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S11.E09: Tears of a Clown

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17 hours ago, ShawnaLanne said:

Now she just needs a trip to the hairdresser and someone to show her how to do makeup and she'll look good.

And a new hair color so she doesn’t look orange all the way through.

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17 hours ago, AnnA said:

It's bad enough that Dale is back but why is she given THs?    

I don't remember Bravo doing that we other "guests" on any of the RH shows.

Too much Dale.  She must know someone.

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I was trying to look up Barbara’s age and I came across some interesting information.  She may consider herself successful, however her finances don’t read that way.

Really surprised that people want to buy Bethenny’s brand.  She was successful with the liquor, but the rest of the products have been all over the place.  I thought she might do well with the jeans but I saw them on Nordstrom Rack.  I always wondered how Beam felt about some of her antics.

I wish they would put LuAnn back in the slammer and bring her down off her high horse onto her ass.

Edited by Emmeline
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17 hours ago, QQQQ said:

Dale better hope her other daughter is willing to provide care in her old age, 'cuz Baby Tins is losing it.


Tins is 43, but last night she acted like 3.  Too dramatic.

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36 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I know. She desperately needed someone to acknowledge her pain and support her. And her mother basically wanted her to stuff it back down and put on a pretty face. It broke my heart. It also really bothered me how Dale kept harping on all she had to be happy about. Depression does not know race, gender, religion, or wealth. Anyone can get depressed. Poor Tinsley. 

THIS. This is one of the worst things you can say/do to a depressed person.

All it does is make that person feel even worse that he or she is depressed and makes him/her wonder what is wrong with him/her that he/she doesn't recognize/is unable to get joy from/appreciate all the good things in his/her life.  And then the person feels guilty, which feeds and deepens the depression, because now thoughts about  "what a terrible person I must be that I can't just be appreciative of what I've got" are added to the mix.

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Yeah, when you tell a depressed person, Don't be sad or a frightened person, don't be scared.  How is that supposed to help people? There is no switch that you just say, oh, let me turn it off.  For that reason, it bothers me when people tell others to stuff their true emotions. 

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2 hours ago, Rap541 said:

If she's testing positive for alcohol, all I can say is that if she was black and poor, she'd already be in jail for violating her plea deal.

I don't want to hear this bitch whine and moan how she needs x,y, and z because she's getting triggered by stuffed fish - she's drinking at her cabaret shows. She has been given a chance that she didn't really deserve to avoid jail. She isn't abiding by the terms of her plea deal and she hasn't been. She's been given MANY chances, chances that a lot of people don't get. Luann needs to stop playing the "I'm a sorta cute not really alcoholic but if I don't have everything just so, I will drink so its all on you" game and get her shit together.

I don't want to turn this into a social discussion but if she was black, poor female she would still be in jail for the arrest last Christmas.  And if she was a black man....well she'd probably be dead.  Threatening to kill a cop (!!) and here she is bragging about her mediocre cabaret show....white privilege!

I hope all this love for Barbara doesn't mean she's going to get an apple next season.  First her making up with Dorinda and now going shopping with Ramona.  I'll take Dale as a HW over Babs. 

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2 hours ago, Jel said:

Is it just me, or is Lu pronouncing it: AH-KA-Holic?

Lol I hear it more like UL (as in the first syllable of “ultimate”) KAH - HULL. 

But in any case, the woman clearly can’t pronounce it correctly 🤣

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17 hours ago, Thumper said:

Dale makes my eyes hurt.  Maybe it's the lipstick and tight skin.

Why is her mouth lopsided on one side .. an affliction or Botox?  Seriously.

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18 hours ago, bosawks said:

I have to confess, I really can’t stand the circus.

Thank goodness somebody said it.  I hate anywhere animal are doing tricks, hit, etc.  I can’t even look at the horse drawn carriages in Central Park, horse or dog racing.

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14 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

I'm kind of surprised that no one has said anything about the very long commercial Sonja and Dorinda gave for the movie Anne Hathaway is in.  After talking about the movie for an entire segment, the show cut to an actual commercial for the movie.


And it went on for so damn long comparing characters nobody knows in a film yet to be released to cast members. Lunacy!

I was cringing when the ladies were sexually inappropriate with the talent at the circus. It is a family show and tons of kids were present. 

