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2019 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp Spoilers

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18 minutes ago, BBK said:

Wasn’t it said Julia removed herself because of a car accident...someone help & confirm...thanks!

No. There was speculation only. 

Edited to add that I have also seen speculation she was cut as a result of media training and/or because she works with a station that competes with the station the Cowboys contract with. 

Edited by KatieC
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36 minutes ago, KatieC said:

No. There was speculation only. 

Edited to add that I have also seen speculation she was cut as a result of media training and/or because she works with a station that competes with the station the Cowboys contract with. 

Thank you 

46 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

Just speculation honestly.

Hasn't been cut yet, but at this point, seems to lack power.

Thank you 

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12 hours ago, DCCFanInKy said:

@ShellyB - Thanks for answering all of our questions (no matter how stupid or odd they are!).  I was wondering, what is a typical schedule like on game days? Are the girls meeting at The Star to bus to the stadium or are they responsible for getting themselves to the stadium?  How far ahead of game time are the cheerleaders typically at the stadium?  Thanks again!

Meet at the Star, board the bus, arrive at stadium, rehearse TS, player intro, quarter changes, back to locker room to eat, get ankles taped, stretch, get ready for plaza performances, etc. Occasionally there may be something else that gets added to the agenda, but KF likes the girls to stay game focused. 

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7 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

One of the FB fan pages is already guessing who will get ROTY🙄

Duh......Victoria!  This is her team. She gets whatever she wants, when she wants it!!

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7 hours ago, DCCFanInKy said:

I saw that!  I've already kinda made my picks for ROTY and VOTY too

Victoria will also be the veteran of the year. That's how good Aunt Kelli thinks she is, and of course this is Vicki's team, so......

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Is this the TCC who tried out over and over and over again on MTT without making it?  I don't know her name.  If that's her she's a Houston cheerleader now.  Glad she landed somewhere.


Edited by Weeklydcc
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On 9/6/2019 at 4:09 AM, Lily80 said:

Why is she the only rookie in the photo?

Do you really need to ask?

22 hours ago, nmvrn said:

In the previews for show group auditions, Kelli looked surprised when Cheryl Burke said not this year. I get the feeling that Jalyn was having a bad day and was just out danced.

Even if she was limping all the way through, you don’t demote one of your best dancers after a whole year. Unless she had issues during past SG performances, they know damn well what she can and can’t do.

15 hours ago, Jennv said:

I hope Ashlee or Bridget is point next year. I swear if Maddie stays and is point again I will die a little inside.

Do you see her retiring? For all the hate Jenna got for not moving on from dcc due to not having anywhere to go, Maddie gets a free pass... but she’s definitely on the same boat.

10 hours ago, forumborum said:

Cute does not describe DCC

Tell that to the 2 points. Maddie isn’t even the cute girl next door, she’s the cute toddler next door.

8 hours ago, Weeklydcc said:

VK was point for the rookie performance at the VA hospital.

Of course she was. Glad to see they’re not playing favorites after last year’s backlash. 

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I really enjoyed this episode.  Perhaps Jalyn's Hannah's issues are that she doesn't really look good in he uniform this year?

Edited to fix wrong person.  Sorry.  So I guess Hannah has no issue after all.  

Edited by parrotfeathers
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1 hour ago, Weeklydcc said:

Is this the TCC who tried out over and over and over again on MTT without making it?  I don't know her name.  If that's her she's a Houston cheerleader now.  Glad she landed somewhere.


No she was a Houston rockets dancer 

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Like so many of you, I was SHOCKED after watching this episode that Meredith made the team...she was a favorite of mine until this week.  Instead of "The Kat Show,"  this week it was "The Meredith Show."  I can't figure out why CMT is only highlighting one candidate each week.  It must come from the top for reasons we probably won't ever know.

I always record the show so I can watch a second time.  You always miss things from the first viewing, whether it is this show or a movie, for instance.  Again, I was shocked at how bad Meredith was when viewed side-by-side to KaShara.  Everyone that recorded this episode should watch that part of the show in slow motion and you will see what I mean.  Horrible.  How Melissa could be thrilled with Meredith's performance (remember the high five?) is beyond me.

From what we have seen so far, Meredith and Kat were total disasters compared to most of girls left to be cut in future episodes.  And all of the judges/choreographers so far have agreed with that.  ANY of those other gals would have made much better alternates than Meredith or Kat!

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11 hours ago, DCCFanInKy said:

Who's the best hiphop dancer they have now? My guess would be Maddie.

I dunno me thinks Gina can do any type of dance, and honestly is having an amazing hip hop dancer really that important to what DCC is trying to accomplish? No. Not a legitimate reason for giving Maddie a pass.... there’s some other reason she’s a favorite as is allowed to yo yo with her weight. This happens every year..... girls are let go for weight while others are allowed to gain and lose. Kashara, Tasha, Megan C.... I could go on and on and on. 

Edited Ed to add that I think hip hop is awesome and I think the DCC would be smart to have talented hip hop dancers. I’m not sold that Maddie is that though. 

Edited by PrincessLeia
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2 minutes ago, PrincessLeia said:

I dunno me thinks Gina can do any type of dance, and honestly is having an amazing hip hop dancer really that important to what DCC is trying to accomplish? No. Not a legitimate reason for giving Maddie a pass.... there’s some other reason she’s a favorite. 

Maddie is a people pleaser. I think she came in ready to give her heart and soul to the organization and K laps that up. 

