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S10.E02: Sister Wives Secrets


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  On 1/28/2019 at 1:42 PM, AZChristian said:

I'm no fan of Meri, but I have stayed at the B&B.

  • Bonnie was a lovely hostess, and the local woman who comes in to cook breakfast used to have her own catering business.
  • The breakfast we had there was custom made, and the best we've ever had at a B&B.
  • It was immaculate.
  • The place is only one mile off of the interstate that runs between Las Vegas and Salt Lake City, so it's not all that isolated.
  • All of the reviews I've seen have been 5-star.  And none of them were from me.  There aren't a LOT, but some of us don't post reviews on Yelp, Trip Advisor, etc.
  • It was very reasonably priced for what we got.

From what we have seen on the show, Bonnie seems like a wonderful person!  There is oftentimes good along with the bad, and I liked hearing from someone who actually knows in person what this B&B is like.  There were many things I liked about it (from what little I have seen on TV).  For me personally, the only negative I see is trying to keep up with finances if Lularoe goes down the toilet.

  • Love 9
  On 1/28/2019 at 4:02 AM, Sasha888 said:

I think Meri is a complete asshole and there's NO FREAKING WAY that she just absolutely could NOT find a time WHEN THEY WERE ALL ON VACATION TOGETHER to tell them that she'd closed on the stupid house and her mother was already all moved in.

HOWEVER - Janelle? Sit the f*** down and shut your pie hole. YOU weren't asked to come help Meri move her mother to Parowan because the big guy in the blue (and later purple) shirt, Meri's brother, who was doing the heavy lifting, IS YOUR EX-HUSBAND.

In case you didn't know what colossal liars all 5 Brown adults, and TLC, are, yes, I'm serious, that is a fact. Unless Meri has 2 brothers named Adam. Yeah, TLC neglected to put "Janelle's ex-husband" on the screen when Adam was shown during the move. They think none of us has internet access, apparently. I don't recall this ever being addressed on the show. We're all supposed to pretend we don't know it.

Even if he wasn't there, should Meri's mom have to LOVE having Janelle around? You divorced her son and married her daughter's husband! 

Who believes that Janelle has ever in her entire life offered to help someone move? Anyone?

Meri's full of shit when she says she didn't think ANY of them would want to help (Christine, Dayton, Paedon, etc all helped Maddie & Caleb move on last week's episode), but there's plenty of shit to go around, because Janelle knew damn well why she wasn't invited to "help". 

BTW my opinion is that unless Meri's brother is a HUGE asshole, Janelle traded down. But I guess just about anyone seems better to me than Kody.



Love your whole post and just want to add...I have to keep remembering that this is a tv first and foremost. And the most important thing to them is filming, so if I was Meri, after just being told no to the free fambly cash (rightfully so, btw) I would definitely NOT be asking them to help me move and giving them all this material to film—Kody would probably spread it out over an entire episode, full of Kody drama of him running around Meri’s mom’s house with his stringy locks blowin’ in the breeze and Janelle standing around in the background like a lump, giving long-winded commentary. Meri purposely excluded them from it, and kept all the filming content for herself, her mom and her brother. THAT’S what they’re really pissed about. And come to think of it, when she threatened them with not being around as much for fambly activities last week, I bet the thinking is that if she were to split off of them, their filming time would be cut because half the time the camera would be following Meri around on her adventures. 

Edited by VedaPierce
  • Love 19
  On 1/28/2019 at 3:17 AM, Chris Knight said:

Janelle hears from 2 random women about the closing. Shes so upset she runs to Christine. Why not ask Meri ?


Because going directly to the source would not have the proper mix of passive/aggressiveness that these women have turned into an art form.  Janelle needed to get Christine on her side before confronting Meri.  That said, Janelle needs to stay the crap out of Christine's old med stash.  Janelle's cheerleading is so over the top, I don't know whether to LOL or throw something at my television screen to make her shut up.  It's like Janelle took over Christine's personality, Christine is borrowing Robyn's, while Robyn's sad-sack demeanor is turning her into Janelle.  It's completely bizarre to watch.


  On 1/28/2019 at 4:02 AM, Sasha888 said:

HOWEVER - Janelle? Sit the f*** down and shut your pie hole. YOU weren't asked to come help Meri move her mother to Parowan because the big guy in the blue (and later purple) shirt, Meri's brother, who was doing the heavy lifting, IS YOUR EX-HUSBAND.


