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S10.E16: Urban Float, Wild Earth, Kudo Banz, Pooch Selfie

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9 hours ago, Cotypubby said:

Wow! For the first time I had already bought a product pitched on Shark Tank before seeing the show! Back in 2016 I bought the Pooch Selfie. I got a couple good pics from it but from what I remember it was very difficult to get onto the phone when it was in a case so I didn’t use it that much. Maybe they’ve worked on the design since then. 

This was a Pooch Selfie pic from 2016!


This dog. I am squeeing. So sweet! Thank you for sharing!

That boy actually annoyed me. Am I a horrible person? 

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17 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

That boy actually annoyed me. Am I a horrible person? 

No, you aren't. It was cute at first, but then it got way out of hand. The kids shouldn't have been there for the whole presentation to begin with.

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24 minutes ago, rasalas said:

No, you aren't. It was cute at first, but then it got way out of hand. The kids shouldn't have been there for the whole presentation to begin with.

I agree with you.  I don’t mind the kids being there for the whole presentation but at some point they should have had the boy stop talking and leave it to the adults. 

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I had been told there's a tennis ball thing you can clip on your phone, but I didn't know it was called Pooch Selfie. My dog's been photographed almost daily since puppyhood and will pose as long as he's in the mood (see below), so I don't have a use for it, but I'm glad the guy got a deal. It seemed like a sentimental play more than anything else for Daymond, but it was nice. OTOH I thought the vegan dog food was a little nuts. I know people who feed their dogs raw diets, home-cooked diets, etc. so there will be a (limited) market for his food, but the valuation seemed nuts.

Biscuit St Ps 2018.png

Edited by Jillybean
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1 hour ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

This dog. I am squeeing. So sweet! Thank you for sharing!

That boy actually annoyed me. Am I a horrible person? 

If you are then I am too.  That kid needed to shut it. I wasn’t sure if he was more annoying during the presentation or after.  

I have two kids and if my kid acted like that, I would melt into the floor in embarrassment 

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Is a vegan diet right & healthy for dogs, tho? And how does one quantify (not sure if that's the word I want) how much better soy is for the environment. The farmer still has to use a lot of energy to grow the beans .

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I am gobsmacked that Cuban went for Lab Chow For Dogs -- he usually slams all the voodoo pseudo-healthy claims.  I wouldn't want to be HIS dog!  Mr. Wonderful (as usual0 is right -- dogs want MEAT -- they are animals, not hippies..   There have been too many pet products lately -- and no Robert to pet the animals!

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There was a point with the kid where it went from being kind of cute to being downright embarrassing.  And that point came pretty early on.  And that's on the parents.  11-yr-olds don't have the maturity or life experience to handle the ST.  Heck, many adults are challenged. 

It puts the sharks at a disadvantage b/c you really don't want to be rude to a kid.  But you also want the parents to face reality.  My personal view is that kids under the age of 16 can be there for the presentation but need to exit stage right during the business/negotiation portion.  Kids can't own the company and can't actually make decisions -- contracts entered into by those under age 18 aren't legally binding.  Their parents have to sign.  So there's no reason for the kids to be there or pretend to make the decisions. 

Edited by dogdays2
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2 hours ago, Jillybean said:

I had been told there's a tennis ball thing you can clip on your phone, but I didn't know it was called Pooch Selfie. My dog's been photographed almost daily since puppyhood and will pose as long as he's in the mood (see below), so I don't have a use for it, but I'm glad the guy got a deal. It seemed like a sentimental play more than anything else for Daymond, but it was nice. OTOH I thought the vegan dog food was a little nuts. I know people who feed their dogs raw diets, home-cooked diets, etc. so there will be a (limited) market for his food, but the valuation seemed nuts.

Biscuit St Ps 2018.png

First, that product is SUPER easy to knock-off, utility patent or not.  I am sure there are ways to make it just enough different to steal it.  But, for me, the biggest issue is I don't need it.  We take wonderful pictures, even of our hyper dog, by just holding a treat up.  It's not hard to take a picture with one hand. 

