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S06.E15: Ten Gallon Spats

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Did we even see her at the airport in St. Barth's? All I remember from that episode is when she showed up at the house with Reid and started yelling. 


We did see Aviva on the plane to St. Barth's with Reid, and getting off the plane.  It was a small plane, and one of those small airports where they just wheel the stairs up to the plane door and passengers climb down onto the tarmac.  She was wearing her blazer, lol.  There was no wheelchair.

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The last time Sonja needed to concern herself with which lawn-ger-eeeee was best sutied for St. Tropez, Monaco, or Cannes was probably in the late 80's, early 90's.  You know, when she was dining with the CHURCHILLS.

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I am really frustrated. The Peoples Couch is NOT a 9pm show to me. Maybe late night after WWHL. It was cute for maybe a few minutes but this thing is an hour?? What happened to when Bravo showed the previous RH shows before the new episode? Last night, they showed Kandi's show before the new OC, and tonight they showed Kandi's show yet again before what I thought was the NY timeslot. The repeats leading up to a new episode got me in the mood for the new ep. I wonder why they're not doing that anymore?

I do believe this is based on ratings and it certainly does not make things look good for RHONY.  I was surprised to find I actually enjoyed People's Couch when it was 1/2 hour, but I agree an hour is a bit much. However, the fact that they made it a full hour proves it was getting good ratings. 

Clearly NY is not. 


This has always been my favorite franchise, even though I live in the OC (which is my #2). I hate to see it get cancelled, but I have to admit, I am not loving it this year. Also, as someone born and raised in So. California, watching life in New York is really interesting to me, but now they are in Montana? I wish they would keep this in NY. I also think if they hope to save it, they are, unfortunately going to have to have another cast shake up. 

The sad thing is, other than the Countess, I don't really much care who they keep. The must rid themselves of Aviva and her disgusting father though

She really brings nothing good.

I am really frustrated. The Peoples Couch is NOT a 9pm show to me. Maybe late night after WWHL. It was cute for maybe a few minutes but this thing is an hour?? What happened to when Bravo showed the previous RH shows before the new episode? Last night, they showed Kandi's show before the new OC, and tonight they showed Kandi's show yet again before what I thought was the NY timeslot. The repeats leading up to a new episode got me in the mood for the new ep. I wonder why they're not doing that anymore?

I do believe this is based on ratings and it certainly does not make things look good for RHONY.  I was surprised to find I actually enjoyed People's Couch when it was 1/2 hour, but I agree an hour is a bit much. However, the fact that they made it a full hour proves it was getting good ratings. 

Clearly NY is not. 


This has always been my favorite franchise, even though I live in the OC (which is my #2). I hate to see it get cancelled, but I have to admit, I am not loving it this year. Also, as someone born and raised in So. California, watching life in New York is really interesting to me, but now they are in Montana? I wish they would keep this in NY. I also think if they hope to save it, they are, unfortunately going to have to have another cast shake up. 

The sad thing is, other than the Countess, I don't really much care who they keep. The must rid themselves of Aviva and her disgusting father though

She really brings nothing good.

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You know, I used to enjoy catching the reruns of the Housewives shows when they re-aired.  I could watch each episode 3 or 4 times and enjoy them each time.  Ever since Aviva and her repugnant father joined the cast, she's ruined that for me; I can barely watch the original airing.


This!  1000 times!  I did not watch the two episodes this season that featured George because he is disgusting.  Only to turn in last week, and find that even though he wasn't on, the majority of the episode was spent discussing his supposed sexual antics.  Just as disgusting.   The more I don't watch, the further away I get - I forgot it was even on last night.


 I want to go back to where we used to see these ladies doing charity work (remember Lou Ann playing basketball with those high school girls?), or going to fashion week, just living their lives.  When you compare what they have now to the first two seasons, it has really gone down hill. Yet, somehow, Bravo has it in their heads that this current junk is what people want to see. The only thing that will wake them up is a dwindling audience.  And it looks like it's getting there.


Honestly, how in the world Bravo would think that anyone would find George entertaining is beyond me. And if that is all Aviva can bring to the table, she needs to be let go. 


You know, I used to enjoy catching the reruns of the Housewives shows when they re-aired.  I could watch each episode 3 or 4 times and enjoy them each time.  Ever since Aviva and her repugnant father joined the cast, she's ruined that for me; I can barely watch the original airing.


