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2019 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp Spoilers

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2 hours ago, AAT said:

I was trying to give VK the benefit of the doubt, but after this, I'm definitely not a fan!!! What an entitled and narcissistic attitude to have!!! I alway try to welcome feedback from anybody. Shouldn't we all strive to be the best version of ourselves??? I guess VK thinks she's already the best. God help her out in the real world. She sure won't be able to run to her mommy. Tina isn't much better. At least VK is only 19, Tina is suppose to be a mature adult. She's just a baby in my opinion. 

That's why the plan is to keep her in the tiny DCC bubble FOREVER.   

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3 minutes ago, rafibomb said:

IMO, the best candidates should make it, regardless of whether they've wanted to be a DCC since they popped out of the womb, or decided on a whim to give it a go the day before auditions. I get that everyone likes a good comeback story, but if you're truly trying to build a world-class organizations (and not a squad full of mindless sycophants), it should all be about the candidate- not how bad/long they've wanted it, how many times they've tried out, or who happened to birth them. 

I'm pretty sure being a mindless sycophant is actually listed in the audition materials...

5 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

I like the ones who don't make training camp and say it's because "God must have had a different plan for me" when they can't do the kick line or a jump split, or are spilling out over their shorts.  No, you could have helped God out a little bit and practiced or laid off the extra carbs.  

Oh god, I needed a laugh today. Thank you from our lord of blessed carbohydrates (no I don't mean Vickie).

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OMG YOU GUYS. I had no idea that Jinelle was lesbian. I take back the rude comments I made about not liking her look. Her appearance may not be my cup of tea but damn, she must have faced so much hate and discrimination in her life, she really does not need me adding to that. I see that what they say is true now... be careful who you talk shit about bc you have NO IDEA what is going on in their personal lives, what they've been through, their pain, their struggles. I probably shouldn't be talking shit about anyone. But esp because someone I love very dearly is gay and I've seen the hate, the discrimination, the depression and the other effects of it... it just makes me think twice about publicly casting judgement on any of them. 

Also, I heard from a friend that Jerry doesn't support gay rights. Apparently Kitty asked a girl in prep class, do you support gay rights? The girl said yes, bc my brother is gay. Kitty told her that was the wrong answer bc Jerry didn't agree. She told the girl to find a way to answer that remained neutral bc the Cowboys don't want to address the issue publicly. Kitty herself supports the lgbt community but she tells the girls the truth of what it takes to work for the organization. The people at the top probably love Rachel W bc they share the same beliefs as her. So long as Rachel W doesn't outright express that she is anti lgbt, they don't care. 

There's a reason why the DCC do not participate in Pride while the DMD used too. It is bc Jerry doesn't support gay rights and rather than saying that (which would cause a media shit storm), they stay silent as a public relations strategy. 

Edited by loveanddcc
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Gina’s dancing is certainly good enough to be point, but I think her body is too scary skinny/harsh looking for point.  Even Daphne looks more normal, gurl next door, as opposed to a body builder with veins kind of stomach. The outie belly button isn’t pretty, either.


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7 minutes ago, loveanddcc said:

OMG YOU GUYS. I had no idea that Jinelle was lesbian. I take back the rude comments I made about not liking her look. Her appearance may not be my cup of tea but damn, she must have faced so much hate and discrimination in her life, she really does not need me adding to that. I see that what they say is true now... be careful who you talk shit about bc you have NO IDEA what is going on in their personal lives, what they've been through, their pain, their struggles. I probably shouldn't be talking shit about anyone. But esp because someone I love very dearly is gay and I've seen the hate, the discrimination, the depression and the other effects of it... it just makes me think twice about publicly casting judgement on any of them. 

Also, I heard from a friend that Jerry doesn't support gay rights. Apparently Kitty asked a girl in prep class, do you support gay rights? The girl said yes, bc my brother is gay. Kitty told her that was the wrong answer bc Jerry didn't agree. She told the girl to find a way to answer that remained neutral bc the Cowboys don't want to address the issue publicly. Kitty herself supports the lgbt community but she tells the girls the truth of what it takes to work for the organization. The people at the top probably love Rachel W bc they share the same beliefs as her. So long as Rachel W doesn't outright express that she is anti lgbt, they don't care. 

