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S02.E03: Mixed Signals

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On the verge of becoming a filmmaker, Rome takes a meeting with an old producer friend which causes him to feel torn about the creative changes he suggests for his script. Meanwhile, Gary steps in to help Danny prepare to audition for his school play, while Delilah craving some adult time agrees to go to dinner with Andrew.

Airing Thursday, October 10, 2019.

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I feel a filler of a show tonight, liked the Danny stuff, but the rest was predictable. I like it when I can't guess at what they will show from the Katherine/Eddie "date" to Deliah badly acting on a non-date. The no talking between at therapist daughter and her Mom. IDK, maybe I'm tired but not feeling it tonight.

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Yep, so now FULLY believing that Eric has one of Maggie's brother's organs and that Patricia specifically sought him out for closure, or whatever.

It definitely didn't feel like a secret brother secret. 

And I'm also now convinced that PJ isn't Jon's son. Feel kind of bad for the kid, but hopefully this all brings him some closure.

So, Regina is going to fire Andrew so....bye James Tupper? Will he even stick around to romance Delilah? I don't hate the Andrew/Delilah stuff....because I can fast forward through it. And it keeps Delilah in less scenes with characters I marginally am ok with.

Grace and David, can you PLEASE stop oozing chemistry so I don't fall madly in love with Katherine/Eddie? Please and thank you. God, that bar scene was awesome and I HATE that I liked it. 

They really have separated Eddie from Rome/Gary, but at least it's in favour of Katherine and not Delilah or music. 

The Danny stuff was...eh. I don't care. 

Colin! Woohoo! Best character on this show! You bark at that door, Colin!

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So Regina is going to fire Andrew, or just stop taking his money, I wonder if that will make things awkward with Delilah? Granted, we still have no clue what Delilah actually does at the restaurant, but whatever. Andrew "discovered" Regina? Ugh.

Gary is really good with the kids, so he and Danny had a nice plot. I am also somewhat interested in his plot with his mom, at least it gives him something new to do other than obsess over other peoples lives. 

Katherine and Eddie have such amazing chemistry, that I am actually rooting for them to stay together, even with all of the crap that Eddie pulled on her. I mean, playing pool, and that paint flashbacks? Damn yall. Thats way to sexy for this show!

I thought last week that Eric was some long lost relative, but they did look like a couple in that last scene, something is definitely going on there. Is he some person she met at a support group, like a sponsor? Was she cheating on Maggie's dad with him? Yeah, it does have to suck for Maggie to realize that she was a two for one special with some other random guy for mom to visit, even after beating cancer. 

I feel like PJ will find out that Jon isnt his dad, but his parents thought he might be, and that sucks for him, but at least it will give him some answers. Sometimes your stuck with the crappy parents you've got!

Colin!!!! The best character returns!

Edited by tennisgurl
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8 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Yep, so now FULLY believing that Eric has one of Maggie's brother's organs and that Patricia specifically sought him out for closure, or whatever

Grace and David, can you PLEASE stop oozing chemistry so I don't fall madly in love with Katherine/Eddie? Please and thank you. God, that bar scene was awesome and I HATE that I liked it. 

Ooh I didn't think of that - I was going with "brother she never knew she had" either older brother that Mom up for adoption or product of Dad's affair.  But I couldn't quite make the ages fit for the adoption idea and she's a little too cozy with him for him to be from husbands cheating.  I like the organ donor idea better, that really fits.

Yes to Grace and David - they are incredible together which makes me want Katherine to take him back which makes me hate to see Katherine take him back with all the past betrayal from the early years drinking to the current years cheating.  But then they're so good like that bar scene you mentioned and I want them together anyway.  They really nailed the casting on that one.

Is it wrong that I want PJ to be John's kid?  I think we're supposed to think he's on the wrong track, that he's really the friends kid and the abandoning them thing that John had guilt about was just not supporting them or keeping in touch during a tough time.  But it would be so interesting if it was John after all.  Also isn't PJ 18 or near it?  I wonder why John didn't leave the money to him if he's legal adult or to him as a trust until he turned 18 since he has to be close to it?  John couldn't know Barbara would turn down the money but it seems like it would have been better and easier to leave all or half of it to him directly.

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38 minutes ago, sigmaforce86 said:

Is it wrong that I want PJ to be John's kid?  I think we're supposed to think he's on the wrong track, that he's really the friends kid and the abandoning them thing that John had guilt about was just not supporting them or keeping in touch during a tough time.  But it would be so interesting if it was John after all.

For me, if PJ is Jon's kid, then I fear that it'll somehow bring up the Poor Victim Delilah stuff. Like "oh, Sophie and Danny, I know that I cheated on your dad and have a child with his best friend...but your dad had a secret child too! See? We're not so different!" And it's just...urg. 

Listen; I just REALLY dislike Delilah and if she was a better character, I'd be down for the PJ being Jon's kid. But Sophie and Danny don't need TWO new half siblings. 

