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S14.E05: Liar, Liar, Friendships On Fire

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22 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

I would still take Shane over Emily. And I totally agree that he is just being real, rather than playing to the camera as the others do. Shane actually tried to engage in conversation with Emily He asked about Gina's court date, how Emily's day was, etc. Emily is the one who kept insisting on talking about Shane's bar exam, which he clearly did not want to talk about. I have a very sweet husband, but if he comes home stressed from work I am smart enough not to continually ask him about it. Emily may be the most clueless person I have ever seen when it comes to reading someone.

Also, WTF is it about Emily letting her kids abuse or try to abuse animals? Her daughter ran and took a swipe at that chicken on the railing. I have no patience for children who abuse animals, and even less for their moronic parents who allow it. 

That Bronte lied is not a surprise to me. At all. And she thinks that she has been a fabulous mother all these years? In my experience, women who referred to themselves are fabulous mothers rarely are. Go away Bronte, and take your hippy dippy mother with you. 

I cannot tolerate parents who don't take immediate action when a child abuses an animal.  Didn't one of Emily's kids kick or hit the dog earlier?

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32 minutes ago, oceanview said:

I cannot tolerate parents who don't take immediate action when a child abuses an animal.  Didn't one of Emily's kids kick or hit the dog earlier?

Yep, one of her sons repeatedly kicked their dog. So it isn't even one kid showing this behaviour but two out of three that we have seen - so far. Disgusting. 

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10 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

Yes I see it as him not being all "hi BABE! love you BABE!" bullshit.  He's just like.. normal, or what I think is normal to be like, hey, just want to eat dinner.  He doesn't want to play the game and I commend him for that!

If someone asked me if I missed my kids, I would probably laugh and be like, "sure!"  I mean, I would miss them but I would also be ok not seeing them for a bit.  I love my kids, but I take week-long vacations with friends and I miss them but I like the me-time.

Shane has a trust fund, remember Emily said that he is wealthy and doesn't really work because he doesn't have to.  She said that last season, unless I am mis-remembering.  I don't know what her definition of "wealthy" is, but I imagine he's got some money, he doesn't rely on Emily.

I took it to mean that they used 8 carrots per bowl, but now I am wondering.  Is it a puree, or like a broth with cut up carrots? 

And where is all of her crappy decor?  Her stupid "gather" sign for the kitchen, and the "Antiques" box? 

I posted an article to her thread, Matt has filed with the court to get alimony from her!  He was making $450,000/year and now he is unemployable!

I remember last year there were scenes where Shane was coming home from work. I googled and he was working for an investigation company. (And of course as an attorney when they lived in Utah). Not sure if he still is given the time off he has taken to study for the bar, but he did work last year. But his parents definitely have money, as Emily quite often likes to tell us. 

Emily is certainly the oddest attorney I have ever seen. Part time, and a party planning business? (Which seems to have gone by the wayside this year). The attorneys I know, as others have said, work long hours, and certainly do not have time for another job!

I remember last year when Gina talked about how she would never have to worry about money where Matt was concerned, as he would always support them. Not sure if that was part of her Disney Divorce act, or she really believed it. I remember thinking that reality was going to slap her across the face one of these days, and as it turns out it has done so in spectacular fashion. 

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1 hour ago, oceanview said:

I am commenting only on Eddie --- not Braunwyn, who needs a shrink STAT.     I like Eddie and he seems to get a laugh or two from his relationship with Tamra.    He is not unkind and supports her when he believes it is deserved.   Kind of low key, but I must confess....I think he has a hearing problem if he can stand listening to that voice of his wife without cringing

Eddie is a prize on this show. Good looking, has a sense of humor, stays out of the stupid drama, and enjoys middle class stuff like dune buggying and hanging out around the fire at night. I think Cut makes a profit, and he’s content to run it, get his househusband bucks, and let Tamra make the real dough. 

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8 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Based on a quick view of her IG it seems she used to be much more traditional in dress and practice and than went to burning man and changed both, she probably has quite a few burners as patients. 

She's a public service announcement to NOT DO THE DRUGS at burning man. 

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I have been rewatching the old seasons and it’s funny how perspectives change. I never liked old hag Tams but I didn’t hate her. Now I see  Tamra is a vile asshole and Shannon is a hysterical, drama queen hypocrite. Heather was a pretentious braggart but she really was the only one besides the slag Vicky that stood up to Tamra. And Lizzie. Everyone else cowers to her. 

