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S05.E09: I Want to Meet Your (Transphobic) Mom

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Jazz's relationship is put to a test when she learns that Ahmir has a transphobic mother.  Dr. Bowers comes to Florida to see if Jazz needs more extensive surgery. Jazz wants to move out of her house and tries to convince Ari that they should be roommates. 

PPAL remembers that we ended last week with Jazz lost and not yet found, having run off with her marginally verbal boyfriend and likely a camera crew while Jeanette was admonished to take her mic pack off if she was going to elevate the dramahz on the phone. 

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Seems to be less honest and more acting than previous seasons. Does it even make sense that weeks after surgery she met somebody and fell in love or is this just a way forward now that the surgery arc is over. The new story arcs are Amir and moving out. Even her friends seem like actresses delivering a canned speech. How convenient that Amir’s mother doesn’t approve because it gives the show another 60 minutes of material. My Big Fat Fabulous Life has switched over to 100 percent scripted shows. Fortunately my 600 lb Life can’t fake obesity.

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6 minutes ago, Quilty said:

Hmmm...Does anyone else think that Amir has already been kicked out of mom's house and Jazz being transgender is a convenient excuse?

Raising my hand.  The timing is just right.  How convenient is it he gets kicked out by his transphobic mother just as Jazz is finishing recuperating from her surgery & thinking of moving out?  I'm sure the move won't pan out but it is good for a story line. Good for Ari trying to be the voice of reason of how expensive living on one's own can be. 

At one point in the show I was thinking he made up the story that his mom is transphobic & was kicking him out so he could use that as an excuse to move in  & free load off Jazz & the Jennings.  He was against Jazz meeting her face to face but then we saw Jazz supposedly talking to her on the phone in next week's episode  but we don't know for sure it's her.  I doubt the Jennings would allow him to move in anyway. 

It looked like Amir was outside when they were face-timing at the end.  Not that this means he was kicked out but it just seemed weird to me where he was at.

Off topic: I missed Grandpa Jack & Grandma Jackye this episode.  I love them.  

I'm new to the show but am already tired of seeing these people in bed.  Why did Jazz, Jeanette & Greg have to be in bed under covers when face chatting with Dr. Marci last week? Couldn't they have sat on the sofa or at a table instead?  It seems like  any important decisions have to be made in the parents' bed.  It looks like Amir & Jazz are under covers (not on top of the hotel bed) when Jazz is talking to his mom next week.  Do they feel more secure this way?  Just weird to me.

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27 minutes ago, gingerella said:

I did FINALLY appreciate the parental talk but man, the pouting she did when Dad said she could move out right now, priceless. Call her bluff Dad, where the hell is she going to get $3500 a month (rent plus everything else),let alone her phone money, a car and gas....this kid is nuts, and it’s her mother’s fault for indulging her and every single time she whines about something. Oy vey, where are her grandparents when you need a slap upside the head?!?

I wonder how many bills Jazz has had to pay in her life? She really has no idea how the world works outside of her bubble. 

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13 minutes ago, MissTeacher13 said:

I wonder how many bills Jazz has had to pay in her life? She really has no idea how the world works outside of her bubble. 

It is not just the money, the I can't wait for anything attitude. I had to stop watching for watching for awhile when she needed the hormone device changed and it cost something like $7500 and the insurance did not cover it. She just expected her parents to pay without ever even thinking how much $7500 is. It could pay for a year of college for one of here 3 siblings (does she even remember sometimes her dad is working to support 4 kids). Plus she wanted in to that Endocrinologist asap.  At that same time my mom had a brain tumor removed and even though it was urgent, we had to wait 2 weeks to see an endocrinologist (she was not allowed to travel and only one left in our city) I spent 2 weeks with my mom who was confused, violent, lost her bladder control waiting for a doctor that luckily was able to get her medication to control the issues. Does Jazz realize there are other people who need these doctors too. How lucky she is that surgeons facetime her or visit her hotel room. 

I can;t even imagine how much this has cost the family over the years. I also do not see Jazz really feeling bad for her friends who have parents that can't afford the same treatments. She comes home to tell Noelle and the others, when are you getting a Vagina? You have to get one! Jazz not everyone's parents have the money and not everyone's parents feel comfortable with having it done under 18. I still think her dad, maybe it was the lawyer in him or way of looking at life, wanted Jazz to wait till age 18 and finishing high school. 

