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S10.E10: Moving Meltdowns

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4 minutes ago, kimaken said:

I don't think TLC chose to use this as a storyline. It was an event that happened and was being talked about on social media and tv show sources, so TLC had to address it -- besides, I think the scandal brought in more viewers and kept the Browns on TLC for a couple more seasons. But...I'm not sure if the "spin" on the full truth was driven by TLC producers or by Kody. Naturally, Kody wouldn't want viewers to know that he checked out on his marriage to Meri before the catfish incident happened, and since the premise of the show is about how great polygamy is with 1 husband and 4 wives, this event of "a neglected wife seeking love via the internet" wouldn't fit, so instead the spin was in to make Meri, and hence the entire family, victims of this cruel catfisher.

I have often wondered if it wasn't Kody's idea to put it into the show.  I can just see him sitting and looking at Meri with his beady eyed caveman stare, pointing at her saying something like..." YOU brought this to the family and so YOU get to explain it on camera".  Something like an atonement or punishment for what she did.  Naturally in his religion men are close to God and receive direct revelations from God.  Women just get to put up and shut up.  Accept this or be destroyed...

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I'm trying to remember something that went down when they were in Alaska. IIRC the catfishing details had come out by the time the ep aired and the timing of those details was traced as coinciding with the Alaska trip where Meri made some cryptic remark(s) about moving on, moving along, not being part of the family forever. ??? In hindsight, what she said was ballsy. 

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8 minutes ago, suomi said:

I'm trying to remember something that went down when they were in Alaska. IIRC the catfishing details had come out by the time the ep aired and the timing of those details was traced as coinciding with the Alaska trip where Meri made some cryptic remark(s) about moving on, moving along, not being part of the family forever. ??? In hindsight, what she said was ballsy. 

That scene was epic.  Meri having convinced herself that she had a secure place to run to, was ready to make her move.  Christine seemed to be in shock, Janelle registered mild surprise, then quickly recovered enough to ask "well you'll still come back and visit won't you?" and Robyn sat, not looking up and calmly slurping her soup.

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On 4/4/2019 at 10:08 AM, Sandy W said:

When Kody first made his moving announcement, Janelle went into full Mama Bear mode and rightfully said she had no intention of uprooting Gabe at this point in his life or herself from her grandchild.  When she realized that Kody would forge ahead, with or without her, she immediately changed her tune and saw the merits of the move that would provide her with the rustic lifestyle she wants. 

Why is Kody even providing Janelle with a house of her own in the first place?  She is so freaking lazy, she didn't even want to pack up her furniture, she wanted to leave it behind and get a furnished rental (I'm sure that peanut-butter smeared raggedy leather furniture is a huge selling point for any future owner....could be why her stupid house hasn't budged off the market since it's been listed).  Why not leave Gabe with friends in Vegas, let Savannah bunk in Robyn's 7000-square foot mansion and Janelle can pitch a damn teepee in someone's backyard?  All problems solved.

23 hours ago, xwordfanatik said:

It pissed me off when Janelle did a 180 and just went along when Kootie got a wild hair up his butt, and said "where we go one, we go all."  Her house is still apparently unsold, so she could have stayed, visited the other families at special events, and kept Gabe in his familiar school until he graduated.  

This must enrage Gabe to no end.  #FreeGabe

18 hours ago, Saje81 said:

Gabe may have been a problem child when he was younger (who could blame him) but in young adulthood, he has forged ahead despite the obvious family problems that plagued his upbringing.

As I recall, in the early seasons of this show, Gabe and Garrison frequently got into it with each other, as boys do...especially boys who are non-entities in the eyes of their part-time dad and absent mom.  Gabe and Garrison were just doing what they could to get SOME attention from SOME adult in their lives, as Kody was busy fawning over his new squeeze and Janelle was letting Christine and Logan raise the rest of her kids....rant continued below...

13 hours ago, sucker4reality said:

Because Janelle wanted the privilege of raising her own child, her words.