1 hour ago, basiltherat said:

I am gobsmacked that Cuban went for Lab Chow For Dogs -- he usually slams all the voodoo pseudo-healthy claims.  I wouldn't want to be HIS dog!  Mr. Wonderful (as usual0 is right -- dogs want MEAT -- they are animals, not hippies..   There have been too many pet products lately -- and no Robert to pet the animals!

I would want more scientific info about this as well to make sure it's not voodoo pseudo-healthy claims.  Dogs are carnivorous by nature.  I don't think it's just protein they crave.  It's the meat.  I spend about the same amount for my dog food (one a little more because she's on a prescription dog food), but that's for like 20lb bags.  That lasts me about 4-6 weeks. Was the cost for that teeny tiny bag??  


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3 hours ago, rhys said:

Is a vegan diet right & healthy for dogs, tho?

I don't know about dogs, but cats who are fed vegetarian/vegan diets will hunt more than cats who are given meat. Eating meat is in their nature, and they'll do what they have to so they can get it.

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1 hour ago, Whimsy said:

Was the cost for that teeny tiny bag??  

I couldn't figure out what the poundage was on those little bags.  Dude certainly didn't brag about the price point, so I assume insane. 

There's a whole world of designer kibble out there in the 25# for $70-100 range.  I just don't know how many pet owners it would take to sustain that market.

Edited by zillabreeze
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I was in Bed, Bath, and Beyond today and saw the Pooch Selfie.

1 hour ago, eel2178 said:

I don't know about dogs, but cats who are fed vegetarian/vegan diets will hunt more than cats who are given meat. Eating meat is in their nature, and they'll do what they have to so they can get it.

Cats absolutely cannot be on a vegan diet.

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6 hours ago, Jillybean said:

I had been told there's a tennis ball thing you can clip on your phone, but I didn't know it was called Pooch Selfie. My dog's been photographed almost daily since puppyhood and will pose as long as he's in the mood (see below), so I don't have a use for it, but I'm glad the guy got a deal. It seemed like a sentimental play more than anything else for Daymond, but it was nice. 

For some reason, on the part of the presenter, his sentimentality seemed very fake and contrived.  Maybe I'm just more gullible with all the other people who get weepy, but usually they have a backstory that makes their tears understandable and I believe it.  That portion of this guy's backstory could have been edited out, but from what we heard, I didn't get it  And it didn't help that it looked like he wasn't actually crying, but was only altering his voice to match what it would have done if he had been crying.

5 hours ago, basiltherat said:

I am gobsmacked that Cuban went for Lab Chow For Dogs -- he usually slams all the voodoo pseudo-healthy claims.  

I am too!  I usually loooove the smack-down that Cuban gives these smarmy self-important hucksters.  This guy fit right in with that, so I was disappointed.

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Whatever happened to "it's a product, not a company" which used to be heard so often on this show?  Pooch selfie, anyone?  I didn't mind the product (in fact, I could probably use it, I'm not really coordinated enough to wave a treat around while taking a picture of my favorite (fur)child), but I was completely turned off by that excessive emotionality.  I guess that's why I'm not sitting there in a shark chair, but I'd rather invest in a company run by someone who can make the hard, rational decisions.  And, I thought the name and packaging needed a complete do-over.  I really wonder how Lori would have marketed it. 

I would totally buy the treats for my Molly and her friends at the dog park.  They like protein, and plant-based with enough umami to make it taste good is probably sufficient for that.  I recently switched to a pretty pricey food that has a better protein source, so I wasn't put off by the price.  I'm still not convinced (after 5 minutes googling), if a diet based solely on plant protein really is good for dogs.  I thought the guy was totally impressive though, he was pretty much the only person I would feel comfortable entrusting my investment with, 

Hated the family and their product,  Those bracelets (excuse me, bandz) were hideous.  Agree kids should never be part of the negotiation.  

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7 minutes ago, mjc570 said:

Hated the family and their product,  Those bracelets (excuse me, bandz) were hideous.  Agree kids should never be part of the negotiation.  

I agree.

While watching the Family Bandz I couldn't help thinking that the kid needed to stop and let the adults talk. 

Those bands are made for families where the kids get an equal say in everything.  See, my kids don't get rewarded for eating their lunch without whining.  They (even at 4 years old) eat their food or not...eventually they will be hungry enough to eat what I make.  If they whine, they go to their rooms.  I work too hard putting nice meals on the table to have whining ruin my dinner with the rest of my family. 

