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S01.E01: Forget it Dex, It's Stumptown


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25 minutes ago, BooBear said:

Veronica never would have been hired to find someone and not looked to make sure no one was following her first. And she was 16 and had to go to school every day. Once you see a female PI like that you just can't go back to the bad old days... you know?

But wasn't that kind of the point--that Dex WAS an oblivious idiot? Both Sue Lynn and the cops called her out on essentially being amateur hour. And while it stung, you could also see that Dex knew they were right (which was a refreshing change from the more standard "screw you, I know what I'm doing" response) and was taking mental notes. I kind of thought the point of the pilot was in part to show that Dex DOES have a steep learning curve to get through if she wants to be a legit PI, and assumed that S1 will be about her learning to be good at the PI job. If she starts off as a great PI already, the character has nowhere to go.


This show doesn't seem like it's aiming high enough cerebrally to really deal with that. Hopefully this is mostly just a Pilot Exposition Fairy effect, and we won't be expected to watch Dex flashing back multiple times per episode.

Agreed. It wouldn't make me stop watching, but regular PTSD flashbacks would be a mistake for the show, I think (though I'm sure we'll have the occasional episode devoted to really delving into Dex's time in the service and flashing back a lot, which is fine). I think the show would be best served by leaning into the more fun, light-hearted side of the show. You don't have to be unrealistically happy in a crime show, but this show is signing its death warrant if it thinks "gritty gritty grimdark" is the way to go. What really made the pilot enjoyable was the chemistry between the characters and Smulders' charming, I've-got-demons-but-am-also-a-charismatic-wiseass performance. That's what they should focus on and embrace that vibe.

Also, going back a bit earlier in the thread, I agree that the pilot did a nice job of portraying Dex's relationship with the bartender friend. It seems pretty clear that he carries a bit of a torch for her, she knows it, and he knows she knows it. However, it also seems equally clear that Dex isn't leading him on; he knows that (at least right now) he's more like a brother to her, and hasn't let that get in the way of being a genuine friend to her and her brother.

  • Love 10

Left me a bit empty, kind of in the way a new model of iPhone is released only to find out not much has changed.  What started with the seeming potential of Stumptown (the graphic novel) creator Greg Rucka's unconventional take in storytelling devolved into a commercial television network crime procedural.  Like we don't have enough of 'em.

Maybe I'm just horribly, horribly disappointed the powers that be couldn't find some means to shoot the program in the show title's namesake.  I get it, shows and movies are produced in locations different than where they purport to be all the time. I get it that Cobie has kids in school in LA and want to be near them.  I get it that it would probably cost more to shoot in Portland but it doesn't make it right for a couple of reasons.

First, it seems like a selling point of the entire endeavor is a certain quirkiness about the characters. That is a very Portland trait.  It's in the DNA of where it was born.  I won't go as far as some who have written that what the network suits have committed is cultural appropriation but this project doesn't fly on Cobie eye-candy and acting chops alone. It needs all parts of the mosaic in order to thrive. It's what would make it unique.  Ignore that and as I said, you're back to a standard-issue network cop show.

So why would shooting in Portland make a difference?  Aside from the obvious fact that you're not going to get a savory taste of Portland weirdness sitting in a production bungalow on the Universal lot, a look at shows that did shoot in Portland, Leverage, Grimm and Portlandia are the first to come to mind, managed in ways that probably surprised even them to inspire and enhance.  They were able to make the place itself an integral character. 

From what I saw of the pilot, the Stumptown producers could use a good wallop of inspiration and support from where ever that muse appears. In this case, it's in the show's very title.

Edited by kib
  • Love 3

I'm so used to love drama in all shows, no matter what kind they are, that I didn't even think of those flashbacks as PTSD. I thought they were just a way to inject memories of the ex, and what happened to him supposedly being her fault. I must have missed something, because I don't know why he was there "because of her" when he was apparently a man who was capable of making his own decisions. 

  • Love 2

Well, I just got around to watching it and I really enjoyed it. Is it unique or original? No. It definitely felt like a standard Detective/Cop drama show. Similar tropes to all other shows in the exact same genre, so obviously it's not going to bring something that new. But what makes it something that I'll watch is the right balance of humour, drama, and action (three genres that are tough to hit equally, imo) and the actors. 