There's a reason why the DCC do not participate in Pride while the DMD used too. It is bc Jerry doesn't support gay rights and rather than saying that (which would cause a media shit storm), they stay silent as a public relations strategy. 

Rachel’s political views are abhorrent, but I have to say that she (along with Mormon Maddie) left very nice congratulations messages on Jinelle’s engagement announcement. It seems like an environment that maybe isn’t actively flying a pride flag, but there isn’t harsh mistreatment.

My view was that the engagement was on the down-low because Jinelle and Katy were both Cowboys employees, with Katy almost being a manager to Jinelle when she was cheering. They’ve had several highly out and visible gay men on as choreographers, so I don’t think there’s discrimination on an overt level. Rachel has her crazy personal views, but she didn’t let it affect her relationship with Jinelle or Katy.

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11 minutes ago, TinyHands said:

Rachel’s political views are abhorrent, but I have to say that she (along with Mormon Maddie) left very nice congratulations messages on Jinelle’s engagement announcement. It seems like an environment that maybe isn’t actively flying a pride flag, but there isn’t harsh mistreatment.

My view was that the engagement was on the down-low because Jinelle and Katy were both Cowboys employees, with Katy almost being a manager to Jinelle when she was cheering. They’ve had several highly out and visible gay men on as choreographers, so I don’t think there’s discrimination on an overt level. Rachel has her crazy personal views, but she didn’t let it affect her relationship with Jinelle or Katy.

Maybe. But I can confirm with 100% certainty that Kitty told the girls in prep class that the Cowboys organization expects them not to talk about lgbt issues. They are not to take a side either pro or against. This happened back in 2017 before auditions. 

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19 minutes ago, TinyHands said:

Gina’s dancing is certainly good enough to be point, but I think her body is too scary skinny/harsh looking for point.  Even Daphne looks more normal, gurl next door, as opposed to a body builder with veins kind of stomach. The outie belly button isn’t pretty, either.


I HATE seeing that belly button. It’s all I can see. Yucky yuck her abs are like too tight. She’s an amazing dancer but I’m off my wanting her to earn point just because of that hideous belly button 😣😣😣

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6 minutes ago, TinyHands said:

Rachel’s political views are abhorrent, but I have to say that she (along with Mormon Maddie) left very nice congratulations messages on Jinelle’s engagement announcement. It seems like an environment that maybe isn’t actively flying a pride flag, but there isn’t harsh mistreatment.

My view was that the engagement was on the down-low because Jinelle and Katy were both Cowboys employees, with Katy almost being a manager to Jinelle when she was cheering. They’ve had several highly out and visible gay men on as choreographers, so I don’t think there’s discrimination on an overt level. Rachel has her crazy personal views, but she didn’t let it affect her relationship with Jinelle or Katy.

Yeah, I mean, I don't think it's newsworthy and I don't think that when Kelli was engaged to Joel (they met in the organization-he worked there), that they went around advertising it (though I can't be sure). Like, ok cool, who cares. I have read that several people in the org knew about Jinelle but kept their mouth shut, or at least didn't raise hell. 

The leaving nice congratulations thing though, I can best sum up the hypocrisy to those who haven't been racially/sexually profiled by quoting Ice Cube's response to Bill Maher (while a guest on his show) after Bill felt emboldened to use the "n" word: "I knew you was gon' fuck up sooner or later,"

In other words, your public displays of social consciousness are negated by the intolerant views you publicly extol every other day of the year. Rachel is a homophobe. Hateful bigots usually fold when they're face to face though.

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26 minutes ago, TinyHands said:

Rachel’s political views are abhorrent, but I have to say that she (along with Mormon Maddie) left very nice congratulations messages on Jinelle’s engagement announcement. It seems like an environment that maybe isn’t actively flying a pride flag, but there isn’t harsh mistreatment.

My view was that the engagement was on the down-low because Jinelle and Katy were both Cowboys employees, with Katy almost being a manager to Jinelle when she was cheering. They’ve had several highly out and visible gay men on as choreographers, so I don’t think there’s discrimination on an overt level. Rachel has her crazy personal views, but she didn’t let it affect her relationship with Jinelle or Katy.

