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29 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

why should she think that John was lying about Lisa knowing? Shes taking john at his word the man who works with Lisa daily that is with her all the time...... when someone I know knows one of my friends well i don't question when they tell me something that the friend told them why would teddi? it makes no sense. normal adults that have working relationships with people normally don't have to double check these things... why would this man who is working for/with Lisa lie about Lisa knowing? Now he's saying she altered messages? either is is trying to cover his own ass for lying or hes trying to protect Lisa ....


Well then I guess John needs to back that up by showing the public his version of texts.

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3 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

God forbid that it gets back to the girls all having fun and showing the opulence of the Beverly Hills lifestyle and not 24/7 drama screaming and fighting .... to me that would be a breath of fresh air... so yes i am looking forward to a half a season of no Lisa just to see things calm the fuck down

Wouldn't that be nice...let's just hope someone doesn't forget to wear panties, no one is late for a drinks date, no one is accusing of coking it up at dinner, and no one is called the c word during a dinner party. Ah yes, these other gals are so chill! lol

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9 minutes ago, 88 keys said:

Wouldn't that be nice...let's just hope someone doesn't forget to wear panties, no one is late for a drinks date, no one is accusing of coking it up at dinner, and no one is called the c word during a dinner party. Ah yes, these other gals are so chill! lol

because the passive aggressive back handed insults........errrr I mean British humor gets a pass why shouldn't those? I am in no way saying that the other ladies don't have issues or do things on their own what I am saying is all their shit gets Magnified while Lisa's gets minimized

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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7 minutes ago, 88 keys said:

Guess you'd need to ask the "ladies" who made those incidents their storyline for that answer. 

but with their story lines they weren't trying to throw someone else under the bus and lying about their involvement that's the difference they arnt/weren't  acting Innocent in their shit they owned or owned up to  their part .... Lisa would rather die a thousand deaths then admit a fault .... Kyle pretty much confirmed that last night at that table saying she loves lisa to death but she will never own what she does that's just a bad side like everyone else has bad sides and at this point she is willing to live with that .... now its up to the other girls to decide to live with it or not..... can you really be friends with someone who wont own up to their own shit but will constantly call you out on yours?

Edited by Keywestclubkid
  • Love 1
29 minutes ago, 88 keys said:

I disagree. It was Rinna who brought a dictionary printout of the word Munchausen to the group to try to show that Yolanda was suffering from a mental illness (eyeroll).  And why? With Yolanda gone Rinna's D-list aspiring model daughters wouldn't have to compete for airtime with Yolanda's daughters, Gigi and Bella Hadid. It was Rinna that wanted Yolanda gone.

At that point I think a lot of us wanted her gone 😄

21 minutes ago, 88 keys said:

Wouldn't that be nice...let's just hope someone doesn't forget to wear panties, no one is late for a drinks date, no one is accusing of coking it up at dinner, and no one is called the c word during a dinner party. Ah yes, these other gals are so chill! lol

I actually would enjoy a fancy party where Dorit gets drunk and makes an ass out of herself AGAIN and maybe they could all start hating her like they should be?

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4 minutes ago, 88 keys said:

So we just imagined a season where Dorit and Teddi called each other liars all season about the time they were supposed to meet for drinks? We didn't see Rinna talk about Yo's supposed Munchausens with her hairdresser and print out the definition to bring to the group and then blame it all on LVP? We saw Camille's flashback on camera last night which was the tip of the iceberg. To say these women don't throw each other under the bus on the regular is laughable. And Kyle? Please! She's frothing at the mouth to get Lisa's position on the show and has been for awhile. Sure, let's trust Kyle. 