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11 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

According to an insider upthread, Gabby had an attitude problem and could be snarky.  And I am willing to bet Maddie never gets snarky, or is never caught being snarky, and is "moldable"

I mean maybe. But I’ve never heard that from anyone who I know who actually knows these girls, so 🤷‍♀️

But I do agree Maddie is a people pleaser and gives her heart and soul. She’s just grateful to be there and they love that. 

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I think that everyone seems to be focusing on how some girls made the team when they are not up to DCC standards and maybe its true but this way people are focusing on Kat and Meredith  and their dancing it makes VK  dancing look good

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2 minutes ago, SmpIsimon said:

Neither Meredith nor Kat made the team. They are alternates kept around for diversity and so the all-important reality show can have some drama. 

So they are kind of like fill ins if needed kind of like all stars 

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Madeline S - beautiful girl!  BUT SHE DOESN'T SMILE!  I was telling the people in my watch party that I thought she was gorgeous but too serious and that she should be an accountant.  Then Kelli says she should be a lawyer!  Great minds????  Haha.  I hope that if she comes back she works on her power and her smile!!!

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3 hours ago, Weeklydcc said:

Is this the TCC who tried out over and over and over again on MTT without making it?  I don't know her name.  If that's her she's a Houston cheerleader now.  Glad she landed somewhere.


Are you thinking of Whitney?

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12 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

One of the FB fan pages is already guessing who will get ROTY🙄

Assuming they’re having a rhetorical discussion as we all know Veruca will get ROTY... although she sees herself as a vet so perhaps she’ll get VOTY and let a little rookie have that honor... 

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11 hours ago, Cappuccinagina said:

Open question/post: I just wish if they (dancers)  gained weight over the years, DCC corporate would let them move up a size within reason. A lot of people don’t stop the puberty phase experience until 21. Women are all different builds and should be allowed to bloom a little more or whatever their bodies tend to do. Dancers are highly sensitive about this (used to be one). They aren’t dumb and they know they have to look nice but...does the DCC want Ballet Bolshoi/NYCB bodies (artists of a different element and I appreciate them!) or is the DCC willing to move past the 1970s stereotypical USC Trojan dancer body? If they look hot, who cares if they have a complete six pack? Example: Dallas RB team who are OMG FIRE.

I’d rather have healthy dancers who can complete the choreo/jump split/be good teammates. 

YES!  I wish TPTB would get the memo!!! Like, enough is enough already!!  

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56 minutes ago, SmpIsimon said:

Neither Meredith nor Kat made the team. They are alternates kept around for diversity and so the all-important reality show can have some drama. 

They literally participated in Meet the Team!! They have uniforms, lockers, and cheer at the games. What is the standard for being on the team? 

Even when the Maverick’s dancers had to “try out” for each halftime performance, no one said they weren’t on the team. 



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5 minutes ago, SmpIsimon said:

If the girls vote for ROTY, she’s got no shot. They kiss her ass to stay in Kelli’s good graces, but behind the scenes, VK is despised. 

I totally believe they despise her, however just bc the girls vote do you think tptb wouldn’t just give it to Veruca anyhow? I was a senior class officer in hs & we were counting the class superlatives ie: most popular, best personality... & was shocked that despite the class votes the other officers were naming themselves and went with it! After last season I have no doubt Kelli would override the vote bc it’s her precious Veruca... I hope I’m wrong & im chuckling that the girls despise her, how could they not... 

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14 hours ago, Opine said:

Lawdy those pants look painful!!

I was just going to ask where they got them so I could get a pair. 😂😂😂 I’m a Texas girl for life, so show me a flag, and BAM, I’m in!!

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6 minutes ago, tteek74 said:

I was just going to ask where they got them so I could get a pair. 😂😂😂 I’m a Texas girl for life, so show me a flag, and BAM, I’m in!!

HAHA  A flag on your ass, that's good.  A flag up your ass like those shorts, that hurts!

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1 hour ago, SmpIsimon said:

Neither Meredith nor Kat made the team. They are alternates kept around for diversity and so the all-important reality show can have some drama. 

But they DID make the team. They may be "alternates" but they have a uniform and are in the squad photo and have cameo pics.

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18 minutes ago, Blue hues said:

Is that Victoria on the back row, next to Hannah?  All the blondes are starting to look the same!  How sad is it that the first place I looked for her was front and center?

yes it is.

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12 minutes ago, Weeklydcc said:

I think that's the one.  This girl looks like her to me.   @MrsEVH

She was a Miami Dolphins cheerleader for 2 seasons (2017-18, 2018-19). She got into trouble  with the law near the end of her 2nd season. She did make it to MDC training camp this year but did not make it back on the team.

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5 minutes ago, Weeklydcc said:
1 hour ago, MrsEVH said:

Are you thinking of Whitney?

2 minutes ago, MrsEVH said:

She was a Miami Dolphins cheerleader for 2 seasons (2017-18, 2018-19). She got into trouble  with the law near the end of her 2nd season. She did make it to MDC training camp this year but did not make it back on the team.

Thank you.

1 hour ago, MrsEVH said:
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15 minutes ago, TB12 said:

Wow Lily, legs for days but not a flattering shot her head looks oddly disconnected from her body...


I'm not digging the ribs look.  It seems more prevalent this year.  They're lovely young ladies.  Eating should be encouraged.😓

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10 minutes ago, go4luca said:

My eye goes to so many others than Maddie.  Those with more sparkle and energy.  I know it's a rehearsal and not the actual performance but still...

Hard to go by this because they were definitely not dancing full out.

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37 minutes ago, Holly85 said:

There is 10 ladies dancing in group four per twitter video 

I wonder if they are making an exception to the 36 on the field rule for the home opener???  Or if one alternate will dance first half, or first quarter, and then they will switch??

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