I guess my problem is that I wasn't allowed to be an annoying child, or a coddled one, and so I am not raising my children that way.

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3 hours ago, rhys said:

Hmmm...are those really pet selfies? 😁

Ha good point! I guess if you’re in the pic with the dog it would count. 

I had the same problem with the vegan pet food that I always have when someone pitches some new type of dog treat: They always show the dogs eating the treats as if that means something! Most dogs will eat any treat you give them, the taste doesn’t matter. As long as it’s not super bitter or anything. 

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Another batch of products that don’t mean anything to me.  The floating pod thingy would be fun to try at a spa, I guess.

I don’t have any pets, so the vegan dog food was nothing I have any knowledge about other than I thought dogs were carnivores.  Selfie gadget was cute impulse buy, but it for sure, it is easy to knock off.  And I am 100% on your side , LuvMy Shows.  He looked like he was realllly trying to squeeze out those tears.

1 hour ago, LuvMyShows said:

For some reason, on the part of the presenter, his sentimentality seemed very fake and contrived.  Maybe I'm just more gullible with all the other people who get weepy, but usually they have a backstory that makes their tears understandable and I believe it.  That portion of this guy's backstory could have been edited out, but from what we heard, I didn't get it  And it didn't help that it looked like he wasn't actually crying, but was only altering his voice to match what it would have done if he had been crying.

The good behavior tchotchkes I do not get at all.  I have a child who is now 12.  I never had to give her stickers or bribe her to behave or listen.  Lavish praise and silly dancing is all it took to get through potty training. We did have a chore chart for a brief time when she was in preschool, but we all kind of forgot about it.  We just asked (or told) her to do something, and she did. She certainly had tantrums or and can take her sweet ‘tween time’ to do what I ask, so she isn’t a perfect Stepford Child.  But in our house there are consequences for the choices we make.   She doesn’t want to eat something? OK.  She still has to sit at the table and be part of the discussion...and is responsible for helping clean up.  If she got hungry later, there’s always Cheerios, but no additional meals offered or prepared.  If she threw a fit over bedtime or brushing teeth, she was given a chance to calm down and choose: do it or lose a privilege (iPad time,  play date, bedtime story, etc.).  my husband and I stick to the rule. If she misbehaved, we followed through. When she was 4, she missed a birthday party with ponies and princesses because the day before she had a major tantrum and broke her cousin’s doll.   People called me mean for doing that, but she has grown up knowing she can trust me and her Dad to keep our word, for better or worse. “Say what you mean, and mean what you say.” is our motto.  

IMHO, giving kids prizes for doing something they are supposed to do is setting them up to expect ‘rewards’ for everything. Kids have to do certain things for health/hygiene reasons, religious beliefs, being a member of a household or community, for their education...it’s part of everyday life, not bonus behaviors.  A future employer will not be handing out stickers or badges for showing up on time for Chrissakes.

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6 hours ago, eel2178 said:

I don't know about dogs, but cats who are fed vegetarian/vegan diets will hunt more than cats who are given meat. Eating meat is in their nature, and they'll do what they have to so they can get it.

5 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

I was in Bed, Bath, and Beyond today and saw the Pooch Selfie.

Cats absolutely cannot be on a vegan diet.

This. Cats are obligate carnivores. The dog food guy said he wasn't going to be expanding into cat food, but why was a cat part of his logo?

And WHY did Kevin "There's Nothing Proprietary About What You're Doing" O'Leary invest in the flotation tank spa? There are flotation tank spas EVERYWHERE now.

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1 hour ago, BusyOctober said:

Another batch of products that don’t mean anything to me.  The floating pod thingy would be fun to try at a spa, I guess.

I don’t have any pets, so the vegan dog food was nothing I have any knowledge about other than I thought dogs were carnivores.  Selfie gadget was cute impulse buy, but it for sure, it is easy to knock off.  And I am 100% on your side , LuvMy Shows.  He looked like he was realllly trying to squeeze out those tears.

