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9 minutes ago, Rosiejuliemom said:

Even to remove parts of the conversation?

I'm not trying to be argumentative, I genuinely don't know as I don't have an iPhone.

On her blog she has the text posted the conversation isnt edited at all you can follow the conversation completely it isn’t choppy sounding like the “printout” ken was reading. Teddi was in on some shit 100% and is owning that fact. What she isn’t owning is that she was the one behind it all the one who wanted this out. That was Lisa. This is all very deja vu to the Brandi situation. Have them do the actual dirty work and when questioned throw them under the bus. 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
  • Love 6
26 minutes ago, howivesforever said:

I think by her not being forthcoming that she and John setup for the dog to be there and for her to ask is that the dog not once but twice (she asked her child to) proves she’s a fraud. Nobody can force anyone to do something they don’t want and she chose to talk about it because she knows Dorit is a shitty person. She needs to take “accountability” for her actions and stop the poor me Lisa made me bs.


And, this is a point that bears repeating when it comes to John Blizzard and John Sessa.  What do they have to gain by being "used" or "manipulated" and, if you go by what Teddi and Rinna (who has absolutely no skin in this game and should mind her own business) basically were forced by LVP to tell the story to take down Dorit?  If anything, I would think that both of them (John and John), being animal lovers and John Sessa being Lisa's partner in VP Dogs, would prefer to not have this type of news publicized.  It does not look good for VP Dogs to have homed two different dogs to one family and neither of the dogs worked out, or, to hear Dorit tell it, were "not a good fit because both dogs were biters" (so, in essence, VP Dogs did not do their due diligence in homing the dogs correctly).  It would stand to reason that anyone from VP Dogs would want to keep that type of publicity out of the news, and especially away from the gossipy housewives.

  • Love 24
17 minutes ago, hoosier80 said:

Wait a minute. If Teddi asked did Lisa tell you to tell me about the dog (Juicy Lucy or whatever ridiculous name the poor puppy was given), that would have been after someone said oh wait - LVP is trying to set you up.  That was way after the seeing the puppy at Vanderpump Dogs.  

And if you're doing some diabolical plan, no way are you putting shit in writing, no matter if you consider him to be a good friend; he still works for the person you're supposedly trying to take down.

I call BS.  LVP is a massive fraud, and manipulator.  She was pissed at Dorit, with good reason.  Just be direct and say that was a shitty and irresponsible thing you did.  But she cannot.  PK, Lisa, and Ken were all buds back in the UK.  They know old secrets that I bet neither party wants to come out.   LVP doesn't want to piss off PK, but she wanted to get back at Dorit.  I am betting she's pissed that Teddi is now buds with Kyle.  LVP always seems to have one BFF/toadie per season, and probably figured she'd have Teddi at her disposal.  Didn't happen.  Plus, Teddi and Dorit have a history of bickering, so Teddi was the most likely one to try and pin the 'gossiping' on re: Puppygate.  

And the way I saw it, Teddi was genuinely pissed at LVP.  She's not that good of an actress to just act that pissed.  When LVP is confronted, she always runs away.  She was in Puerto Rico, got pissed off about heaven knows what (we actually saw her smoking dahhhling), and she took off back to the states.  Clearly used to being HBIC and doesn't like it if she's not.

Too bad she blew it.  Dorit needed to be called out for her nonsense.

Yet when Kyle tries to tell her the girls think she was trying to expose Dorit, she does her Miss Innocent blink and asks, "Why would I be upset with Dorit?"  That's what makes me think she's a big fat liar.  Then when Teddi tells her she has texts from John:  "I don't even communicate with John Blessing!" (blink blink). Isn't he your employee/colleague/something?  I don't care if you text his cell or not - you certainly communicate with him.  And when they got to dinner she said nothing; Dorit apologized for her tardiness and was acknowledged with "Boobs!"  She totally thinks they should be fawning over her or she's not being acknowledged, just like she thinks she can show up a day late for a girls' trip and the master bedroom should have been saved for her.  

