

Yeah, I was kind of feeling that she must have had a nervous breakdown at some point but it's being overlooked because of the catfish aspect. I mean, it's not just the usual send the fake boyfriend money and someday we'll be together stuff, it's "Tyler took my eggs!" This is someone who actually was in need of a psych evaluation.

That’s probably why he didn’t have even a video of Tyler telling her he didn’t know her. You can just spring something like that on someone who’s really delusional. It would be like cleaning a hoarder’s house while they’re out of town. 

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Today, the repeat with that evil woman Judy Byington.

Used a mentally ill woman to push her agenda about recovered memories and writing a book about it.

At the time I took an interest in the subject, and it turns out it was a horrible mess of young girls being abused mentally and physically to believe they had been to and seen satanic ritual killing of infants.


It was sad and infuriating.

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Did anyone else notice the stickfigure cowboy that walked off the show with Phil the other day?  It looked like it had a Robin bobblehead on top.  You would think that someone with training in psychological issues that Phil  has would notice that his wife is wasting away.  I seriously think that there is something wrong in all that product that they are slathering on themselves or she is just very anorexic.  Either way, it is not good.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, marionette said:

Did anyone else notice the stickfigure cowboy that walked off the show with Phil the other day?  It looked like it had a Robin bobblehead on top.  You would think that someone with training in psychological issues that Phil  has would notice that his wife is wasting away.  I seriously think that there is something wrong in all that product that they are slathering on themselves or she is just very anorexic.  Either way, it is not good.

Haha! No kidding! Robin looks awful! I occasionally check her Instagram for laughs and there are endless pics and comments by Robin of her and "Phlupp" walking hand in hand outside the lot at Universal Stufios.....she looks so emaciated and her fashion chouces are hideous. But the best part are her "hashtags". #standingbymyman #ourfirstdate41yearsago 

And Phil looks like he wished he was anywhere but with her following him around like he's god. It's quite amusing. And yes, I do strange things when i'm bored! Lol.  I guess watching these fools reassures me that I still have my shit together!

Edited by chenoa333
  • Love 1

I wish I would have skipped today's fake pregnancy snoozefest. Spoiler alert, she quickly walks off the stage, nothing happens, Lawliss shows up to sell his services, and later she has a typical unoriginal green room melt down. Sorry fake preggo lady, you can't top Mrs Tyler Perry.

On the plus side, if you didn't know what you wanted for Valentine's Day, you do now! You want that special heart box of Robin cream products! Start hinting now and demand rush delivery.

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2 minutes ago, Toaster Strudel said:

I wish I would have skipped today's fake pregnancy snoozefest. Spoiler alert, she quickly walks off the stage, nothing happens, Lawliss shows up to sell his services, and later she has a typical unoriginal green room melt down. Sorry fake preggo lady, you can't top Mrs Tyler Perry.

On the plus side, if you didn't know what you wanted for Valentine's Day, you do now! You want that special heart box of Robin cream products! Start hinting now and demand rush delivery.

Nothing will thrill your beloved lady more than a box full of skin care products that screams "you are an old-looking hag, and I bought you a box of shit made by a skeletal plastic-looking hag!"

  • Love 6
25 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

Nothing will thrill your beloved lady more than a box full of skin care products that screams "you are an old-looking hag, and I bought you a box of shit made by a skeletal plastic-looking hag!"

I suspect Robin doesn't sell a lot of her skin care products. Get an f'n life Robin and quit dedicating every nanosecond of your life following Phil everywhere he goes. You look pathetic.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Toaster Strudel said:

I wish I would have skipped today's fake pregnancy snoozefest. Spoiler alert, she quickly walks off the stage, nothing happens, Lawliss shows up to sell his services, and later she has a typical unoriginal green room melt down. Sorry fake preggo lady, you can't top Mrs Tyler Perry.

On the plus side, if you didn't know what you wanted for Valentine's Day, you do now! You want that special heart box of Robin cream products! Start hinting now and demand rush delivery.

I thought that the young lady might have  had some sort mental issue seeing as some of the stuff she was doing didn't seem to have any point.  For instance, if she was telling the one guy she was pregnant to get money from him, at least that would make sense. But what was she going to gain from telling her mom she was expecting 2 months after supposedly losing the baby? Having said that, she didn't seem to actually sorry for any any of the things she did or people she hurt.