She and Vicky need to go. Permanently. 

And Gina really is a squatter who is broke and a mini Tamra. Get rid of her too. This show is going to end up like jersey and Atlanta. Two cities I don’t watch anymore because it’s boring monotone nonsense and screeching and the harpies are rewarded who do the most vile shit, nene and Teresa. 

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10 hours ago, Hockey Addict said:

If Tamra really wants to earn pionts she needs to stage an intervention in the Quiet Woman where they gang up on Kelly in the bathroom.

I find the name The Quiet Woman so obnoxious. 

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28 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

I find the name The Quiet Woman so obnoxious. 

Me too.  And I remember someone called it "Q dubbs," maybe Lydia.  Uuugh.

11 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

I’d rather have Kelly’s weird, drunk looking mother back.


Edited by heatherchandler
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3 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

IMO, he is the model for what the viewers want in a HW husband:

He is a loving supportive husband 

He's self sufficient (not sponging off his wife)

He's present, without being thirsty for camera time 

He doesn't get involved in the ladies' drama

He seems like a genuinely nice guy

He enjoys a good buffet, despite the shit show going on around him.

I agree, which is why I only merely hate Tamra and don’t live to hate her like some of the other OG’s on the franchise. 80 percent of the time she is vile but she has some redeeming qualities like being good with friends in a crisis and marrying a nice guy.  Also, she seems good to the dog- sadly the bar is quite low for pet ownership among these women!!

Edited by BluBrd47
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2 hours ago, 65mickey said:

I find the name The Quiet Woman so obnoxious. 

You know why it's called that?  Because her head has been chopped off!


They even have a statue inside of this woman.  See Yelp for the pic of that.

Edited by MajorNelson
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I think Braunwynn ... what a crazy name to type out ... has learned her lesson as far as getting info PRE-taping and then lying about it.  She had no beef with these women before meeting them.  She owned up to lying about it.  She apologized and gave reason why she did it.  She, and the rest, can move on now.  She just better not lie again.

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13 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

I remember last year there were scenes where Shane was coming home from work. I googled and he was working for an investigation company. (And of course as an attorney when they lived in Utah). Not sure if he still is given the time off he has taken to study for the bar, but he did work last year. But his parents definitely have money, as Emily quite often likes to tell us. 

Emily is certainly the oddest attorney I have ever seen. Part time, and a party planning business? (Which seems to have gone by the wayside this year). The attorneys I know, as others have said, work long hours, and certainly do not have time for another job!

I remember last year when Gina talked about how she would never have to worry about money where Matt was concerned, as he would always support them. Not sure if that was part of her Disney Divorce act, or she really believed it. I remember thinking that reality was going to slap her across the face one of these days, and as it turns out it has done so in spectacular fashion. 

I got the feeling there is no party planning business and instead this was their way of introducing her as a HW.  Didn't Tamra say she planned one of her parties for her and that's how they knew each other?

On Matt, now that he has been arrested for domestic assault and false imprisonment, she really needs this RHO job.

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On 9/3/2019 at 11:11 PM, Dance4Life said:

A husband that doesn’t want to be on camera and over all the fakeness that is this show!

Eddie acts the same way.....but, it doesn’t bother people since Tamra is not well-liked.

And Eddie knows he needs the (her) paycheck. 

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17 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

I know this would be battery, and anyway I never leave the state of Florida, but I just want to snatch Browned Winds “mother “ and cut that stupid ass looking yarn out of her hair. Anyone over 8 years of age would look like a damn moron pulling that shit. 

Im sure the kids at burning man inwardly groan when the old fool shows up, but shrug it off and use her to buy booze and snacks. 

A mink is a better mother than that old slick.

I’d rather have Kelly’s weird, drunk looking mother back.

hey!  i liked kelly's mother lol

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16 hours ago, oceanview said:

I cannot tolerate parents who don't take immediate action when a child abuses an animal.  Didn't one of Emily's kids kick or hit the dog earlier ?

did emily receive any flack for that on social media for the abuse?  I don't the production crew care much for emily since they filmed those scenes and the scenes were shown. 