As far as Teddi goes - she should have kept her yap shut at the previous night's dinner so I'm not feeling a lot of sympathy for her.  If you think you're being set up - say nothing more about the dog until Lisa is forced to do it herself.

And I used to think Kyle would be fun to have a drink with but not if she can't put the phone in her purse at the table.  Rude!

  • Love 5
3 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

On her blog she has the text posted the conversation isnt edited at all you can follow the conversation completely 

I see what you mean now.

He clarified that the "YES" was in response to Teddi saying that the story would come out one way or another.

The "idk" was the response to "Did she tell you to tell me?".

Teddi's hands are still looking pretty dirty in this whole thing.

  • Love 23
34 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

IF he lied why is he still working for her? Why would you continue a partnership with someone who tells lies about you to your friends? Who uses your name to start rumors? You could never trust that person in business. Look how fast she dumped her ex gay bestie that lived with her for lying. Yet she would keep this guy around?  He didn’t lie she knew 

That's a good point. I hope if John Blizzard is creating problems, LVP addresses it. John Sessa backs up what LVP said, that she wanted to protect Dorit, but he was furious. He hand-reared Lucy, so he was particularly sensitive about protecting her. It's bizarre how Lisa and Ken think the texts prove Lisa's side, while Teddi thinks the opposite. 

I am someone who'd want my friend to protect me and my reputation, even if I did mess up. I understand friends keeping it 100, but to me it's different doing it privately. I think that's part of why the other women find the situation upsetting. 

Edited by RealHousewife
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2 minutes ago, njbchlover said:


And, this is a point that bears repeating when it comes to John Blizzard and John Sessa.  What do they have to gain by being "used" or "manipulated" and, if you go by what Teddi and Rinna (who has absolutely no skin in this game and should mind her own business) basically were forced by LVP to tell the story to take down Dorit?  If anything, I would think that both of them (John and John), being animal lovers and John Sessa being Lisa's partner in VP Dogs, would prefer to not have this type of news publicized.  It does not look good for VP Dogs to have homed two different dogs to one family and neither of the dogs worked out, or, to hear Dorit tell it, were "not a good fit because both dogs were biters" (so, in essence, VP Dogs did not do their due diligence in homing the dogs correctly).  It would stand to reason that anyone from VP Dogs would want to keep that type of publicity out of the news, and especially away from the gossipy housewives.

Yeah but it’s not the entire conversation. There’s at least one text of Teddi’s missing so you can’t be sure the 2nd screenshot immediately followed the first. Also the entire beginning of the conversation is missing. And none of that conversation overlapped with the printout from Blizzard’s phone. We are not getting the full story. I’m not saying for certain LVP did or didn’t orchestrate it, I’m just saying there are serious holes in the story.

  • Love 14
39 minutes ago, langford peel said:

Lisa is not a victim.

She is the heart and soul of this show.

LVP is SO OVER RATED.  She is vindictive and holds on to grudges, no matter how petty. She will also never admit she's wrong. She uses the excuse "it's a joke" - but is offended if someone does the same to her. She wants to be the Queen B, but she's been phoning it for several seasons.

  • Love 17
6 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

Lisa did not "dump" Cedric for lying about her.  She told him to move out of her home and get out of their lives because he abused her generosity, was lazy, didn't want work but wanted her to support him, lied about his own past (saying he was a "boy of the streets with a hooker mother" and other bullshit), and generally was extremely rude to Ken.  

Cedric got everything he deserved, imo.  He was a user and took advantage of Ken and Lisa.

That's also true, and John Blizzard is younger than Lisa's kids. She may not have the heart to just let him go. 

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14 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

Lisa did not "dump" Cedric for lying about her.  She told him to move out of her home and get out of their lives because he abused her generosity, was lazy, didn't want work but wanted her to support him, lied about his own past (saying he was a "boy of the streets with a hooker mother" and other bullshit), and generally was extremely rude to Ken.  