 Jazz might make enough off of social media and her other appearance fees to live on her own? She has over 600k subs on youtube and her videos get many views, I have no idea what you tube pays but my kids say over 500k subs pays decent. Of course Jazz is going to need more then the average 18 year old to live on their own because of the lack of concept of what everything costs. I bet she would order way more take out then cook. I see her as someone who thinks her family will pay her medical for life, her car insurance and phone type bills since it is a family bill. 

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38 minutes ago, silverspoons said:

It is not just the money, the I can't wait for anything attitude. I had to stop watching for watching for awhile when she needed the hormone device changed and it cost something like $7500 and the insurance did not cover it. She just expected her parents to pay without ever even thinking how much $7500 is. It could pay for a year of college for one of here 3 siblings (does she even remember sometimes her dad is working to support 4 kids). Plus she wanted in to that Endocrinologist asap.  At that same time my mom had a brain tumor removed and even though it was urgent, we had to wait 2 weeks to see an endocrinologist (she was not allowed to travel and only one left in our city) I spent 2 weeks with my mom who was confused, violent, lost her bladder control waiting for a doctor that luckily was able to get her medication to control the issues. Does Jazz realize there are other people who need these doctors too. How lucky she is that surgeons facetime her or visit her hotel room. 

I can;t even imagine how much this has cost the family over the years. I also do not see Jazz really feeling bad for her friends who have parents that can't afford the same treatments. She comes home to tell Noelle and the others, when are you getting a Vagina? You have to get one! Jazz not everyone's parents have the money and not everyone's parents feel comfortable with having it done under 18. I still think her dad, maybe it was the lawyer in him or way of looking at life, wanted Jazz to wait till age 18 and finishing high school. 

 Jazz might make enough off of social media and her other appearance fees to live on her own? She has over 600k subs on youtube and her videos get many views, I have no idea what you tube pays but my kids say over 500k subs pays decent. Of course Jazz is going to need more then the average 18 year old to live on their own because of the lack of concept of what everything costs. I bet she would order way more take out then cook. I see her as someone who thinks her family will pay her medical for life, her car insurance and phone type bills since it is a family bill. 

While her behaviour is tolerated by her parents, the entitlement will never end. This is why “no” is a word children must hear growing up. I understand her situation differs from the norm, but she is first and foremost a child who requires guidance and boundaries. 

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3 hours ago, gingerella said:

I don’t even know where to begin. Just when I think Jazz cannot get more insufferable, she manages to be even worse. The whole getting an apartment is so ridiculous, I can’t even. The selfish scheming to get Ari to move into an apartment with her? What is she planning on using to pay for her rent, utilities, food, essentials? Does her new vagina come with an ATM inside it? Because last I checked she hasn’t graduated HS, she has expressed zero interest in college, which she probably should be applying for now in the show’s timeline, and she appears to have never held down a legitimate job before. So yeah, where’s the mone6 coming from Jazz? Does she expect Ari to get a job and pay for her now? It’s always about what everyone else can do for Jazz, it’s never about what other people want. At least her sister is level headed, I just can’t understand why she even indulges her in apartment hunting, unless Ari gets a fatter paycheck if she shows up online...I guess I just answered my own question, eh?

I did FINALLY appreciate the parental talk but man, the pouting she did when Dad said she could move out right now, priceless. Call her bluff Dad, where the hell is she going to get $3500 a month (rent plus everything else),let alone her phone money, a car and gas....this kid is nuts, and it’s her mother’s fault for indulging her and every single time she whines about something. Oy vey, where are her grandparents when you need a slap upside the head?!?

I am more than certain that Jazz is getting paid a pretty penny for the show with her name in the title. There are  estimates of a net worth of $200,000 for Jazz alone. The family as a whole are between 5 and 10 million dollars.

Edited by Visaman666
More information added.
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2 hours ago, silverspoons said:

Jazz might make enough off of social media and her other appearance fees to live on her own? She has over 600k subs on youtube and her videos get many views,  I have no idea what you tube pays but my kids say over 500k subs pays decent.

I found an interesting link that details how you tubers get paid and even has a nifty calculator where you can enter a youtubers user channel “name” and it calculates the earnings.


I put Jazz’s user name in and this is what it calculated:

Number of total Subscribers


Number of Total Video Views


Total estimated earnings


Average Earnings per Video


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This Ahmir/mom situation is fucking weird. First he said "my mom isn't as accepting as I thought she'd be," then later in the conversation after Jazz said maybe mom would change her mind if Jazz talked to her, he said "no, she's not gonna change her mind, this is the way she is." Dude, either you are surprised by her lack of acceptance, or you're not. Which is it?

Jazz is so awful to Ari. She really is so entitled and Ari gets the brunt of it among the siblings. Remember in another season when Jazz revealed that she just expects Ari to bear biological children for Jazz to adopt?!