8 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

I thought last week that Eric was some long lost relative, but they did look like a couple in that last scene, something is definitely going on there. Is he some person she met at a support group, like a sponsor? Was she cheating on Maggie's dad with him? Yeah, it does have to suck for Maggie to realize that she was a two for one special with some other random guy for mom to visit, even after beating cancer. 

I actually don't think they seemed like a couple. When Maggie opened the door and Patricia and Eric were standing there, they were several feet apart, and Eric seemed more confused as to why Patricia hadn't informed Maggie that he was coming, but not in a loving way. Which is why I think the last thing this is is a romantic secret. 

Speaking of all of this, Maggie was pissing me off all episode. But I guess it was simply her time to get me frustrated with how pissy she was being. 

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For a therapist, Maggie seems clueless about her own reactivity - always jumping to conclusions and running away. Like a few psychologists/psychiatrists I’ve known (friends & relatives), Maggie would be smart to use her skills to heal herself.

(Edit: I’m sure my friends & relatives are good at their jobs, and Maggie also seems fine there.)

Edited by nexxie
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30 minutes ago, nexxie said:

For a therapist, Maggie seems clueless about her own reactivity - always jumping to conclusions and running away. Like a few psychologists/psychiatrists I’ve known (friends & relatives), Maggie would be smart to use her skills to heal herself.

(Edit: I’m sure my friends & relatives are good at their jobs, and Maggie also seems fine there.)

I was very annoyed when they left it at "we still don't know who this guy is because Maggie won't stop freaking out long enough to just ask and give her mom a chance to answer, and her mom won't just use her words." If Maggie has the wrong idea, then explain who the guy is before showing up with him at her house. You both have phones, text her if you have to. Geez.

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31 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

I was very annoyed when they left it at "we still don't know who this guy is because Maggie won't stop freaking out long enough to just ask and give her mom a chance to answer, and her mom won't just use her words." If Maggie has the wrong idea, then explain who the guy is before showing up with him at her house. You both have phones, text her if you have to. Geez.

A-MEN. If Maggie's so concerned about who Eric is, you'd think when she asked her mom while she was at her apartment and she'd listen to the answer instead of inexplicably running off like a big baby. But no, they can't just act like normal people on this show. Instead we've got to stretch out the big mystery for another week.

I'm not sure what to think of Regina's scenes this episode. I'm pretty sure any one would be annoyed if someone had acted like they "discovered" their talent. I don't think you have to have been molested to have that bother you. I do like how Rome supported her though. He was great.

I like that Andrew told Delilah that he also wasn't ready to date instead of falling all over her and telling her he would wait until she was ready. Of course, he could have just said that to save face since Delilah said it first. He did come on pretty strong telling her she was beautiful or whatever. I tend to blank out when people are praising Delilah for something.

Theo trying to go on a sleepover to give his parents time together was sad and cute at the same time. They are really laying it on thick that Theo would be devastated if they broke up again. I would prefer if Eddie and Katherine got back together for themselves, though, rather than for Theo's sake.

Now I know why PJ took the sweatshirt. DNA! PJ's mom is pretty cold to go along with her husband and deny her son half a million dollars. I don't think I could do that to my brother in law's third cousin much less a son.

Edited by DoubleUTeeEff
mixed up names
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I really don't understand why Maggie is SO upset that her mom is getting together with someone else while she is in town.  So what?  Mom can't have any friends or life outside of Maggie?  I recently went to Chicago for the weekend to visit my adult son.  I was also making plans to meet up with an old friend who lives there too.  My son didn't mind.  

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17 minutes ago, DoubleUTeeEff said:

Now I know why PJ took the sweatshirt. DNA! PJ's mom is pretty cold to go along with her husband and deny her son half a million dollars. I don't think I could do that to my brother in law's third cousin much less a son.

Did he really need to mail the whole shirt? He couldn't have just pulled off the hairs? Is he going to get it back? Will Gary actually get to keep the thing his friend's family gave him to remember his friend by or will he just have to wonder how it disappeared? (Not that he seems terribly upset about it going missing....)

Edited by ams1001
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37 minutes ago, DoubleUTeeEff said:

I'm not sure what to think of Regina's scenes this episode. I'm pretty sure any one would be annoyed if someone had acted like they "discovered" their talent. I don't think you have to have been molested to have that bother you. I do like how Rome supported her though. He was great.I

At this rate Rome will be my favorite character (after Colin, of course). 

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Delilah continues to be the special snowflake this episode.  First, Gary comes over with diapers (because Amazon doesn't exist in this world?) and says he'll bring them but he won't change them.  10 seconds later after Delilah bats her eyes, Gary is changing diapers and babysitting for the night so Delilah can go on a date "because it's been so long."  Long?  STFU!  Your husband killed himself when you were already pregnant with another man's child, baby is still tiny and "it's been so long" since you've been with a man? 

Then we have Andrew complaining about the lasagna on the restaurant menu.  When Regina tells him it's Jon's favorite and Delilah wanted it on the menu, instantly, Andrew backs up and is all "oh, since it's for Delilah, ok then!"