And this is why Janelle can suck it and go squat in her teepee all by herself with no furniture.  She didn't raise her kids, Christine and Logan did.  She already knows the damage they've done by uprooting these kids.  I had a momentary lapse in judgement when she stated that she would not be moving because of Gabe  - I was like, GO JANELLE.  But then she stupidly, blindly followed her "husband" to the detriment of her kids and NOW she needs Gabe to come along because she wants to raise him?!  Too little too late, Janelle.  The fact that Gabe wanted so badly to stay behind tells me that you weren't raising him in Utah, you weren't raising him in Vegas, and you probably won't be doing it in Flagstaff, either.  She is the worst.


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6 hours ago, xls said:

I confess, I cant wait to see that monstrosity of a house they're building. But where do they get the money for these houses & moves every 5 yrs? The Sister Wives Closet doing that well? Sammy Hagar wannabe don't have a job.

Sammy Hagar would be insulted, hehe.  Remember when it was Meri's date night, and Kootie flat-ironed his ugly hair to look like Keith Urban?  He (Kootie) looked like shit.  

That mega-mansion has to be a made-up storyline.  Flagstaff, watch out.  Kootie wants to make your "yummy" environs into a plygster's haven.

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43 minutes ago, Sandy W said:

That scene was epic.  Meri having convinced herself that she had a secure place to run to, was ready to make her move.  Christine seemed to be in shock, Janelle registered mild surprise, then quickly recovered enough to ask "well you'll still come back and visit won't you?" and Robyn sat, not looking up and calmly slurping her soup.

Thank you! I knew it was something good but couldn't summon the details. I wish we could pin your post so we can point to it when a newbie asks why Robyn is disliked by so many here. 

  • Love 7
4 minutes ago, suomi said:

Thank you! I knew it was something good but couldn't summon the details. I wish we could pin your post so we can point to it when a newbie asks why Robyn is disliked by so many here. 

Meri must have kicked herself a thousand times, if it was in fact she who encouraged Kootie to pursue ol' witch face.  Then, Meri tries to be Robyn's BFF.  Things didn't turn out the way Meri thought they would.

Puts me in mind of a favorite song of mine, the OJays' "Backstabbers."  

Robyn's iron grip on Kootie's balls dictates which way the wind blows.  Bitch wants to move to helicopter parent Day-Un, so they all moved.  FUBAR fambly.

  • Love 8
5 minutes ago, suomi said:

Thank you! I knew it was something good but couldn't summon the details. I wish we could pin your post so we can point to it when a newbie asks why Robyn is disliked by so many here. 

Just as Robyn has slipped up a couple of times indicating that she had prior knowledge of Kody's plans to move, this was another indication that Meri's announcement came as no surprise to her.  At the time, Robyn was embroiled in a friendship with Kendra, who had a liaison with the catfish and was fully aware of every detail of Meri's actions.  If Robyn knew, Kody knew, everything was falling neatly in place for Robyn.

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10 hours ago, Tuxcat said:

. . . Meri  watches Kody and Robyn sneak off and giggle to the courthouse. Yay, a secret for them to share while Meri gets kicked to the curb again. 

Meri and Robyn wanted Meri to be there.  Kody decided that it was just going to be him and Robyn.  So Kody kicked Meri to the curb that time . . . with no help from Robyn.

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2 minutes ago, deirdra said:

Kody courting wife #5 would also put the kybosh on the draftperson's house plans.  Kody would have to formally ditch one of the wives or get new plans for 5 houses + "my" space for Kody.

Indeed--but it might guarantee another season or two of the show. I doubt they could get the one big house approved for building, but if they did, one solution would be for Meri to kindly offer to set up her business in a location downtown and move either in an apartment above it or somewhere nearby. Then Janelle could get the 1500 sf home, and, depending on (1) if new wife already has kids and (2) how enamored Kody is with new squeeze, move Christine down to Janelle's 2500 sf and install new wife in Christine's 3000 sf space. 

I hope this happens--the sparks will fly and we'll all be parked in front of our tvs with bowls of popcorn to enjoy the fireworks.

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24 minutes ago, xwordfanatik said:

Sammy Hagar would be insulted, hehe.  Remember when it was Meri's date night, and Kootie flat-ironed his ugly hair to look like Keith Urban?  He (Kootie) looked like shit.  

That mega-mansion has to be a made-up storyline.  Flagstaff, watch out.  Kootie wants to make your "yummy" environs into a plygster's haven.

I feel for the citizens of Flagstaff. they probably have a quiet life and don't deserve that circus moving in on them.

