Lady Calypso August 4, 2019 Share August 4, 2019 Quote Head of Household and Nominations Link to comment
Lamb18 August 5, 2019 Share August 5, 2019 Burning question: why is Analyse wearing a garbage bag? 8 7 Link to comment
Lamb18 August 5, 2019 Share August 5, 2019 Much as I dislike Jack and Jackson, the hypocrisy of Christy and Tommy and their pearl-clutching shock that Kat and Holly knew each other before the game makes me want them out next. Nick was so funny listening outside the door! Plus Nicole, Jessica and Cliff listening in. Then they scatter when the door opens. 17 Link to comment
Lamb18 August 5, 2019 Share August 5, 2019 HA HA HA HA HA HA HA Jack's dramatics!!! Best acting he's done all season except it's not acting. Did Kat pee herself a little? I saw a damp patch on the back of her dress. 6 Link to comment
Lamb18 August 5, 2019 Share August 5, 2019 Jackson, you didn't let me down. 2 Link to comment
zorak August 5, 2019 Share August 5, 2019 34 minutes ago, Lamb18 said: Burning question: why is Analyse wearing a garbage bag? She was dyeing her hair. 1 4 Link to comment
Popular Post Callaphera August 5, 2019 Popular Post Share August 5, 2019 *lights a cigarette* Was it good for you, baby? Because it was amazing for me. I just wish that boat room fight had been a special one hour episode all its own. 8 20 Link to comment
Lamb18 August 5, 2019 Share August 5, 2019 I think this was the best episode so far this season. So far this season has been cloaked in utter darkness and now there's a glimmer of light in the horizon. Here's hoping Jessica's HOH is more productive than Cliff's. 21 Link to comment
Kris117 August 5, 2019 Share August 5, 2019 Conversation before the eviction. Jackson: To think that either Christie or Tommy, wouldn’t take a shot, especially Christie, is naïve. You can’t turn water into wine on this one. Jack: I think you’re getting wrong information. They’re manipulating your mind and making you insecure about Christie. Riiiiiiiiiiight, Jack. You just keep on being you. 5 5 Link to comment
PaperTree August 5, 2019 Share August 5, 2019 (edited) Watching the Shitty 6 implode is great! Jess wins HoH and noms the Jackholes. Didn't see that coming. She's out for revenge 🙂 Kat is right. Jackson is a great meat-shield for her even though he can't be trusted. He might not be the dumbest player, but he's nowhere near the smartest. Now I'm voting Tommy, Christie, Jackson for the Field Trip, holding my Thursday votes until after the eviction. eta: What if one of the Field Trip "winners" is next weeks HoH? Edited August 5, 2019 by PaperTree 4 Link to comment
sphoebus31 August 5, 2019 Share August 5, 2019 38 minutes ago, Lamb18 said: HA HA HA HA HA HA HA Jack's dramatics!!! Best acting he's done all season except it's not acting. Did Kat pee herself a little? I saw a damp patch on the back of her dress. There's a satin(?) strip that runs down the lower half of the back of her dress, so it reflects light differently than the rest of the dress. 3 2 Link to comment
Popular Post Thalia August 5, 2019 Popular Post Share August 5, 2019 (edited) I shared Jack's tears. Only my tears were Tears of Pure Frackin' Joy. Schadenfreude. Its what's for dinner! Edited August 5, 2019 by Thalia 17 13 Link to comment
Kris117 August 5, 2019 Share August 5, 2019 Yes, the schadenfreude is strong tonight, my dears. 8 Link to comment
Growsonwalls August 5, 2019 Share August 5, 2019 That was great. I love the editors throwing shade on Tommy's obnoxious antics in the HoH competition. Christie and Tommy: you guys do NOT have the right to be clutching pearls that Holly and Kat MIGHT know each other outside the game when you two DO know each other and have had a pre-planned alliance since before entering the house. Jack: the hand flailing and tear squeezing was great. And I don't even know what he was so mad about. Sis: at least she had the good sense to shut up. Jackson: him slamming the door was great. Holly: has some game in her. She calmly talked Christie off the ledge. Kat gives great DR's. "Michie's like the dumbest guy in the house, so he's not a threat to me." LOL. Jess being SO OFFENDED about being left out of the gossip sessions and thus throwing Jack and Jackson on the block was great. Hell hath no fury like a woman denied her gossip. Cliff's angels making that pose was cute. It was hella lot cuter than Austin's angels (ugh). 1 19 Link to comment