The good behavior tchotchkes I do not get at all.  I have a child who is now 12.  I never had to give her stickers or bribe her to behave or listen.  Lavish praise and silly dancing is all it took to get through potty training. We did have a chore chart for a brief time when she was in preschool, but we all kind of forgot about it.  We just asked (or told) her to do something, and she did. She certainly had tantrums or and can take her sweet ‘tween time’ to do what I ask, so she isn’t a perfect Stepford Child.  But in our house there are consequences for the choices we make.   She doesn’t want to eat something? OK.  She still has to sit at the table and be part of the discussion...and is responsible for helping clean up.  If she got hungry later, there’s always Cheerios, but no additional meals offered or prepared.  If she threw a fit over bedtime or brushing teeth, she was given a chance to calm down and choose: do it or lose a privilege (iPad time,  play date, bedtime story, etc.).  my husband and I stick to the rule. If she misbehaved, we followed through. When she was 4, she missed a birthday party with ponies and princesses because the day before she had a major tantrum and broke her cousin’s doll.   People called me mean for doing that, but she has grown up knowing she can trust me and her Dad to keep our word, for better or worse. “Say what you mean, and mean what you say.” is our motto.  

IMHO, giving kids prizes for doing something they are supposed to do is setting them up to expect ‘rewards’ for everything. Kids have to do certain things for health/hygiene reasons, religious beliefs, being a member of a household or community, for their education...it’s part of everyday life, not bonus behaviors.  A future employer will not be handing out stickers or badges for showing up on time for Chrissakes.

Standing up clapping and cheer for your post.  Trust...you are not alone.

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2 hours ago, mjc570 said:

Hated the family and their product,  Those bracelets (excuse me, bandz) were hideous.  Agree kids should never be part of the negotiation.  

Their ploy seemed to be that kids would be able to take their rewards with them everywhere, so they could show off what great children they were. I used to go to the park, and there were two kids who always showed up with a "no TV" button pinned to their shirts. I never understood why their mother thought that was something that should be publicized to the whole neighborhood. Then again, people in the military walk around with a bunch of ribbons pinned to their chests to show off all their accomplishments. 

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25 minutes ago, eel2178 said:

Their ploy seemed to be that kids would be able to take their rewards with them everywhere, so they could show off what great children they were. 

Even from the opening pitch, the "problem" they were solving was that the kids can't take the sticker chart with them outside.  Why in the name of all that is holy, should they?  As if getting praised/rewarded by your parents for what you should be doing anyway wasn't enough, now you need to be praised/rewarded by peers and their parents as well?!?!  AYFKM???  And make no mistake, it's also for the parents to show off to the other parents how encouraging and supportive they are of their children, and how fantastic a job they have done of raising them.  At least in their minds that's the reaction others would have.  The reality is far more likely to be what we've seen here, with words like 'overindulgent' coming to mind for the parents, and 'coddled' and 'attention grabbers' for the kids.

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I was surprised that the spa guys got a deal. They have already been around for a couple of years, so I would think in another couple of years their franchises will be old news. I also didn't understand why Lori complemented them on design, etc. Did she miss the part where they said that they didn't invent the spa?

Count me in with those who found that kid super annoying. I also thought the product was hideous. And can't imagine it being interesting to any kid over about 6. But really, the kid was so obnoxious that his parents should not only have taken away his band and any stupid charms he may have earned, but also taken away several privileges to boot. And I also agree that no kids should be in the tank during negotiations. Period. 

I liked the dog selfie guy, and am glad he got a deal. I don't have a dog, but have many friends with pooches, including some with hyper dogs, so can see how this would work for them. 

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11 hours ago, eel2178 said:

Their ploy seemed to be that kids would be able to take their rewards with them everywhere, so they could show off what great children they were. I used to go to the park, and there were two kids who always showed up with a "no TV" button pinned to their shirts. I never understood why their mother thought that was something that should be publicized to the whole neighborhood. Then again, people in the military walk around with a bunch of ribbons pinned to their chests to show off all their accomplishments. 

Well, first, you cannot compare this to military medals of achievement, but I am biased having served myself.  As far as the TV buttons, some people very weirdly are so proud to say "I don't watch TV" as if it makes them better than anyone else.  