Cobie Smulders is excellent. Maybe she's not a top notch actress, but she has chemistry with pretty much everyone. She oozes charisma onscreen, so I'm glad she's gotten her own show. And I liked Dex. I thought Dex was a solid character on her own, and she definitely worked well with the other characters around her. 

The best friend, the cop, the brother, and Sue Lynn all worked well with Dex. Michael Ealy is very, very good at what he does and he oozes as much charm as Cobie does. Jake Johnson is an underrated actor who I look forward seeing, even if I know the inevitable plot trope of him being in love with Dex is going to make me real annoyed with his character eventually. I also liked Dex's brother but wonder what else he'll get to do on this show. 

Sue Lynn is a very interesting character. I also look forward to seeing what else Camryn Manheim's character does, since she didn't get a lot to do besides play bad cop with Dex. 

Honestly, I thought this first episode did a good job at convincing me that I'll likely stick with it. That, and my Wednesdays at 10pm timeslot is always empty and I've always been hoping for a good show to fill it up. 

On 9/26/2019 at 6:56 PM, leighdear said:

Do people under 50 actually know the words to "Sweet Caroline"?  I didn't buy it with those 2 guys, despite the esoteric coffee conversation. 

Gonna be another one to chime in on this, but a 25 year old here from Canada and Sweet Caroline was a staple at all of our school dances since middle school. It could be a regional thing in the States, but here, Sweet Caroline was considered a "classic" and one of the few songs everyone would be belting out to on the dance floor. Plus, there are people, like me, who are very into the classic/older songs. So I do know Sweet Caroline very well and would absolutely sing along at the top of my lungs, especially if I'm driving and it comes on nowadays. 

There are other songs I wouldn't buy that many people would sing along to, but I thought Sweet Caroline was. 

  • Love 6
5 hours ago, BooBear said:

Yup. I had hoped it was going to be more like Veronica Mars. Who had her tortures but was too smart to be brought down by them or to bring down others with them. Veronica always outsmarted the baddies rather than having me have to balk at a 90 lbs teenager taking on two much larger men. 

Veronica never would have been hired to find someone and not looked to make sure no one was following her first. And she was 16 and had to go to school every day. Once you see a female PI like that you just can't go back to the bad old days... you know?

Plus, Veronica always had Backup!

Ok, so everybody everywhere but me knows ALL the verses to "Sweet Caroline", not just the chorus and SO GOOD, SO GOOD, SO GOOD.  

At least they managed to include the handicapped relative, the inter-racial sexual relationship, the opposite-sex best friend, Native American casino owners and PTSD.  Otherwise it wouldn't fly in 2019, I'm guessing.  All we're missing is the white & Hispanic lesbian couple that adopted an Asian baby.  

I did like it, just a bit too trope heavy so far. 

Edited by leighdear
  • LOL 4
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4 hours ago, stealinghome said:

. I kind of thought the point of the pilot was in part to show that Dex DOES have a steep learning curve to get through if she wants to be a legit PI, and assumed that S1 will be about her learning to be good at the PI job. If she starts off as a great PI already, the character has nowhere to go.

I already saw that with Jason Priestly on Private Eyes. If that is the whole plot of season 1, I don't think I'll make it very far.

5 hours ago, BooBear said:

Yup. I had hoped it was going to be more like Veronica Mars. Who had her tortures but was too smart to be brought down by them or to bring down others with them. Veronica always outsmarted the baddies rather than having me have to balk at a 90 lbs teenager taking on two much larger men. 

Veronica never would have been hired to find someone and not looked to make sure no one was following her first. And she was 16 and had to go to school every day. Once you see a female PI like that you just can't go back to the bad old days... you know?

Given that the boyfriend was in cahoots with the thugs it’s pretty clear that they weren’t following her to the motel room.  Not to mention when you’re told to expect a runaway teen kidnappers are a pretty outside context problem.

  • Love 10

Sarah on Chuck.

All the women on Black Lightning.


After a while, almost all TV shows start to look like copies of each other, with a few exceptions. This means if you're going to watch TV, you have to either hold out for the rare exceptions, or pick shows based on execution or particularities, not uniqueness.

I think the cast here is sizzling, there are enough quirks and interesting tidbits to hook me, and I wasn't bored. So I'll watch for a while and see if that grows or fades.

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, leighdear said:

Plus, Veronica always had Backup!

Ok, so everybody everywhere but me knows ALL the verses to "Sweet Caroline", not just the chorus and SO GOOD, SO GOOD, SO GOOD.  

