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2019 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp Spoilers

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Lily didn't look like she was into the process...her 'dead' invitation to VK sounded more like a very tired person who wasn't into being filmed at all...

Still not a fan of Kristen. We'll see if she can get her attitude together to look at the audience instead of 'flirting with the floor', which is a very self involved thing to do...that tucked chin looking up is supposed to make her look sweetly innocent, just makes her look childish & selfish.

This is the time for Kelli's daughter to explore options...My daughter changed her college major FIVE times before deciding on one that actually liked her back. She's another who is interested in everything. As a 10yo she wanted to be an orthopedic surgeon, in college she looked at geophysics & seismology (she's a natural disaster girl), sociology, biology, culinary arts before finding out business liked her back...got a real estate license & went into commercial property management...#alwaysmovingforward. Sam should be just fine...

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1 hour ago, dbell1 said:

Not sure why a TCC being ambitious is a bad thing. The cheerleaders are paid crap wages, are marketed in a reality tv show, have their images used for years, can be cut for any reason, and have a short time in their prime to make a career. 

Anyone who doesn’t have a plan other than being a DCC for x years is the one we should be questioning. It’s a part time job. And I doubt the perks of it give a living wage.

Go Amanda! And any other woman using this as a stepping stone to their dreams.  

I actually agree with this — i would hope someone had a plan for DCC life, and used the DCC as much as the DCC uses them.

That being said, TPTB can spare me the bullshit about how much this is about loving the cowboys blah blah blah. It’s a dance job, and a shitty one at that. You don’t have to lie about every one of the girls wanting to do this since they were in the womb.

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25 minutes ago, NotthebadVictoria said:

He’s Private you’ll have to screenshot it!

Out of respect for his choice of being private, I don't.  But someone else may be fine with it.

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1 hour ago, dbell1 said:

Not sure why a TCC being ambitious is a bad thing. The cheerleaders are paid crap wages, are marketed in a reality tv show, have their images used for years, can be cut for any reason, and have a short time in their prime to make a career. 

Anyone who doesn’t have a plan other than being a DCC for x years is the one we should be questioning. It’s a part time job. And I doubt the perks of it give a living wage.

Go Amanda! And any other woman using this as a stepping stone to their dreams.  

I certainly have no issue with ambition, and agree that all of them should have some sort of post-DCC plan.

"Desperate to be famous" is just not an ambition I find particularly admirable, I guess. Success and fame are two very different things.

To be clear, I still think she should make the team- I think the best candidates should, regardless of their motivation for auditioning. I was just giving my reasoning for why I might find a TCC more or less rootworthy.

Edited by rafibomb
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2 hours ago, kalibean said:

I honestly don’t mind the ones that come in with an agenda, as long as they give it their all and complete their contract.  If they want a year of experience and hope to bounce to greater things, great! If it’s a year on their resume to bolster their plans for a dance studio, choreographer experience, moving on to coach another team, etc. If you just want the Instagram likes, super! 

Complete the contract, be a good teammate. Done. 

My issue with this is the same as what it has been with various other issues (including VK):  hypocrisy.  In this instance, you want to use DCC as a launching pad for a modeling, acting or dancing career?  Go right ahead.  But TPTB need to stop trying to sell us this fiction that every lady who might make an excellent DCC must also be some Christian humanitarian Stepford Wife.  

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3 minutes ago, ClosetDCCFan said:

My issue with this is the same as what it has been with various other issues (including VK):  hypocrisy.  In this instance, you want to use DCC as a launching pad for a modeling, acting or dancing career?  Go right ahead.  But TPTB need to stop trying to sell us this fiction that every lady who might make an excellent DCC must also be some Christian humanitarian Stepford Wife.  

Don't forget the whole - a DCC is either a student or has a full time job, Kelli always playing up the colleges attended and the degrees earned.  However, look at what happened with Milan.  I was re-reading a thread from last year, and a poster was attending classes at the Bar Method with Nicole B.  Nicole said that she had a hard time being a DCC and working a full time job, but she did it.  These days it seemed that the organization was expecting more of a time commitment from the girls.

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16 hours ago, Indy Shopaholic said:

I froze my DVR & counted. There were 7 rows of 16 girls in the stands. That’s 112 ladies trying out, so 101 made it to semis, only 11 were sent home.

Yeah this whole "400 girls try out" thing needs to die. Every year Kelli and the producers try to push that thinking we all don't know how to count! It's so obvious when they put them all into one section of the stadium how small the group is! Also "skipping around" with the tryout numbers ain't fooling anyone. Seriously Kelli - just stop it. 

