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S10.E01: Meri, On Her Own...

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13 hours ago, Anlogle said:

I am so over Meri's never ending pitty party. I don't understand why she thinks she is judged by her Sisterwives. They seem very forgiving and seems like they have moved on from the whole Catfishing thing.

Two words: guilty conscience. For her lies, her overwhelmingly greed, her mistreatment of them and their children, and her insatiable anger at hating the life she chose. 

She must know, somewhere deep down, that she is really selfish and awful towards her family when it comes to her demands about money, especially. But like a spoiled child, she just keeps getting away with it, and so she keeps demanding. She probably thinks with each “win” that she’s sticking it to her sister wives, only to lose that feeling when the high of victory wears off. 

And, I think they do judge her, and for good reason. How couldn’t they? The bottomless pit of need, greed, jealousy, anger, bitterness, hate and rage that is Meri would be pretty hard to be truly forgiving of. 

Edited by Saje81
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14 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

So I am curious, if Meri is doing LuluRoe, is she sharing her earnings with the rest of the family ? Last night in the board room with haphazardly looking bookcases, she made it seem that she needed to jump on a live show and sell her shit so she had the rest of the money, so would she have to sell 5 items for her to make money if she is splitting it with Cody, Sobyn, Janelle & Christine ?  I just want to know how are they funding all these Vegas homes, educations, healthcare & groceries.

From what I can see Meri registered Blue Shutters LLC in November 2017 in Vegas, and renewed the license in October 2018 doing business as Lizzie's Heritage Inn. And yes Meri Brown is listed as the sole Manager of the business unlike every other business where Kody and all the wives are listed as managers.

So it looks like the rest of the family are not equitable partners in this, like they are with Strive, sisterwife's closet, and Kody Brown entertainment. 

Meri also has another active llc ember enterprises where once again she is solely listed without any other family members being listed.

It appears that Ms. Meri formed her own companies for her business endeavors. 

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23 hours ago, Armchair Critic said:

I checked and my DVR also recorded 'Countdown to the new Season', are we talking about that here too?

I ended up trying to watch the 'Countdown to the new Season' after this episode and I fell asleep listening to Christine using her calm voice with Meri. Did I dream it or was most of the episode just them rehashing about Meri not being there when Madison gave birth? Looks like this is going to be one boring season......

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Robyn didn't cry at all this episode!  Meri is the one who can now be counted on to cry all. the. time. 

Post-Catfish question:  So no one in the family has called Meri out for all her "cheating behaviors"??  They (the adults) all know the real story right?  There is no way I would not have said something to her (probably in a blind rage since she acts like I'm clueless) at some point due to all of her "I'm the victim" attitude and how it's impacted the family as I'm sure some of the kids do not like that Kody and Meri are having serious issues and they all feel the tension. 

She owes Kody the real story and be 100% honest with him.  I wonder if he doesn't really want to hear the real story?  The facade is easier on his ego and he has three other wives so he's still getting more sex than most married men his age so who cares if the fourth one is not going so great?  However, if he does care there won't be any authentic healing and reconciliation without her admitting to everything so she and Kody can get the help they need- not with Dr. Nancy, though!! 

I guess they've have all learned to never have any true resolution and have said as much over the years.      

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Notice when Kody asks, "what happened when Jackie got aggressive?", Meri's answer was a vague, "I got yelled at! I was threatened!!" and when he presses further, "what did she threaten?" Meri looks at him witheringly, rolls her eyes and then the Sisters all chime in, "ohh, it's too painful for Meri to talk about; it's upsetting her to rehash the story."  There IS NO STORY.  Meri thought some guy was going to take her away from the horror show that is Family Brown and she could have a "normal life."  She was snookered,  and now she looks like a damn fool on TV.  The more y'all talk about it, the worse she looks.  LET IT DIE.

And talk about more delusional- the trip to the doctor's with poor Ysabel.  Doctor basically says, "people like to think this quack stuff like PVC pipes with cushions stuck on them will work; people are desperate for answers."  Then her curve progresses and the Browns are saying "WELL, looks like the braces are working because last time it measured less! MY GOAL is 25%!!"  Guess what?  You refuse to see what is happening. Look at the poor girl as she walks.  Scoliosis progresses through puberty and a severe curve can compromise internal organs, cause chronic pain, and- think about it- impair your daughter's ability to carry and bear children.  Be realistic.  

I gotta give Jenelle the award for most diplomacy ("you got a loan! That's great, Meri!!") while side-eyeing her belly which protrudes further than her boobs.  Christine gets an award for being the most normal person in the bunch and calling out the whole process of "helping the family get through" the catfishing incident. I mean, really- how to you get past something when it's constantly discussed?  And Robyn is awarded the trophy for not giving an F- and being willing to let that show on national TV.

