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S09.E08: Cold War


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On next week’s episode.......in order  to spend more time with the kids they all go get Manis & Pedis. 

(Including, Isaac, Lux and Javis kid.)   Lol!!!

I love how David was fired from the show!  LMAO

Last night I watched Kail’s 16 & Pregnant episode.  I thought it was cute she did not know the baby’s  sex before arrival.  Kail’s mom....is a frosty bitch!  Kail looks just like her dad! Who put a lock on the fridge so that nobody could steal his roadkill meals!  WTF?

Does Kail still have that mole?  I cannot remember.  

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57 minutes ago, JuliesMommy said:

Leah is so dickmatized that she can’t wait to send all her girlses off to their dads to be with this loser... and he is so cameratized (is that a word? lol) that he can’t wait for the producers to show up to his air bnb and discuss jeremy and what a irresponsible father he is and how different he is from him🙄 these two hillbillies make me irritated. 

Yeah, what part of "JEREMY'S WORKING!!!!" does Jason not get? I also do believe Jeremy was legitimately sick when he got back. He sounded congested when he was talking to Addie in the car and was hacking as he got out to hand her off to Leah. I don't think "I'm sick" was an excuse to blow her off.

Jason just comes off as so oily and disingenuous. Didn't he leave his own wife while their kid was still in diapers? It's not like he's some ultra-committed family man either. He annoys me. That's about all I can say. 

  • Love 17
13 hours ago, nasir jones said:

I only watched the last 10 minutes.  I must say Becky trying to discuss being a reasonable, rational adult/co-parent with Kail was like asking a pack of wild hyenas to sit and be good.   Sayonara Becky... that's probably the last we'll see of you.

I was impressed that Becky told Kail to basically grow up and deal with it. It was awesome! 

I think with Chelsea and Cole, that the producers have them talk about Adam and his lack of visits.  Because I think they are a pretty happy family and probably don't care what Adam is doing in the normal day to day.  Just my thoughts.  

Kail with no bra...😳  

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10 hours ago, Everleigh said:

Kail's face while her friend was suggesting she be reasonable and put her son first pretty much says everything you need to know about her. It's like she can't even mentally process the concept of not being a total selfish bitch. I know her kids are generally well taken care but hearing her basically admit that she doesn't give a damn about sweet sensitive Isaac's emotional well-being was so ugly.

I used to cut Kail a little bit of slack because it's obvious that the way she was raised did a real number on her, and I can believe that she simply doesn't understand how wrong some of her behavior is.  But this scene did it for me because her friend was laying it out so clearly for her, and Kail just wasn't interested.  Maybe her damage is so severe that she'll never get it, or she just doesn't want to put in the effort, but whatever it is, she's now in the "lost cause" category for me.

It's a shame because I think she's a decent mother in many ways, and I don't doubt that she loves her kids.  But she just can't quite get there all the way, and doesn't seem to care.


2 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

When she was flipping the bird with her stubby hands I thought "my god, her hand looks like a big old pig's trotter". Gag. She's such a slatternly hag.

I actually gasped at how awful she looked at the basketball tryout.  That butt she chose is just horrendous and interferes with her walking, and what she clothes it in just makes it look worse. 


2 hours ago, Adiba said:

And Adam is a piece of shit human being.

I will always have to give him a little bit of credit for getting a vasectomy.  Sure, it wasn't until after two kids he didn't want, but that's miles better than having 2 + X kids he didn't want.

  • Love 11
2 hours ago, SlutAssBitchAssHor said:

I feel like maybe Jenelle got in a fight with her husssssband that messed up her sinuses.

My thought exactly.  I've had multiple sinus surgeries due to messed up nasal geography I inherited, and I know several other people who've had serious sinus work done, and not one of us needed *emergency* surgery.  Regular old sinus surgery happens usually after years of suffering chronic sinus infections; you try all kinds of treatments (lavage, anyone?) before you get surgery.  For sinus surgery to be an emergency, I think you'd have to have a broken nose or some other sudden injury that blocked your sinuses from draining, and my bet is that UBT punched her in the face.

That drip pad under her nose is the most disgusting part of recovering.  It gets filled with snot, and there you are with it taped to your face.  For me the most painful part was when they pulled the packing out of my nose, but that snot pad is something I'll never forget.

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8 minutes ago, Cherry Cola said:

I think with Chelsea and Cole, that the producers have them talk about Adam and his lack of visits.  Because I think they are a pretty happy family and probably don't care what Adam is doing in the normal day to day.  Just my thoughts.  

agreed.  And why do they wear hats inside the house?  That aside, can we just watch them playing with their animals or something?  

Briana wonders why her mom is in her life, as she  is on her thirty-seventh vacation of the year.

We really don't need Jenelle anymore, you guys.

Leah needed to talk to Jeremy about being around for Addie more...just as he got finished telling her that they could be together lots this summer at the beach.  I think they're fine.

Lastly, Vee is a queen.  

  • Love 9
54 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

I agree about the sickness! Why in the world would Leah want Addie to go over there with inadequate supervision, and possibly get sick herself? If he'd passed it on to Addie, and Addie had come home and gotten the girlies and Raylann (or however you spell it) sick, Leah would be bitching about that too!

