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S15.E05: Week 5: Scotland

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10 hours ago, SallyAlbright said:

Tyler's Instagram stories are more entertaining than tonight's episode. I wish we could see more of his snark on the show. 

So true!  For those who don't have IG, he put Luke's head on a picture of a guy in a canoe, compared Mike to Buddy the Elf, and a Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants but he photo-shopped Blazer and put all the guys faces who wore it over the original actresses.   Honestly, it was funnier than I how I am describing it.   

So TPTB - Why can't we see this sense of humor ON the show?  I get that they want drama but I'd much rather see her developing her relationships with the front-runners and see how the men bond with each other.  I like watching relationships AND friendships grow.   That what makes the show fascinating to me - the social experiment of putting a group of men/women together in a sterile setting (no phones, no SM, etc) and seeing how they react.  The friendships borne out of this franchise last longer than most of the relationships.   Kevin kidding around with Jed after seeing them make-out is very telling that they all like each other and Hannah seems very comfortable and joke-y with them on group dates which also speaks to the bond the guys have with each other.  There is no tension minus the Luke P stuff.  I want to see that!

Anyways - this is very rambling.  Sorry!  To bring it back to Hannah, I loved that she put the egg to her ear and then immediately said "I have no idea why I did that" and Mike just laughed.  They are cute together but I also see  them as good friends rather than a couple.

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It was so hard to concentrate on the never ending conversation with Hannah and Luke last night with the amount of "likes" I kept hearing between the two of them. 😖 I wish she didn't waste so much time on him. I would have much rather have seen more air time of Tyler, Pete, Mike, Connor, Jed, etc. What a waste of time. Like, like, like. Geez

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17 minutes ago, LBS said:

Kevin kidding around with Jed after seeing them make-out is very telling that they all like each other and Hannah seems very comfortable and joke-y with them on group dates which also speaks to the bond the guys have with each other.

That was so funny!  Poor Kevin, haha.  I think Jed can relate, because a similar thing happened earlier to him when she was making out with Luke at the massage table.

Can you imagine if it had been Luke instead of Kevin?  He would have shot literal laser beams out of his eyes.

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18 minutes ago, Carly13817 said:

It was so hard to concentrate on the never ending conversation with Hannah and Luke last night with the amount of "likes" I kept hearing between the two of them. 😖 I wish she didn't waste so much time on him. I would have much rather have seen more air time of Tyler, Pete, Mike, Connor, Jed, etc. What a waste of time. Like, like, like. Geez

It really was painful, I completely zoned out for about ten minutes. I feel like the producers think we want to see him and the "drama" but I'd rather watch the other guys getting along and joking around for two hours. They don't provide enough of a storyline though, so we are stuck with Luke. 

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11 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

AM I the only one who wants to go after Hannah's eyebrows with a tweezers?   Just a few hairs off the inside corners would make her look less deranged and angry. 

I keep staring at her eyebrows during all her closeups so I pretty much miss any conversation, which, in retrospect, is a (like) blessing. Those brows fascinate me, I wonder if they are the same ones she won pageants with or are they her Bachelorette brows. In any case, they are HARSH. I think the other poster's weedeater is more appropriate for fixing them than mere tweezers.

I got up and did other things during her "deep" convo with Luke on that beautiful cliff overlooking the Masterpiece ocean that both were ignoring. I don't think that's the reaction TPTB were looking for from viewers.

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15 hours ago, SallyAlbright said:

I don't see too much romantic chemistry between Hannah and Mike, but they have great BFF chemistry. Seems like a fun date. 

I think Mike is a-dork-able, tall, good-looking, great smile & seems like a genuinely nice guy. He'd be a great "Bachelor" if Hannah doesn't keep him (and if he'd be interested in that shit show -- somehow seems like he might be too 'real' to go for that?).

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15 hours ago, Jaclyn88 said:

Hannah hates drama so much for someone who caused a lot of it on her last season . Does Caelynn ring a bell ? 

That was Caelynn, for me. I never trusted a  word that came out of her mouth. She was just such a phony poseur. At least I believe what Hannah says, even if it's unfiltered, silly, and slightly embarrassing. 

Caelynn desperately wanted Bachelorette but I fear we'd have had an even more bot-like version of Emily Maynard. 

As nutty as Luke seems, I feel like this was all played up for ratings and fake drama. Reality TV shows have many lawyers. Luke S. might have truly thought Luke P. was out to kill him, but if he did take that concern up the food chain, someone with clout obviously disagreed. Real violence will get you booted - no network exec is looking for a wrongful death lawsuit. Clenching fists and making crazy eyes does not a psychopath make.

The other guys are just acting so bitchy and clicky, it makes me almost feel bad for Luke, which I do NOT appreciate. We saw him try to talk to Luke S. like a normal person and get shunned.  We see him try to talk calmly to the group and they laugh at him. It's just mean-girl behavior - and coming from grown men, it's unattractive AF.

They all seem quite insecure. Tyler C. is the only one who's taking the laid-back approach to disliking Luke - probably because he knows Luke is no real threat and isn't actually going to kill them in their sleep. The others need to stop giving it life, because Luke P. is there and Luke S. is gone, and that was really Hannah's choice.

I must say, Hannah and I have the same type. This is the best-looking group of men I can recall. Tyler is SMOKIN in a Rupert Friend way that makes my head spin, Pete the Pilot is too cute for me not to squee every time I see him, Jed is freakin adorable and I love his voice, Garrett is hot in a Polo kinda way that I respond to, Connor is just messed up enough in his face to look like he's been in a bar brawl (that's my kryptonite) and he reminds me of every dude I've ever flirted with in my 20s, Dylan is cute, Jason (the one who looks like booted Tyler G.) is super hot with perfect blue eyes... I could go on if I remembered all their names. 

