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Love After Lockup: Life After Lockup

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4 hours ago, Maybeitsme said:

So are we really required to download a We app to see life after lockup? I'm confused.  Will there not be a tv version?

Either the app, apple tv, roku, firetv, xbox, or androidtv.  And it's not life after lockup, that's what we're seeing now, it's life after lock up: life goes on, or the show lite, with different couples.


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I will give Sarah a quarter star of credit for seeming to act as a decent parent when Michael showed up.  she was focused on Aviana, calm in dealing with her, and didn't talk shit about Michael around her.  

She doesn't get full credit for still being a hot mess, and Aviana would not get the idea of being snatched on her own.

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8 hours ago, goofygirl said:

Forehead?? You know your rights?

I was sniggering at his smarmy ignorance, too, until that lawyer said he could take the kids for several months and Sarah wouldn't be able to see them. WTH? In what looney tunes state is it possible for an absentee, nonsupporting father to get such a "right?"

It's obvious that mom has been discussing this possibility in front of Aviahna and now the poor child is terrified. Ignoramus. What an adorable child. Those kids don't deserve this dipshit of a father for one minute. I think he's probably the most disgusting person to have ever been on this show.


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I just noticed that Cheryl’s job is intervention specialist?!? Oh, dear. I’m sure her interventions are just as successful as when the gang pulled an intervention on Frank on “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia”—yelling “Intervention! Intervention!” and drinking wine out of soda cans. Cheryl actually has a soda can in her hand as she’s yelling! I knew it!

This baby’s name is Royalty?!? How unfortunate. Quite the kingdom they have there.

The sex toys in this shop help you to be fruitful and multiply! The Holy Spirit is into S&M! 

Megan and her friend are all decked out in exercise gear for a leisurely stroll around the park. If they were walking any slower, they’d be going backward.

wait. Is Michael trying to have a threesome with Maria and Sarah?!? Or, I’m assuming other girls on Michael’s phone log. Another delusional girl who thinks she’s “emotionally married” to Michael! Where does he find these girls?!?

This sad organ music ballad under Clint’s scene!! Haha! I realize this is trying to set a somber theme, but it’s having the opposite effect.

Facing 20 years in prison for being on drugs?! Seriously, we need criminal justice reform—especially as related to drug charges. 

i think Tony has his list of rules outside with him—put his beer down on a piece of paper. Does he really have to carry it around lest he forget “No prostitutes”? These rules are worse than the halfway house. They probably don’t have “no prostitutes” in writing.

“You don’t drive with two foots!” 

I like how Lamar is wearing his Africa necklace while reading this Mormon restriction against those from African descent. Really bring home the point. This woman is crying! 
Angela, you’re outside with cameras and lights shining in your face. If you think you’re going to catch him sneaking out, even Tony is perceptive enough to see you’re outside waiting! 

Pretty Girl starts crying when she sees Michael! Sarah feeds her the line to be worried that he’ll “take her.” That’s not right!

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1 hour ago, JenE4 said:


I like how Lamar is wearing his Africa necklace while reading this Mormon restriction against those from African descent. Really bring home the point. This woman is crying! 


No to put too fine a point on it, but it was pretty rich that a white woman ended up the tearful victim in a conversation about the church's history of ostracizing black people.  

And they can all the way miss me with their condescending tone, "I'm going to read you this passage, don't worry it's easy". Like WTF miss clariol, Lamar may not be a Rhodes scholars but at least he is smart enough not to show up with that hair color. 

It reminds me of the time I was stuck on a flight to Chicago for work.  At the time I was in my first year of law school.  Anyways I was seated next to a Christian woman looking to convert me.  She pulled out this picture book that she slowly explained to me like a five year old ("and these are the arrows and they are trying to get through gods wall").

She was doing this as i was trying to read chemirensky's 1000 page casebook on constitutional law.  I was put off for any number of reasons, but the fact that she assumed I needed her to help understand simple pictures when I was clearly reading a giant tome about a pretty complicated topic was a bit insulting.  

I suspect that had I been a white businessman she would not have felt such a need.  Maybe she would have, it's just a feeling I got.  


