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S11.E07: It's Kind of a Phone-y Story

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2 hours ago, Thisgirllovespasta said:

I love Tinsley. I feel like these women need to go after someone every year and gang up on them. This year, it is Tinsley.

But Honestly, Scott gives me gay vibes. The first time they ever met, I thought that immediately.

I love her too, but I didn’t care how she practically jumped on him and kissed him the first minute they met, besides being almost drunk.  She comes off being too eager and desperate.  What happened to playing a little hard to get, or is that old fashioned?

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1 hour ago, politichick said:

Barb is feeling herself and needs to back off. She thought she was being cute suggesting she would sit at the head of the table but came across as classless. 

THIS! I am certain Barb is a lovely person in real life. She is simply not translating well to this show. She has come in much too hot when she would have been wise to hang back for a bit. 

Plus she seems to have the tendency to smile when things get tense and that gives the appearance of a smug, shit stirrer, whether she is or not. 

Her obsession with decorative molding is a little much too. 

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On 4/17/2019 at 9:22 PM, Straycat80 said:

Good God Bethenny needs to stop. I feel bad for Dennis’ kids having to hear that their deceased Father is trying to contact his ex-GF from the great beyond. And Bethenny is already dating some other guy.  I would say she’s moved on. 

Does Bethenny realize that Dennis's kids might watch the show? It is very rude of her to make these claims.

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1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

As far as Tinsley's mother is concerned, she raised Tinsley as if she was Scarlet O'Hara, just be pretty and marry the richest gentleman caller, throw fabulous parties and be charitable. 

Fiddle dee dee.

If Dale had raised Tinsley to be Scarlet O'Hara, Tinsley would have what she wanted by now. Scarlet didn't sit at home crying and waiting for a man to make up his mind.  Dale raised Tinsley to be Melanie Hamilton, which is too damn bad for her.  I wonder how Tinsley's sister turned out.

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22 hours ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

I mean, let me be clear, I wouldn't want to be friends with any of these women. I don't particularly LIKE Sonja, I just don't think she's particularly vindictive. She has other flaws.

I haven't really seen any evidence of a "mean streak a mile wide."  I agree she sizes people up, which is no doubt partly because of her role as a contractor.  But while I think she was rude regarding the fish room initially, I'm not sure what evidence there is of a mean streak in her. Particularly compared to Dorinda, who truly says some of the meanest, nastiest things to people - who are supposed to be her friends - in all of the Housewives franchises.

I haven't seen enough of Barbara one way or the other to know if this is true. I mean, Lu is the person she was closest to, so I can understand her desire to have some loyalty to Lu during the Dorinda/Lu fight.  But I am not sure I really think she presented herself as some great disinterested party.  

I honestly don't have strong feelings one way or the other towards Barbara - stay or don't, it doesn't matter to me. But I do strongly feel that Dorinda is extremely damaged and her willingness to go to vicious as quickly as possible impacts, IMO, the ways that other people are seeing Barbara. And I sincerely have no idea why so many people seem to have blinders on about Dorinda's behavior. You don't have to like Barbara to recognize that Dorinda hits below the belt repeatedly and with extreme force. 

My only strong feelings are that I wish she bought clothes that fit her and she wore different colored lipstick.  If she gets another season I imagine her clothing/makeup game will improve.  

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4 hours ago, Rap541 said:

I think the issue of Dennis being divorced is kind of not really relevant since that “not divorced, they were still married” view only applies to Dennis. Bethenny is a whore, a slut, a bad person for dating Dennis because no matter that Dennis was legally separated, no matter that he hadn’t lived with his wife in years, no matter that he dated other women when not dating Bethenny, no matter that Jill his wife was also dating a completely different man, they were MARRIED and we all need to act as though they were happily married and Bethenny is a harpy who destroyed this happily married couple. 

I wouldn’t mine this so much if the “omg so married!” stick applied evenly but it doesn’t. Dennis must always be referenced as married with all the negativity that implies since he was a married man committing adultery and Bethenny the slutty adulteress who stole a married man from a loving wife. But... there’s none of this judgement for Jill, who was a married woman seeking the arms and love of a man she was not married to, in fact, people have been perfectly fine with Jill, a married woman, bringing her boyfriend to her beloved husband’s funeral, in front of her so very young children no less, and no tut tutting about how Jill as a married woman really should have gotten a divorce before taking up with a man... even though this is the same sort of adultery Dennis is guilty of, darn him for having a relationship while still married.