And each one of these ladies has hashed it out and admitted to what they did that's the difference...... yes they will fight and yes they do throw each other under buses but at some point they ADMIT their wrong doing in the situation ..... Lisa will never admit to her part in anything so you cant move on with her.. she will tell you she has moved on then here comes a passive aggressive comment and talking out the side of her mouth about you and saying its a "joke" no its not its her twisting the knife to make sure you know your place with her. she wants friendships on her terms you do what she says or she will treat you like shit and make comments about you till you snap ..you cant make any type of comment back because to her that's an attack.. these ladies arnt trying to take anyone down they are just trying to make everyone be on the same playing field when it comes to owning the shit you do

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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2 hours ago, BodhiGurl said:

I'm team Dorit is an arsehole and should have NEVER had the dogs in the first place, AND team LVP is shady. I do think she used Teddi and Dorit's friction as a way to get at Dorit. Maybe it was for storyline, maybe it was just to snipe at Dorit. Regardless, and I don't care if I'm in the minority of feeling this - but initially Teddi probably was fine bringing up the Lucygate on camera because at the time she still was bitter about Dorit's ridiculousness from last season (and understandable she would still be bitter). But then she started to catch on to what was happening and felt used by LVP. So in the moment - she's angry at LVP. Yes - she could have not mentioned Lucy on camera but again - she wasn't friendly with Dorit at the time. Add on that LVP started up with essentially it's all Teddi's fault and Teddi has been gossiping about it - quite frankly I'd be a little ragey myself realizing I was a pawn in the game AND I just got thrown under the bus. I do think Dorit is a grifter, along with her creepy husband. But I still think LVP was manipulating behind the scenes and the other gals started catching on to what was going on and are tired of it perhaps?!? Now Rinna - she's just running with it, she's another ridiculous arsehole who doesn't care who the subject of negative attention is, as long as it isn't her. Ultimately LVP made a very poor decision placing not one, but two dogs, into the Kemsely household. At the very least, she cosigned on them having small dogs around small children. Doesn't make me confident that LVPdogs is performing proper vetting. LVPdogs was wrong for putting those dogs in that household AND Dorit was wrong not reaching out to LVP herself OR the shelter regarding Lucy. I find it believable that LVP could have started this gossipy mess, and has tried to throw others under the bus over it. Perhaps the Johns of LVPdogs are now trying to back peddle to save their reputation and the rescue's reputation. Or maybe they were the source of the gossip without LVPs input but LVP certainly doesn't help matters by trying to pin this stupidity on Teddi. Anywho - if I were sitting at that table of BH RHs, I'd be chilling with Denise and Camille and asking the same questions they are.

I would gladly take a season of far less drama and more travel/home/party/shopping porn on my RH shows. If that can only happen on BH without LVP - so be it. I've never loathed LVP the way I can't stand OC Vicki or NY Carole (at least the last season CR was on NY), Or NJ's Siggy (OMG Siggy. Ugh)  but honestly I'm ok if she disappears for a while. Or if we simply don't see her with the other women. I can't imagine her not coming back, but who knows... I can't watch Vanderpump Rules because I find the cast ridiculous, and LVP isn't enough of a draw on that show for me so... meh... I'm just glad NY is returning, I think tonight - right? LOL... I do hope lucygate/LVPgate quiets down once she removes herself from the group. I don't think I can take a full season of the women who are having issues with LVP, speaking about her the whole season, especially if she's not with them for most of the filming.

YAAASSSSS!!!!!! 🙌🙌🙌 I am not a fan of LVP or LVP Pump Rules. I'm sorry Lisa lost her brother, but I am looking forward to her not being on the show. Maybe they will have some fun then. Maybe my mind doesn't work like others. I don't see any big conspiracy of a take down of LVP. I'm simple minded like that. LOL! 🤷‍♀️

  • Love 5
18 minutes ago, Castina said:

At this point in the story we don't really have proof that Lisa was in on this..  We just have proof that Teddi and John talked about their plot.  Until we reach the point in the story where we see proof Lisa was in on it and not hearsay I can't ask "why didn't Lisa call Teddi?"  But I can, at this stage, ask "why didn't Teddi call Lisa".  It's clear-ish that John and Teddi wanted to do this.  That's all we have at this point.

It is all out already.  Teddi is telling the true about them bringing it up on camera.

Teddi was at VPD with John, LVP and Lucy filming the scenes.

Where we are Now is that Teddi is not taking 100% of the responsibility for wanting to out Dorit by telling Lucy’s story.

Teddi is acting like she was dragged in, used and meant to take the fault.

LVP is denying all involvement. This is not true. She left evidence behind this one time! The texts.