B's is too busy? Its too much? I don't feel a drop sorry for Bethenny dealing with issues of her own making. I believe she self-sabotages with entirely too much on her plate because if she stopped for a minute she realized how damaged yet empty she is and deep down I don't think she like her own company. 

Tinsley? Now that is a pretty mess (tm Erika Jayne) and shows you what happens when a trophy can't attach itself to a wallet/awardee. People go on about how accomplished Tinsley is, how she went to college and can play tennis well. Yeah, but that was all grooming for the purpose of being a rich man's wife. I mean she majored in Art History and tennis for centuries was a rich person's game and to some extent still is, nothwithstanding the Williams Sisters. 

Jeez, I wonder what Dale's advice to Tinsley was during the throes of that abusive relationship?

I realize NYC has nearly 9 million people. If we assume half (4.5 million) of that are men, and half of that are dateable (2.25m) and half of that are in Ramona's age range (1.125m) and speaking generous 2% of that are monied and "sophisticated" enough to squire Ramona around town, I still have trouble believing she dates as avidly as she likes to portray. 

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21 minutes ago, Duke2801 said:

Lol I hear it more like UL (as in the first syllable of “ultimate”) KAH - HULL. 

But in any case, the woman clearly can’t pronounce it correctly 🤣

I hear Awe-Caw-Haw-lick

I believe it can be explained by saying Luann is allergic to admitting that she is one.

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18 hours ago, Thumper said:

Yay for Dale!  Surprised -- good mom.

Dale should fix Tins up with some millionaire.  She must know a lot of people with sons .. no?  Either in the City or Palm beach?

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That's a good point about Ramona and her "supposed" dating.  Is there any independent evidence that she really does date that much?  It's just difficult for me to imagine.  Plus, she seems so boastful about it.  She sure does feel proud of all that dating.  Why?  Does it mean that she's still desirable?  Hmmmm......I do have a friend who just turned 40 and she has done an incredible amount of dating from online introductions over the last couple of years.  She often would have several dates per weekend.  So, I guess it is possible. 

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26 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

That's a good point about Ramona and her "supposed" dating.  Is there any independent evidence that she really does date that much?  It's just difficult for me to imagine.  Plus, she seems so boastful about it.  She sure does feel proud of all that dating.  Why?  Does it mean that she's still desirable?  Hmmmm......I do have a friend who just turned 40 and she has done an incredible amount of dating from online introductions over the last couple of years.  She often would have several dates per weekend.  So, I guess it is possible. 

Even if Ramona was toddling off to some bar she really does suffer from FOMO.  She could have had a fun evening at the circus.

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41 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

I hear Awe-Caw-Haw-lick

I believe it can be explained by saying Luann is allergic to admitting that she is one.

She is allergic to the word alcoholic more than the ethanol in the actual substance. 

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18 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

If Tinsley isn't careful she's going to end up like her father. What an ugly scene that was, getting sloppy drunk like that, pinching that man's ass. She's a total basket case and secretly has been since before joining this show. This kind of drunken, outlandish behavior is what got her arrested in FL.

You’re right.  I like Tinsley but, she’s a spoiled little rich girl.  Scott knows this.  She’s used to being pampered.  I think he wants a “regular” woman, younger, who is satisfied with a more simple life.  Tinsley is a N.Y. Palm Beach society girl who will want the rich life that she’s used to.  He looks like a country bumpkin, although very successful.  Plus, he wants to stay in Chicago.  I don’t think he cares much for Dale either.

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51 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

What’s with all these messages from the grave?  First Dennis, now Bawbie sending Jill a boyfriend from the beyond.

You would've thought that Bobby would have given Jill's dog a message from beyond that a tennis ball was heading their way...

Edited by bosawks
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19 hours ago, chewycandy said:

I’ve heard “I have a date” out of her mouth more times than I can count and my question is do you REALLY 

I think it’s her way to leave because she really didn’t want to go in the first place.

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For a good few minutes -- and I'm not being [just] snarky here -- I couldn't tell whether that scene with Sonja and Dorinda was an actual part of the show or a commercial for The Hustle.

Ooof, that was bad.  Like, CouponCabin bad. 

Edited by ladle
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With bows to @Otherkate and @hoodooznoodooz, I was impressed that at age 60 (plus?), Ramona was reflecting on the origin of her lack-of-filter, as well as acknowledging that it’s often not a desirable thing. 