This!  1000 times!  I did not watch the two episodes this season that featured George because he is disgusting.  Only to turn in last week, and find that even though he wasn't on, the majority of the episode was spent discussing his supposed sexual antics.  Just as disgusting.   The more I don't watch, the further away I get - I forgot it was even on last night.


 I want to go back to where we used to see these ladies doing charity work (remember Lou Ann playing basketball with those high school girls?), or going to fashion week, just living their lives.  When you compare what they have now to the first two seasons, it has really gone down hill. Yet, somehow, Bravo has it in their heads that this current junk is what people want to see. The only thing that will wake them up is a dwindling audience.  And it looks like it's getting there.


Honestly, how in the world Bravo would think that anyone would find George entertaining is beyond me. And if that is all Aviva can bring to the table, she needs to be let go. 

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Kristen, if Aviva says she is not going to Montana feel grateful you dodged a bullet.  Don't poke the crazy and challenge her.  With that level of insanity you just can't win.

Ah but you can. Her BFF, the skank, has taught her well. You can win screen time, which I am convinced Kristen is obsessed with.  I am completely over her. They really should get rid of Kristen. The overdone facial expressions are making my face hurt. Does a day go by that this chick isn't utterly shocked by someone?


Edited by chlban
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Loved the dialogue between Carole and I-forget-who about how they were looking forward to Montana because "I haven't had a vacation in ages... except the Hamptons, of course.... and the Berkshires.... and of course Saratoga, that was fun." Puhleeze!

Does anyone know the name of the resort/dude ranch they stayed at in Montana?

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Since when has Aviva needed a wheelchair? As was mentioned above, when she landed in St. Barth's she walked to the little mudskipper commuter plane. Aviva has spent all her time on this franchise showing us just how she gets around just as well, if not better, than people who are not amputees, and now I'm supposed to be scandalized over Heather's disbelief at a supposed needed wheelchair? Yeah, not happening here.


I just can't with Aviva anyway. The way she argues by clutching her pearls--"How DARE you?!", "If you call me a liar, we're going to have problems," "How RUDE?!"--is just so fucking put on that I roll my eyes at everything she says. There are moments when she uses "lady" where I get the sense she's caught herself before calling someone "bitch." She's nasty, but she keeps thinking that if she just switches up her langauge a bit it will go unnoticed.

Edited by Mozelle
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I'm still laughing that providing a wheelchair to an amputee after a long crosscountry flight is considered by some people to be an act of cruelty.  There's cynicism, then there's that (totally beyond). 

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Ah but you can. Her BFF, the skank, has taught her well. You can win screen time, which I am convinced Kristen is obsessed with.  I am completely over her.


Every last one of the Hos has shown their seething bitch sides.  The two times that Kristen has shown hers, (and there may be more but I'm only 1/2 in this season) she was imitating someone else's poor behavior.


When she came downstairs after dealing with Sonja at Saratoga, Lulu hands her a glass of wine and Kristen proceeds to dramatically imitate what Sonja just said.  I think Kristen is beautiful and we joke about her 'O' face but that was the first time I saw her Ugly face.  It was much, much worse, imo than when Bethenny imitated Jill.


Then, this epi, in the bedroom while packing, describing her conversation with Aviva to Josh, the same venomous, twisted mouth, exaggerated imitation of what Aviva said.  She might be preetttty on the outside but there's some uggggleee on the inside.


Couple that with her BFF status with Brandi and I think she has the capacity to be an awesome villain.

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I'm still laughing that providing a wheelchair to an amputee after a long crosscountry flight is considered by some people to be an act of cruelty.  There's cynicism, then there's that (totally beyond). 


I don't believe anyone has stated that it was an act of cruelty (except Aviva in her blog), what I don't believe is that Aviva requested the wheelchair or needed the wheelchair.  I think it was done by production to mock Aviva and her phobias/ailments that prevent her from going on Bravo sponsored trips.


I do love how Aviva mentioned that if they went somewhere like say, Bermuda, she would have been able to go.  I think she was just pissed that Montana didn't sound fun and that's why she didn't go. 

Edited by shoegal
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I'm confused, did Sonja or did she not sleep with Carole's ex?