Finally, Kody. He at first says something about how his "business" has made enough profit to pay back the family, then later it's something about liquidating that business because it's not profitable?  Pick a story, dude.  What is his business?  And the self-righteousness just pours off the guy.  "I have a FAMILY to provide for. I can't let some of my kids have new shoes while others have holes in their shoes."  Hmm.  Maybe you should have thought about the fact that you'll be putting a kid through college at the age of 75 before you created him?

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On 1/20/2019 at 9:18 PM, Pepper Mostly said:

Quackery. What's next, essential oils? 

The only admirable person on this show is Ysabel's orthopedic surgeon who did not make fun of the Browns' faith in (I assume cheaper than surgery) voodoo medicine.  He restrained himself even during his TH.  He knows she's going to have surgery.  It's just a matter of how long the Einsteins want to pretend decades of successful treatment of scoliosis aren't for Ysabel.  Poor child.

On 1/20/2019 at 9:20 PM, Chicklet said:

"We don't have the money and we need the money but lets all move out of state" Yay team clueless.

It's called Leadership.

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On 1/20/2019 at 9:28 PM, VedaPierce said:

Meri is still very much denying the 'falling in love' aspect of the cat fishing situation. That's the most important part of the whole story. That she fell in love with what she's thought was another man. She was so visibly uncomfortable when Christine brought that up on the couch. She started trying to change the direction of the conversation to steer it away from the 'love' angle, because then the infidelity part of the story would be so out there...something Meri has always denied. This was always a 'friend' that turned on her...not a love interest.

Not only, but it's important to her to be seen as a victim of this twisted, horrible catfish.  And when Kody asked her what the catfish was threatening her with, she suddenly couldn't talk about it any more.  We all know it's nude photos, don't we?

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16 hours ago, crgirl412 said:

Oh wow. I didn't know English wasn't "Sam's" first, second, third or fourth language.

Wow, reading that selection was like reading Chaucer!

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I finally got around to watching this. I did fast forward through the catfishing bits because.... snooze, I actually enjoyed the roundtable segment over the business matters. For once, everyone except Meri made sense. If you accept the premise of a plural family and their shared economics, Meri was just 100% wrong. They all tried to point this out to her (business plan, needs of the kids, joint ownership) and Meri could not have cared less. She wants out and like a child, wants everyone else to pay for it. 

I felt like the rest of the squad was doing the math in their heads as to how much they'd pay to get rid of her. 

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8 hours ago, Armchair Critic said:

I ended up trying to watch the 'Countdown to the new Season' after this episode and I fell asleep listening to Christine using her calm voice with Meri. Did I dream it or was most of the episode just them rehashing about Meri not being there when Madison gave birth? Looks like this is going to be one boring season......

LOL!  I don't think they ever once mentioned Madison.  No, the majority of the two hours dealt with how Meri was going to squeeze the down payment money out of the rest of the family, and the rest was on the catfishing incident.

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12 hours ago, Sasha888 said:

Meri is such a freaking liar. When I re-watched this episode, knowing what she would later say at Christine's house, I see how she manipulates and twists everything.

When they are all at her house, and she says she doesn't have a business plan, but her loan is approved BUT, she doesn't have enough money for the down payment...and Kody thinks they may have enough "family money" to loan her...he says "Does that mean that since we're going to be investors in that business we're going to be the Board of Directors on it and we get to tell you how to run it?"

Meri responds "No. Not at all." Then cut to her TH and she says "This is MY baby. They don't care about the house or the B&B business. Honestly, part of me is like, once I get this house, I don't want to have any business meetings with you about my house. I want to run my own business, my way, I don't wanna worry about you guys."

Then, cut back to Meri's living room, and Meri says "This is JUST a LOAN." Robyn says "Well yeah, but with all the other businesses, we all had to present a business plan when we borrowed money from the family." Then she suddenly DOES have a business plan. Robyn, surprised, says "You've already written it?" and Meri sarcastically replies "Well YEAH!" Then Christine gets loud and says "I ASKED you if you had a business plan" and Meri interrupts and yells "I SAID IT'S ROUGH!"

So, you know, this is already going swimmingly. She's asking for 40 grand and this is how she's talking to them...typical Meri. Rude, loud, bossy, arrogant, sarcastic, and angry.

Cut to Christine in a TH - "So she has this business plan, she already had one, but she said she didn't have a business plan. If she's hiding this business plan, then obviously there's some sort of nefarious intent. I need to see this business plan now, mmm hmmm!" (side note - this is a shockingly articulate Christine that I'm not used to!)

Kody, in a TH - "It just looks like it's willy nilly. Poorly planned, how are you going to make it work?"

Meri, back in her living room - "So, just let me know what you think. Discuss it amongst yourselves."