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7 minutes ago, RealReality said:

I'm sure the court would ask what the fuck he is doing all day and would be less than impressed when he explains that he is building up a stable of stupid women with low self esteem 

Exactly! Well put. 🤣

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8 hours ago, RealReality said:

I found it interesting that the Utah sex shop has all it's vibrators in the "adults only" area.  Who are these kids prancing into sex shops?  Do they check ID to get into the adult area?  Or do you have to be married to get in? I'm from heathen California so I'm unfamiliar with all of this.  

Maybe to protect the prudes who just want lingerie and harlequin masks.

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14 hours ago, Maybeitsme said:

HA I first read " I work with a bunch of MORMONS" LOL sorry but that made my day for some reason,  I'm almost sure Andrea is not a true practicing Mormon, more like an actress who has enlisted a lot of help. Oh its almost time for the new episode...

LOL.  I thought it said Mormons, too. It just fit with our current season, though I did think "Ouch."

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8 hours ago, Kangatush said:

Either the app, apple tv, roku, firetv, xbox, or androidtv.  And it's not life after lockup, that's what we're seeing now, it's life after lock up: life goes on, or the show lite, with different couples.



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11 hours ago, RealReality said:

Can't believe they are bringing that guy with the bad miss Clairol hair color back.  

A bunch of white people condescendingly lecturing a black man into a religion that has long seen black people as unequal is such terrible optics.  Do they literally not have another mormon of color to do this?

That was so uncomfortable. I was totally Team Lamar.

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19 minutes ago, KateHearts said:


She was explaining how to get the app to watch the web content.

10 minutes ago, DanaMB said:

That was so uncomfortable. I was totally Team Lamar.

You know there is something wrong when the Crip is the voice of reason.

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On 1/31/2020 at 7:12 PM, goofygirl said:

Really! Meganmyqueen is gonna get a smaller picture with that 4 pack they're gonna have to do with Miami Maria.... 

And it's probably NOT the ONLY additional picture of dummies that think the FOREHEAD is awesome.  It'll look like the intro to the Brady Bunch before it's all over.  What a douche.

^^^ THAT is going to have me laughing my ass off all day.  Brilliant visualization 😄

I'm still reading the thread and catching up after last night's dumpster fire.  

Mini Persnickety's fiance asked me to play Marry, Fuck, Kill using only Tony, Michael, and Clint.  I finally decided:

*Marry Clint (because he's so goddamned ignorant I could tell him I was allergic to him and demand he give me a 12' personal space bubble at all times...plus access to his parents' butcher shop is a massive bonus for a dedicated carnivore like me).

*Fuck Tony (because he's so fucking out of shape that he'd last 2 minutes tops and mercifully probabably go right to sleep afterwards)

*Kill Michael (because that ignorant illiterate ass just needs to be taken out of the general gene pool...no more making beautiful babies that he basically abandons in favor of following his dick).  

I can't wait to see the Chon/Chane/Lacey dumpster fire next week.  

On a random note, Josh looked particularly attractive tonight. 

And Cheryl looked particularly crazy.  


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53 minutes ago, KateHearts said:


There is web only content you need those ways to see.  They are different couples than those on this show, like Lizzy.  They are also giving us like 10 minutes of this stuff after the regular episode.  This is the second season of web only stuff.  I've never watched any of it, and I don't feel like I've missed anything.

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43 minutes ago, Persnickety1 said:


On a random note, Josh looked particularly attractive tonight. 


I was reading a true crime book that discussed the phenomena of women being attracted to serial killers, Hybristophilia, and I thought of Cheryl.  Then I saw a pic of Albert DeSalvo, the Boston Strangler, and for the first time, I found a serial killer attractive.


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I must say Thassmahgoddess looked pretty good a couple weeks out.... relative to the last time we saw her.  

I don't know a ton about Mormonism but I'd assume it's not okay to use special g spot vibrators alone while your husband sleeps on the couch. Kudos to Lamar for calling them out about their racist history. The chick in the floral prints can cry me a river of crocodile tears. She was really trying to provoke him. 

 I see Jessica Alba is still teaching hip hop down at the cenna with Sarah's special "hood speak". I thought maybe she had put it to rest but alas.... here we are. 