Personally, I think Dennis and Jill were effectively divorced for years, they hadn’t filed for whatever reason, but they were not trying to work anything out and both had moved on to new partners. It seems odd that we have to treat Dennis as though he was morally wrong to date or contemplate marriege but Jill isn’t wrong to date even though she was as married as he was.

I'm not viewing Beth as a homewrecker, whore, slut.  I don't care that she was dating a technically married man.  My comment on him being married was simply that an engagement with Beth while he is still legally married doesn't sound very realistic nor does it sound romantic and she looks foolish talking about an engagement with a man that hadn't even started the divorce process.  Divorces take a while, as we all know with Beth, so if they were engaged, it would have been quite a long engagement before they legally could have married.  I seriously doubt some man who apparently can't even be bothered to get divorced is THAT interested in marrying Beth.

Edited by sasha206
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2 hours ago, oakville said:

Does Bethenny realize that Dennis's kids might watch the show? It is very rude of her to make these claims.

I’m very, very surprised Bravo would film that part about Bethenny and Dennis.  You would think it would be off limits.  It’s an insult to his family and very tacky and hurtful.

Edited by Gem 10
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45 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

’m very, very surprised Bravo would film that part about Bethenny and Dennis.  You would think it would be off limits.

Sadly, these shows have no shame.  It's an anything goes mentality when producing reality TV. 

It was stated upthread that Bethenny gets criticism because she's smart, wealthy, successful, etc. I don't think that's true of how most folks around here feel, and that's not why I criticize her.  She may have a heart of gold, but she's like a bull in the china shop when she enters a room.  The non-stop chatter about herself is tiring too.   Kadooz to her success and can-do attitude, but I just find her exhausting on TV.  I can't imagine spending any length of time with her in person.  Some of these women can only be taken in small doses!  

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1 hour ago, Gem 10 said:

I’m very, very surprised Bravo would film that part about Bethenny and Dennis.  You would think it would be off limits.  It’s an insult to his family and very tacky and hurtful.

30 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

Sadly, these shows have no shame.  It's an anything goes mentality when producing reality TV

Season 2 of Beverly Hills was the moment that I realized Bravo had no shame. That season was so unpleasant and toxic that I was shocked that it aired. I assumed that they'd scrap it or heavily edit it into a 10 episode season. Instead we got a full season with Russell and Taylor's financial and domestic abuse problems that culminate in his suicide. Meanwhile, Kim is drinking and drugging. They filmed all of her addiction, including her moving in with the Rockbiter and scrambling on the floor looking for pills. It was just ugly ugly stuff and I'm always shocked by people who recommended it by calling it entertaining. It was compelling, but really hard to watch and I'd never call it entertaining. I think that's the reason why Brandi ended up as a fan favorite because she was the audience surrogate who was constantly asking "What the fuck is going on here?!?!?" and never let up when they shushed her with whispers of "We don't talk about that" and changed the subject to diamonds, shoes, and bags. Season 2 of RHoBH is shameful all around.

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1 hour ago, Gem 10 said:

I’m very, very surprised Bravo would film that part about Bethenny and Dennis.  You would think it would be off limits.  It’s an insult to his family and very tacky and hurtful.

I’m not surprised at anything with Bravo anymore. For the real housewives franchise I feel like they lost the original premise of the show - rich women with rich women problems, travel porn, house porn... and of course interpersonal friction to incorporate drama.

Now it seems to has devolved in to just drama and interpersonal conflict. A lot of it is now manufactured, not real drama. IMO, RHONY has remained the most natural non-manufactured with regards to interpersonal relationships. But Bravo chooses to show what Bethenny said about Dennis’ overdose, not giving a crap about how that might impact his children.

Overall, I’m getting really fed up with Bravo. They seem to think their viewers want to hear about stupid ass crap (e.g. puppy gate, you dared to invite someone I don’t like to your own launch party, you told a fib once ...) ad nauseum.  Sure, we watch reality TV to escape from our real lives. Organic drama is a huge bonus, but now I feel that Bravo manufactures drama. They forgot the other pieces that made the shows a hit to begin with. 

So, they know that we will like drama, but we want it to be organic and something we can identify with and laugh at.