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7 minutes ago, izabella said:

Then we have Andrew complaining about the lasagna on the restaurant menu.  When Regina tells him it's Jon's favorite and Delilah wanted it on the menu, instantly, Andrew backs up and is all "oh, since it's for Delilah, ok then!"

Is the restaurant supposed to be any particular ethnic cuisine? I don't see what's wrong with lasagna (I mean, if the rest of the menu is, like, Chinese, it'd look a little out of place but still...I might order it anyway. Maybe my friends picked the place and I don't feel like Chinese. Another option is nice).

Edited by ams1001
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Hated the Danny/Gary stuff.  Danny is really still a child, talking about him having a relationship with another young man is insane. Talking about how he feels etc. is good, but acting like this other kid should have been his boyfriend?? They act like he is 18 or 19 years old.  

How old is Charlie that Delilah leaves her with Gary of all people and then he drives her around to a school audition. Boy that Gary can and will do anything.  Next Regina will have him firing Andrew for her cause Gary does it all and fixes everyone problems.  

Sorry but Theo is very annoying. Hope we get a break from that kid soon.   All the characters are starting to annoy me, guess that means I am almost done with this show.  

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57 minutes ago, DoubleUTeeEff said:

I like that Andrew told Delilah that he also wasn't ready to date instead of falling all over her and telling her he would wait until she was ready. Of course, he could have just said that to save face since Delilah said it first. He did come on pretty strong telling her she was beautiful or whatever. I tend to blank out when people are praising Delilah for something.

Is Delilah not ready because she is still mourning her husband who she cheated on with one of his good friends?  Who I think she was going to leave for one of his good friends, or is she mourning her relationship gone bad with his good friend Eddie?  Must just be guilt because Jon killed himself just when she was getting ready to give him the boot. 

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1 hour ago, ams1001 said:

I was very annoyed when they left it at "we still don't know who this guy is because Maggie won't stop freaking out long enough to just ask and give her mom a chance to answer, and her mom won't just use her words." If Maggie has the wrong idea, then explain who the guy is before showing up with him at her house. You both have phones, text her if you have to. Geez.

I hate plots where a problem could be resolved with someone making a simple declarative sentence.  Just say it!  Fuck!  Of course,  Maggie runs around with her fingers in her ears, singing La, la, la, I can't hear you.  What is wrong with these idiots?

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4 hours ago, ams1001 said:

I was very annoyed when they left it at "we still don't know who this guy is because Maggie won't stop freaking out long enough to just ask and give her mom a chance to answer, and her mom won't just use her words." If Maggie has the wrong idea, then explain who the guy is before showing up with him at her house. You both have phones, text her if you have to. Geez.

I wanted to “like” this, then unlike it just so I could “like” it one more time. I can’t believe it’s taking THREE episodes to find out who this guy is and what he’s doing with Maggie’s mother (and that’s IF we actually get an answer next week). FFS, I need Maggie and her mother to GROW UP and have a conversation!

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Everyone on this show is so Extra. “Mom has a friend! I can’t be expected to listen to her explain who this is, I’ve gotta storm out the door!!” “My daughter is upset? I could explain what’s going on or I could just cry and not use my words!!” “My son might not be my bio son? Then I’m turning down half a million bucks so he won’t know that I’m a lying liar! Your not going to that fancy college twerp!” “I’m not just gonna give my friends some some tips, I’m gonna stick my head in during the actual audition!” 

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43 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

“I’m not just gonna give my friends some some tips, I’m gonna stick my head in during the actual audition!” 

I was kinda hoping the baby would start screaming and get Gary yelled at by the teacher.

And am I the only one who thought "this kid can't even sing" while he was practicing at home?

Edited by ams1001
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imo part of what makes Delilah a bit extra is that her first language is not English - because of that, her speech makes her come across as sort of fragile (which matches her looks).

Edited by nexxie
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3 hours ago, TVForever said:

I wanted to “like” this, then unlike it just so I could “like” it one more time. I can’t believe it’s taking THREE episodes to find out who this guy is and what he’s doing with Maggie’s mother (and that’s IF we actually get an answer next week). FFS, I need Maggie and her mother to GROW UP and have a conversation!

Nash is definitely doing the soap thing on steroids. That's kind of sad because soaps have a purpose but his night time drama was supposed to be more like TIU I thought with serious issues introduced. I knew no way would he tell the Maggie/mystery guy on Thursday but hopefully next week.

I also know doctors and psychologists can be their own worst patient but Maggie is the WORST! She's rude, abrupt and acts like a child. If a patient told her he/she did those things, would she say, "yea, I understand, that's fair". lol  I'm surprised they don't have Gary say something about stepping back and thinking what would she tell others. How they wrote the conversation with her mother was absurd. It vaguely reminded me of General Hospital was I was very young, the angst and tantrums and high drama. But this should be much better than that.

