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S11.E19: Reunion Part 2

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2 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

Agreed. She did say that firefighters came out and tried to revive Bambi. I'm pretty sure if they felt it wasn't appropriate, or would have been a waste of time and resources, they'd have said so when she called. I imagine they'd have suggested she call her vet or go to an animal hospital. Calling 911 was a better, more rational, option than posting the whole situation on instagram for sympathy and advice from nonprofessionals. imo.

These were Town of Palm Beach firefighters.  If she lived across the bridge, she would not have received a very kind response.  It's a whole different world there and that is what makes all the difference.

  • Love 12
On 7/20/2019 at 2:56 PM, film noire said:

Sorry for you loss, RaiderRed - it's always so hard. 

Exactly - why hasn't that happened yet? (As the saying went -  IF THEY CAN SEND A MAN TO THE MOON...showing myself out now).  eta:  I do wonder - because it's so hard to lose an animal after twelve  or fifteen years - what would the grief of a quarter century feel like?  That would be unbearable. 

Thank you so much.

I have horses and they can easily live to 30-35 years and I find the pain is quite equal.  I don't think I could hurt anymore than I do now after losing my dog of 14.5 years.  She had cancer way back in 2012 and if I'd have lost her then I would have been just as grief stricken as I am today.  I don't think I could have loved that nugget anymore. Dang she was such a good girl. I always told my husband that I wanted to clone her because she was so easygoing and lovable.  She was one of those one of a kinds.  I can't even remember a time that she drove me crazy in all the 14 years that I had her. She was perfect. The joy, love and laughter she brought to my life is deeply, deeply missed. 

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I know Beth is trying to sell on Twitter that it was nervous laughter.  I don't buy it. 

Same. She was just being a bitch. It was part of the Tinsley pile on.

Tinsley needs to stick up for herself more. The library should've been open as soon as those assholes started in on her finances. Dorinda is with John for free dry cleaning because those thongs aren't going to clean themselves and of course, there are the leftover dresses that customers don't pick up.

Sidenote: what is up with people dropping their clothes off at the dry cleaners and leaving them there? It's rude AF to treat the cleaners as if it's Goodwill. Pick up your shit.

[serious Diddy face]


Sonja should also be the last.one. going on about arrangements. She knows good and got-damn well if old man Morgan called her up right now to set something up, she'd leave Delorean tracks while speeding over to his house. So, shut it.

Why are they pressed about Tinsley's money, anyway? She comes from money, and she probably makes a decent salary from the show. It'd be one thing if Tinsley shopped at outlet malls (no shade) and now all of a sudden she has this glow up, then I could understand the confused face. But even if that were the case, who cares? It's her business.

Yo, I never could with Ramona, but I'll tip my hat to her for being consistently ridiculous. Sis, they have you ON CAMERA lying about the seating arrangement, and she is steadfast with her story that she got the number wrong. "If only the fool would persist in his folly, he would become wise" should be stitched on a pillow for Ramona. 

Edited by Sheenieb
  • Love 12
7 hours ago, Duke2801 said:

Plus, why would Bravo agree to foot her housing bill and not the other? Sonja sure could have used the financial help—and Lu needs a place for filming too. 

I think it was just part of contract negotiations, and the others hadn't thought of asking for it. You can ask for anything you want in a contract--the other party may not always say yes.

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On 7/18/2019 at 9:08 PM, twilightzone said:

This is the BEST of the HW shows.  That's because almost all the women have a history and have real relationships off the show.  They don't drag on stupid storylines like BH.  Keep the main cast the same, give them longer seasons, more exotic trips.  There's a great idea having a group trip to Australia to visit Alex.  Include Jill.

I agree, if you EXCLUDE Jill.     Love to see more of Australia than inside of hotels and bars, thanks.  It seems like such a varied country of weather, sights, etc.    My all time favorite book from years ago is The Thorn Birds`

  • Love 1

Our dog is 17 years old.  Her vitals are strong, but her confusion is getting worse.  Her pain is manageable with pain medication, but she is having accidents from not being able to move fast enough to get where she needs to be to do her business.  

Soon, we are going to have to make the difficult decision to let her go and I can't tell you how painful it is to not be ready to do what NEEDS to be done.