10 hours ago, LuvMyShows said:

Even from the opening pitch, the "problem" they were solving was that the kids can't take the sticker chart with them outside.  Why in the name of all that is holy, should they?  As if getting praised/rewarded by your parents for what you should be doing anyway wasn't enough, now you need to be praised/rewarded by peers and their parents as well?!?!  AYFKM???  And make no mistake, it's also for the parents to show off to the other parents how encouraging and supportive they are of their children, and how fantastic a job they have done of raising them.  At least in their minds that's the reaction others would have.  The reality is far more likely to be what we've seen here, with words like 'overindulgent' coming to mind for the parents, and 'coddled' and 'attention grabbers' for the kids.

I think it's an instant gratification thing.  If the child listens to you, for example, rather than throwing a fit over wanting that candy bar in the checkout lane, then they get their little charm to put on their bracelet.  I just didn't like it for many reasons.  Too many to really name, actually. First is what others have already said about just teaching your kids not to be assholes.  My kids have certainly had meltdowns in public places, every child has done it.  But, then you remove the kid from the situation and do not give in.  The problem I have is that the charms are so big and clunky that they can only fit three.  Why three?  My kids (for the VERY brief time we tried one of those reward charts) needed to do way more than three things to get their final reward. 

7 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

Whenever I see those sensory deprivation tank, I think of that movie with William Hurt.

I think of Fringe. 

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11 hours ago, bilgistic said:

This. Cats are obligate carnivores. The dog food guy said he wasn't going to be expanding into cat food, but why was a cat part of his logo?

And WHY did Kevin "There's Nothing Proprietary About What You're Doing" O'Leary invest in the flotation tank spa? There are flotation tank spas EVERYWHERE now.

100%. My picky princess gets raw meat, which is expensive and a pain in the ass to freeze, slice, store, thaw and feed to the little monster. The herring is literally harvested from a lake in Minnesota by the local Native tribe. She eats better than I do. So as someone who often feels as if she lives in Canine Nation, I jump at labels with cats on them. It's misleading and also, dumb.

But this week was a dumb bonanza. Float spas are indeed everywhere and the best of them have chambers or small rooms you step into, with a door behind you. I would be terrified getting into a just-body-sized tank and pulling that shell down--shudder. A water coffin.

Kidzzz Banzzz was begging to be knocked off, maybe by a competitor that would offer specific rewards for specific compliances, so that kids could chase that one charm they don't have yet--like Pokemon or baseball cards; kids are natural collectors. Until they're not. When that mouthy robot 11-year-old hits 13, those cheap plastic charms won't seem so cool.

I feel like the dog selfie guy watched the previous pitcher get shut down, and figured it was time to play the crying game. I couldn't even tell what he was crying about--protecting his business from knock-offs? Which, 1) so...you mean doing your job as head of an entrepreneurial endeavor is too emotionally wrecking? and 2) so don't create a product that is, in the words of the Sharks, just a product and by no means a business, that is a near novelty, cheap to produce, can even be replicated at home, and might as well be called Please Knock Me Off.

Buncha dummies this week. As a poster said above, the only thing good that came out of it was the terrific pooch pics. Thanks, everyone!

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I I thought this was really a lackluster week, and you couldn’t get me into that claustrophobia inducing tank for anything. I would not ding that relaxing. 

About the meatless dog food:  I had just finished watching the HBO documentary on Theranos, the fake blood testing company, and I could not shake the feeling that there was something fake about the science behind the lab grown protein. That documentary should give everyone pause (paws) about believing what anyone says anymore!  

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On 3/18/2019 at 10:38 AM, rhys said:

Is a vegan diet right & healthy for dogs, tho? And how does one quantify (not sure if that's the word I want) how much better soy is for the environment. The farmer still has to use a lot of energy to grow the beans .

On 3/18/2019 at 11:25 AM, basiltherat said:

I am gobsmacked that Cuban went for Lab Chow For Dogs -- he usually slams all the voodoo pseudo-healthy claims.  I wouldn't want to be HIS dog!  Mr. Wonderful (as usual0 is right -- dogs want MEAT -- they are animals, not hippies..   There have been too many pet products lately -- and no Robert to pet the animals!

I was surprised no one challenged his health claim.  I've seen multiple vets post that dogs need meat.  Of course, they'll eat almost anything, but to get enough nutrition, they need meat.