So, later in the show, everyone except Meri IS discussing it together, and they are troubled that she 1. Has not committed to it being a B&B yet...they fear she might buy the house and then say "Nope, it's just for my mom to live in". 2. Has not given them any real kind of business plan...what she gave them earlier was old info, not well thought out, etc. 3. Has told them in no uncertain terms that they will NOT be equity partners in this B&B business, even though everyone else who has started a business (no matter how STUPID, ha ha) has agreed that the family ALL benefits from said business profits. All of them are, apparently, equity partners in each other's stupid grifting schemes businesses.

Time for Meri to come over now. Meri tells us she's been called to "another family meeting at Christine's house" while rolling her eyes. She says it's "catching her off guard" because this isn't something she's ever done before or been involved in. (Did she not think there would be a family meeting at some point, to tell her whether they were going to give her 40 grand or not? Did she think the Money Fairy was just going to leave 40 grand in her mailbox, without her having to actually spend time with her family?)

ANYWAY....(freaking exhausting, these people)....Meri states in a TH that she was never involved in any meetings for Janelle's or Robyn's businesses without them being present. (So much for "Go discuss it amongst yourselves", huh Meri?) Meri states that everything is ready to go, we're good to go, we're just waiting for money. (I'm about to close on a mansion in the south of France myself, I'm just waiting for, you know, MONEY! I bet most of you are as well!) 

Kody now explains that there is, in fact, no extra family money for them to give her, it is all needed for expenses. Meri's face puckers up like she just ate an entire lemon in one bite. (seriously, re-watch it if you DVRd this shit show, it's funny as hell). Then Meri states can't she even have the money even for the short term? (She apparently didn't hear that Kody just said "WE JUST DON'T HAVE IT".) Kody says well, that leads to the next issue, which is that everyone else who's ever asked for family funds has "let the whole family be equity profit partners. No power of authority or anything" but that they've all agreed in that past that all of their bullshit cons businesses would be "profit sharing" by the fam, and they've presented a functioning business plan that works.

Cut to Meri's TH - "I'm not sure what he's trying to say to me, and, like, why it's important to him. Like, it seems weird that he's bringing this up right now." (Is she freaking 5 years old or something? How is it weird that this subject would come up when you've just asked for 40K? Unbelievable...also, it DID come up before, AT YOUR HOUSE, and you said, basically, hell no. You've said, it's your baby, you don't want them involved...own it, Meri.)

Back to Christine's conference room - Christine mentions that the last time they talked, Kody asked if they'd be equity partners, and Meri said no. She asks how Meri would feel about them all being equity partners. Meri says "I honestly haven't thought about it." (you thought about it enough to give them an immediate, hard NO back at your house, Meri!) There is more talk about how other business profits have always been shared.

Back to a TH for Meri - now she's pissed, folks. She is waving her hands around and she is WOUND. UP. She says "This is a 4 against one conversation. It completely is. They already made a decision. They came together, they talked about me, they talked about the situation. I've got my WALLS UP! I don't know what's gonna happen here."

Back to the conference room, Kody says that actually the answer is in fact yes, but with certain conditions, and that they can't afford it til the spring. Meri says "I'm not waiting til spring. She's gonna put it up for sale, so I actually will probably leave right now and go do a sale, and start making that other 40 thousand." (let me stop here...that's a lie in and of itself. She's not going home to do a live LuLaRoe sale RIGHT NOW because that would all be set up in advance...the people in your Facebook group would need to know in advance what day, and what time, you are going to do a live sale via Facebook. This is immature Meri bullshit.) Then she continues "So don't expect me to be to any family functions or anything, cuz I need to do it. I'm not trying to be like, pissy or anything, but I need to do it."

Cut to a TH with Janelle - "I get that she's hurt, this is a shock and she thought we were going to be able to help her, but I feel like now she's just throwing a temper tantrum, like "I'll show you!"." BINGO, JANELLE! 

Now Janelle wonders, if Meri gets the money elsewhere, like if Meri's mom sells her house or something and that's where Meri gets the money to buy it, are the rest of them all going to be excluded from the business? Meri says "I didn't say you were or you weren't." NOT AN ANSWER, MERI! That was a yes/no question! When pressed, she says "I don't know, right now I'm just trying to buy the house." Um, yeah, and you have no plan for what happens afterward! Is it not understandable to this cow that if you're asking someone for money, they'd like to know before they give you a check if they're going to be sharing in the profits or not? Can she only think one little step at a time? That decision cannot possibly be made until the house is already purchased?

Meri states that's she doesn't know why they are so focused on this, she's honestly "rilly confused of...it almost seems like they're obsessing about it! It just seems like they keep bringing it up, so obviously this must have been something that the four of them talked about." WTF, Meri? Why are you so confused and offended that if they can give you money, in the spring, to buy a business, that they might (gasp!) want to have this be an investment for them? WHY does she feel she's entitled to a huge loan of family money, just because "But but but....I WANT it!"