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1 hour ago, go4luca said:

Out of respect for his choice of being private, I don't.  But someone else may be fine with it.

Same. There’s really nothing to it that you haven’t seen already - he screencapped a comment that @seasick made about him. Hi Marshall, love you!

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5 hours ago, Opine said:

I love Kat and like Amanda.  But they are both Kalyssa to me - just girls who want to promote their own agenda. 

Curious why you perceived this about Kat? I didn't get that impression at all. Not trying to argue here. I'm genuinely interested to learn the reasons behind your assessment because I'm wondering if I was so mesmerized and WOWed with her audition that I missed something altogether.

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6 minutes ago, SanDiegoGal said:

Curious why you perceived this about Kat? I didn't get that impression at all. Not trying to argue here. I'm genuinely interested to learn the reasons behind your assessment because I'm wondering if I was so mesmerized and WOWed with her audition that I missed something altogether.

You didn't ask me, but for me I thought of it when she made some of the same "moves" Kalyssa did such as her boob schmooz  and the butt turn schmooz "follow me) thingie.

I actually learn something when posters disagree with each other without starting an all out war.

Edited by parrotfeathers
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1 minute ago, Tootie said:

Here'a a group shot of their outing yesterday with Fit Men Cook.   Kat is not in the picture.....

a 8-3-19 - Copy.png

I count 38 girls -- if I am wrong and there are 36, this may be an informal squad pic?

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1 minute ago, parrotfeathers said:

You didn't ask me, but for me I thought of it when she made some of the same "moves" Kalyssa did such as her boob schmooz  and the butt turn schmooz "follow me) thingie.

Thanks for sharing. I saw that as incredible confidence and an "it" factor vibe, but I understand how it could also be perceived another way.

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5 minutes ago, Donna S said:

711404900_ScreenShot2019-08-04at12_31_38PM.thumb.png.227c4ab2f737a84c9a1b8857006cb427.pngFrom Kelli's IG

Yikes! Somebody has gained some weight. It's evident in her face, neck, shoulders, and what's hiding behind the tee, and even more obvious with the contrast of Slim behind her.

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2 minutes ago, SanDiegoGal said:

Curious why you perceived this about Kat? I didn't get that impression at all. Not trying to argue here. I'm genuinely interested to learn the reasons behind your assessment because I'm wondering if I was so mesmerized and WOWed with her audition that I missed something altogether.

Well, I definitely think it more about Amanda than Kat.  She made it clear with her words and actions.  Someone said it above - one and done and on to the Bachelor!!!  With Kat, I think it is just that the last candidate I saw that wowed me that much was Kalyssa.  I think for Kat, being a forever DCC would be a waste.  She is all that and a bag of chips.  So with her I am more assuming.

I am the one that started this firestorm about ambition.  @rafibomb put what I mean to say better than I did:

"Desperate to be famous" is just not an ambition I find particularly admirable, I guess. Success and fame are two very different things.

I think it would be difficult to have a whole team of one and dones - the desperate to be famous ones.  They need to pick up the Gina Marie's who have a current ambition to be a DCC but who also likely have a future ambition to do something else.

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10 minutes ago, Tootie said:

but that does look like her with Amy & Vikkie

I never noticed her there!

I'm still trying to figure out why they are all holding the same photo?  I have come to the logical conclusion that it is a magazine.

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3 minutes ago, parrotfeathers said:

I never noticed her there!

I'm still trying to figure out why they are all holding the same photo?  I have come to the logical conclusion that it is a magazine.

I believe it's his book about cooking...

2019-08-03 (4).png

Edited by Tootie
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13 minutes ago, SanDiegoGal said:

You didn't ask me, but for me I thought of it when she made some of the same "moves" Kalyssa did such as her boob schmooz  and the butt turn schmooz "follow me) thingie.

I can’t wait to use “boob schmooz” and “butt turn schmooz” in casual conversation this week. 😆😆

Seriously, I did turn to my hubby when she did the “boob schmooz” and remarked that it was a Kalyssa move but not as in your face. 

Edited by ATLGirl
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2 minutes ago, SanDiegoGal said:

Yikes! Somebody has gained some weight. It's evident in her face, neck, shoulders, and what's hiding behind the tee, and even more obvious with the contrast of Slim behind her.

