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S21.E32: Double Eviction

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Manifest THAT!  Jackson may be a douchecanoe but the stealth eye roll during that speech was priceless.

The DE was the perfect night for Jessica to get the boot because there is no way I could listen to that horrible, terrible, no good very bad interview for one second longer.  Good GOD.

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Hey Christie!  The universe just manifested a big FUCK YOU!  I'm so glad that Christie is gone and I can start watching the show again.

Also, happy for Nicole to win HoH and seeing her so joyful.

Edited by fatewemake
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Oh my god...how could that alliance of four be so stupid to THROW THEIR GAMES away not using this silver platter opportunity to get Tommy out NOW?! Christie wasn't going to win the next HOH, she can barely win anything. I can almost guarantee that Tommy will be crowned the next HOH and one of the four must fall.

From there it will start a chain reaction and one by one they go down but Tommy will survive. Talking about choking at the last possible minute! Tonight was the beginning of the end for all their games and they did it to themselves!

Speaking of choking it was a thing of beauty when Christie switched her answer on the critical question and doomed herself. Anybody with a lick of sense would have guess "pick" was correct.

Oh and Christie should have been disqualified from the HOH comp because she jumped the gun before Julie said GO! And Julie...just what is your bee in the bonnet if someone resets BEFORE you ask them to? Usually, she's mad if someone doesn't reset.

Edited by North of Eden
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Well I hope everyone who's glad to see Christie gone is OK with Jackson winning this season, because there is now zero chance he will ever be voted out. She was literally the only one left who ever would have nominated him. 

Going into the DE there was only a one in six chance either Jackson or Holly would be nominated, the only person who would have done that was Christie. Cliff, Nicole and Holly were always going to nominate Tommy and Christie so there was already a 50-50 chance one of them would go. And Tommy would probably have nominated Cliff and Nicole.

Cliff is a dummy for running to Jackson to tell him what Christie said. He could have just sat on that info, it gained him nothing. Do he and Nicole really think they can beat Holly and Jackson in the final four? They should have voted out Tommy and let Christie get rid of Jackson for them if they wanted any chance at all of winning this game.

Christie had it figured out that Jackson and Holly were telling both couples they were good. And now Tommy is the easy vote-out. He absolutely has to win HoH or Veto next to stay in the game.

On the one hand I have to admit that Jackson played the best game, but I can't find any enthusiasm for him winning because he's such an objectionable person. I'm also disinclined to praise him for this because he benefits from other people's stupidity more than his own intellect. 

I often think this show picks who they want to win during the casting process and then just makes sure everyone else they cast is at least 150% dumber. God knows, Jackson isn't the first HG to stroll to the final two with the willing help of everyone else. 

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I guess (my turn!) the Universe didn't manifest the right answer to Christie in time, huh?

But yeah as much as I wanted to see Christie and her ever-widening brown part leave Tommy has saved her so many times it was bound to be that he couldn't save her again... if he's not in the house!!! I tend to agree they blew it. It was even more pointless though as they could have gotten BOTH out leaving (EDIT: oops... this was possible only in my distracted tired mind....) the dynamic comp beast Jessica to let pieces fall where they may...

So, yeah, double eviction double error imo. But it just makes things slightly less probable that Jackson wins and just delays the inevitable.

And if there was ever a reason to skip a Sunday episode? This one would be it. I got no time for the return of Chris.

Edited by Wandering Snark
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6 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

But yeah as much as I wanted to see Christie and her ever-widening brown part leave Tommy has saved her so many times it was bound to be that he couldn't save her again... if he's not in the house!!! I tend to agree they blew it. It was even more pointless though as they could have gotten BOTH out leaving the dynamic comp best Jessica to let pieces fall where they may...

So, yeah, double eviction double error imo.

Not sure how you figure BOTH Christie AND Tommy could have been evicted tonight, as neither was OTB for the night’s first eviction.  Jessica was sitting beside Cliff OTB at the beginning of the episode.