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I know this show has reached real lows whenI find myself thinking the admitted Crip was the most logical of the night. I think that Andrea is straight up acting because I cannot believe that she would, as a true LDS follower, find it ok to screw and conceive in a prison broom closet (and admit it on TV), visit a sex-toy shop (again on TV) and disclose which kinky pastimes she prefers, and then manipulate her husband by denying him the marital bed. Don't get me going on how her poor, intelligent kids are exposed to all of this- acting or not, it's disgusting.

Cheryl is just nuts and for all the times she insists she can't stay with Josh's mom one more minute, there she stays.  Whose baby is it that Mom is caring for? Another incarcerated adult child?

Michael disgusts me to no end. Again, it's hard to believe that there are people in this world who behave and "rationalize" as he does. "You want me to be in they lives." OK, so just prance in every couple of months (when you can get a new girlfriend to buy your plane tickets, get your hotel room, etc) to traumatize your "pretty girls" (they have names! Your doing that is not endearing; it's infuriating). Sarah is no better. She isn't that stupid that she doesn't realize she can and should get full custody and cut off his phone. She and her off-and-on ghetto speak can just step back because she obviously has no problems using her children to get her 15 minutes of cable-TV "fame."

Every time I watch Clint's segments I think two things: I would NEVER want to live where he does, and I want a video tour of his parents' home. It's just lovely. His poor mom. The way she knows he's chronically screwing up, how it's just a hopeless situation- but she just can't put the hammer down.  Her sad, "oh, honey"s show that she is forever his mother, forever hoping something might change- but she knows down deep that nothing will change. He will be in his endless spiral of addiction and wasting his time on his Queen until one of them dies. So sad.


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1 hour ago, RealReality said:

Yikes, can't I just kill myself?

Can we at least add Robert and Anny’s boxing instructor into the mix?

57 minutes ago, KateHearts said:

Whose baby is it that Mom is caring for? Another incarcerated adult child?

Josh called her his niece so either his brother’s or sister’s kid.

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59 minutes ago, KateHearts said:

Every time I watch Clint's segments I think two things: I would NEVER want to live where he does

I’m assuming the basketball net came with the house because I can’t imagine him doing anything athletic. 

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Can we have an intervention/rescue for the poor dog and cat with Clint and My Goddess? I worry about them.  

Angela isn't fooling anyone with her "I'm getting dressed up to go out at the one place in my little town to show Tony up!"  Sure.  If you're going to "spy" on your "boyfriend," you probably shouldn't park right in front of your trailer in your own car while smoking a carton of cigarettes every hour.  She and Tony must keep Marlboro in business.  

Andrea, while Jesus may have sound go forth and be fruitful, he didn't add a codicil about S&M.  Please think of your children when you allow yourself to be filmed for tv shopping in an adult toy store and getting all gleeful over vibrators.  

I think Lamar could have been a little bit nicer to the Mormon guests but I don't agree with anyone having religion forced down their throats.  It is certainly not the way to introduce them to it or get them into it.

Cabbage Patch Sarah needs to file for sole custody of those girls and keep Michael far, far away.  He is only going to damage them, as evidenced by Avianna's reaction last night.  And why exactly did CPS call her grandmother to come get the girls?  I don't think it has as much to do with fears of Michael taking them as CPS' hopes that Michael would stay with her.  She's not fooling me.  And neither is her blaccent.  No matter how tough she acts, she's still paying for Michael's phone and spending inordinate amounts of time tracking who's sending him money instead of divorcing his sorry ass and getting sole custody.  

This episode just proved to me that LAL is no longer must-watch tv for me.  I pretty much dislike all these folks, with the exception of the children and the pets.  

4 minutes ago, Spike said:

Can we at least add Robert and Anny’s boxing instructor into the mix?

Josh called her his niece so either his brother’s or sister’s kid.

A niece that is apparently named ROYALTY.  Jeebus.  Poor kid.  Clearly bad decisions run rampant in Josh's family.  

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1 hour ago, KateHearts said:

His poor mom. The way she knows he's chronically screwing up, how it's just a hopeless situation- but she just can't put the hammer down.  Her sad, "oh, honey"s show that she is forever his mother, forever hoping something might change- but she knows down deep that nothing will change. He will be in his endless spiral of addiction and wasting his time on his Queen until one of them dies. So sad.