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2 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

Jazz is so awful to Ari. She really is so entitled and Ari gets the brunt of it among the siblings. Remember in another season when Jazz revealed that she just expects Ari to bear biological children for Jazz to adopt?!

What?? Is this true? I thought the rumour was Ari offered. The assumption being that Jeanette ‘strongly encouraged’ Ari to offer. Granted, I haven’t watched every episode. Let’s hope Ari is strong willed with what she wants. 

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19 minutes ago, MissTeacher13 said:

What?? Is this true? I thought the rumour was Ari offered. The assumption being that Jeanette ‘strongly encouraged’ Ari to offer. Granted, I haven’t watched every episode. Let’s hope Ari is strong willed with what she wants. 

When they showed Jazz saying "Ari will have my kids," Ari looked a bit horrified. She definitely didn't offer on the show or look like she'd agreed to anything. It was uncomfortable to watch at the time!

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34 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

When they showed Jazz saying "Ari will have my kids," Ari looked a bit horrified. She definitely didn't offer on the show or look like she'd agreed to anything. It was uncomfortable to watch at the time!

Oh wow, thank you. Maybe Jazz needs to learn what body autonomy means. 

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I think its unfair for Ahmir's Mom to be brought into this and painted as a transphobe when we have no idea if she consented for her life to be on camera. Those are damaging words to peoples reputations and could cause someone to lose their job etc.

Why do Jazz and Jeanette always think they can browbeat someone into accepting Jazz as she wants to be seen?

I thought the whole point of Jazz having the surgery pre-18 was so Jeanette could help her with aftercare for the year before she goes to college, how does that work if Jazz moves out? Its a bit late for Greg and Jeanette to suddenly try and insist on boundaries when every other time they've done that Jazz has worn them down i.e surgery, tattoo, home school etc

So glad Ari stood up to Jazz about moving out, someone her age who has lived independently would have to be crazy to voluntarily live with an immature 17 year old. Remember Jazz's drawers filled with rubbish, the crockpot in her room etc, IMHO she would not be a conscientious roommate at this point in life.

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I'm normally pretty forgiving of Jazz's immaturity because I remember all too well what it's like to be a dumb teen, but this is the episode that broke me. She thinks she's entitled to a luxurious, expensive oceanfront home and and the freedom that comes with it, when according to Greg, she can't get herself out of bed in the morning without help or even do her own laundry. If you're 18 and can't set an alarm and instead depend on your mom to wake you, then that's a huge problem, and no, Jazz, that's not Jeanette "imposing a lifestyle" on you. It's a mother trying to make sure her daughter does something with herself, and step one is getting out of the bed and into the real world. I'm so sick of Jazz laying around and only showing ambition for things that she's determined she has to have ASAP, because that's what she wants, dammit (a vagina, a boyfriend, and now her own place). For someone who considers herself an activist, Jazz can be so single-minded to her own desires it kills me.

Ari must have infinite patience to deal with Jazz's strong-arming during that conversation about moving out. Ari knows damn well Jazz wanting to be roomies has nothing to do with her and everything to do with making the move more palatable to her parents, and that Jazz is absolutely not ready for independence, and still Ari listened anyway. Holding firm against Jazz's whims was the best option for Ari AND Jazz, who needs a strong reality check and to be told no more often. At least one of Jeanette and Greg's kids has a level head and isn't prone to the "I want it, and I want it NOW" attitude that's infected Jazz.

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Jazz actually said that when she hears "no" she automatically says "yes".  That is when Gregg actually lost his shit and told her to move out now! I was filled with joy when he said that.  I also was suprised when Jeanette said they will not pay her cell phone bills when she moves. Tough love will go a long way with this brat. I hope they stick to their guns.  

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2 hours ago, maggiegil said:

I thought the whole point of Jazz having the surgery pre-18 was so Jeanette could help her with aftercare for the year before she goes to college, how does that work if Jazz moves out? Its a bit late for Greg and Jeanette to suddenly try and insist on boundaries when every other time they've done that Jazz has worn them down i.e surgery, tattoo, home school etc

I think the USS Boundaries has sailed.  Maybe if they took away the electronics and car keys for an extended period, Jazz might change a little.   And Jeannette bragged about their leniency?  I think if they had been less lenient earlier she would have already been through the teen rebellion stage---or at least most of it.