She certainly didn't deny it, did she?  Carole pretty much said there's no way it happened cuz Russ wasn't into her in the least, but Sonja didn't wanna acknowledge that little fact -- that some men might actually think she's a gross drunk mess.  I didn't care for how unsympathetic she was to Lu about the facialist spreading outright lies.  If the lies were about her, and were as unflattering, I suspect she'd change her tune.  I'm really not diggin' con artist, drunk mess Sonja this season -- at all.

Guess Sonja doesn't have much need for lounger-eeee for the St. Tropez anymore, eh?



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Comparing Aviva exiting a small plane directly onto the tarmac into a waiting car to walking through the Missoula International Airport, is like:  comparing walking directly onto the tarmac into a waiting car and walking through the Missoula International Airport.  Apples to spaceships, imo.


None of us really care if she requires a wheelchair or not.  I just think it's telling that brain trust Heather hadn't an inkling that a wheelchair at a large airport might be helpful for an amputee.  They're not just for old people or the overweight. Some of them even have oxygen tank holders on them - maybe for asthmatics?

"It's bad enough that Aviva backed out on the trip, but she still manages to be dramatic even when she's not here.  Why the HELL would she need a wheelchair?"


Sonja is nuts to piss off Lulu.  She appears to be the only rational friend she has.  And from the looks of the previews, Lu looks pissed.

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But when the tides turn against Heather, those women and some of her fans, will start looking at the stuff she says and suddenly see the know-it-all that she thinks she is.


I've disliked her from the moment she started snooping around St Barths and then bravely went forth to snicker and doodle about everybody's sexual activity -- mostly to Carole, who (amazingly!) had not a hint of a problem in THAT instance with greedily partaking of ye olde foul gossip.


And this year the editing has been increasingly ugly for Heather: Snapping at her husband like he was an annoying assistant ("Not now, Jonathan!") and referring to an unexpected guest at her dinner party as a "random stranger" who needed to teach *Ramona* manners. (Oh, the irony of THAT comment alone could power the planet for decades. Yes, Ramona could use three years in a Swiss boarding school to polish up her often vicious and rough edges -- and is there no way to get an episode built around THAT premise? If only to hear Ramona snap, "Now, which one of you bitches is my mother?!" -- but however badly behaved Ramona is, Heather did her one better by mocking and humiliating a guest at her own table. Loathsome cow.)


And now (whatever the real backstory as to production or Aviva ordering it) Heather happily mocks and snarks on Aviva for possibly needing a wheelchair -- asking "Who does that?"  without an ounce of self awareness -- as if the reality of a woman without a fucking second LEG being in possible need of assistance is beyond Heather's feeble mind (likely it is).  And to be reduced by this show to defending Aviva (whom I also find repugnant) is no pretty moment for me (I am like Solomon with the baby -- except this time, I want them to split the Haviva child in two -- like a wishbone from the devil).

Edited by film noire
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I get why Luann was upset.  It's one thing to gossip with your facialist/hair stylist/manicurist.  It's on a whole other level to bring her on a television show, feed her specific gossip, and make a whole scene featuring gossip about Luann's alleged sexual preferences.


And like many of the Ho's arguments, the issue becomes secondary to the fact that Sonja just blows it off without one single apology and refuses to see or acknowledge how Sonja's behavior was hurtful to Luann, deliberately so. 


I don't forget that Sonja defrauded those movie people.  She's completely unconcerned about her own bad behavior and whom she hurts.


I found it interesting that the women who had been gossiped about were offended, and of course the ones who got no tea spilled on them aren't going to be worried about it, or sympathize about messy gossip, most of these women are so self-absorbed they'd prefer reserve their offense for gossip when it's directed at them personally, I suppose.  Had the facialist a little word to say on Mario, Ramona, I'm oh-so-sure you'd giggle it off like you expected Luann and Carole to do.  And I found some of it humorous, because yes Kristin, it was ridiculous and absurd to watch Sonja coyly giggle in mock innocence. 

         "Things just happen around Sonja."  Yeah, I guess so, so long as said things don't include underwear, self-respect, or money accrued through real work. 


I'm with Luanne on this one, too.  They all gossip, I think, I'll be fair.  I just think Luann was upset more than anything that her feelings were brushed off, laughed off and completely dismissed by her so-called good friend, that she probably knows the game well enough to have a major hunch this was all concocted by Sonja as well, that it seemed by Sonja's attitude she was enjoying toying with Luann.  I think she's extremely resentful and envious of Luann, actually.  She couldn't make it more obvious to me. 