  • Love 5
6 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

Or . . . "follow the money."  Kody invented this "move to Flagstaff" idea to keep TLC interested in renewing the show.

Kody probably had a chat with Chinny-Chin-Chin about the show...as in, "So listen, babe - TLC is gonna cancel us unless we come up with a new storyline, so I was thinking - there's this 25-year old blonde that keeps DMing me on Twi-"

Robchin: "WE'RE MOVING TO FLAGSTAFF WITH DAY'UN MAKE IT HAPPEN or no more private Victoria's Secret runway shows for you."

Kody: "Yes ma'am!"

Edited by laurakaye
  • LOL 15
2 hours ago, Adiba said:

But how often do any of these clowns tell the truth on camera?

The truth?

Since I’m a firm believer in the “can’t have it both ways” mantra, I’m going to go with these clowns (actors) go with the script provided to them for a “reality” show which is loosely based on what appears to be differing versions of the “truth” regarding their lives together, according to their contractual obligation with TLC so that they can reap whatever benefits of exposure on social media they get as well as a fat paycheck.

Every storyline they follow may have a shred of what might appear to be factual elements involved, however, it is most likely twisted, embellished, misrepresented, badly acted and staged for maximum shock value for the viewing audience’s benefit.  They’ve been at it long enough to generate caricatures of themselves and their situations that folk discuss and infer scenarios about.  They’ve made fans out of folk who actually have feelings about their different portrayals all the way from revulsion to admiration.

TLC has a formula for their “reality” shows and it works.  Made up storylines, complete with made-up reactions of shock, dissent amongst the ranks, persecutions, unrealistic expectations, favoritisms, etc.

In real life I’d bet Gabe is all on board with the move, they’d all live together in one house without batting an eye, Robyn doesn’t call a single shot and Kody’s been schtupping each wife every week since the show began.

I don’t buy any of their bullshit drama...especially Meri’s.

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2 minutes ago, Bucket said:

I still fail to see why they have to move to Flagstaff.  Not buying because Dayton is going to school there.  They didn't follow the others to their colleges.  Has anything more come to light?  I have been busy the last couple of weeks and may have missed it. 

They didn't follow the others to their colleges because they weren't the spawn of Robyn, but I too question why Flagstaff where housing costs are so high.  I'm sure that Wyoming or Montana would be far more affordable and they could have found a college in one of those plyg tolerant states that could accommodate Day-un's special needs.

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4 minutes ago, Bucket said:

I still fail to see why they have to move to Flagstaff.  Not buying because Dayton is going to school there.  They didn't follow the others to their colleges.  Has anything more come to light?  I have been busy the last couple of weeks and may have missed it. 

They are moving because Robyn said so and she rules that family.

A few episodes ago, we saw Kody trying to get his wives to move back to Utah because he was going to run for office and change the laws once and for all, blah blah blah, persecution, not afraid, etc.

Suddenly, it's Flagstaff.  No other possible places were mentioned, and they gave us no reason into why they went from Utah to this particular town in Arizona - the town that holds the college where Dayton will be attending.  So Robyn said Flagstaff and Kody said okey-dokey.

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Just spitballing, but maybe Day'un heard about NAU from a high school guidance counselor or from a friend. Also, Wiki says this:

"As of fall 2017, 31,057 students were enrolled, 22,376 at the Flagstaff campus. The average cost of tuition and fees for a full-time, Arizona resident undergraduate student for two semesters is $11,059, and out-of-state undergraduates pay an estimated $24,841. NAU also participates in the Western Undergraduate Exchange Program, which offers lower tuition rates for students from the Western United States. For 2017–18, WUE tuition and fees are $16,078. NAU offers Flagstaff undergraduate students the Pledge Program, which guarantees the same tuition rate for four years."

Did they move to AZ in time to qualify as residents so he could pay in-state tuition? If not, $16,000 beats the hell out of nearly $25,000. 

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7 minutes ago, Bucket said:

I still fail to see why they have to move to Flagstaff.  Not buying because Dayton is going to school there.  They didn't follow the others to their colleges.  Has anything more come to light?  I have been busy the last couple of weeks and may have missed it. 