Lamb18 August 5, 2019 Share August 5, 2019 Just did my vote: Jack, Christy and Tommy. 4 Link to comment
Wandering Snark August 5, 2019 Share August 5, 2019 Okay, that? Was delicious. Every little morsel. And of course a Jessica HoH is the cherry on the Sunday. That said I allowed myself a minute to enjoy it and thought of how this comp is going to fuck it all up. The third nom possibility could really screw things as we have no idea how any idiot with internet access may act. However the fear of Kat, Holly and their meat shield staying intact kills me. Because Kat has the ability (and percentage chance) to totally screw the new 'bottom feeders' alliance as she's not really one of them. That is mainly why I say, for as hard as it is to say, I want Jack to stay. Balance of power and all that if the shit goes down this week I don't need Kat snuffing out the last bit of hope for the 'bottom feeders' as that would be crushing. 3 Link to comment
sphoebus31 August 5, 2019 Share August 5, 2019 1 minute ago, Wandering Snark said: That said I allowed myself a minute to enjoy it and thought of how this comp is going to fuck it all up. The third nom possibility could really screw things as we have no idea how any idiot with internet access may act. My secret wish is that BB surprises us by saying 2 of the 3 noms are going home. I know--unrealistic--but a girl can dream. 6 Link to comment
Lamima August 5, 2019 Share August 5, 2019 (edited) Jack must go. Jackson is an easy out. Kat wont implode the bottoms. Maybe Jess and Cliff have worries since they have a resume. Nicole and Nick should be safe. Jackson being with Holly and Kat while Jack is with Christie and Tommy...I think Jack is the smarter player and his partners more have his back than the other Jack is the biggest POS so he must go. Jack's trio is a bigger threat. Just wanna say...I am diggin' Holly's game play. Edited August 5, 2019 by Lamima 5 Link to comment
RedheadZombie August 5, 2019 Share August 5, 2019 I was fist pumping with the under dogs, especially Nicole’s glee at the end. 8 Link to comment
Wandering Snark August 5, 2019 Share August 5, 2019 11 minutes ago, Lamima said: Kat wont implode the bottoms. I don't think there is any evidence she won't. She is such a round-peg-square-hole in that "alliance" and we know her loyalty is to Holly which means an unholy alliance with Jackson. Her and the underdogs is just convenience and keeping up appearances with them as she continues to play both sides. You think she'll choose Nicole over Holly? Or take Cliff down should he be nom'd and she wins a veto? It makes me just feel bad instead of good for the "underdogs" as they are going to get screwed still. I can just feel it. It sucks. 1 4 Link to comment
JD5166 August 5, 2019 Share August 5, 2019 Pissy faces at the end of this is everything I have wished for! Sorry beautiful people, you lose (at least for this week!) 8 Link to comment
Blissfool August 5, 2019 Share August 5, 2019 Jackson is a bigger man than I would have been (I'm a woman). I would have laughed in Jack's face over his histrionics. Is that how he fights/argues in real life? Repeating himself and flailing his arms? I guess he could win if his opponent is balled over in laughter. 7 11 Link to comment
peachmangosteen August 5, 2019 Share August 5, 2019 56 minutes ago, PaperTree said: eta: What if one of the Field Trip "winners" is next weeks HoH? They wouldn't be eligible for the Field Trip then. So if they were one of the 3 top vote getters then they'd have to go down the line and the 4th top vote getter would go on the trip. 3 Link to comment
IndyMischa August 5, 2019 Share August 5, 2019 I don't appreciate Christie trying to make it a gender thing. Argue the merits (such as they are) of the case, Christie - don't fall back on "I'm just a poor downtrodden female!" Ugh. 19 Link to comment