At least they managed to include the handicapped relative, the inter-racial sexual relationship, the opposite-sex best friend, Native American casino owners and PTSD.  Otherwise it wouldn't fly in 2019, I'm guessing.  All we're missing is the white & Hispanic lesbian couple that adopted an Asian baby.  

I did like it, just a bit too trope heavy so far. 

LMAO! No, I don't know all of the words, just enough to sing along. 😉 I need to stop visiting this thread so much. I have it stuck in my head and was singing it quietly, as I got a snack a little while ago. 

Edited by Anela
  • Love 5
10 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

The PTSD flashbacks get old quickly
--both IRL and on screen.
This show doesn't seem like it's aiming high enough cerebrally to really deal with that. Hopefully this is mostly just a Pilot Exposition Fairy effect, and we won't be expected to watch Dex flashing back multiple times per episode.
If that happens, I will find something else to watch.

Agreed.  Just once I'd like to see some PTSD flashback rendered other than a slo-mo wobbly camera in sepia tone with a voice two octaves lower than normal screaming "Noooooooooo".

I'm not asking for a "Twin Peaks" little person talking backwards in a room with multi-color lighting and Nickelodeon green slime oozing from the walls, but could it once be slightly metaphorical given not everyone with the condition suffers the same manifestations?

It just seems lazy.

Edited by kib
  • Love 1


I wasn't quite ready for the heavy criticism of PTSD, Down's Syndrome casting etc.

In my opinion not enough is really talked about regarding those two issues (among many more).

Done before? Sure.  Well? Often? Not so much.

PTSD is real and pretty pervasive.  Many kinds of challenges, physical and mental are everywhere and not ever really addressed.

So for me, an interesting mix of what many might consider normal challenges in daily life.  And really dealing on a daily basis with challenges like this is HARD!

It REALLY helped that the cast is crackling good and charismatic. They sold some pretty pedestrian dialogue and a crazy plot to the point it kept me interested - perhaps amused and involved is better.

I will be back

  • Love 21
6 minutes ago, kaygeeret said:

I wasn't quite ready for the heavy criticism of PTSD, Down's Syndrome casting etc.

I don't have a problem with a character with PTSD or a character with Down Syndrome.

I just have issues with how this show treats both.

When it comes to Ansel- the character with Down's- the character feels more like a prop than an actual character. Hopefully it changes, but the pilot seemed to suggest Ansel is just there to be Dex's "kid" without having to actually give Dex a kid. He only seems to be there to give Dex "womanpain" and be someone she'll have to save at some point.

Ansel doesn't seem to actually do anything to affect the plot (the whole "agency" thing).

I get that people with Down's are essentially overgrown kids, but that doesn't mean that the character has to be written like a prop. Maybe he's "smarter than he looks" (Ansel sure was observant in the pilot), or maybe he's got the ability to calm Dex down and help her refocus. I don't know...but I'm sure there's something the writers could do to make Ansel more than a participant in the stories.

As for PTSD...it's admittedly an overdone trope. You can't tune in to a drama these days without at least one character who's suffering from the condition.

That's not really the heart of the issue. My issue with it is that the writers treat PTSD also like a prop- or, maybe more like a "bug". It's something the writer comes up on a whim to say "my character is flawed! They have PTSD!" as opposed to a conscious decision to give the character the condition and actually explore how it affects them.

I get that PTSD can manifest itself in so many different ways...but in order for the character's PTSD to work, it has to manifest itself in a way that a proper character flaw needs to work- by actually affecting the character.

Otherwise, it's meaningless.

When it comes to this show, it's part of another issue that I have- Dex is one of a million characters who have 500 "flaws", which makes me wonder how she's a functioning human being.

It isn't to say a 500-flaw character can't work, but, again, those flaws have to actually feature in her characterization and not just act like it's a feature of a car. A character with a lost love and a drinking problem isn't interesting on their own. A character who decides to be lone wolf because of the pain of losing their love and fills that void with alcohol...that's an interesting character. Bonus points if their drinking allows them to go to bars where they can gain valuable information on the criminals they're chasing.

Ultimately, Stumptown is only going to work if the writers simplify it and play to Cobie Smulders' strengths. Smulders has the ability to really portray Dex as someone who projects toughness as a front for her many insecurities, insecurities that make her a "lone wolf". Give me a character who doesn't trust easily and tries too hard to hide her vulnerabilities and they'll have a winner.