WHOA MIND BLOWN I didn't catch that!!  Wow!  How weird is it that he was on the show?!  I mean, maybe in polygamous circles this isn't so strange, but the fact that this particularly gross intermingling of fambly members has never been addressed on the show, I find it kind of jarring that he was shown at all, or that he would even want to be on tv.  But money talks, I suppose.


  On 1/28/2019 at 4:55 AM, aimlessbird said:

I think the new title should be "Rehashing Last Week's Episode and Repeating All of Last Season"  Isn't their ANYTHING else that the cameras can cover?  This season has been useless so far.


No joke - there is absolutely no reason for this show to be two hours long every Sunday.  The filler and rehash takes literally 50% of the show.  Plus, I can never stay awake to watch the whole thing.


  On 1/28/2019 at 5:11 AM, Sasha888 said:

Christine should watch it, she thinks she's top dog right now, obviously, but she should remember that not long ago she was stacking rocks on a beach with a therapist for an "anniversary vacation".


+++++++++++1.  Also, I hearted your recap before I even read it because you deserve all the rewards for not only watching, but getting the recap out so darn fast for those of us whose eyes started to glaze over at the 14th mention of the word "Parowan."


  On 1/28/2019 at 10:27 AM, Barbara Please said:

Is Janelle still doing Strive? It doesn’t look like it. Her faux enthusiasm was grating, and while I get she wants a better relationship with Meri it is a little too late for that. 


Who noticed the shirt Janelle was wearing during the living room cheer sesh with Meri?  It read "Strive with Janelle."  I about fell off my chair.


So much more to say but I need to read @Sasha888's recap first!

  • Love 16
  On 1/28/2019 at 4:03 AM, CSunshine76 said:

I guess this explains why Meri hadn’t told the Family. She was waiting for the cameras.  So she can’t tell them then fake it for the cameras?  That just shows she really has no relationship with her sister wives, nor does she want one.  Leave already.




”Thanks random people who told Janelle first before I was able to get cameras there so I could tell my family the exciting news. That's all this was about. #SisterWives”


Thanks for grabbing that because it’s already been deleated. Meri can never own her shit. None of them can. 

  • Love 10
  On 1/28/2019 at 1:09 PM, Janc said:

Hmmm.  So last night Kody tweeted:


...to which Meri replied (and has since deleted) something about "so what is the truth Kody, please tell us". 

Kody's reply to her (showing Meri deleted her tweet)... 



Sorry, Kody, but this is your circus and those are your monkeys.  

What a jackass.

  • Love 21
  On 1/28/2019 at 2:25 PM, steff13 said:

I did.  What is Strive? 


Strive is Janelle's "business" as a life/fitness/nutrition coach.  Check out her thread under the Sister Wives main heading.  All she does is complain about how busy she is (we can't figure out what she's busy doing, other than writing insipid posts on the internet), how important good nutrition is (although she appears not to have lost an ounce), and how exhausting her exercise program is (getting up from the couch to take pictures of pre-packaged food in her fridge). 

It should be called "Strive to Remain Mediocre in Your Life."

  • LOL 2
  • Love 22

I just don’t understand why the show allows this crew to continue to avoid discussing the fact that Meri was having an online affair and that the only thing that prevented it from becoming an in-person affair is that she was flirting with a catfish.

Clearly that’s the heart of the conflict with Mariah.  

And the story by the other woman just drew a sharper contrast between a truly innocent victim and Meri’s situation. 

Can we bribe someone to sneak crazy glue on dime-store-Sammy-Hagar’s fingertips so the next time he steeples his fingers they get stuck together?

  • Love 22
  On 1/28/2019 at 4:02 AM, Sasha888 said:

I think Meri is a complete asshole and there's NO FREAKING WAY that she just absolutely could NOT find a time WHEN THEY WERE ALL ON VACATION TOGETHER to tell them that she'd closed on the stupid house and her mother was already all moved in.

HOWEVER - Janelle? Sit the f*** down and shut your pie hole. YOU weren't asked to come help Meri move her mother to Parowan because the big guy in the blue (and later purple) shirt, Meri's brother, who was doing the heavy lifting, IS YOUR EX-HUSBAND.

In case you didn't know what colossal liars all 5 Brown adults, and TLC, are, yes, I'm serious, that is a fact. Unless Meri has 2 brothers named Adam. Yeah, TLC neglected to put "Janelle's ex-husband" on the screen when Adam was shown during the move. They think none of us has internet access, apparently. I don't recall this ever being addressed on the show. We're all supposed to pretend we don't know it.

