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Dear Diary: Question Of The Day(s)

Message added by JTMacc99

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My life movie musical soundtrack would consist mainly of black girl anthem-like R&B songs and House Music which is my favorite genre or music.

-In My  early college years it would be 'Hey Mr. DJ' by Zhane - very much my a 90s jam and I was dating a DJ

-Post college starting serious relationships it would be 'No Scrubs' by TLC

-Problematic first really serious relationship + venturing out into the real life working world would be 'Respect' by Adeva (house music version)

-Met my husband in my late 20s so '100% Pure Love' by Crystal Waters

- Marriage, new jobs, new city, new babies, life seriously rocks in my 30s: "Good Life" by Inner City

- Settled in, kids are older, still awesome hubs, hang out wit my BFFs when I can, lots of inner peace in my late 40s - "I'm Every  Woman' - Whitney Houston's version

Outro credits would either be 'I Know You, I Live You" By Chaka Khan or 'Can You Feel It' By Mr. Fingers

Here's Adeva:


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There would be a montage about when I finally went to watch a World Series game, and "The Game of Love" by Santana feat. Michelle Branch would have to play because it was on like four radio stations during the drive to the airport (in another city), and then it played as soon as I took my seat during batting practice!  (At least I really like it.)


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The Would You Rather Series - Part 4

Would you rather...

  1. Have a pause or a rewind button in your life?
  2. Never get a cold ever again or never be stuck in traffic ever again?
  3. Find a rat in your kitchen or a roach in your bed?

will smith rewind GIF

Guidelines for the Would You Rather Series:

  • Let us know why you chose one over the other, especially if you have strong feelings about always wanting to be a dancer or eating pizza!
  • PM me with any of your own to include in future questions.
  • Please TRY to answer the questions with the assumption that you wouldn't die making one of the choices. For example, you will not die from obesity from eating Pizza or Ice Cream every meal. It's just "which one would you rather be stuck eating forever."
    - Unless the question is clearly asking you which dangerous situation you would rather face. Then you can assume you might die.


Bonus Question! Would you rather be beautiful and stupid or unattractive but a genius?

season 6 friends GIF

This is easy for me; I'm going with unattractive but a genius because I'm already a handsome moron, and that's got me nowhere in life.

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1.  Rewind - I  find myself wanting to go back and do things over.

2.  No more colds - I drive a mile to work, I'm never stuck in traffic much anyway.  Unless there's a train Rolling through town.

3. Rat - by the time you've seen a cockroach, they have probably laid eggs.


Bonus: the latter option

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1. Rewind - reliving some of the biggest joys would be great! 

2. No more traffic - I don't get colds that often, and I drive a lot (not a long commute to work, though, just general driving) and unexpected traffic is just so annoying. :D

3. Rat - I have a really good mouser of a cat, so it wouldn't be a problem for long, even if it has several friends hiding nearby.  Also, I hate bugs, they squick me out, and my cat only eats spiders and centipedes, apparently. :D

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For me it's:

  1. Pause. I'm imagining this as a "freeze time" power. To me that's far more powerful than a second chance. Plus I would never have to say the phrase "Can you hold on a second?!" ever again.
  2. No more traffic. I grew up in New Jersey. I still live within commuting distance to NYC. I can't even imagine what a joy life would be with no traffic. Want to go the Jersey Shore in the summer? No problem, I'll just zip down the Parkway and be there in a couple hours. Want to go The Met? Cool, I'll just drive in and be there in an hour.
  3. Rat. Of the two, I would think the extermination solution for roaches is worse and possibly require a lot longer to truly be rid of the problem.
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1.  Rewind, as long as I can then fast forward back to real time after I've redone whatever it is I've gone back to do.

2. Never be stuck in traffic.  I hate colds, but I can deal with them much better than I can a line of slow-moving vehicles.  I've been stuck on the interstate with traffic going 15 mph under the speed limit for absolutely no reason (no accidents, state troopers, etc.) far too many times to have any patience for that.