I feel like they reward the most outrageous actors on these shows and feed their egos (Nene, Luann, Icki, Teresa) to the point where these individuals lose any sense of perspective on how to have meaningful relationships and how to be a decent human being. (And keep them employed even though their viewers want them gone).

When your ego is being stroked by continued employment on these shows with an accompanying pay raise and you get all your validation from your fans on social media versus real interpersonal relationships I think you may win monetarily but not sure about true connections and happiness in general.

Final note to Bravo - we watch reality TV for many reasons, one of them is to ESCAPE politics- so leave politics out (okay that had to do with RHOBH). 

Sorry, my rant was about Bravo in general. I watch these show so I can escape from my everyday life - not for Bravo’s personal agenda and loss of what made these show good before anyone on these shows were huge, known personalities. ...

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2 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

eason 2 of Beverly Hills was the moment that I realized Bravo had no shame

Hey @HuntedHunted, you and I had similar reactions - you are so right about when Bravo lost any semblance of shame.

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44 minutes ago, Stats Queen said:

Hey @HuntedHunted, you and I had similar reactions - you are so right about when Bravo lost any semblance of shame.

BH and OC have become unwatchable.  Time for a clean up. 

Another thing .. How about “Watch What Crappens”?  The only time I watch is when one of the N.Y. Housewives is on.  They have all great guests, but between the drinking, cursing and filthy talking, I can’t believe it’s on the air.  These A-List stars come on and talk so stupid and filthy, it’s unreal.  It’s like they are in a bar.

Edited by Gem 10
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3 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

My only strong feelings are that I wish she bought clothes that fit her and she wore different colored lipstick.  If she gets another season I imagine her clothing/makeup game will improve.  

Between the hair color and makeup, she looks orange.

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On 4/18/2019 at 11:06 AM, Mr. Minor said:

I guess Face Time has taken phone sex to a whole new level.

I guess so.  During that awkward call, I thought I heard John say something like, "Do you want to see me?"  I remember because I had a strong physical reaction.  Gross me out the door.

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45 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

Another thing .. How about “Watch What Crappens”?  The only time I watch is when one of the N.Y. Housewives is on.  They have all great guests, but between the drinking, cursing and filthy talking, I can’t believe it’s on the air.  These A-List stars come on and talk so stupid and filthy, it’s unreal.  It’s like they are in a bar.

Well, it is hosted by Satan Andy....

Haven’t  watch WWHL for several years because he’s such a tool...

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1 minute ago, Stats Queen said:

Well, it is hosted by Satan Andy....

Haven’t  watch WWHL for several years because he’s such a tool...

That’s true.  Look who’s running the show.  You would think, now that he became a Father, he would calm down a little.  Oh, and I forgot .. the dresses they wear are up to their who-ha.

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On 4/18/2019 at 1:51 PM, Mindthinkr said:

Did Bethenny get her own floral arrangements for the table?  Ramona kept pointing to ones that had a large looped over banana leaf with some orchids. The ones on her table seemed to have roses and it looked much busier than the ikebana ones in the shop. 

The process of creating ikebana for balance is beautiful.  However, when purchased at a shop by someone who likely has no idea what it is, simply because it is trendy, it is quite blah compared to a thoughtful flower arrangement.  

I liked the flowers at Bs table.

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5 hours ago, ChitChat said:

Sadly, these shows have no shame.  It's an anything goes mentality when producing reality TV. 

It was stated upthread that Bethenny gets criticism because she's smart, wealthy, successful, etc. I don't think that's true of how most folks around here feel, and that's not why I criticize her.  She may have a heart of gold, but she's like a bull in the china shop when she enters a room.  The non-stop chatter about herself is tiring too.   Kadooz to her success and can-do attitude, but I just find her exhausting on TV.  I can't imagine spending any length of time with her in person.  Some of these women can only be taken in small doses!  

Not to mention, she (B) is a shit mom.  She may step up in a crisis, she may be rich, pretty and skinny, but her daughter is being dragged through all her trauma drama.  I covet her wardrobe and closet, but that’s about it.  I would most likely punch her in the formerly square jaw if she tried to come at me like she does these gals. 