Something about the way Jason and Leah converse bothers me. It's like Leah think she's done gone and hitched her wagon to a daggone doctor, so she has to act classy! It comes off like how I wrote "smart" characters when I was thirteen. Every conversation sounds like this:

Leah: "I just...I just...want Addie to have a dad, you know. My own dad abandoned me. I want to...alleviate...addie's pain."

jason (crossing his arms like the studly smart dude he is): "yes, you're absolutely right to want to alleviate addie's pain. Jeremy needs to stay in the picture. You suffered abandonment by your dad, which has exacerbated your own suffering, and we don't want to extrapolate that to Addie."

leah (seriously, like the classy trophy wife the doctor husband met in college: "yes! We don't want to ex-trap-o-late that."

Jason: "I just feel like when you're a man, you need to step up and be a man. He needs to interface with his own kid. He's not in the picture."

Leah (indignantly): "exactly! He's never home! It's like that story where the girl goes to this house and nobody's home. Goldilocks! What's it called? Goldilocks and the three...the three..."

jason (looking horrified): "BEARS?!"

leah: "that's right, the three bears!"

jason (seriously): "bears are nurturing animals who protect their young, you see..." (goes on to pseudo-intellectually ramble for ten minutes)

I want to give this a standing ovation!!! 👏🏼Exactly how their conversations go. 

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  Now that Briana is paying and has a new boyfriend that requires weekly travel she tell us.

‘I am looking for a day care that cost less and is Full-Time.’

Nova looks depressed. She is tired of hearing Briana’s excuses and empty promises. Meeting mommy’s  flavor of the week.

Roxanne is losing hope on Briana.

They have settled on a comfortable routine.

Briana can do whatever to get footage for the show and earn a paycheck for the Coven.

Roxanne takes care of the girls in the tiny living room.

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Right? One good sneeze and those tatas would make a break for it. What is she thinking?
Kail trumpeting that she didn't greet or in any way acknowledge Jo at basketball was beyond adolescent. She was so proud of herself too, like behaving like a middle schooler is laudable. Isaac isn't stupid. He feels the tension and knows when Kail's on the warpath. Poor kid was probably rattled, no wonder he didn't do as well as he could. Though why the cameras were there is questionable. If I'd been another parent at that tryout I would have had something to say about it.

So much YES to all of this! She wonders why Isaac didn't perform as well as he expected? Because she and Jo had so much tension in that room they would have required the jaws of life to get through it. And no way in hell I'd have MY kids filmed just so her Mother-Russia Ass could find something to film about. 

3 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

I am boggled by this. Is it really a thing to give presents to your ex's kids? I bet Kail's gifts to Vivi are discreetly donated to the nearest Toys for Tots or homeless shelter. I wouldn't keep anything with such bad juju in my house. Bought with resentment, given with conditions

Well, I could see Javi still getting gifts for Lincoln. And since he and Jo seemed to get along so well, and alternated taking the boys together, I could see Jo getting something for Lincoln. And Kail was getting along very well with Vee and Jo for quite a while, so I could see her buying Vivi a gift. I actually think it's all very nice. But, of course, it didn't last. It couldn't last. Kail only got close to Jo and Vee for two reasons - 1. She was on the outs with Javi and always feels the need for an "ally" and 2. Because Jo and Vee were walking on eggshells and letting all of her BS fly. It's just virtually impossible to maintain a long-term, healthy relationship with that hose beast. 

3 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Regarding Leah and Jeremy, I think the truth is probably in the middle. She's probably exaggerating the lack of contact between Addie and Jeremy, but he doesn't strike me as particularly interested father. He does the "weekend dad" type of things with her, but he's fine with a part-time relationship. 

I agree. I think he'll see Addie when it's convenient for him. But he'd go visit a girlfriend if it came up. 

I'm also torn on the sick issue. On the one hand, parents who have their kids full time don't get to call off "sick". OTOH, Maybe it's better not to expose her, since their situation allows it? 

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Every guy Briana dates seems so lazy !! Devoin, Luis and now John, they have lazy attitudes, it’s not attractive . 

I agree with whoever said Leah may still be using, her eyes in that pizza place were so wide and she didn’t blink once the whole time the camera was on her.

Kail yet again completely unable to act mature for the sake of Isaac 🙄 At least she admitted on Twitter yesterday that she was a POS in this episode & Becky and Vee were right ? Let’s give her some credit for that.

Im still not convinced that Chelsea & Cole aren’t just pushing their own agenda on Aubree. Even I get annoyed watching them quizzing her so I cant imagine how Aubree feels. I don’t like how they are so gleeful when Aubree says anything negative about Adumb. I also didn’t like Chelsea bashing Aubree’s grandma in front of Aubree, again, this child is what 9?! Keep those conversations among adults. 

The real question is When will Jenelle cut the cover up and admit the DV. 

Edited by BARISTA
  • Love 9
9 minutes ago, BARISTA said:


Im still not convinced that Chelsea & Cole aren’t just pushing their own agenda on Aubree. Even I get annoyed watching them quizzing her so I cant imagine how Aubree feels. I don’t like how they are so gleeful when Aubree says anything negative about Adumb. I also didn’t like Chelsea bashing Aubree’s grandma in front of Aubree, again, this child is what 9?! Keep those conversations among adults. 

The irony is, for all those stupid Mama Bear shirts Chelsea wears, she's anything but. She's like a middle school girl, waiting for Aubree to bring back the gossip after confronting Donna. I'm not saying Chelsea needs to go Hulk-smash like Kail and start a huge fight, but what's stopping her from calling Donna and politely asking her to not get Aubree's hopes up about Adam? At this stage, Donna has to know her access to Aubree is hanging by a thread, so I can't imagine she'd kick up a fuss.