The whole move out stuff has to have been scripted.  For one thing, I don't think Ari likes to appear on the show, but does the minimal amount she needs to do;  I think if Ari refused to appear at all, Jeanette and Jazz would be very, very unhappy with her.  Jazz is so backward thinking sometimes-- living on my own with my sister will give me the independence I need when I go to college and live in a dorm.  Really?  Try living in the dorm first to gain some independence, then get an apartment and some roommates who are closer to your age later.   It sounds like Ari is a working woman and has a boyfriend.  How would she benefit from sharing with Jazz?   Also that apartment with its wonderful views will not rent for $2500 a month furnished, and also I doubt they would rent it month-to-month so she would be stuck with a years lease so that's $30,000 for just a year's rent.

I am so not interested in the boyfriend story.  She is going to encounter a lot of supportive people in her life, but she is also going to come across people who don't understand trans or are just uncomfortable about it or just don't like her because of a number of reasons unrelated to being trans.   I thought the telephone conversation was a really bad idea, and she might have been better served if she and Ahmir could have met the mom in person at a donut shop; that way mom could see that Jazz looks like a teen-age girl (this assumes the mother has not been binge-watching the show).   The last thing needed would be to have Jeanette go into Mama Bear mode while talking to Ahmir's mother (I don't think Jeanette did this).

Also I was not surprised to hear that Dr  Ting did not think she needed more surgery. 

It was interesting to see the info about her income from youtube.  I would hope that Greg and Jeanette have set aside some of the TLC money into a trust for Jazz for any future medical needs or college.   But I can see how that might cause sibling rivalry.  

I  am ready for this show to end except for occasional  updates.  I would like TLC to follow her a little when she goes off to college.  I just don't see much more material for the series unless she gets married and Ari gives her a child.  I suspect if Jazz ever wants a child Jeanette will put a lot of pressure on Ari to provide at least the eggs, if not eggs and uterus.   Greg, of course, will roll with whatever Jazz and Jeanette want,  all others need to cooperate or get out of the way.

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17 minutes ago, swimmom said:

When Dr. Tang recommended a cortisone shot, couldn't Dr Bowers have done that in Florida? She was at a Drs office for the exam.

I wondered that, too.  I am not sure if giving or ordering  one shot would count as practicing medicine so if Dr Bowers is not licensed in Florida that could cause problems.  Maybe Dr Ting could have referred her to a local doctor for the shot.

I think Dr Ting probably needed to see her in person, just to make sure what he saw online was correct.  It might not look quite as good in person.  Also TLC needs her to go to NYC to see Ahmir again.

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12 minutes ago, Twopper said:

I suspect if Jazz ever wants a child Jeanette will put a lot of pressure on Ari to provide at least the eggs, if not eggs and uterus

That is insane! If Ari provides the eggs, then the child would be biologically Ari's. I don't care if they are sisters, she would be giving up her own child for the sake of making Jazz happy. It infuriates me to think Jeanette would even think of asking Ari to do this. 

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18 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

That is insane! If Ari provides the eggs, then the child would be biologically Ari's. I don't care if they are sisters, she would be giving up her own child for the sake of making Jazz happy. It infuriates me to think Jeanette would even think of asking Ari to do this. 

I may need to go back and remove this paragraph as this was not a discussion in this episode, but it was mentioned in an earlier season.  And someone brought it up earlier in this thread. 

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6 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

When they showed Jazz saying "Ari will have my kids," Ari looked a bit horrified. She definitely didn't offer on the show or look like she'd agreed to anything. It was uncomfortable to watch at the time!

I totally remember this, it was awful. Ari shouldn't have to do that for her sister. It's called adoption, look into it Jazz. But nope, that won't be good enough for her because she WANTS a bio kid. Sad truth is that if she'd listened to the advice of the many MDs she consulted about her surgery, some of whom I think said she should unblock for a short time to get better growth and better options for surgery, she might have been able to create sperm that she could have set aside for her own bio kid. But Jazz never thinks ahead to what is best long term, only to satisfy her wants right now. I dont think she'd have lost one ounce and would still be eating hot cheese from a crockpot in her room if it hadn't been for Dr. Bowers telling her she had to lose weight or no surgery. That showed me that IF she's given hard lines not to cross AND there are serious repercussions, she will listen eventually. The best thing her parents and sibs can do for her now is to simply dole out tough love whenever needed.

And I dont think Ari's the only sane sibling, I think the twins would be getting on her ass about moving into a luxury apartment too. They've been fairly vocal about her idiot ideas in the past.