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Isn’t this supposed to be the HouseWIVES show? None of these bitches is a wife anymore, they’re all hideous hose beasts. Mario may have cheated but can you even begin to imagine what it’s like being married to Moaner? Sonja is bat shit crazy, no wonder he ex 86d her ass. No wonder the Count cheated on/left Luann, she is an insufferable c*nt. And I don’t care how awful Jason might be, it’s childs play compared to Satan Bethany, she’s a human nightmare, I cannot even fathom the hell it must be to be married to that. I could go on but you get the point. None of these people are wives because they’re awful human beings, and that’s not what we signed up for when we all first tuned in. We enjoyed the House/City/Jewelry/Fashion porn, NOT this manufactured shit show of 4th grade drama. Fuck you BravHo.

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16 hours ago, Steph J said:

If Dale had raised Tinsley to be Scarlet O'Hara, Tinsley would have what she wanted by now. Scarlet didn't sit at home crying and waiting for a man to make up his mind.  Dale raised Tinsley to be Melanie Hamilton, which is too damn bad for her.  I wonder how Tinsley's sister turned out.

But remembre, Scarlet winds up alone at the end of the movie, pining away for Rhett, her one true love.

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On 4/18/2019 at 9:48 PM, PradaKitty said:

The Truth or Dare game was stupid. Why would Tinsley pick dare?!

Yeah, besides, why not pick truth, regardless.(I see where Tinsley told some hurtful truth before and got into some trouble.)  Everybody knows this is a reality show.  People say all kinds of outrageous things. You could give any answer you want as the TRUTH.  What are they going to do hook you up to a polygraph machine? lol  I mean this is all for entertainment value anyway and no one is under oath. lol

Also, if Tinsley REALLY wants to be a mom, I wish she would pursue it without a partner.  It can be done and maybe, there would be a man, who would be interested in co-parenting with her.  Hoda Kotb has two adoring little girls now.  I know she has a boyfriend, but, it's my impression that she was going to do this on her own, even if that wasn't the case. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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8 hours ago, gingerella said:

Isn’t this supposed to be the HouseWIVES show? None of these bitches is a wife anymore, they’re all hideous hose beasts. Mario may have cheated but can you even begin to imagine what it’s like being married to Moaner? Sonja is bat shit crazy, no wonder he ex 86d her ass. No wonder the Count cheated on/left Luann, she is an insufferable c*nt. And I don’t care how awful Jason might be, it’s childs play compared to Satan Bethany, she’s a human nightmare, I cannot even fathom the hell it must be to be married to that. I could go on but you get the point. None of these people are wives because they’re awful human beings, and that’s not what we signed up for when we all first tuned in. We enjoyed the House/City/Jewelry/Fashion porn, NOT this manufactured shit show of 4th grade drama. Fuck you BravHo.

I never thought the name matched the show anyway as the original RHOC had women that worked but were married and a couple unmarried.  I think of "Housewives" as stay at home moms.   I always thought the "Real Housewives" was more of a play on "Desperate Housewives" which was popular at the time.

I think them being single adds a more interesting layer and potential for more drama.  Will the new guy work out?  Is he using them for fame/opportunity (ahem, Adam and probably Scott)?

Edited by sasha206
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2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Yeah, besides, why not pick truth, regardless.(I see where Tinsley told some hurtful truth before and got into some trouble.)  Everybody knows this is a reality show.  People say all kinds of outrageous things. You could give any answer you want as the TRUTH.  What are they going to do hook you up to a polygraph machine? lol  I mean this is all for entertainment value anyway and no one is under oath. lol

Also, if Tinsley REALLY wants to be a mom, I wish she would pursue it without a partner.  It can be done and maybe, there would be a man, who would be interested in co-parenting with her.  Hoda Kotb has two adoring little girls now.  I know she has a boyfriend, but, it's my impression that she was going to do this on her own, even if that wasn't the case. 

I wonder if she really does want to be a mom.  I think she wants to be a wife, a kept one, more than a mom.

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2 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

I wonder if she really does want to be a mom.  I think she wants to be a wife, a kept one, more than a mom.

I think she wants to be the one to provide Dale her first grandchild and heir to the family.  It would put her solidly ahead of Dabney.

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Tinsley told us that she saw having children as something you might do if you meet someone you want to create a family with, so I don't think she is particularly interested in being a mom so much she'd do it alone.  She wants to be wtih a man that she wants to have that life experience with first.  Tinsley should be hoping Dabney has a baby so that she is off the hook and can be freee! of her mother's desire to be a grandma, if that is what is behind Dale's pushing for husband/baby for Tinsley.  If Dale only cares because of status or something, Tinsley should just tell her to STFU.