Years ago I had to put the best dog I'd ever had to sleep.  A tumor had burst in her stomach.  She was in such pain, I couldn't get her euthanized fast enough, but 3 weeks later I went through a bout with Transient Global Amnesia.  I guess I kept asking where Holly was, over and over and over.  So stress isn't something to ignore or make fun of. 

If 911 came to help Tinsley, then what does it matter if it was a human or animal she was in panic mode over?   Be pretty awful if she had called for help with her beloved Bambi and then had a heart attack or fainted or something due to her grief and stress.   She may be young, but I'm living proof that stranger things have happened. 

As for BetheME, she can just go lay down by her damn dish.  Usually I'll make excuses for her due to her shitty upbringing, but her continued hostility toward Tinsley regarding her love for her pets is getting out of hand.  Beth needs to get over herself. 

Edited by Claire Voyant
  • Love 14
On 7/19/2019 at 7:56 PM, kicksave said:

Yikes! you can really see how much cosmetic work she's had in this shot...

Other than her uber-smooth forehead, what are the tell-tale signs of cosmetic intervention?  Posters often make such comments, and I feel left out - learned to ID (bad) nose jobs and occasionally, Botox, but other clues elude - pls enlighten.

Edited by telemachus2
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4 hours ago, BckpckFullaNinjas said:

Poor Anna Magnani, to be lumped in w Beth. (Kidding - I know nothing about Ms. Magnani, but will google her ASAP.)

I don't know what dank memory recess I pulled Anna Magnani out of, Bkkpck.  She was a little before my time, but I have mental images of her from old B&W movies on TV, seemingly always in some kind of passionate agony or rage, usually in her bathrobe, dumping bowls of pasta on men's heads, tearing at her hair, with big dark circles around her eyes.  Or I could be doing her a terrible disservice.  Maybe she just had a bad fish allergy.


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5 hours ago, sasha206 said:

I know Beth is trying to sell on Twitter that it was nervous laughter.  I don't buy it. When have we ever seen Beth being some bubbly person who can't help but nervously laugh in serious situations?  The nervous laughter was her defense b/c a lot of people challenged her on social media about that.  She knew she fucked up.

She flat out said it on the show though.  She said to Dorinda (and I'm paraphrasing because I am too lazy to go back and rewatch), "I can't, I'm going to laugh inappropriately, don't say anything to me."  Then when Ramona kept trying to ask Tinsley questions and Tinsley kept answering Andy and Andy wasn't stopping the conversation to address Ramona's questions, Ramona kind of directed them to Bethenny who said "Stop.  Stop.  I will start laughing stop talking now"  

She isn't trying to sell something she didn't say in the moment.

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45 minutes ago, Mondrianyone said:

I don't know what dank memory recess I pulled Anna Magnani out of, Bkkpck.  She was a little before my time, but I have mental images of her from old B&W movies on TV, seemingly always in some kind of passionate agony or rage, usually in her bathrobe, dumping bowls of pasta on men's heads, tearing at her hair, with big dark circles around her eyes.  Or I could be doing her a terrible disservice.  Maybe she just had a bad fish allergy.


Bad fish, love it! 

Prof. Wikipedia told me she was all that you said, but also genuine about it. No posing to get attention. That was how she lived her life: boldly. 

There were several quotes about her that stood in stark contrast to BF. I enjoyed reading about a woman who was genuinely what she acted like. Good palate-cleanser after the situational ethics of the HWs. 

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On 7/18/2019 at 10:20 PM, njbchlover said:

To be honest, I don't think that Luann has shown enough thankfulness or gratitude to Bethenny.  I hate that Bethenny thinks nothing of spilling secrets that should remain secret, but I also think that she did a WHOLE lot of stuff for LuAnn during her darkest moments.

Beth can’t have it both ways.  She wants to be a great friend and then expose all of said friend’s dirty laundry on television.  Why?  Why does she need the world to know?  I feel very bad for Lu.

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Just now, ButterQueen said:

I disagree.  She just wouldn’t have to tell the free world.

She mentioned several times  when she bought a $30juicer for Sonja when she was staying at her house. She hasn’t done anything for anyone else on the show and even on her before they were housewives her “friends”  stated she was always looking out for herself.