Edited by debraran
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6 hours ago, ams1001 said:

Is the restaurant supposed to be any particular ethnic cuisine? I don't see what's wrong with lasagna (I mean, if the rest of the menu is, like, Chinese, it'd look a little out of place but still...I might order it anyway. Maybe my friends picked the place and I don't feel like Chinese. Another option is nice).

I don't think it is a particular ethnic cuisine. It came up because Regina said a hamburger wouldn't go with the menu and Andrew said the lasagna didn't go either. I can't remember the kind of food they served at that tasting episode last season.

But anyway, I agree extra options are never bad. I get that Regina wants to stay in control, but some of Andrew's ideas may have been good. Turning him down out of spite isn't smart either.

2 hours ago, ams1001 said:

I was kinda hoping the baby would start screaming and get Gary yelled at by the teacher.

And am I the only one who thought "this kid can't even sing" while he was practicing at home?

I thought he sounded like a normal kid, and not a amazingly good singer. Which was kind of nice.

However, he still may have been the best boy to audition. 

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I agree with everything said about Maggie.  I can’t stand her.  As much as I dislike Delilah, Maggie is 10x worse.  She is wound way too tight, but at least the actress can deliver and I can’t say as much for Delilah. 

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I realize this is a small detail but this is the type of thing that drives me nuts about Delilah. Hopefully I'm not remembering incorrectly, but I noticed that when Andrew called, Delilah's phone showed just "Andrew", yet when Regina called, it was "Regina Howard."

  • Does Delilah have more than one friend named Regina?
  • Does Delilah just not know Andrew's last name (which would be really weird because he's their investor)?
  • Is Delilah somehow so close to Andrew that no last name is required?


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When does Gary work?? We see everyone else working.  He visits Maggie at her office when she is expecting a patient.  So clearly during business hours. Why give him an office job and then show him out and about during the day? 

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Gary's scenes with Danny were my favorite thing about this episode. I know it's hard to believe that someone better will come along while your heart is still broken, but I'm glad that Gary told him anyway.

I totally cracked up when Rome yelled at PJ for stealing Jon's sweater and then followed that up by asking if he'd ever watched Forsensic Files because you have to put stuff in a ziploc bag right away.

Oh, Katherine, you deserve so much better than Eddie.

22 hours ago, ams1001 said:

Is the restaurant supposed to be any particular ethnic cuisine? I don't see what's wrong with lasagna (I mean, if the rest of the menu is, like, Chinese, it'd look a little out of place but still...I might order it anyway. Maybe my friends picked the place and I don't feel like Chinese. Another option is nice).

For the record, I've seen some unusual restaurant combinations. The one I always remember is this cafe that had Greek and Chinese food. Not a fusion of the two. They had Greek food and they had Chinese food. And fries!

17 hours ago, ams1001 said:

And am I the only one who thought "this kid can't even sing" while he was practicing at home?

15 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

I thought he sounded like a normal kid, and not a amazingly good singer. Which was kind of nice.

However, he still may have been the best boy to audition. 

He didn't sound amazing when he was practicing at home but he sounded better at the audition. I liked that he was realistically okay but not amazing.

As someone who was in choir and in the school musical, I can attest to the fact that sometimes even the best boy to audition isn't always great. It always seemed unfair that there were tons of girls who could sing and dance auditioning for a handful of roles while there were guys who were not great singers or dancers getting much larger roles. But that's the way it often goes - you take what you can get (when Gary was listening at the door and said that Elliot couldn't sing,, I thought pfft, that won't keep him from getting cast!).

Gary was right though - even back in ye olden days when I was in high school, no one assumed that any of the guys who were in the musical were gay. There were a lot of straight guys (many of whom were stereotypical played football and other sports) who auditioned.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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31 minutes ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I found it weird that a 13 year old boy was encouraging his recently widowed mother to begin dating only a few months after his dad died, but then I remembered that these characters exist solely to prop up St. Delilah. 

I know, their dad, whom they loved, jumped off a building in the middle of the day onto a car (horrible but the truth of this show) and left a letter to his mother that said little (if it's the real letter) and they had a funeral with no obvious relatives or work friends and then went on with their lives except for an afternoon of giving away some of their dads items. A few tears and Barbara sightings.

I know all grieve differently but did the kids get any counseling (please not Maggie) or discuss why? The 911 excuse was somewhat plausible but why then except for the writers wanting it that way. He brought 2 children into the world and the writers didn't even have them mentioned in letter, everything was Delilah. Just didn't ring true to me.  Why didn't Sophie look into it more, I know I would have at that age. Why was only losing the house the biggest issue? Why weren't any relatives of Jon's mentioned even in passing? No cousins or grandparents? Did anyone ever pick up his mail at the apartment or job or see what was on his computer? Did anyone talk to anyone on his contact list or phone ? These are things some might do in real life, but here the wife goes on to have his best friends baby and go on dates with friends "because she must have some adult company"   I realize a soap has to explore other areas, but don't reduce suicide to another day with the children.