Edited by izabella
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9 hours ago, gingerella said:

Isn’t this supposed to be the HouseWIVES show? None of these bitches is a wife anymore, they’re all hideous hose beasts. Mario may have cheated but can you even begin to imagine what it’s like being married to Moaner? Sonja is bat shit crazy, no wonder he ex 86d her ass. No wonder the Count cheated on/left Luann, she is an insufferable c*nt. And I don’t care how awful Jason might be, it’s childs play compared to Satan Bethany, she’s a human nightmare, I cannot even fathom the hell it must be to be married to that. I could go on but you get the point. None of these people are wives because they’re awful human beings, and that’s not what we signed up for when we all first tuned in. We enjoyed the House/City/Jewelry/Fashion porn, NOT this manufactured shit show of 4th grade drama. Fuck you BravHo.

I have to say I love Bethenny and always will, BUT, I don’t think Jason was a bad guy at all.  People hate him, blah blah, but we heard her side and never his.  I don’t blame him one bit for fighting for that kid, the apartment, etc.  She duped him into marriage and was hard to live with.  The parents were wonderful to her but she got tired of them and their town in Pa.  Regarding that whole marriage tabacle, I’m team Jason all the way.  Just my opinion, and everyone is entitled to their opinion.  Happy Easter.  P.S.  I hope he writes a book someday.

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4 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

But remembre, Scarlet winds up alone at the end of the movie, pining away for Rhett, her one true love.

Not really. He leaves her, she cries for half a minute, then she pulls herself together and declares "I’ll go home and I'll think of some way to get him back. After all, tomorrow is another day."  She's not going to passively wait for him, like Tinsley has been doing with Scott; she's an active character who is going to do something.

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19 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

I have to say I love Bethenny and always will, BUT, I don’t think Jason was a bad guy at all.  People hate him, blah blah, but we heard her side and never his.  I don’t blame him one bit for fighting for that kid, the apartment, etc.  She duped him into marriage and was hard to live with.  The parents were wonderful to her but she got tired of them and their town in Pa.  Regarding that whole marriage tabacle, I’m team Jason all the way.  Just my opinion, and everyone is entitled to their opinion.  Happy Easter.  P.S.  I hope he writes a book someday.

I have to admit, whenever someone tells me about a bad marriage, I always side with the wife. Always. Blindly, unconditionally, to a fault, possibly. Frankel and Hoppy? I am firmly on Team Hoppy.

Frankel is the definition of a narcissist.  She is repeating all the mistakes she constantly complains Bernadette made.

Frankel has shown us who she is. 

Let’s believe her. 

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22 hours ago, ChitChat said:

It was stated upthread that Bethenny gets criticism because she's smart, wealthy, successful, etc. I don't think that's true of how most folks around here feel, and that's not why I criticize her.  She may have a heart of gold, but she's like a bull in the china shop when she enters a room.  The non-stop chatter about herself is tiring too.   Kadooz to her success and can-do attitude, but I just find her exhausting on TV.  I can't imagine spending any length of time with her in person.  Some of these women can only be taken in small doses!  

I agree with you.  A hard thing about being a woman is that it's almost impossible to criticize another woman without getting the "jealousy" accusation lobbed at us.  Sometimes, there are legitimate criticisms.  A woman's opinions don't always have to be invalidated by this irrelevant and untrue accusation.  When a man criticizes another man, I find it really rare that someone says "You're just jealous" to invalidate it.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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5 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

 She duped him into marriage and was hard to live with.  

Yes. this exactly. He sounds like a rage-machine and in no way innocent, but he most definitely got duped. Beth needed a storyline so she got a boyfriend for the show so she could trot him around. After she found out she was pregnant (which I do think was an accident) everything snowballed and she was focused on her spin off. Jason was just a prop.  The impression I got was that he believed it was real and was blindsided by Bethanny's 180 turn.

4 minutes ago, film noire said:

Frankel is completely dependent on men for validation

it's telling that she makes the time to develop relationships with men but her only support system or female friends are people on her payroll.