Cedric got everything he deserved, imo.  He was a user and took advantage of Ken and Lisa.

Cedric used Lisa and lied to her how would that be different then what John is doing? He’s using her (to Teddi to get screen time he jokes about being a friend of a houewife this season on the show so that gets his face out there) and “lying”. (If she really didn’t know and he just said Lisa knew) that damages her reputation. She still apparently is working with John with no problems and Lisa has to know that Teddi is claiming John told her to tell Teddi cause she brought it up at that table. So he lied and she doesn’t care or she knew. 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
  • Love 1
8 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

I don’t know if Lisa set Teddi up or not but I would be on LVP’s side even if she took out a full page ad in the paper describing the Dorit debacle.  And, whether LVP knew John was going to bring it up on camera, matters not at all to me.  I’m sure John is almost, if not, as passionate as LVP about rescues, as most rescuers are, so, he may have brought it up on his own.  However, Lisa should have done the dirty work herself.  But that said, I don’t understand why the other women are rallying around Dorit for being called out for being the scumbag she is.

Maybe because certain mirrors are hard to look at?  Meaning that if it happens to one of them, any one of the others could be next?  

  • Love 8
3 minutes ago, howivesforever said:

All this Teddy being used stuff is crap. Teddi is a grown ass woman that made a choice. Until her “friends” let her in on their decision about  trying to take Lisa down this season she was all in to make Dorit look like the shitty person she is, but quickly wanted to be on what she thought was the winning team. 

Or she realized that Lisa was going to take no ownership in this and was going to throw her to the wolves with the doe eyed I didn’t know bull and make it look like Teddi was the mastermind trying to take dorit down. There is no way Teddi came up with this plan I’m sorry she got involved in some shit yes but she didn’t start this shit...... the common denominator in all of this is LISA when connecting the dots Lisa is in this and she’s not admitting that. 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
  • Love 5
4 minutes ago, esco1822 said:

I’m pretty sure no one thinks Teddi ‘‘tis the mastermind. Of anything.

Lol well she must be some kinda undercover mastermind to covertly alter text and concoct this whole thing on her own that’s some Macgyver level shit right there. What does Teddi get out of this if that’s true? Nothing she was well received last season what would be her motivation to distroy that by trying to attack Lisa for no reason?  

Edited by Keywestclubkid
  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Or she realized that Lisa was going to take no ownership in this and was going to throw her to the wolves with the doe eyed I didn’t know bull and make it look like Teddi was the mastermind trying to take dorit down. There is no way Teddi came up with this plan I’m sorry she got involved in some shit yes but she didn’t start this shit. 

But if you’re going to take down someone and it’s a coordinated effort wouldn’t you want text from Lisa? Wouldn’t you want to have a conversation with Lisa the most mastermind of all masterminds to work out all the details? Teddi was “thirsty as hell  to keep her spot on this show because it doubled her business. She and John most likely plotted this and when it started falling apart poor Teddi is a victim. And lest we forget had Dorit not been the shitty person she is none of this would be an issue.

  • Love 24
24 minutes ago, howivesforever said:

But if you’re going to take down someone and it’s a coordinated effort wouldn’t you want text from Lisa? Wouldn’t you want to have a conversation with Lisa the most mastermind of all masterminds to work out all the details? Teddi was “thirsty as hell  to keep her spot on this show because it doubled her business. She and John most likely plotted this and when it started falling apart poor Teddi is a victim. And lest we forget had Dorit not been the shitty person she is none of this would be an issue.

Anything to deflect off of Lisa’s involvement in anything. this woman surrounds herself with people that plot evil bad things around her season after season and she’s just a clueless bystanderd every freaking time? This smart shrewd business woman is clueless to the actions of people she talks to every day? To the people in her life year after year someone in her circle “betrays”her? Season after season she is getting the wool pulled over her eyes?  it’s not possible. And if it is true she really shouldn’t be running any kind of business because she would be grossly negligent. one time yes two times eh but over and over and over? I don’t buy it. It’s always people “around” her funny that coincidence huh 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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1 minute ago, howivesforever said:

Dorit did a shitty thing why is this on Lisa? 