And agree about the annoying kids and product.  What happened to meeting your obligations (as appropriate by age)?  When they get their first job, are they going to expect stickers from the boss when they show up more or less on time?

Edited by DEL901
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To me it felt like the parents prepped that young boy and perhaps were thinking that they would more likely get an offer if the kid pitched the idea.  It was very telling when Kevin visibly stopped himself from talking back to the kid as he didn't want to hurt/offend him.  If parents are putting their kids front and center in the tank, then the Sharks should be able to speak truth to them.  It wasn't fair to the Sharks or to the kid as he very visibly was upset afterwards.  Yes, because he is only 11 and isn't ready to take adult truths about business.  However, the Sharks themselves have encouraged this as they continually ooh and ahh over kids who makes presentations (even that young girl with the bandaids whose father was mouthing everything she said due to practicing it so much with her...).  Kids should ALWAYS have to leave before the negotiations begin.  I think these parents were overly proud of their idea and having the kids present. I was so glad that they didn't get a deal.

I agree with others that the float tank thing would be a total no-go for me.  And, what is with "we clean the water four times a day"?  I would want completely new water and epsom salts.  Not getting in after someone else. 

I was not impressed with the vegan dog food guy.  Especially as he was overly impressed with his own credentials enough for everyone.  He completely went on about a completely unrelated product so that we would all know how brilliant (or not) he was.  And, dogs need meat.  And, why would I trust a lab made product over a natural product?

In my opinion it's really sad how many of the presenters tell about how many years they watched Shark Tank and how their families enjoy watching it together when ABC has put it in a very unfriendly family time slot.  I really wish it was still on Friday evenings.  Sigh.

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11 hours ago, Quickbeam said:

Float tanks have been around since at least the 1970's. Maybe everyone forgot.

Probably why Mark Cuban brought up items like the cryotherapy which were fads a few years ago and are quickly replaced by the next fad. Like fashion, it just keeps repeating. It will get a spur of popularity and then people get bored with it.

7 hours ago, DEL901 said:

I was surprised no one challenged his health claim.  I've seen multiple vets post that dogs need meat.  Of course, they'll eat almost anything, but to get enough nutrition, they need meat.

That bothered me too. He started to say that dog food is only chicken beaks and feet as being his only defense. However there are plenty of higher and medium end foods that have real meat from the good parts of animals. Same with cat food. I would never put a natural carnivore on a vegan diet.

And kids talking like adults are creepy. I was done with them well before the kid tried arguing about their margins. 

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I actually like the Kudobanz thing and ordered some for my kids... I don't think it's advertising good behavior or anything, because it just looks like random jewelry that kids wear. I do think it's certainly for little kids, which is why I ordered it- more for my 3 year old than my 6 year old.

I also liked that you can tailor it to your kids needs. There have been tons of studies that show positive re-enforcement works better than negative, so I don't have a problem with "rewards." My kids won't be earning kudos for eating dinner or not whining... but if they do a good job behaving in a new situation... or staying in bed at night (that's my 3 year old's problem right now) a specific goal/ behavior we want to improve, then I could see it working well. 

But I guess we'll see.... so far this is the only thing I've had any interest in buying from 10 seasons of shark tank... And if it doesn't work for behavior, my kids will still love a fun new changeable bracelet to wear- it's similar to the magic band buddies for disney magic bands or those buttons people put in their crocs...

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The two dog products on this episode caught my attention. I have several decades under my belt of breeding, training, handling and showing purebred dogs as a professional. So I have a bit of street cred on the subject.

The selfie thing was a good idea but not for every situation. You have to have a dog that is ball-focused, and of the dozen dogs I'm working with now, only one will look at a ball. But if it's not in my hand for me to throw, forget it. Other dogs will look quickly at a squeak, so a holder designed to auto squeak the ball would be a winner. Maybe the holder would work if you stuck a pork chop in it, that would get a dog's attention. But keep a grip on him/her so Bowser doesn't leap up and chomp the chop right off the phone.