green August 5, 2019 Share August 5, 2019 (edited) 1 hour ago, Wandering Snark said: That said I allowed myself a minute to enjoy it and thought of how this comp is going to fuck it all up. The third nom possibility could really screw things as we have no idea how any idiot with internet access may act. There is NO third nominee this week. Only next week. Julie clearly stated that the voting runs through Thursday's live eviction and effects the following week's nominations. Also: Spoiler Evidence online is that groups have organized casting all the votes they can day in and day out for Jack, Jackson, Christie and Tommy with a few stray for Anal Lice. One of the Jacks go out this week the other as well as probably Christie and Tommy go off on the road trip to hell. 53 minutes ago, Lamima said: Jack must go. Jackson is an easy out. Kat wont implode the bottoms. Maybe Jess and Cliff have worries since they have a resume. Nicole and Nick should be safe. Jackson being with Holly and Kat while Jack is with Christie and Tommy...I think Jack is the smarter player and his partners more have his back than the other Jack is the biggest POS so he must go. Jack's trio is a bigger threat. Totally. And Jack doesn't have a rock solid trio. Alas, he has a quartet. You -- and all of us in America -- keep forgetting about Anal Lice. You know, Jack's little showmance pet and the one that had that one lone line tonight when she literally "clucked" twice. Also Holly will throw Jackson under the bus to save herself with the group. That was what she was saying in that convo with them late in the episode. Kat isn't with Jackson but she is one sharp player and will gladly use Jackson not only as a meatshild but as a way to go after Christie/Tommy as remnants of the Six threaten to take each other out for her. Is Kat a floater? Of course. The Six/Eight/Nine/Whatever put her in that position early. As a result she had to be a floater and one of the best ever in that difficult role using her social skills to survive. But her DR shows she wants as many of Jack/Christie/Tommy/Anal Lice out first last and foremost. They threaten her the most. She also doesn't like or trust Jackson and wants to split Holly off from him but she is smart to bide her time with Jackson for the time being. She should be solid against Jack this week. The one true wild card is Nick who I don't trust at all. He may pretend to be with the outsiders but he always has wanted to be part of the cool kids and with Jackson on the outs with Jack now he may try to take his place next to Jack instead. Which is yet another reason Jack HAS to go this week. (That and the fact Jack is a biggest freaking damn racist in the House). Edited August 5, 2019 by green 1 14 Link to comment
Lamb18 August 5, 2019 Share August 5, 2019 Big test for Christie this week: will she use her power on Jack? or keep it in reserve in case she's on the block? Jack may take her decision as a test of her loyalty to him. 1 1 Link to comment
green August 5, 2019 Share August 5, 2019 2 minutes ago, Lamb18 said: Big test for Christie this week: will she use her power on Jack? or keep it in reserve in case she's on the block? Jack may take her decision as a test of her loyalty to him. Her power ends this week. And she can only give the power to Jack IF he wins Veto. She can't use the power herself. Only the veto winner can use this power if she chooses to give it the "diamond" upgrade to their current golden veto power. Hypothetical examples: 1. Say Tommy wins it (please no) and Christie gives it to him and he removes Jack and then Tommy puts up a pawn in Nicole or Kat maybe. 2. But if Jackson wins she is screwed since no way does she upgrade Jackson's golden power to diamond or she would find herself up on the block if she did. 3. And if an "outsider" (non-former Sixer) wins veto Christie is likely screwed as well because they aren't likely to use their veto power or if they did if Christie upgraded them to "diamond" they could just turn around say and take Jackson off and put Christie up instead. 1 Link to comment
yanksno1 August 5, 2019 Share August 5, 2019 (edited) Count me into why Analyse (who I still don't know her name) was wearing that bag haha. Couldn't figure it out for the life of me till I read down in this thread. Wanted to see more of Sam's doing if he actually planted those seeds. Did he? We got a edited down version of that argument for sure. Count me into not buying Tommy and Christie's getting pissed at the trio of them not knowing each other before or not. And I'm still confused on that. Did they? Charlies Angels with Cliff being Bosley needs to be their alliance name. Hair color on the girls is perfect. I love Nicole, only if she could win anything. Edited August 5, 2019 by yanksno1 3 Link to comment