Sonja's feeble-minded excuse: "That's just what 'they' do!  It's gone on forever! For centuries!"  Holds no reason or weight for me as plenty of other things have also gone on for centuries, good and bad, horrifying in many cases, and well, the same ironic 'lets be rational' sentiment was surely applied, passively obeyed, and echoed then, too, Sonja.  I may or may not be thinking of slavery, lawful spousal abuse, nuclear weapons building, selling dope to kids, the sordid side of the fashion industry, child labor workers, etc...heavier stuff, sure, but my point - during it all, the ever-unchanged echoed denial of the ignorant:


"Oh, that's just what 'they' do!  It's gone on forever! For centuries!"


(I didn't catch much of the episode except the end, so hopefully they'll stick it On Demand soon.)

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When Aviva pulled out her economy-sized bag of medications and incorrectly used one of the inhalers, I had a mental flashback to the scene from the movie "It," where one of the kids would have an "asthma attack" whenever he was upset and grab his rescue inhaler.


As the story unfolded, the viewers learned his inhalers were in fact "placebos" provided to the kid so that mentally he felt better because physically there was nothing wrong with him.


I'd have loved to have seen the labels and dates on that sack of meds that Aviva was tossing around.  

Edited by Persnickety1
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From Aviva's blog:


The Real Housewives of New York City is not unlike high school. At the beginning of the season you had the returning "mean girls" -- ringleader Carole, Heather (there is always a "Heather" in the "mean girls"), and occasional cameos from LuAnn slithering onto the scene. They flex their nasty muscles by aggressively preying on the outliers Ramona, Sonja, and me. They pounced on Kristen from the first day of class and recruited her for their clique. A pack of rabid Scientologists couldn’t have done it better.



Aviva is something else. Her behavior was atrocious in the previous season, and I don't think she's been any better this time around. Yet, she wants to get on some kick about the other women being "mean girls"? GTFOH!


Also, regarding the wheelchair, she says:


P.S.: You all know that I can laugh at myself and my physical challenge. For example, my book is called Leggy Blonde and my blurb at the top of the show is "When people tell me I'm fake, I know they're just pulling my leg." I'm even OK when friends joke about it. Usually. But whoever made that cruel practical joke of having a wheel chair with my name at the Missoula airport went too far. Cripple jokes? Really?





Comparing Aviva exiting a small plane directly onto the tarmac into a waiting car to walking through the Missoula International Airport, is like:  comparing walking directly onto the tarmac into a waiting car and walking through the Missoula International Airport.  Apples to spaceships, imo.



isn't really all that meaningful when the woman who has not had life for her change in any sort of significant way (meaning, Aviva really is quite mobile and has luxuries like prosthetic legs that appear real and can be changed out depending on whatever activity she chooses, unlike so many other amputees) is appalled at the suggestion that a wheelchair was waiting for her at the airport in Missouri.

Edited by Mozelle
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Sonja's feeble-minded excuse: "That's just what 'they' do!  It's gone on forever! For centuries!"


That was hilarious. Sonja was trying to get so many things done in that moment; upgrade her own standing ("In MY

circle -- those of us surrounded by the little people, those darling dumb-dumbs we call The Help -- gossip is just de

rigeur!") while also slapping whitewash all over it to class it up -- treat it like a key historical truth ("Indeed, m'lady

housewives, Anne Boleyn's dog groomer was a hotbed of nonce and nonsense that led to her slender neck being

cut cut cut!")  Jesus, Sonja; you like to listen to shit. You seek it out. Once sought, you gobble it down like a

wolfhound coming upon a hot gravy chicken sandwich. As simple as that.

Edited by film noire
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Don't mind me being pedantic because I'm going to be. You can't use or order oxygen if you don't have a doctor's order. Even in airports unless someone has called 911 for your asthma attack or ASTHMA attach a'la Vives. And she sure doesn't appear to be someone who needs oxygen in any other episode. Other than when she's screaming how someone is not a supporter or whatever her insult du jure was.

I'm not quite sure how those oxygen bars even got started or were allowed to open.

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The gone on for centuries comment, Souvlaki, and the breeziness of it, brought to mind Polly Walker's character in "Rome."  As in, darlings, we're too sophisticated not to expect women doing THAT kind of work not to gossip about the elites and our aristo-sexcapades.  It's part of Sonja's To the Manor Born schtick.  Really condescending business -- not so much towards LuAnn, who would be smart to let them know she didn't appreciate it and then quickly move on -- as to the working classes, pulling out their pubic hair, dealing with their hands and feet and hair and skin and heaven knows what else.  Slathering on the paint and learning how to curate and catalogue their underwear. 