The vegan dog food was a joke. I couldn't believe the guy got a deal based on his useless presentation. His big line: "What do dogs WANT to eat?" I answered with "their own poop, dead animals, horse poop, anything I drop on the floor, any bird or varmint they catch and kill." Just today I yanked a dead mouse out of the throat of one of my champion dogs as she was frantically chewing and trying to swallow. Dogs don't turn up their nose at Purina Dog Chow because they want vegan meals. Dogs eat EVERYTHING.

I wanted to see the break down of nutrition and test studies showing the food met a canine's basic daily need and the needs of different ages and growth stages. That those two beagles ate some treats means nothing. Those beagles would have snatched that dead mouse out of my hands and fought over which one got to eat it first. Major dog-food companies have kennels of dogs that are fed their foods, studied and results documented. What studies did this guy have?

Vegan dog food is targeted at people who anthropomorphize their dogs, always a mistake. Was the person aware of the FDA's current alert that a grain-free diet is being linked to canine dilated cardiomyopathy? I doubt it. Not that it applies here, but these studies DO exist. And not all commercial dog food contains "feathers." Such a stupid argument.

Show-dog people are obsessed with what their dogs are fed. And a vegan diet is not even on their radar.

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12 hours ago, Quickbeam said:

I had to fast forward through the obnoxious kids. Keep your day job, Pops. 

Isn't he the one who said he quit his job as a hedge fund manager to promote his family's dumb product?

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Yep, that kid is going to think he knows more than adults who have actual expertise.  The way he argued back to Kevin was a horrible example of how he's going to act with other adults until someone can actually help him understand that there are people who actually, you know, know things.  No matter what else Kevin is, he is serious about making money and he understands financials.  The valuation of their product/company was completely unrealistic.  The margins may be good kid, but with dad quitting (or given the opportunity to resign for some reason?) those margins are going to be spent on payroll and other costs and will not represent viable profit for investors.  I would imagine the whole "investment" would have ended up being salary for the dad.

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16 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

To me it felt like the parents prepped that young boy and perhaps were thinking that they would more likely get an offer if the kid pitched the idea.  It was very telling when Kevin visibly stopped himself from talking back to the kid as he didn't want to hurt/offend him.  If parents are putting their kids front and center in the tank, then the Sharks should be able to speak truth to them.  It wasn't fair to the Sharks or to the kid as he very visibly was upset afterwards.  Yes, because he is only 11 and isn't ready to take adult truths about business.  However, the Sharks themselves have encouraged this as they continually ooh and ahh over kids who makes presentations (even that young girl with the bandaids whose father was mouthing everything she said due to practicing it so much with her...).  Kids should ALWAYS have to leave before the negotiations begin.  I think these parents were overly proud of their idea and having the kids present. I was so glad that they didn't get a deal.

I was simultaneously annoyed by the kid and feeling a bit bad for him. They struck me as a rather insular family, probably more so because of this "family business" and his only perspective is his parents' opinions, so he was genuinely floored when the sharks had another view of it. But the parents needed to step in and rein him back in when he started going on and on. He's too young to understand that $80,000 in sales is not impressive, but the parents know. 

The one I felt most sorry for was the little girl. Clearly the only quiet one in a family of yakkers, she looked lost up there.


I was surprised that the spa guys got a deal. They have already been around for a couple of years, so I would think in another couple of years their franchises will be old news. I also didn't understand why Lori complemented them on design, etc. Did she miss the part where they said that they didn't invent the spa?

I totally did not understand how that pitch was successful, or how they ever made the cut to get into the tank. They didn't invent it, there was nothing proprietary about this particular set of guys running what was basically a franchise of a trending fad, right? Very strange. 


I couldn't figure out what the poundage was on those little bags.  Dude certainly didn't brag about the price point, so I assume insane. 

There's a whole world of designer kibble out there in the 25# for $70-100 range.  I just don't know how many pet owners it would take to sustain that market.

It appeared to be about a 3 oz bag for $12.99. The subsection of pet owners who are wealthy enough and obsessed enough with veganism to pay that kind of price tag cannot be that big. I'm shocked that he got a deal. Besides the spurious claims and the bragging about his achievements in areas that weren't relevant to this particular business, he hadn't even put the food on the market yet! 

I predict a lot of dusty bags of this overpriced crap sitting on store shelves.

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6 minutes ago, ljenkins782 said:

I predict a lot of dusty bags of this overpriced crap sitting on store shelves.