Re the transphoic mom...based on her saying next week "Has he told you everything" or however she phrased it, I used to think that meant he was trans too. But now I'm thinking it might mean he was gay and did some gay conversion bullshit (because I think he mentioned his mom being religious, or did I make that up?). So it wouldn't surprise me if he's really gay and trying to fight it, but somehow a transgirl is a better step than a cis girl? I'm trying to pinpoint what it is about Ahmir that is so 'off', but I can only think that he's either trans himself or gay and trying to front as straight. I'm not saying that as in 'no straight guy would be interested in Jazz', more like, there is something definitely off about this guy and those are two possibilities that feel plausible to me. That said, I think they're posting recent pix on IG and making it at least appear that they're together still so...who the hell knows...

Lastly, I say again, why didn't Dr. Bowers make post-surgical counseling a requirement? It seems like a lot to adjust to, and a trained therapist - someone who is NOT Aunt Debbie or her wishy washy child counselor - could really help her slow her roll and process all the shit going round her brain now.

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I've watched this off and on. A couple observations. Jazz needs to seriously invest in a couple bras. She's got big girls and they need support.

She needs to get some of her hair cut. It looks sloppy. She would look so much better with a shorter cut.. Not anything radical like shoulder length, but a few inches off would do her a world of good. 

Why can't she sit up? She's forever lounging around on her side. 

She's far too immature to move out. I was glad to see her sister try and talk her out of that apartment. 

Her mom drives me crazy. Her off the shoulder tops need to go. She has indulged Jazz far too much for her whole life.  Girl needs some rules, and has needed them for a long time. 

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1 hour ago, QuinnInND said:

She's far too immature to move out. I was glad to see her sister try and talk her out of that apartment. 

Her mom drives me crazy. She has indulged Jazz far too much for her whole life. Girl needs some rules, and has needed them for a long time. 

Too late. Jazz will soon turn 18, and apparently she's had her final transgender surgery. She wants independence and she's determined to make her own mistakes.

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I was annoyed at Jazz when she had the chutzpah to tell Ahmir that he could come down to FL and freeload off her parents if he and his mother had issues. The nerve of this immature bint - she may have an open door policy for this dude that she's known a month, but it takes a special sort of selfishness to invite a stranger into your parents home w/o asking them first.

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19 hours ago, Dobian said:

Jobless Jazz wants a $2,500 a month beachfront apartment with her sister.  Translation: TLC cash.

Exactly. But I don't think TLC pays enough for Jazz to afford to live on her own for very long --let alone support a dead-weight (non-working) new boyfriend that she barely even knows!

Edited by Crazy Bird Lady
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16 hours ago, TomGirl said:

Re: the discussion about Jazz moving out, how refreshing to see both Greg and Jeanette finally stand up to her and give her some straight talk.  About time!

Yes, but it's probably too little, too late. Jazz is used to getting her own way, and she wants her own (expensive beach-front) apartment so that her family 'can't tell her what to do anymore,' and she and Ahmir will have privacy when he's in town. 

Edited by Crazy Bird Lady
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57 minutes ago, patty1h said:

I was annoyed at Jazz when she had the chutzpah to tell Ahmir that he could come down to FL and freeload off her parents if he and his mother had issues. The nerve of this immature bint - she may have an open door policy for this dude that she's known a month, but it takes a special sort of selfishness to invite a stranger into your parents home w/o asking them first.

Selfish and stupid.

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20 hours ago, Concerned said:

Seems to be less honest and more acting than previous seasons. Does it even make sense that weeks after surgery she met somebody and fell in love or is this just a way forward now that the surgery arc is over. The new story arcs are Amir and moving out. Even her friends seem like actresses delivering a canned speech. How convenient that Amir’s mother doesn’t approve because it gives the show another 60 minutes of material. My Big Fat Fabulous Life has switched over to 100 percent scripted shows. Fortunately my 600 lb Life can’t fake obesity.

yes. the show seems completely different. all the (bad) acting! all the set ups. it sucks. i was just thinking this. i was contemplating deleting it off the dvr.

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15 hours ago, gingerella said:

I don’t even know where to begin. Just when I think Jazz cannot get more insufferable, she manages to be even worse. The whole getting an apartment is so ridiculous, I can’t even. The selfish scheming to get Ari to move into an apartment with her? What is she planning on using to pay for her rent, utilities, food, essentials? Does her new vagina come with an ATM inside it? Because last I checked she hasn’t graduated HS, she has expressed zero interest in college, which she probably should be applying for now in the show’s timeline, and she appears to have never held down a legitimate job before. So yeah, where’s the mone6 coming from Jazz? Does she expect Ari to get a job and pay for her now? It’s always about what everyone else can do for Jazz, it’s never about what other people want. At least her sister is level headed, I just can’t understand why she even indulges her in apartment hunting, unless Ari gets a fatter paycheck if she shows up online...I guess I just answered my own question, eh?