  • Love 17
7 hours ago, configdotsys said:

Before savoring your snark...

Emergency sinus surgery? And then we don’t see her again? Drama. Go away.

I can’t watch Brianna. She’s just dirty looking. Ha, Luis: “It’s not like I don’t care,” the end of that sentence was “but I don’t care.” Look Brianna, he is not going to be the involved father that you want because you have a habit of choosing losers to father your kids. 

Why didn’t the producer say, “Well, you know, Kail, you did overpay him. Why are you surprised that he wants that money back. Wouldn’t you?” I don’t think Vee should have texted Kail about the child support. I would think that would rile her up more. This friend of hers— I lost track of the names of these people— had good advice but I’m surprised Kail didn’t toss her to the street.

Leah pushing the “Do you miss your daddy?” stuff on Addie constantly is causing her stress. I get that she wants Jeremy to see her more, but she’s not helping the situation by saying over and over again that the other girlses get to see their daddy. Jeremy looked like it was a struggle to have Addie with him. It’s like he has nothing to talk about with her. “How was school. What did you do today?” All generic questions that he didn’t seem particularly interested in the answers. 

This business of Chelsea calling Cole at work every single time there is an event is ridiculous. You can’t wait until he gets home to tell him about your day and Adam’s no show? Between that and constantly asking Aubree, “How did you feel that he didn’t show up?” Geez. Aubree just walks in the door from the visit and gets the third degree. My God, can’t these people let her settle in and then maybe toss a softball question or two or maybe even wait until Aubree brings it up? Or how about this: do it off camera. Chelsea has no storyline so they are using this situation to fill air time. I think that’s unfair to Aubree. But anything for camera time, I guess.

I felt for Isaac. I was hoping he’d sink one of the shots. But he did great! He hit the rim every time. 

No question - they are all continuing to exploit their kids. Shame on them.

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You know, I am moving, and I spent the entire day moving my closet (new house is 5 min away). It is HARD work!!! I wonder why Chelsea's crew didn't show their move. Moving four people in the summer, when it's hot, and Chelsea was late in her pregnancy, would have actually been interesting tv. I'd love to see how she did it, packing up and moving hugely pregnant, while watching the kids at the same time. Plus, I'm sure they had a lot of stuff in their house, and it was likely quite a drive to the boondocks where they moved. It would be fun to see Aubree set up her new room, too. Also, the old house is where Chelsea lived when she met Cole, and they had Watson; plus, it was her first home of her own, so I bet leaving it was emotional. I would much rather have seen their move than hear them bashing adam on every single episode!

Edited by Christina87
  • Love 11
7 hours ago, SlutAssBitchAssHor said:

I feel like maybe Jenelle got in a fight with her husssssband that messed up her sinuses.

Yeah,  Briana really had to go alllll the way to NY to tell deadbeat he's on child support. Just an excuse to hook up with her dick du jour.

Kailyn looks like she needs a diuretic. Maybe she's bloated from whatever she was on at that basketball game. 

Imagine my shock when Adam didn't show up for lunch! It's time to wrap this perfect little family up in a bow and cast it off already. 

Addie is such a daddy's girl. They are cute together. Leah talks so much shit behind Jeremy's back but then it's a different story face to face. 

Nice scrapes on your chin there Jenelle 🤔

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I actually gasped at how awful she looked at the basketball tryout.  That butt she chose is just horrendous and interferes with her walking, and what she clothes it in just makes it look worse. 

Did she have butt enhancement surgery?  I was going to include her wide-load butt in things she can't help about her appearance, but maybe not.  I mean, she can't help a lot of the physical ugliness--the pig eyes, the Hulk physique--but she sure can help what she dresses herself in.  Whether her butt is natural or not, anybody with that big an ass shouldn't be wearing tight stretch pants unless she is otherwise very slim, although I'd give that the side-eye as well, just not so much.  And her bounteous bosom needs support, stat.

Her inner ugliness was on display this episode in spades.  Her pettiness in "punishing" Jo by not giving a gift to his little daughter?  That's psycho imo.  And how can she get all huffy about Jo's wanting child support when she makes so much money?  Even if the judge grants him the full $60,000 Kailyn says he's asking for in back child support from her, she shouldn't be freaking out--she's apparently making money hand-over-fist and ought to have some savings.  I mean, that's a lot of money, but it shouldn't be beyond her ability to pay it if she has to.

And what's with her making promises and not following through?  She told Javi she would cancel the order of protection or whatever it was she had against him, and then didn't.  She told Jo she would cancel the order for him to make child support payments, and then didn't--for a year!  She is greedy and selfish and ugly inside and out.

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3 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

 Showing up for filming  looking like the Unibomber...trying to keep her face down as much as possible? Yep! I agree that  Jenelle needed emergency sinus surgery as a result of Lurch punching her in the face.

I was going to say the same!  I had sinus surgery maybe 5 years ago, one of my sinuses wasn’t draining and I was having repeated infections and near constant vertigo.  That was not considered an emergency.  

  • Love 8
22 hours ago, BitterApple said:

I think Chelsea and Cole are as shady as the rest of them. They're choosing to hurt Aubree by willingly discussing painful subjects for the purpose of a storyline. Instead of telling the producers "No, find something else for us to do," they feed into it. They also love hyping up Cole's virtues as contrast to Adam's faults.

Nothing they're criticizing Adam for is a lie, but mature adults don't act like this. 