Mike's cardigan is on point.

I loved Scotland when I visited a decade ago. I want to go back after seeing this ep - Hannah is a lucky girl. 

My money is on her keeping Luke P. If she didn't dismiss him halfway through that date, she's in it for the long haul. Let's hope she doesn't lose a good guy over it.

Edited by thesupremediva1
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She needs to stick to short dresses.  It was kind of funny when she tried to straddle the guy (forget who it was) and couldn't because the long dress wouldn't allow it.  I think it was the one she ended up on the pool table with.

Every week she keeps saying what a hard week it has been. I mean, she was on The Bachelor;  is all this such a big surprise for her? The producers seem to want to turn this into a soap opera with all the drama.  The result here, for me at least, is that it is tedious and somewhat dreary.  I think I dozed off during her long conversation with Luke.  I woke up and she was still talking.  News flash:  It should not have to be so hard, especially in the beginning of a new relationship. If it's that much work then, wow, imagine a few years down the road when the bloom is off the rose. 

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6 hours ago, nlkm9 said:

SINCE He left on his own I dont understand why Chris took a rose back. Luke S was a very whiny individual and I was happy to see him leave since he knew hannah wasnt going to pik him. 

I suspect Chris took the rose because she'd actually intended to keep Luke S.  When someone leaves ahead of the rose ceremony like that, it's generally because that person was about to get booted anyway.

As far as the continually whinging between Luke P and Hannah, look:  she's turned on by his physicality (TM T.Rav).  She wants to get laid by him in the worst way and the fact that he's a jerk is really messing with her mind.  She's said specifically that her head and her heart are in disagreement about him - I suspect another part of her body is also involved in the discussion.

Fleiss thinks this is what we want, folks.  We sit through it and never leave, so this will probably go on for at least another week or two.  He's only giving us what we tell him we want.

ETA:  the producers did Hannah no favor when she and Luke P were dishing it out on the cliff by having her looking directly in to the sunlight.  Why did they give her the less favorable angle or why not work something out where neither of them had to stare into the sun for what seemed like an hour or more?  Geez.....

Edited by b2H
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1 hour ago, Carly13817 said:

I would have much rather have seen more air time of Tyler, Pete, Mike, Connor, Jed, etc. What a waste of time. Like, like, like. Geez

She has some great guys still in the mix.  She's wasting a whole bunch of time on this guy who lights up her girl parts, despite all the red flags.

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14 hours ago, talktoomuch said:

Luke is empty inside and Hannah keeps trying to make that emptiness into "still waters run deep." But sometimes you just have to accept that still waters are just still but shallow.

THIS!! Omg, I sadly can relate so hard to her. Luke and his nonverbal personality remind me SO MUCH of the last guy I dated. And just to make myself look totally incompetent, I was 30 when I ran into the brick wall of asking him to dig deep and tell me how he was feeling. 

To be fair, I'd been friends with him for 7 years before we dated. We'd always gotten along and had good conversations, but he was not a touchy-feely kind of guy and I'd never needed that from him in our friendship. When we started dating, I realized that he wasn't the "strong, silent type" - he was basically dead inside!

The problem, especially for a young lass like Hannah, is that a blank canvas gives you tons to work with. I'm an actor, Hannah's a pageant queen - it's close enough - and artistic performer types Jackson Pollock the crap out of those men with our mental paint brushes. We are given license to assign traits to them, because they rarely push back.  Only in these scenarios - when you argue and force the issue - do you finally see that all your brush strokes were unicorn wishes that the person allowed you to believe were true.

Essentially, men like Luke P. and my ex lie by not correcting you. They passively sit there and pretend they're more substantial than they really are. Then the reckoning comes and they act confused when you get upset, all the while "glazing" at you vacantly before they finally say, "What do you want from me?" It's INFURIATING. But you've spent so long looking at your curated fantasy as truth that you have a hard time tearing down your own carefully crafted house of cards. You desperately want the foundation to be solid, but it's not. You built your damn house on quicksand.

Wow, long rant, sorry about that. I am glad Hannah experienced this young and won't have to do it later on in life. I hope this gives y'all some insight into how intelligent women sometimes fall down this dangerous rabbit hole. 

Edited by thesupremediva1
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Here's the thing: She is so not picking Luke. He's not the endgame.

So whoever is? He's gonna have to sit down and watch the woman he's in love with (heh) and took a knee for, get all horny and twitterpated for that asshat. Wanting him, lusting after him, keeping him around when it's plain as a white piece of paper that he's not only not there for her, but he's bat-crap-cray-cray and should've been eliminated long ago but her...ladyparts want him soooooo badly.

Do you really think this 'relationship' is gonna last past the 'final rose' episode? Think they're still together even now? 

I don't. She's invested so much into Luke that by the time the real guy proposes, and watches the season back, and his family, friends, and total strangers keep hitting him up on social media, he's not gonna want her anymore. It's humiliating the watch the woman you love drool all over an asshat.

And damn if  JPJ didn't grow on me...I'd watch a season of that goofball.

Edited by hnygrl
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15 hours ago, FlyingEgret said:

Am I the only one that hears Hannah endink every "-ing" word with a "k"?

NO!! It was driving Mr. Lily insane last night. And then once he pointed it out, I couldn't stop hearing it, too.

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14 minutes ago, hnygrl said:

Here's the thing: She is so not picking Luke. He's not the endgame.