  • Love 6
Just now, biakbiak said:

She mentioned several times  when she bought a $30juicer for Sonja when she was staying at her house. She hasn’t done anything for anyone else on the show and even on her before they were housewives her “friends”  stated she was always looking out for herself.

I’ve watched since the beginning, and I just find that Lu has generally been a friend and nice to everyone.

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3 hours ago, smores said:

She flat out said it on the show though.  She said to Dorinda (and I'm paraphrasing because I am too lazy to go back and rewatch), "I can't, I'm going to laugh inappropriately, don't say anything to me."  Then when Ramona kept trying to ask Tinsley questions and Tinsley kept answering Andy and Andy wasn't stopping the conversation to address Ramona's questions, Ramona kind of directed them to Bethenny who said "Stop.  Stop.  I will start laughing stop talking now"  

She isn't trying to sell something she didn't say in the moment.

Thank you.   I forgot about that. 

  • Love 1

Late to the party here . just watched and haven't read all the posts, but why are these bitches so obsessed with where Tinsley gets her $ or how she spends it? Dorinda is so viscous and what the hell business of it is hers? Or Sonya's? I grew up in NY but my Mom was from the south. We weren't rich by any means but I was raised never to talk about money. And there are things in all these women's lives they don't bring to the show. So why this pileup on Tinsley? And Bethenny's behavior when T was talking about losing her dog was disgusting. There is a lot of jealousy here I do believe. Dorinda's old and bitter, Sonya's broke and lonely and Bethenny, well she's all about Bethenny and after all her face altering surgeries still doesn't look half as good as Tinsley.

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On 7/20/2019 at 2:33 PM, Aim123 said:

I think Tins (or her lawyer) negotiated that hotel living arrangement as part of her Bravo contract and the other ladies do not know this. They think something is "off" moneywise, because they think they know each other's salaries. I think Andy knows that Bravo/NBC picks up the bill for that hotel. If Tins does not have to pay for that hotel bill, she would have enough to go shopping. Also: Her father may have left them with nothing, but there could be a family trust through Dale's side of the family.

Futhermore: Tins is beautiful and lovely, but would not be worth tens of thousands in an "arrangement".  A far younger (sorry-- this is terrible), more beautiful, "fresher" Instagram model would go for less, and would be able to travel to Scott, or stay near him. Just an opinion.

If the hotel deal is paid by Bravo, they are getting ripped off.  Tins really adds nothing to the show.  

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10 hours ago, sasha206 said:

I know Beth is trying to sell on Twitter that it was nervous laughter.  I don't buy it. When have we ever seen Beth being some bubbly person who can't help but nervously laugh in serious situations?  The nervous laughter was her defense b/c a lot of people challenged her on social media about that.  She knew she fucked up.

Whatever she was doing, she was fucking rude.  Tinsley was talking about her dog and we could barely hear her because Bethy made it all about her and would not shut up, under her breath though it was.  The camera was on Bethy, not Tinsley even when Andy and Ramona were both asking Tinsley about her dog.

  • Love 17

They can check hotel and dress receipts all they want but you cannot fake Tinsleys backhand and her tennis game. Serious money and access bought that-and hard work and athleticism of course but she is a great tennis player. Tinsley has enough in her trust fund to do what she wants to a certain degree. Shut up jealous bitches! She has bank ! 

  • Love 20
16 hours ago, smores said:

She flat out said it on the show though.  She said to Dorinda (and I'm paraphrasing because I am too lazy to go back and rewatch), "I can't, I'm going to laugh inappropriately, don't say anything to me."  Then when Ramona kept trying to ask Tinsley questions and Tinsley kept answering Andy and Andy wasn't stopping the conversation to address Ramona's questions, Ramona kind of directed them to Bethenny who said "Stop.  Stop.  I will start laughing stop talking now"  

She isn't trying to sell something she didn't say in the moment.

She knew that she was going to laugh inappropriately.  Is that "nervous" laughter? I thought a nervous laughter outburst would be something that just happens spontaneously.  I think she truly thought Tins was ridiculous with the dog, thought freezing it was bizarre, and knew she was going to laugh b/c she thought it was ludicrous.  I don't fault her really for feeling that way.  I just think she could've held it together in that moment.  Anyway, that was a good pick up that you caught.