She goes on to say she guesses she just doesn't understand it, that she feels like they are saying "why can't we be part of your business" because it's like, just something she doesn't understand. THEY SAID IT TO YOU AT YOUR HOUSE! They said would they be partners, and you f****ing said, ON CAMERA, that hell no, you didn't want them anywhere near "your house". STOP trying to LIE YOUR ASS OFF about it now, by just sitting there pouting and saying you "don't understand". You understand FULL WELL what they are talking about, Meri.

The rest of them go on saying things to reassure Baby Meri that they will try to find a way to loan her this money in time, and Janelle points out that they are saying "WE have to find a way to get it", while Meri smirks, and then she says "You can't control MY business and MY house, though."

Then she says "You want me to do all the work, and you get the money for it." (kind of jokingly...) But then she adds "Do you know who else sees SisterWife's Closet money?"

Robyn defends this in a TH, saying that the money made off that business goes back to the family.

Then the ridiculous "who cares what room my mother has" bullshit starts, and goes on....and on....and on....and we eventually get to the "You never said your mother was going to stay in the caretaker's quarters, though" and Meri comes up with her gem, "In my MIND I have!"

We then get to the point where Meri says she has "a lot of thoughts about this right now, and I just don't feel safe about saying it right now, so"...then she breaks down bawling and says "I don't know what I'm doing!" They try to reassure her, she gets pissy, says she has to go figure out money, and leaves.

Meri, you LIE, and you LIE, and you LIE, and then you wonder why your family doesn't trust you.

If I were one of Meri's sisterwives, I'd cut that bitch off at the knees. I'd tell her EXACTLY why I don't trust her - because she's a lying bitch. Because she had plans to up and leave them all if Sam had been real. Because she's a selfish, 2 yr old cry baby who has ALWAYS gotten her way (bigger part of the pre-show budget even though she had only one child to support, bigger rental house even though Janelle had to cash in her retirement money to pay for Meri's bigger rental, the biggest of all the McMansions because she cried and whined the most, etc etc).

I would have told her you know what Meri? You already keep your LuLaNo earnings to yourself...YOUR kid had to go to the most expensive college, wouldn't even consider another one...well, this is one time you aren't going to cry your way into getting money from the family coffers JUST BECAUSE YOU WANT IT. Go suck a railroad spike. Or in your case, a banana.


This was perfect!! So enjoyed reading it! Succinct and thorough and just perfect! Thanks!!

may I add, I think she was ‘surprised’ that they were now bringing it up because she was pissed that they were going to tell her ‘no’ on camera... I read that between the lines of her confusion.

Also, she could have legitimately not wanted their dirty mitts on her fambly home and to do that with integrity, all she had to say was, this is a loan WHICH I WILL PAY BACK! She never once talked about PAYING IT BACK. She just wants the rest of them to pony up 40k, and be on their way, thank you very much. Man, she has balls the size of Montana. She’s a real vile piece of crap. Her entitlement knows no bounds. 

Edited by VedaPierce
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7 hours ago, crgirl412 said:


She owes Kody the real story and be 100% honest with him.  

I agree.  What the hell?  If you are married to a man and you do something like this and it's blown wide open not only in your personal life but in your professional life as well (reality TV show) everything should be discussed and THEN you can let it go.  If the producers let you.  But clearly Kody seems in the dark about a lot of it - and I'm not convinced the family has seen the banana pics and "Sam on the thigh" pics, or heard the phone messages she left for Sam.  ("I love you, I love you!  I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!")   I agree with the person who said that the threat Jackie held over Meri was to go public with the photos she sent.  And probably the phone messages, as well.

1 minute ago, VedaPierce said:


Also, she could have legitimately not wanted their dirty mitts on her fambly home and to do that with integrity, all she had to say was, this is a loan WHICH I WILL PAY BACK! She never once talked about PAYING IT BACK. She just wants the rest of them to pony up 40k, and be in their way, thank you very much. Man, she has balls the size of Montana. She’s a real vile piece of crap. Her entitlement knows no bounds. 

You noticed that, too??  She wanted the money given free and clear.  She also never called it a "LOAN", did she?  Amazing.  Just.... ballsy.

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The "where's Mom going to live?" conversation was mind blowing. Everyone was being their best-ever rational..."well that leaves 3 rooms to rent out..." and Meri just imploded. Because like the others at the table, we've all seen the transition from "Mom will help run the B&B" to "Mom wants nothing to do with the B&B" to "Mom gets her pick of rooms". It's painfully obvious that the B&B aspect is Meri's lowest priority and probably not even that. Plus I want to add I live in a house that was built in the 1870's and really, just an old house, I understand it's an emotional thing with her but it's not like the pyramids at Giza or anything. 