So whoever is? He's gonna have to sit down and watch the woman he's in love with (heh) and took a knee for, get all horny and twitterpated for that asshat. Wanting him, lusting after him, keeping him around when it's plain as a white piece of paper that he's not only not there for her, but he's bat-crap-cray-cray and should've been eliminated long ago but her...ladyparts want him soooooo badly.

Do you really think this 'relationship' is gonna last past the 'final rose' episode? Think they're still together even now? 

I don't. She's invested so much into Luke that by the time the real guy proposes, and watches the season back, and his family, friends, and total strangers keep hitting him up on social media, he's not gonna want her anymore. It's humiliating the watch the woman you love drool all over an asshat.

I feel like comments in this vein are made every season. Putting aside Luke's being disliked and a tool, how is that different than any season of this show and what the couples that come out of it have to go through? Whoever she picks has to also watch her climb all over Jed (if it's not him), dry hump Tyler on a bed (if it's not him), climb all over Peter on a pool table (if it's not him), etc. 

This show and entire franchise is one creepy and weird ass way to meet your future husband or wife. It simply is and it always has been. That's why it's more of an anomaly when the couples last versus breaking up. Because yeah every season whoever the lead picks they're going to have to watch their fiance make out with others, cry over others, have sex with others (that's not shown but most aren't naive about what goes on in the fantasy suites and apparently some leads have told their F1 if they did or didn't sleep with someone else), say "I Love You" to other people, etc. 

I don't see anything regarding Hannah's behavior with Luke that would make her so unworthy to whoever she picks anymore than all the other stuff she's done with other guys. Hannah looks more miserable than anything else with Luke. The whole thing is just stupid and boring. She barely looks like she even likes Luke. So yeah seems stupid to keep him around but point is, I hardly think that's the thing that's going to upset her Final 1 so much and make him not want her. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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The other guys are just acting so bitchy and clicky, it makes me almost feel bad for Luke, which I do NOT appreciate. We saw him try to talk to Luke S. like a normal person and get shunned.  We see him try to talk calmly to the group and they laugh at him. It's just mean-girl behavior - and coming from grown men, it's unattractive AF. 

Not sure I'd agree with you here, but one thing I AM sure of is that there are tons of interactions and conversations among the men that we never see. The producers slice and dice to create the stories they want to show. Is it possible that some of the men had no problems with Luke P? Sure. That Production ratcheted up the drama in the way they edited the story, and the Luke-vs-everyone-else scenes were few and far between and of short duration? Could well be. But I also think it takes a lot to make a whole group of guys look stonily at you or pointedly ignore you when you walk into a room. So I definitely think Luke's behavior and attitude are largely to blame.  Guess we'll find out more after the season wraps.


SINCE He left on his own I dont understand why Chris took a rose back.  

My guess is that they intended the night to end with X number of men still left. (For whatever reason.)  They needed to remove the extra rose so that they still ended up with X number of men, after the remaining roses were given out. 

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I wonder what everyone on the show does all day long for all those weeks. From what I read, there's no TVs, computer, phones, and I think I read that they can't bring books to read (but I'm not 100 % sure on that one). And they also aren't allowed to leave the house at all unless they're on a date. I guess there really is nothing to do besides talk to each other lol.

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16 hours ago, ECM1231 said:

He left on his own, Saber. He asked to speak to Hannah just as she was about to hand out the 1st 🌹. We only heard parts of their convo and then he walked out. Hannah came back and told the rest that Luke S left of his own accord.

And then Chris Harrison came out and dramatically removed one of the roses that Hannah was to give out. Does that mean she intended to keep both Lukes and when Luke1 left his 'spot' left too? That's weird -- I've never seen that happen before (it freaked out the remaining guys though -- and DID seem to screw over John Paul Jones).

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15 hours ago, jackjill89 said:

Can't wait to find out what in the world happens next week. Is it Garrett that does/says something? Arghh. Can't we have just one calm week? 

From what I remember (or maybe assumed) based on early season "coming this season" snippets, someone objects to (or at least mentions or asks about) Hannah's non-virgin status and, in effect, slut shames her. At least that's what I got out of it . . .

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15 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Kristen Baldwin on Twitter is making a lot of the fact that Mike has a size 14 shoe and wants him to be the next Bachelor.  😂

I'm on board for this . . .

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1 hour ago, hnygrl said:

Here's the thing: She is so not picking Luke. He's not the endgame.

So whoever is? He's gonna have to sit down and watch the woman he's in love with (heh) and took a knee for, get all horny and twitterpated for that asshat. Wanting him, lusting after him, keeping him around when it's plain as a white piece of paper that he's not only not there for her, but he's bat-crap-cray-cray and should've been eliminated long ago but her...ladyparts want him soooooo badly.

Do you really think this 'relationship' is gonna last past the 'final rose' episode? Think they're still together even now? 

I don't. She's invested so much into Luke that by the time the real guy proposes, and watches the season back, and his family, friends, and total strangers keep hitting him up on social media, he's not gonna want her anymore. It's humiliating the watch the woman you love drool all over an asshat.

I agree 100%.  Why would I root for a guy I like (Tyler in my case) to be with her when she so obviously wanted someone else.  No, I'm going to root for him to be with one of the many women obsessed over him watching this show.

1 hour ago, truthaboutluv said:

I feel like comments in this vein are made every season. Putting aside Luke's being disliked and a tool, how is that different than any season of this show and what the couples that come out of it have to go through? Whoever she picks has to also watch her climb all over Jed (if it's not him), dry hump Tyler on a bed (if it's not him), climb all over Peter on a pool table (if it's not him), etc. 