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4 hours ago, sasha206 said:

She knew that she was going to laugh inappropriately.  Is that "nervous" laughter? I thought a nervous laughter outburst would be something that just happens spontaneously.  I think she truly thought Tins was ridiculous with the dog, thought freezing it was bizarre, and knew she was going to laugh b/c she thought it was ludicrous.  I don't fault her really for feeling that way.  I just think she could've held it together in that moment.  Anyway, that was a good pick up that you caught.

Bethenney knows how to command TV time and get the camera to pay attention to her! Suppressing a laugh stole camera time from Tins. 

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On 7/19/2019 at 3:27 AM, film noire said:

I've got some financial questions for these Tins-shaming bitches:

Bethenny Fucking Frankel Uber Feminist: when you said this to ABC news re: your finances at age 38: "She couldn't afford to pay her rent. Gifts from boyfriends helped her get by, she said. "I dated guys that were rich and they helped me with my rent." 


...Exactly which wave of female empowerment inspired your financial choice? Simone de Beauvoir? Shirley  Chisolm? First or fourth wave?  Suffragette? WannaBlowJobette?  Which was it, O, Deb of Dating Dollars? And what constituted a  "gift"?  Manolos you could return for cash? Or outright cash left on the night table? 

How fucking dare you question any woman's financial choices, you woman-shaming hypocritical bitch. 

Dorinda Fucking Medley Money Clip Clip Clip: Your boyfriend fuckbuddy is a man you clearly despise,  but still, you climb on top of his Little John and ride him, year after year, just to avoid being alone (and to get your clothes - stained with drunk-pee and spilled cocktails  - cleaned for free). On what planet do you think you have the moral cred to question Tinsley's financial choices, you moronic rage-fueled santimonious virago?  (Or, as you'd say in Dorindish: dry cwean clothes rage virrrgo who's a virgo tinkle tinkle jus peed).

Sonja Fucking Morgan, American Royalty:  Well met, Lady Morgan: You are, of course,  to the manor born ( and by "manor" I mean hitting every dick in town until you found one rich enough, old enough and dumb enough to put a cock ring on it. Save your bullshit tsk tsk M'lady routine for people who don't know your actual personal crest is a Cascade-clean dildo.)

Luann De Lesseps, Six Million Dollar Loan Woman:  The Countess of Cabaret just drifted into her happy place (I wish I had a man to pay my bills would I fuck Scott for that sure why not gotta get his phone number from Tins  The redness in Dorinda's  eyes reminds me of a delicate fruity rose in a Go Cup and me running naked through the forest humming The Wiliam Tell Overture oh god thank god in thirty days I can drink again...)

Ramona Fucking Singer Queen of Millenium Kadooz:  WTF? Crazy Eyes actually earned her living every step of the goddamn way since she left college - without "dating" men for rent money, marrying stinking rich grandpas, or playing happy couple with a man she publicly humiliates and mocks - which means fucking toxic RAMONA SINGER is the closest thing this show has to a financial femini$t - which in turn means we are two seconds from the nuclear feminist clock hitting midnight and taking us to defcon XX and into a perpetual nuclear winter where we all dress like Wilma Flinstone and birth the cartoon children Offred.

Tinsley Mortimer of Tara Tonight, she went for Dorinda like a finishing school honey badger in a cotillion gown - I do declare, Miz Tinsley is finally a New Yawk housewife, bringing a bit of steel magnolia with her particular brand of shade!

You win the Internet   

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23 hours ago, telemachus2 said:

Other than her uber-smooth forehead, what are the tell-tale signs of cosmetic intervention?  Posters often make such comments, and I feel left out - learned to ID (bad) nose jobs and occasionally, Botox, but other clues elude - pls enlighten.

Look at photos of her from eight years ago and even from two years ago...it's pretty obvious.

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18 hours ago, izabella said:

Whatever she was doing, she was fucking rude.  Tinsley was talking about her dog and we could barely hear her because Bethy made it all about her and would not shut up, under her breath though it was.  The camera was on Bethy, not Tinsley even when Andy and Ramona were both asking Tinsley about her dog.