I did FINALLY appreciate the parental talk but man, the pouting she did when Dad said she could move out right now, priceless. Call her bluff Dad, where the hell is she going to get $3500 a month (rent plus everything else),let alone her phone money, a car and gas....this kid is nuts, and it’s her mother’s fault for indulging her and every single time she whines about something. Oy vey, where are her grandparents when you need a slap upside the head?!?

holy shit this girl has more money than my family by a long shot. here we break our asses working and can only afford 1/3 the monthly payment this entitled little twit can spend on a luxury apartment. the older sister is right to live with the parents and save her money. jazz is immature, very immature. she must be making loads off her , what did she say, youtube and her speeches. and of course the show.  

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12 hours ago, Visaman666 said:

I am more than certain that Jazz is getting paid a pretty penny for the show with her name in the title. There are  estimates of a net worth of $200,000 for Jazz alone. The family as a whole are between 5 and 10 million dollars.

5 to 10 million!! i know he's a lawyer but shit. the wife doesn't work, he brings that much in himself?

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12 hours ago, Visaman666 said:

I am more than certain that Jazz is getting paid a pretty penny for the show with her name in the title. There are  estimates of a net worth of $200,000 for Jazz alone. The family as a whole are between 5 and 10 million dollars.

You have posted misinformation here before so it would be great if you could please link us to where you got that information. Thank you!


4 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

I wonder how much show money Greg and Jeanette have set aside for Jazz? Or did they spend it all on Jazz's hormone therapy/surgery?

She'll probably demand it in full ASAP to fund her move out. Her parents ought to bill her for all the extras she's cost them above and beyond the basics. I'm talking about all the costs associated with all the umpteen doctors she demanded on seeing until she found one that would tell her what she wanted to hear, that sort of thing. Kid needs to understand how to pay her own way. You'd think for someone with her mindset, she'd understand how great going away to college would be because she's still on her parents dime but she can do her thing at school. Honestly, the fact that she doesn't get that says volumes about her lack of maturity.

Edited by gingerella
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19 hours ago, Barb23 said:

Raising my hand.  The timing is just right.  How convenient is it he gets kicked out by his transphobic mother just as Jazz is finishing recuperating from her surgery & thinking of moving out?  I'm sure the move won't pan out but it is good for a story line. Good for Ari trying to be the voice of reason of how expensive living on one's own can be. 

At one point in the show I was thinking he made up the story that his mom is transphobic & was kicking him out so he could use that as an excuse to move in  & free load off Jazz & the Jennings.  He was against Jazz meeting her face to face but then we saw Jazz supposedly talking to her on the phone in next week's episode  but we don't know for sure it's her.  I doubt the Jennings would allow him to move in anyway. 

It looked like Amir was outside when they were face-timing at the end.  Not that this means he was kicked out but it just seemed weird to me where he was at.

Off topic: I missed Grandpa Jack & Grandma Jackye this episode.  I love them.  

I'm new to the show but am already tired of seeing these people in bed.  Why did Jazz, Jeanette & Greg have to be in bed under covers when face chatting with Dr. Marci last week? Couldn't they have sat on the sofa or at a table instead?  It seems like  any important decisions have to be made in the parents' bed.  It looks like Amir & Jazz are under covers (not on top of the hotel bed) when Jazz is talking to his mom next week.  Do they feel more secure this way?  Just weird to me.

Maybe it has something to do with where the camera happens to be set up at the time?

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On ‎2‎/‎27‎/‎2019 at 5:51 AM, MissTeacher13 said:

What?? Is this true? I thought the rumour was Ari offered. The assumption being that Jeanette ‘strongly encouraged’ Ari to offer. Granted, I haven’t watched every episode. Let’s hope Ari is strong willed with what she wants. 

As I remember it Ari offered it. Jazz didn't demand it.

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On 2/27/2019 at 4:52 PM, Sew Sumi said:

I wonder how much show money Greg and Jeanette have set aside for Jazz? Or did they spend it all on Jazz's hormone therapy/surgery?

I'm sure they've spent every penny! All those special state-of-the-art transgender procedures as Jazz was growing up must have been amazingly expensive -- plus the repeated 'testosterone blocking procedures' done in another state, &  all that flying from city to city specialist-shopping just to finally find one who would give Jazz the answer she wanted for "bottom surgery"! (I think they also "shopped around" for mental health professionals to treat Jazz' severe depression as a younger transgender teen.) -Of course, the cost for 'gender affirmation surgery' would have been exorbitant, even as a singleuncomplicated procedure done by a local specialist. 