I think it is to get another season or two.   Nothing they do in LV is worth tv time, and they have beat the catfishing storyline deader than the proverbial dead horse.

The only other thing to get another show is to add wife #5 which I think everyone would watch, but I think even Kody knows he can't rilly afford more kids, and I doubt he wants them. 

They think they can afford the move based on profits from the sale of the houses.  The idea being that the houses have appreciated in value since they were built.   I think they figured a $200k profit from each house, but 3 have languished on the market since last summer.  Also I am not sure if they said it, but I think we figured out the houses had those interest only loans that change after 5 years to payments of principal as well.  So it made sense to them to get out from under those mortgages.  Where they went really off the rails was to move to an area with a higher cost of living and decide to build house or houses as big or bigger than what they had before.  Also they bought land to build, but they can't build till all the houses sell so they had to get rentals except for Christine and her cat(s).  Not to mention, I have yet to see said cat on the show.

Dayton (formerly David) is somewhere on the spectrum so he has to live at home with Robyn and the rest of that fam.  Since he is going to school at NAU that's where they all go one (or whatev the stupid motto of the day is). 

I wonder if Kody thinks if he can start to build that McMansion that TLC will jump in to help him finish it like they did for the Duggars.

My vision of their multi-family compound is modular buildings with every one having their own pod.  Kody's pod is in the center and is mostly made up of the large kitchen and living room that he wants for the fambly gatherings.  It would have a small bedroom and living space for him.   All the pods would be connected to this one by walkways.  I can see this is my mind.  I wish I could figure out how to draw it for everyone.

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2 hours ago, suomi said:

Did they move to AZ in time to qualify as residents so he could pay in-state tuition? If not, $16,000 beats the hell out of nearly $25,000. 

Nope.  NAU, ASU and UofA require you live here for 12 consecutive months BEFORE applying for resident tuition status.

I learned this the hard way when hubby was transferred to AZ.  I was 38 and (finally) a full-time student.  Even though we had moved to AZ and bought a home, there was no "in-state" discount available until we had actually lived here for a full year.  

ETA:  Knowing how little the Browns bother with looking into details in order to make an informed decision, I would not be surprised if the order of decision-making was:

1) Day-un is accepted to NAU.

2) Robyn decides that everyone has to move to Arizona, theoretically so Day-un qualifies for in-state tuition.

3) (Which probably hasn't happened yet) . . . The Browns find out that even THEY have to wait a full year before he qualifies for in-state tuition.

Edited by AZChristian
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2 hours ago, Sandy W said:

They didn't follow the others to their colleges because they weren't the spawn of Robyn, but I too question why Flagstaff where housing costs are so high.  I'm sure that Wyoming or Montana would be far more affordable and they could have found a college in one of those plyg tolerant states that could accommodate Day-un's special needs.

I'm thinking NAU has special experience and extra support programs for people with autism. Seems to me that would be the only reason to randomly pick NAU over UNLV or any other cheaper option. Oddly enough I remember reading that a researcher from NAU claimed to find the key to treating autism a few years back. Maybe something like that drew them in.

And yes, the Browns have to move because Dayton is going to be living at home still.

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4 hours ago, suomi said:

I'm trying to remember something that went down when they were in Alaska. IIRC the catfishing details had come out by the time the ep aired and the timing of those details was traced as coinciding with the Alaska trip where Meri made some cryptic remark(s) about moving on, moving along, not being part of the family forever. ??? In hindsight, what she said was ballsy. 

I can’t remember where this information came from, but I think the production crew knew about the affair. Meri told them she was going to leave, and the producer strongly encouraged her to tell the others, and that is how that scene happened. As I recall, all of this info came from Meri, but now that seems unlikely.

Meri is the one keeping the catfish situation in the air. Just within the last few months didn’t she have a twitter joke about being catfished? Plus she has now twice brought on the show other women who were catfished. 

She doesn’t owe the viewers an apology or full disclosure, but she also can’t, or shouldn’t, elicit sympathy without being honest. She’s trying to have her cake and eat it, too.

Regardless of how I feel about my husband at any given time or length of time, I have made a commitment to God to be faithful in marriage. Just like Meri. Meri went from flirting on Twitter, to responding to personal twitter direct messages, to giving out her phone number, to answering texts, answering phone calls, giving out her address, sending photos of herself in the tub, and so on. She crossed the line so many times. I understand she was lonely, but she needed to put a pin on the flirtation, get unsealed, then pursue a relationship.