Even if he wasn't there, should Meri's mom have to LOVE having Janelle around? You divorced her son and married her daughter's husband! 

Who believes that Janelle has ever in her entire life offered to help someone move? Anyone?

Meri's full of shit when she says she didn't think ANY of them would want to help (Christine, Dayton, Paedon, etc all helped Maddie & Caleb move on last week's episode), but there's plenty of shit to go around, because Janelle knew damn well why she wasn't invited to "help". 

BTW my opinion is that unless Meri's brother is a HUGE asshole, Janelle traded down. But I guess just about anyone seems better to me than Kody.


I thought that probably was Janelle's ex!  Yeah, he must have been a real dick for her to trade him in for Kootie.

  • Love 3
  On 1/28/2019 at 3:17 AM, Chris Knight said:

How old is Meri's mom ? I would guess 75+.  Running this stupid B n B ,doing all the unpacking and cooking, doing the books, etc seems like a tremendous amount of work for a woman of her age.

As noted above, this business is so stupid. It's in the middle of nowhere and Fool Meri doesn't know the true "heritage" and history. Even her mom couldn't recall, nor did she seem to care, how many children some relative had. The place does get good reviews but there are not that many reviews. 

Robyn who for years has claimed she forgets to eat, apparently is remembering to eat these days. She and Meri are the same size.

Janelle hears from 2 random women about the closing. Shes so upset she runs to Christine. Why not ask Meri ?


Meri stated that she is going to hire someone to do the cooking and cleaning and her mom will just keep the books.

  • Love 3
  On 1/28/2019 at 3:11 PM, Kohola3 said:

Brilliant recap, @Sasha888.  It was positively exhausting to read, I cannot imagine having to write it. 

And now I need a shower to wash off the stench of manure.


I second this emotion! @Sasha888 - your recap was insightful and amazing, and soooo much more fun than watching the real show. 

  • Love 5
  On 1/28/2019 at 3:12 PM, Alapaki said:

I just don’t understand why the show allows this crew to continue to avoid discussing the fact that Meri was having an online affair and that the only thing that prevented it from becoming an in-person affair is that she was flirting with a catfish.

Clearly that’s the heart of the conflict with Mariah.  

And the story by the other woman just drew a sharper contrast between a truly innocent victim and Meri’s situation. 

Can we bribe someone to sneak crazy glue on dime-store-Sammy-Hagar’s fingertips so the next time he steeples his fingers they get stuck together?


I think they (meaning mostly Kody) believe that somehow this avoidance is protecting their "brand."  Do they not know that most viewers have internet and can see what actually happened between Meri and "Sam?"

Meri wants to play the victim--and yes, she was catfished--but the issue is not that she was catfished--it is why she was catfished. Mari would've gotten more sympathy --from me, at least-- if she stated what really happened: that she was basically ignored by Kody and he wasn't meeting her needs anymore so she went looking online for someone else. She could say that the divorce really affected her more than she thought, that she didn't feel like Kody's actual wife anymore--only in spirit-name.

  • Love 20
  On 1/28/2019 at 4:36 AM, kicotan said:

Christine:  “Shut it, Kody. It’s not your turn to make noises”


I’m the only wife in my marriage and somehow I don’t think it would go over very well if I spoke to my husband like that.  Sounds like something I might say to my dog, but doesn’t their dogma state he is the head of the household and is to be respected as such?  I thought I read somewhere that they (the AUB religion, not the Brown’s) espouse a “collective bargaining” approach when it comes to any sort of dissent in the ranks aimed at the head of the family.

Mariah:  “She’s not a victim.”

Amen, sister.  Not for nothing, but I believe that’s the root of her filling attacked, being confused, filling everything she does is wrong, not understanding why everyone else does their own thing and yet she doesn’t get the same consideration.

Me:  You STILL won’t admit you did anything wrong, Meri.  You’ve gone overboard trying to force the fambly into meeting with catfish victims, talking endlessly about how devastating it is to be victimized in such a horribly embarrassing way and trying desperately to get their sympathy.  It’s all for naught because you won’t admit your part.  The way you responded to your vast loneliness amidst a fambly of 18 people all living next door to each other in one happy Religious Fambly.  That internal abyss that drove you to engage in an internet fantasy life that consumed enough of your time and effort you masked your obsession to everyone except the only person living in your 5 bedroom mansion with you.  Your own daughter, noticed it, called you out on it, warned you about it and advised you against it.  You didn’t listen to her and got sucked in further and you can’t figure out why she is so mad at you.  You knowingly cheated, emotionally, if not in other ways, on your husband and your wives instead of finding another way to deal with your loneliness, like communicating and involving yourself in your beloved fambly and oh I don’t know, finding a COMPETENT therapist to work on your issues.  You suck, Meri.  And not in a good way, obviously.