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I kept thinking if Meri called it a loan and offered them a decent interest rate on it (like 4% annually) then it would have been a different story.  But to expect them to just give it to her no strings attached seemed like a lot to ask.  Unless she considered that her return for divorcing Kody? 

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Is Mariah the only one that understands her mother is a liar?

What exactly does Meri  bring to the Brown family table?

When they talked about the roll that empty nester wives play in the family Meri was batting zero!  She fought for that equal huge mansion house.  She explored love outside of her marriage and now she wants all their money for herself!

They created this monster and now they have to live with it!

As one posted said she surely does have balls the size of Montana!

Edited by Jeanne222
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21 hours ago, zenme said:

Is it for swingers or something? Is it nudist? Huh? Huh? So curious. 

I have to say, I enjoyed Kody's giving Meri a hard time about the Parowan house. She deserves shit. She tries to cheat on her family, brought a psycho into their lives, and continues to be an asshole to everyone, as though she's so innocent. I hate to seem as though on Kody's side at any time, but I wouldn't try to pursue anything with Meri either. "Stay or don't stay, but I got my hands full with 3 other wives and a bajillion kids. I don't have time for your fillings."

No its a couples resort - mostly honeymooners, anniversaries, or just people in love :)

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I am sure that at least Robyn had seen the photos and read the text messages, remember the alliance of Robyn to Kendra and Kendra to the Catfish.  If Robyn had seen them, for sure she would have shown them to Kody, if not the rest of the family.  If Janelle had been exposed to them, it would have required too much energy to connect the dots, so she would have just shrugged.  Christine in her naivete would have responded...SO...what does eating a banana have to do with s-e-x?

There was so much internet chatter about this at that time, that I am also sure that the older kids would have heard about it and found their way to Batman's website to read all about it for themselves.  It would only be human nature for them to be curious about what was being said about a member of their family.

As long as Kody denies having seen the incriminating evidence, he doesn't have to confront the facts, but it will always be a festering wound to his ego and he will never forgive Meri for this.  Meri will never be able to explain away that she continued on with her romance to protect the family, rather than come to them and confess that she had engaged in an online dalliance that got out of hand......BECAUSE.......that's exactly what she wanted.  She waited until she was secure in her own mind that this wealthy, handsome phantom would sweep her away to a life of luxury and romance that she feels she has forever been entitled to.

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7 hours ago, Sasha888 said:

Meri is such a freaking liar. When I re-watched this episode, knowing what she would later say at Christine's house, I see how she manipulates and twists everything.

When they are all at her house, and she says she doesn't have a business plan, but her loan is approved BUT, she doesn't have enough money for the down payment...and Kody thinks they may have enough "family money" to loan her...he says "Does that mean that since we're going to be investors in that business we're going to be the Board of Directors on it and we get to tell you how to run it?"

Meri responds "No. Not at all." Then cut to her TH and she says "This is MY baby. They don't care about the house or the B&B business. Honestly, part of me is like, once I get this house, I don't want to have any business meetings with you about my house. I want to run my own business, my way, I don't wanna worry about you guys."

Then, cut back to Meri's living room, and Meri says "This is JUST a LOAN." Robyn says "Well yeah, but with all the other businesses, we all had to present a business plan when we borrowed money from the family." Then she suddenly DOES have a business plan. Robyn, surprised, says "You've already written it?" and Meri sarcastically replies "Well YEAH!" Then Christine gets loud and says "I ASKED you if you had a business plan" and Meri interrupts and yells "I SAID IT'S ROUGH!"

So, you know, this is already going swimmingly. She's asking for 40 grand and this is how she's talking to them...typical Meri. Rude, loud, bossy, arrogant, sarcastic, and angry.

Cut to Christine in a TH - "So she has this business plan, she already had one, but she said she didn't have a business plan. If she's hiding this business plan, then obviously there's some sort of nefarious intent. I need to see this business plan now, mmm hmmm!" (side note - this is a shockingly articulate Christine that I'm not used to!)

Kody, in a TH - "It just looks like it's willy nilly. Poorly planned, how are you going to make it work?"

Meri, back in her living room - "So, just let me know what you think. Discuss it amongst yourselves."

So, later in the show, everyone except Meri IS discussing it together, and they are troubled that she 1. Has not committed to it being a B&B yet...they fear she might buy the house and then say "Nope, it's just for my mom to live in". 2. Has not given them any real kind of business plan...what she gave them earlier was old info, not well thought out, etc. 3. Has told them in no uncertain terms that they will NOT be equity partners in this B&B business, even though everyone else who has started a business (no matter how STUPID, ha ha) has agreed that the family ALL benefits from said business profits. All of them are, apparently, equity partners in each other's stupid grifting schemes businesses.