Regarding Leah and Jeremy, I think the truth is probably in the middle. She's probably exaggerating the lack of contact between Addie and Jeremy, but he doesn't strike me as particularly interested father. He does the "weekend dad" type of things with her, but he's fine with a part-time relationship. 

I agree with all of the above. I feel like everyone on this show is selling their kids out, but Chelsea and Cole are really doing a number this season. Chelsea looks like she gets great joy from hearing that Adam messed up yet again. I know she's acting that way because she's used to it and it's ridiculous, but she always smiles after Aubree says Adam didn't show, and then goes straight to calling Cole to brag about what an amazing person he is and how he would adopt Aubree in a second.  WE. GET. IT. My God. Listen, I know that they need this story line to have something to put on the show, but the way they're acting this season is too much. Stop rubbing it in Aubree's face how much her dad sucks and doesn't care about her. She's doing a fine job of figuring that out on her own.

I can't blame Leah for feeling that way about Jeremy. I know he works, but he should be facetiming Addie whenever he can. He seems like having her on weekends is cramping his style. He just doesn't come off to me as a doting father. Sure, put him next to Luis, Adam, Devoin, Ryan and he's fantastic. But other than that, he seems like a dud who couldn't care less about seeing his daughter.

  • Love 8
37 minutes ago, Jaclyn88 said:

 Listen, I know that they need this story line to have something to put on the show, but the way they're acting this season is too much. Stop rubbing it in Aubree's face how much her dad sucks and doesn't care about her. She's doing a fine job of figuring that out on her own.

It seems like the general consensus (at least here) is that people like to watch Chelsea and Cole because they are a breath of fresh air compared to the other train wrecks.   So if that's the case, why can't their story line be taking care of their animals?  Highlighting Pete the pig doing something cute or funny?   Seeing Layne's reaction the first time she hears the  rooster or sees a horse or whatever?   Show Chelsea and Cole creating a garden for their kids.  (I'm assuming they have a garden, though they may not.)  Yeah, that stuff is technically boring, but constant harping about Adam is more than boring to me, it's old news, and from what I can gather from the comments here, it's not fair to Aubree. 

  • Love 18
9 hours ago, kit.kat343 said:

Who is Becky?  How did someone with an IQ higher than room temperature, and the ability to put a child's needs first ever wind up on this show?  I really need to know - I barely pay attention to this show, so hopefully someone who's actually been watching can tell me how this sane-appearing person is friends with Kail the hosebeast.

She has been a Kail hanger on for a while. She usually wears her hair in a bun on top of her head, I actually had to to a double take because she wore a hat and a braid in last night's episode and I didn't recognize her at first. She was making a lot of good points and Kail just steamrolled right over her. She is so damn unpleasant. 

Poor Isaac. You could tell he felt the tension during the basketball tryouts. 

Addie was cute when she was talking about mermaids.

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1 hour ago, NannyBails said:

It seems like the general consensus (at least here) is that people like to watch Chelsea and Cole because they are a breath of fresh air compared to the other train wrecks.   So if that's the case, why can't their story line be taking care of their animals?  Highlighting Pete the pig doing something cute or funny?   Seeing Layne's reaction the first time she hears the  rooster or sees a horse or whatever?   Show Chelsea and Cole creating a garden for their kids.  (I'm assuming they have a garden, though they may not.)  Yeah, that stuff is technically boring, but constant harping about Adam is more than boring to me, it's old news, and from what I can gather from the comments here, it's not fair to Aubree. 

exactly.  Back in the day, reality TV had stuff like Nick & Jessica going to Home depot, the Osbourne kids going to the DMV, etc.  It seemed ridiculous at the time...really?  I'm spending moments of my watching someone on Big Brother sit there & smoke a cigarette?  

now I love moments like that, that seem like they could be an actual part of someone's actual life, instead of something contrived to cause drama.

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On 3/4/2019 at 3:21 PM, FlowerofCarnage said:

I watched the sneak peak of Kail and Jo at Isaac's practice... is she allergic  to bras?  It's one thing to show up looking sloppy, but to show up looking Walmart sloppy!?

Right??!! OMG! I couldn't believe she wore a top like that to a little kids basketball tryout...her boobs were practically falling out and the jeans with her gigantic ass in them...gross.

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On 3/4/2019 at 8:47 PM, druzy said:

What does Leah want from Jeremy? Is she upset that she doesn't get private time with Jason when the twins are with their dad and Addie is stuck with her?  

She claimed recently that Jeremy hardly ever talks to Addie when he's away for work.  She said Addie asks to call him, so they do and then he can't talk long because he's busy with work.  Which is probably true but how much effort does it take to call your kid ever few days before or after work?  After work might be too hard depending on what time zone he's in. 

On 3/4/2019 at 9:09 PM, Christina87 said:

Kail is just awful. Classy outfit to wear in front of kids, with her boobs hanging out. 

I'm generally not that critical of what Kail wears... but that was awful. Just cause you have big boob doesnt' mean you can't try to control their exposure and especially around kids!

17 hours ago, Mothra said:

Did she have butt enhancement surgery?  I was going to include her wide-load butt in things she can't help about her appearance, but maybe not.  I mean, she can't help a lot of the physical ugliness--the pig eyes, the Hulk physique--but she sure can help what she dresses herself in.  Whether her butt is natural or not, anybody with that big an ass shouldn't be wearing tight stretch pants unless she is otherwise very slim, although I'd give that the side-eye as well, just not so much.  And her bounteous bosom needs support, stat.