It is like a murder.  LVP ordered the hit. Teddi was the hitman.  Teddi planned and executed the hit. 

Instead of Teddi confessing about her involvement.....she instead is snitching and placing all the blame on LVP....who is of course, denying all involvement. 

Teddi’s eyes were opened when the other girls (Lipsa) told her LVP likes to manipulate people to do her dirty work.

This is all true about LVP.  But, another truth is that Teddi was not manipulated.

Teddi has texts showing her planning the hit.  Supposedly, there were many phone calls as well. 

Plenty of time for Teddi to say.....you know guys, I don’t want to do this on camera.  

Sounds more like co-conspirator to me!

  • Love 13
Just now, Keywestclubkid said:

And each one of these ladies has hashed it out and admitted to what they did that's the difference...... yes they will fight and yes they do throw each other under buses but at some point they ADMIT their wrong doing in the situation ..... Lisa will never admit to her part in anything so you cant move on with her

They hashed it out and admitted it because they had to as in let's "roll the tape." All we've seen so far in this case is a conversation between Teddi and John where Teddi is complicit in wanting to out Dorit yet nothing came directly from Lisa. If, and when, it happens that there is proof of Lisa "setting up Teddi" (give me a break, isn't Teddi an adult?), then perhaps Lisa will join the ranks with the others, admit what's on tape, or text, and they can all move on. So far, there's nothing.

  • Love 7
8 minutes ago, 88 keys said:

They hashed it out and admitted it because they had to as in let's "roll the tape." All we've seen so far in this case is a conversation between Teddi and John where Teddi is complicit in wanting to out Dorit yet nothing came directly from Lisa. If, and when, it happens that there is proof of Lisa "setting up Teddi" (give me a break, isn't Teddi an adult?), then perhaps Lisa will join the ranks with the others, admit what's on tape, or text, and they can all move on. So far, there's nothing.

had this issue not been brought up one time or another about Lisa using people to do her dirty work I would agree with you ..... but each of the housewives has experienced at one time or another something similar with lisa ....the woman is a sneak point blank period and she uses the new housewife that doesn't know her Mo ...... it cant be a coincidence that this keeps getting brought up .....this isnt a conspiracy to get rid of lisa lol this is a OWN what you do and stop being a sneak.... Lisa pits girls against each other she uses her friendships with the girls to punish each of them when she thinks they are doing something she doesn't agree with by saying in a passive aggressive way well they are my real friends (unlike you at the time) the woman is a world class manipulator i give her props for that

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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12 minutes ago, 88 keys said:

Brought up by whom? Rinna? Brandi Glanville? And now Dorit ? Sorry, I don't buy it. This is nothing more than something each of them wanted to hide, and throwing LVP under the bus by saying it's all her fault with their tired mantra rather than taking responsibility IS getting old. It's just a little too convenient of a cop out for them at this point. Just because they recite something on repeat doesn't make it true. 

Each of the ladies has had at one point or another an issue with this... EVERY ONE OF THEM.... Lisa, Brandi, Kyle, Yolanda, Elene,Kim, Dorit now Teddie and Erika ....so all these ladies are lying and its Lisa who is the wronged party? that's a stretch

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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I was rewatching season 1.. and the issue between Kyle/Camille spanned several episodes.. but I noticed the difference was that the show didn't focus on it endlessly (i.e. characters gossiping about it in every scene, all the characters being at all the contrived social functions, etc).  I noticed that there would be a blow up, there was a scene where the women commented/gossiped about it.. than the rest of the episode would be devoted to other things (i.e. stuff going on in their day to day lives that didn't involve the conflict).

I think it wouldn't seem like this was being dragged out if the production and editors would showcase other scenes involving the women in their day to day lives (I think one scene in a previous episode involved Denise and her ex husband Charlie disagreeing about their daughter going on a date if a boy asked her until after she was 16.. and the next episode will show Kyle taking her daughter Sophia to college)...  the show needs to show other things to give the show more dimension instead of being a one trick pony.