3.  This is a surprisingly difficult one.  I stayed at a motel once many years ago and woke up to a roach staring me in the face, so you'd think it would be an easier question.  But I hate rats so very much!  I think I'll go with the rat.  I feel like it would be easier to rid my house of rats than it would to rid it of roaches.               

Bonus:  Unattractive genius.

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1. Rewind. It'd be fun to relive certain moments over, and it'd also be nice to redo some moments over. 

2. No more colds. I live in an area that doesn't get a lot of huge traffic jams and the few times I've been in one, they haven't been all that bad. As long as I've got working air/heat in my car and some music to listen to (or if I'm not the one driving, a book to read), I can deal with sitting in my car for a while if need be. 

3. Okay, first off, ew. Second, uh....well, the mention of roaches laying eggs makes me lean more towards going with a rat. Plus, anything with a lot of legs is just...ick. Plus, I too have cats, so if absolutely necessary, they'd no doubt do their part to help. Just so long as they didn't bring the remains to me afterwards :p. 

Edited by Annber03
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1. Pause.  If that means what I've always wished for by saying "stop the world, I want to get off" - time pauses, so deadlines don't come any closer, nothing new happens I have to deal with, etc. while I can do a whole lot of absolutely nothing and get some much-needed mental rest before picking up where I left off.

2. No traffic.  I've worked from home for several years now, but L.A. traffic is still much more frequent in my life than having a cold and drives me batty any time I'm in it (you know, back when I could go anywhere), so never enduring it again would make a much larger difference in my life than not getting the occasional cold.

3. Roach.  Too many people use rat poison, so if a rat got into my house and my cat caught it, she could wind up dead, too, if the rat was poisoned (they don't die right away, so cats, dogs, hawks, etc. can become additional victims, which is one of the reasons that shit should be outlawed, but I digress ...).

Bonus: Unattractive genius.  Brains last longer than beauty, and are a hell of a lot more important.  I like the happy medium I have now, but if I could be not just even smarter but a full-on genius at the expense of being less attractive (as defined by some ridiculous, sexist, ageist, racist narrow standard to begin with), hell yes I'd take that deal.

Edited by Bastet
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Oh, I missed the bonus question! I'll go with unattractive genius, too. Though I think people who are smart and interested in learning about the world around them are attractive as it is, so...

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I asked a friend these questions. Her answer to the cold/traffic question included "If I never got a cold, that means I could never give it to [her husband]. I wouldn't have to ever deal with that big baby again." Heh.

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1) Pause button. I figure I am who and what I am because of everything I’ve gone through and if I went back and changed anything then I don’t know who I’d be. 
2) No colds. I have a lot of patience and can deal with traffic (Mac I remember the congested commute to NYC when I was younger from NJ and agree it was bad. Especially when at a crawl in the Lincoln Tunnel. I was always waiting for it to leak). 
3) Rats. My cats deal with them swiftly and I agree with @Bastet about the poison. Too much collateral damage. 
Bonus: An ugly genius. Oh to be eloquent. 

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1. Rewind - With the caveat that while I choose events to re-experience, I could not affect any change in the event or outcome. I would naturally only choose to rewind to the good times!

2. No cold. I hate getting colds.  Traffic doesn't bother me.

3. Rat.  Rats are easier or get rid of than roaches,  There is never just one roach...

Bonus: Unattractive but smart.  Attractiveness is subjective and you can do a lot with grooming and fitness but you can't fix dumb.

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1. Rewind! I am constantly opening my mouth and saying something I might have said much more effectively, so I would love to be able to do "do-overs".

2. No colds. I am almost never sick (last time was in December of 2019, which may have been Covid - I was never tested) and when I am, I am the biggest of babies. Sitting in traffic is a great time to listen to music or pray.

3. I would definitely prefer a rat. Give my cat something to do, and cockroaches are gross.

Bonus question: No question for me - unattractive and smart is so much better. Good looks always fade as gravity never sleeps.

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1. I hate thinking/talking about the past so I would go with 'pause' instead. 

