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Jenny & Sumit: Slumdog Thousandaire

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Okay, guys...so a lot of the first season stories came from couples the producers found on VisaJourney (an awesome site that helps those of us with visa journeys). I am pretty active on that site and I know a few people who producers approached to be on it. However, a few minutes ago a friend from the site wrote me and said that she was hit up by Sharp to share her  K-1 journey for a new season. However, she and her husband have been married for 11 years...When she told the producer this, they more or less told her that it was fine, that they would just "recreate" all of those early scenes of them first getting to know each other. 

I think that parts of these stories are true, that there are nuggets of truth in there, but I believe that more than half of what we're seeing is fabricated. I personally know 3 couples who have been on the show and I know that their stories are legit and unfolded as we watched them on screen. I also know, however, that lots of their details and storylines were completely made up. 

Long story short, I think Jenny and SumBitch are scamming either us or the producers. I'm not buying most of it at this point. 

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How can Sumit claim he's filing for divorce to be with Jenny, when he also says his wife filed a claim on him?      He can't tell the truth about anything.   

I would hate to actually run into Sumit in real life, I'm not sure I could stop myself from kicking him into the next county.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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On 10/17/2019 at 9:13 AM, Twopper said:

I really hope he is live  on screen for the tell-nothing-much, but this could be a trick where they just cropped a picture of him from earlier filming.

The first episodes of this show were in 2014, I think.  I have a theory that Jenny saw it and pitched it to Sumit as something they could do to get him to the USA to marry her here, but when that didn't work and they couldn't get on the cat-fishing show on MTV, they settled for her going to India.  I think over the years Jenny has been sending Sumit money, although I would think that if she had sent a lot of money she would have listed it in  the litany of things given up for him.   I don't think Sumit wants to marry her;  maybe he thought he could run out the clock on her VISA by pretending to be married.   Or, more likely, he thought Jenny would leave when she found out he was married, if he really was married.   Maybe the family storming the apartment was meant by all of them to scare her off and when that didn't work he had to come up with an alternate plan so he comes back to her and moans about his unhappy marriage. 

Obviously, I have no clue about what is real with this couple except that Jenny needs to cover her neck. 

I am about 5 years older than Jenny, and I have yet to see anyone in our age bracket wear their hair the way she has it for the tell-nothing.  Some older women can get away with longer hair, but she isn't one of them with her saggy jowls and neck and thin, limp hair.   Maybe Sumit got scared by the way she had aged since last he saw her.

I've seen this and I think it generally works when the hair has a wave or a curl and therefore it doesn't look limp.  Its very pretty when it works.  I'm not sure what style would work on Jenny.  She looked better with her hair up.  

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On 10/17/2019 at 6:13 PM, mamadrama said:

Long story short, I think Jenny and SumBitch are scamming either us or the producers. I'm not buying most of it at this point. 

This is very disappointing especially after the talking head where she was sobbing and stating over and over, "My story is real. I swear I didn't know he was married."

On 10/5/2019 at 8:13 AM, Persnickety1 said:

I don't see how Jenny could ever trust him on any level, but then again it's Jenny.  She's obviously not the sharpest tool in the shed when she welcomes him back with open arms a week after the family debacle and asks him what he wants to do about their relationship, after sitting around with no contact from him for a week. 

I have to say, I think Samit is the best of the best when it comes to lying and manipulating. I believe Jenny has gone through life being introverted and invisible until she met Samit. I believe he groomed her by starting as online 'pen pals', to video chatting, to declaring love and her sending him money. He makes her feel so special, so loved, that she can't see beyond the BS. He follows up his statements of love with grand gestures like the scenario where he publicly protested his arranged marriage and announced to family and world that he loved and wanted to be with Jenny. I can see her mental hamster-wheel spinning while she thinks, "It must be true or he wouldn't say it".

Even if the whole family confrontation was arranged by Samit, the fact that he said all of that in front of the so-called relatives, while being dragged out simply proved to her he loved her. She wants to romanticize their union, like she's a 60 year old Juliet. I get why she got duped, and I see no chance of her moving on from him. No matter how badly he scammed her, he's able to justify the continuation of their relationship. He's very good at double talk (and it helps that he is not fugly - he is actually decent looking with those big, innocent-looking eyes.) But come on Jenny, what are the odds of a past-her-prime 60 year-old with a 30 year-old? 