This show and entire franchise is one creepy and weird ass way to meet your future husband or wife. It simply is and it always has been. That's why it's more of an anomaly when the couples last versus breaking up. Because yeah every season whoever the lead picks they're going to have to watch their fiance make out with others, cry over others, have sex with others (that's not shown but most aren't naive about what goes on in the fantasy suites and apparently some leads have told their F1 if they did or didn't sleep with someone else), say "I Love You" to other people, etc. 

I don't see anything regarding Hannah's behavior with Luke that would make her so unworthy to whoever she picks anymore than all the other stuff she's done with other guys. Hannah looks more miserable than anything else with Luke. The whole thing is just stupid and boring. She barely looks like she even likes Luke. So yeah seems stupid to keep him around but point is, I hardly think that's the thing that's going to upset her Final 1 so much and make him not want her. 

I feel like Hannah's behavior with Luke is a little more extreme, if he's not the one she chooses.  She's not just making out with him.  She's not just horny. You can tell that Luke was her first choice for marriage.  She wanted him to be THE ONE.  It is obvious because she's giving him chances she wouldn't give to any one else.  I've only watched since Andi's season, but I haven't seen a scenario like this.  Don't most bachelorette end up with their FIR, the one they wanted from the beginning?  Any guy she chooses is so obviously second choice, at best.  IMO

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15 hours ago, Stats Queen said:

I wonder if Luke S’s final words to Hannah were kick six (I know you SEC folk know what I’m talking about)

That whole convo was weird and confusing -- why wouldn't they have shown us (the audience) what he said, her response, etc.? Did he leave on his own or did she ask him to? Did he try to warn her about the Luke Ness Monster? Did he tell her to f off with her indecisiveness and drama? Inquiring minds want to know . . . . and all we got was a long shot of the two of them in the hallway rather intensely whispering to each other. Fail.

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16 hours ago, talktoomuch said:

Luke is empty inside and Hannah keeps trying to make that emptiness into "still waters run deep." But sometimes you just have to accept that still waters are just still but shallow.

Puddles are pretty still.

7 hours ago, jackjill89 said:

I do agree with the whole idea that with Luke P there is the first impression rose thing standing in the way. Hasn't almost every bachelorette's F1 been their first impression? I can see the producers confusing her about that, or even Hannah just getting inside her own head about it.

I actually think that's what screwed Becca up with Garrett. One of the previous Bachelorettes mentioned to her before the show started that the last five or whatever picks had gotten the first impression rose and I really think that's why she ended up choosing Garrett. I hope Hannah breaks the cycle.

13 hours ago, Nowhere said:

I feel bad for Luke at this point. She keeps saying Luke is not what she wants him to be. This guy cannot win with her. It literally doesn’t matter what he says. Saying she doesn’t know who he is? Yeah, no shit. You don’t know any of these guys. Why ask for more from Luke than she’s asking from the others? Nobody else is getting this treatment.

I don't. The guy's a narcissistic sociopath whose only truth is what he speaks at that exact moment. He can't answer the way she wants because he's incapable of relating to other people. The problem is she sees that, she just doesn't want to acknowledge it. She wants him to act like a real boy to justify keeping him around now so she can bone him later. "See? He does have depth. I knew it was there, I just had to draw it out of him." Except there is no depth. What you see is what you get, which is a giant vat of nothing. And at this point, him still being here is all on her.

4 hours ago, Mrs. DuRona said:

"My heart producers want him to stay".  There, Hannah, fixed it for ya. 

"My heart producers loins want him to stay". Now I fixed it for you. 😉

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46 minutes ago, dirtypop90 said:

I feel like Hannah's behavior with Luke is a little more extreme, if he's not the one she chooses.  She's not just making out with him.  She's not just horny. You can tell that Luke was her first choice for marriage.  She wanted him to be THE ONE.  It is obvious because she's giving him chances she wouldn't give to any one else.  I've only watched since Andi's season, but I haven't seen a scenario like this.  Don't most bachelorette end up with their FIR, the one they wanted from the beginning?  Any guy she chooses is so obviously second choice, at best.  IMO

Maybe my many years (too many at this point) of watching this messy ass franchise has made me zen about most things but I just can't buy that this is any big deal or any bigger deal than all the other things past Final 1 have had to deal with in terms of watching the show and season play out. And seeing their fiance with others. 

Like I said, for me personally, at this point the Hannah and Luke P thing is just tired ass drama that's bringing the season's entertainment value way down. I know many insist on her wanting to bang him and so she's making every excuse to justify keeping him. But hell at this point I think Hannah wants to bang Luke, Jed, Peter and Tyler. Girlfriend may be one of the horniest Bachelorettes ever. 

But with the other three, at this point I see her wanting to jump them and having a blast while doing it. With Luke, I get shades of angry, unhappy sex. Again, Hannah seems miserable around Luke so I honestly just can't buy this "oh how will her Final 1 be able to want her or look past this". Listen if Hannah and her Final 1 don't last, it won't be because of this Luke P. nonsense, IMO. YMMV of course. 

45 minutes ago, ChiMama said:

That whole convo was weird and confusing -- why wouldn't they have shown us (the audience) what he said, her response, etc.? Did he leave on his own or did she ask him to? Did he try to warn her about the Luke Ness Monster? Did he tell her to f off with her indecisiveness and drama? Inquiring minds want to know . . . . and all we got was a long shot of the two of them in the hallway rather intensely whispering to each other. Fail.