Watched the last several minutes of Tins & Dale thud morning & had to FF.  Too raw. Heart breaking.  I feel sincerely sad for T and would prefer the show stay with lighter topics. Do hope for T’s eventual epiphany and rebuilding, though. 

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1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

That's a good point about Ramona and her "supposed" dating.  Is there any independent evidence that she really does date that much?  It's just difficult for me to imagine.  Plus, she seems so boastful about it.  She sure does feel proud of all that dating.  Why?  Does it mean that she's still desirable?  Hmmmm......I do have a friend who just turned 40 and she has done an incredible amount of dating from online introductions over the last couple of years.  She often would have several dates per weekend.  So, I guess it is possible. 

I do not believe she has had all those dates.  I think she goes to that hotel bar where Lu's loser ex hangs out.  She might meet someone or not, and if she does, she calls it a date.

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4 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I get how you have to accept things as an adult and how sometimes, you have to put on your big girl panties and suck it up....I know.  But, sometimes, when your heart is broken, your spirit is so hurt.....and it seems like the tears are really flowing from your soul.....AT THOSE TIMES, you need a soft place to fall.  You need your person to hold you and tell you that everything is gonna be alright.  Total support and compassion for 5 minutes can really make a difference. Don't tell me to not feel sad or to think of the positive. Just let me feel the pain and the love.  Well, that's just from my experience.  I don't have those times very often, but, when I have and the person I was confiding in shushed me......OMG.  THAT hurts and it's never the same after that. 

I don't pretend to know Tinsley's mental state, but, I do hope that she can come to some terms, realize who are her true supporters are and get stable. Relying on a man for your happiness may not be the best plan for her. 

I completely agree with you. This is what I was thinking about earlier walking my dog (apparently I have nothing going on in real life) and you said it much better. 

If we are to believe the timing the demise of their relationship was recent. Being heartbroken at 25 is one thing...and indeed awful. But speaking from experience finding yourself alone again at 35+ is a whole other ball of wax. You mourn the loss of what you had and the future. And you think “oh my word, I’ve got to do this all again” if you want a future relationship. 

Add in a couple bottles of Pinot and a big bow and clown makeup  and yeah, the tears are falling and ice cream and hugs  and compassion are the cure. 

But as most things, thankfully, time really does heal and I hope we saw more of a breakup breakdown and Tins comes out on the other end stronger. Dale did give good advice that she had not wasted her time: she hopefully learned as well. Hugs to Tins whatever the case may be. 

I also wondered if Dale was more sober and camera aware and thought Tinsley would hate to have this on film so tried to shut it down a bit. Pure speculation on my part. 

Bethenny is beyond exhausting. Her self importance and freak out to business partners, drivers, employees reek of an ineffective CEO yet she wants us to believe she’s the next Warren B. Who does she think she’s fooling?  She’s neurotic. 

What about her super weird “I can be fired for anything” (not true as we’ve seen so many WTF fireable offenses if that’s the case) cry fest and driver also super weirdly replies she doesn’t have time to drink water?  Camera cut to B and she’s guzzling water lol. 

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19 minutes ago, Juneau Gal said:

What I learned from last night’s show: 

Tinsley needs mental health help and she isn’t going to get it from her reprehensible, undermining, askew-mouthed mother. 

Bethenny is stressed out and in a hell entirely of her own making and design. 

Luann was a lot more likable/tolerable when she was actively drinking. She is 100% insufferable now. 

Jill Zarin is totally irrelevant to this show anymore. 

Barbara has a freakishly large head/face and is one of those people who is unlikable through no fault of their own. 

Ramona took 60 plus years to realize she has no filter and that not having a filter is not a good thing. 

Dorinda really, really wanted to be a part of the circus. 

Sonja can do one hell of a forward roll in a dress without exposing herself yet can’t manage to walk through a room without showing off her goodies “accidentally”. 

I think that actually depends on where Sonja is and who her audience is.  If she were at Lu's cabaret show, for example, with all adults, those forward rolls would have exposed a whole lot of Sonja's goodies!    😉

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1 hour ago, bosawks said:

You would've thought that Bobby would have give Jill's dog a message from beyond that a tennis ball was heading their way...

I love when people use the Schtick “he wants me to be happy”, meaning “I don’t want people to Judge me that I have a boyfriend already”.  Anyhow, it’s her business.  Life is for the living.