North of Eden August 5, 2019 Share August 5, 2019 (edited) I have to say this episode felt like it was scripted by the fans for the fans. We got the fall of a pack of tools as the Six Shooters goes Six Feet Under. We had the Jack-holes fracture. (though Jack's last words tells me after they spend time in the jury house they will be best-bros again as Jack was fretting about betraying a friend) The speed of which Holly was willing to throw her stud under the bus to declare a final two with Kat would make the Road Runner jealous...I guess she really IS a conspiring bitch. We had the rise of the bottom feeders capped off with the Pair of Jacks on the block. Frankly, I think Jackson could be dangerous...there is a simmering rage just beneath the surface and he looked ready to Hulk Out at any moment especially when it came to Christie. Instead of him hitting the wall I could easily see him putting her in a chokehold. He's got to go. The only potential spoiler here is that Christie power. It could throw a wrench in there somewhere. Speaking of and Tommy really are a pair of vile hypocrites getting all holier than thou when they are the ones who really, truly do know each other...and Tommy on his high horse when he was the shit-stirrer in all this. I noticed his fakey, fake persona vanished when things got real. Edited August 5, 2019 by North of Eden 11 Link to comment
Tdoc72 August 5, 2019 Share August 5, 2019 1 hour ago, Growsonwalls said: Christie and Tommy: you guys do NOT have the right to be clutching pearls that Holly and Kat MIGHT know each other outside the game when you two DO know each other and have had a pre-planned alliance since before entering the house. How do you know they had a pre-planned alliance? Do you have a link or something? I’d be very interested in reading it. The only convo about them in the show (the first episode I think) was they said they were surprised to see each other, would keep it secret and Tommy hoped his family wouldn’t be mad that he was working w/Christie. 1 Link to comment
Samwise979 August 5, 2019 Share August 5, 2019 Last episode thread I said I was out but then I read the spoiler that Jess won HOH and nominated the Jack's so of course I had to watch and I am SO glad I did!!! That fight was so awesome to watch. I agree with the poster upthread that said the whole hour should have been the fight. Do Kat and Holly actually know each other? I'm no Christie and Tommy fan but, how else would they react to news of houseguests knowing each other? They have to act shocked and appalled or else it would look suspicious. Kat is growing on me more and more. 5 Link to comment
Tdoc72 August 5, 2019 Share August 5, 2019 10 minutes ago, Samwise979 said: Do Kat and Holly actually know each other? Kat is growing on me more and more. Yes. From the things they’ve said, it sounds like friendly acquaintances. Holly did mention being a chaperone for Kat at one of her pageants. I want to like Kat but I’m wary she’s going to screw over the outsiders. Well, Cliff and Nicole. I’m not a fan of Jess and her whole there are no sides thing. 4 Link to comment
Hellohappylife August 5, 2019 Share August 5, 2019 My favorite part was seeing Sam just sitting there chillin, reading the Bible meanwhile the whole house is in chaos. I watched the leaked footage of the whole argument that took place ( which lasted about 1 hr and 20 mins) Sadly the editors only chose to air the least Entertaining clips of the arguments compared to everything else in the 1hr 20 mins. Kat needs to lay low, before everyone’s figures out that she’s playing EVERYONE The whole “are you bitches conspiring against me?” Thing is getting old and annoying. Ever since Julie/producers showed her the clips she’s made it her job to say it nearly every episode. Along with her DR sessions of trying too hard to make witty stupid comments. 6 Link to comment
mertensia August 5, 2019 Share August 5, 2019 Jack and Jackson deserve to go up. Every time, if I had my way. Tommy, knock it off with the silent movie exaggerated facial responses. Christie, for the love of my ears - and every one else's - shut up. 12 Link to comment