It was chopped up a bit but I feel like many of these questions were answered from what we did see. It seemed clear that he left on his own and he did state that he did not want to stick around a place where his character was constantly being called into question. And he very much did warn her about Luke P., telling her to just be careful and pay attention to what's really going on around her and that he wished her the best. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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I don't like Luke P but this is really all Horny Hannah's fault. You've instructed him, time and time again, how to act and you still aren't getting what you want. Also, instructing someone to NOT say what you want to hear is putting them in a no-win situation.

I understand the gripe the men have with Luke. They don't want him talking about them and submarining their chances with Hannah. That being said, I think the most effective strategy is just to avoid him.

I struggle to find anything appealing about Hannah. She seems like she'd be such a chore to hang out with. Thank you to whoever pointed out that her nose gets red when she drinks. I didn't see anyone else comment on this on the forum or on Twitter and I thought I was crazy for thinking that.

Edited by el diego
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2 hours ago, thesupremediva1 said:

I am glad Hannah experienced this young and won't have to do it later on in life.

I have a feeling she's going to experience it later on in life as well. More than once.

2 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

Whoever she picks has to also watch her climb all over Jed (if it's not him), dry hump Tyler on a bed (if it's not him), climb all over Peter on a pool table (if it's not him), etc.  

One guy didn't watch the season on tv after it was over. Forgot who that was. But it's silly to imagine, if you are F1, that your dearly beloved didn't touch ANY of the other guys, or they her. But she chose YOU and now you are engaged, so who gives a care what she did before your engagement and soon-to-be-marriage? *cough*

1 hour ago, Jaclyn88 said:

I guess there really is nothing to do besides talk to each other lol. 

Or stare at each other, a la Mike and Luke.

1 hour ago, Nedsdag said:

Tell me about it:

What guy sits like that or even moves his leg like that when he's wearing pants, much less wearing a skirt? So much TPTB fakery. The editors love that black bar. I remember the one woman, they put it over her ass in every scene just to be smarties.

1 hour ago, dirtypop90 said:

I feel like Hannah's behavior with Luke is a little more extreme, if he's not the one she chooses.  She's not just making out with him.  She's not just horny. You can tell that Luke was her first choice for marriage.

I admit my mind wandered during their date, but I didn't see Hannah and Luke even kiss much less Hannah do her trademarked I'm On Top horizontal make-out session. Maybe there were some lip pecks during the Handshake, but nothing even close to what she did with other Bs.

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5 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

I admit my mind wandered during their date, but I didn't see Hannah and Luke even kiss much less Hannah do her trademarked I'm On Top horizontal make-out session. Maybe there were some lip pecks during the Handshake, but nothing even close to what she did with other Bs.

I honestly think they cut out the "good stuff" when it comes to Luke and Hannah's relationship.  They do not care about showing their lead in a good light and helping viewers understand why she's so into him.  They only care to show the drama.  I did see her climbing over him in a silver dress on a couch in a preview, so they are still getting physical.

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Just now, truthaboutluv said:

Are you sure that wasn't her and Jed from last night's episode? 

No, she was wearing black-ish tight dress last ep. 

It was shown in one of the first promos.  She's wearing a flowy silver dress with a split,  and Luke leans back on the couch while they're making out and she climbs on top of him.  Here at 1:29:

There also another makeout with Luke shown in this preview right before that one that we haven't seen yet.

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Aw, I lived in Inverness for a year in 2016 and this was so nostalgic! It's such a small city so I recognized just about everywhere they went- so glad they visited Leakey's Bookshop because it's adorable. I'm glad Hannah and Mike looked like they were genuinely enjoying the area. I also got a kick out of them using subtitles for the Scottish man running the Highland Games. And I sure do love men in kilts. Loved that Tyler kept his on for the evening portion of the date.

20 hours ago, saber5055 said:

The camera panned over the room full of guys and I swear I saw One Eff Jef in the crowd!

It's definitely Garrett! They share a lot of physical similarities (although I was way more attracted to one F Jef). 

20 hours ago, saber5055 said:

(Now that I know there is a Devin there. Who knew?)

Me! He's too hot to fly under my radar. He wears suits very well, and I like his face.

I am endlessly entertained by Luke's dead eyes when anyone is speaking to him. I love that they sat him and Mike down (as Mike clearly can't stand the guy) in the most unnatural conversation setting and forced them to chat. I especially cracked up when Hannah started ranting on their walk to the castle and was turned entirely facing away from him just monologuing at the hillside while he stared at her back.

Watching Hannah attempting a conversation with Luke was TIRING. All he needed to do to appease her was go, "Spaghetti! What about you? What's your favorite meal? Hooters is my favorite restaurant. I feel sad when the other guys are mean to me. I have a terrible relationship with my father. I get what you're saying about owning my flaws, and coincidentally I have a basement full of bodies at home" and so on. 

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1 hour ago, dirtypop90 said:

I honestly think they cut out the "good stuff" when it comes to Luke and Hannah's relationship.  They do not care about showing their lead in a good light and helping viewers understand why she's so into him.  They only care to show the drama.  I did see her climbing over him in a silver dress on a couch in a preview, so they are still getting physical.

They showed an awful lot of that in the first night session when they were making out during the initial cocktail party.  He had his shirt off and the whole thing.  We all know why she's in to him based on that first night and it has nothing to do with her heart nor her head.

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2 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

It was chopped up a bit but I feel like many of these questions were answered from what we did see. It seemed clear that he left on his own and he did state that he did not want to stick around a place where his character was constantly being called into question. And he very much did warn her about Luke P., telling her to just be careful and pay attention to what's really going on around her and that he wished her the best. 