I'm fairly certain one of her dr miami surgeries was a butt surgery. I think he took her fat from somewhere and relocated it to her butt. Naturally I think it'd be big anyways because she's gotten thicker over the years.

  • Love 5

Why do I feel that this show is grasping at straws to try and make it watchable with boring storylines? I am struggling to understand why Chelsea and Cole are continuing to badger Aubree about Adam's neglect...to me, I think it's poor form on Chelsea and Cole's part to put Aubree on TV to interrogate her about her time with her grandparents and then berate Adam continually in front of her and to her. Doing this will affect her forever. It's bad enough that she sees and knows that her Dad is deadbeat and has no interest in her but to put this out there, week after week, with millions of people watching, is really irresponsible. Their role should be to make her feel safe and protected not to continually denigrate and bad mouth her dad in front of her. She knows he's a loser but it's still her dad. And Cole needs to tone it down with how outraged he is about Adam to Aubree...he can have those convos with Chelsea behind closed doors but to say those things to Aubree is counterproductive and tone deaf. We get it Cole...you're perfect and Adam isn't. 

Same goes for Leah...her whole storyline this season is complain about Jeremy to her new boyfriend. That's all they talk about. Having said that...Jeremy is so aloof and disinterested in Addie it's palpable. Did it surprise anyone else to see him driving a brand new BMW? 

The first thing I thought of when I saw Jenelle's segment was "David punched her in the face." It was very sketchy the way she hid her face behind the hoodie and sunglasses. Never have heard her complain ever about a sinus problem all these years of watching the show. 

Kail needs to go into therapy for anger issues. They are keeping her from having healthy relationships and sadly, her kids will pick up on this if they haven't already. She fights with all of her baby daddies and their new partners. She seems to be angry all the time about something...anything. She's a very negative person with a chip on her shoulder. Do yourself and your kids a favor Kail...get into therapy so you can be a better mom and person. 

Ahhh...Brianna...your baby daddies are pathetic. Devoin has made some progress but he still looks like he's high all the time. Luis is just a loser. What is he getting a diploma for? I couldn't understand what he was saying about a diploma or a certificate. Brianna spends a lot of time flying to NYC to see this guy...time she could be spending with her kids and getting Nova involved in a team sport or an instructive activity like gymnastics that she clearly has an interest in. Seems like her mom is doing the heavy lifting this season.

  • Love 9
22 hours ago, BitterApple said:

The irony is, for all those stupid Mama Bear shirts Chelsea wears, she's anything but. She's like a middle school girl, waiting for Aubree to bring back the gossip after confronting Donna. I'm not saying Chelsea needs to go Hulk-smash like Kail and start a huge fight, but what's stopping her from calling Donna and politely asking her to not get Aubree's hopes up about Adam? At this stage, Donna has to know her access to Aubree is hanging by a thread, so I can't imagine she'd kick up a fuss.

Yes! I've been meaning to comment on those Mama Bear T-shirts and all the other shirts and hoodies these girls wear that have stuff like that on them. Ugh...just stop! We get it...you have kids. Even Vee had on a shirt like that this week. I think it said "Born to be a Mom". 

  • LOL 3
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17 hours ago, Mothra said:

Did she have butt enhancement surgery?  I was going to include her wide-load butt in things she can't help about her appearance, but maybe not.  I mean, she can't help a lot of the physical ugliness--the pig eyes, the Hulk physique--but she sure can help what she dresses herself in.  Whether her butt is natural or not, anybody with that big an ass shouldn't be wearing tight stretch pants unless she is otherwise very slim, although I'd give that the side-eye as well, just not so much.  And her bounteous bosom needs support, stat.

Her inner ugliness was on display this episode in spades.  Her pettiness in "punishing" Jo by not giving a gift to his little daughter?  That's psycho imo.  And how can she get all huffy about Jo's wanting child support when she makes so much money?  Even if the judge grants him the full $60,000 Kailyn says he's asking for in back child support from her, she shouldn't be freaking out--she's apparently making money hand-over-fist and ought to have some savings.  I mean, that's a lot of money, but it shouldn't be beyond her ability to pay it if she has to.

And what's with her making promises and not following through?  She told Javi she would cancel the order of protection or whatever it was she had against him, and then didn't.  She told Jo she would cancel the order for him to make child support payments, and then didn't--for a year!  She is greedy and selfish and ugly inside and out.

She had fat removed from her stomach and injected into her butt.  

16 hours ago, TexasGal said:

I was going to say the same!  I had sinus surgery maybe 5 years ago, one of my sinuses wasn’t draining and I was having repeated infections and near constant vertigo.  That was not considered an emergency.  

I need this surgery because I have this issue all the time.  You are right. It’s not an emergency.  Unless you got punched in the face. 

  • Love 9
9 minutes ago, kicksave said:

Why do I feel that this show is grasping at straws to try and make it watchable with boring storylines? I am struggling to understand why Chelsea and Cole are continuing to badger Aubree about Adam's neglect...to me, I think it's poor form on Chelsea and Cole's part to put Aubree on TV to interrogate her about her time with her grandparents and then berate Adam continually in front of her and to her. Doing this will affect her forever. It's bad enough that she sees and knows that her Dad is deadbeat and has no interest in her but to put this out there, week after week, with millions of people watching, is really irresponsible. Their role should be to make her feel safe and protected not to continually denigrate and bad mouth her dad in front of her. She knows he's a loser but it's still her dad. And Cole needs to tone it down with how outraged he is about Adam to Aubree...he can have those convos with Chelsea behind closed doors but to say those things to Aubree is counterproductive and tone deaf. We get it Cole...you're perfect and Adam isn't. 