I usually shake my head with disgust after the initial episodes of 90 Day... because the relationship cracks are obvious. (Paul and Karine's/ Mohammed and Danielle's cracks were showing before they stepped on a plane). However, I love Lauren and Alexi so I watch because I hope to see another happy union like theirs, but the BS unions outnumber them.

With Samit though, whenever I would think, hmm smells like a scam, he would behave or react in such a way that he had me second-guessing my own BS detector. Poor Jenny comes to life when he focuses on her, and I feel so sad because as long as he publicly announces his love for her, and convinces her the two of them will prevail over the naysayers, she'll never turn her back on him. 

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On 9/25/2019 at 6:05 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

I think Sumit said that when he talked to his friend, and said that they couldn't get him for adultery (it's no longer a crime), but the in-laws threatened to go to the police, and claim he abused his wife.   

The saying, "Hindsight is 20/20" is so appropriate. During the conversation about Samit possibly being thrown in jail because of his in-laws filing false abuse claims, I was feeling sorry for the guy. LOL, Say what? If anything, I've only read news articles outlining that abusing one's wife is the norm in India, and generally accepted. So how was it that I was watching that conversation, and thinking, poor Samit? Heck, I was getting suckered!

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On 10/1/2019 at 8:10 AM, doyouevengohere said:

Exactly,  Jenny's no looker, but she's not comletely unfortunate looking and could probably find love with an age appropriate man in the states for the right reasons if she wanted to.  .

Not a chance. All she would find online/at home are men her age refusing to consider a match with a woman over the age of 40. I believe she started off the friendship with Samit innocently, and he groomed her for years.

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1 hour ago, Chalby said:

Not a chance. All she would find online/at home are men her age refusing to consider a match with a woman over the age of 40. I believe she started off the friendship with Samit innocently, and he groomed her for years.

Probably true.  I do know some women of my age (I am a few years older than Jenny claims to be) who have had no trouble finding suitable men, but Jenny doesn't seem to be the type.  She seems like she would be a Debbie Downer type, too.

2 hours ago, Chalby said:

This is very disappointing especially after the talking head where she was sobbing and stating over and over, "My story is real. I swear I didn't know he was married."

Ha! that cracked me up, because when she raised her hand that she was surprised he was married (this was in the tell-nothing) all I could think was "yeah, I bet you were surprised when you found out, but you found out a lot earlier than everyone else."  I don't think she lies as good or as much as Sumit, but I don't believe her either. 

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3 hours ago, Chalby said:

I have repeatedly asked the same question - a question that should have been addressed at the tell-nothing. Surely there is someone in India who will spill the beans for a minimum dollar amount.

There was something said at some point by someone which led me to believe he  didn't have children, but I can't recall what it was.  I just remember that I posted I didn't think he had them so maybe if I have time I will search for that post to help me recall why I said it.  Nothing is believable about these two except Sumit is a liar and Jenny is a mess. 

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Monday's (4 November) is a two hour timeline of Jenny and Sumit.    I'm not getting hopeful about any revelations, and assume it will be two hours of the same clips we've already watched.       

I wonder if after the information the show put out about Sumit, and Jenny, is if she'll be allowed to come back to India or not?   

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On 11/1/2019 at 3:04 PM, Chalby said:

Not a chance. All she would find online/at home are men her age refusing to consider a match with a woman over the age of 40. I believe she started off the friendship with Samit innocently, and he groomed her for years.

Exactly...plus I think Jenny is more than a little delusional about her looks.

I don't think she realizes how old she looks and how badly she needs to get her hair cut.

She probably wouldn't want someone close to her own age because they wouldn't be hot enough for her.  😂

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On 11/2/2019 at 5:33 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

Monday's (4 November) is a two hour timeline of Jenny and Sumit.    I'm not getting hopeful about any revelations, and assume it will be two hours of the same clips we've already watched.       

I wonder if after the information the show put out about Sumit, and Jenny, is if she'll be allowed to come back to India or not?   