My brother does not do drugs but is a loafer and a mooch who has lived off my parents his whole life.  Still lives at home in his late 50s, hasn’t worked in 30 years, and does nothing to help out around the house.  My parents are now in their 80s and I think finally realize that they should have applied tough love and booted his ass out many years ago.  Because when they are gone he will have no source of income, and no job skills.  He has no college.  And he won’t even qualify for Social Security because hasn’t worked enough.

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I love B. And he dropped my favorite Maya Angelou quote! I'm adding him to the list of secondary characters who need a spin-off.

Megan got ghosted and she thinks Michael isn't talking to other women romantically? What does she think he's doing? If someone isn't communicating with you in this day and age, it's because they don't want to be. Point blank and period. I said before that Michael is the kind of man that will always have a side chick, and that appears to be true. 

6 hours ago, RealReality said:

No to put too fine a point on it, but it was pretty rich that a white woman ended up the tearful victim in a conversation about the church's history of ostracizing black people.  

It was straight up, classic, textbook white woman tears. I've seen it a thousand times. White woman says or does something offensive, gets called on it, cries, and the focus shifts to her and her hurt feelings instead of the offensive thing she did. (White men tend to react with anger, not tears.) I was furious on Lamar's behalf during that scene, particularly when he asked that that condescending-ass white woman not touch him and she made a point of reaching for him. Bitch, he told you not to touch him! I fucking LOVED Lamar hitting them with the racist history of the church. Team Lamar, and honestly he should leave Andrea. Also, that man with his Kool-Aid beard and hair was killing me. Like, he leaves the house looking like that every day? Really?

I just don't have time for all of Angela's rules and tests and machinations. Like, for what? Life is too short. It's like she enjoys the drama. She's sitting there with a smug look on her face talking about how when you have a lying-ass boyfriend, you have to spy on him. Or you could have a boyfriend you can trust. How about that?

You can tell Clint has put his parents through hell. His mother holds out hope that he'll do better; his father does not. His mother might be coming around to his father's way of thinking but you can tell his mother is by far the more soft-hearted of the two. Whenever Clint's dad is on screen I envision him shaking his head the second Clint and the cameras leave and going "That boy ain't right," a la Hank Hill.

Edited by Empress1
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12 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

 I said before that Michael is the kind of man that will always have a side chick, and that appears to be true. 

Can they be all side chicks and no main chick lol?

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Poor Ahvianna. The one person on the show we can be certain isn't acting.



It was straight up, classic, textbook white woman tears. 

I've never seen an example that perfect in real life. She was so stunned that her exciting missionary opportunity didn't turn out like she planned.

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I ff past most of this show because it's a snoozefest but watching Michael and Sarah's segment this week drove me insane. First, she went back to "street voice" when talking to him but regular voice when talking to the camera. What an ass. Worse yet, was there is NO WAY in the universe that she has not been feeding Avianna messages that "Daddy's going to try to take you away." That was why she was crying and so frightened at the sight of him and "worried." And when Sarah says that Michael's behavior makes her sick? Yes, it is horrible what he's doing by vanishing and showing up again, but Sarah is no innocent doing that to a little kid. What a useless piece of trash she is. 

The rest of them are just so boring I can't be bothered to watch them.

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Are Clint and My Goddess back in Hobbs?  I thought you couldn't leave the state when you're on bond.

And Lamar obviously used his prison time well.  He does make some intelligent decisions, and doesn't appear to be on track straight back to prison. 

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On 8/2/2019 at 11:56 PM, Scout Finch said:

Kudos to Brittany for dressing up/appropriately for her visits to the attorney. It really stands out because it always bothers me how the majority of the time the others here and on 90DF wear something trashy/overly-revealing or that they don't care to make the slightest effort to underscore the seriousness of the situation they're seeing the attorney for. Not explaining it well but I hope it makes sense. I guess I liken it to going to a job interview or getting a bank loan or any other serious business matter.

In light of this week's tank top and visible bra straps I'm taking back what I said! Her sloppy attire was the complete opposite and really made me cringe.