Same goes for Leah...her whole storyline this season is complain about Jeremy to her new boyfriend. That's all they talk about. Having said that...Jeremy is so aloof and disinterested in Addie it's palpable. Did it surprise anyone else to see him driving a brand new BMW? 

The first thing I thought of when I saw Jenelle's segment was "David punched her in the face." It was very sketchy the way she hid her face behind the hoodie and sunglasses. Never have heard her complain ever about a sinus problem all these years of watching the show. 

Kail needs to go into therapy for anger issues. They are keeping her from having healthy relationships and sadly, her kids will pick up on this if they haven't already. She fights with all of her baby daddies and their new partners. She seems to be angry all the time about something...anything. She's a very negative person with a chip on her shoulder. Do yourself and your kids a favor Kail...get into therapy so you can be a better mom and person. 

Ahhh...Brianna...your baby daddies are pathetic. Devoin has made some progress but he still looks like he's high all the time. Luis is just a loser. What is he getting a diploma for? I couldn't understand what he was saying about a diploma or a certificate. Brianna spends a lot of time flying to NYC to see this guy...time she could be spending with her kids and getting Nova involved in a team sport or an instructive activity like gymnastics that she clearly has an interest in. Seems like her mom is doing the heavy lifting this season.

True! It is Macy and Bentley....To be Cont....!

Chelsey needs a custody agreement ASAP, if she is concerned about passing away and then Aubrey going to Adam...as he is her legal father.

Chelsey  can make decisions now.  Her part of the custody can go to Cole.  She can also get visitation established for her parents. 

Another reality is that this marriage is young.  Adoption won’t solve everything. Who is it say she will stay marry to Cole for the rest of her life?  If they divorce....now Aubrey loses another ‘dad.’

She needs to leave it alone and get herself a will and write down what she wants for Aubrey if she dies. Make a video will, too!

What is wrong with a BMW???  Jeremy is not being accused of not paying child support!  

Leah is a creepy girl.  She wants Jeremy.  They slept together last season.....eh??  

Is this the marriage that broke up because Leah was addicted to drugs?

(I stopped watching TM for years) 

  • Love 6
8 minutes ago, Dance4Life said:

True! It is Macy and Bentley....To be Cont....!

Chelsey needs a custody agreement ASAP, if she is concerned about passing away and then Aubrey going to Adam...as he is her legal father.

Chelsey  can make decisions now.  Her part of the custody can go to Cole.  She can also get visitation established for her parents. 

Another reality is that this marriage is young.  Adoption won’t solve everything. Who is it say she will stay marry to Cole for the rest of her life?  If they divorce....now Aubrey loses another ‘dad.’

She needs to leave it alone and get herself a will and write down what she wants for Aubrey if she dies. Make a video will, too!

What is wrong with a BMW???  Jeremy is not being accused of not paying child support!  

Leah is a creepy girl.  She wants Jeremy.  They slept together last season.....eh??  

Is this the marriage that broke up because Leah was addicted to drugs?

(I stopped watching TM for years) 

I was actually suprised to hear Taylor's husband adopted Paislee. I understand nobody goes into a marriage thinking of future divorce, but IMO, that was a bit premature. I've seen so many situations where kids are all but forgotten about by step-parents after a break-up. I know adoption is a stronger legal tie, but still. 

The thing that sucks for Chelsea is Adam would go after Aubree simply because there's a nice chunk of money involved, but I don't think Cole's been in the picture long enough to take the next step. I didn't even think he'd been around long enough to do the name change, but they went ahead with it anyways. 

Regarding Leah, yes, the divorce was due to the drug habit she won't admit to having. 

  • Love 9
47 minutes ago, Dance4Life said:

True! It is Macy and Bentley....To be Cont....!

Chelsey needs a custody agreement ASAP, if she is concerned about passing away and then Aubrey going to Adam...as he is her legal father.

Chelsey  can make decisions now.  Her part of the custody can go to Cole.  She can also get visitation established for her parents. 

Another reality is that this marriage is young.  Adoption won’t solve everything. Who is it say she will stay marry to Cole for the rest of her life?  If they divorce....now Aubrey loses another ‘dad.’

She needs to leave it alone and get herself a will and write down what she wants for Aubrey if she dies. Make a video will, too!

What is wrong with a BMW???  Jeremy is not being accused of not paying child support!  

Leah is a creepy girl.  She wants Jeremy.  They slept together last season.....eh??  

Is this the marriage that broke up because Leah was addicted to drugs?

(I stopped watching TM for years) 

Nothing is wrong with a BMW...I wish we could afford one. Don’t think you see too many of them in that part of West Virginia...calm down.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Dance4Life said:

Another reality is that this marriage is young.  Adoption won’t solve everything. Who is it say she will stay marry to Cole for the rest of her life?  If they divorce....now Aubrey loses another ‘dad.’

I don't really worry about them splitting up but this reminded me of a time when I was in college and I went on a couple dates with a guy who had been married and adopted his 3-step daughters because they had a dead beat dad and then his wife promptly divorced him so he would be on the hook for child support.  He still got visitation and everything after the divorce but I had to step away from that situation.... 

  • LOL 1
1 hour ago, TeenMom69 said:

...oh to go back in time and take Adam up on his offer to sign away his rights when Aubrey was born.....