I actually do not see weight gain on her...but I do see that overbite 😬. Every picture those big teeth are front and center. I actually think she is a very pretty girl and has a big bright smile. We are going to get at least a season of her - whether we like it or not.  But for the love of all that’s holy, please someone advise her to work on how she holds her mouth when not speaking.

I know it sounds incredibly catty but let’s be honest, TPTB are far more harsh in their judgment of the girls physically. 

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25 minutes ago, Opine said:

Well, I definitely think it more about Amanda than Kat.  She made it clear with her words and actions.  Someone said it above - one and done and on to the Bachelor!!!  With Kat, I think it is just that the last candidate I saw that wowed me that much was Kalyssa.  I think for Kat, being a forever DCC would be a waste.  She is all that and a bag of chips.  So with her I am more assuming.

I am the one that started this firestorm about ambition.  @rafibomb put what I mean to say better than I did:

"Desperate to be famous" is just not an ambition I find particularly admirable, I guess. Success and fame are two very different things.

I think it would be difficult to have a whole team of one and dones - the desperate to be famous ones.  They need to pick up the Gina Marie's who have a current ambition to be a DCC but who also likely have a future ambition to do something else.

Thanks so much for your thoughtful answer to my question. I agree with you 100% about Amanda. I got the exact same impression. I also appreciate that you recognize Kat may not be "desperate to be famous" like Amanda, but that she would be wasting years if she stayed with DCC for a lengthy tenure.

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On 8/1/2019 at 7:34 PM, Tootie said:

Last year, someone on this forum helped me to name ALL of the finalists, but I can't remember who it was!  To my fellow "super sleuth:"  I'm missing 8 names and I'm wondering if you can help...  TIA

On 8/1/2019 at 7:37 PM, go4luca said:

Perhaps message @sleepyjean ?  She's definitely one of the board's super sleuths.  

Hey ladies! Tootie, I just sent you my list, but thought it might be helpful to post the pics here of the ones I'm still missing so we can compare notes. I have everyone except these 7:













Edited by sleepyjean
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24 minutes ago, sleepyjean said:

Hey ladies! Tootie, I just sent you my list, but thought it might be helpful to post the pics here of the ones I'm still missing so we can compare notes. I have everyone except these 7:













Who is number 7? She’s gorgeous. 

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1 hour ago, SanDiegoGal said:

Curious why you perceived this about Kat? I didn't get that impression at all. Not trying to argue here. I'm genuinely interested to learn the reasons behind your assessment because I'm wondering if I was so mesmerized and WOWed with her audition that I missed something altogether.

I love Kat too. She does the same boob shimmy and come hither moves as Kalyssa had. To me, they both ooze confidence and sex appeal. 

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6 minutes ago, dccfangirl said:

I'm not reading these threads because I'm avoiding spoilers but is anyone else DREADING the "fit men cook" episode that we will inevitably get as per Kelli's social media. Vomit. 

I was about to comment that I was hoping they’d show it! 😂 Wasn’t it some sort of competition? Looks fun & different. 

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14 minutes ago, PrincessLeia said:

Who is number 7? She’s gorgeous. 

I'm hoping they'll tell us during the semis or finals episodes. I'm keeping an eye out for her. This was her audition outfit:



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39 minutes ago, sleepyjean said:



#65 could have chosen a MUCH better solo costume as whatever she's wearing looks ill-fitting and the color does her NO favors whatsoever.  It's also MUCH too similar to her hair color and skin tone so, if it it didn't sparkle, it looks like she might not be wearing anything but a nude body-suit/dress.

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1 hour ago, KnyghtRyder said:

I actually do not see weight gain on her...but I do see that overbite 😬. Every picture those big teeth are front and center. I actually think she is a very pretty girl and has a big bright smile. We are going to get at least a season of her - whether we like it or not.  But for the love of all that’s holy, please someone advise her to work on how she holds her mouth when not speaking.

I know it sounds incredibly catty but let’s be honest, TPTB are far more harsh in their judgment of the girls physically. 

She is the blonde version of 2nd yr Madeline. Same mouth and overbite. VK is a pretty girl when she is smiling. She needs to smile 24/7 because when she ain't.. yikes! 

Also I don't buy this bullshit of VK having a harder time keeping weight off because she is naturally bigger. She's only 19! She just doesn't know how to eat well. Girl should have an amazing matabolism right now. Her frame doesn't actually look like it should carry the weight it does. You can see it in her chin as soon as she puts on a couple of pounds. Should've listened to Jinelle...