It has taken me a few hours to unpack Sonja's bizarre rendition of lingerie.  She was trying to mimic the French pronunciation -- lahn-jay-rree -- but doing it with a straight-up American affect.  So it didn't sound like French at all and also made it sound like she couldn't pronounce it in English.  Sonja in a nutshell, poor dear.   She's premature all over the place. 


Have to say though that in the shots I saw Lady Morgan looked like she was working it on the horse -- She looked good during the cattle herding.  Better than Heather who looked like she was being thrown back a couple of times.  LOL and Holla!


Let's hope that these ladies aren't really as dim and unworldly as they appear to be much of the time and that most of this foolishness is for the show.  For their sakes. I'll be bummed if they get cancelled. 


I hope we get to see some more of beautiful Montana.  The airport shots were great -- Ramona's an idiot. 

Edited by copacabana
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None of us really care if she requires a wheelchair or not.  I just think it's telling that brain trust Heather hadn't an inkling that a wheelchair at a large airport might be helpful for an amputee.




Are we really going to classify the Missoula Montana airport as a "large" airport??  I am willing to bet money that it has one freaking terminal.  It's not like it's Heathrow or even JFK for that matter. 


Besides, Aviva states in her blog that someone else ordered the wheelchair, so I really don't believe that there is any reason to believe that Aviva couldn't walk from the gate to the waiting car of her own accord.

Edited by shoegal
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And to be reduced by this show to defending Aviva (whom I also find repugnant) is no pretty moment for me (I am like Solomon with the baby -- except this time, I want them to split the Haviva child in two -- like a wishbone from the devil).

I look at it as me not so much defending 'Aviva the Ever Repugnant' as calling out 'Heather the High and Mighty'.   It helps me sleep better at night.


I am willing to bet money that it has one freaking terminal.  It's not like it's Heathrow or even JFK for that matter.

I hope you're not willing to bet the (dude) ranch because it actually has ten. I know!  Color me surprised, too!  And my fault if I implied it was as large as a Heathrow or JFK.  When I see 'International Airport' tacked on to an airport, I naturally think of a place that can handle large jets from faraway lands.  So - large.    Moving on.

Edited by ryebread
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No Josh love here; what has been shown of him so far leads me to think he is an egotistical, misogynistic self-centered, entitled prick. MMV of course. The thing that irked me the most about his argument that he needs to be in the Hamptons for the "last weekend of the summer".  He said something to the effect of  "I'll never get this weekend back! It's the last weekend of summer and I'll never get this time back"   He didn't seem to upset over missing Cash & Kingsley's "last weekend of summer 2013".  So, I guess Mr. Peabody must be on call to loan Josh the Way-Back Machine to "get back" the missed time with his children then?


I will cut him some slack on the care and feeding issues though.  Most non-stay at home parents I've known don't keep the mental Rolodex like the primary care taker does. My husband is pretty involved in our daughter's day-to-day, and while he may know where the doctor's office is, I doubt he knows the pediatricians name.


Unless it's in their contracts, why does Romona go on these trips at all?  She complains constantly before during and after the trip and brings such a rain cloud of negativity.  Has she ever planned a trip in the history of this show?  I would imagine it would involve everyone sitting around some 5 star hotel suite in Manhattan (with 24 hour catering & a butler to unpack, serve, schlep etc.). Activities would include: getting blow-outs, wearing ill-fitting 80's jewel-tone cocktail dresses and swigging her precious Pinot till it shoots out their noses. Good times!  I'm shocked she actually went at all considering its been repeated ad nauseum Avery's going to college - Labor Day weekend is a common 'move in' weekend around my parts. I would expect Ramona to be stowing away in a Louis Vuitton trunk on her way to Emory that weekend.


Did Sonja actually say she had the appropriate underwear for an amusement park... in St. Tropez???  Huh?

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I hope you're not willing to bet the (dude) ranch because it actually has ten. I know!  Color me surprised, too!  And my fault if I implied it was as large as a Heathrow or JFK.  When I see 'International Airport' tacked on to an airport, I naturally think of a place that can handle large jets from faraway lands.  So - large.