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3 minutes ago, Marshmallow Mollie said:

I understand she was lonely, but she needed to put a pin on the flirtation, get unsealed, then pursue a relationship.

Technically Kody and Meri were officially and legally divorced. I know they kept saying "nothing's changed" but did they ever have a "spiritual reaffirmation" ceremony after the divorce or was it just Kody saying "we're still spiritually married" and leaving it at that. Meri was pretty devastated signing the divorce papers--it probably felt very final and left a big hole in her heart. An affirmation ceremony to spiritual wife would probably have done a lot to lift her spirits at the time, but as I recall, Kody and Robyn were in a rush to get officially married and get to their honeymoon in Hawaii.

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4 hours ago, Sandy W said:

That scene was epic.  Meri having convinced herself that she had a secure place to run to, was ready to make her move.  Christine seemed to be in shock, Janelle registered mild surprise, then quickly recovered enough to ask "well you'll still come back and visit won't you?" and Robyn sat, not looking up and calmly slurping her soup.

That she did. I think she was trying to disappear. She knew what Meri was up to and kept her mouth shut, waiting for the eventual implosion. Just another example of how this lifestyle pits women against each other.

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5 minutes ago, Absolom said:

I may be wrong, but my understanding is that their belief is that once sealed, they are sealed eternally unless officially church unsealed.  So while some kind of "service" might have made Meri feel better, to follow their beliefs there is no such service and it wouldn't be necessary.

I agree, but if, in their religious view, there is no difference between a "legal" marriage and a "spiritual" one, WHY DID KODY & ROBYN GO ON A HONEYMOON AFTER THEIR "LEGAL" MARRIAGE???

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27 minutes ago, Marshmallow Mollie said:

I can’t remember where this information came from, but I think the production crew knew about the affair. Meri told them she was going to leave, and the producer strongly encouraged her to tell the others, and that is how that scene happened. As I recall, all of this info came from Meri, but now that seems unlikely.

Meri is the one keeping the catfish situation in the air. Just within the last few months didn’t she have a twitter joke about being catfished? Plus she has now twice brought on the show other women who were catfished. 

She doesn’t owe the viewers an apology or full disclosure, but she also can’t, or shouldn’t, elicit sympathy without being honest. She’s trying to have her cake and eat it, too.

Regardless of how I feel about my husband at any given time or length of time, I have made a commitment to God to be faithful in marriage. Just like Meri. Meri went from flirting on Twitter, to responding to personal twitter direct messages, to giving out her phone number, to answering texts, answering phone calls, giving out her address, sending photos of herself in the tub, and so on. She crossed the line so many times. I understand she was lonely, but she needed to put a pin on the flirtation, get unsealed, then pursue a relationship.

I agree, she's the one who keeps bringing the catfish back to life and shoving it in everyone's face.... Then when she doesn't get the reaction she wants she gets all pissy.

Quit bringing it up and let it die... But Meri can't because she's like a dog with a bone... she wants the others and all of us  to agree with her version.

She also gets pissy when they ask her if she's coming with them to Flagstaff and yes I know she said yes but she's the one who started the whole "leaving the family" notion in the first place... I don't blame them from wondering a bit when it comes to Meri.

She would be long gone if Sam had been real and they know that.... What's to stop her from meeting someone next week, month, year and deciding to leave again?

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1 hour ago, AZChristian said:

Nope.  NAU, ASU and UofA require you live here for 12 consecutive months BEFORE applying for resident tuition status.

I learned this the hard way when hubby was transferred to AZ.  I was 38 and (finally) a full-time student.  Even though we had moved to AZ and bought a home, there was no "in-state" discount available until we had actually lived here for a full year.  

ETA:  Knowing how little the Browns bother with looking into details in order to make an informed decision, I would not be surprised if the order of decision-making was:

1) Day-un is accepted to NAU.

2) Robyn decides that everyone has to move to Arizona, theoretically so Day-un qualifies for in-state tuition.

3) (Which probably hasn't happened yet) . . . The Browns find out that even THEY have to wait a full year before he qualifies for in-state tuition.