Time for Meri to come over now. Meri tells us she's been called to "another family meeting at Christine's house" while rolling her eyes. She says it's "catching her off guard" because this isn't something she's ever done before or been involved in. (Did she not think there would be a family meeting at some point, to tell her whether they were going to give her 40 grand or not? Did she think the Money Fairy was just going to leave 40 grand in her mailbox, without her having to actually spend time with her family?)

ANYWAY....(freaking exhausting, these people)....Meri states in a TH that she was never involved in any meetings for Janelle's or Robyn's businesses without them being present. (So much for "Go discuss it amongst yourselves", huh Meri?) Meri states that everything is ready to go, we're good to go, we're just waiting for money. (I'm about to close on a mansion in the south of France myself, I'm just waiting for, you know, MONEY! I bet most of you are as well!) 

Kody now explains that there is, in fact, no extra family money for them to give her, it is all needed for expenses. Meri's face puckers up like she just ate an entire lemon in one bite. (seriously, re-watch it if you DVRd this shit show, it's funny as hell). Then Meri states can't she even have the money even for the short term? (She apparently didn't hear that Kody just said "WE JUST DON'T HAVE IT".) Kody says well, that leads to the next issue, which is that everyone else who's ever asked for family funds has "let the whole family be equity profit partners. No power of authority or anything" but that they've all agreed in that past that all of their bullshit cons businesses would be "profit sharing" by the fam, and they've presented a functioning business plan that works.

Cut to Meri's TH - "I'm not sure what he's trying to say to me, and, like, why it's important to him. Like, it seems weird that he's bringing this up right now." (Is she freaking 5 years old or something? How is it weird that this subject would come up when you've just asked for 40K? Unbelievable...also, it DID come up before, AT YOUR HOUSE, and you said, basically, hell no. You've said, it's your baby, you don't want them involved...own it, Meri.)

Back to Christine's conference room - Christine mentions that the last time they talked, Kody asked if they'd be equity partners, and Meri said no. She asks how Meri would feel about them all being equity partners. Meri says "I honestly haven't thought about it." (you thought about it enough to give them an immediate, hard NO back at your house, Meri!) There is more talk about how other business profits have always been shared.

Back to a TH for Meri - now she's pissed, folks. She is waving her hands around and she is WOUND. UP. She says "This is a 4 against one conversation. It completely is. They already made a decision. They came together, they talked about me, they talked about the situation. I've got my WALLS UP! I don't know what's gonna happen here."

Back to the conference room, Kody says that actually the answer is in fact yes, but with certain conditions, and that they can't afford it til the spring. Meri says "I'm not waiting til spring. She's gonna put it up for sale, so I actually will probably leave right now and go do a sale, and start making that other 40 thousand." (let me stop here...that's a lie in and of itself. She's not going home to do a live LuLaRoe sale RIGHT NOW because that would all be set up in advance...the people in your Facebook group would need to know in advance what day, and what time, you are going to do a live sale via Facebook. This is immature Meri bullshit.) Then she continues "So don't expect me to be to any family functions or anything, cuz I need to do it. I'm not trying to be like, pissy or anything, but I need to do it."

Cut to a TH with Janelle - "I get that she's hurt, this is a shock and she thought we were going to be able to help her, but I feel like now she's just throwing a temper tantrum, like "I'll show you!"." BINGO, JANELLE! 

Now Janelle wonders, if Meri gets the money elsewhere, like if Meri's mom sells her house or something and that's where Meri gets the money to buy it, are the rest of them all going to be excluded from the business? Meri says "I didn't say you were or you weren't." NOT AN ANSWER, MERI! That was a yes/no question! When pressed, she says "I don't know, right now I'm just trying to buy the house." Um, yeah, and you have no plan for what happens afterward! Is it not understandable to this cow that if you're asking someone for money, they'd like to know before they give you a check if they're going to be sharing in the profits or not? Can she only think one little step at a time? That decision cannot possibly be made until the house is already purchased?

Meri states that's she doesn't know why they are so focused on this, she's honestly "rilly confused of...it almost seems like they're obsessing about it! It just seems like they keep bringing it up, so obviously this must have been something that the four of them talked about." WTF, Meri? Why are you so confused and offended that if they can give you money, in the spring, to buy a business, that they might (gasp!) want to have this be an investment for them? WHY does she feel she's entitled to a huge loan of family money, just because "But but but....I WANT it!"

She goes on to say she guesses she just doesn't understand it, that she feels like they are saying "why can't we be part of your business" because it's like, just something she doesn't understand. THEY SAID IT TO YOU AT YOUR HOUSE! They said would they be partners, and you f****ing said, ON CAMERA, that hell no, you didn't want them anywhere near "your house". STOP trying to LIE YOUR ASS OFF about it now, by just sitting there pouting and saying you "don't understand". You understand FULL WELL what they are talking about, Meri.