14 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

Nothing will thrill your beloved lady more than a box full of skin care products that screams "you are an old-looking hag, and I bought you a box of shit being sold made by a skeletal plastic-looking hag!"

Because let's face it: She's not involved in the making of these products. This is just the cosmetics equivalent of the George Foreman grill.

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On 2/9/2018 at 6:17 PM, seacliffsal said:

I don't think having the real Tyler Perry there would have helped

If Phil brought on TP, it would have been a disaster. TP could tell her straight up a million times he wasn't talking to her, married to her, having babies with magically harvested eggs. She would have found something to hang onto and she would have figured out a way to turn his words into some kind of code that he was sending her to tell her he loved her and they were married. She seemed very tightly wrapped and it was clear her kids knew she was capable of exploding, so they were trying very hard to keep it calm.

  • Love 5

I guess the usual dual diagnosis centres are not equipped to deal with the Tyler Perry wife's level of mental delusion.  The daughters need to consult a lawyer to gain power of attorney or their mother could lose everything to this Nigerian scammer.

The episode was frustrating and sad to watch. Phil should maybe have spoken with the daughters alone to try and find out when and why this began.

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I'm late to the party, but I have to weigh in on the two-part case of the mother, Crystal, who accused her daughter's father of rape.

I could tell from the beginning of the first episode that she wasn't telling the truth. I thought her and her mom were doing...too much. A little too invested in the narrative and not enough on getting to the bottom of it. One thing that struck me was that the girl was looking down both times the mother asked her about her dad touching her. People, especially kids, tend to avoid eye contact when they lie. And people don't recount traumatic events at the drop of a hat like that. It's unfortunate, but it's also common, for people not to talk about things like that. 

The father gave me douche chills, but given the circumstances, I understood it. I thought Dr. Phil was maybe a little insensitive telling him to shut up while he poked holes in her story. I don't know if he would've said the same thing to a woman in a similar situation.

The most telling thing about this case was towards the end of the second episode, when the mother asked why she would come on the show if she was just coaching her daughter. Dr. Phil started to say, "I think you underestimated me". Which was one of the realest things he's ever said, to be quite honest.

I think Crystal expected to come on the show and have Dr. Phil basically take her side, if not factually, then at least in spirit. Because the default victory would've been, "I'm concerned my daughter has been abused, and see, her father doesn't care about her at all". But Dr. Phil shut that down, as he should've, and I think he should've gone a bit further than he did.

I understand not doubting a child when they make an accusation like that, but as an adult, you can't indulge that kind of accusation, either. Even though kids may not, adults have to know that's not the kind of thing you can take back. When it comes to things like child abuse and molestation, it needs to be addressed swiftly. Take the child to the doctor; if they determine the child hasn't been abused and they're still insisting they were, call DFACS or take them to a psychologist to see what's going on. But you can't sit around playing patty-cake with them and beefing with their father (if he's the main culprit) with your daughter as the trophy.

The thing that really irked me about this episode, given how our news is dominated with MeToo stories and recently with White House staffers being accused of domestic violence, is this: had this been a man with some notoriety, and had this woman gone to the press, they would've reported it as a woman makes a "credible accusation" of child molestation. She would have at least two videos of her daughter saying her dad touches her, and "medical evidence" proving he did. All the holes in her and her mother's story would've been glossed over, if not ignored entirely (either by the journalist or them), in order to "tell their story". And then this guy would've lost his job, probably messed up any dating relationship he had, friendships, familial relationships, etc. All because of an accusation. And think about the dad in this case. He wasn't guilty, but he wasn't the coolest customer either.

I know this is kinda O/T, but this is why I say it is bad idea for people to address these kinds of grievances in public. I know we get this impression in our heads that it's a good idea for people to bring things to light, to hold people accountable, to expose people for things they've done, etc. But the world can't and doesn't and should not work that way. Not just because it's the ethos of the Salem Witch Trials, but because People Lie. It's a very simple truth that people have a very hard time remembering. It doesn't have to be a bad lie in order to be a lie.