I think there has been some talks.  Looks like Adam wants money. He asked for the back child support to be drop last season.

Cannot remember if this was for the name change or giving up his rights...or, both.

Aubrey had her last name changed. Not sure if they needed Adam’s consent.

Regardless, it is not best to revoke Adam (or Ryan) parental rights.

The paternal grandparents are very involved.  It is not easy anymore.

The kids are too old as well.

The best Macy and Chelsea can do is manage visitation with custody court agreements....which is what they have been doing.

Chelsea just needs to write a will regarding Cole and her family’s rights to Aubrey shall she die.

  • Love 1
13 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I didn't remember that.  So he offered to sign away his rights and Chelsea still gave Aubree his last name?  I guess she really was desperate to keep him.  That's sad.

Yes, he did. I believe it was during that charming text exchange in which her referred to Chelsea as a fat, stretch marked bitch and Aubree a mistake. It really is sad and I bet Chelsea wishes every day that she would have taken him up on it. 

  • Love 14

Kail gets on my damn nerves. She's allowed to treat her sons' fathers anyway that she wants and as soon as they give her what she's given to them over the years, she acts like she's a victim. I feel so sorry for those boys. She is as toxic of a mother as her own mom was for her, just in a different way. She won't talk to Jo, Issac notices that. She won't talk to Javi or even be nice to his girlfriend (who is going to give birth to her son's sister), I'm sure Lincoln notices or will eventually. She's too damn immature to be anyone's mother. And yes you DID know that Jo was right there. You knew his ass was at the gym and that Issac was going home with him. Ugh, I can't stand her.

Chelsea's constant badgering of Aubree is also annoying. Just stop it already! Aubree will let you know what she wants you to know and when. Every time you ask her a question, it lets her know that it's an issue. You aren't even subtle about it. She's at the age where she can pick up on things. And quit trying to force Cole into being her "daddy". He's in her home, her name was changed to include his, Cole is very involved in her life. He's her daddy in all the ways that matter. Why can't that be enough? Adam is a piece of s*&t scumbag, but you slept with that fleabag. You have to deal with him for however long he chooses to string you and Aubree along. I feel that with his parent so involved in her life, he's never going to sign over his rights.

I don't blame Leah for asking Jeremy if he wanted to have Addie every weekend. His ass needs to do his part. That baby wants to be with him, every weekend isn't that much of a hardship for him. I'm pretty sure if you count the actual hours he will have her, it won't even equal to a full 48. He didn't pick her up because he was "sick" and she just needs to get over it. Well, who the hell keeps the girls when Leah is sick? I can't stand these deadbeat ass dads who think they get to enjoy life and silence when their child's mother just has to suck it up and deal with it. 

Briana is another annoying POS. I don't blame her for filing child support on Luis. He convinced her (lied) to keep Stella, talking about how much he was going to do and he just ghosted on her. What happened to "truck driving"? What school is he about to graduate from? And just like Kail, Briana can't go too long without a dick in the picture. She just up and goes on trips all the damn time, leaving her mom to watch her two kids. No wonder she's so stressed out and bitter. And when the hell are they going to get out of that small ass apartment? They can't rent a house somewhere? New York guy better make sure he's stocked up on condoms because I fear he's the next baby daddy, messing with Briana's hot ass. 

Jenelle is the classic battered woman. After watching her on TV for all these years, she needs to realize that we can recognize when she's lying. She also needs to quit talking about quitting this show because we all know that she won't. What else is she going to do for money? Whatever products she's endorsing can't possibly bring in any money.

Kail and this hair line business. Girl! Why would I buy any hair product that you're involved with when you look like crap 90% of the time? Chelsea has great hair, although I'm sure most of it is extensions, but she could sell a hair line. Hell, JENELLE should look into a hair line. I wouldn't buy any of it, but she could pull it off better thank Kail.

Edited by MitaJo
I had more to say
  • Love 9
9 hours ago, kicksave said:

Nothing is wrong with a BMW...I wish we could afford one. Don’t think you see too many of them in that part of West Virginia...calm down.

If you could afford one, you should get something else! The name stands for Breaking My Wallet...unfortunately many people think of them as "luxury" cars, when most of them are junk. There are a handful of models that are still good, but newer BMWs are mostly a waste of money. I didn't see most of this episode, but my guess is that simpleton Leah thinks he's wasting his money on "luxury" cars instead of caring for his kid. While he likely IS wasting money if he bought a newer BMW, it's not for the reason she's thinking.

Edited by monagatuna
  • Love 4
15 hours ago, lovesnark said:

Yes, he did. I believe it was during that charming text exchange in which her referred to Chelsea as a fat, stretch marked bitch and Aubree a mistake. It really is sad and I bet Chelsea wishes every day that she would have taken him up on it. 

Was there discussion at the time about which last name Aubree would have?  I can't remember.  But thinking about it, surely the decision about the name was made before he offered to give up his rights.  Surely.  I hope.

Regardless, it grieves me when these idiots insist on giving the kid the father's last name. 


13 hours ago, MitaJo said:

Kail and this hair line business. Girl! Why would I buy any hair product that you're involved with when you look like crap 90% of the time? Chelsea has great hair, although I'm sure most of it is extensions, but she could sell a hair line. Hell, JENELLE should look into a hair line. I wouldn't buy any of it, but she could pull it off better thank Kail.

I don't like Kail, but I do think she has pretty hair.  The thing is, it no doubt has much more to do with genes than any product.  In fact, the product she should be hawking is whatever she was using before she came up with her own, because I don't see any difference. 