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2 hours ago, Rt66vintage said:

@Empress1, thank you for the Shane Bauer article in Mother Jones about his undercover job as a prison guard. It was fascinating and horrible at the same time. I'll check out the other book too. Prison reform is needed. 

You’re welcome. I thought Bauer’s book was excellent, and I highly recommend Just Mercy as well.

@SevenCostanza I totally thought CPS meant Child Protective Services!

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21 hours ago, Kangatush said:

I'm adopted too, and I'm horrified at the thought of her just popping into their lives at their ages.  My adoptive parents are awesome, but there's still no way I could have handled that level of personal drama at that age.

I find Brittney and Marcelino that rare combination of boring and tryhard so I generally don't pay attention. 

What was their deal?  Is she trying to gain custody or rights to her teen children who have been adopted?  Is she just hoping to talk to the adoptive parents to see if it might be a good idea to re-enter her kids lives?  

I don't know, superficially I think the whole thing may be a terrible idea.  Being a teenager is already a hard and confusing time......and now you have to deal with a bio mom who has a new family and her own set of issues.  

I sincerely hope, for everyone's sake that she is going to an attorney for the sole purpose of contacting and talking to the adoptive parents and not forcing herself into those kids lives.  I think if the adoptive parents say it's okay for her to have limited access to her bio children then she can maybe go forward.  But those kids may not want to know her at this point. 

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I am not buying that Andrea is Mormon, nor any of those women she films with. True Mormons would have nothing to do with this show. After finding out Andrea is a trained actress and appeared with her oldest daughter years ago on one of those kiddie beauty pageant shows, Toddlers and Tiaras or whatever.... no way she’d be filmed in a sex shop.

This show is starting to get sloppy in trying to pass the various people off as something they are not.

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9 hours ago, RealReality said:

I find Brittney and Marcelino that rare combination of boring and tryhard so I generally don't pay attention. 

What was their deal?  Is she trying to gain custody or rights to her teen children who have been adopted?  Is she just hoping to talk to the adoptive parents to see if it might be a good idea to re-enter her kids lives?  

I don't know, superficially I think the whole thing may be a terrible idea.  Being a teenager is already a hard and confusing time......and now you have to deal with a bio mom who has a new family and her own set of issues.  

I sincerely hope, for everyone's sake that she is going to an attorney for the sole purpose of contacting and talking to the adoptive parents and not forcing herself into those kids lives.  I think if the adoptive parents say it's okay for her to have limited access to her bio children then she can maybe go forward.  But those kids may not want to know her at this point. 

It's really unclear what her end game is.  She just babbles about losing her kids to adoption.  I don't think she ever says if she's looking for custody, visitation, a conversation, or whatever.  Right now it just seems like she wants to give her attorney a lot of money for access to public records.

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LOVE AFTER LOCKUP Brittany’s lawyer files lien against her for for more than $20k



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned attorneys claim a lien for their services upon the claim for relief in the above-entitled cause and upon any verdict, judgment, decree of settlement entered in favor of Defendant, Brittany Dodd, now known as Brittany Santiago (hereinafter “Defendant”). The undersigned attorneys further claim a lien on all interpled funds and upon any other funds that may be available to the Defendant through the above-entitled actions. Said claim is for reasonable compensation in the amount of TWENTY-TWO THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED FORTY-EIGHT DOLLARS AND SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS ($22,148.75) as of January 22, 2020, including both attorney’s fees and costs. No part of said amount has been paid. This lien is filed pursuant to NRS 18.015.

DATED this 23 day of January, 2020.

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17 hours ago, Kangatush said:

And Lamar obviously used his prison time well.  He does make some intelligent decisions, and doesn't appear to be on track straight back to prison. 

He has? Not sure if he has a job, other than his wishful thinking about making a living as an old rapper. Other than that, and showing up periodically to fight with Andrea on national TV, what is he doing with his time?

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On 2/8/2020 at 11:25 AM, DanaMB said:

That was so uncomfortable. I was totally Team Lamar.

Me, too, and I don't even like Lamar. He stood his ground and I commend him for that. 

Andrea is so full of shit. She is so much more offensive than Lamar. At least he is real about who he is. Andrea is fake as hell. Let's go to the sex shop, then it's time for bible study and then corner you at the table to convert you, Lamar! But first, hot sex. Like the kind we illegally did in the closet while you were in prison!  Hypocrite, much? 