  • Love 4
59 minutes ago, kaygeeret said:

Done before? Sure.  Well? Often? Not so much.

Which was the point I'd hoped to covey.

I realize it's asking a lot for a network TeeVee show to be more thoughtful presenting a PTSD condition that seems something of a central element to the psyche of the Dex character with a little more effort than using a tired cinematic device that's been in play since the mental health effects of war were first chronicled in film.


  • Love 3
On 9/27/2019 at 9:43 AM, CarpeFelis said:

I wanted to see it too, but wasn’t watching real closely... because I was knitting. It does bug me though when characters who are supposed to be knitting obviously don’t know what they’re doing.

(Don’t even get me started on that line in Chilling Adventures of Sabrina about a character knitting their own death shroud when they were clearly using a crochet hook...)

The knitting bothered me a bit because it not as likely a hobby for a Native woman. There are several traditional handicrafts that are similar like beading or quilting that would serve the same purpose but be much more in keeping with the culture Sue-lynn is supposed to represent. To me it just makes it clear that while the show has Native characters TPTB are not native. Which is disappointing since it was Tatoo Cardinal who made me watch in the first place. Its a small nitpick and really there is nothing to say Sue-lynn couldn't knit but I can't actually think of a Native woman who does. 

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, kaygeeret said:


I wasn't quite ready for the heavy criticism of PTSD, Down's Syndrome casting etc.

In my opinion not enough is really talked about regarding those two issues (among many more).

Done before? Sure.  Well? Often? Not so much.

PTSD is real and pretty pervasive.  Many kinds of challenges, physical and mental are everywhere and not ever really addressed.

So for me, an interesting mix of what many might consider normal challenges in daily life.  And really dealing on a daily basis with challenges like this is HARD!

It REALLY helped that the cast is crackling good and charismatic. They sold some pretty pedestrian dialogue and a crazy plot to the point it kept me interested - perhaps amused and involved is better.

I will be back

I don't mind either of them, and I agree with you, since I deal with PTSD myself (I've never been in a war zone, though). 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Emily Thrace said:

The knitting bothered me a bit because it not as likely a hobby for a Native woman. There are several traditional handicrafts that are similar like beading or quilting that would serve the same purpose but be much more in keeping with the culture Sue-lynn is supposed to represent. To me it just makes it clear that while the show has Native characters TPTB are not native. Which is disappointing since it was Tatoo Cardinal who made me watch in the first place. Its a small nitpick and really there is nothing to say Sue-lynn couldn't knit but I can't actually think of a Native woman who does. 

It’s kind of weird projecting your own experiences and making blanket statements about what is “believable” for similar people in media to do.  I don’t know many middle aged East Asian people who drink lots of alcohol, but that doesn’t mean I’d nitpick one in fiction who is a party animal or whatever.

Sue-Lynn was knitting in that scene because she was knitting in the corresponding scene in the comics.

As for Ansel, the pilot showed however briefly that he does have a personality of his own.  It’s too early to write him off as a “prop”.  

Edited by Mars477
  • Love 16
On 9/26/2019 at 5:51 PM, Danielg342 said:

What I did take issue with is that Dex decided to fight the two guys while they were driving the car. Perhaps she realized she was in a life-or-death situation and simply said "screw it, I'll take my chances" (that, and Dex sure doesn't seem like the type who "thinks things through"), but taking on a driver while they're driving a car is super risky. It could have ended a heck of a lot worse.

I don’t know how true it is but I’ve always heard in that situation you should do anything you can to stop your captures from taking you to another location. Basically you’re better of taking the risk of being killed in a car accident than letting them do whatever they have planned in an isolated location. 

On 9/27/2019 at 9:42 AM, TigerLynx said:

I like Dex.  Don't like Sue Linn.  However, what I dislike the most is woman still hung up on dead guy who did what his relatives wanted him to do and married someone else instead of Dex.

11 hours ago, Anela said:

I must have missed something, because I don't know why he was there "because of her" when he was apparently a man who was capable of making his own decisions. 

I thought they were saying that he was killed traveling to Kabul to propose to Dex. The detective mentioned that his marriage had fallen apart and that he had the ring in him when he died. 

13 minutes ago, Dani said:

I thought they were saying that he was killed traveling to Kabul to propose to Dex. The detective mentioned that his marriage had fallen apart and that he had the ring in him when he died. 