The rest of them go on saying things to reassure Baby Meri that they will try to find a way to loan her this money in time, and Janelle points out that they are saying "WE have to find a way to get it", while Meri smirks, and then she says "You can't control MY business and MY house, though."

Then she says "You want me to do all the work, and you get the money for it." (kind of jokingly...) But then she adds "Do you know who else sees SisterWife's Closet money?"

Robyn defends this in a TH, saying that the money made off that business goes back to the family.

Then the ridiculous "who cares what room my mother has" bullshit starts, and goes on....and on....and on....and we eventually get to the "You never said your mother was going to stay in the caretaker's quarters, though" and Meri comes up with her gem, "In my MIND I have!"

We then get to the point where Meri says she has "a lot of thoughts about this right now, and I just don't feel safe about saying it right now, so"...then she breaks down bawling and says "I don't know what I'm doing!" They try to reassure her, she gets pissy, says she has to go figure out money, and leaves.

Meri, you LIE, and you LIE, and you LIE, and then you wonder why your family doesn't trust you.

If I were one of Meri's sisterwives, I'd cut that bitch off at the knees. I'd tell her EXACTLY why I don't trust her - because she's a lying bitch. Because she had plans to up and leave them all if Sam had been real. Because she's a selfish, 2 yr old cry baby who has ALWAYS gotten her way (bigger part of the pre-show budget even though she had only one child to support, bigger rental house even though Janelle had to cash in her retirement money to pay for Meri's bigger rental, the biggest of all the McMansions because she cried and whined the most, etc etc).

I would have told her you know what Meri? You already keep your LuLaNo earnings to yourself...YOUR kid had to go to the most expensive college, wouldn't even consider another one...well, this is one time you aren't going to cry your way into getting money from the family coffers JUST BECAUSE YOU WANT IT. Go suck a railroad spike. Or in your case, a banana.

you said it all perfectly!!! WTF with her? UGH

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6 minutes ago, Sandy W said:

As long as Kody denies having seen the incriminating evidence, he doesn't have to confront the facts, but it will always be a festering wound to his ego and he will never forgive Meri for this

I think you are 100% correct - but he has a lot of nerve since he expected Meri to divorce him so that Robyn could be the legal wife.  I don't think Meri will ever forgive HIM for THAT.  Hot mess.

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14 minutes ago, smarty2020 said:

I kept thinking if Meri called it a loan and offered them a decent interest rate on it (like 4% annually) then it would have been a different story.  But to expect them to just give it to her no strings attached seemed like a lot to ask.  Unless she considered that her return for divorcing Kody? 

Ding ding ding we have a winner!!  I think this is exactly what it's about.  She divorced Kody for the sake of Day'unAuroraBrianna.  She sacrificed the ONE AND ONLY THING that she could always and forever lord above those extra, inferior wifeys - that Meri was QUEEN WIFE and don't you dare forget it.  Now - poof - that's all gone.  Gone due to the scheming and plotting of the shiny new toy she brought to Kody's attention in order for her to get herself back up Kody Mountain when she realized that she couldn't help populate Planet Kody.  That plan blew up right in her orange face, and then that same pretty new wife managed to get her name all over the sacred "marriage" document (that shouldn't mean anything in their religion, but whatevs).  Meri was toppled mightily from her throne but she did it for the FAHM'LY!  And she cannot understand why this ultimate sacrifice on her part - which shouldn't have been a sacrifice in the first place because wives are all equal because religion - has not been recognized by her family.  

Typing that made my brain hurt.  There is SO MUCH these people don't say, it's ridiculous.  It's to the point where the underlying subtext of all of these inane conversations might as well be subtitled at the bottom of the screen, they're so obvious.

Edited by laurakaye
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Meri has perfectly lined up the vehicles for a clean escape from the mess that is the Brown family: no children at home, her own income, a place to live, a legal divorce. Now all she has to do is make the decision, but I think in her mind what's missing is a man to drive her away from all of that. 

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3 minutes ago, Mr. Minor said:

I watched this for the first time and I have to call bullshit on one thing. Nobody has ever been that enthusiastic and cheerful when a friend has asked if you would help them move.

Maybe it depends on whether your friend WANTS you to move away or not!  ; )        

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18 hours ago, the-grey-lady said:

Didn't we hear Meri complain that Mariah should have told her mother that "Sam" wasn't really a handsome billionaire who wanted to sweep Meri off her feet, like Christy's child did? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? SHE DID!

What's it like in Meri's head, where nothing (NOTHING) she does is ever her fault?

This may well be a poster in her room:


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9 hours ago, crgirl412 said:

She owes Kody the real story and be 100% honest with him.  I wonder if he doesn't really want to hear the real story?