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7 minutes ago, EricaShadows said:

#65 could have chosen a MUCH better solo costume as whatever she's wearing looks ill-fitting and the color does her NO favors whatsoever.  It's also MUCH too similar to her hair color and skin tone so, if it it didn't sparkle, it looks like she might not be wearing anything but a nude body-suit/dress.

This reminds of the year that Kalli didn't make it back because the judges thought her costume was trying to hide weight gain and one of the Jordans (Ketchum?) who made it back but got called out for weight gain

Edited by MTTFan
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2 minutes ago, MTTFan said:

This reminds of the year that Kalli didn't make it back because the judges thought her costume was trying to hide weight gain and one of the Jordans (Ketchum?) who made it back but got called out for weight gain

Kelli also called out Erica Jenkins in season 3 because of her solo costume (a men's denim shirt and hot pants).  Kelli said the costume didn't look well thought out and made the judges think she was hiding something.  That was also the year Erica got called into the office about weight gain (?) and attitude.  After that visit, Kelli and Judy thought she had something of an attitude problem and Kelli said something like "She might as well take that attitude somewhere else" which Erica did by leaving after her second year.

I miss the true redheads like Erica and Meredith Oden.  They were GORGEOUS and knew not only how to dance, but how to PERFORM!

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Just now, EricaShadows said:

Kelli also called out Erica Jenkins in season 3 because of her solo costume (a men's denim shirt and hot pants).  Kelli said the costume didn't look well thought out and made the judges think she was hiding something.  That was also the year Erica got called into the office about weight gain (?) and attitude.  After that visit, Kelli and Judy thought she had something of an attitude problem and Kelli said something like "She might as well take that attitude somewhere else" which Erica did by leaving after her second year.

I miss the true redheads like Erica and Meredith Oden.  They were GORGEOUS and knew not only how to dance, but how to PERFORM!

Erica, that's who I was thinking of!  (sorry Jordan : )

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1 hour ago, KnyghtRyder said:

I actually do not see weight gain on her...but I do see that overbite 😬. Every picture those big teeth are front and center. I actually think she is a very pretty girl and has a big bright smile. We are going to get at least a season of her - whether we like it or not.  But for the love of all that’s holy, please someone advise her to work on how she holds her mouth when not speaking.

I know it sounds incredibly catty but let’s be honest, TPTB are far more harsh in their judgment of the girls physically. 

I just can’t for the life of me understand why the child never had braces is she that coddled in life that nobody mentioned she may want to take care of said overbite? Not being mean but the way her mother spoke of others teeth & tptb rip into appearance how is that overlooked? 

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15 minutes ago, TB12 said:

I just can’t for the life of me understand why the child never had braces is she that coddled in life that nobody mentioned she may want to take care of said overbite? Not being mean but the way her mother spoke of others teeth & tptb rip into appearance how is that overlooked? 

She did. 

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I got Kalyssa vibes off Kat too, in terms of sex appeal. I thought that since I saw her first few pictures.

However I did really like how she came off during her interview segment in the first episode. So I've got my fingers crossed for her 🙂 

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1 hour ago, sleepyjean said:

Hey ladies! Tootie, I just sent you my list, but thought it might be helpful to post the pics here of the ones I'm still missing so we can compare notes. I have everyone except these 7:













I believe #60 is Tiara Johnson. The other 6 are the ones that I don't know... 

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2 hours ago, parrotfeathers said:

I'm still trying to figure out why they are all holding the same photo?  I have come to the logical conclusion that it is a magazine.

It's a cookbook - Fit Men Cook by Kevin Curry.  

1 hour ago, dccfangirl said:

I'm not reading these threads because I'm avoiding spoilers but is anyone else DREADING the "fit men cook" episode that we will inevitably get as per Kelli's social media. Vomit. 

Ummmmm, no:)  But I have his cookbook and follow him on IG, so I am looking forward to this.  However, I am not looking forward to the possible Queen overload, since Kelli saw the movie 10 times and was inspired, blah blah blah.

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26 minutes ago, 5678Pixie said:

All of them love her so much.  

So Gabby's moving to Austin...Anyone heard what her plans are? Note: I don't keep up with instagram unless I'm specifically looking for something (I was chastised by a fan in a group on Facebook for not knowing something about the music artist whom the group was about because I don't do IG regularly)

ETA do I see Courtney McKenna in this pic?

Edited by DCCFanInKy
Added something.
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