I’ve searched for it on the network site and can’t find anything or on my menu. What is the title? Thanks! 

19 hours ago, RealReality said:

This story is interesting because sumit paid for her flight the first time she visited India.  So, this hasn't gone the route of so many other couples. 

A plane ticket must have been pretty expensive, and she couldn't afford it.  

So, he may make more than she does.

I have often thought he was better off than portrayed.  I wonder if he is a from a wealthier family and is a bit of a playboy.

I wonder if there is extra material in the show tomorrow night.  I am dvring it so I can ffwd thru it.

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8 hours ago, Twopper said:

I have often thought he was better off than portrayed.  I wonder if he is a from a wealthier family and is a bit of a playboy.

I wonder if there is extra material in the show tomorrow night.  I am dvring it so I can ffwd thru it.

Please let us know if there’s anything new!  I didn’t even DVR it because I feared my poor television would suffer many blows as I threw things at Scum-it and Droopy Dawg.

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Wait...what?  "Jenny and Sumit: Our Journey so Far"???

Seriously?  He's a married man.

I checked my listings to see if we would get a new class of "theotherways" tonight (last night was such a pleasant surprise to see a new "beforethe90days" season, when I was expecting a  "tellnothingpart6").  And I and saw this "ourjourney"  nonsense.  

I'd like to say that between this storyline and Angela's abusive behavior/storyline on "theotherways", this franchise has just gone beyond the point of no return for me.  Unfortunately, my standards are still lower than I'd like... as long as I can complain about my self-induced unhappiness in these forums.

"Man invented language to satisfy his deep need to complain."

Lily Tomlin

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1 hour ago, OldButHappy said:

Wait...what?  "Jenny and Sumit: Our Journey so Far"???

Seriously?  He's a married man.

I checked my listings to see if we would get a new class of "theotherways" tonight (last night was such a pleasant surprise to see a new "beforethe90days" season, when I was expecting a  "tellnothingpart6").  And I and saw this "ourjourney"  nonsense.  

I'd like to say that between this storyline and Angela's abusive behavior/storyline on "theotherways", this franchise has just gone beyond the point of no return for me.  Unfortunately, my standards are still lower than I'd like... as long as I can complain about my self-induced unhappiness in these forums.

"Man invented language to satisfy his deep need to complain."

Lily Tomlin

I wonder if the Rice a roni live thread will be open??

12 minutes ago, Armchair Critic said:

It bugs me that TLC is treating this like some great love story giving them a 2 hour clip show. He is married. They were both deceiving the viewing audience.

Exactly... I wonder how Mrs Sumbitch likes them being broadcast as this great love story?

Maybe she's at home with a little Sumbitch Jr. In her lap.... way to go TLC  🙄

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On 11/1/2019 at 6:56 PM, Galloway Cave said:

I may have missed it, but has anyone asked Summit if he has any children with his wife?

I just had the 2 hour show about Jenny and Sumit on while I finished the puzzle from the Sunday paper.   When Jenny is talking about the invasion by Sumit's FIL she says something like "they  told him his wife was younger, that you (Sumit) CAN have kids"  which I originally took to mean that Mr and Mrs Sumit have no children.  No one has asked directly, which is the very first question you would think she would have asked him as soon as she knew he was married.  

I don't think there was anything much, if at all, additional.  When the show was on I was usually on the live chat so I could easily have missed something.  It seemed like they had a few more shots of Jenny's flight over and lingered a little more over how long he was at his parents' house making him late to pick her up at the airport. 

It was somewhat interesting to see a few of the earliest scenes again in light of what we now know--especially the scene with his friend Neeraj who exclaims "that Jenny."  I am ready to give Neeraj an Oscar for that performance.

2 hours ago, Armchair Critic said:

It bugs me that TLC is treating this like some great love story giving them a 2 hour clip show. He is married. They were both deceiving the viewing audience.