Again there is 2 fights going on Dorit being a shitty person has NOTHING to do with Lisa trying to set up this “gossip” getting out it’s a separate issue IF Lisa would have been forthcoming and point blank admitted she wanted it out then all eyes would be on Dorit but she’s created this whole lie and is taking focus off dorit because of it. 

  • Love 8

Ok, read Teddi’s blog and texts. Teddi still didn’t show the time stamps.

The convo is kinda hard to follow. They text like 3rd graders.

What I gather is that they were all in on it. LVP, John, Teddi.  To talk about the Lucy and Dorit on camera.

Kyle was to come but they did not tell her about Lucy. Kyle was going to be the natural reaction (....this is semi-scripted reality tv). 

We saw the scene at LVD on the premiere episode.

Now, Bahamas. What I think is going on between LVP and Teddi is that:

1. They are acting like they never planned that scene at LVD. (They did!)

2. They are denying knowing anything to the other HWs.

3. Teddi quickly switched sides.  All of the sudden she cares about Dorit’s feeling. LVP set her up to take the fall.  (The fall for what??? Telling Lucy’s story...?) Teddi is no liar.

4. Why is LVP lying?  LVP, Teddi and John planned the entire LVD scene.

I do not remember Teddi saying this, but when the ‘LVP Takedown’ started with Lipsa....this is when she should have put a stop to it. Instead, Teddi went to dinner and told LVP off.

Tell the true. Then Teddi was 100% clear.

If LVP fessed up as well....she is also 100% clear.

Dorit can go back to being the asshole dog dumper.

LVP is messing up and filmed that scene with Ken and the texts.

They were all in on it.

Regardless, LVP is still Queen!  

Dorit deserved to be outed and Lucy deserved to be in the scene!

Teddi is not only a liar.....also a traitor,  and SNITCH!!!! 

Teddi saw how Lipsa was going to come down hard on LVP with the rest of the girls.........and, Teddi got SCARED! 

Teddi never loved Lucy!

  • Love 10
3 minutes ago, Marley said:

Everyone is acting all omg poor Dorit tho. Also the start of the episode had Dorit staring off basically wondering how it all went wrong. What a bunch of crap.

Apparently she got confronted on this trip too about her and shitty PK. Like I rather see that then watch them all talk about this dog drama again. Why wouldn’t they show that?

They must want us to believe she really has money.

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54 minutes ago, twilightzone said:

She wants to be the Queen B, but she's been phoning it for several seasons.

In this episode she reminded me SO MUCH of Nene in this past season's RHOA: Tired of it.  Over it.  "Do I really have to pretend like I care about this bullshit someone 20 years younger than me is trying to make into a big issue just so they can get camera time?  Do I really have to be sixty years old and having another screaming match at another dinner with these people I don't fucking care about?"

The truth is, as she said, the crown is heavy and it means you take a ton of heat and bullshit and you dish out a ton of heat and bullshit and I imagine it is exhausting after 10+ years, as you get older and your castmates get younger.

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The woman who confronted Dorit during this actual part of their Baha Mar vacation is a UK TV personality named Jasmine Lennard.   Tamara Tattles rolled up Lennard’s vacation-contemporaneous Tweets into paragraphs on this entry, including the video where an off-camera Lennard confronts Dorit (in her yellow bikini) and Rinna (in her white maillot) over the debt allegedly owed by the Kemsleys to Lennard’s close friend, a man named Ryan who invested in Beverly Beach by Dorit.  It’s epic.  Also of note:

- Lennard says PK propositioned her years back

- She claims PK and her ex (not the allegedly ripped-off Beverly Beach investor) almost caught charges for financial crimes on a prior PK cock-up

- She claims they lifted their kids’ names from her - Lennard has a 6 year old named Phoenix and she tattooed that name on her clavicle

...and there’s more.  Lennard is apparently wholly unafraid to Tell Her Story (tm Erika and Teddi).