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Add me to the I love Eddie team.  He seems to understand this nonsense for what it is. And crazy as it sounds, on this show, they've been probably the healthiest relationship shown to viewers.   While they have certainly upgraded their house size, I think they actually made a profit on the last house they were in (I really loved their kitchen in that house).  I've never gotten the impression that these two have gone off the rails spending money.  I was impressed when Tamara was very set in her position that she didn't want to spend more than $75k to open the gym.  

Tamara can be deplorable, but of all the howives, I would take fitness advice from her before any of them.  She seems to have a very healthy and honest approach to fitness.   Honestly, Shannon probably would have done well having one of them work with her on her fitness.  

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7 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Tamra to B you cant be her friend cause Gretchen started a rumor about my husband.... but leaves out that she was complacent  to almost getting Gretchen sexually assaulted by her own son by getting her "NAKED WASTED"  I hate Tamra 

Not to mention Emily is close friends with Lizzy which is apparently fine. 

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10 hours ago, MajorNelson said:

You know why it's called that?  Because her head has been chopped off!


They even have a statue inside of this woman.  See Yelp for the pic of that.

That is really disturbing.

10 hours ago, BluBrd47 said:

I agree, which is why I only merely hate Tamra and don’t live to hate her like some of the other OG’s on the franchise. 80 percent of the time she is vile but she has some redeeming qualities like being good with friends in a crisis and marrying a nice guy.  Also, she seems good to the dog- sadly the bar is quite low for pet ownership among these women!!

I see no redeeming qualities, and she is not good with friends in a crisis, she will talk behind your back and gaslight you.  Remember Shannon, when she told Tamra about the affair and Tamra ran to tell Heather.. she is a vile snake.  

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8 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

That is really disturbing.

I see no redeeming qualities, and she is not good with friends in a crisis, she will talk behind your back and gaslight you.  Remember Shannon, when she told Tamra about the affair and Tamra ran to tell Heather.. she is a vile snake.  

Tamra is the most vile ho wife of all franchises.  And I don't "love" to hate her . I just hate her.

 Brownwyn's mom:  Betsy Johnson called.  She thinks you look like a fool  And she is mad that people are comparing you to her.

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12 hours ago, BluBrd47 said:

I agree, which is why I only merely hate Tamra and don’t live to hate her like some of the other OG’s on the franchise. 80 percent of the time she is vile but she has some redeeming qualities like being good with friends in a crisis and marrying a nice guy.  Also, she seems good to the dog- sadly the bar is quite low for pet ownership among these women!!

I hate her with the fire of 1000 burning suns. The turn from dislike to hate was when she she tacitly agree'd with her twatty son about TG people, only saying something when she got blowback, but, ... staying married, and being seemingly happy with a decent guy is an accomplishment. I will never like  Trailer Trash Tammi though.

Edited by ShawnaLanne
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On 9/3/2019 at 8:12 PM, Keywestclubkid said:

The man sat on camera and said he didn’t miss his wife or kids at all that he basically didn’t want to go home. He is beyond checked out of the marriage 

Would you miss those bad ass kids or that voice? Yikes. I mean Shane is a dick and should at least be respectful to his wife but i don't blame him for not missing them.

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2 hours ago, Drumpf1737 said:

Would you miss those bad ass kids or that voice? Yikes. 

Yes if they were my kids. I get sometimes being annoyed with your kids but to act like they are a bother and you dont want to be around them at all what kind of man goes on tv and acts that way?  Ya know if they are such horrible children he has a part in that right? Children don’t raise themselves, well unless your B’s mom and just birth them and dump them on their own. So Why is Emily the only one getting the blame for how they are acting? (funny how she doesn't act like she doesn't want to be around them? why because she's not a shit parent that only wants to be around perfect children they may not be perfect but they are hers and she loves them and maybe she does overcompensate with not really disciplining her children because he isnt around and shes trying to make them feel loved and not abandoned.. is it a good thing No but she is doing the best she can from what we have been shown )  Did she spontaneously birth them with out the douche husband? Is it just her job to make sure they are perfect children on her own so he will want to act like their father and be more present? He’s just as much to blame for their bratty behavior.  And he married this woman with that voice over 10 years ago ...TEN ...it’s not like she just suddenly started speaking that way.  He chose to marry this woman and to have those children and now he’s choosing to check out of that marriage and ignore his JOB has a parent and somehow is getting a pass for that because his children that he’s completely neglected are bratty and the woman he had those children with has an annoying voice? To me that makes him a selfish asshole who should be shunned for being a absentee parent and shitty husband. Don’t want to be around? divorce her point blank period don’t treat them like some burden and he’s a martyr for sticking it out. But hes still gonna have to be those children's father at the end of the day till the day he dies so ignoring them does nothing but show them that he really is a douche of a man who shouldn't have been allowed to have children at all...... She deserves better hell those children deserve better. And at this point it seems Emily for some strange reason is the only one wanting to stick it out because she loves him. He acts like he can’t stand anyone in that house and they are all there to serve him.... Sorry for the Blaaaaah of this post but again Shitty parents piss me off lol