Jazz's parents are probably in debt up to their ears --despite whatever the show may have paid to them (--or to Jazz).  

Edited by Crazy Bird Lady
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On 2/27/2019 at 6:48 AM, MissTeacher13 said:

This is actually a quote from Clairewalks: When they showed Jazz saying "Ari will have my kids," Ari looked a bit horrified. She definitely didn't offer on the show or look like she'd agreed to anything. It was uncomfortable to watch at the time!

On 2/28/2019 at 9:22 AM, Anlogle said:

As I remember it Ari offered it. Jazz didn't demand it.

Yes, Ari offered it --several years earlier, at a time when Jazz was upset and depressed that she would never be able to give birth to her own children

That doesn't mean Ari is going to be willing to just offer up her vagina for Jazz to have a baby with her very first boyfriend who she hasn't known very long, and who has no job or career plan, and whose family would probably disown him if they made a baby!  

Edited by Crazy Bird Lady
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Jobless Jazz wants a $2,500 a month beachfront apartment with her sister.  Translation: TLC cash.

Reality shows pay a lot compared to normal jobs, so probably. But also, hasn't Jazz been a trans advocate for years? Shouldn't she have earned some income from her book and doing speeches?

As long as Jazz has the personal cash for it, I think it would be the best thing in the world for her to move out and need to manage her life on her own. She's post surgical transition. It's time for her to really dig into finding out who she is above and beyond being one of the most famous trans youths. It's also time to learn how to be self-sufficient. We're just talking about a rental apartment, so it's not like she's locking herself into paying for a 10-year mortgage.

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Jazz mentioned her earnings from social media and activism. The TLC big bucks were either implied, or else they still try to keep up the illusion that people like her are just the selfless volunteer subjects of these educational documentaries.

Given how immature and impulsive we know Jazz to be, if she does indeed have around $100k-200k saved up, she probably thinks that's a fortune that will never run out. It wouldn't be too different from all the Teen Moms who are rumored to make $300k per season and spend like they're Kardashians.

As Jazz is coming up on her 18th birthday in show-time, I'm really losing patience with her uncouth behavior. Whether it's due to the delayed puberty, or being the spoiled baby of a permissive family, or both, she is insufferable. She still splays herself all over the furniture, jiggles around on camera without proper foundation garments (sorry, but that's just how it is in society), talks over everyone, squawks about her "vagina" constantly (almost always meaning her vulva), and chews like a particularly unrefined barnyard animal. 

She appears to be reasonably bright, and I don't think she's evil at her core or anything, but the current Jazz is NOT growing into the kind of adult people are going to want to be around. She better cling to that cushy life with Greg and Jeanette because that's the best she will ever have it at this rate.

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On 2/27/2019 at 1:27 PM, gingerella said:

I totally remember this, it was awful. Ari shouldn't have to do that for her sister. It's called adoption, look into it Jazz. But nope, that won't be good enough for her because she WANTS a bio kid. Sad truth is that if she'd listened to the advice of the many MDs she consulted about her surgery, some of whom I think said she should unblock for a short time to get better growth and better options for surgery, she might have been able to create sperm that she could have set aside for her own bio kid. But Jazz never thinks ahead to what is best long term, only to satisfy her wants right now. I dont think she'd have lost one ounce and would still be eating hot cheese from a crockpot in her room if it hadn't been for Dr. Bowers telling her she had to lose weight or no surgery. That showed me that IF she's given hard lines not to cross AND there are serious repercussions, she will listen eventually. The best thing her parents and sibs can do for her now is to simply dole out tough love whenever needed.

And see, if they had waited till Jazz hit puberty to suppress, she could have banked sperm and had a biological child -- with a surrogate other than Ari, of course.

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19 hours ago, Zuleikha said:

Reality shows pay a lot compared to normal jobs, so probably. But also, hasn't Jazz been a trans advocate for years? Shouldn't she have earned some income from her book and doing speeches?

As long as Jazz has the personal cash for it, I think it would be the best thing in the world for her to move out and need to manage her life on her own. She's post surgical transition. It's time for her to really dig into finding out who she is above and beyond being one of the most famous trans youths. It's also time to learn how to be self-sufficient. We're just talking about a rental apartment, so it's not like she's locking herself into paying for a 10-year mortgage.