Even if they did qualify for in-state tuition, wouldn't it be less expensive to just pay out-of-state tuition than to relocate the whole Kody Brown clan?

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3 minutes ago, sucker4reality said:

Even if they did qualify for in-state tuition, wouldn't it be less expensive to just pay out-of-state tuition than to relocate the whole Kody Brown clan?

Whatever Robyn wants, Robyn gets.  And Robyn wanted to go helicopter-mom on Day-un . . . and if Kody doesn't want to drive more than 2 blocks to visit any of HIS houses, he's sure not gonna let Robyn move to Flag and leave the rest of them in LV.  Practicality has nothing to do with their decisions . . . it's all about Robyn and what she wants.  Regardless of cost.

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34 minutes ago, Kath94 said:

I agree, but if, in their religious view, there is no difference between a "legal" marriage and a "spiritual" one, WHY DID KODY & ROBYN GO ON A HONEYMOON AFTER THEIR "LEGAL" MARRIAGE???


social media exposure.

the fact that it titillates monogamist viewers hell bent on hating on polygamy.

ad nauseum.

Edited by kicotan
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9 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

Whatever Robyn wants, Robyn gets.  And Robyn wanted to go helicopter-mom on Day-un . . . and if Kody doesn't want to drive more than 2 blocks to visit any of HIS houses, he's sure not gonna let Robyn move to Flag and leave the rest of them in LV.  Practicality has nothing to do with their decisions . . . it's all about Robyn and what she wants.  Regardless of cost.

Well, yeah, my question was kind of rhetorical.

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4 hours ago, laurakaye said:

Kody probably had a chat with Chinny-Chin-Chin about the show...as in, "So listen, babe - TLC is gonna cancel us unless we come up with a new storyline, so I was thinking - there's this 25-year old blonde that keeps DMing me on Twi-"

Robchin: "WE'RE MOVING TO FLAGSTAFF WITH DAY'UN MAKE IT HAPPEN or no more private Victoria's Secret runway shows for you."

Kody: "Yes ma'am!"

I find it difficult to believe that there's a woman in her twenties who is so hot for Kootie that she's anxious to join his harem.  Or even a woman in her thirties.  But, on the off chance that there actually is a young woman who is stupid, gullible, and desperate enough to join the Cold Sore Gang, I will say this.  There is NO WAY, and I mean absolutely NO WAY that she will take Robyn's spot as the legal wife.  

If Robyn vacates her position as most favored, legal wife, it will be because she decides she's finished with Kootie for good, and it will be a legal battle to end all legal battles.  He managed to get Meri to slink away with no apparent financial settlement, but Robyn will take him for every dime he's ever earned, and every dime he may earn in the future.  He will have to fight for every minute of visitation he gets with their two children.  They won't be pleasant visits because she will do everything in her power to turn the kids against their father.  She won't hesitate to smear him endlessly on any public forum she can find, and she'll be the one who writes the salacious Brown tell-all book, exposing every single detail about the Brown relationships and finances.  

Robyn has shown her true colors in the way she has treated her ex-husband, and she won't spare Kootie the same or worse treatment if he doesn't tow the line for her.  He'd better think at least twice before he makes any decision that makes her unhappy enough to leave the cult.

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4 hours ago, xls said:

I feel for the citizens of Flagstaff. they probably have a quiet life and don't deserve that circus moving in on them.

I bet after this show aired, all the Flagstaff (or whatever County its in) neighbors bombarded the planning office to see if multifamily is allowed in the zoning district encompassing Coyote Pass.  I wouldn't be surprised if Kody Inc had the area rezoned or Special Exceptioned, prior to purchase, to ensure the McMansion Apartments could be built.

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17 minutes ago, kicotan said:


I don't remember their Hawaiian honeymoon from the legal marriage being shown or mentioned on TV, just in blogs.  I think they, and production, wanted to keep it on the down-low so that the manufactured storyline wouldn't be contradicted.  If the divorce and legal marriage meant nothing except a means to adopt Robyn's kids, then why bother with a honeymoon?  Because the legal marriage DID MATTER ALOT TO ROBYN.