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1 minute ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Each of the ladies has had at one point or another an issue with this... EVERY ONE OF THEM.... Lisa, Brandi, Kyle, Elene,Kim, Dorit now teddi and Erika ....so all these ladies are lying and its Lisa who is the wronged party? thats a stretch

The stretch is saying that LVP has manipulated EVERY ONE OF THEM, lol. Have all of these women had drama in the nine seasons it's been on air? Sure. Has it been manipulated by LVP. Of course not. 

  • Love 20
4 hours ago, OFDgal said:

I was thinking the exact same thing.  They should not have dogs if they don't know how to play with them without getting bit. 

I’m not convinced Lucy aka LLAJ (who gave her that ridiculous name - it’s more like the name you’d give a thoroughbred racehorse cause all the good ones have already been taken) “bit” anybody. Apparently she was a fairly young puppy - I’m guessing she was teething at most. Get the puppy a Nylabone or one of those you put in the freezer (freezer ones worked better for mine). I’m guilty of letting my dogs I got when they were young puppies, sometimes teeth on me (sharp puppy teeth do hurt). But none of them ever actually bit or hurt anybody (and my dogs are/were much bigger than LLAJ). They’re puppies - generally they love everybody and anything. Even the three(?) yr-old family member who probably wanted to love her a little too hard at times. It’s called supervision.

If LLAJ actually “bit” PK on the nose - I’d like to nominate her for a Bronze Star. 

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12 minutes ago, 88 keys said:

The stretch is saying that LVP has manipulated EVERY ONE OF THEM, lol. Have all of these women had drama in the nine seasons it's been on air? Sure. Has it been manipulated by LVP. Of course not. 

she doesn't do it to them all at once that's the beauty of it its very subtle .... when you step back and look at the whole 9 seasons what is the common denominator in MOST of it...what is the recurring gripe?.. Lisa ... somehow Lisa was is involved ....All the girls wanted/want at the time was for her to admit her part in it (which she refuses to do)....ps Yay for standing your ground and debating with me i love it ..... and we don't even dissolve into insults 🙂

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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1 hour ago, BodhiGurl said:

however, I don't think JB has come out and said that the texts were manipulated to look like he said Yes to Lisa wanting Teddi to know... 

John Blizzard on Twitter: “FYI – the YES was to the previous statement made by Teddi (not shown) that “Either way. It will come out” [the dog situation] & the ‘idk‘ was cut out responding to the question ‘But didn’t Lisa tell you to tell me!?’"

Edited by film noire
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27 minutes ago, psychoticstate said:

I seriously love Denise.  She and Camille are the only two who are questioning exactly what all the fuss is about.  As Denise said last week, "I don't even know why these bitches are fighting."  And God love her for her comment on breakfast, that the other ladies are lucky she's got a bra on.  Seriously.

Erika should rethink calling her husband for the show.  He is clearly over her.  She can say "I love you," half a dozen times.  Doesn't matter.

Looks like Teddi said more via text than she's owning up to.  

The fluffy flamingoes were adorable.  I fully expect to see one or two at Villa Rosa.  

I did love LVP calling home and all you could hear was the dogs barking.  Ha ha.  Sounds like my house.  

Kyle certainly can't read a room.  LVP told her at least twice that she did not want to discuss Lucygate and instead wanted to shop and Kyle just kept at it.  Buy a clue along with that watch, Kyle.  

The other women certainly are pushing hard to ice LVP out and get Kyle to turn on her.  

If I were on a TV show, if I started filming and I was invited to my friends shop where I was brought into the middle of an issue and got half of a story, and then saw one friend making digging comments at another saying she's over it but obviously she's not, and then hearing that same friend accusing another of gossiping, and hearing side conversations...well...

I'd be looking for a full straight story when I had a moment with that person.

Lisa put it off "Let's talk about that in a minute." the thing is Lisa never wants to talk about it because she also handled it poorly.

Lisa invited Kyle and Teddy to the shop, the dog was introduced, gossip spilled, and Kyle was brought into this and now she wants the straight story.

At the dinner, the loooong silence Lisa gave Dorit when Camille hoped they could work it out said everything and was noticed by everyone, with that Lisa started it and when it got uncomfortable she left like she always does.

  • Love 6
18 minutes ago, film noire said:

John Blizzard on Twitter: “FYI – the YES was to the previous statement made by Teddi (not shown) that “Either way. It will come out” [the dog situation] & the ‘idk‘ was cut out responding to the question ‘But didn’t Lisa tell you to tell me!?’"