Admittedly, I may have zoned out during part of this encounter -- but I think some of this 'conversation' was reported to the guys secondhand by Hannah. The "character being called into question" thing should have been a shot at Hannah as much as at other-Luke, to be honest. I don't blame him for taking his ball and going home, but it was handled strangely. I remember the very first part of the conversation, but I don't remember a "wish you well/goodbye" thing AT ALL. I just remember a shot of them talking from far away (no audio) and him walking off. We (the audience) didn't know he was leaving until Chris took the rose and Hannah announced it. It was just weird and VERY choppy.

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4 minutes ago, ChiMama said:

but I think some of this 'conversation' was reported to the guys secondhand by Hannah.

No we actually saw him saying everything I mentioned above, to her. After they pulled away and showed them whispering and guys looking on, they did return to the conversation, which is where I think he told her good luck and hugged her. And then he left. When he did, they went back to the guys' reaction and Chris coming in to take the rose away.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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6 hours ago, LBS said:

So true!  For those who don't have IG, he put Luke's head on a picture of a guy in a canoe, compared Mike to Buddy the Elf, and a Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants but he photo-shopped Blazer and put all the guys faces who wore it over the original actresses.   Honestly, it was funnier than I how I am describing it.   

So TPTB - Why can't we see this sense of humor ON the show?  I get that they want drama but I'd much rather see her developing her relationships with the front-runners and see how the men bond with each other.  I like watching relationships AND friendships grow.   That what makes the show fascinating to me - the social experiment of putting a group of men/women together in a sterile setting (no phones, no SM, etc) and seeing how they react.  The friendships borne out of this franchise last longer than most of the relationships.   Kevin kidding around with Jed after seeing them make-out is very telling that they all like each other and Hannah seems very comfortable and joke-y with them on group dates which also speaks to the bond the guys have with each other.  There is no tension minus the Luke P stuff.  I want to see that!

Yes - I'd like to see who these guys are, what they talk about, how they joke around, what they have in common - both with Hannah and how they are with each other. 

Luke P complained that Luke S talked about starting a tequila business, and didn't talk about Hannah AT ALL!  Are they supposed to sit around the house and compare notes on the woman they are all dating?  Are they NOT supposed to talk about their careers, or future plans because that would be some violation, that they're using the show to promote themselves?  All we know about their careers is what the producers choose to put in the caption under their names.  

5 hours ago, debbie311 said:

She needs to stick to short dresses.  It was kind of funny when she tried to straddle the guy (forget who it was) and couldn't because the long dress wouldn't allow it.  I think it was the one she ended up on the pool table with.

Yeah, that was three different guys.  

That's the other thing - they keep showing us the make-out sessions.  As if the show was Hannah making out with a dozen or so guys, and then choosing the one who was the best kisser.  I'd really like to see the actual conversations she has with these guys.   this season has been a lot of guys competing in physical contests, including wrestling/fighting/contact sports, and then taking turns  making out with Hannah.  

That's NOT how to pick a husband!

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5 minutes ago, tinkerbell said:

Luke P complained that Luke S talked about starting a tequila business, and didn't talk about Hannah AT ALL! 

That was a direct appeal to her ego.  Of course they're supposed to spend all their time waxing eloquently about her wonderful self.  It seems stupid and trite to me, especially given that she's been on the other side of this and knows darned well they don't spend the entire off-camera time talking about the intended.  But she fell for it anyway because that's who she is.

Believe her.  She is telling us who she is.

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3 hours ago, ChiMama said:

And then Chris Harrison came out and dramatically removed one of the roses that Hannah was to give out. Does that mean she intended to keep both Lukes and when Luke1 left his 'spot' left too? That's weird -- I've never seen that happen before (it freaked out the remaining guys though -- and DID seem to screw over John Paul Jones).

I thought it was ridiculously OTT.  Did they mic his shoes?  It sent me back to the days of my tap dancing recitals.

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Just watching now, thank god for FF. Anyway, watched the rose ceremony and damn did she not want to give Luke Psycho a rose. The look on her face was one of total resignation that this is what she has to do to keep production happy. She nearly flubbed her lines when she said "My....heart wants him here". Nope, she might be willing to bang him but I don't think he is at all in the running for Final One. 

Also, Mike's smile warms my soul. I would just quite happy with him as Bachelor which is a race, for me, between Tyler, Peter and Mike. 

Now bring on the kilts!

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Hannah is 24. She’s acting 24. There’s a reason why the lead isn’t usually this young! No offense to any of our younger members. I think most of us are 30s-40s+ but I bet most of us have been there, haven’t we? Falling for the smooth-talking bad boy who’s nothing but red flags but doles out just enough of the “good stuff” to keep us hanging on and believing if I just love him hard enough and if he just loves me enough, he’ll become that glimmer of the man that we think he could be with the help of my love. I think this is pretty “normal” early 20s emotional maturity—or lack thereof. She’ll get her heart broken by Luke and it will be a learning moment that helps her redefine what she needs in a relationship. Unfortunately for her, she has all of these amazing guys here that she just might alienate and miss out on in the process. Truly, this is one of the highest-caliber groups we’ve had in a long time! There are SEVERAL men in finance! Not even a SINGLE fitness trainer or athletic reject. Most of these men are intelligent, handsome, sweet, interesting, emotionally available, but OF COURSE the 24-year-old is going to zero-in on the walking red flag with puppy dog eyes and washboard abs.

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6 minutes ago, JenE4 said:

Most of these men are intelligent, handsome, sweet, interesting, emotionally available, but OF COURSE the 24-year-old is going to zero-in on the walking red flag with puppy dog eyes and washboard abs.