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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On 9/4/2019 at 8:30 AM, Keywestclubkid said:

My mother did that with me. I was feeding myself and making my own breakfast and being left alone  and pretty much left to fend for myself at around the same age 4/5 (when i wasnt in and out of foster care... to this day i still dont know why she didnt just leave me in foster care if she couldnt and didnt want to take care of me) it also left me open to a sexual predator and a ex bf of hers beating and breaking my arm ( like i said in post on other boards my life/childhood was so a bad made for life time after school special which is funny to type but was hell to live and make it through)  so YES it is CHILD neglect you dont need to be a refugee to be neglected..  NO CHILD should be left to fend for themselfs just so you can go out and "live" your life .... dont have children if you cant stop going out and partying playing at bars hanging out with friends ... its not the childs responcabilty at that age to be self sufficient its the parents to take care of them you chose to spread your legs and make that child not toss it to the side once its born because its inconvenient to your lifestyle .... This pisses me off to no end Radical self reliance ugh no you abused that child and now it has scares it has to live with for the rest of its life ... ie abandondement issues, trust issues, etc etc What a horriable woman I'm sorry ... And just like her mother my mother now trys to parent me...lady i am beyond grown and dont need you NOW to try to tell me what I should and shouldnt do I thank god figured it out on my own and with the help of other family and years of therapy but to this day still have so many trust and abandonment issues because of her so i totaly understand her I just want to be liked and make people happpy thing because if they are happy they wont leave you its a sick twisted thought process.. so its easy to say why cant she just get over it and why does she keep harping on her bad childhood but this shit follows you and really effects your life its not something you can just turn on and off like a switch. You have to work on it Daily and you do come up with some self defence mechanisms like keeping every relationship surface ... I now get her better and am really sorry i was attacking her in earler post cause I see a lot of me in her now  

I’m so sorry that you had that kind of upbringing, Key....you deserved better. 

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4 minutes ago, VedaPierce said:

I’m so sorry that you had that kind of upbringing, Key....you deserved better. 

Thanks ... Its not something I like to dwell on ( to me if you do then you are letting it win and arnt gonna be able to live your life but that comes with YEARS of therapy) But bad parents just trigger something in me lol ....

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10 hours ago, ShawnaLanne said:

I hate her with the fire of 1000 burning suns. The turn from dislike to hate was when she she tacitly agree'd with her twatty son about TG people, only saying something when she got blowback, but, ... staying married, and being seemingly happy with a decent guy is an accomplishment. I will never like  Trailer Trash Tammi though.

When she is dropped from the show (please God, soon!) she will drop Eddie.  He's a fitness instructor, and she will not want to go back to her old way of living.  She is so jealous of her friends with money - Shannon, Heather - and she is making enough from the show to live the life she wants.  When the checks stop rolling in, she will be miserable. 

This is her third marriage.  She loved Simon until he wasn't working, then all of a sudden he was "abusive" and she smeared his name and left him in the dust.

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22 hours ago, sasha206 said:

I got the feeling there is no party planning business and instead this was their way of introducing her as a HW.  Didn't Tamra say she planned one of her parties for her and that's how they knew each other?

On Matt, now that he has been arrested for domestic assault and false imprisonment, she really needs this RHO job.

If what we have seen her do is any indication it is simply a hobby.  Casino night and Femme Fatale (that no one understood) were very pedestrian.  In my opinion you would search out a party planner to do what you can't do with a trip to a party supply store.  This is also a legit job and dabbling yet calling yourself a party planner seems a bit lame.