That and the thought that a person who has extensions could sell a hair line tells me a lot about the hair care industry.


11 hours ago, monagatuna said:

I didn't see most of this episode, but my guess is that simpleton Leah thinks he's wasting his money on "luxury" cars instead of caring for his kid. While he likely IS wasting money if he bought a newer BMW, it's not for the reason she's thinking.

Leah didn't say a word about it.  We just saw the car in one of the scenes.

  • Love 3

Leah’s car is much more expensive then his bmw. She has a fully loaded brand new Suburban (which seems like its already trashed because the outside panels are ripped off somewhow) and I don’t think she even knows the value of what his car would be. Another note, Leah should be the last person checking anyones pocket and how they spend their money...especially her ex husband who she use to put into debt with her ridiculous Marykay pyramid schemes. 

Edited by JuliesMommy
  • Love 6
14 hours ago, MitaJo said:

Kail gets on my damn nerves. She's allowed to treat her sons' fathers anyway that she wants and as soon as they give her what she's given to them over the years, she acts like she's a victim. I feel so sorry for those boys. She is as toxic of a mother as her own mom was for her, just in a different way. She won't talk to Jo, Issac notices that. She won't talk to Javi or even be nice to his girlfriend (who is going to give birth to her son's sister), I'm sure Lincoln notices or will eventually. She's too damn immature to be anyone's mother. And yes you DID know that Jo was right there. You knew his ass was at the gym and that Issac was going home with him. Ugh, I can't stand her.

Chelsea's constant badgering of Aubree is also annoying. Just stop it already! Aubree will let you know what she wants you to know and when. Every time you ask her a question, it lets her know that it's an issue. You aren't even subtle about it. She's at the age where she can pick up on things. And quit trying to force Cole into being her "daddy". He's in her home, her name was changed to include his, Cole is very involved in her life. He's her daddy in all the ways that matter. Why can't that be enough? Adam is a piece of s*&t scumbag, but you slept with that fleabag. You have to deal with him for however long he chooses to string you and Aubree along. I feel that with his parent so involved in her life, he's never going to sign over his rights.

I don't blame Leah for asking Jeremy if he wanted to have Addie every weekend. His ass needs to do his part. That baby wants to be with him, every weekend isn't that much of a hardship for him. I'm pretty sure if you count the actual hours he will have her, it won't even equal to a full 48. He didn't pick her up because he was "sick" and she just needs to get over it. Well, who the hell keeps the girls when Leah is sick? I can't stand these deadbeat ass dads who think they get to enjoy life and silence when their child's mother just has to suck it up and deal with it. 

Briana is another annoying POS. I don't blame her for filing child support on Luis. He convinced her (lied) to keep Stella, talking about how much he was going to do and he just ghosted on her. What happened to "truck driving"? What school is he about to graduate from? And just like Kail, Briana can't go too long without a dick in the picture. She just up and goes on trips all the damn time, leaving her mom to watch her two kids. No wonder she's so stressed out and bitter. And when the hell are they going to get out of that small ass apartment? They can't rent a house somewhere? New York guy better make sure he's stocked up on condoms because I fear he's the next baby daddy, messing with Briana's hot ass. 

Jenelle is the classic battered woman. After watching her on TV for all these years, she needs to realize that we can recognize when she's lying. She also needs to quit talking about quitting this show because we all know that she won't. What else is she going to do for money? Whatever products she's endorsing can't possibly bring in any money.

Kail and this hair line business. Girl! Why would I buy any hair product that you're involved with when you look like crap 90% of the time? Chelsea has great hair, although I'm sure most of it is extensions, but she could sell a hair line. Hell, JENELLE should look into a hair line. I wouldn't buy any of it, but she could pull it off better thank Kail.

I agree with all this except for the Leah part. We've seen her high and unable to care for her children, whom she pawns off on her relatives constantly! Better than Jenelle, who leaves her newborns with anyone with a pulse, but Leah certainly doesn't care for the girlses if she's sick. Mama Dawn or her sister would be over there in a second, or corey! I'll never forget the time she whined on the phone to her sister that she just couldn't pick the girlses up because she was soooo tired, and then hung up the phone and immediately rolled over on the couch and covered her up with a blanket. Leah should have understood Jeremy not taking Addie while sick, because it's not like she's some warrior who would be Supermom while feeling rough. I do wish that maybe Addie could have stayed with Jeremy's mom, though. It must have sucked for her to get so excited about going, and then having to stay home 

  • Love 10
17 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

I agree with all this except for the Leah part. We've seen her high and unable to care for her children, whom she pawns off on her relatives constantly! Better than Jenelle, who leaves her newborns with anyone with a pulse, but Leah certainly doesn't care for the girlses if she's sick. Mama Dawn or her sister would be over there in a second, or corey! I'll never forget the time she whined on the phone to her sister that she just couldn't pick the girlses up because she was soooo tired, and then hung up the phone and immediately rolled over on the couch and covered her up with a blanket. Leah should have understood Jeremy not taking Addie while sick, because it's not like she's some warrior who would be Supermom while feeling rough. I do wish that maybe Addie could have stayed with Jeremy's mom, though. It must have sucked for her to get so excited about going, and then having to stay home 

I agree and I think 99.9% of the reason Leah wants Jeremy to take Addie more is so she can spend time with her boyfriend without the hassle of a kid by her side. 

  • Love 10

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