She is a very young 24. She comes across as not having a whole lot of romantic experience. I see my 24 year old self in her and yeah, if I found Luke attractive (which I don't) I would be making excuse after excuse for him. I did it with pretty much every guy I liked when I was her age. That's why I can't be all "OMG Hannah is horrible, she sucks because she keeps Luke around". She's very young and finds him attractive for some reason. I do think that when she is with the other guys she forgets all about him so little by little she is kind of over him, but then she looks at him and he must be her total physical type because she then goes back to making all the excuses in the world and begging him to be the man she wants him to be. She is so a 24 year old girl.

I am so glad this show didn't exist when I was 24. I probably would have been stupid enough to want to go on it and make a fool of myself too. 

I hope this experience helps her to grow up a little because I think she is just painfully naive. I think that lack of experience is also why she is basically dry humping every guy she sees. She's like a kid who was never allowed sweets and was then let loose in a candy shop. And of course her Producer isn't going to stop her. Slut shaming is gonna bring in the ratings just like keeping the Psycho around as long as possible. Never overestimate humanity. 

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5 hours ago, thesupremediva1 said:

The other guys are just acting so bitchy and clicky, it makes me almost feel bad for Luke, which I do NOT appreciate. We saw him try to talk to Luke S. like a normal person and get shunned.  We see him try to talk calmly to the group and they laugh at him. It's just mean-girl behavior - and coming from grown men, it's unattractive AF.

But they are under no obligation to be socially polite to someone who has acted the way Luke has.  To treat him 'normally' gives a tacit seal of approval to his behavior.  And especially for Luke S, there is no reason that he needed to make nice with a lying bully.

2 hours ago, saber5055 said:

One guy didn't watch the season on tv after it was over. Forgot who that was. 

I think you're talking about Chris on Des's season..

20 hours ago, talktoomuch said:

Kissing multiple people in the same day doesn't really bother me too much, but making out with multiple people kinda does. 

What I realized for the first time ever, in all my seasons of watching, was that at these cocktail parties, she has conversation after conversation where the guys are all praising her, trying to impress and please her, and each one probably sits down and says variations of the exact same thing, and she hears it over and over.  I cannot imagine what that would be like....I can only guess that it probably gets very monotonous and almost humorous, but that it also gets expected and could go to your head.

19 hours ago, JenE4 said:

I can’t give you this rose...until the rose ceremony.

Yeah, that scared me; it seemed like the show was cut off right when there was more to the sentence  Or even "...until I know for sure that such-and-such."  I really fear that it's a fake-out and the douche-bag dead-eyes roid-rage plastic-boy will stick around even longer.

20 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

Luke would not be the guy for me but I don’t know what Hannah wants him to say. No matter how he answers he is wrong.

Well, to be fair, he'll be wrong as long as he keeps not replying with what she requested.  My favorite was when she pleaded for him to just tell her about his feelings, do you get along with your dad, etc., and all that came out of his mouth was that same old mealy-mouth canned crap-ola.

21 hours ago, JenE4 said:

Mike forced her into a Bachelor Handshake. That’s a new one.

Yep, and once again, no passion in their brief kissing.

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Mike's a nice guy, but he's not Bachelor material.  He's way too obsessed with "saving" Hannah from the evil Luke.  He's constantly talking about him, trashing him, referring to him and bringing him up in conversation.  Mike's allowing Luke to take up way too much real estate in his brain to be able to lead a season.  He's too emotional and can't compartmentalize. 

I think with the exception of Nick V,  the leads in the last few seasons have been fairly mellow, happy-go-lucky and go-with-the-flow guys:  Colton = goofy puppy, Arie = laid-back rich boy, Ben Higgins = Vanilla Peter Brady, Chris Soules = Placid, drunk farmer, Juan Pablo = Eees Ok in every sentence,  Sean Lowe = Everybody's best bud, etc. 

The show needs somebody they can guide, manipulate and direct.  That's not Mike.  I don't think he has a shot at all. 

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17 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

I personally think Luke S. left the "castle" and headed directly to BiP... don't want to stay around the mothership too long and miss out. It's a tough situation. 

Hahahaha...the mothership. That cracked me up! What you say is true though! 

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She is practically begging production to let her let Luke go. All the heat is gone between them, at least on this date which I suffered through only because OMG that location was absolutely stunning and even Luke Psycho couldn't ruin it. Oh, now it's the night date, time to tune out again. Nothing nice to look at anymore. Ugh, for some reason the ABC app won't let me fast forward. I'm not sitting through this shit. What have I done to deserve this?!?!?!!

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Hannah needs to be on her knees at her church crying out to Jesus to help her relinquish his grips of her. 

If she married Luke, I see a Big Little Lies scenario. 

I want Mike as the next bachelor please. I doubt he’ll make it past the final four if that!

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As soon as I heard the words, "Luke Ness Monster," I knew that everyone responsible for this show needed to be grounded, effective immediately. Sorry, guys. It has to happen.

I wish someone had notified me in advance that I could have gotten a nice buzz if I took a drink every time someone got the Bachelor Handshake in this episode.

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2 hours ago, LuvMyShows said:

What I realized for the first time ever, in all my seasons of watching, was that at these cocktail parties, she has conversation after conversation where the guys are all praising her, trying to impress and please her, and each one probably sits down and says variations of the exact same thing, and she hears it over and over.  I cannot imagine what that would be like....I can only guess that it probably gets very monotonous and almost humorous, but that it also gets expected and could go to your head.

Yes, every guy is talking about feeling something with her, wanting to get to know her, etc.   But where are the conversations where she asks them about their lives, their jobs - how they got into the field they work in, what their day-to-day lives are like?  does HANNAH have dreams and ambitions past pageants and being the B'ette?  