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5 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Ya know if they are such horrible children he has a part in that right? Children don’t raise themselves, well unless your B’s mom and just birth them and dump them on their own. So Why is Emily the only one getting the blame for how they are acting? (funny how she doesn't act like she doesn't want to be around them? why because she's not a shit parent that only wants to be around perfect children they may not be perfect but they are hers and she loves them and maybe she does overcompensate with not really disciplining her children because he isnt around and shes trying to make them feel loved and not abandoned.. is it a good thing No but she is doing the best she can from what we have been shown

And he was/is? the stay at home parent!  If the roles were reversed, he would be getting the lion's share of the blame for how badly the kids behave.  It's also pretty terrible for the person who the kids spent so much of their young lives with to go on TV and show them such contempt.  

I will say, in the upper middle class, college-educated, white collar cohort that Emily and Shane and I all exist in, many of the SAHDs are like Shane:  They aren't SAHDs because they enjoy it or have a knack for it or because childcare costs would negate their salaries.  They stay-at-home because they can't get along with people in the workforce, everything is drama and conflict, so, by default they stay-at-home and do a half-assed job of it, shoving a lot of the labor a stay-at-home parent usually does back on to their working wife.

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On 9/4/2019 at 1:38 PM, Carolina Girl said:

The legal limit is .08 here in California.  That amount is probably equivalent to a half glass of wine for most folks. But everyones body processes alcohol differently. 

IMHO as a former drinker, it would take more than half a glass of wine to get to .08 (assuming you’re using the standard serving of 5-6 oz and not a coffee mug).

Anyone know what Gina blew on the breathalyzer?

Whether he wants to be on tv or not, I think Shane treats his wife horribly. I don’t like seeing them together. They look so ill at ease. It makes me uncomfortable.

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16 hours ago, AttackTurtle said:

Add me to the I love Eddie team.  He seems to understand this nonsense for what it is. And crazy as it sounds, on this show, they've been probably the healthiest relationship shown to viewers.   While they have certainly upgraded their house size, I think they actually made a profit on the last house they were in (I really loved their kitchen in that house).  I've never gotten the impression that these two have gone off the rails spending money.  I was impressed when Tamara was very set in her position that she didn't want to spend more than $75k to open the gym.  

Tamara can be deplorable, but of all the howives, I would take fitness advice from her before any of them.  She seems to have a very healthy and honest approach to fitness.   Honestly, Shannon probably would have done well having one of them work with her on her fitness.  

I also think that is why her reunion dresses always look like she shopped at Forever 21.  She doesn't spend the $ on a ton of designer stuff like the others which is smart.  But I still think once the show goes her lifestyle will be affected.  Vicki obviously hasn't saved a ton based on her constant remodels and the details of her divorce.  She had more money than the average Joe but not fuck you money and I think she really NEEDS this gig.

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On 9/4/2019 at 8:43 PM, DeeplyShallow said:

I really, REALLY can’t stand Gina.

That is all.

She reminds me of Carol Channing (the now deceased Broadway star).  Channing was almost 100 years old when she passed away this year so it's not a good thing that Gina looks like Carol😄

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On 9/5/2019 at 12:12 PM, MajorNelson said:

You know why it's called that?  Because her head has been chopped off!


They even have a statue inside of this woman.  See Yelp for the pic of that.

The owner is a descendant of King Henry VIII?  Supposedly there aren’t any, but a wannabe? 😧  There is no explanation!

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50 minutes ago, IKnowRight said:

The owner is a descendant of King Henry VIII?  Supposedly there aren’t any, but a wannabe? 😧  There is no explanation!

Not direct descendants, but Camilla Parker-Bowles is actually his 13th great grandniece.

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3 hours ago, Sweet-tea said:

Anyone know what Gina blew on the breathalyzer?

She blew a .2. And she was arrested at 3:40 am, so her story about being overserved at a Tupperware-type party is completely dashed.


Gina just seems like she has zero interest in telling the truth.  It has all been spin and image control since she got on this show.  

At the end of this episode, when Gina confided in Shannon the world's worst-kept secret--that Matt had an affair--she wasn't making sense to me. She said Matt had an affair, "they" were really trying, but the marriage fell apart.  That's just not a complete story.  A complete story would be, "I had postpartum depression after my last child was born, I pulled away from Matt, he had an affair, we tried, but we couldn't save it, and I filed for divorce."

I just don't get it the way Gina tells it--HE had the affair, so why were THEY trying?  What was Gina trying to do?  Putting her husband's dick in paper mache before he left the house?  Either Gina played a part, which she should have explained to Shannon, or she didn't, in which case, Matt should have been the only one "really trying,' because Gina hadn't done anything wrong.  