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1 minute ago, Nashville said:

Not sure how you figure BOTH Christie AND Tommy could have been evicted tonight, as neither was OTB for the night’s first eviction.  Jessica was sitting beside Cliff OTB at the beginning of the episode.

Ahh good point... umm... magic? 😊 (it's been a long day...)

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Tommy was sooooo close to winning that HOH!  Listen, I don't enjoy Christie but she is (was) the 3rd worst person in that house imo. If Tommy had won he may have nominated Nicole and Cliff but if Cliff still won veto Tommy would have been forced to put Jackson or Holly up and good bye J or H.   Instead J or H will probably win now. Booooo.

Oh and a really awesome move for Nicole/Cliff to "put on their resume" would have been to use the veto and backdoor Jackson. If they think they can actually win against him they are in huge denial. They're playing for 3rd and 4th place.  

Edited by Samwise979
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I still think there is some slight chance jackson could not win the entire thing. If he fails to win the final competitions and does not have the ability to choose who he will sit next to the final two, none of them will pick him to sit next to. he will be the final HG evicted. His only hope is to win th final two comps... otherwise he is a goner. 

Oh wait, Holly would pick him. 

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The one episode I would have enjoyed watching (based on how it turned out) is the one episode I couldn't watch, because Dorian. At least now I know I should make the effort to watch on demand, otherwise I would have passed.

I can't believe it actually happened - Christie is gone!

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Not sure why I constantly look forward to a DE ep when I'm nearly always let down. I'm indifferent to Nicole's win,  but she was just basically a minion for Jackson,  no? I have no special love for Christie, but I was rooting for her to at least win veto simply as an obstacle for the odious Jackson's path to the confetti. Suddenly my interest in the season has drastically waned.

But on the plus side,  I finally realized my subconscious reason for not taking a shine to Cliff this whole season (in addition to consciously finding him to be a suck-up): when he gesticulates, he has this weird body shape/habit whereby his arms are locked at the elbows and he looks like a tubby T-Rex.

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As if this season couldn't get worse, Swaggy and Bayleigh are hosting a comp. Maybe production just wants more racism on the feeds afterwards. 

I'm surprised people enjoyed this episode. Big dumb idiot Jackson gets what he wants and we can't even get a good clownshoe veto. What the bleep is always stupid. Also this ep felt like 30 minutes of the show and 30 minutes of commercials. Very disjointed.

Can't wait for this season to end.

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5 hours ago, Cutty said:

Big dumb idiot Jackson gets what he wants and we can't even get a good clownshoe veto. What the bleep is always stupid. 

THIS. It’s not completely stupid in that it’s a good memory challenge for them, but it’s the most boring to watch. I put that part on slow FF and just watched the scores until the final question. 

Edited by SHD
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I am really in the minority here. 

I do not care that Nicole finally won her HoH so she can begin creating her BB resume & read a letter from home. 

This was,  again,  Jackson's HoH, she did exactly what he wanted her to do. 

The one person I really want to see leave is Jackson.  I do not know why Cliff has such an attachment to him.   

I do not have the strong hate for Christie that everyone else has... she has not bugged me any more than anyone else in the house this season.  

I had always thought that Nicole & Jess were working together.  When did it become Nicole and Cliff?

I just do not care for any of these people to win.   

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Also (I wanted to separate these two because I was actually quoting her in the previous post and here I'm having a little more fun with it)...

"There have been DOZENS of alliances in the house that I wasn't privy to, but I assume everyone is going to want Jackson out now. They can't be working with him. I would know, right?" 

And then the vacant stare she gives Julie when Julie was like, "Seriously?" to her "Unless they're working with him."

How are you THAT dense?

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Nicole gave the win to Jackson. Christie was no threat. What has she won? Jackson should have been voted out TONIGHT. Even Jessica knew that. They may not have liked Christie, but she was winning nothing. This was not the time to be loyal, it was the chance to get rid of the biggest threat in the game. Tommy and Christie did not need to be split up, Holly and Jackson needed to be split up.  