Edited by Midnight Cheese
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Ohh...I've got a novel it seems, lol. Is Dorit going to go the entire season feeling sorry for herself that she handled a situation incorrectly and people found out about it? Has she even acknowledged that she mishandled the situation or has she been doubling down with her justifications and 'it's not a big deal' attitude? Because I'm getting more of the latter behaviour from her. Camille is the only one who has called - Dorit likely didn't want to take Lucy back because she had already taken another dog back. And thankfully someone hasn't lost sight of the big picture of what Dorit did. And LVP, stop fucking lying about not being upset with Dorit. The hell you aren't upset.

Sooo...I may be seen as an LVP apologist here, but I don't think Teddi's texts are damning enough at this point to prove that LVP orchestrated  the set up at the rescue, however, I do think her texts prove that LVP wanted to use Teddi has a catalyst in the situation. My theory (so far) is that LVP wanted Teddi to find out so that she could tell Dorit that Teddi knows and scare Dorit into dealing with Sessa who, quite frankly, hasn't shut up about the situation so I'm assuming his anger has been genuine and is probably something that LVP and Ken had to hear about constantly because of their ties to Dorit and PK. I think LVP wanted Dorit to feel like if she didn't handle things with Sessa then people will talk at work and Teddi is friends with one of the employees to Teddi so who knows what words may get back to our social circle. That tactic could have influenced Dorit's decision to bring up the story herself to get out in front of it without realizing how much it would snowball). I do think there's a very good chance that Blizzard acted on his own to set up the rescue thing and recruit Teddi because from the texts Teddi provided (which I think is shared out of order), he says that he's getting mixed messages with LVP telling him to tell Teddi and Ken telling him not to and then finally he laughed about Ken calling him and telling him not to tell anyone...meanwhile he's already shared everything with Teddi without any 'confirmation' so he could have gone rogue to ensure it got talked about on camera. Teddi may have more texts to reveal as the episodes go so maybe things will make more sense as things progress. Right now, I'm convinced that some orchestration took place but not convinced that it's exactly as it's being alleged right now. I do think LVP may have known of Blizzard's intentions but I'm not entirely convinced (at least not yet) that she devised or co-plotted with him the scene we saw unfold at the rescue.

Rinna and Erika, neither was in any way made involved in the situation, are the two most active voices crying set up and trying to remove any kind of accountability for how Dorit handled the situation - at minimum, are they not 'setting' up LVP while using second hand information and not having all of the facts? I really don't agree with how often these women use the term 'manipulation' but what they're doing would be considered more manipulative than what they're accusing LVP of. They are insisting on a situation and using both Teddi and Dorit's emotional state to hype them up and convince them of their own theories that they state as facts. LVP, involved or not, is an example of a shit stirrer and a maybe even a snake (if they make false promises of support and then feign ignorance when things come up) but that's not a manipulator (at least based on evidence to date). Someone being agreeable without any prodding or sale and requiring no kind of convincing is not someone who is being manipulated. It's someone who may make stupid decisions and lean on other people's encouragement or approval of their bad decisions to give them the confidence to go through with it but it doesn't change the fact that it's their decisions to own and no amount of 'but you encouraged me' or 'it was your idea' should ever distract or be labelled as something different in an effort to redirect the attention from your shitty decision. If I tell someone to jump off a bridge and without question, they listened to me, I may be something, but a manipulator wouldn't be one of them. After Teddi went through all of that dog and pony show only for it to be revealed that she was a willing participant? How can you claim the need to speak out against injustice after pulling that stunt? She also screenshot the text with Blizzard and she didn't include the bit where right after YES, he texts IDK. I still don't understand what that is supposed to mean. Their entire conversation looked like they were high because the back and forth just didn't make sense to me, lol.