So, she had to celebrate being the official Queen of the cul-de-sac by taking a SECOND elaborate honeymoon with Kody.  Ofcourse she knew how this would hurt the distraught Meri, as well as the other wives--especially given their reaction to Robyn's first Kody honeymoon.  That might have been part of her motivation.

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2 hours ago, AZChristian said:

Nope.  NAU, ASU and UofA require you live here for 12 consecutive months BEFORE applying for resident tuition status.

Good to know, thank you. So they still got a healthy discount on out-of-state tuition because of the western states compact. 

These states participate: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington and Wyoming. 

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5 hours ago, AZChristian said:

Or . . . "follow the money."  Kody invented this "move to Flagstaff" idea to keep TLC interested in renewing the show.

Agreed.  Also, maybe alleged new girlfriend lives in Flagstaff.  Kody to wives:  we have to court her and move to Flagstaff so our show won't get cancelled.  Don't forget that's how we got the show in the first place!

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39 minutes ago, MonicaM said:

I find it difficult to believe that there's a woman in her twenties who is so hot for Kootie that she's anxious to join his harem.  Or even a woman in her thirties.  But, on the off chance that there actually is a young woman who is stupid, gullible, and desperate enough to join the Cold Sore Gang, I will say this.  There is NO WAY, and I mean absolutely NO WAY that she will take Robyn's spot as the legal wife.  

If Robyn vacates her position as most favored, legal wife, it will be because she decides she's finished with Kootie for good, and it will be a legal battle to end all legal battles.  He managed to get Meri to slink away with no apparent financial settlement, but Robyn will take him for every dime he's ever earned, and every dime he may earn in the future.  He will have to fight for every minute of visitation he gets with their two children.  They won't be pleasant visits because she will do everything in her power to turn the kids against their father.  She won't hesitate to smear him endlessly on any public forum she can find, and she'll be the one who writes the salacious Brown tell-all book, exposing every single detail about the Brown relationships and finances.  

Robyn has shown her true colors in the way she has treated her ex-husband, and she won't spare Kootie the same or worse treatment if he doesn't tow the line for her.  He'd better think at least twice before he makes any decision that makes her unhappy enough to leave the cult.

Oh my gawd I get tingly all over just reading about the future possibility of a tell all book.... and a tell all by Robyn would be the stuff of dreams!!!!

As you said... Once she's through with someone she has no problem trashing that person to hell and back.

Even the thought of taking a HUGE DUMP on Sol and Ariellabellas daddy wouldn't slow her down.

PLEASE make this happen!!!!   😂

I totally think that once the show gravy train is over someone in that family will spill the beans.... They'll probably clamor over top of each other to be the first one at the publishers door.

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1 hour ago, Absolom said:

I may be wrong, but my understanding is that their belief is that once sealed, they are sealed eternally unless officially church unsealed.  So while some kind of "service" might have made Meri feel better, to follow their beliefs there is no such service and it wouldn't be necessary.

Agreed. Although neither is a second honeymoon, but Robyn made sure she got one - in Hawaii.  🙄

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3 hours ago, AZChristian said:

Nope.  NAU, ASU and UofA require you live here for 12 consecutive months BEFORE applying for resident tuition status.

I learned this the hard way when hubby was transferred to AZ.  I was 38 and (finally) a full-time student.  Even though we had moved to AZ and bought a home, there was no "in-state" discount available until we had actually lived here for a full year.  

ETA:  Knowing how little the Browns bother with looking into details in order to make an informed decision, I would not be surprised if the order of decision-making was:

1) Day-un is accepted to NAU.

2) Robyn decides that everyone has to move to Arizona, theoretically so Day-un qualifies for in-state tuition.

3) (Which probably hasn't happened yet) . . . The Browns find out that even THEY have to wait a full year before he qualifies for in-state tuition.

Could they have established residency?  I'm thinking this show is taped and then lags months before it's shown.  I would not put anything past them!

1 hour ago, MonicaM said:

I find it difficult to believe that there's a woman in her twenties who is so hot for Kootie that she's anxious to join his harem.  Or even a woman in her thirties.  But, on the off chance that there actually is a young woman who is stupid, gullible, and desperate enough to join the Cold Sore Gang, I will say this.  There is NO WAY, and I mean absolutely NO WAY that she will take Robyn's spot as the legal wife.  