No, it has one terminal and from what I can tell, 5 gates and two whole runways.   Only five airlines fly in and out of the airport, at least according to the website for Missoula International Airport.  Today, there will be 11 arriving flights and 11 departing flights.  For the whole day. So yes, I'm willing to bet the dude ranch. 


Didn't see one single "international" flight on the schedule, but maybe there is an occasional flight to/from Canada. 

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No, it has one terminal and from what I can tell, 5 gates and two whole runways.  


I don't know 'bout you, shoegal, but would you have ever thought we'd be researching Missoula Intl Airport today?  My apologies.  Upon a closer look at the website, it appears you are correct.   

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And this year the editing has been increasingly ugly for Heather: Snapping at her husband like he was an annoying assistant ("Not now, Jonathan!") and referring to an unexpected guest at her dinner party as a "random stranger" who needed to teach *Ramona* manners. (Oh, the irony of THAT comment alone could power the planet for decades. Yes, Ramona could use three years in a Swiss boarding school to polish up her often vicious and rough edges -- and is there no way to get an episode built around THAT premise? If only to hear Ramona snap, "Now, which one of you bitches is my mother?!" -- but however badly behaved Ramona is, Heather did her one better by mocking and humiliating a guest at her own table. Loathsome cow.)


I love that movie. Too funny. Thanks for the laugh.

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Loved the dialogue between Carole and I-forget-who about how they were looking forward to Montana because "I haven't had a vacation in ages... except the Hamptons, of course.... and the Berkshires.... and of course Saratoga, that was fun." Puhleeze!

Does anyone know the name of the resort/dude ranch they stayed at in Montana?


I was coming here to post exactly the same, TomGirl.  Call me crazy but I consider the Hamptons, the Berkshires and Saratoga vacations or weekend getaways.  Which is more than I've had!



This has always been my favorite franchise, even though I live in the OC (which is my #2). I hate to see it get cancelled, but I have to admit, I am not loving it this year. Also, as someone born and raised in So. California, watching life in New York is really interesting to me, but now they are in Montana? I wish they would keep this in NY. I also think if they hope to save it, they are, unfortunately going to have to have another cast shake up.

The sad thing is, other than the Countess, I don't really much care who they keep. The must rid themselves of Aviva and her disgusting father though

She really brings nothing good.



@chlban, get outta my head!  Seriously, you posted exactly what my thoughts would be except that I am enjoying the Montana trip. I don't mind their journeys, especially if they travel somewhere I've never been.


This is my favorite franchise too, despite living in OC, like you, and being from Atlanta.    There is something about NY that I just love and am mesmerized with.


And like you, LuAnn is my favorite.

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I loved Sonja's description of herself as a Sagittarius... half man, half horse.



Aviva may not have requested a wheelchair to be waiting her arrival, but I do wonder if she takes advantage of the airline policy of boarding the elderly, passengers with children or passengers with handicaps prior to boarding the remaining passengers?


While LuAnn is one of my favorites, I do think she was more upset over the fact that it was what she considers "the help" that was gossiping about her. She is a Countess after all. I recall her being quite perturbed when one of the Ho's introduced her to the limo driver as LuAnn instead of the Countess. She looked great in her jeans also. 

Edited by iwasish
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As someone who has been dealing with REAL asthma since teenagehood, Aviva was inhaling incorrectly. Also, my doctor has never forbidden me to visit an entire state. Also, inhalers are to be used at specific intervals throughout the day, not when you're showing off for TV. So Aviva is full of shit.  


I give Heather a pass on making fun of the wheelchair and Aviva in general because Aviva has such a history of lying and making up bullshit maladies to get out of whatever she doesn't want to do. Didn't she grow up in upstate farm country? Suddenly the sight of a cow might kill her? If a normal person said "I can't go on the trip, I have asthma and don't want it to get worse" another normal person would say "Oh my gosh, of course, you stay home and feel better." But since it's Needy Aviva, everyone rolls their eyes and makes snarky comments because here we go again.

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Did anyone find out the name of that resort in Montana?  Heck I thought the cowboys alone would be worth the trip. Maybe Lulu will transition to cowboys from pirates?


Oh wait, she's into short submissive french guys according to the chick at Sonja's. Sorry cowboys.

Edited by Chicklet
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He's an asshole for preferring to go party in the Hamptons as opposed to simply taking an opportunity to spend more time with his kids.