Edited by bichonblitz
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On 2/7/2020 at 6:21 PM, kacesq said:

Yes...with a “Family Crisis” subtitle...

the commercial is ridiculous. Honey Boo Boo eating cereal with a pic of Mama June on the milk carton...

I’m adopted and I don’t think I want to sit thru Brittany trying to find the kids...

Apparently she feels like she has to fuck up the lives of anyone remotely connected to her.  Unless the children she gave up for adoption are looking for her, I sincerely hope she fails to locate them.

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On 2/7/2020 at 8:44 PM, RealReality said:

I think Clint's dad is maybe going to be the one to stop the enabling.  But that's what needs to happen.  

POOR TONY!  when he fucks up it's going to be Angela's fault for "pushing him"

Ha ha, Angela is so overdressed.  She was so desperate to convince Tony she is a hot piece of ass.  

Well, the she's an ass is 100% right, but a hot piece she is not.

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On 2/8/2020 at 10:15 AM, SlutAssBitchAssHor said:


I must say Thassmahgoddess looked pretty good a couple weeks out.... relative to the last time we saw her.  

I don't know a ton about Mormonism but I'd assume it's not okay to use special g spot vibrators alone while your husband sleeps on the couch. Kudos to Lamar for calling them out about their racist history. The chick in the floral prints can cry me a river of crocodile tears. She was really trying to provoke him. 

 I see Jessica Alba is still teaching hip hop down at the cenna with Sarah's special "hood speak". I thought maybe she had put it to rest but alas.... here we are. 

I LOVED it when Lamar kept telling her not to touch him.    

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13 hours ago, RealReality said:

I find Brittney and Marcelino that rare combination of boring and tryhard so I generally don't pay attention. 

What was their deal?  Is she trying to gain custody or rights to her teen children who have been adopted?  Is she just hoping to talk to the adoptive parents to see if it might be a good idea to re-enter her kids lives?  

I don't know, superficially I think the whole thing may be a terrible idea.  Being a teenager is already a hard and confusing time......and now you have to deal with a bio mom who has a new family and her own set of issues.  

I sincerely hope, for everyone's sake that she is going to an attorney for the sole purpose of contacting and talking to the adoptive parents and not forcing herself into those kids lives.  I think if the adoptive parents say it's okay for her to have limited access to her bio children then she can maybe go forward.  But those kids may not want to know her at this point. 

I think she sees them as a story line for herself and whatshisname to keep the paycheck coming in.  Please, Brittney, leave them in peace.  Unless you want to give them any money you make off of them.  Yeah, right, that's going to happen.

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I have a suggestion for Angela.  You should get a hoodie with your "Rules for Tony" printed on it, so he remembers how to behave when he leaves your hovel I mean home oops dwelling, the same way Forehead has his pretty girls on one to remember their names.

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9 minutes ago, Friday said:

I think she sees them as a story line for herself and whatshisname to keep the paycheck coming in.  Please, Brittney, leave them in peace.  Unless you want to give them any money you make off of them.  Yeah, right, that's going to happen.

If this is where they are going for a storyline it's desperation bordering on cruelty.  

These two need to just accept that they are boring and get solid jobs.  Let professional gambling be a side hustle.

Marcelino gets some monthly income from the military right?  And as someone else said, he would have preference for federal government jobs. 

I betcha he is a shitheel in the workplace.  We've only ever heard of him having jobs like "writer", "model" and "poker player"  

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4 minutes ago, Friday said:

I have a suggestion for Angela.  You should get a hoodie with your "Rules for Tony" printed on it, so he remembers how to behave when he leaves your hovel I mean home oops dwelling, the same way Forehead has his pretty girls on one to remember their names.

But Michael still doesn't know their names!  He called aviana by her name ONCE!  And I'm sure that happened after Sarah or a production member said it.  

But he knows the name of this latest moron who is his "emotional wife".  He knows meganmyqueen's name.  But he called his child by her name once!  

As for Tony, he will just claim he forgot because the rules were on his back.....how was be going to read "no prostitutes" backward in a mirror.  Not his fault "setutitsorp on" is confusing!

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