If Robyn vacates her position as most favored, legal wife, it will be because she decides she's finished with Kootie for good, and it will be a legal battle to end all legal battles.  He managed to get Meri to slink away with no apparent financial settlement, but Robyn will take him for every dime he's ever earned, and every dime he may earn in the future.  He will have to fight for every minute of visitation he gets with their two children.  They won't be pleasant visits because she will do everything in her power to turn the kids against their father.  She won't hesitate to smear him endlessly on any public forum she can find, and she'll be the one who writes the salacious Brown tell-all book, exposing every single detail about the Brown relationships and finances.  

Robyn has shown her true colors in the way she has treated her ex-husband, and she won't spare Kootie the same or worse treatment if he doesn't tow the line for her.  He'd better think at least twice before he makes any decision that makes her unhappy enough to leave the cult.

Then she will scribble some lines over Kody's face in the revisionist painting and insert new dude.

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5 hours ago, xwordfanatik said:

Meri must have kicked herself a thousand times, if it was in fact she who encouraged Kootie to pursue ol' witch face.  Then, Meri tries to be Robyn's BFF.  Things didn't turn out the way Meri thought they would.

Puts me in mind of a favorite song of mine, the OJays' "Backstabbers."  

Nice touch! The Motown-adjacent smooth and mighty O'Jays. 

(They smile in your face)
All the time they wanna take your place
The back stabbers (back stabbers)

My favorite O'Jays song is Love Train. Anyone who watched Soul Train knows Love Train. 

My little brother's BFF Mike had a fantastic 'fro. He came to my daughter's first birthday party and she liked him right away and keep staring at his hair. We were hippies and she was a little bit unsure around her grandpas because they had short hair but Mike was immediately OK in her book. I saw the little wheels turning in her head: I know this guy - Mommy watches him every Saturday when she turns up the TV real loud and pretends she can dance. That was the first time I saw her "get" something that wasn't related to herself. That was in '72 and he executed my brother's will when he died a few months ago. They were each other's executors and now Mike has to find someone else. 😞

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48 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

Could they have established residency?  I'm thinking this show is taped and then lags months before it's shown.  I would not put anything past them!

Did Day-un start college last August/September (2018)?  If that's the case, they would have had to establish residency in August of 2017.  I've seen nothing in their social media or other news reports that they had done that.

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1 hour ago, Sokoke said:

I don't remember their Hawaiian honeymoon from the legal marriage being shown or mentioned on TV, just in blogs.  I think they, and production, wanted to keep it on the down-low so that the manufactured storyline wouldn't be contradicted.  If the divorce and legal marriage meant nothing except a means to adopt Robyn's kids, then why bother with a honeymoon?  Because the legal marriage DID MATTER ALOT TO ROBYN.

So, she had to celebrate being the official Queen of the cul-de-sac by taking a SECOND elaborate honeymoon with Kody.  Ofcourse she knew how this would hurt the distraught Meri, as well as the other wives--especially given their reaction to Robyn's first Kody honeymoon.  That might have been part of her motivation.


Limited comments outside of their scripted show and actually verifiable information is scant, if even available.

 Robyn’s caricature/character has been well established mostly based on national enquirer type reporting and fan discussions based on imagining and then opining about her status/motivations/feelings based solely on the version of herself presented in the episodes.  She is specifically crafted that way. It’s one of the conflict parts to the formula.

Assigning motives, feelings or morality to any of their scripted behavior, and then posting about it on any kind of social media is gold to these folks-

“There is no such thing as bad publicity.” ~ P. T.  Barnum, et al.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, MonicaM said:

I find it difficult to believe that there's a woman in her twenties who is so hot for Kootie that she's anxious to join his harem.  Or even a woman in her thirties.  But, on the off chance that there actually is a young woman who is stupid, gullible, and desperate enough to join the Cold Sore Gang, I will say this.  There is NO WAY, and I mean absolutely NO WAY that she will take Robyn's spot as the legal wife.  

I tend to agree but OTOH I don't think Robyn is the only Robyn out there and in their culture the woman makes the first move. If she tells Kody that the spirit told her to approach him, which she would do because that's how the concept is meant to unfold, he has an obligation to consider her proposal. I can see him taking another wife because doing so would ensure her salvation and increase his worthiness. 

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