Why wouldn't he know if he was told to tell Teddi????

Edited by Higgins
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3 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

she doesn't do it to them all at once that's the beauty of it its very subtle .... when you step back and look at the whole 9 seasons what is the common denominator in MOST of it...what is the recurring gripe?.. Lisa ... somehow Lisa was is involved ....All the girls want is for her to admit that ....ps Yay for standing your ground and debating with me i love it ..... and we don't even dissolve into insults 🙂

Nor should we. For one thing it's just a tv show, and secondly, we're adults. So, thank you for the compliment, I appreciate it, and I've enjoyed the debate with you as well. 

Since we've gone back and forth with what we probably won't agree on maybe we can find some common ground. I think we both agree that, so far anyway, Denise and Camille are the voices of reason. There's probably much more we agree on but that seems like a good start! 

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38 minutes ago, thesupremediva1 said:

These are literally off the top of my head. It's a fucking joke to me that they're talking about LVP like she's some demon when half of them defended and supported this POS. Honestly, this drivel is the best they've got without Brandi and Kim there to bring real-stakes drama. 

You forgot about her greatest hit, accusing Kim of doing meth in the bathroom at game night! I for one am not looking forward to seeing her pop up this season. 

Edited by esco1822
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1 minute ago, esco1822 said:

You forgot about her greatest hit, insinuating Kim was in the bathroom doing meth at game night! I for one am not looking forward to seeing her pop up this season. 

I'm okay with Kim popping up every now and then (as long as she's sober) but Brandi needs to stay the fuck gone.

She's just a toxic cloud of asshole with no filter.

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Dorit's blog is also up (so is Rinna's) and I think it's an interesting one.  I like that she actually holds Rinna and Kyle responsible for their behavior during drinks on the terrace but that's probably negated by them consoling her at dinner.  I'm not sure why she thinks LVP was supposed to console her since Dorit was crying ABOUT what she was told LVP did. If someone was crying and saying I was supposed to be their friend, I certainly wouldn't run over and hug them and say "I know, I know." She's a ridiculous human being. 


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2 hours ago, filmfan2480 said:

I often wonder about the Kyle/Camille friendship/dynamic.  I find it somewhat fascinating and I don't think it is touched upon much, here.

Sure, they had a rough season one.  But they sorted out their issues and have been good ever since. 

They've supported each other.  Camille has gone to many Kyle functions and parties over the years.  There seems to be warmth there.  We've seen them together on WWHL.  They 'like' and comment on many of each other's social media posts.  When asked about her, Kyle says that they are good friends now and their issues were ancient history and it seems genuine.  Camille shares similar sentiments.  I've seen photos of Kyle, LVDP and Camille together at places.  I've seen photos of Kyle, Faye and Camille together at places (Kyle and Camille confirm that one-time enemies Camille and Faye are now good friends, as well.  Faye and Camille share lovely responses to each other on social media).  I think these women share a bond and a sisterhood (which Kyle often speaks about, too).

Having said all of that, there's also something mildly chilly, there.  Though, we see Kyle and Camille at many of the same events and they appear friendly and there are even shots of just the two of them engaged in conversation (whether it be deep thoughts or laughter) ... you rarely see Kyle exclusively with Camille.  

Maybe it's the construct of the television show -- that main cast members should mostly or only converse with other main cast members and not "friends of" so much -- Kyle is mostly shown with LVDP or Teddi or Rinna or Erika or Dorit or a combination of those ... and Kyle is almost never "just with" Camille (even when the group is together).

Add to this, Camille had Kyle be one of her bridesmaids, for goodness sakes!  That was such a nice thing for her to do.  I remember Kyle was VERY emotional and happy for Camille last season when she showed her the engagement ring -- it was lovely to see.  I'm sure they are good friends.  I don't doubt that.  And you'd think only the BEST of friends would ask and/or accept being a part of a wedding party.  

But again, I just don't see the evidence 'on film' of such an utter close bond.  I just find it interesting; the little things one picks up on while watching over the years. 