2. No more colds. I'm a big baby and hate being sick. 

3. Rat. I think rodents are cute. Bugs freak me out though. 

4. Beautiful and dumb. This girl needs a sugar daddy pronto. 

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1.  Pause, because going back in the past (even to good times) would just bum me out because of all the bad times/people lost that couldn't be changed even if there were an opportunity to relive things.

2.  No more colds, because I freak out about being sick at all, thinking it is something worse again, and I don't really have to worry about traffic because I hardly went anywhere even in "normal" times.

3.  A rat (even though the thought makes me cringe because there was one residing in the garage recently that is now no longer with us), because it is easier to remove and hopefully the cat could dispose of it in the same way he did a poor little mouse while I was sleeping several months ago--take care of it but NOT try to eat it. 

Bonus:  unattractive genius.  If attractive, I'd probably feel some need to try to maintain my appearance, and it just feels like too much effort.  I hope as a genius that knowledge would just come naturally, but I'd still be more willing to put in an effort there if necessary.

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  1. Rewind doesn’t necessarily mean redo, does it? Because unless I have the chance to actually go back and change things instead of just reliving what I’ve already done, I’ll go with pause — let me get my fitness/finances straightened out before I keep going.
  2. No more colds - not that I get a lot of colds, but the less sickness the better just in general.
  3. I guess the rat. Once as a child I woke up in the middle of the night and found myself looking directly at a big black cricket sitting next to my pillow. I’d like to never repeat anything remotely similar that again in my life.

Bonus: Unattractive but genius. I just prefer not to make stupid decisions if I can help it.

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1. Rewind. Like @Annber03, there are things I'd like to go back and appreciate more, and some things I'd like to change

2. No traffic. I don't get sick that often, and I hate heavy traffic.

3. I think I'd have to go with the rat in the kitchen. The roach in my bed would skeeve me out. Assuming it's just the 1 rat, I think it'd be easier to get rid of, and recover from.

Bonus: beautiful and stupid. Ignorant people seem happier.

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I'm in your ballpark @icemiser69.  For just eating, I'm looking at #4 with 5, 6, and 3 in that order.  Since most of the bananas I eat are tossed in the blender with a bunch of other fruit, anything from 4-7 works.  If there's still a hint of green, I find that the whole thing goes from sweet to grassy flavored.

Also, the more ripe a banana gets, the more of an antioxidant powerhouse it becomes. 

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If they’re in front of me on the breakfast buffet, #3.  If they’re all on my counter, 5 through 7 get made into banana bread or frozen for smoothies, and 4, 3, 2, & 1 get eaten one per day, in that order.  Hate to waste food. 

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I eat a banana every morning.  I find when I commute, they're the easiest fruit to eat while driving.  Ideally, I like a 3.5, but will definitely eat a 5.  

My only banana issue is they go so quickly from a 3 to a 6 that I can't buy too many at a time and have to keep going to the store. It's a rough life... 😉 

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#4, but not very often. Bananas are too carby and as a source of potassium are trumped by dark green leafy vegies. They don't have much else to offer (other than potassium) and as my son was one of those few children that absolutely hated bananas (it was a textural thing), I am out of the habit of even having them in the house.

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On 3/22/2021 at 8:53 AM, Bastet said:

#0 (none of the above; I hate bananas)

Just looking at them nauseates me.  (And somehow makes me smell them.  How is that even possible?)  I'd rather eat natto.

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The Would You Rather Series - Part 5

Would you rather...

  1. Have no eyebrows, or just one eyebrow? (No grooming the one eyebrow to make it look like two.)
  2. Get free meals at every restaurant, or free flights to destinations of your choice? (A magic fairy pays for either choice including tips, so no local restaurants or airlines are harmed in the answering of this question.)
  3. Never get to speak your mind, or always say what you're thinking? 

shocked sesame street GIF

Guidelines for the Would You Rather Series:

  • Let us know why you chose one over the other, especially if you have strong feelings about always wanting to be a dancer or eating pizza!
  • PM me with any of your own to include in future questions.
  • Please TRY to answer the questions with the assumption that you wouldn't die making one of the choices. For example, you will not die from obesity from eating Pizza or Ice Cream every meal. It's just "which one would you rather be stuck eating forever."
    - Unless the question is clearly asking you which dangerous situation you would rather face. Then you can assume you might die.