I'm so glad we're passed Shannon's marriage woes, but that was portrayed so much more honestly and completely.  Shannon's divorce story was like, "David had an affair and I didn't deserve it, but we were trying hard to keep the marriage together and I realized I played some parts in this, which we explored in therapy, but ultimately David coulnd't remain faithful and we split."  That paints the picture.  This feels like a really lame game we're playing with Gina, where every week she drops the viewer another piece of the puzzle so that maybe around the time the reunion is being filmed, we will begin to have a general idea about the demise of the lovely Kirchenheimers.  Just...tell us.  Or don't, and your storyline can be your DUI.  You're not that interesting, bitch.

I was appalled that there were two instances in this episode that Gina's father was speaking to her from his heart, and she interrupted him midstream, once to take a FaceTime call from her new bestie, Shannon.  How disrespectful.  Those glorified babysitters should hop the next flight home and let their big girl daughter deal with this on her own.

I think there seems to be so many lies on this show because of a general disregard for the truth in favor of furthering a narrative, not because people are hatching evil plans in their basements, and I find the former to be worse and more insulting to my intelligence as a viewer (ah, but I contradict myself).

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The minute Tamra came onscreen is the minute this show turned to shit. 

Even Icki was somewhat bearable before this weasel showed up and started all the drama and nastiness. She was brutal to Gretchen and Alexis. Stuck her hypocritical nose is Slade’s family business. Also pretty brutal to Jeana. 

Shes loathesome.

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1 hour ago, Carolina Girl said:

Not direct descendants, but Camilla Parker-Bowles is actually his 13th great grandniece.

Of course, my post was in jest! 🤗 😎 It’s such a dreadful name, just figured there was hope that the name was a joke.  One can hope!

Gosh, I still can’t deal with seeing “that woman” in place of Di, what a tragedy.  I know times have changed but there was always 3 people in that first marriage.  Sad...

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Last night was the first time I've watched this show in years so I know my opinions will be unpopular. Emily always looks like she's constantly smelling shit on her upper lip. I don't care who the primary caretaker is having those screaming, ill-mannered children on TV isn't doing them any favors. I love it that even though she's been reduced to "Friend of" Vickie is making Kelly cry. Kelly is a terrible human being and it makes me sad I share a species with her. I find it very difficult to muster sympathy for a drunk driver.

I don't know what the point of this show is anymore other than to smh and thank goodness that none of these horrible people are my neighbors.  

If I saw Tamra's son, Ryan and his crazy eyes on my lawn I shoot without asking any questions. He looks like he's prepping to shoot up a mall or a theater.

Edited by Drumpf1737
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5 hours ago, Sweet-tea said:

IMHO as a former drinker, it would take more than half a glass of wine to get to .08 (assuming you’re using the standard serving of 5-6 oz and not a coffee mug).

Anyone know what Gina blew on the breathalyzer?

Whether he wants to be on tv or not, I think Shane treats his wife horribly. I don’t like seeing them together. They look so ill at ease. It makes me uncomfortable.

It was at 3am (leaving a Mom's party, right?)

...and she blew 0.20 ....which the newspapers said was nearly triple the legal limit....(of course that would be 0.24 ...)

ETA: @LibertarianSlut gave you the scoop first! 🙂

Edited by MajorNelson
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2 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

She blew a .2. And she was arrested at 3:40 am, so her story about being overserved at a Tupperware-type party is completely dashed.


Gina just seems like she has zero interest in telling the truth.  It has all been spin and image control since she got on this show.  

At the end of this episode, when Gina confided in Shannon the world's worst-kept secret--that Matt had an affair--she wasn't making sense to me. She said Matt had an affair, "they" were really trying, but the marriage fell apart.  That's just not a complete story.  A complete story would be, "I had postpartum depression after my last child was born, I pulled away from Matt, he had an affair, we tried, but we couldn't save it, and I filed for divorce."

I just don't get it the way Gina tells it--HE had the affair, so why were THEY trying?  What was Gina trying to do?  Putting her husband's dick in paper mache before he left the house?  Either Gina played a part, which she should have explained to Shannon, or she didn't, in which case, Matt should have been the only one "really trying,' because Gina hadn't done anything wrong.  