Cliff gave Nicole very very bad advice. And Nicole made a very very bad mistake. Jackson and Holly are not protecting them at this point. I am so pissed. 

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That was exciting! I enjoyed going into an episode 100% spoiler-free for once. (I love how Christie is always able to retroactively explain the Universe's reasoning for things, but she can never do it beforehand.)

Unlike almost everyone, apparently, I'm fine with Swaggy and Bayleigh making an appearance next week. With so few hamsters left, I'm always happy to see new faces. 

Mostly, I'm hoping next Thursday's episode has a jury house segment. I'll bet that's where all the drama is right now. Ongoing, I'd happily watch a 15 minute jury house segment in every episode. Or something like Ponderosa. That isn't a thing, is it? 

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Reading some of the comments here, I have to kinda wonder if some of us have been watching the same show - because IMHO tonight may have been the start of the first significant power shift in this season.  Look at the resumes still in play:

  • Jackson: 2 HoH reigns, evicted Analyse and Jessica.
  • Holly: 2 HoH reigns, evicted Sam and Nick.
  • Tommy: 1 HoH, evicted Kat.
  • Cliff: 1 HoH, evicted Bella.
  • Nicole: 1 HoH, evicted Christie.

Jessica’s eviction tonight left a void, because her eviction of Jack was widely regarded as the only BGM this season - or  at least it was until tonight.  

Think about what it means that it was Nicole who took out Christie tonight.  Christie has been riding the Block with minimal interruption for the past four weeks .  Christie has  survived eviction noms under Tommy’s HoH, and Holly’s, and BOTH of Jackson’s - hell, none of them could get rid of Christie.  Tommy wasn’t trying to, of course - that was America’s nom, not Tommy’s - but even so, Christie’s rep (and game resume) had gotten built to the point she was being regarded as well-nigh unevictable.  If Christie had made it to the end, she’d have cakewalked her way to $500K - and deservedly so.

But by virtue of (a) Jessica’s eviction and (b) Christie being eliminated under Nicole’s HoH, Nicole just leapfrogged from having virtually no BB game resume at all, to having the strongest. I have no problem with seeing Christie’s eviction tonight as Nicole’s own play, for herself and/or her F2 partner (Cliff) - but definitely not Jackson’s.

The next two evictions should be extremely telling.

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Obviously bad gameplay.  If Cliff/Nicole somehow win the final HoH they'll say it was a great masterplan.  If the producers make some vital competitions purely mental or random luck maybe they still have a chance.  But it feels like an unnecessary gamble.

What was the announcer talking about at the start, I don't get American humour sometimes. 'wait for it - say it! - baby!'  Was if referencing some other show?

Edited by amazingracefan
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11 minutes ago, amazingracefan said:

What was the announcer talking about at the start, I don't get American humour sometimes. 'wait for it - say it! - baby!'  Was if referencing some other show?

I actually rewound this and still couldn't understand what he was saying. 

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Thanks for your post. I didn’t think of it that way at all.  Hmmm. 

I like Nicole so I like the idea 😁but the jury won’t think at all much less look at things closely.  

Have a feeling Dr Will (if he’s there or anyone else) could draw a diagram and .... 

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Are competitions determined prior to the start of the season, or is there room for producer manipulation? I mean, who would have guessed that Nicole the preschool aide would be a whiz at 10-piece jigsaw puzzles 😂 But if next week involves a watermelon-eating contest or Broadway lyrics, I'm going to start getting suspicious...

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I was pretty happy Nicole won. I do see getting Tommy out as the smarter game play, but Christie has such a smug, punch worthy face, that I won’t miss her. I enjoyed watching her expression sour when Nicole told her she would be on the block. 😈 Really hoping Jackson gets sent home soon. At this point for me, it’s a matter of seeing people leave rather than see anyone win. 

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2 hours ago, Ellee said:


Thanks for your post. I didn’t think of it that way at all.  Hmmm. 

I like Nicole so I like the idea 😁but the jury won’t think at all much less look at things closely.  

Have a feeling Dr Will (if he’s there or anyone else) could draw a diagram and .... 