If you have ever known anyone who had to really live through the heartache of a death like Jon's, it is a little insulting. The "who is Barbara" soap aspect completely blurred the reality of his death and aftermath with the children.

The like/hate I have with show might give me some joy to see Sophie ream her mother but that wont last more than 2 episodes. ; )

Edited by debraran
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On 10/11/2019 at 9:18 AM, Lady Calypso said:

Listen; I just REALLY dislike Delilah and if she was a better character, I'd be down for the PJ being Jon's kid. But Sophie and Danny don't need TWO new half siblings. 

Right there with you! And anything to do with her. I don't care. And why is she so overwhelmed with the baby. I had my last child 12 and 14 years after my first 2. I had built in babysitters! And if they couldn't do it, I had their friends. And my 14 year old was at the stay up half the night stage and I would just hand off the baby and say wake me when you want to go to bed. My husband was away Monday-Friday in another state.

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I've lost track of the timeline within the show.  The women's shelter benefit takes place on May 1 according to the email.  I don't think any non-profit would send out an invitation (as opposed to a save-the-date) for a May benefit in the fall.  That invitation is probably going out sometime between January and March, so it's late winter in the show.  Auditions for a school musical also can't be later than March.  Does that match up with what we knew last season about the timeline?

I agree that it doesn't seem likely that PJ would be Jon's kid, but if he isn't, there's no point to that whole storyline or his character.  He's only really interacted with Rome, and PJ and his whole family could disappear and have no impact.  He's taking up a lot of airtime right now, and for no reason if the sweater test is negative.

Danny is 12.  Why would a middle school have callbacks for a musical at night rather than right after school? 

Maggie's mom's refusal to tell Maggie Eric's identity is getting silly.  More forward movement, show, please!

Edited by mikem
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Part of me feels like the only logical conclusion is that PJ is Jon's son. I love Chandler Riggs as an actor, and I hope he's around to stay. I think it's odd that Jon would leave his mother all this money if PJ weren't his son. Feeling guilty that his dad died on the plane doesn't seem like enough of a reason to be me, personally, but who knows. I also agree there'd be no mystery if it's that simple. I wasn't expecting PJ to know about Jon and the group when he was at the hospital. I was thinking he was there because either his mother or father is sick. 

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The cast is just so good that I can't help but continue to be invested in this mostly terribly written show. There's just hack move after hack move after hack move (Maggie and her mom yelling at each other without her mom just saying, "He's ____" like every person ever would do, Danny keeping his audition a secret from his mother for no reason, the women's shelter pressuring their anonymous donor to out herself - I've done some not-for-profit work and the idea of someone pushing a generous anonymous donor to reveal themselves is in-SANE).

Giuntoli doesn't have a ton of range, but he has a good deal of charisma and the one note that he CAN hit is "good guy," and everyone loves to root for Grace Park (which made her casting such a bizarre choice with how Nash wanted the show to go), so their scenes are electric. The problem there is that Nash is hamstrung by his bad early decisions, so Eddie/Katherine really can't interact with the rest of the cast easily, so they have to be on their own little show within a show. 

Man, if this show just had a competent showrunner, it could be a really, really good drama. 

The casting director continues to nail it, though. During that awful early scene with Maggie and her mom, I was thinking, "Wow, Melora Hardin is actually getting a LITTLE bit out of this scene. She is such an amazing actress that she is actually getting something out of this shittily written scene." Not much, but SOMEthing. 

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This might be unpopular, but part of me hopes that damn restaurant fails. Regina might be the mostest, bestest chef in the world, but she's certainly no business woman, and she spends so much time worrying about things that are not going to make the restaurant successful, she can't seem to get out of her own way. 

I know she thinks Andrew is taking credit for things he shouldn't be, and she should talk with him about that, but she storms out of meetings and talks to her husband, not Delilah, her partner (about as useful as nothing) without really getting to the heart of the matter. 

She doesn't trust her investor, she feels trapped by the situation she put herself in by giving away her uncle's money, and she's frustrated. Surely she could find someone to help her find other investors to buy James out, but that would also mean relinquishing control. Instead she's just annoying the heck out of me, and I used to love her character. 

As for the Maggie/Mom situation, ugh and double ugh.  How poorly executed was that drama?

And as for the half million dollars left for PJ, did Jon leave anything specific for his other kids?  At one point last season we got half an episode where it looked like Delilah might lose her house and then she sold the building Jon's apartment was in (with the help of  !Katherine!) and saved the day!  Ta Da!  Ugh. 

I may have to give this show up for my sanity. 

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For some reason I really enjoyed this episode.  Well, until the end and then Regina got on my nerves.

Does Gary’s apartment have 2 entrances?  I thought the door we usually see opens up to a small set of stairs?  That is not the door Maggie’s mom came to.

Lastly, TURTLE!  He was always my favorite of the Entourage.

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I missed the first 10 minutes on Thursday and was able to catch them this morning. Took note of the following line from Maggie to Gary after he reported that her mother left at 5:30 and Colin wanted a walk at 5:31.   "What time does your detective agency open?"  So a second nod to Psych!  I wonder how many others I've missed and whether they are also in the script referencing prior shows that the other actors have been in. 