Edited by Gem 10
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20 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

OMG 2 different parties want SkinnyGirl....they must be in love...engagement non announcement pending

One of the parties was the parrot from the last episode. 

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21 hours ago, Emmeline said:

I am really sick and tired of Sonja talking her negative BS about Tinsley.  She did not “use” Scott and I do not believe she is a “user”.  Tinsley has plenty of her own money.  She has family money, divorce settlement, as well as what she earned herself during her boom years.  From what I read, she has more money than any of them.  Sonja is just jealous of Tinsley’s youth and wealth.

I wish Barbara would explain why she loves this ugly horns.

Hasn’t Ramona dated every eligible bachelor + or - 10 years of her age by now?  

Wealth maybe but youth?  Tins is 43 years-old.  I mean, I'm not saying she's old (I'm 51) but she's no spring chicken either.

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2 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

I realize NYC has nearly 9 million people. If we assume half (4.5 million) of that are men, and half of that are dateable (2.25m) and half of that are in Ramona's age range (1.125m) and speaking generous 2% of that are monied and "sophisticated" enough to squire Ramona around town, I still have trouble believing she dates as avidly as she likes to portray.

2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

That's a good point about Ramona and her "supposed" dating.  Is there any independent evidence that she really does date that much?  It's just difficult for me to imagine.  Plus, she seems so boastful about it.  She sure does feel proud of all that dating.  Why?  Does it mean that she's still desirable?  Hmmmm......I do have a friend who just turned 40 and she has done an incredible amount of dating from online introductions over the last couple of years.  She often would have several dates per weekend.  So, I guess it is possible.

1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Even if Ramona was toddling off to some bar she really does suffer from FOMO.  She could have had a fun evening at the circus.

46 minutes ago, izabella said:

I do not believe she has had all those dates.  I think she goes to that hotel bar where Lu's loser ex hangs out.  She might meet someone or not, and if she does, she calls it a date.

I thought one of the things that sort of came out from the who is dating Tom storylines is that Ramona does a lot of "group hangs" with her friends. A man her friends want to introduce her to is in the mix, but Ramona isn't usually out on a one on one date. That's probably a good strategy for Ramona. As we saw from the Angel Ball, Ramona has FOMO and is a social climber. I can picture Ramona just abandoning her date (during a one on one date) to go chat with friends if they're out at some place scene-y like the Regency. With a group hang, Rammona is probably a little less likely to do that.

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21 hours ago, Emmeline said:

I am really sick and tired of Sonja talking her negative BS about Tinsley.  She did not “use” Scott and I do not believe she is a “user”.  Tinsley has plenty of her own money.  She has family money, divorce settlement, as well as what she earned herself during her boom years.  From what I read, she has more money than any of them.  Sonja is just jealous of Tinsley’s youth and wealth.

I wish Barbara would explain why she loves this ugly horns.

Hasn’t Ramona dated every eligible bachelor + or - 10 years of her age by now?  

Wealth maybe but youth?  Tins is 43 years-old.  I mean, I'm not saying she's old (I'm 51) but she's no spring chicken either.

Am I the only one who thinks Tinsley is acting her crying jags?  To me, she seemed way over the top with it.  If not, she really needs to work on her mental health.

And wasn't she basically subliminally lecturing Lu two episodes ago about drinking?  I know she was talking about her father's choice making her upset, but I took it as her being annoyed at Lu for them having to walk around eggshells b/c of her drinking issues.  I think Tins has her own drinking issues.

For fux sake, Bravo, can you please stop with the cross-promotions?  I thought the commercials of Real Housewives promoting movies was bad, but at least those were actual commercials.  

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3 hours ago, Duke2801 said:

Lol I hear it more like UL (as in the first syllable of “ultimate”) KAH - HULL. 

But in any case, the woman clearly can’t pronounce it correctly 🤣

I agree that she pronounces it that way. 

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25 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

Wealth maybe but youth?  Tins is 43 years-old.  I mean, I'm not saying she's old (I'm 51) but she's no spring chicken either.

Well, that's still 12 years younger than Sonya so I can see her being jealous of that. 

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3 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

Dale should fix Tins up with some millionaire.  She must know a lot of people with sons .. no?  Either in the City or Palm beach?