RedheadZombie August 5, 2019 Share August 5, 2019 10 hours ago, Blissfool said: Jackson is a bigger man than I would have been (I'm a woman). I would have laughed in Jack's face over his histrionics. Is that how he fights/argues in real life? Repeating himself and flailing his arms? I guess he could win if his opponent is balled over in laughter. Jack looked like he was performing some sort of bizarre aerobics. 1 1 Link to comment
laurakaye August 5, 2019 Share August 5, 2019 My question is, why was Holly hosting that HOH instead of Julie? I don't like hearing anyone else yell "Answers are LOCKED" unless it's Julie Chen Moonves. That was odd to me. And yes, Tommy, take it down about 135 notches so your reactions look somewhat realistic and not as if you are CONSTANTLY performing on a Broadway stage. His manic energy must be absolutely exhausting to live with. 17 Link to comment
Sir RaiderDuck OMS August 5, 2019 Share August 5, 2019 Jack looked like someone who's used to getting his way all the time. When he doesn't, he resorts to the mannerisms of a child, which is what we saw. Nice move putting up the two Jackholes. If one of them is vetoed and Christie doesn't use her power, Jessica should put up the GF of the one who's safe. For instance, if Jackson wins Veto and Christie doesn't use the power, Jessica should put up Holly instead. Then you'd have Jack vs. Holly. Either Jack goes, or Holly goes and Jackson hates Jack for it, further destroying their erstwhile alliance. 1 5 Link to comment
Melina22 August 5, 2019 Share August 5, 2019 I know it's been noted but I was so annoyed when Christie was talking loudly to everyone, Jackson says something like "If you want to get loud, I'll get loud" and Christie shrugs and says, "Fine, If you want to yell at a girl, go ahead". Seriously??? Suddenly she's a poor, helpless girl? Could she be more passive aggressive and hypocritical? Arguing with her must be a nightmare. 1 19 Link to comment
tinkerbell August 5, 2019 Share August 5, 2019 3 hours ago, mertensia said: Tommy, knock it off with the silent movie exaggerated facial responses. 21 minutes ago, laurakaye said: And yes, Tommy, take it down about 135 notches so your reactions look somewhat realistic and not as if you are CONSTANTLY performing on a Broadway stage. His manic energy must be absolutely exhausting to live with. Tommy has not figured out that the manic, exaggerated expressions and gestures that are needed on a stage, for the audience in the back rows, are NOT what's needed on television. He comes across like hes acting in a parody of a really bad 1980 sitcom. 4 10 Link to comment
Melina22 August 5, 2019 Share August 5, 2019 I love how happy Cliff is, seeing his desperate strategy coming together exactly the way he had hoped. It's fun to watch. 4 Link to comment
HighMaintenance August 5, 2019 Share August 5, 2019 13 hours ago, Lamb18 said: Burning question: why is Analyse wearing a garbage bag? Because she's trashy? 15 4 Link to comment
harleybeanswind August 5, 2019 Share August 5, 2019 It’s kind of amazing to me that no one has suspected the relationship between Tommy and Christie. Do they know they’re both from Staten Island? It’s not a huge place. The 5 boroughs in general are fairly small. I’ve run into people in Manhattan I knew from Brooklyn or Queens and vice versa many times. Back on topic, this was the best episode this season. I hope Jessica’s HOH gets one of the Jackholes out. 5 Link to comment
mertensia August 5, 2019 Share August 5, 2019 4 minutes ago, harleybeanswind said: It’s kind of amazing to me that no one has suspected the relationship between Tommy and Christie. Do they know they’re both from Staten Island? It’s not a huge place. The 5 boroughs in general are fairly small. I’ve run into people in Manhattan I knew from Brooklyn or Queens and vice versa many times. Back on topic, this was the best episode this season. I hope Jessica’s HOH gets one of the Jackholes out. If you're not familiar with New York City you have no idea of how big Staten Island is or isn't. I don't. 1 Link to comment
harleybeanswind August 5, 2019 Share August 5, 2019 14 minutes ago, mertensia said: If you're not familiar with New York City you have no idea of how big Staten Island is or isn't. I don't. That makes sense! I live in my own bubble, haha! 1 Link to comment