I certainly wondered about that.   I don't know if it is TLC having a bit of revenge on them by emphasizing the deception.  It was weird to see it without interruptions of Tiff and Laura and Eviline et al.  In fact, watching/listening to it in one long show made me really dislike the lying Sumit and the needy Jenny more than before.  I think they looked so much worse than before even though  there was no new footage.  Jenny is such a dolt and I think Sumit's lying is pathological and he will never not lie.   He kept saying his parents didn't trust him which makes me think he must have lied an awful lot to them over the years.  Yes, Jenny, the audience does think you are a fool.

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5 hours ago, Armchair Critic said:

It bugs me that TLC is treating this like some great love story giving them a 2 hour clip show. He is married. They were both deceiving the viewing audience.

Plus it JUST aired on The Other Way.  I’d understand if it had been a year or two and they wanted to catch the audience up before they appeared on one of the shows again, but there hasn’t even been time to forget them. 

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What if the whole thing is a scam within a scam? Sumbitch may have already been divorced, or in the process, while the show was filming. Jenny was in on it. They knew it was more dramatic pretending otherwise, and that TLC was unlikely to bring them back if he was still married, so the divorce is now suddenly complete (I would think that it takes a long time in India as well, and in the Tell All Jenny was still saying that he was married). That would also explain her daughter's reaction, which I always found to be rather restrained (unless said daughter was in on it, too). I watched the beginning of this, and had forgotten that Jenny had two other daughters, one of whom was on the show. I wonder why we never heard from them again?

Edited by Gobi
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1 hour ago, Gobi said:

What if the whole thing is a scam within a scam? Sumbitch may have already been divorced, or in the process, while the show was filming. Jenny was in on it. They knew it was more dramatic pretending otherwise, and that TLC was unlikely to bring them back if he was still married, so the divorce is now suddenly complete (I would think that it takes a long time in India as well, and in the Tell All Jenny was still saying that he was married). That would also explain her daughter's reaction, which I always found to be rather restrained (unless said daughter was in on it, too). I watched the beginning of this, and had forgotten that Jenny had two other daughters, one of whom was on the show. I wonder why we never heard from them again?

That also fits nicely with WHY we never saw footage of the big confrontation... It never happened so there was no such footage to capture but it set the stage for the heart breaking love story of Sumbitch and Droopy 

I always thought it was BS when Sumbitch would sneak over to see Jenny from his parents house yet they had supposedly physically dragged him away and Jenny said his mother looked like she wanted to kill her.... Then they just let him go wandering back over to see her after smashing his shrine and roughing him up

If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck.... it's Darcey.... Oops I mean it's a Duck!  😂

Edited by Joan of Argh
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13 minutes ago, Joan of Argh said:

That also fits nicely with WHY we never saw footage of the big confrontation... It never happened so there was no such footage to capture but it set the stage for the heart breaking love story of Sumbitch and Droopy 

I always thought it was BS when Sumbitch would sneak over to see Jenny from his parents house yet they had supposedly physically dragged him away and Jenny said his mother looked she wanted to kill her.... Yet they just let him go wandering back over to see her after smashing his shrine and roughing him up

I think the smashing of the shrine was probably a much bigger deal than we've seen, maybe symbolic of disrupting this particular home? Jenny emphasized that, it makes me think it's culturally significant.

I had the show on last night but didn't make it through the whole thing. I don't recall one thing I hadn't seen before. I'm disappointed that Jenny's daughter and daughter in law seen to have been in on the whole thing. Indian Johnny Cash too, Sumbitch's friend, admitted he knew the whole time. Smh.

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4 hours ago, Gobi said:

What if the whole thing is a scam within a scam? Sumbitch may have already been divorced, or in the process, while the show was filming. Jenny was in on it. They knew it was more dramatic pretending otherwise, and that TLC was unlikely to bring them back if he was still married, so the divorce is now suddenly complete (I would think that it takes a long time in India as well, and in the Tell All Jenny was still saying that he was married). That would also explain her daughter's reaction, which I always found to be rather restrained (unless said daughter was in on it, too). I watched the beginning of this, and had forgotten that Jenny had two other daughters, one of whom was on the show. I wonder why we never heard from them again?

Bingo!! By George, I think you've got it.

This is about the only theory that makes total sense considering all we have seen.  A divorce by mutual consent in India can be attained within 6-18 months while a contested one takes 2 years minimum up to 7-10.