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5 hours ago, cardigirl said:

This might be unpopular, but part of me hopes that damn restaurant fails. Regina might be the mostest, bestest chef in the world, but she's certainly no business woman, and she spends so much time worrying about things that are not going to make the restaurant successful, she can't seem to get out of her own way. 

I know she thinks Andrew is taking credit for things he shouldn't be, and she should talk with him about that, but she storms out of meetings and talks to her husband, not Delilah, her partner (about as useful as nothing) without really getting to the heart of the matter. 

She doesn't trust her investor, she feels trapped by the situation she put herself in by giving away her uncle's money, and she's frustrated. Surely she could find someone to help her find other investors to buy James out, but that would also mean relinquishing control. Instead she's just annoying the heck out of me, and I used to love her character. 

As for the Maggie/Mom situation, ugh and double ugh.  How poorly executed was that drama?

And as for the half million dollars left for PJ, did Jon leave anything specific for his other kids?  At one point last season we got half an episode where it looked like Delilah might lose her house and then she sold the building Jon's apartment was in (with the help of  !Katherine!) and saved the day!  Ta Da!  Ugh. 

I may have to give this show up for my sanity. 

My thing with the letter was they showed more than one. Technology and savvy fans enlarged them all. None of them seemed to mention the kids except in passing although page 2 was always not shown. Everything was Delilah which was odd after all those years, he loved the kids but leaving them something except the house seemed lame. I don't blame Jon's character, just the writing of that part. The kids in the aftermath was not realistic either but sometimes fallout comes later.

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On 10/12/2019 at 12:55 PM, mikem said:

I've lost track of the timeline within the show.  The women's shelter benefit takes place on May 1 according to the email.  I don't think any non-profit would send out an invitation (as opposed to a save-the-date) for a May benefit in the fall.  That invitation is probably going out sometime between January and March, so it's late winter in the show.  Auditions for a school musical also can't be later than March.  Does that match up with what we knew last season about the timeline?

I believe it's supposed sometime in May in the show's world, but I agree that their timeline seems a bit off. 

Here's the timeline I've been able to put together based on what we know, starting with the last time we were told what month it is:

1x11 definitely took place in January (Rome says at one point "who runs a 5k in January?")

1x12 was the flashback and doesn't count

1x13 seems to have taken place not long after 1x11, but we don't really know

1x14 took place "3 months later"--so we're now in April at the earliest

1x15 wasn't long after 1x14 (Gary said in 1x14 that Maggie had "one round of chemo left" and she has her last round of chemo in 1x15)

1x16 was probably no more than a week after 1x15 (Maggie says in 1x15 that she's getting surgery "on Monday," which should mean "the next Monday that occurs"). BUT, Katherine is walking around at the field trip with no signs of being injured from her car accident in 1x15 so who knows.

1x17 is a bit unclear. It *seems* like a few weeks have passed, because Maggie has recovered from surgery enough to be carrying a dresser up a flight of stairs, but otherwise we aren't given any information that would really help place this episode in time. So maybe she recovered super quickly just like Katherine

2x01 starts minutes after the end of 1x17, then jumps forward ~2-3 days in time (Delilah and the baby go home; Maggie says that the lactation consultant has been frustrated with Delilah for the past 2 days)

2x02 is ~5 days after the beginning of 2x01 (2-3 days after the end of 2x01). We know this because they say that Katherine has been gone for 5 days, and she left right after the baby was born. However, that would imply that Delilah is bringing a baby who is less than a week old (and who was born a month early) to a restaurant for brunch and then to a psychic's office, which seems a bit ridiculous. Also, it would mean Maggie went back to work in an office that was fully decorated ~2 days after officially being declared cancer free, after being away from work for around 5 months.

2x03 picks up the morning after 2x02 leaves off, according to the Gary/Maggie and Eddie/Katherine story lines. That doesn't seem to be true for Delilah though (Andrew says on the phone that she hasn't been to the restaurant in "a while", but if this is the morning after 2x02 she was literally there the day before...). 

So, basically, the earliest I can put them is in early-ish May, and that's assuming very minimal time gaps between episodes other than our stated 3 month jump. I believe the invitation for the women's shelter was for May 14th (not May 1st), which is potentially believable but implies they're giving their donors just a few days' notice for the event.

I have no idea what this means for the timeline of Danny's play. Maybe it's a summer thing being run through the school? Maybe these kids are putting it together in 3 weeks? Who knows!

I've decided that I need to stop paying so much attention to the timeline in this show, because it makes it less enjoyable. It's too easy to see obvious flaws when you pay attention this closely, and I really want to like the stories they're telling.

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How the heck is Delilah in the mood for dating after giving birth just several weeks prior? It took me months and months to want to be anywhere near my husband after giving birth. Not to mention, sure Gary, take the newborn (car seat and all) in your car at night to a germy school. 
I think they are trying to make us think Theo is cute and precious but I find him irritating. He tries too hard. 