That's on the sound people and the editors, though.  Each of the women are wearing a microphone and they can pick up the sound from each person and show it however they want.  There are times they will show a scene with (for example), all the wives at dinner.  They might show us an overview of the whole table talking, but we only hear the conversation that Dorinda and Bethenny are having at that particular moment.  Then, later we'll see a side conversation that Sonja and Luann were having and they realized that Dorinda and Bethenny were discussing something and they began having a reaction to whatever it was that D & B were talking about.  So we know the two conversations were happening at the same time, but they picked up the audio and made that prominent at whatever given moment.  It's not Bethenny's fault that we heard her in that moment, she was likely actually very quiet and they played her audio in that scene.  When Andy and Tinsley are having their conversation and that's what we're hearing, you don't hear Bethenny in the background, despite the fact that they are talking.  

6 hours ago, sasha206 said:

She knew that she was going to laugh inappropriately.  Is that "nervous" laughter? I thought a nervous laughter outburst would be something that just happens spontaneously.  I think she truly thought Tins was ridiculous with the dog, thought freezing it was bizarre, and knew she was going to laugh b/c she thought it was ludicrous.  I don't fault her really for feeling that way.  I just think she could've held it together in that moment.  Anyway, that was a good pick up that you caught.

Yes, it is.  Most of the time when I have nervous laughter I am trying really hard to suppress it before it comes out.  Sometimes I'm able to, but sometimes I'm just not.  Then you're stuck trying to take deep breaths, redirect your attention to something, anything else.  You're pinching yourself as hard as you can, to try to focus on it hurting to not laugh.  I try to very consciously arrange my face so that it is neutral.  But, if I can't stop it in time then all hell breaks loose.  

I'll be honest, in some ways I do think Tinsley was ridiculous with the dog.  Not her grief because she lost the dog, of course.  I get that.  But I just honestly don't know anyone who has flown in from out of town to say goodbye to their adult sibling's dead pet.  I get wanting to see a pet a final time if it was your family pet (like in the case of the cat my parents got when I was a teen, when they had to put it down, they checked with all of the kids to see if we wanted to visit before they put it down), but, if one of my siblings is going to put down a pet, I am sad for them, but not going to visit.  And I also come from a family that is kind of strange about death at times, which I'm aware of.  I can, because of that, come across as insensitive about death.  I'm right there with Dorinda in being curious about the texture of the dog when it's defrosted.  I would want to know, but I wouldn't have asked Tinsley.  Now if it was my parent, I would ask, because it would be a normal question, no one would be offended.  It's not coming from a place of mocking the person who is grieving, it's just curiousity and not taking death super seriously.

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37 minutes ago, smores said:

But I just honestly don't know anyone who has flown in from out of town to say goodbye to their adult sibling's dead pet.  I get wanting to see a pet a final time if it was your family pet ...but, if one of my siblings is going to put down a pet, I am sad for them, but not going to visit.  

I don’t understand. Dale, Tinsley, and Dabney are all very close, so was Bambi not “family” to Dabney too? 

Our 13 year old family cat was put down in March. He lived with my mom, I live in the same town, and my sister lives out of state. When he became very sick she flew down for two days so we could all three be there for him on his last day. After it happened a co-worker commented about my sister flying in “wow, she must have been really close to him too.” Well, yeah...no matter where we have all lived for thirteen years, he was our baby boy, period. 

But, we are all extremely sensitive people 🙂 And that’s why I think the others are so cruel for deriding the freezing thing. Bambi was special to their whole family; Dale took care of Bambi when Tinsley couldn’t. How they chose to say goodbye to their baby was their business.  

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On 7/20/2019 at 1:02 AM, film noire said:

{{Kicksave }}  I always thought people who said a new animal helps the healing were insensitive  - how does that work, I'd think (all snotty in my head) but it turns out, it works pretty fucking perfectly.  After our first sweetie died at twelve, the only thing that helped mend my heart was a new rescue pup. She was three months old (all paws and ears and only seven pounds, happy to sit in my bra until she got too big and migrated to my shoulder) and she didn't care that I was missing the dog she sniffed out in all the corners, I was hers now.  And faster than I would have thought possible, I became someone who had two dogs - one gone, one there,  both of them mine - because the love you give the next one is built on the love your last one gave to you. It's different for everybody, of course, but for me, that was everything.