Yes, I was surprised to see that it was another daughter who drove Jenny to LAX.

Well, I guess we may see them marry, but I can't imagine that Sumit will be able to get past his tendency to lie.  Any bets on how long it will last?   I wouldn't be too surprised to see him dump her as soon as the cameras quit rolling.  Will their next stop be in the USA?

I know Jenny over emotes, but her referring to her time in India as the best/happiest  time of her life was depressing.  I guess she really had a bad marriage;  I think she said it only lasted 15 years so probably at least a few of those years were rocky.

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Jenny's daughter Christina and her wife, Jen, were on the show. Apparently, they have both been posting and arguing with people who follow Jenny and Sumit just to insult them. There are pretty stupid, to me, comments encouraging Jenny and Sumit and saying how obvious their love is, etc., which are met with responses supporting Sumit's wife and pointing out all of Sumit's lies. Then, Christina and Jen respond angrily because Jenny is being insulted. It's a clusterfuck of stupidity, which I tend to ignore, but saw this old Instagram post of Christina's and thought people here may be interested. 

I'm now of the opinion that Christina and Jen have jumped into the fray not so much to back up and support Jenny and Sumit but because any attention will drive followers to their sites, allowing them to contract with the ad companies, diarrhea tea, etc. Christina and Jen have a YouTube channel, do Cameos, and have a small business printing photos on wood and would like travel around the country in an RV and film it for their YouTube channel -- like Larry also wanted to do and may have ultimately done. (Larry was the one who worked for the McDonald's corporation or something and married a woman from the Philippines, I think; I don't remember where she is from but want to call her Jenny, too.)

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6 hours ago, Christina said:

Jenny's daughter Christina and her wife, Jen, were on the show. Apparently, they have both been posting and arguing with people who follow Jenny and Sumit just to insult them.

I liked Christina and her wife on the show, they seemed sensible.... until I saw their social media. I understand wanting to defend your mom but Christina makes it worse by acting like a snot and trying to make money off their loose connection to the show.

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9 hours ago, Armchair Critic said:

I liked Christina and her wife on the show, they seemed sensible.... until I saw their social media. I understand wanting to defend your mom but Christina makes it worse by acting like a snot and trying to make money off their loose connection to the show.

Yeah, they seemed pretty down to earth when they were in India.  Jen seemed to support Jenny, but she also said something that made me think things would not go well for Sumit if he didn't stand up to his parents and get the ring for Jenny or something like that.  Of course, that was before they knew or were supposed to know that he was married.   Jen really changed her opinion in the tell-nothing much, though, and was supportive of the Jenny/Sumit relationship.  I wanted to throw something through the tv at them.   How did these people get a following on social media?  Was it just from being on this show?  I thought maybe they became supportive to get Jenny/summit another season. 

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I'm not entirely sure I even believe Sumit was married. No one has found any proof. There were two different photos that were supposedly his wife, one was revealed to be a Bollywood dancer and the other one was also identified as someone that couldn't be linked to Sumit. 

I don't know why they would choose to lie about it, but it just rings false. If it is true, I think Jenny knew from the beginning.

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9 minutes ago, Christina said:

I'm not entirely sure I even believe Sumit was married. No one has found any proof. There were two different photos that were supposedly his wife, one was revealed to be a Bollywood dancer and the other one was also identified as someone that couldn't be linked to Sumit. 

I don't know why they would choose to lie about it, but it just rings false. If it is true, I think Jenny knew from the beginning.

The wife makes sense, but his family and her family have apparently turned down a sweet TLC payday even though I don't think they are rich.  I think TLC would have found a way to pay them for that juicy footage.  

Which is to say that his family, his wife, may be very private and very ashamed about this whole situation.  I think the only picture I've seen is of Jenny and sumits mom and sister (?).  And that looked like a real picture IIRC.  Anyways, wife sumit may have never had much social media to begin with and so she just shut it down when this all came to a head.  Just a theory.  

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Jenny's daughter and DIL have shuttered their photos on wood business. The example I posted in this thread was pretty poor so it's not really a surprise.


There was no camera crew in tow for this sighting, but there were other sightings of Jenny filming here in the US. I think they are going to be in another season of something.

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