Forgiveness starts with admitting your wrongdoing, not blaming someone else for it.


First bolding:  I can not imagine talking to my hubby in that manner nor would he EVER talk to me in that manner.  

Second bolding:  I love the whole post but when I turned this on last night and saw all of them sitting around, chatting and the damn word "catfish" was brought up I was like, holy hell - WHY ARE YOU ALL STILL TALKING ABOUT THIS?  I would have stood up and announced I was not interested in repeating all this ad nauseum.  Meri - you looked outside your marriage for companionship, you got caught.  Welcome to the new times we live in and the internet.  Now you want everyone to hop up and down over this B&B?  Why the hell should they?  You are making a decision based on emotion, a huge FINANCIAL decision based on emotion and those never go well.  

I am not surprised Mariah is so forthright:  I have known a lot of people that have come out, come out of a drinking/drug situation and are like:  I am speaking my truth.....no more lies, no more beating around the bush, no more hinting.

Geez, if I was Meri - I would be "Wow I have this gigantic ass house ALL TO MYSELF, I have an income, I am free of childrearing......let's never mention the word catfish again and life is good!"  But no......she has to grind the glass into her hand and bring it up again and AGAIN.

  • Love 24

I suspect that Meri was upset that her friend Kristie actually liked the Brown family, including the sister wives and Kody. I bet she wasn't expecting that.  It flies in the face of how they are against her.  Apparently, Kristie didn't see it. 

I admire Kody for pretty much staying quiet about Meri, but, speaking his truth in the confessional scenes. (No need to say the obvious really.  Meri is SUCH a liar.)  He KNOWS that Meri will never change and that she's a drama queen.  Meri will not allow you to be civil to her.  That robs her of her scheming plans. He seems DONE with her even more than ever.  Kody can't help what his wives say or do really.  He may have chosen them, but, they seem pretty independent and open with their thoughts.  I can see why he doesn't jump in and try to fix things between them.  I don't think anything can be fixed with Meri.  If her B&B is doing well, maybe, she's finally happy......lol. naaaaahhhh

  • Love 12
  On 1/28/2019 at 4:20 PM, Mrs. Hanson said:

Geez, if I was Meri - I would be "Wow I have this gigantic ass house ALL TO MYSELF, I have an income, I am free of childrearing......let's never mention the word catfish again and life is good!"  But no......she has to grind the glass into her hand and bring it up again and AGAIN.


I believe that TLC says "Either you talk about catfishing for a couple of episode (bring Kristie in, etc.) or no show.  Then you have Kody and the wives saying how they need the income from the show, so she agrees.    You could tell that Meri did NOT want to talk about, and when Kody (or someone) asked her a question she even said she is tired of talking about it.  Poor Meri.  Poor, poor Meri.  None of this is her fault.  Mariah forced Meri to sit in the computer chair and start up a fling with a screen name.

  • Love 11
  On 1/28/2019 at 4:02 AM, Sasha888 said:

HOWEVER - Janelle? Sit the f*** down and shut your pie hole. YOU weren't asked to come help Meri move her mother to Parowan because the big guy in the blue (and later purple) shirt, Meri's brother, who was doing the heavy lifting, IS YOUR EX-HUSBAND.


I don't like Meri and her passive aggressive 'nothing is ever her fault' ways, but I don't fault her for not fucking with Janelle EVER. Divorced her brother and turned around and became wife #2 to Meri's husband behind her back. This is some low down dirty shit but than again I am looking at this through the prism of someone outside the lifestyle. I mean didn't Meri's mom marry Kody's dad?

Speaking of Meri's mom, I LOL'ed when the wives were talking about what would become of them once all the kids were gone and if they would all live in one big house. All they have to do is look at Meri's mom to see what will happen. Where are her sister wives? She was basically living alone and now living alone in a B&B. 

So basically Meri is using these other women's catfish tales to nail herself more firmly to her victimhood cross. I'm loving that Mariah isn't here for any of it. Mariah's whole attitude is "Bitch, I was there." 

I haven't kept up on Brown gossip in the off-season. Can someone tell me why we now hate Mariah's girlfriend?

During the move, they showed a side profile shot of Janelle leaning against a car outside. I thought she was awkwardly holding a large black bag of dirty laundry or something in front of her. Nope. That was all Janelle.