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Sorry if this has already been mentioned (just getting caught up on the season), but the thing that surprises me the most, since I wasn't aware the she was going to be on the show, is that Bravo wanted Barbara to have anything to do with the show. I remember a couple of seasons ago where she made such a fuss and filed that emergency order to stop them from showing the scene where she told Carole that she didn't think Lu should marry Tom. She claimed she wasn't aware that conversation was being picked up and thought it private. 

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26 minutes ago, film noire said:

Amen -  who the hell is Bethenny to lecture Tinsley about relationships?

Frankel is completely dependent on men for validation.  In the space of twelve months, she was madly in love with two men, bragged about being courted by a third, became secretly engaged to the one who died (who is even now trying to reach her from beyond the grave) none of which reflects depth or wisdom on the part of a woman nearing fifty with two failed marriages behind her. Frankel behaves like a woman who can't bear to be alone, not even for a second, not someone who can offer sage advice.  Frankel also moved in with a man credibly accused of rape after knowing him briefly,  and allowed her daughter to see him coming out of the shower - however confused Tinsley may be about Scott, I bet she'd never put her little girl in that position (I also bet Tinsley would never reveal her daughter's fragile emotional state on Instagram,  subject her to endless custody challenges, or sob like a lunatic on social media while her panicked daughter looked on). Frankel can parrot self-help patter all she wants, but until she herself is strong, independent, and able to survive emotionally without a man -- and no longer publicly invading her daughter's boundaries -  she should shut up and take a seat. 

And people wonder why Jason, the concerned Father keeps an eye on Bryn every second of the day and is constantly in court fighting to keep her safe.  He also wants her to know her grandparents which is very important to a child, yet people are even criticizing these nice people.  He wants some stability for his daughter the old fashioned way.  Besides parents, what’s better than two loving grandparents?  It makes me sick how he is the bad guy when he goes up to the school.  I don’t blame him for getting every penny he can get for all the aggravation  he has been thru and a phony “I love you every minute marriage.

Edited by Gem 10
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Tinsley is clearly not in a healthy relationship and while she may use all of her energy to become defensive with the women when speaking about her relationship, I hope these conversations are forcing her to be more honest with herself - not just when it comes to Scott, but lessons learned from any and all future relationships she may enter into.

I just can't with Bethenny in this episode. Does she want to get over Dennis or does she want the attention that grieving will give her? Has she at least taken off the 'engagement ring' now that she's dating? She's spent all these episodes constantly crying over Dennis and talking about signs that he's sending her beyond the grave so I'm going to definitely give her side eye for LOOKING for a box of pictures and cards to look through and as she's getting emotional...she says something to the effect of 'I really thought I was in a better place and this wouldn't affect me like this'...really, bitch? REALLY?

Lu handled the message about Bethenny being upset really poorly but I will give her credit for how she handled the conversation with Tinsley. She didn't make it about herself and get defensive. She tried to give Tinsley some closure so that she could find some forgiveness for her father and didn't look to make Tinsley feel sorry for her. She's been a lot of horrible so far this season so I have to acknowledge this moment where she acted like a decent human being.

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33 minutes ago, sashayshante said:

Yes. this exactly. He sounds like a rage-machine and in no way innocent, but he most definitely got duped. Beth needed a storyline so she got a boyfriend for the show so she could trot him around. After she found out she was pregnant (which I do think was an accident) everything snowballed and she was focused on her spin off. Jason was just a prop.  The impression I got was that he believed it was real and was blindsided by Bethanny's 180 turn

Good points.  What man wouldn’t be enraged?  Their apartment was like Grand Central Station with her people coming in and out all hours for her business.  The guy didn’t have a cubby hole for himself.  If that were my husband, he wouldn’t have taken it.

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52 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

Good points.  What man wouldn’t be enraged?  Their apartment was like Grand Central Station with her people coming in and out all hours for her business.  The guy didn’t have a cubby hole for himself.  If that were my husband, he wouldn’t have taken it.

Jason wouldn't have had to deal with "her people" as much if he went to work everyday like most husbands/fathers.    Thanks to Bethenny, "her business" and "her people" Jason is now a wealthy man. 

Edited by AnnA
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14 minutes ago, AnnA said:

Jason wouldn't have had to deal with "her people" as much if he went to work everyday like most husbands/fathers.    Thanks to Bethenny, "her business" and "her people" Jason is now a wealthy man. 