amazingracefan August 5, 2019 Share August 5, 2019 (edited) 43 minutes ago, harleybeanswind said: It’s kind of amazing to me that no one has suspected the relationship between Tommy and Christie. I thought Cliff worked out they were together. It probably isn't that easy to work out the exact relationship. I can't stand either Tommy or Jack, it's the fake histrionics combined with the personality. Edited August 5, 2019 by amazingracefan 9 Link to comment
harleybeanswind August 5, 2019 Share August 5, 2019 23 minutes ago, amazingracefan said: I thought Cliff worked out they were together. It probably isn't that easy to work out the exact relationship. I can't stand either Tommy or Jack, it's the fake histrionics combined with the personality. Ohhh I didn’t know if Cliff had worked out that they knew each other. Their exact relationship would be a tricky one to guess, for sure. and hear hear!! On Tommy/Jack obnoxious personalities. 1 Link to comment
tinkerbell August 5, 2019 Share August 5, 2019 14 hours ago, Lamb18 said: Burning question: why is Analyse wearing a garbage bag? I assume it's some sort of make-up cape. These women are all doing the whole Kardashian contour routine, which entails many colors, and blending, and brushing. A cape protects your clothes from getting all that crap all over. 1 Link to comment
sunshine23 August 5, 2019 Share August 5, 2019 2 hours ago, laurakaye said: And yes, Tommy, take it down about 135 notches so your reactions look somewhat realistic and not as if you are CONSTANTLY performing on a Broadway stage. His manic energy must be absolutely exhausting to live with. Its definitely a "Broadway" thing. FYI Tommy, you're not on Broadway anymore. 2 hours ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said: Nice move putting up the two Jackholes. If one of them is vetoed and Christie doesn't use her power, Jessica should put up the GF of the one who's safe. For instance, if Jackson wins Veto and Christie doesn't use the power, Jessica should put up Holly instead. Then you'd have Jack vs. Holly. Either Jack goes, or Holly goes and Jackson hates Jack for it, further destroying their erstwhile alliance. YES! I almost want this to happen. End one of the Jacks' games AND blow up their showmance by making them be on the block together. 1 hour ago, tinkerbell said: He comes across like hes acting in a parody of a really bad 1980 sitcom. His bad impression of McCauly Culkin in Home Alone. 1 hour ago, HighMaintenance said: Because she's trashy? Love this because its true! The outside may be pretty and wrapped in a bow but the incide is rancide trash. 4 Link to comment
Nashville August 5, 2019 Share August 5, 2019 3 hours ago, icemiser69 said: Christie still has the remaining power, I hope that Cliff told Jessica about it. That power should have been flushed out long ago. Cliff should have done that when he had the chance. The DPoV power is Christie’s to bestow, but not (necessarily) hers to exercise. If/when Christie deploys her Panic Power, then the Golden PoV “magically transforms” into a Diamond PoV - but its use is still dictated by the PoV winner, not Christie. Christie can grant it to whoever wins the next PoV, but unless that PoV winner is an ally - or Christie herself - her Power does her absolutely no good whatsoever. 3 3 Link to comment
Sir RaiderDuck OMS August 5, 2019 Share August 5, 2019 3 hours ago, icemiser69 said: Christie still has the remaining power, I hope that Cliff told Jessica about it. That power should have been flushed out long ago. Cliff should have done that when he had the chance. 6 minutes ago, Nashville said: The DPoV power is Christie’s to bestow, but not (necessarily) hers to exercise. If/when Christie deploys her Panic Power, then the Golden PoV “magically transforms” into a Diamond PoV - but its use is still dictated by the PoV winner, not Christie. Christie can grant it to whoever wins the next PoV, but unless that PoV winner is an ally - or Christie herself - her Power does her absolutely no good whatsoever. And the power expires after this week's episodes. If Christie doesn't use it now, this whole "Whacktivity" thing (and what a stupid, stupid, stupid title) will have been a big nothing-burger. 6 Link to comment
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