Didn't this show used to be like 1/2 hour? Did we really need to see Kody struggle with and then cut a lock off a trailer only to decide they didn't need the trailer anyway? Do better TLC.

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 19

It’s clear to me, there is absolutely no love coming to Kody from any of his wives. He really seems so incompetent and yet egotistical. I guess the only thing he’s been successful at is getting this franchise.  And all these women are such hypocrites pretending that any of them care about each  other. Basically, this show proves that polygamy is not a healthy option, whether it’s lawful or not.

  • Love 19

I don’t hate Meri like the rest of you and I think she was lonely and depressed for a long time. I also think Kody is much worse of a husband than we ever see. I think in any of these set-ups, the wives are all unhappy and only put up with it because of religious beliefs.

Also I like Mariah and to whoever said upthread that only Logan worked while going to school, not true. Mariah worked all through school, had some scholarships and is working her way through grad school the same as Logan.

I just think I’m bored with the show. I don’t really care about yet another forced move, I’m tired of hearing about financial issues when Kody refuses to work and insists on having a hundred kids and their picnics, parties etc are just dull. I like the Brown kids and would maybe watch a show with just them. I fast forwarded through much of last night, just too dull.

  • Love 12
  On 1/28/2019 at 5:19 PM, Madding crowd said:


I just think I’m bored with the show. I don’t really care about yet another forced move, I’m tired of hearing about financial issues when Kody refuses to work and insists on having a hundred kids and their picnics, parties etc are just dull. I like the Brown kids and would maybe watch a show with just them. I fast forwarded through much of last night, just too dull.


I could never watch a show of the Brown kids.  You want to talk boring -???  Counting On.  It's a massive snoozefest.  

  • Useful 1
  • Love 13

Love your whole post and just want to add...I have to keep remembering that this is a tv first and foremost. And the most important thing to them is filming, so if I was Meri, after just being told no to the free fambly cash (rightfully so, btw) I would definitely NOT be asking them to help me move and giving them all this material to film—Kody would probably spread it out over an entire episode, full of Kody drama of him running around Meri’s mom’s house with his stringy locks blowin’ in the breeze and Janelle standing around in the background like a lump, giving long-winded commentary. Meri purposely excluded them from it, and kept all the filming content for herself, her mom and her brother. THAT’S what they’re really pissed about. And come to think of it, when she threatened them with not being around as much for fambly activities last week, I bet the thinking is that if she were to split off of them, their filming time would be cut because half the time the camera would be following Meri around on her adventures. 


They've shown this family moving, packing for vacations, etc., before, and I wouldn't have invited them either.

However, if Meri has all this extended family that is SO excited about this family home, why didn't any of them step up and offer to invest by chipping in on the down payment? Was this just more manufactured drama? Meri seems to be the only story line at this point, so maybe they are just milking it for the show? Also, Meri acts like she is all alone in the world, but then her mother, brother, and cousin show up and help move all her mother's crap. She seems to have a lot of support for someone who has no one she can count on.

  • Love 11
  On 1/28/2019 at 2:58 PM, laurakaye said:

But as long as Meri plays the victim, she's lucky that Mariah is in her life at all.  


Yep.  I keep thinking about what I'd do if it were my mother that had done that...what would my relationship be like if she continued trying to play the completely innocent victim when I darn well knew better? Basically, it's trying to re-write history and gaslight me, to convince me that I am wrong about what actually happened.  It's like denying that my feelings and experience have any validity, not to mention mis-representing and essentially lying, and I don't think I could move past that.  I wouldn't want to sever the relationship entirely at such a young age, but I absolutely couldn't pretend to have a real relationship either...so given who I am, I would spell all that out and make it very clear to her, and it would be up to her how she proceeds from there.

  • Love 18
  On 1/28/2019 at 6:14 PM, Kohola3 said:

Pudge (Mariah) and Sludge faked the need for Emotional Support Animals in order to fly the dogs to Flagstaff for free for a Christmas visit. When asked for verification Sludge pitched a fit on Twitter accusing Southwest of treating them badly and causing them distress and it wasn't their fault that they both had identical "psychiatric disorders" which required them to have ESA's with them.  These dogs have never once been featured in any of their cutesy-poo daily pictures on Instagram nor anything ever mentioned about the "disorders" that plague them - apparently only at Christmas time when they wanted to fly home and not pay for boarding the dogs.

Not saying it's directly related but immediately thereafter the rules, by at least 2 airlines, were tightened requiring certification from a doctor for an ESA on a flight.