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I really like Theo. I think the actor is adorable. 

Maggie and her mother storyline annoys me - just ask her! 

I love Jason Ritter and hope he gets a good storyline. 

The actors who play Katherine and Eddie have great chemistry. 

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No child says I was going to make waffles but then I remembered I'm 9. None. Parents might say that about the kid, but the kid does not say it about himself.

Thank you to those who pointed out that Andrew saying he hadn't seen Delilah in ages did not make sense. Or callbacks (really?) for 12 year olds at night. (And how was he going to get to said callback, prior to when Delilah got Gary to babysit? He'd have to have told his mother. Why he didn't want to tell his mother? Another absurdity.) Why Jon left money for PJ's mother but not his own children, particularly when he presumably committed suicide because of all the debts he'd gotten into. (And in his video seems more like he's saying he's sorry he wallowed in survivor guilt while PJ's mother was grieving the loss of her husband and father of her child. Because "how I didn't get on that plane with Dave.")

Regina ran her last restaurant into the ground but thinks that she and Delilah will be successful now? Shouldn't the answer to "I don't feel comfortable with men telling me what to do [even when they know way more about the subject than I do]" be to get some therapy about that? Not let's get rid of the man who is the only hope that this restaurant will succeed. And don't get all mad at the website guy because he made a wrong assumption. Just correct him. That's why he's having you review the website.

Couldn't Rome find something else of Jon's with DNA than the shirt he does not own? Delilah knows about the 1/2 a million and PJ.

Nobody knocks on doors in this show. Gary barges into Delilah's house, Maggie's office, Danny's room. Okay, maybe it's just Gary. Oh, Maggie goes right into her mom's apartment with her key. Sure Maggie owns it (or sublets it?), but normal adults would at least knock on the door and then use the key, just to give anyone inside the head's up that someone is coming in. Of course, none of that scene would have been necessary had people used the texting feature on their phones.

And I love how Gary is so encouraging to Delilah, the woman who wasn't working things out with her husband (his friend), then had an affair with Eddie (his friend), HAD HIS BABY, but really should get back out there and date. 

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7 hours ago, smartymarty said:

And I love how Gary is so encouraging to Delilah, the woman who wasn't working things out with her husband (his friend), then had an affair with Eddie (his friend), HAD HIS BABY, but really should get back out there and date. 

I thought he was eager for Delilah to date so that she wouldn't entertain thoughts of trying to disrupt the Eddie and Katherine reconciliation/have a real relationship with Eddie/ very slowly form a family with her kids and Eddie and their baby so that she - Delilah - could feel taken care of.  Gary seems invested in protecting Danny from more heartache.

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On 10/11/2019 at 1:21 PM, ams1001 said:

Thanks, I didn't want to say it.  [Theo] is a little too... cutesy, I guess is the word I'm looking for.

My word for Theo would not be so benign.  Does any adult ever say no to this kid?  We're all going to sleep in the tent!  Banana pancakes!  The whole family must deliver this baby present!

And because Theo's hopping around like overly carbonated ginger ale and insisting they ALL go, Katherine feels she has to suck it up and congratulate her husband's mistress on the birth of their child?

Not in this lifetime, kiddo.  Have a swig of Nyquil and settle down.

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On 10/10/2019 at 8:54 PM, Lady Calypso said:

Yep, so now FULLY believing that Eric has one of Maggie's brother's organs and that Patricia specifically sought him out for closure, or whatever.

It definitely didn't feel like a secret brother secret.

It still feels very much like a secret brother to me, given that Patricia was crying on the phone about hurting people. Which, to be fair, could be read as a lover secret. But I also thought they played the sibling vibe very hard in the last episode. Of course, I'm filtering through the lens of someone who just met her previously unknown half-brother whose sense of humor is pretty much the same as mine.

On 10/11/2019 at 8:15 AM, DoubleUTeeEff said:

Now I know why PJ took the sweatshirt. DNA! PJ's mom is pretty cold to go along with her husband and deny her son half a million dollars. I don't think I could do that to my brother in law's third cousin much less a son.

Incredibly faulty logic when it comes to the DNA. There's no way to (secretly) determine that the hair came from Jon (plus it looked blond, not dark - but I guess it could have been grey). That hair could have come from anyone. It's not like the sweatshirt was hermetically sealed. So if the DNA came back without a match, it doesn't mean that Jon isn't his father, just as a match wouldn't necessarily mean it was Jon without getting DNA from Jon's actual kids,  Not to mention, a hair has to have a root ball attached in order to get DNA from it.

On 10/11/2019 at 4:03 PM, KaveDweller said:

I don't think it is a particular ethnic cuisine. It came up because Regina said a hamburger wouldn't go with the menu and Andrew said the lasagna didn't go either. I can't remember the kind of food they served at that tasting episode last season.

I wondered at Regina's insistence about the hamburger. The fancy restaurants I've been to (maybe not New York/Boston fancy, but with high class chefs nonetheless) usually have a burger on the menu. Some are pretty fancy themselves, with incredibly fancy prices.