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1.  One eyebrow.  I could be the next Frida Kahlo!  Assuming I could paint, of course.

2.  All of the flights to all of the places.  I have missed travelling soooooo much this past year, in a way that I do not miss eating out.

3.  I mostly always say what I'm thinking as it is, so I'll pick that one.

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2 hours ago, JTMacc99 said:



Would you rather...

  1. Have no eyebrows, or just one eyebrow? (No grooming the one eyebrow to make it look like two.)
  2. Get free meals at every restaurant, or free flights to destinations of your choice? (A magic fairy pays for either choice including tips, so no local restaurants or airlines are harmed in the answering of this question.)
  3. Never get to speak your mind, or always say what you're thinking? 


1:  I already have a unibrow, so this one is a no-brainer

2:  Free flights.  Most of the places I'd choose to go have great, cheap, local restaurants.

3:  What kind of stupid question is this?

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1. No eyebrows. Mine are already so light blond they are mostly invisible anyways so I'm used to this.

2. Definitely opting for the restaurant meals. I hate (and fear) flying nowadays and have already traveled extensively around the world to all sorts of exotic locales plus the eating around where I live is amazing good.

3. Unfortunately I always say pretty much what I thinking and have done my whole life; I suspect if I could not do so, I might actually explode.

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1. No Eyebrows. 

2. Definitely free meals.  With flying, it isn't the cost that turns me off.  For the last 10 years I have travelled quite a bit on my company's dime.  But the actual experience of flying from getting to the airport to getting off the plane and all the stuff in between just doesn't work for me. I have so many travel horror stories. I was so glad when I got promoted so I didn't have to travel so much.

But food... ah.  Back i the day kids used to sell these things called 'Entertainment Books' for fundraisers and they had all sorts of coupons in them. A lot of them were BOGO meal deals at local restaurants. We discovered so many cool new restaurants we might not have otherwise tried without the discount.

3. Say what I want, mos def.

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1. No eyebrows. One less thing I have to maintain. It will go well with my bald head from a past question.

2. I like to eat so....

3. I already say what I'm thinking and people either really love me or really don't. We'll continue on with that.

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1. No eyebrows.  Hey, it works for Whoopi Goldberg.

You said we couldn't groom the unibrow if we picked one, but didn't say we couldn't draw on fake eyebrows if we picked none, so - no eyebrows.  Then if it bothers me not to have them, I can fake it.  (Which I doubt I would bother doing; my mom has no eyebrows due to her chemo drug, and I never even notice it anymore.)

2. Free flights.  I don't eat out very often, and, while I don't fly terribly frequently, either, I fly first class, so flying for free would save me a lot more money than eating for free.  Of course, all of this assumes the day comes when I feel safe doing either one again.

3. Always say what I'm thinking.  Sure, that means some things would come out at inappropriate times, and, unfortunately, means some insults are going to come out that I would prefer to keep as an internal scream, but it's not like I go around thinking offensive things and would be outed as a bigot by this option.  It's not great, but never being able to speak my mind sounds like my own personal hell, so I'd rather deal with the consequences of saying everything I think.

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I think I'd prefer to have one eyebrow. I'd look weird with no eyebrows. 

Free flights, simply because I've never traveled outside the U.S., and there are so many places I would love to go if I had the money and means to do so. If someone's giving me that opportunity, hell, yeah, I'm gonna take it so I can finally see some of these places. 

Always say what I'm thinking. I'm a quiet person in general, and I like that, but it'd be interesting to see what it'd be like to say what's on my mind more often. I'd still be tactful about it, though-there is a way to be honest without being cruel about it. 

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