Why is the requirement that the guy be a millionaire?  I know that's what Tins and the rest of them seem to desire, but maybe just a nice guy, with an average income?  If she's as wealthy as everyone says she is, why does she need a rich guy?  Not to mention, wealthy men are likely going to want something younger than a 43 year-old -- like Tins when she was considered the "It" girl.  I think Tins is shooting way too high and could find a nice, normal guy that would appreciate her if she wouldn't go with wealth as her #1 quality she desires in a man. 

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8 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Her hair is so heavy! She needs to have her hair dresser take some weight out, really texturize it. 

Babs probably has a lot of extensions. New Jersey style. She needs to definitely have some of those things removed. Also, stop with the nude/white lipstick. No female over the age of 10 should ever wear that awful color lipstick, I don't care how much Ulta and Sephora tell us we should ! 

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7 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Well, that's still 12 years younger than Sonya so I can see her being jealous of that. 

With all the botox and fillers, they look about the same age.

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21 hours ago, tranquilidade said:

Hugs for Tinsley.  Damn everyone abuses her.

I have a hard time feeling sorry for her.  She's either an overgrown teenager or purposefully acts like one because she thinks it's cute.  I think it is a combination of both.

If she truly wanted a relationship with Scott, she has the money and the means to live in Chicago.  But she wants to be the "It" girl in NYC like she was years ago. That's why she's back on this show.  I suspect that Scott isn't the jerk she makes him sound to be; he's probably just as tired by her push/pull.  Clearly, if he wanted a real relationship with her, he could move to NYC.  I think when you start a long-distance relationship, you know at the outset that if this is to work, one of you needs to make a sacrifice.  If no one wants to make it than be happy with an occasional visit or be done with it completely.  

I think Tins likes the attention she gets when she's playing the victim.

Edited by sasha206
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18 hours ago, geauxaway said:

OMG, B has adult acne!  The horror! Get some Murad, bitch.  Cured my adult acne up right quick.  

Her business meeting?  Wow.  Get it done, fucker.  I’m in sweats and got a bad facial, so quick it up NOW MUTHER FUCKER.  She didn’t even bother to shake that man’s hand on her way out.  She got up and walked out past him while he was still in his chair.  Who the fuck does big time business like this???  I do not give a care if he is her “employee,” or subordinate, she is rude AF. 

Exactly.  Does she think her being rude is her "get off my jock" coolness?  Are we supposed to be impressed?  I bet she walks out of a room and her staff, her business partners, all laugh at her self-importance.

Edited by sasha206
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1 hour ago, KnoxForPres said:

If we are to believe the timing the demise of their relationship was recent. Being heartbroken at 25 is one thing...and indeed awful. But speaking from experience finding yourself alone again at 35+ is a whole other ball of wax. You mourn the loss of what you had and the future. And you think “oh my word, I’ve got to do this all again” if you want a future relationship. 

I'm 51 and when my high school crush and I broke up (later rekindled) I did feel devastated.  But at 51 and having been widowed, I also knew that I could be single and happy.  So while I feel for someone's heartache, age also brings a bit of wisdom that you can do it alone.  

She's still young enough, attractive enough, and has name recognition.  She has options.  I think she needs to stop only focusing on uber wealthy men and find some nice, normal guy that would appreciate her.

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I think Dale was trying to comfort Tinsley, but doesn't recognize the extent of her depression(?) or know how to help.  Speaking as a mom who has learned a lot over the years.

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21 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

I'm 51 and when my high school crush and I broke up (later rekindled) I did feel devastated.  But at 51 and having been widowed, I also knew that I could be single and happy.  So while I feel for someone's heartache, age also brings a bit of wisdom that you can do it alone.  

She's still young enough, attractive enough, and has name recognition.  She has options.  I think she needs to stop only focusing on uber wealthy men and find some nice, normal guy that would appreciate her.

With all due respect to your situation and only kind vibes and yes I would feel the same -Scott didn’t die. He denied her. Her didn’t show up at the circus and he rejected her. It’s a totally different emotion. 

You were fulfilled which is wonderful and what we all hope for. Tins- not so much. 

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7 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I get how you have to accept things as an adult and how sometimes, you have to put on your big girl panties and suck it up....I know.  But, sometimes, when your heart is broken, your spirit is so hurt.....and it seems like the tears are really flowing from your soul.....AT THOSE TIMES, you need a soft place to fall.  You need your person to hold you and tell you that everything is gonna be alright.  Total support and compassion for 5 minutes can really make a difference. Don't tell me to not feel sad or to think of the positive. Just let me feel the pain and the love.  Well, that's just from my experience.  I don't have those times very often, but, when I have and the person I was confiding in shushed me......OMG.  THAT hurts and it's never the same after that. 