I'm so glad we're passed Shannon's marriage woes, but that was portrayed so much more honestly and completely.  Shannon's divorce story was like, "David had an affair and I didn't deserve it, but we were trying hard to keep the marriage together and I realized I played some parts in this, which we explored in therapy, but ultimately David coulnd't remain faithful and we split."  That paints the picture.  This feels like a really lame game we're playing with Gina, where every week she drops the viewer another piece of the puzzle so that maybe around the time the reunion is being filmed, we will begin to have a general idea about the demise of the lovely Kirchenheimers.  Just...tell us.  Or don't, and your storyline can be your DUI.  You're not that interesting, bitch.

I was appalled that there were two instances in this episode that Gina's father was speaking to her from his heart, and she interrupted him midstream, once to take a FaceTime call from her new bestie, Shannon.  How disrespectful.  Those glorified babysitters should hop the next flight home and let their big girl daughter deal with this on her own.

I think there seems to be so many lies on this show because of a general disregard for the truth in favor of furthering a narrative, not because people are hatching evil plans in their basements, and I find the former to be worse and more insulting to my intelligence as a viewer (ah, but I contradict myself).

I wonder if Gina is an only child. This season she's striking me as someone who's been pampered and taken care of all her life. Daddy's little girl? She knows that something is going wrong in Emily's marriage, but mentions it from the point of view of how it affects her: (paraphrasing) "something must be wrong, because you haven't been checking in on me like you usually do". She is eating up Shannon wanting to mother her and guide her through the darkness. imo, she is one of those people that needs to be taken care of. She's not independent at all, nor do I think she wants to be, but, again, imo. 

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On 9/5/2019 at 8:47 AM, SweetieDarling said:

IMO, he is the model for what the viewers want in a HW husband:

He is a loving supportive husband 

He's self sufficient (not sponging off his wife)

He's present, without being thirsty for camera time 

He doesn't get involved in the ladies' drama

He seems like a genuinely nice guy

He enjoys a good buffet, despite the shit show going on around him.

Beautifully said.   You cannot ever figure out why people are actually  attracted to each other, but Tamra does not have a clue how lucky she is that he has not gone bye bye

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1 hour ago, oceanview said:

Beautifully said.   You cannot ever figure out why people are actually  attracted to each other, but Tamra does not have a clue how lucky she is that he has not gone bye bye

Eddie isn't wealthy, which means he would be of no interest to any of the real housewives. He's the trophy husband, and he's acting appropriately for a trophy husband, IMO. 

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Every time they show any of these kids on OC I check out. NOT interested! OC seems the most guilty of dragging the kids on. They never show kids on RHONY. I find it so tedious having to sit through the kids moments, especially the stupid, vanity "business ventures", like the one being financed for the charismatically-challenged ballerina. Yawn. Don't care. If they insist on making me watch a housewifes kid, make it old-school Melania! Lol! That was a kid that never bored me!

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1 hour ago, VedaPierce said:

Every time they show any of these kids on OC I check out. NOT interested! OC seems the most guilty of dragging the kids on. They never show kids on RHONY. I find it so tedious having to sit through the kids moments, especially the stupid, vanity "business ventures", like the one being financed for the charismatically-challenged ballerina. Yawn. Don't care. If they insist on making me watch a housewifes kid, make it old-school Melania! Lol! That was a kid that never bored me!

BeverlyHills is doing it a lot more to 

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1 hour ago, VedaPierce said:

Every time they show any of these kids on OC I check out. NOT interested! OC seems the most guilty of dragging the kids on. They never show kids on RHONY. I find it so tedious having to sit through the kids moments, especially the stupid, vanity "business ventures", like the one being financed for the charismatically-challenged ballerina. Yawn. Don't care. If they insist on making me watch a housewifes kid, make it old-school Melania! Lol! That was a kid that never bored me!

The older teens used to make the show, though. I mean, the OC Angels practically had a fistfight!  But I can live without the younger kids, except the smug Dubrow children. 

Oh for the older days of the Keogh brats, Michaels mortification at Icki doing a keg stand in his dorm room, and Tammy K’s two clueless kids living over the garage and tagging along as the poor relatives while the other girls lived it up in South Beach. Shane bring awful to Jeana after she and the Ick drove down to see his shitty baseball game, and the Ick actually being human and reprimanding him in a non hysterical way for talking to Jeana with such disrespect. 

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