Which reminds me of another thought I had, what IS the shelf life? What preservatives does he use since he was in such a tiz about it being all natural. I've already forgotten the name or I would look it up. Wasn't he only selling online?

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On ‎3‎/‎18‎/‎2019 at 9:23 PM, eel2178 said:

Then again, people in the military walk around with a bunch of ribbons pinned to their chests to show off all their accomplishments. 

Not to hijack this thread, but can't let the above statement pass without comment. 

Consider the "accomplishments" represented by the following ribbons/medals worn by the military:

The "accomplishment" of being seriously injured, such as losing your limbs, your eyesight and/or having severe brain trauma -- Purple Heart

The "accomplishment" of being a prisoner of war, held in captivity for months or even years, and tortured most of that time -- Prisoner of War medal

The "accomplishment" of risking -- and most often losing -- your life to save the lives of your fellow service members -- Medal of Honor, Distinguished Service Cross, Silver Star

Comparing those stupid bracelets for 3-yr-olds to awards earned by our military members is an insult to all who served.  You may not like the military, but don't insult them.

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2 hours ago, saber5055 said:

Which reminds me of another thought I had, what IS the shelf life? What preservatives does he use since he was in such a tiz about it being all natural. I've already forgotten the name or I would look it up. Wasn't he only selling online?

I can't remember, he might have been online only. If so, then I change my prediction to a bunch of dusty bags sitting in warehouses somewhere. Good question about the preservatives, based on his pitch, I'd assume he wouldn't use many. 

There's just something fishy about the whole thing, the Sharks always rip people to shreds when they come in with an enormous valuation and then reveal that they haven't actually sold anything yet. And Mark is one of the last I'd ever expect to take a flier on a risky deal like  that, he typically seems like one of the most conservative of the bunch.

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25 minutes ago, ljenkins782 said:

And Mark is one of the last I'd ever expect to take a flier on a risky deal like  that, he typically seems like one of the most conservative of the bunch.

At the end, when Mark went up to hug/congratulate the dog-food guy, the guy started to say something and Mark interrupted him by saying "I know." I thought that was strange, almost like it was a set up and there really wasn't a deal. I just remember how odd that was when it happened. I wish I could have replayed that part.

Do we know if all those deals made are real deals? Or just scripted reality-show tv? This was the first time I thought the deal was fake, and now I wonder how many others are as well. Maybe people pay to get on the show to get tv exposure for their product, and be able to advertise "As seen on Shark Tank."

I need to check into that! Plus I wonder how bottomless those Shark pockets are if one Shark can hand out $100,000 to $500,000 to multiple people since I assume several shows are filmed in one day.

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19 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

I need to check into that! Plus I wonder how bottomless those Shark pockets are if one Shark can hand out $100,000 to $500,000 to multiple people since I assume several shows are filmed in one day.

Well, Mark Cuban is worth about $4 billion, so he can throw around $100,000 offers like we throw around $10.  The rest of the cast has plenty of ability to invest in businesses. Plus, the Sharks are paid $50,000 per episode salary these days.

19 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

Do we know if all those deals made are real deals? Or just scripted reality-show tv? This was the first time I thought the deal was fake, and now I wonder how many others are as well. Maybe people pay to get on the show to get tv exposure for their product, and be able to advertise "As seen on Shark Tank."

The deals we see are non-binding handshake deals, but I don't think any of them are scripted reality show deals. Either side can back out, whether it be a shark looking under the covers and finding out that everything presented on the show isn't exactly true (like they don't really have a patent), or somebody just changes his or her mind and doesn't want to do the deal with the shark.

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19 minutes ago, JTMacc99 said:

Plus, the Sharks are paid $50,000 per episode salary these days.

Oh, thanks. I totally forgot that the Sharks are paid to be on the show. LOL! I could live for a year being paid for one appearance as a Shark!

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On 3/18/2019 at 9:11 AM, hoodooznoodooz said:

This dog. I am squeeing. So sweet! Thank you for sharing!

That boy actually annoyed me. Am I a horrible person? 

I just came here to talk about how annoying that kid was!  Smart kid for sure, but irritating.  And I hate the parents using their kids as props to get a deal.

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