So fuck Dorinda and Bethenny* for finding anything about Tinsley's loss amusing. She's hurting because her heart aches, she's grieving and she misses a soul that mattered deeply to her -  to snigger about any of it is disgusting.

*their lack of empathy is never a surprise - they're both casually cruel and forever self-absorbed  - so why is it still so shocking to see? It never fails to drop my jaw.

Agreed!  A little over 2 years ago I had to put my girl Gidget to sleep (mouth cancer) and it killed me.  That night my husband told me that he wanted me to go get another kitty asap.  I was balking but he told me that other kitties deserved to have a loving home that will spoil it to death and that would be a great way to honor her.  So the next day I found Pippi.  It may have been hard on US to lose her but now another baby had a forever home.  

I felt for Tinsley.  It is awful to go through and it would have been upsetting to me to be treated like I was overreacting.  I have a mouth on me so I would have told them to go fuck themselves.

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1 hour ago, smores said:

That's on the sound people and the editors, though.  Each of the women are wearing a microphone and they can pick up the sound from each person and show it however they want.  There are times they will show a scene with (for example), all the wives at dinner.  They might show us an overview of the whole table talking, but we only hear the conversation that Dorinda and Bethenny are having at that particular moment.  Then, later we'll see a side conversation that Sonja and Luann were having and they realized that Dorinda and Bethenny were discussing something and they began having a reaction to whatever it was that D & B were talking about.  So we know the two conversations were happening at the same time, but they picked up the audio and made that prominent at whatever given moment.  It's not Bethenny's fault that we heard her in that moment, she was likely actually very quiet and they played her audio in that scene.  When Andy and Tinsley are having their conversation and that's what we're hearing, you don't hear Bethenny in the background, despite the fact that they are talking.  

Yes, it is.  Most of the time when I have nervous laughter I am trying really hard to suppress it before it comes out.  Sometimes I'm able to, but sometimes I'm just not.  Then you're stuck trying to take deep breaths, redirect your attention to something, anything else.  You're pinching yourself as hard as you can, to try to focus on it hurting to not laugh.  I try to very consciously arrange my face so that it is neutral.  But, if I can't stop it in time then all hell breaks loose.  

I'll be honest, in some ways I do think Tinsley was ridiculous with the dog.  Not her grief because she lost the dog, of course.  I get that.  But I just honestly don't know anyone who has flown in from out of town to say goodbye to their adult sibling's dead pet.  I get wanting to see a pet a final time if it was your family pet (like in the case of the cat my parents got when I was a teen, when they had to put it down, they checked with all of the kids to see if we wanted to visit before they put it down), but, if one of my siblings is going to put down a pet, I am sad for them, but not going to visit.  And I also come from a family that is kind of strange about death at times, which I'm aware of.  I can, because of that, come across as insensitive about death.  I'm right there with Dorinda in being curious about the texture of the dog when it's defrosted.  I would want to know, but I wouldn't have asked Tinsley.  Now if it was my parent, I would ask, because it would be a normal question, no one would be offended.  It's not coming from a place of mocking the person who is grieving, it's just curiousity and not taking death super seriously.

Not gonna lie -- I thought she was ridiculous as well, and I'm a dog lover.  That episode that aired where she's crying in the house when Ramona came over, I thought she acted.  Of course, I think she grieved her dog, but I do think it was over the top.  I love my animals more than anything but if any of them had cancer, I would let them die a peaceful death instead of subjecting them to awful treatments.  And if they died, I sure as hell wouldn't try to have them revived!

That said, I wouldn't have mocked it or laughed.  Maybe Beth did just have nervous laughter, but I am obviously biased now that the person I loved from the first season now seems so mean.  

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23 hours ago, Mondrianyone said:

All true.  It was more the visual that I was going for.

...I've been cracking up, imagining Magnani in a 50s Italian movie screaming out random Frankel-shit (""NO FISH WITH FINS!!"  "Why you no have the Skinnygirl in the Vatican, padre??! ")   

3 hours ago, chewycandy said:

Our 13 year old family cat was put down in March.