That's what I assumed too, hence her guilt (as well as Sue Lynn's hostility toward Dex).

  • Love 5
12 hours ago, Emily Thrace said:

The knitting bothered me a bit because it not as likely a hobby for a Native woman. There are several traditional handicrafts that are similar like beading or quilting that would serve the same purpose but be much more in keeping with the culture Sue-lynn is supposed to represent. To me it just makes it clear that while the show has Native characters TPTB are not native. Which is disappointing since it was Tatoo Cardinal who made me watch in the first place. Its a small nitpick and really there is nothing to say Sue-lynn couldn't knit but I can't actually think of a Native woman who does. 


While the nearest Indian Casino to Portland is run by the Cowlitz tribe, they aren't all that distant in geography from the Cowichan tribe - and were probably impacted as well. This particular tribe is known for a sweater they knit.

Just updating to say I have a natural bent toward research, especially when I don't know much about the subject. So I don't research to prove anyone wrong, just to find out more, and share if it is interesting.

Edited by Clanstarling
  • Useful 6
  • Love 9
10 hours ago, Dani said:

I thought they were saying that he was killed traveling to Kabul to propose to Dex. The detective mentioned that his marriage had fallen apart and that he had the ring in him when he died. 

So because his marriage didn't work out Dex should take him back?  Guy does what his family wants, and marries someone else, you move on and find someone better.  Living well is the best revenge and pining over some guy who supposedly loved you, but married someone else because he was to weak to stand up to his family, is dumb and a waste of time.

  • Love 3
On 9/26/2019 at 9:23 PM, Ms Blue Jay said:


Or watch baseball…….  or have seen the movie "Fever Pitch"….. Also, my parents are huge Neil Diamond fans, also, in the 2000s I worked in retail and met a 16 year old who was a huge Neil Diamond fan.  It's a popular song and far from obscure.  Something I've learned hanging out with a lot of musicians is that no matter how young people are they will blow your mind with their music knowledge.

Or go to a Carolina Panthers game... I've lived in Charlotte for 20+ years and they play it at the end of every game we win. 

My husband and I under 50 and we know the song. We couldn't sing the verses, but we were belting out the chorus during the show! 🙂

  • Love 2
11 hours ago, Mars477 said:

It’s kind of weird projecting your own experiences and making blanket statements about what is “believable” for similar people in media to do.  I don’t know many middle aged East Asian people who drink lots of alcohol, but that doesn’t mean I’d nitpick one in fiction who is a party animal or whatever.

Sue-Lynn was knitting in that scene because she was knitting in the corresponding scene in the comics.

As for Ansel, the pilot showed however briefly that he does have a personality of his own.  It’s too early to write him off as a “prop”.  

I agree - it's been ONE hour-long episode. I didn't see the character of Ansel being used as a prop at all, I think their relationship seems sweet.

I remember Tantoo Cardinal from her appearances on Longmire. She was an interesting SOB of a character there and I assume she will continue to be one here, lol. 

The show didn't knock my socks off, but I'm interested enough to keep watching for now.

  • Love 7
12 hours ago, Dani said:

I thought they were saying that he was killed traveling to Kabul to propose to Dex. The detective mentioned that his marriage had fallen apart and that he had the ring in him when he died. 

Thank you. So, because he made a decision as a grown man, it's all her fault, and she will be punished forever. 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Anela said:

Thank you. So, because he made a decision as a grown man, it's all her fault, and she will be punished forever. 

I didn’t take Hoffman’s line that Benny was there because of Dex to be blame. Benny was literally in Kabul because he wanted to see Dex. I thought Hoffman’s reaction was sympathetic towards Dex.

Sue Linn blames her because she’s a horrible person and a villain on the show. Dex blames herself but I didn’t any sense that anyone else was blaming her. 

Yeah, I didn't think Hot Cop was blaming Dex at all. And I thought it was pretty noteworthy that Benny's own daughter held no ill will toward Dex either. In fact, the daughter straight up said that she wanted to run away with (Evil) Boyfriend so that her family couldn't do to her and him what they did to her father and Dex.

Dex clearly does blame herself to some degree, but that is because good people blame themselves all the time for stuff that is not their fault but for which they feel responsible anyways. If I was in her shoes I'm sure I'd feel responsible even if intellectually I knew it was not at all my fault.