I have to admit I smirk every time I see a gay choreographer on the show. I think, take THAT Jerry!! When K&J pick the choreographers, they pick the best. As far as I know, K&J are NOT prejudiced. It’s just Jerry and they have to work within his system. When they present a choreographer who is talented, famous, and will bring viewers and $$$ into the show... Jerry has no choice but to allow it. I mean granted he could say no. But he cares about money and publicity more than his personal views — although his personal views are still the same.

Also, there’s a world of difference between an Instagram comment and attending the Pride parade (like as a team, in uniform, performing) or making a public comment to a news station that the Cowboys support gay rights... They can’t do any of the latter bc Jerry won’t allow it. But a few Instagram like and comments don’t really matter. They’re not going to fire anyone over that bc it’s literally not newsworthy.

Edited by loveanddcc
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As much as I would love for Jinelle to shed the kiss up, simpering sweet reputation and dish a huge pile of dirt on the DCC, I don’t think that post was underhanded or anything shady. If anything she’s sucking up again to how it’s a privilege to be an American. She’s married to an American now anyway so not like she’d have trouble if she did want to live here. 

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9 minutes ago, UnicornKicksBack said:

As much as I would love for Jinelle to shed the kiss up, simpering sweet reputation and dish a huge pile of dirt on the DCC, I don’t think that post was underhanded or anything shady. If anything she’s sucking up again to how it’s a privilege to be an American. She’s married to an American now anyway so not like she’d have trouble if she did want to live here. 

Oh I didn’t mean underhanded to the DCC... I meant it sounds like she’s talking about illegal immigration without outright making her views known. 

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Skeletor: You are now looking at your teammates for the 2019-2020 season! Congratulations!


also chill on the outtie bellybutton slander 🙄 i am a proud outtie belly button holder!

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2 minutes ago, loveaux said:

also chill on the outtie bellybutton slander 🙄 i am a proud outtie belly button holder!

"I'm sorry Brunheilda.  While you are a stellar dancer and have the body of a goddess (re: super skinny with big boobs), you are unfortunately an outie and this is your last night."

I'm shocked they've not said this to someone yet.

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1 hour ago, scorpio1031 said:

I like the ones who don't make training camp and say it's because "God must have had a different plan for me" when they can't do the kick line or a jump split, or are spilling out over their shorts.  No, you could have helped God out a little bit and practiced or laid off the extra carbs.  

OMG, my stomach hurts from laughing so hard! If I decide to watch the auditions & I see an interview where a girl who didn't make the team talks about God's different plan for her, I'm going to remember this comment & laugh all over again!

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1 hour ago, loveanddcc said:

OMG YOU GUYS. I had no idea that Jinelle was lesbian. I take back the rude comments I made about not liking her look.

If you believe in equality, you shouldn't feel bad about talking about her looks just because she is gay. It's patronizing. Treat her the same as you would treat anyone of any sexuality.

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3 minutes ago, hathorlive said:

"I'm sorry Brunheilda.  While you are a stellar dancer and have the body of a goddess (re: super skinny with big boobs), you are unfortunately an outie and this is your last night."

I'm shocked they've not said this to someone yet.

They let Jenna be point with that horrible scar, so I doubt they care about an outie.

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44 minutes ago, loveanddcc said:

Definitely sounds like an underhanded comment about immigration policy...

Since she only put STARS in all caps, I read it as The STARS (and stripes) are a privilege not a right which is what Kelli and Judy say all the time about the stars on the uniform. I think it was just a cute inside joke about the DCC. 

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30 minutes ago, Jess14 said:

Hmmm... Interesting comment. Not sure what to make of it. Perhaps the post above is correct that it's some sort of inside joke by capitalizing the "stars."

At Dallas STars games they shout "stars" during the national anthem.  I just took it as someone born some place else saying that another country let her come and stay and it's a privilege, no intent related to politics.

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On 7/7/2019 at 3:18 PM, ClosetDCCFan said:

I guess this is where some of the rumors fall apart a little bit for me.  If the path has been paved so smoothly for VK this year, why would she need to be sneaky or mean about anything?  Only if she fears she might get cut does it make sense that she would seek to demean or disadvantage who she perceives as her “competition.”  