Sorry for you loss, ChewyCandy.


How they chose to say goodbye to their baby was their business.  

I agree  - and Frankel's "explanation" for her behavior is total bullshit,  imo.  I'm supposed to believe that  Bethenny Fucking Frankel (a woman who has screamed the most degrading things, and screamed them with rapacious glee) felt so fragile in the face of Tinsley's grief, she was driven to nervous laughter,  like a Victorian maiden on her wedding night? THAT'S the shitshow she's selling tickets to? 

My god, it just never ends with her. The self serving lies. The emotional contamination. The toxic behavior. The hypocrisy so deep and wide, there's no word to describe it.  If Ramona had "nervously laughed" at Frankel's treatment of Cookie on instagram, Bethenny would have savaged Singer in a way that would have made Frankel's slut-shaming of Luann look like a Disney song and dance.  But as usual with all things Bethenny,  the only code she lives by is her bedrock belief she can hurt anyone, to any degree (large or small, laughter or lashing out) without ever answering for either the harm she's inflicted,  or her two-faced  standards.  Live with a man credibly accused of rape, while feeling free to attack the moral character of the men your colleagues are dating?  Check.  Proclaim motherhood and protecting your child the most important thing in your life, while feeling free to scream at a little boy and then call his mother a drunk or addict? Check. Hurt a grieving family by lying about being engaged to man - and use that lie for months to polish your Halo of Grief - only to then sell him out as a barely-there mook who constantly let you down? Check, check, check. 

She demands endless sympathy and empathy and hand-holding; she demands people disregard her freak-outs and blow-ups and the conflicting lies she tells; she demands to be treated like a glass figurine, while kicking the shit out of anyone in her way.   May the next RHoNY cast member be named Karma.

Edited by film noire
  • Love 18
1 hour ago, film noire said:

...I've been cracking up, imagining Magnani in a 50s Italian movie screaming out random Frankel-shit (""NO FISH WITH FINS!!"  "Why you no have the Skinnygirl in the Vatican, padre??! ")   

"Get offa my jock, Giacomo!" 

"Whadda you mean, you uppa there and I'm downa here?"

"I'ma no likea you, I'ma no trusta you, and I thinka you a snake!"

Oh, Anna, I never knew you, and yet I miss you!  🍕 (Pizza 'cause I couldn't find a bowl of pasta in the emojis.)

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1 hour ago, AnnA said:

Yes it is........but if you don't want people to talk about it, don't bring it up on a reality TV show.

IMO, Tinsley’s never indicated that she didn’t want to have folks talk about it.   Maybe she wouldn’t want people to laugh at her and then scream that she hides parts of herself...

Alls I know is I hope Bethenny gets her panic attack over Cookie that she filmed like a tacky ho sent to her over and over again.  Play nasty bitch games, win nasty bitch prizes.

8 minutes ago, Mondrianyone said:

"Get offa my jock, Giacomo!" 

"Whadda you mean, you uppa there and I'm downa here?"

"I'ma no likea you, I'ma no trusta you, and I thinka you a snake!"

Oh, Anna, I never knew you, and yet I miss you!  🍕 (Pizza 'cause I couldn't find a bowl of pasta in the emojis.)


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34 minutes ago, Mondrianyone said:

"Get offa my jock, Giacomo!" 

"Whadda you mean, you uppa there and I'm downa here?"

"I'ma no likea you, I'ma no trusta you, and I thinka you a snake!"

Oh, Anna, I never knew you, and yet I miss you!  🍕 (Pizza 'cause I couldn't find a bowl of pasta in the emojis.)

...I am howling, Mondrianyone ; )

~the next time somebody snots on me about my low rent rhony-viewing ways,  i'm going to just hiss "anna magnani" at them. 

Edited by film noire
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On 7/19/2019 at 10:01 PM, bravofan27 said:

image.png.8d43794de7f513a294f880ea60ee0b5d.pngBethanny fake laughing in support of Dorinda making fun of Luanne. 

On 7/22/2019 at 4:05 PM, telemachus2 said:

Other than her uber-smooth forehead, what are the tell-tale signs of cosmetic intervention?  Posters often make such comments, and I feel left out - learned to ID (bad) nose jobs and occasionally, Botox, but other clues elude - pls enlighten.