Agree. Kristen is with the kids all week. Yes, she has nannies and isn't necessarily running around after them 24-7, but she is spending considerable time with them. Josh, otoh, is always at work or glued to his phone. When my husband is home on the weekend, he looks forward to spending time with the kids. Josh can't wait to jet off to the Hamptons. I'm sure the Hamptons will still be there when the kids are 18 and out of the house. I'm not begrudging the guy some social time, but it was the WAY he acted about it. Just a real douchey vibe from that one. 


And like many of the Ho's arguments, the issue becomes secondary to the fact that Sonja just blows it off without one single apology and refuses to see or acknowledge how Sonja's behavior was hurtful to Luann, deliberately so.


Yea, you are right about that. Sonja is very Sonja-centric. She has little to no empathy for other people. It's gotten worse over the years. I definitely do understand Lulu being upset. She's just been so calm this season that I really wasn't expecting it and it threw me off.

Unless it's in their contracts, why does Romona go on these trips at all?  She complains constantly before during and after the trip and brings such a rain cloud of negativity.  Has she ever planned a trip in the history of this show?  I would imagine it would involve everyone sitting around some 5 star hotel suite in Manhattan (with 24 hour catering & a butler to unpack, serve, schlep etc.). Activities would include: getting blow-outs, wearing ill-fitting 80's jewel-tone cocktail dresses and swigging her precious Pinot till it shoots out their noses. Good times!


That sounds just like our Moaner, and would be exactly the kind of trip that would get me to tune out. 

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I'm with you.  Heather works my last nerve.  I hate all that faux-hip-hop bullshit.  And, yes, probably because I'm Jewish, I hate all that faux-Jewish bullshit.  It's like she either doesn't know or isn't happy with who she really is, so she found a couple of cultures that appeal to her and she's kind of trying them out.




I'm curious as to why these two things wouldn't be considered who Heather "really is".  As I understand, she has been married to a Jewish man for a decade and is raising Jewish children, and has worked in and around the hip hop industry for even longer.  At what point can you authentically claim something as part of your identity?  Or is she forever small town girl from upstate New York and can only identify with that part of her life?

Edited by shoegal
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Ramona "planned" the infamous Scary Island trip to celebrate her upcoming marriage milestone of 18 years. The trip included a beautiful yacht and ocean view villa.

Re: I think LuAnn being pissed about the facialist (is that really a word, let alone a profession?) has more to do with the fact that Sonja didn't protest, object or dismiss anything said by the facialist considering this was being filmed. I also think Sonja planned and played it up to up the odds of that scene being aired.

I think all the women plan scenes that they think will get them more airtime. Just like Aviva's sneaky little charity lunch upstager. Luanne knew Aviva was responsible even if Aviva didn't actually make the invite.

My least favorite staged scenes are when the ho-wives recap about another HW with their mates. Oy vey, those are awful. Think Ramona and Mario in their bedroom. Gag

Edited by Grneyedldy
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Ramona "planned" the infamous Scary Island trip to celebrate her upcoming marriage milestone of 18 years. The trip included a beautiful yacht and ocean view villa.


I wonder if that is why she has hated the trips ever since? Kelly traumatized her and her marriage was cursed with the vow renewal.

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I wonder if that is why she has hated the trips ever since? Kelly traumatized her and her marriage was cursed with the vow renewal.

I just think Ramona thinks places like the Berkshires and Montana are not elite enough. The jokes on Ramona that most of us think she's far from the upper crust she likens herself to.

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I don't consider Kristen to be pretty.  She's not ugly.  But I think she looks kind of bland and a bit blah-faced.  So her 'I'm pretttyyyyy!' line doesn't quite work for me.

Me either.  I don't think she's all that attractive, especially when she's next to Luann who I think is stunning.

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I agree. Lu is stunning.  I do think Kristin is pretty, but definitely more of a "generic" everyday pretty.  Damn, she can wear the hell out of some clothes, though.  As can Lulu! 

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l always assume that by this time in production, the gals know quite a bit about each other. Since I have never seen Aviva need a wheelchair before, or mention that she sometimes uses one, seeing it at the airport was strange. I would assume that the other gals have seen her walking the streets of New York, walking while they are shooting for very long hours, etc. I remember when she was shooting the cover for her book in the park in NY. That was a long walk it took to get to the part of the park where the photographer was.  I think the mocking of Aviva in this case had to do with the fact that they really don't believe her much about the Asthma. She is suddenly struggling to breathe, which may or may not be true, but because of the way she has acted in the past, something smells funny. They are very use to her making everything about her. The way she behaved on their last vacation - expecting a banner to be erected in her honor - would never be far from my mind. She wanted folks to celebrate the fact that she conquered her fears and show gratitude for her willingness to do so. In this case, it seemed like the wheelchair was this trips banner. Her version of "congrats Aviva, you did it despite your asthma and letter from the doctor". 