  • Love 9

I actually have a great deal when I am back in Connecticut.  The ABC affiliate shows the ep at 3p and then a different channel shows the same ep at 7p.

It works great as long as there is no hockey match or baseball game, which is why I didn’t get to see the second part of the Tyler Perry nonsense.

13 hours ago, b2H said:

I actually have a great deal when I am back in Connecticut.  The ABC affiliate shows the ep at 3p and then a different channel shows the same ep at 7p.

It works great as long as there is no hockey match or baseball game, which is why I didn’t get to see the second part of the Tyler Perry nonsense.

You didn't miss much. I couldn't stand to hear her constant rationalizations and endless talking. I wonder if this "professional" woman will have job after this show.

18 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

Second part of mumbling, no capitalization, no punctuation, no paragraph continuous talker was a monumental bore. Dr Phil should have wrapped up after the divorce, given everyone Robin creams and send them on their merry ways.

When Phil talked to the "mistress" alone and then invited Robin to come on stage, I totally thought they were going to give her some cosmetics.

  • Love 8

I'm watching an episode entitled "An Online Imposter Faked Her Death and Sent Me Ashes." This poor guy fell in love with a woman whose real name was Jeanne. She used photos of school classmates to lure him in, then broke his heart by staging a cruel death for his "girlfriend." Of course the woman behind the scenes, Jeanne, was a hapless fatty. I'm sure she's still out there doing the same thing to people. BTW, Jeanne, I recommend NOT shaving your hair off like that. It just draws attention to your head which is too round and big to be a person's head. And, nobody believes that you feel awful about what you've done.

Well, as to the two-part mumbling cad and the women he treated shoddily, I did like the plot structure and character arc of yesterday's show. He came on the show all ready to explain himself and propose to his girlfriend, secure in the knowledge that this would be welcome, and instead he was hit with a lot of comments about what kind of man he was, which seemed to cause him surprise; then, instead of his plan to bring out that ring on the air going anywhere, the girlfriend, not he, was singled out and sent to that gorgeous place to get back her self-esteem. Rescued from him! It makes a satisfying story, though real life is so messy that I won't be surprised, though I would be sad, to learn later that she has gone back to him. 

Exactly! As ed1962 says, I was afraid they were going to get Robin up there to give her cosmetics. But no, she appeared in her more admirable capacity as the world's leading advocate and defender of battered women. Is she really?

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I'm not a fan of Dr. Phil (in fact I think that he's a bit of a jerk LOL) but I would be interested in an update on this episode from a few years ago. I watched the clips on Youtube from this episode recently (there's like 4 or 5 of them on there) and I'm interested to know what happened.

(Personal story in spoiler tags, so as not to clutter the forum)


I related a lot to this guy's story. I don't play video games, but I have had an internet addiction for about 8 years (I didn't even realize I had one until recently, since internet use is so normalized in our society) that has pretty much derailed my life. Similar to the guy from this episode I was a good student (I graduated from one of the top 20 colleges in the US) but gave up on life after traumatic experiences (in his case he was hit by a car, in my case it was family dysfunction and abuse as well as a degrading experience in college). This trauma caused me to have few social skills and zero self-confidence and withdraw from the "real world," my career never got off the ground, and now I've been unemployed "in training for a career change" for over two years. I'm married so I don't live with my parents like this guy, and I did luckily inherit some money from a deceased relative that pays my share of the bills for now, but it still has destroyed my husband's trust in and respect for me, and has come close to destroying our marriage. I also expect that if nothing changes, one day I will end up homeless, much like this guy was at risk of being, and I'm actually preparing for that to happen one day. I have many casual friends, but no close friends besides my husband, although I'm not sure if that's caused by my internet addiction, or a cause of it, or both.

Activities such as using the internet, or playing video games, can cause someone to lose all sense of time and identity in the moment. For someone who has no self-esteem this can be very appealing. During the worst times of my life the internet was the only solace I had, the main way I could communicate with friends from back home and the main way I could distract myself from depression, anxiety, and loneliness. I related to a lot of what the guy from this episode said about wanting to escape from the real world, watching all your friends move on and pass you by, and feeling like it's too late to ever have a normal life. Also what his dad said about him being an "escapist" and that if he didn't play video games, he would find some other way to escape from life. Two members of my immediate family have or had much more destructive addictions and who knows, without the internet maybe that's how I would have ended up too.