Jazz learning to be self sufficient would be good.  I wonder if she might do better though in a dorm situation. I say that we all should have to endure at least one year of that. lol (OMG, it was torture, but, I learned a lot. )

Hopefully, much of her money is in Trust and to be used for education, room, board, etc.  I wouldn't think she is responsible enough to manage her own fiances, but, we'll see.  I hate to see her lose it all by paying for other people who have no inclination to work or study. 

I attended college with a lot of kids who were also very immature.   They threw meal tickets around like they were nothing.  Parked their car illegally,. No regard for tickets.  Failed to show up for classes their parents paid for.  Blew large sums of money partying every week night.  No regard for money. One such roommate got an apartment her second year......she was evicted within a couple of months. lol It didn't work out. 

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11 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Jazz learning to be self sufficient would be good.  I wonder if she might do better though in a dorm situation. I say that we all should have to endure at least one year of that. lol (OMG, it was torture, but, I learned a lot. )

Hopefully, much of her money is in Trust and to be used for education, room, board, etc.  I wouldn't think she is responsible enough to manage her own fiances, but, we'll see.  I hate to see her lose it all by paying for other people who have no inclination to work or study. 

I attended college with a lot of kids who were also very immature.   They threw meal tickets around like they were nothing.  Parked their car illegally,. No regard for tickets.  Failed to show up for classes their parents paid for.  Blew large sums of money partying every week night.  No regard for money. One such roommate got an apartment her second year......she was evicted within a couple of months. lol It didn't work out. 

I just dont see her being able to live on her own to be honest. She's lazy, unmotivated, a slacker who lives under a blanket in the supine position for like 22 hours a day, and when left to her own devices, hooks up crock pots on her bed to eat hot cheese dip and chips while in the supine position. How is someone like that going to manage their own apartment? Cleaning (yeah she cleans her dishes right away because she probably didn't want her parents knowing the shit she was eating up in her room)? Her room was disgusting and hoardery when last we saw it in detail (crock pot epi). I'm guessing Jeanette does her laundry too, didn't they intimate that last epi? I think a room mate at college wouldn't want to be roomies with her because her personal habits, grooming included, appear gross. The constantly greasy hair - all the kids have that, don't they know about shampoo for oily hair? I'd be happy to buy them each a bottle! Yeah, she'd barely make it through a college dorm setting with her inability to manage herself. Plus, I dont see her keeping up with her dilation, but maybe I'm wrong since it appears she cant wait to park a car in her new garage ASAP.

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I think it's interesting that the other siblings don't seem so out of touch with reality. It can't all be parenting-related, or all the kids would be brats. I wonder how much of this drama is for the cameras and provoked by TLC.

I actually thought it made sense for Jazz to suggest she try to meet or talk with Ahmir's mother. I was surprised and pleased she said she didn't want Ahmir to lose his relationship with his mom over her, and that their relationship was still very new. I think a lot of people do have misconceptions about LGBTQ people and the main thing that helps them get over it has always been getting to know us and having positive interactions and realize the myths are silly at best. It's not always an instant transformation of opinion, but it's the thing that seems to help the most.

I'm not opining on what is really going on with Ahmir or his mother, because everything about the show seems way too TV-ish for me right now, but as a matter of principle, I thought Jazz's response to the issue of a boyfriend whose parent was transphobic was a fairly sensible one.

Of course, she should also be better at listening to and accepting what he wants, and not steamrolling over his objections. But the idea of talking to mom or meeting her, and not immediately getting irate, I thought was actually mature.

I did wonder why, if Amir's mom kicked him out, he couldn't go live with his dad. And also why, if he's 19, he's neither working nor going to school. Unless you're independently wealthy, most people are doing one of those things or at least trying to (i.e. I understand being out of work while looking for a job, or being in between gigs, and that sometimes people fall on hard times. I even understand taking time off to pursue a project if you can afford to do that, or not being in school because you're applying but haven't started yet. But Ahmir seems to be pretty much floating around without any plan, and nothing has been said about why).

There did seem to be something to Ahmir being worried about Jazz seeing the environment he lived in in Philly. It wasn't just about his mom. So it's also possible that there's a problem of no real opportunities where he's living, and no institutional momentum for him to pursue another course. He is either an amazing actor or genuinely kind of overwhelmed by what is going on with his relationship with Jazz. I just don't know what to make of the whole thing and it makes me very uncomfortable in a way that other things this show has done in the past has not.

There are certainly communities where a lot of people are out of work and not in an educational pipeline, and Ahmir could actually be caught in a cycle of poverty that Jazz has no concept of and TLC is not prepared to respectfully explore. So... I just feel really uncomfortable with everything about this story. It reeks of exploitation and I feel that way without even really having a clear sense of what is actually going on.

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