I think it's obvious she looks completely different, but it's not obvious what she's done.  None of us are her personal plastic surgeons, so everything is a guess, but I strongly believe she had invasive surgery to remove the giant lumps on her jaws, some type of eyelid/ eye area lift (they used to call her Droopy Dog), and there's a strong possibility that she had her nose contoured with a chisel, as Izzy Azalea would say.  She's admitted to having a breast lift.  She's admitted to having breast implants after lying about it for years.  Considering her body is so tight, and she's about 25 lbs less than she used to be when she was making soft porn movies, I wouldn't rule out liposuction.

I also *think* she is Botoxed to within an inch of her life.  It is especially apparent around her eyebrows and the upper lip (the same mistake Nicole Kidman made), which is what makes her look like a snarling dog. She also has tons of filler, which accounts for the line from her nose to the apple of her cheek being so full in the picture.  There was likely some cosmetic dentistry, which can completely change the way a person's face appears.  It is very scary though.  Her wrinkles have no place to go, because everything is tight as a drum, so they alllll congregate around her mouth.  There are no wrinkles around her eyes or on her forehead.  To paraphrase Michael Bluth from Arrested Development, "no 48 year old woman does look like that."

She thinks she looks good, but I see this:


Is that really preferable to this? Lol


There have also probably been skin treatments.  I could go on, but I have to go watch Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.  There are pictures all over the Internet of "before" and "after" her jaw reduction, whether it was surgical or not, and it's completely different within the span of like 60 days.

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6 hours ago, chewycandy said:

I don’t understand. Dale, Tinsley, and Dabney are all very close, so was Bambi not “family” to Dabney too? 

Our 13 year old family cat was put down in March. He lived with my mom, I live in the same town, and my sister lives out of state. When he became very sick she flew down for two days so we could all three be there for him on his last day. After it happened a co-worker commented about my sister flying in “wow, she must have been really close to him too.” Well, yeah...no matter where we have all lived for thirteen years, he was our baby boy, period. 

But, we are all extremely sensitive people 🙂 And that’s why I think the others are so cruel for deriding the freezing thing. Bambi was special to their whole family; Dale took care of Bambi when Tinsley couldn’t. How they chose to say goodbye to their baby was their business.  

I wasn't saying that Bambi wasn't family to Dabney as well.  What I was saying is that, for me, I don't know anyone who has ever had an adult sibling come in from out of state to say goodbye to a pet, so I could see how it would strike Bethenny as strange.  It isn't uncommon when it's a family pet that the kids (now adults), grew up with and they say goodbye before it is put down.  As I mentioned, my family got a cat when I was a teenager, I was somewhere in my late 20s or early 30s when my parents had to put it down.  But it does seem a bit strange to me (in that this is the first time I've ever heard of anyone doing it), for someone to get a pet in their 30s and then for their adult sibling to travel to say goodbye after it's death.  

I'm not making fun of Tinsley and everyone should do what helps them to feel the best they can in a difficult situation like this.  I think some of us are just saying, oh, interesting, I didn't realize that some people did that.  

On 7/21/2019 at 3:24 AM, film noire said:

Luann's describing an alcoholic pattern  (one drink is too many, and a thousand are never enough)



On 7/21/2019 at 3:44 AM, ShawnaLanne said:

Talking about alcohol as being an allergy is something we do in AA. We also don't (or try not to - I'm pretty good about it in RL, but I've armchair diagnosed Lu, ) diagnose anyone else as an alcoholic. It's something that we each come to, or not. If we don't admit we have a problem, then AA won't work. 

I was not surprised to hear Lu backpedaling on being an alcoholic, she doesn't want to quit drinking. 

Seriously - Lu's AA talk is so annoying.  I just passed the 40 year mark, so I remember when the courts started sending people to the program.  And I've seen enough people benefit from being "court ordered" that I don't care how anyone ends up around the tables, as long as it helps them.

But...the only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking, and I've seen zero real desire on Lu's part.  Desire to get out of a jam?  Yup. Desire to get public pats on the back? Definitely.  But acting as a de-facto AA spokeswoman, when it seems clear that she's never really stopped, is not ok.

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