And the sleep cycle issues really seem to be endemic to the whole syndrome. I have been trying to regain a normal sleep cycle for a very long time and it feels like trying to sail a sinking ship. Last night I couldn't go to bed until 6 AM. My diet is much better than it was (I recently gave up almost all processed sugar and my goal is to eat "clean") but for a while I ate a lot of fast food and processed food. I'm also working on getting outside and exercising every day and getting out to socialize or go to some sort of event at least once a week. It's hard though because my default state now is just to waste time on the computer.

Despite my not-so-great opinion of Dr. Phil I do think it's good that he did this episode. Internet and gaming addictions aren't talked about nearly enough and people laugh them off not considering how much they can destroy a person's life. I live in a huge metropolitan area and even so I can't find ANY support groups or rehabs for internet addiction. I think it was only recently added to the DSM.

Anyway a bit of a random post but I just felt like discussing this somewhere.

Edited by BuyMoreAndSave
  • Love 2
35 minutes ago, BuyMoreAndSave said:

I'm not a fan of Dr. Phil (in fact I think that he's a bit of a jerk LOL) but I would be interested in an update on this episode from a few years ago. I watched the clips on Youtube from this episode recently (there's like 4 or 5 of them on there) and I'm interested to know what happened.

(Personal story in spoiler tags, so as not to clutter the forum)

They say that the first step to resolving a problem is to identify it.  You're ready to move on to more steps!!!  Sincere best wishes for success.

  • Love 2
11 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

They say that the first step to resolving a problem is to identify it.  You're ready to move on to more steps!!!  Sincere best wishes for success.

Thanks! I really hope that I'll succeed. The problem is that I can't even stop using the internet altogether, because I need to use the internet for studying and also to do the type of work I want to get a job in. So as the saying goes, "What nourishes me, destroys me." In that sense it's more like a food addiction than something like alcohol.

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"Leader of the World" shouted a big game in his videos but turned into a big puss tossing word salads under Dr Phil's glare. I'd have no patience listening to his incoherent rantings for more than 30 seconds, I don't know how these two women did it.

Charnell the "Queen" had her mic turned down really quickly and was treated as a non-entity.

There was something annoying and overbearing about the tall one's family members, maybe that's why she became attracted to a less structured environment.

6 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

"Leader of the World" shouted a big game in his videos but turned into a big puss tossing word salads under Dr Phil's glare. I'd have no patience listening to his incoherent rantings for more than 30 seconds, I don't know how these two women did it.

Charnell the "Queen" had her mic turned down really quickly and was treated as a non-entity.

There was something annoying and overbearing about the tall one's family members, maybe that's why she became attracted to a less structured environment.

well gosh, her family is frustrated that their daughter can't see the fool she is hooked up with, scared for her, and understandably worried all the time. What if that fool decides because he is king of the world that he has a right to kill her or something.   None of this is going to end well. They did get very nervous when they realized that they were about to be in the child abuse system.  Why do idiots like this even come on TV??

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But WAS Dr. Phil, the mandated reporter, going to turn them in and get their kids taken away? He talked a good game, but at the end there was just a rather feeble, disappointing admonition to them to straighten up and fly right or something would happen. Though I have to admit I am recording today's episode, which looks like fun, right now, and I'll give him one more chance if it turns out well, yesterday's episode made me think it might be a good idea to give up "Dr. Phil" for Lent

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From yesterday- As soon as Phil crows "Imma Man-DATED Reporter!" I knew those kids would not be getting any help from Phil or any of his pay-to-play "specialists".  I hope the girl's family recorded the episode and will find good legal help to get their grandchildren away from the whack a doodle parents. They have enough evidence from the tapes and the actual show to get an emergency injunction IMO. 

Today - I feel bad for Sheila.  I hope her delusions are due to medication side effects and if seen by a real, board certified medical doctor, she gets the help she needs.  I missed "Mrs. Tyler Perry", but it is heartbreaking to me to see people so deluded.  They truly are living in their own world, and just as we on the outside can't fathom how these folks can believe their crazy stories, they can't comprehend why we don't see "the truth". 

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