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  On 10/21/2020 at 8:13 PM, Gobi said:

I’m not sure how it’s spelled, but it’s pronounced “Sea Air”. Occasionally, someone on the show (usually a friend) slips up and uses her real name.


Dead fish and seagull crap?  

  On 10/21/2020 at 9:12 PM, magemaud said:

Yes, her name is really "CeAir". Maybe she was conceived at the beach.

I have to admit I was a little gleeful when smug, know-it-all Chantel found out she wasn't going to graduate. 


She seems like an airhead.  I am glad she is interested in plastic surgery rather than say the ER.

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  On 10/26/2020 at 3:57 AM, MrBuhBye said:

She seems like an airhead.


maybe her full name is "CeAir-Head". 

You're right, Mr. BB, I posted the only comment and I don't even watch the show, it's just running in the background between TOW and PT. But even if the ratings are low, the show won't be cancelled because TLC doesn't have anything else to work with right now due to pandemic filming restrictions. It's like TPTB pulled this season's footage out of a dumpster somewhere and decided airing it was better than nothing. 

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That "Ah-leh-HAHNNN-droe" sure was smug, wasn't he? Chantel continues to be a bitch and Royal is just as sanctimonious and preachy as she is. Other than that, Gobi,  you're right, not much to discuss. I hate the entire family, their in-laws and SO's (maybe with the exception of Anjenette.) It galls me to see they got a second season of harvesting TLC's American Dollars. 

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  On 10/28/2020 at 5:07 PM, Gobi said:

I watch, but there isn't much to say a it, and nobody would read it anyway.

Nicole's boyfriend has a secret. He's married! Quelle surprise! I'm sure he's separated, a la Gorgon (or whatever Darcey's BF's name is).


He lives in a modest apartment yet spent $6000 on cologne lol.

That whole koi pond interlude was some major filler.

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Shallow alert. They sure are in interesting family, visually speaking, C Airy and River look like the mom, Winter & Royal, the dad. Wish the muted dad would engage more, but maybe he has been put in his place by his wife. You have to be a certain combination of ignorant and arrogant to happily appear on reality teevee, and this family fits the bill. I'm more interested in the back stories than what we are shown and the term Reality TV should be changed to cheap scripted tv. Wasn't Mr Bigshot Royal some football star? What possibly could Mopey River do for an income? Chantel appears like an educated Larissa. Winter seems ok, hope she can move to the other side of the country and get away from the family. I find Pedro's family more entertaining than the this motley crew. Yes, I watch . . . I pretend I'm watching the Nat Geo channel and its a show about people from another planet.

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I may not like Pedro’s family, but he is a good man. Chantel’s siblings are toxic as fuck: creepy, over involved River, resentful Winter, and controlling, misogynist Royal. I can’t ever imagine Nicole treating Pedro so poorly.

It kills me that they hired a detective to expose dirt on Pedro and physically attacked him but they’re all in for Royal’s wife

Their marriage might stand a chance if they move to the other side of the country.

Or Pedro could just cut and run.


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  On 10/28/2020 at 5:07 PM, Gobi said:

I watch, but there isn't much to say about it, and nobody would read it anyway.

Nicole's boyfriend has a secret. He's married! Quelle surprise! I'm sure he's separated, a la Gorgon (or whatever Darcey's BF's name is).


Pedro's space alien sister is such a Chantel Family member! With the married bf & all😏

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I actually watched this mess last night. Royal seems....unbalanced. He married a quiet foreign girl who is almost 10 years younger. He accuses her of cheating all while looking at other women on his phone. When confronted he sits there emotionless until he finally lashes out in anger at the crew. I think his wife brought all this up in a group setting for one of two reasons, she is either manipulative or she is afraid of him and wants safety in numbers. I suspect he is a very different person behind closed doors.

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We have a winner for “Most awkward social gathering ever shown”. That final bar scene was as cringe inducing as it gets. Chantel opens by accusing Angenette of talking to other men ( So what? She wasn’t married). Then she accuses her of bringing up subjects that she shouldn’t.

I don’t like to make diagnoses based on TV (nor in real life), but Angenette does seem to act like a victim of spousal abuse.