On 10/12/2019 at 4:50 AM, kazza said:

I realize this is a small detail but this is the type of thing that drives me nuts about Delilah. Hopefully I'm not remembering incorrectly, but I noticed that when Andrew called, Delilah's phone showed just "Andrew", yet when Regina called, it was "Regina Howard."

  • Does Delilah have more than one friend named Regina?
  • Does Delilah just not know Andrew's last name (which would be really weird because he's their investor)?
  • Is Delilah somehow so close to Andrew that no last name is required?


Maybe she was too lazy to enter the full name in her contacts.

On 10/12/2019 at 7:15 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

For the record, I've seen some unusual restaurant combinations. The one I always remember is this cafe that had Greek and Chinese food. Not a fusion of the two. They had Greek food and they had Chinese food. And fries!

He didn't sound amazing when he was practicing at home but he sounded better at the audition. I liked that he was realistically okay but not amazing.

As someone who was in choir and in the school musical, I can attest to the fact that sometimes even the best boy to audition isn't always great. It always seemed unfair that there were tons of girls who could sing and dance auditioning for a handful of roles while there were guys who were not great singers or dancers getting much larger roles. But that's the way it often goes - you take what you can get (when Gary was listening at the door and said that Elliot couldn't sing,, I thought pfft, that won't keep him from getting cast!).

Gary was right though - even back in ye olden days when I was in high school, no one assumed that any of the guys who were in the musical were gay. There were a lot of straight guys (many of whom were stereotypical played football and other sports) who auditioned.

Was that restaurant in San Francisco? I remember one that was a wildly weird combination, I think because it was a husband and wife team from very different cultures.

On 10/12/2019 at 9:55 AM, mikem said:

I've lost track of the timeline within the show.  The women's shelter benefit takes place on May 1 according to the email.  I don't think any non-profit would send out an invitation (as opposed to a save-the-date) for a May benefit in the fall.  That invitation is probably going out sometime between January and March, so it's late winter in the show.  Auditions for a school musical also can't be later than March.  Does that match up with what we knew last season about the timeline?

Danny is 12.  Why would a middle school have callbacks for a musical at night rather than right after school?

I could have sworn I saw a Christmas tree in the background of one of the scenes. But I don't tend to bother to keep track - just that it's probably 8 to 10 months after the beginning of the show, given the only solid-ish time stamp - the baby.

Having been in drama in school, and my own kids did their auditioning in this century, the audition process seemed incredibly intense for a school musical. I don't recall them ever auditioning at night (after school, absolutely), nor were there callbacks (possibly because my kids nailed it the first time around?).  I went to a number of different schools in different states, and my kids went to a couple, plus theater programs outside of school, and nothing was ever that intense.

On 10/17/2019 at 1:05 PM, smartymarty said:

No child says I was going to make waffles but then I remembered I'm 9. None. Parents might say that about the kid, but the kid does not say it about himself.

True, that was a bit too self-aware. Though it took me back to when I was 9 and made cream of wheat for my parents. Not understanding that it would gradually thicken, I kept adding to the pot and what I served my folks was essentially bowls of hardened cement. So I gave it a pass for invoking an amusing memory.

Edited by Clanstarling
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3 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

I wondered at Regina's insistence about the hamburger. The fancy restaurants I've been to (maybe not New York/Boston fancy, but with high class chefs nonetheless) usually have a burger on the menu. Some are pretty fancy themselves, with incredibly fancy prices.

She's being stubborn and obstructive to anything Andrew suggests because it wasn't her idea.  Of course she could do a gourmet type of burger and it would be just fine on the menu.  But she wants to control everything, and doesn't want to take any advice, even though it's good advice.  She needs to get over herself.  If she had a hit restaurant, then she might have more legs to stand on in refusing advice, but she's struggling and it seems would rather go under than listen to anyone.

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On 10/11/2019 at 11:18 AM, LavenderSunset said:

I really don't understand why Maggie is SO upset that her mom is getting together with someone else while she is in town.  So what?  Mom can't have any friends or life outside of Maggie?  I recently went to Chicago for the weekend to visit my adult son.  I was also making plans to meet up with an old friend who lives there too.  My son didn't mind.  

If she suspected an affair, and also has issues around feeling like her mother doesn't really care, then yes. I can understand her feelings. 

On 10/20/2019 at 2:21 PM, izabella said:

She's being stubborn and obstructive to anything Andrew suggests because it wasn't her idea.  Of course she could do a gourmet type of burger and it would be just fine on the menu.  But she wants to control everything, and doesn't want to take any advice, even though it's good advice.  She needs to get over herself.  If she had a hit restaurant, then she might have more legs to stand on in refusing advice, but she's struggling and it seems would rather go under than listen to anyone.

But he caved on the burger idea, as soon as he heard that Delilah might be upset with changing something - so when it comes to the woman he has the hots for, he's fine with his idea being ignored.

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