It was my understanding that he quit his job to help her business take off, such as in the Canada plant where they were making Skinny Girl products and other projects she was working on.  Sort of like partners in the business?

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10 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

It was my understanding that he quit his job to help her business take off, such as in the Canada plant where they were making Skinny Girl products and other projects she was working on.  Sort of like partners in the business?

And according to Bethenny she requested that and heaped praise on him for helping out and being essential to the efforts before the divorce.

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44 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

It was my understanding that he quit his job to help her business take off, such as in the Canada plant where they were making Skinny Girl products and other projects she was working on.  Sort of like partners in the business?

33 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

And according to Bethenny she requested that and heaped praise on him for helping out and being essential to the efforts before the divorc

My memory sucks so I'm fuzzy on the timeline but I believe that Jason didn't get involved in Bethenny's business until it took off.   And if I'm mistaken and he was involved when she was running the business from the apartment he should not have been "enraged" and "refusing to put up with it" as GEM 10 said in her post because it was his livlihood too.    That was what my response was addressing. 

Edited by AnnA
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3 minutes ago, AnnA said:

My memory sucks so I'm fuzzy on the timeline but I believe that Jason didn't get involved in Bethenny's business until it took off.

I am just saying that when they were together Bethenny stayed repeatedly that Jason helped a great deal with helping her and her brand. 

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11 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

I am just saying that when they were together Bethenny stayed repeatedly that Jason helped a great deal with helping her and her brand. 

You're absolutely right and I agree with you.   My issue was with a previous post.

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What little I remember from her show was that he was very supportive while she was getting her brand off the ground.  I can remember when she made the million/multi-million(?) deal, and I believe she said something about "their" money,  and he said something like it wasn't his money, but hers.  He seemed proud of her accomplishment.  He didn't appear to be in the relationship for the money.   Of course after everything he's been through with her, I have no problem with him getting something out of that disaster of a marriage.  I don't know how he lasted as long as he did living with her.  I don't blame him one bit for trying to protect their daughter.  I've seen enough of Bethenny on this show to see that there'd better be some third party involved to make sure that Bryn makes it through her childhood without being completely warped by the experience.  I'd be nuts from the non-stop chatter alone.

Edited by ChitChat
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6 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

What little I remember from her show was that he was very supportive while she was getting her brand off the ground.  I can remember when she made the million/multi-million(?) deal, and I believe she said something about "their" money,  and he said something like it wasn't his money, but hers.  He seemed proud of her accomplishment.  He didn't appear to be in the relationship for the money.   Of course after everything he's been through with her, I have no problem with him getting something out of that disaster of a marriage.  I don't know how he lasted as long as he did living with her.  I don't blame him one bit for trying to protect their daughter.  I've seen enough of Bethenny on this show to see that there'd better be some third party involved to make sure that Bryn makes it through her childhood without being completely warped by the experience.  I'd be nuts from the non-stop chatter alone.

Correct, and I agree with everything you just said.  She is witty and funny and is a hoot to watch, but according to her books that I have read and what I have seen on t.v., she cannot keep a relationship with a man and dumps them quickly.  In this instance, she has Brynn which makes things more complicated.  Jason was not the problem.  He was the victim.

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1 hour ago, AnnA said:

Jason wouldn't have had to deal with "her people" as much if he went to work everyday like most husbands/fathers.    Thanks to Bethenny, "her business" and "her people" Jason is now a wealthy man. 

Jason likely was contractually obligated (and compensated for) appearing on that show.Not to mention, a sales rep can do a lot if their business from home. I wouldn't be surprised if his company had him take a hiatus for the sake of the brand's reputation.  Bethenny's previous boyfriend from RHONY was fired from his job for his participation on the show.

As for he money he's getting, he earned every penny of that. Bethany is abusive.  Like any spouse of an abuser, Jason was paid for the toll that relationship took on him. Just because he's a man doesn't mean he wasn't abused. The days of husbands/fathers being the breadwinner died around the crash of 2008. Bethany was making good bank around the time the show aired. Maybe Jason preferred to be home with his child while camera crews and other randoms traipsed through their home.

Edited by sashayshante
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Jason wasn't paid for the toll that any alleged "abuse" took on him.

Jason was paid because of the divorce laws in the state of New York regarding marital assets. 

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