I wish they would hurry up and give us a peak at the jury house to see the dynamics. It would help to know if Jack is still riding roughshod over everyone and if he will be influencing others’ votes. 

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on a completely different note--did Julie's clothes budget get slashed?  her outfits used to be so elegant.  now they look like they came off a discount rack.  that dress last night didn't even fit her well.  the color was just a little cheap looking and the bottom lace-like part was cheesy looking.  her bracelets look like they came from the mall accessory store and the shoes had more bling on them.  

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28 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

I wish they would hurry up and give us a peek at the jury house... 

Same here. I can't wait to see what's happening there. 

I've actually reached the point where I just don't particularly care who wins, so whatever keeps me entertained for the next three years, I mean weeks, is all I care about. Pranks, home visits, jury footage, anything but endless plotting, napping and eating by the same few people. 

Speaking of randomness, Julie looked adorable tonight. I love her in red. I find she looks amazing about 80% of the time, with the remaining 20% spent in completely bonkers get-ups, just to see if we're watching. 

ETA I just read the preceding post, after posting myself. Wow, we could NOT be on more different wavelengths about Julie's wardrobe. 😁😁😁. No worries. 

Edited by Melina22
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1 hour ago, RedheadZombie said:

I wish they would hurry up and give us a peak at the jury house to see the dynamics. It would help to know if Jack is still riding roughshod over everyone and if he will be influencing others’ votes. 

And I’m also curious what opinions Analyse and Jessica will have and express. 😁



Edited by Ellee
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So true. Jack will have very little to hold over anyone's heads at this point, other than his "charm". He may find it waaay harder to convince anyone other than Analyse to vote his way, unless they already planned to. 

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9 hours ago, Dewey Decimate said:

But on the plus side,  I finally realized my subconscious reason for not taking a shine to Cliff this whole season (in addition to consciously finding him to be a suck-up): when he gesticulates, he has this weird body shape/habit whereby his arms are locked at the elbows and he looks like a tubby T-Rex.

Thank you, this is exactly what I think every time he talks in the DR.  Shoulders up, hands out, elbows in.  Drives me nuts. 

Jessica's interview was cringe-worthy.  I'm trying to figure out how a woman who had her finger on the pulse of the game and made the biggest move of the season turned into someone who appeared completely clueless with Julie last night.  At one point Julie asked her a question and Jessica just giggled, leaving a few seconds of dead air, at which point Julie rephrased the question.  Yikes.

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1 hour ago, RedheadZombie said:

I wish they would hurry up and give us a peak at the jury house to see the dynamics. It would help to know if Jack is still riding roughshod over everyone and if he will be influencing others’ votes. 

You should be getting your wish in spades next Thursday, and regularly every Thursday thereafter.  With the DE, this week’s Thursday night episode did not have the time budget to afford us our look at Nick entering the JH.  Next week, though, we should get to see Nick AND Jessica AND Christie as they join the rest of the Jurors.  So the JH Junkies should be in for a triple fix. 😉 

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17 minutes ago, Otherkate said:

Have we seen any jury house segments at all? I don't remember seeing anything. I'm so checked out on this season though, I wonder if I saw it and just don't remember? Hah!

Just one, when Kat arrived, then Analyse. I think. Unless it was two.

We're all tuned out, I think. 😁

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I read the whole thread this morning, so I was completely spoiled (I don't care enough to be unspoiled).

But when Julie said at the end that Dirt Baggy C and What's-Her-Name at the end would be back next week...I'd completely forgotten about that.

It was like a knife in my heart.

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I was pretty happy Nicole won. I do see getting Tommy out as the smarter game play, but Christie has such a smug, punch worthy face, that I won’t miss her. I enjoyed watching her expression sour when Nicole told her she would be on the block. 😈 Really hoping Jackson gets sent home soon. At this point for me, it’s a matter of seeing people leave rather than see anyone win. 

ETA: I really get grossed out by Cliff’s victory face. I feel like it’s just short of his O face. 😣

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