I thought LVP did the right thing by leaving because it was obvious what Rinna was trying to do and she would likely rather have Rinna talk shit about her behind her back then to spearhead an entire table of women coming at her with accusations (even if she did it, I suspect someone who is trying to push drama  behind the scenes probably does it behind the scenes because they don't want to be front and centre confronting drama, lol). For whatever grief, I've given Dorit, I do think it's unfair that LVP dismissed the entire table as ignoring her when Dorit did try to at least have small talk with her and Camille was attentive with her for whatever little conversation they had. If she genuinely felt shunned and dismissed by most of the women, that would be the most appropriate time to feel appreciative and acknowledge the women who didn't 'ignore' her.

Also, Camille has had a real redemption story since her first full-time stint on the show. Not sure if it's by her own choice or not, but if she were willing, I would love to see her back full-time. She brings a level of calm and sensibility to an otherwise catty group of bitches all around. Denise is also shaping up to be more laid back and sensible (if she makes it past one season, I hope she more or less stays that way). And kudos to her, she was the only one who didn't struggle walking down to the dinner table, lol.

Edit: Damn, the end of the show cut off and I just realized I hadn't seen the Ken bit, lol. So Ken didn't read the part about 'because if they give us the go ahead' which kind of supports my suspicion that they may have been aware of the plan but, did the Vanderpumps orchestrate it? And in the end, did they even co-sign it? Because the texts were making comments about either way it will come out and laying it out all out there. BUT in saying that, it makes me realize that perhaps the part of Teddi's texts where Blizzard talks about Ken calling him and telling him not to tell people...did they actually go ahead with the plan and he was telling Blizzard not to tell anyone about the plan they all agreed to? Hmmm...

Edited by RHJunkie
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9 minutes ago, Midnight Cheese said:

The woman who confronted Dorit during this actual part of their Baha Mar vacation is a UK TV personality named Jasmine Lennard.   Tamara Tattles rolled up Lennard’s vacation-contemporaneous Tweets into paragraphs on this entry, including the video where an off-camera Lennard confronts Dorit (in her yellow bikini) and Rinna (in her white maillot) over the debt allegedly owed by the Kemsleys to Lennard’s close friend, a man named Ryan who invested in Beverly Beach by Dorit.  It’s epic.  Also of note:

- Lennard says PK propositioned her years back

- She claims PK and her ex (not the allegedly ripped-off Beverly Beach investor) almost caught charges for financial crimes on a prior PK cock-up

- She claims they lifted their kids’ names from her - Lennard has a 6 year old named Phoenix and she tattooed that name on her clavicle

...and there’s more.  Lennard is apparently wholly unafraid to Tell Her Story (tm Erika and Teddi).


I have seen how the other side lives and I can officially say that I am a-okay with being a broke nobody whose biggest drama is that the grocery store ran out of lactose free milk and I wanted to make muffins. 

P.S. I don't have any kids but if anyone else wants to name their cat Duke, I promise not to blast you on Twitter for it. 

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2 hours ago, Marley said:

So Dorit returned one dog and then didn’t return the 2nd? That is weird. There must be something else going on. She goes on to say that she didn’t tell Lisa right away but I think she’s changing her story now in real time.

Just a guess, but maybe LVP gave Dorit a hard time when she returned the first dog, so to avoid getting another round of that she gave the second dog away (or dropped it at a shelter herself and came up with the "re-homing" story when she was caught) rather than returning it, thinking that she could get away with it and that LVP would never be the wiser. Why she would think that I don't know, since someone who loves dogs as much as LVP wasn't just going to forget that she had one and never ask after how it was doing, but a side effect of Dorit's belief that truth is malleable is that she doesn't appreciate the connection between actions and consequences.

  • Love 19
5 hours ago, mwell345 said:

This!  And it’s pretty crappy that they’re doing this 4 months after her brother died.  I don’t blame LVP for refusing to film with them.

Well LVP shouldn't pull this kind of shady shit 4 months after her brother died then she wouldn't get called on it.

Bringing out the partially "redacted" texts on camera was stupid on LVP part. 

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