And because it seems - early on - that Camille is a bit more team LVDP at this point of the season and not all chummy with Kyle on the Dorit/LVDP topic ... I wonder how the rest of the season plays out for Camille/Kyle leading up to the wedding and thereafter to now. 

Anyone else ever ponder their friendship?

What better way to insure it was filmed and shown?  I do think they are friendly but I believe this was all for filming.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, 88 keys said:

The stretch is saying that LVP has manipulated EVERY ONE OF THEM, lol. Have all of these women had drama in the nine seasons it's been on air? Sure. Has it been manipulated by LVP. Of course not. 

Lisa will make comments and ask questions where any response will make you look bad in some way. That is manipulation. 

"When did the affair start?"

"Only my real friends would show up at the party." Paraphrased

Erica and Lisa's condolence jab.

When your upset and say so then you've misunderstood, or it's good old British humor. It all manipulative. 

What I found interesting was when Kyle and Lisa we're on the bus to the airport. 

Lisa said "If John blizzard said, John sessa said that I said I don't give a damn you can tell, yeah, that's not the point. Just get the dog out of the shelter."

What was she saying or admitting? Because yeah, for the ladies that is the point did you tell him to say something and if you did own up to it.

Edited by Giselle
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4 minutes ago, Giselle said:

What was she saying or admitting? Because yeah, for the ladies that is the point did you tell him to say something and if you did own up to it.

I assumed she was saying that she didn't care if they told anyone about it in that moment (when they found out Lucy was in a shelter), her focus was making sure the dog was safe. That's very different from "admitting" that she told John Blizzard to tell Teddi or that she orchestrated the story being put on camera. That to me was  "I don't give a shit what you do, just get the dog back ASAP." 

  • Love 21
26 minutes ago, langford peel said:

Did any of you see the Oscar winning movie “The Favorite?” I think “The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” is exactly the same as this movie. The entire series boils down to a group of women vying to be the "favorite” of the Queen.

At first the show was a grouping of Queens. Adrienne Queen of Slots. Camille the Queen of the Kingdom of Frazier. And Lisa Vanderpump the Pink Queen of the Magic Forest. Rich. Strong. Imperious accomplished women. Equals.

There were some other nonentities like the fool Taylor Armstrong and the Richards sisters of the Hilton  Clan. The Richards could not be Queens since the highest station a Hilton ever attained was Baron. So their only outlet was to be named the favorite of the Queen so that could obtain status, wealth and air time.

Gradually the pretender Queens either fell by the wayside or returned in a much more humbled role. Because you see there can only be one. Lisa the Pink Queen. Friend to animals. Loyal to her friends and anathema to her enemies. The revolving cast are mere moons to her glorious sun. She spends her time with her bunnies and swans and puppies and tiny horses. When she deigns to join the plebes the others scramble to gain her favor. When they are not plotting to pull her down and gain the Crown.

Kyle has long been cast as the Favorite although her status waxed and waned. Every season a new aspirant would arrive and try to get close to the Queen to enjoy her favor. Some like Brandi were briefly the chosen one and so desperate and crass that when her status waned she offered sexual favors regain her spot as favorite. Just like the movie. Then Joyce was briefly a candidate but was driven out by the jealousy and racism of the other members of the court. Finally a new aspirant arrived. A conniving grifter who gained entrance by being related to a friend of the Queen. As soon as she gained favor her essential nature came out and she was involved in scheme after scheme that backfired in her face. This last debacle were she abused one of the little creatures that the Pink Queen loved which will lead to her banishment. The other harpies of the Court sought to elevate this broken vessel to bring down the Queen. She cares not. She can retire to her castle behind her moat where she is protected by her savage swans and pit bull consort. She need not deign to associate with the unwashed masses. They have no recourse. Soon enough they will dwindle away and be gone from our screens.

You see there is only one Queen. The Pink Queen of the Magic Forest.  All must bow and bask in her glory. Or she will leave us bereft and abandoned. Like a puppy dumped at a shelter.

All Hail the Queen. Long may she reign. Here or in another spin off.

There can be only one.

I would read this fantasy series.

Hell, I want Peter Jackson to LOTR the shit out of this. Three plus hour movies for each book!

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