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So sad for Anjenette.  Clearly, she felt emboldened to talk about their issues with her friends/support around.  No way was she going to put herself in a one-on-one with him about it.  She finally felt free to talk about what has to be Very Painful topics in front of everyone.  Likely wanting them all to see him as she does.

Family Chantel rushing over and wanting him to Go Outside was dumb. He was barely holding in all his anger and that was scary.  It should have played out in the bar where everyone could see.  At least Anjenette felt more comfortable with everyone around.
She made some bold statements about staying in the Philippines while he goes back to the US....wonder if that happened?   

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Looks like Family Chantal is going to have to take on the role of the family of the shady person. They're always ready to out someone else as a shady opportunist and liar. In this situation, it looks like big brother is the problem. They unfairly made Pedro the problem last time; now it's their turn.

Angenette seems so miserable, I don't know why she is sticking with him.

Edited by renatae
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  On 9/10/2019 at 10:55 AM, noveltylibrary said:

Mother Chantel never disappoints me verbally, using the word 'amiss' instead of 'in our midst'.  Way to make another dramatic point, you just said there was nothing suspicious about why they'd want you at the Campos 😂


Mother Chantal is the malapropism Queen of reality TV The hilarity of it is this trick is soooo overconfident and full of so much wisdom 😂😂 MC is the only entertaining thing on this depressing show 

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I watched on PT as well.  It DOES look like the Familia de Sea-air Chantal is on the fast train to sketchy town with big bro, Royal.  Since all the kids have weather-related names but ROYAL.... I wonder if they were on a ROYAL CARIBBEAN cruise when he was conceived?  Or did Mother Chantal think by naming her numero uno bambino ROYAL he'd be.. like... royalty? THIS is the bullshit I think about while I watch this show. 

I should probably stop. STAT.

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  On 11/18/2020 at 6:54 AM, DNR said:

Mother Chantal is the malapropism Queen of reality TV The hilarity of it is this trick is soooo overconfident and full of so much wisdom 😂😂 MC is the only entertaining thing on this depressing show 


Norm Crosby just died so maybe she can fill that niche.  Thank you for the standing ovulation.

  On 11/20/2020 at 1:43 AM, goofygirl said:

I watched on PT as well.  It DOES look like the Familia de Sea-air Chantal is on the fast train to sketchy town with big bro, Royal.  Since all the kids have weather-related names but ROYAL.... I wonder if they were on a ROYAL CARIBBEAN cruise when he was conceived?  Or did Mother Chantal think by naming her numero uno bambino ROYAL he'd be.. like... royalty? THIS is the bullshit I think about while I watch this show. 

I should probably stop. STAT.


Maybe they were fans of Burger King.  

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I’ve never watched this show in the past because I don’t want to support the harvesting of Reality TV Dollars by this crew except for Pedro who I have always supported. Having said that, I just overheard a few minutes of an episode in the background.  They are in Manila for a wedding... I’m fascinated by the  familiar themes the Chantel Siblings seem to perpetuate—-mistrust ,jealousy, deception, overbearing, self absorbed and lacking confidence and self control.  Karen needs to take a seat.

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  On 11/24/2020 at 12:52 AM, hisbunkie said:

I’ve never watched this show in the past because I don’t want to support the harvesting of Reality TV Dollars by this crew except for Pedro who I have always supported. Having said that, I just overheard a few minutes of an episode in the background.  They are in Manila for a wedding... I’m fascinated by the  familiar themes the Chantel Siblings seem to perpetuate—-mistrust ,jealousy, deception, overbearing, self absorbed and lacking confidence and self control.  Karen needs to take a seat.


Karen needs to take several seats.  Has Karen really taken a hard look at her kids?  There are so many successful Americans, why would foreigners seeking fortune be hitching their wagons to her mediocre children?  

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  On 11/24/2020 at 3:16 PM, TeapotWakeen said:

At this point, I'm only hate-watching this show to be able to isolate scenes for classic examples of gaslighting. I'm looking at you, Royal, you abusive POS. You can't get away with "it's editing" with textbook abusive cycle behavior (the flowers! blocking people from leaving the room!
"it was a joke!" 🤬🤬)


He’s like an angry bull, seething and snorting.  The whole family is so fucked up it makes Pedro’s family seem normal.