I don't pretend to know Tinsley's mental state, but, I do hope that she can come to some terms, realize who are her true supporters are and get stable. Relying on a man for your happiness may not be the best plan for her. 

I hear you, but it seems like the Scott/Tins drama has played on for a long time.  And haven't they broken up and gotten back together multiple times?  I'll be nearly every one of them have sat through the same tears several times and are just tired of it.  From the way the cast reacted to her this year about Scott, I'm guessing they've been the soft shoulder and she's just not helping herself.

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10 minutes ago, KnoxForPres said:

With all due respect to your situation and only kind vibes and yes I would feel the same -Scott didn’t die. He denied her. Her didn’t show up at the circus and he rejected her. It’s a totally different emotion. 

You were fulfilled which is wonderful and what we all hope for. Tins- not so much. 

Yes, but I was referring to my relationship post-widowhood w/my high school crush who broke up with me and the devastation I felt at the time since I was rejected.  And I mentioned my age because as sad as it is when a relationship breaks up, with age, you do have the wisdom that you've been through and gotten through it before and you'll do it again.  I'm not saying Tins shouldn't be heartbroken, but if she uses that defeatist, "Now I have to start all over again..."  as if this is the only man for her ever, ever, ever, it's not good.  At 43, I would think you'd be far more comfortable with single status.

Also, why would he show up at the circus?  She said they broke up last episode.  He's under no obligation to show up to anything after a break up.

Edited by sasha206
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4 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

Yes, but I was referring to my relationship post-widowhood w/my high school crush who broke up with me and the devastation at the time.   I was rejected.  And I mentioned my age because as sad as it is when a relationship breaks up, with age, you do have the wisdom that you've been through and gotten through it before and you'll do it again.  I'm not saying Tins shouldn't be heartbroken, but if she uses that defeatist, "Now I have to start all over again..."  as if this is the only man for her ever, ever, ever.  At 43, I would think you'd be far more comfortable with your single status.

Also, why would he show up at the circus?  She said they broke up last episode.  He's under no obligation to show up to anything after a break up.

My apologies I read that wrong. I think we are on the same page that she needs to move forward and yes, with a “normal” guy. 

I only said the circus bit bc she was blubbering about it so I assume it had been discussed and he was a no show. Just going off the show- again agree I found it weird she’d expect him there. 

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4 hours ago, SailorGirl said:

THIS. This is one of the worst things you can say/do to a depressed person.

All it does is make that person feel even worse that he or she is depressed and makes him/her wonder what is wrong with him/her that he/she doesn't recognize/is unable to get joy from/appreciate all the good things in his/her life.  And then the person feels guilty, which feeds and deepens the depression, because now thoughts about  "what a terrible person I must be that I can't just be appreciative of what I've got" are added to the mix.

Yes, Tins is depressed.  She thought she was going to marry Scott and live happily ever after.  She had hopes and asked him to come to N.Y.  and he said no.   She had hopes and thought he loved her.  I’d be depressed too.  It will take a long time to get over him.  How could Dale tell her to get over it?  She needs time to get over this love affair.  Her heart is broken.

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1 minute ago, KnoxForPres said:

My apologies I read that wrong. I think we are on the same page that she needs to move forward and yes, with a “normal” guy. 

I only said the circus bit bc she was blubbering about it so I assume it had been discussed and he was a no show. Just going off the show- again agree I found it weird she’d expect him there. 

Ha, no problem! 

Yeah, she did blubber about it which I found odd since they broke up.  I suspect that she's a lot more high maintenance off camera than she appears on camera.  I also suspect that all of her friends have witnessed the merry-go-round with him and are tired of the tears about it.  She has very endearing traits but I would guess that all is not what it seems.  Based on some of her other unhealthy relationships, I really hope that she does get some therapy and stops looking for the guy who is going to send a Bentley to her in NYC.

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Are we really supposed to think that Sonja being pulled on stage at the circus was not planned.  She was wearing the spangliest dress she could find.  And, in the spirit of the big girl panties discussion, I assume was wearing some of those too when she was somersaulting around the big top.

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