Or is it assumed now that post-show, the "winning"  couple will be doing talk shows, dance shows, photoshoots, and selling products - so that none of that "career" stuff matters? 

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3 hours ago, JenE4 said:

Hannah is 24. She’s acting 24. There’s a reason why the lead isn’t usually this young! No offense to any of our younger members. I think most of us are 30s-40s+ but I bet most of us have been there, haven’t we? Falling for the smooth-talking bad boy who’s nothing but red flags but doles out just enough of the “good stuff” to keep us hanging on and believing if I just love him hard enough and if he just loves me enough, he’ll become that glimmer of the man that we think he could be with the help of my love. I think this is pretty “normal” early 20s emotional maturity—or lack thereof. She’ll get her heart broken by Luke and it will be a learning moment that helps her redefine what she needs in a relationship. Unfortunately for her, she has all of these amazing guys here that she just might alienate and miss out on in the process. Truly, this is one of the highest-caliber groups we’ve had in a long time! There are SEVERAL men in finance! Not even a SINGLE fitness trainer or athletic reject. Most of these men are intelligent, handsome, sweet, interesting, emotionally available, but OF COURSE the 24-year-old is going to zero-in on the walking red flag with puppy dog eyes and washboard abs.

I totally agree with everything you're saying.  I have no clue why she's looking to get married already anyway.  It was pretty clear from pre-show that she still lives with Mommy and Daddy.  Why doesn't she want to live on her own first before she makes a life commitment?  I grew so much once I got out on my own and experienced/lived life like a grown-up.  The men that I was heartbroken over for so long in my youth, by the time I hit my late 20s, I was almost shivering with disgust asking myself, "What the hell was I thinking?  Was that truly the man you could see a lifetime with or to be the father of your children?" Pretty much every one of them I was glad to have dodged that bullet.    She needs much more "grown-up" time before she's ready to make all these grown-up decisions.  

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Jade.Black, your last paragraph was exactly what I was thinking. "Do you like macaroni & Cheese or spaghetti...." He should have said, "Spaghetti" and than laughed.  I really think Luke has always been the alpha and never been around other confident males.  He has no idea how to deal with it. Also, I think he's just an idiot and not an evil manipulator.  I believe he has no clue that he isn't giving her what she wants, he honestly thinks he's answering her questions.  She is totally thinking with her Vajayjay.

I disagree with what someone said above, I feel she has got some in depth conversations from at least 2 of her leads.  Jed was up front with her and Tyler talked her off a ledge and distracted her by being funny. The 3 leaders seem to actually each have brains, they use words with syllables and don't just constantly complement her.

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11 hours ago, LBS said:

So TPTB - Why can't we see this sense of humor ON the show?  I get that they want drama but I'd much rather see her developing her relationships with the front-runners and see how the men bond with each other.  I like watching relationships AND friendships grow. 

They let us hear Tyler making a few one-liners on his one-on-one with Hannah.  I remember because IMO it takes a certain kind of quick wit to come up with an apropos one-liner on the spot. Thus, Tyler revealed himself to be more than just a pretty face to me. 

10 hours ago, thesupremediva1 said:

The other guys are just acting so bitchy and clicky, it makes me almost feel bad for Luke, which I do NOT appreciate. We saw him try to talk to Luke S. like a normal person and get shunned.  We see him try to talk calmly to the group and they laugh at him. It's just mean-girl behavior - and coming from grown men, it's unattractive AF.

I'm feeling the same way. Luke has pretty much kept his cool while being ganged up on.  At some point, the pile-on grows old and I end up feeling sorry for him. Luke hasn't been great but did these dudes ever see CHAD?

9 hours ago, hnygrl said:

Do you really think this 'relationship' is gonna last past the 'final rose' episode? Think they're still together even now? 

I don't. She's invested so much into Luke that by the time the real guy proposes, and watches the season back, and his family, friends, and total strangers keep hitting him up on social media, he's not gonna want her anymore. It's humiliating the watch the woman you love drool all over an asshat.

This dynamic happens every season.  The worst case was Des where she was inconsolable when Brooks (#3) ditched her, but she ended up marrying one of the other guys anyway and they just had their 2nd kid.

The Bachelorettes have the best track record of successful relationships (rather than the Bachelor). The winning man usually understands what the deal is .... there is always a rival for the Bachelorette's heart on every season who is CRUSHED and inconsolable at the end. They get over it and pop up on Bachelor in Paradise!

7 hours ago, JenLily said:

I actually think that's what screwed Becca up with Garrett.

Becca and Garrett seem very happy together ... why do you think she is screwed up?

7 hours ago, el diego said:

Thank you to whoever pointed out that her nose gets red when she drinks. I didn't see anyone else comment on this on the forum or on Twitter and I thought I was crazy for thinking that.

I've been noticing that for weeks now and thought that her makeup kept rubbing off during her make-out sessions.  

5 hours ago, jade.black said:

Aw, I lived in Inverness for a year in 2016 and this was so nostalgic!

I am so jealous. I loved the setting of this episode!

The guys actually looked genuinely excited about their digs in Scotland. Their faces when they walked up to the place showed real delight.  

Other thoughts: Pete the PIlot is getting dorkier by the episode. And not in a good way.

I do not know the names of half of the guys left here.

I was sad to lose John Paul Jones. His name I knew.

I think Hannah is a fun Bachelorette. She does have some great guys. For the record, I think Jed is the frontrunner at this point. He seems like the most mature ... with Tyler coming in second ... broken hearted but able to recover in time to be our next Bachelor. 

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