Even their sycophants were enraged at this blatantly selfish and entitled behavior.  

Is there any evidence of this?  Student loans were mentioned and the majority of her Instagram and Twit postings have to do with hanging out in coffee shops, doing yoga, and cycling.  She had never once mentioned work or school.  Sludge was sucked into LuLaNo.


The same evidence there is for Logan’s jobs-throughout school they posted the part time jobs they had-I don’t live there and did not actually go to the places. And I don’t care enough to call people’s employers. As for student loans-most kids have them including mine. Don’t understand the name calling but not true no job was ever mentioned. 

  • Love 6
  On 1/28/2019 at 6:25 PM, Madding crowd said:

As for student loans-most kids have them including mine.


I'm sure a majority of students do these days.  Absolutely nothing wrong with that. 

But there seems to be some speculation that the money is being spent for other than education.  Eating out nearly every day in Chicago doesn't come cheap.  Nor are the cycling classes.  And, again, no mention of jobs, classes, studying, school, professors, or college friends at all on her social media.

  • Love 14
  On 1/28/2019 at 6:33 PM, laurakaye said:

The only good part of this came when Christine took Meri down in a kerfuffle of LulaNo.  I was so hoping that Meri would get up off the ground and discover that her insane chihuahua printed leggings were now covered in a skid mark made up of grass and duck doo.


Yeah - what the heck?  You KNOW there is oodles of poodles all over the damn place - that's all you talk about for the first 10 minutes after you arrive at the park - and then you tackle and roll around on the grass?  Seriously?  I TOTALLY expected them to stand up and find blobs of poop here and there.  In fact, I'll bet they did - but didn't say anything because the cameras were there.  Who knows.  Unless they happened to run to the one spot on the grass where there wasn't any excrement.  Kody should have moved them all to THAT spot.   Can you imagine the bottoms of everyone's shoes when they got home?  So that's in the cars at the very least - unless they scraped them and wiped them down somehow.   I don't do poo.

  • Love 7
  On 1/28/2019 at 11:47 AM, Sasha888 said:

This week's recap - only reason for the spoiler tag is to keep it from taking up the entire page. :-)

  Reveal spoiler


Can I just say how much I appreciate all that you wrote, SASHA? Thank you for the thorough recap. There were so many tidbits that I forgot of missed. And I FLOVED your take and editorials on EVERYTHING! :)

  • Love 9
  On 1/28/2019 at 6:32 PM, Kohola3 said:

I'm sure a majority of students do these days.  Absolutely nothing wrong with that. 

But there seems to be some speculation that the money is being spent for other than education.  Eating out nearly every day in Chicago doesn't come cheap.  Nor are the cycling classes.  And, again, no mention of jobs, classes, studying, school, professors, or college friends at all on her social media.


That's how a lot of young people make money these days. I rarely go on Instagram now cause it's all shilling for protein powder, yoga classes etc. Every minor celeb from Big Brother to whatever is making money this way. Talking about school won't earn you anything. Not a fan of it, but it's not for my age group. 

  • Love 6
  On 1/28/2019 at 4:36 AM, guerra1942 said:

cant we just change the title of this show to "MERI and her sister wives"? 


Meri and her lies have run the last four seasons!  She's their wicked star.  

  On 1/28/2019 at 5:10 AM, Lady of nod said:

The big question for me is why is everyone groveling to Meri. She's been checked out of this family for years. So why do they even care? She's selfish, bitchy and doesn't seem to care about anyone but herself. I don't get it. Just cut her loose


She's the cash cow for this franchise!  Yep the villain moneymaker!

  On 1/28/2019 at 6:22 PM, Kohola3 said:

Pudge is a much of a passive-aggressive, entitled witch as her mother.  She'll hang around and use it against Meri whenever it's convenient or she wants something.


And wants something is what she is!  She loves being the only one supporting dad Kody!  Sometimes we get hung up on the kids and moms and forget they have a dad they seem to respect and love!  Mariah is going to the mat for kody.  She knows her mother sooo well!

  • Love 3
  On 1/28/2019 at 6:56 PM, Kohola3 said:

Did they actually show the poo?  Or was it just a manufactured story line for this "reality" show to allow hilarity to ensue...


Oh, they showed it - there were little white dots all over the grass, including the ground where they laid their blankets.  It looked like a park near me, where people feed the ducks despite the signs asking people to not do that.  I can't imagine which one of these clowns decided that this would be the perfect set-up for a picnic.

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 3

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