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God Almighty.  This show has more manufactured drama than a seventh grade slumber party.  As hard as I’ve tried, I cannot seem to drum up enough give-a-shit to focus my attention on this show when it airs, but watching the Pillow Talk version at 10 p.m. seems to get the job done.  These people are toxic, odious, obnoxious, repugnant, off-putting, and whatever other negative adjectives I can come up with after a long work day of equally stupid Zoom meetings.  Ugh. 

Edited by Suzy Rhapsody
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ITA, Suzy!  The whole LOT of them are complete and total morons!  Dummy Sea-air is like a dog with a bone on this facebook shit.  Royal just wants to have a nice Filipino wedding.  Karen has lost her damn mind talking about Mary Poppins.  Daddy-o just sits there with a dumb look on his face and then LIES by saying they feel like Anjeanette is "JUST LIKE ONE OF THEIR KIDS."  I don't know WHY River & Winter are even there?  Guess they couldn't cash that TLC check without actually SHOWING UP...  It's just a shitshow!

The Pillow Talkers are just as confused as I am; yet they eat PIE!!!! Dang.  Got me there.

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I cannot understand why Chantal, after going through this exact same ridiculous scenario with her family accusing Pedro of all sorts of nuttiness and seeing how it hurt him and their relationship, would turn around and do the same thing to Angenette.  That and I’m thinking she had more than ‘just a little’ Botox—she is completely expressionless in every scene!

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First of all - just don't understand why is it so suspicious to them that Anjeanette mom would contact Karen's brother? Why if she just wanted to say hi to their new extended family members?

Obviously it's producer's set up. They probably made that catfish fake account with Anjeanette's mother's name (first without Luna) and are trying to stir shit and the family performs just like the clowns they are. Now they added the name Luna just to fuck with them a little more and make the "conspiracy" even bigger and get them to the new boiling point. Then when they arrive after that 2 day trip they will be bored fucked out of their mind with their conspiracy theories reaching far and wide. Then they will immediately cause conflict with the welcoming Filipino village and Anjeanette's family showing their "ugly American" and snobbery and toxicity for our entertainment. 

Now back to rest of the shitfest. I'm only to the first commercial break.

I can't decide whose family is worse. Mama Pedro and sister Pedro and that awful new still married by or the Americans. At least I kind of like Pedro. He is the only semi normal person and not a caricature of the worst possible character traits. Except these people are not characters just dumb idiots with overblown egos.


It must be the money. I still wouldn't do it. It's disgusting. That tells me everything I need to know about her.

  On 12/1/2020 at 4:22 AM, Real4real said:

I cannot understand why Chantal, after going through this exact same ridiculous scenario with her family accusing Pedro of all sorts of nuttiness and seeing how it hurt him and their relationship, would turn around and do the same thing to Angenette.  That and I’m thinking she had more than ‘just a little’ Botox—she is completely expressionless in every scene!


Sorry forgot to add the quote first.

Edited by ava111
forgot quote and
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Does Mama Pedro not understand that she's a massive hypocrite by being opposed to her college-educated daughter dating a non-professional man when Pedro's married to a college-educated woman (or nearly graduated) and he's not a professional man?  

Don't get me wrong, I like Pedro the best out of all of the people in either Chantel or his family and he seems to be one of the hardest workers of the people on the show who've married and stayed in the US.  

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  On 12/5/2020 at 9:26 PM, magemaud said:

They’re on Season 2 of this shitfest but it’s only generated six pages of comments here? Isn’t that proof that nobody is watching? 


I had a really rough night Friday night and in to Saturday from side effects from the second shingles shot, fever, chills, headache, body aches...I was truly miserable and while I lay in bed to weak to change the channel this show was on, I wished my side effects on all of them. 

Side note, for the 15th time since Covid became a real thing I thought I had Covid because 5am is a wonderful time to think rationally.  I do not have the Rona.

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