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Whatever Bravo is doing with RHONYC it is not working. http://bravoratings.com/2014/03/12/real-housewives-of-new-york-city-season-6-ratings/

Next week RHONYC is up against the premiere of "Botched" starring househusbands Terry Dubrow and Paul Nasiff.  I wonder who will come out on top?


I hope RHONYC can retool and get back to successful seasons.  No more Berkshires, Montana or spending the better part of episodes talking about who is invited, who invited them, who is not invited, who is not coming, who is coming and leaving early, how bad the accommodations are, who is not coming and why they aren't coming, and the inevitable confrontation about all of the above.  Real people do not confront people over why they are not going on a trip -let alone ask for a letter from their doctor (as Kristen did to Aviva), real people when someone leaves early after a disastrous stay don't trap someone in a booth and hold a talk all at once intervention.  Real people don't spend their time at an event talking about why others aren't there.  Real people don't attend another event and chastise the host for not attending someone else's party.  Real people don't host a charity benefit and then gripe about a  celebrity guest being invited.  Real people don't attend an art show and then rip the host a new one when the have their daughter's art on display.  I use the term real people loosely.  Most of all real people do not feel that they are owed a detailed explanation from new acquaintances when they don't like their inviting and party attending behavior.


Send these ladies where there is nightlife and I don't mean Saratoga.

Edited by zoeysmom
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Sonja, please don't blame that horse, in the past,t we saw you so gracefully "get thrown from" because he was afraid of jumps.  YOU CAN'T RIDE!  I rewound that scene, which was hilarious btw, back several times and the horse does not seem to be refusing a jump and from the camera angle he/she wasn't even very close to a jump.  So shut it with the horse bolting.  It had no idea what the hell you were asking and neither did you.  I ride several horses daily and good/great riders can usually ride a horse that bolts or just plain spooks, you my dear, can not.

The ranch they went to in MT was gorgeous and the restaurant was awesome.  The woman cutting that cow in the arena CAN RIDE. Beautiful!

Edited by Raiderred
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I wonder if Ramona has an exit plan from Montana when she see a tree that reminds her of her childhood. When the girls arrived at the dude ranch houses there was a cooler full of Ramona's Pinot waiting for them and not once did she even mention it, in fact she was concerned about the possible lack of booze.


That dress Aviva had on in the cowboy boot store scene was fugly, all that money and great figure, what a shame. Why do all of her bathing suits look like a bra and undies (and not St. Tropez undies, lol).

I laughed out loud when Sonja categorized her underwear, seems silly that she is concerned about what to wear on a yacht or the South of France now...she should add another category for her undies...one bedroom NYC apartment.





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Next week RHONYC is up against the premiere of "Botched" starring househusbands Terry Dubrow and Paul Nasiff.  I wonder who will come out on top?

That ought to be interesting.  Not the show but to see how it stacks up in ratings against RHONYC.  If anyone catches me in the "Botched" forum, remind me my house is a pit and I'm several bikini waxes behind schedule.


Motorcitymom:  Looks like your area got hit pretty good by the storm today.  We lost power for about 30 minutes and 2 small trees down.  Another round coming after midnight.

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I think the resort they went to is called Paw's Up (http://www.pawsup.com/) We did a cross country trip with our 14 year old daughter and Labrador retriever about 6 years ago and spent several days there. It's a beautiful place. The food is amazing, the accommodations incredible, and there are a wide range of things to do. We initially hoped to stay in their "tent city", a group of luxury tents but couldn't stay there with our dog so we had one of the beautiful dog-friendly cabins. BUT, I can't imagine going there for a girl's trip. It's pretty much a family or couple type place.

These stupid trips for no reason are frustrating. I loved this show, it's the only one I still watch religiously, but they have gotten so far away from the original premise that I'm basically watching only out of loyalty. I want to see NEW YORK. Sonja and Ramona are like cartoon characters. Is the fact that Andy is no longer at Bravo the reason they seem to have lost their way?

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