Edited to add:  I’m not suggesting VK isn’t worse this year than last.  I just don’t get it.  If you so clearly have a spot, being an awful b*tch to all your future teammates doesn’t seem like a very smart path to an enjoyable tenure on the team. 

Because simply being a DCC is not enough. She has to come in, take control, and be the top dog. Everyone must bow down to her and acknowledge her greatness or suffer the consequences because she is so important and this is her destiny. She is DCC royalty, after all. ****eyeroll****

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2 hours ago, rafibomb said:

IMO, the best candidates should make it, regardless of whether they've wanted to be a DCC since they popped out of the womb, or decided on a whim to give it a go the day before auditions. I get that everyone likes a good comeback story, but if you're truly trying to build a world-class organizations (and not a squad full of mindless sycophants), it should all be about the candidate- not how bad/long they've wanted it, how many times they've tried out, or who happened to birth them. 

Fair enough. Thanks for filling me in on those DMD's who had tried out before. I was just going by the timing of their team being taken away. Again, it was just my opinion based on the little I knew. I'm always happy to find out from those who actually know the truth.

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1 hour ago, loveanddcc said:

Oh I didn’t mean underhanded to the DCC... I meant it sounds like she’s talking about illegal immigration without outright making her views known. 

Gotcha. I agree with that.

Also is Jenna’s big appendix scar wouldn’t matter for point then who cares about an outie belly button. 

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1 hour ago, Law Mom said:

If you believe in equality, you shouldn't feel bad about talking about her looks just because she is gay. It's patronizing. Treat her the same as you would treat anyone of any sexuality.

That is a misinterpretation of what I stated. I stated that I feel bad bc my comments added to the LIFETIME of discrimination she has faced. And then I went on to state that I don’t know what happens in any of these girls personal lives and that this was a wake up call to not talk shit about any of them for that reason.

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2 hours ago, hathorlive said:

I like the ones who don't make training camp and say it's because "God must have had a different plan for me" when they can't do the kick line or a jump split, or are spilling out over their shorts.  No, you could have helped God out a little bit and practiced or laid off the extra carbs.  

Or, for those of us who remember (and mourn) TWOP: "God is in the tub right now,"

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4 hours ago, UnicornKicksBack said:

I think they excuse it bc it lines up with Jones Family Values. 

To an extent, I respect that she's willing to put her name to her views, and I imagine that her views don't just line up with the Jones family but with many of her teammates as well. However, they should cut the "PR training" stuff and just admit that they are ok with very political commentary as long as it lines up with the Jones' family views. I find it hard to believe that they would be ok with a current cheerleader's twitter page that took as many potshots at the "right" as her page takes at the "left," especially when you look at her likes and retweets. She certainly not the only person in the dance/entertainment world to make her political views known, so whatever! She's just a part of an organization that has gone out of its way to stress "PR risks," etc., and it's obvious that it appears to go in one direction.  

27 minutes ago, hathorlive said:

At Dallas STars games they shout "stars" during the national anthem.  I just took it as someone born some place else saying that another country let her come and stay and it's a privilege, no intent related to politics.

I got the privilege part. It's more the "not a right" part that seemed rather pointed, but it's easy to misinterpret social media posts, so I'm not trying to put words in her mouth. I just found it to be an interesting comment. 

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17 minutes ago, loveanddcc said:

That is a misinterpretation of what I stated. I stated that I feel bad bc my comments added to the LIFETIME of discrimination she has faced. And then I went on to state that I don’t know what happens in any of these girls personal lives and that this was a wake up call to not talk shit about any of them for that reason.

Now that's a good lesson for a lot of folks.

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11 minutes ago, ThreaLevelMidnight said:

Ok sorry but I need to speak up..

Rachel is NOT anti-LGBT!!! At all!!! And she never has been. 

That is a very harsh accusation to slap on someone when there isn’t any truth to it. I understand people may not agree with her political leanings. But don’t start unfounded rumors because you think her stance on certain things must mean she feels a certain way about something else. They aren’t mutually exclusive. 

Yeah I’ve really never understood where everyone gets that Rachel is anti-LGBT. Where does this come from?