  • Love 12

I thought this was utterly delightful as a modern day Lady Rockford Files or Starsky w/o a  Hutch. Just really fun and the kind of thing I can watch and then not think about for a week. GODDAMN that feels good. I don't see how or why anyone would think Dex a 30 something war vet should be anything like Veronica Mars. She's also nothing like Maddie Hayes or Laura Holt from Remington Steele. How bout that lady detectives can all be different!

  • Love 14

I'd only seen Cobie Smulders in HIMYM, Michael Ealy in Secrets and Lies, and Jake Johnson in New Girl, but instantly fell in love with all of them, so I was super excited for this show and was not disappointed! I was needing something to replace Whiskey Cavalier (RIP. Gone too soon). Will definitely be tuning in for all future episodes. Hopefully they'll have a long enough run to work out the kinks that some have complained about. 

  • Love 6

I just finished watching Veronica Mars season 4 on hulu and was in serious need of another detective show so I'm glad I decided to check this out. The pilot episode didn't blow me away, but I still enjoyed it. I had no idea this was based off of a graphic novel so I'm curious if the first season will eventually have an overarching mystery or if we'll just have weekly cases. Hoping for the former because I might lose interest if it's just another procedural.

The cast is amazing, though. Looking forward for episode 2.

  • Love 2
On 9/29/2019 at 3:32 PM, Lady Calypso said:

Michael Ealy is very, very good at what he does and he oozes as much charm as Cobie does. J

I love Michael Ealy, I remember him from the Showtime series Sleeper Cell.  He's reason enough to watch, the pilot left a little to be desired,but I'll stick around. It looks like fun.

  • Love 3
On 9/30/2019 at 7:51 AM, Clanstarling said:


While the nearest Indian Casino to Portland is run by the Cowlitz tribe, they aren't all that distant in geography from the Cowichan tribe - and were probably impacted as well. This particular tribe is known for a sweater they knit.

Just updating to say I have a natural bent toward research, especially when I don't know much about the subject. So I don't research to prove anyone wrong, just to find out more, and share if it is interesting.

Thanks for that, I read it on my lunch hour. Fascinating.  I never realized they went so far beyond tribal bead work and weaving.  

  • Love 2

Did anyone mention Olivia from Fringe?

On 9/28/2019 at 9:43 AM, Clanstarling said:

I'd like to say that since this is a network show that we won't see quite the nightmarish violence we saw on Longmire (which was AMC, I believe, at least at first), but I think the networks are probably increasing the violence as well.

Weirdly it started on A&E, then jumped to Netflix.  Broadcast television has had some fairly dark stuff on late, notably Hannibal on NBC and Supernatural on CW.  Even on ABC, Agents of SHIELD has had some short, unexpected moments of gore.  I think it would be a mistake on this show to go that route.

  • Love 3
On 9/26/2019 at 5:56 PM, leighdear said:

Do people under 50 actually know the words to "Sweet Caroline"?

Under fifty and know every word to Sweet Carolline.  Not even close to a favorite but I started singing along.  That song shows up in a lot of things and it is one of those annoyingly catchy song that sticks in your head and you pickup quick.

  • Love 5

Calling two things. First, the tape didn't come with the car, her almost fiance gave it to her. Second, he didn't simply die by an IED on accident, he was murdered. dun dun dun. 

On 9/26/2019 at 5:15 AM, stealinghome said:

Cobie Smulders isn’t the most talented or technical of actresses

I was pleasently surprised, actually. I think her acting here was the best I've ever seen her. I mean it's not omg-amazing, but it's solid.

On 9/26/2019 at 6:09 AM, Danielg342 said:

I still think it's tiring for Hollywood to constantly trot out badass female characters who have "male" names (or gender neutral names). Just once can we have a woman who kicks ass who's name is Alice or Helena?

Sarah Connor, Ellen Louise Ripley? Badass female action stars have had female names from the very beginning.

Edited by Prower
2 hours ago, Prower said:

Sarah Connor, Ellen Louise Ripley? Badass female action stars have had female names from the very beginning.

Leia Organa, Xena (the Warrior Princess), Liz Shaw, Rose Tyler, Donna Noble, Martha Jones, Sara Jane Smith Tardis, etc etc.

More to the point, I think Dex as a gender neutral name as you can get. It's very much possibly from the show itself Dex is supposed to be a gender-neutral person.

Edited by CooperTV
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