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Another sign that Victoria is immature. When Jalyn tried to help her and she cried to mommy who then went to Kelli and Judy. Vets are encouraged to help the TCCs. Victoria GROW-UP!!!!!

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16 minutes ago, Busy said:

Vets are encouraged to help the TCCs.

Were.  I have heard there was a lecture after this incident that if corrections are to be given they should come from K&J.  

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4 hours ago, loveanddcc said:

Maybe. But I can confirm with 100% certainty that Kitty told the girls in prep class that the Cowboys organization expects them not to talk about lgbt issues. They are not to take a side either pro or against. This happened back in 2017 before auditions. 

I have always found interesting that I never saw an LGBT charity for My Cause, My Boots (and please inform me if someone has).  It’s amazing to me that in the years they’ve done it that no one would want to bring attention to such a charity in support of a gay brother or sister.  I mention this as potential further evidence of the cultural crackdown on the DCC, and why I think there is a story to be told.

Edited by DCCFan197605
Added the qualifier “potential.”
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7 minutes ago, Squeek said:

Were.  I have heard there was a lecture after this incident that if corrections are to be given they should come from K&J.  

So what is Brennan allowed to do as a boot buddy?  And what are Amy and Miranda allowed to do?  What happens during a game and they can't get to K&J?  Or K&J can't get to VK  What if SG is on an appearance somewhere?  This could just blow up in Kelli's face🤣🤣🤣.  Would it be too much to hope that it gets on camera if it does😈

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Just now, hathorlive said:

Brennan is limited to decorating her buddy's locker and leaving her copious amounts of candy, cookies and brownies.  Maybe even sprinkle cupcakes with her name on them.  I highly encourage Brennan to go overboard.

Milkshakes.  She has to bring her milkshakes so she gets her daily calcium requirement.

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2 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

Milkshakes.  She has to bring her milkshakes so she gets her daily calcium requirement.

I've also found that when a hard practice ends, a large meal of pancakes and fried mozzarella at IHOP soothes the soul.  She should take her there twice a week.

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Indiana Pacemates for NBA team the Pacers just chose their finalists who will go to training camp. There are 25 with 5 POC.  Last year’s team had 18 with 4 POC, 6 blondes & 1 redhead( my graduate!!) with the rest being brunettes.  Gives you an idea of other teams bouquets!

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2 minutes ago, heckkitty said:

Yeah that has to be somebody’s editing mistake. Those 2 people couldn’t be more different. I remember the same Candice you do. 

Thank you, needed a sanity check lol

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20 hours ago, Jess14 said:

Yeah, I think if the DCCs went on strike, that would definitely get some publicity, but I think a walkout would have to be connected to some sort of scandalous activity or would need to have some sort of social justice angle in order to have any staying power in the media today. Once it became clear that the walkout was over nepotism, I think the story would quickly fade. Nepotism seems par the course for the Cowboys (don’t all of Jerry Jones’s kids work there?), and I don’t think the general public holds the ‘brand’ in the same esteem as the team does.

Per Forbes, the DCFC is the most valuable sports franchise in the world, worth in the billions.  They lead the league in merchandise sales and television ratings without having won a championship in some time.  So at least in the sports world, the brand is quite revered whether people care for the team or not.  The DCC are the only NFL squad with a TV show and the ratings are apparently good with season what? 14 or whatever in the works.  I think some interest would be there for a DCC walkout, especially with pro cheerleaders recently complaining about conditions.

Edited by Weeklydcc
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2 minutes ago, Weeklydcc said:

Per Forbes, the DCFC is the most valuable sports franchise in the country, worth in the billions.  They lead the league in merchandise sales and television ratings without having won a championship in some time.  So at least in the sports world, the brand is quite revered whether people care for the team or not.  The DCC are the only NFL squad with a TV show and the ratings are apparently good with season what? 14 or whatever in the works.  I think some interest would be there for a DCC walkout, especially with pro cheerleaders recently complaining about conditions.

I'd say in the world. They're certainly the biggest club from the NFL across the world, like merchandise over here is mostly Cowboys merch. I just wish we got MTT on UK TV so I didn't have to watch it on a dodgy online feed.

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