Oh, I am sure that Kody (and the rest of the fambly) know the whole story. He HAS made his decision about Meri- they are basically a divorced couple that only put on a show for the show. The producers wanted another catfish victim on the show to drag out the story line. I think Kody was really wanting some answers from Sad Sack because he to wants to punish Meri on air (as someone else has mentioned). If he has to put up with the story line, he is going to extract his pound of flesh.

We know that Meri already had purchased the B&B when this was filmed, so everything we saw on the episode was a bunch of very bad acting, especially on Meri's part. She couldn't remember her lines or the outline for the discussion or whatever they do for these scenes. She came off as a raging lunatic and the producers were very happy to air it. Her mother sold her own house and probably contributed all the money to the purchase. That is why Kody slipped that comment in during the "discussion". It also makes the numbers make sense if she contributed up to $200,000 (I don't believe that 40% bullshit).

When I watch the show in real-time, I get caught up in the crap they are saying and doing. It usually takes me a day or two to tease it all out and come to conclusion that about 95% of what I just watched was acting. The only real story line right now is, unfortunately, Ysabel's scoliosis. And that is just so sad and indicative of how plygs deal with real emergencies.

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47 minutes ago, NoWhammies said:

Meri has perfectly lined up the vehicles for a clean escape from the mess that is the Brown family: no children at home, her own income, a place to live, a legal divorce. Now all she has to do is make the decision, but I think in her mind what's missing is a man to drive her away from all of that. 

I think she's waiting for TLC to cancel the show.  Once the gravy train crashes into a pile of rubble, she will be in a decent position to walk away if the B&B continues to do well.  It will be interesting to see how fast, or if, she bails on the family once the show ends.

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1 minute ago, laurakaye said:

I think she's waiting for TLC to cancel the show.  Once the gravy train crashes into a pile of rubble, she will be in a decent position to walk away if the B&B continues to do well.  It will be interesting to see how fast, or if, she bails on the family once the show ends.

She very well may be part of the TLC package deal.  It's with Meri - or not at all.  The audience needs their vitamin C.

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4 hours ago, Mothra said:

The big difference between Meri and her catfished friend is that her friend's husband had left her and she was legitimately looking for love.  That circumstance alone makes the friend's situation one of a victim and indeed kind of heartbreaking.  Meri, who was married, was whoring around on the internet looking for an affair.  And I am sure that the "threat" Sam is holding over her is compromising photos.

The common factor was that they were both very lonely. Her marriage to Kodi was pretty much estranged so when you think about it they really were taken under the same conditions.   That is how catfishers work. They prey on the lonely and vulnerable. Meri was ripe for the cat fishing.  

52 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

She very well may be part of the TLC package deal.  It's with Meri - or not at all.  The audience needs their vitamin C.

I don't think that is true at all.  If Meri were to leave they could add a lot of interest to the show by searching for another sister wife to take her place and bringing that new person into the family.  They don't need Meri.  If Meri were to leave she would likely take a big chunk of their earnings as a settlement and the sister wives would have to face another woman being brought into the mix so they all have vested interest in keeping Meri around.

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9 minutes ago, Anlogle said:

They don't need Meri.  If Meri were to leave she would likely take a big chunk of their earnings as a settlement and the sister wives would have to face another woman being brought into the mix so they all have vested interest in keeping Meri around.

Yes, but it isn't a factor of Meri or else a new sister wife.  Kody has said that he doesn't want another wife.  He doesn't want more kids either, at this point - he is worried about how old he will be when the kids finally graduate from high school.    As you can see on this board, people like snarking about Meri.  With her orange hue, crazy hair, bizarre eyebrows, selfish demands and the catfishing incident - she generates a lot more interest for viewers than things like "kids grow up and get married and have a baby in the bathtub".  Been there/done that with the Duggars.  Seemingly constantly.  That's almost the entire season.  Also been there/done that already on Sister Wives.  People could watch TLC's Four Weddings if that's what they want.

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3 hours ago, Kyanight said:

I think you are 100% correct - but he has a lot of nerve since he expected Meri to divorce him so that Robyn could be the legal wife.  I don't think Meri will ever forgive HIM for THAT.  Hot mess.

Did Kody ask Meri for the divorce???  I thought she offered to be nice because Robyn had offered to birth her a baby but then I thought it would be Meri's way of getting out of the legal marriage when she thought that she was leaving Kody for Sam. 

Edited by crgirl412
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I did not watch this show from the very beginning.  Did Meri know she couldn't have more children when she moved into the five bedroom house?  If she has four empty bedrooms, why doesn't she start a B&B in her own house? <not a serious question.  Are the houses fully furnished?  They seem to have a lot of very nice, new furniture in their living rooms--do their children play elsewhere?  And the furnishings all look like they come from Home Goods--or is that a "look" nowadays?  How can they have four big, fully-furnished houses (assuming they are fully-furnished) when their incomes are so sketchy?  I've read that they get paid a lot for appearing on the show, but Kody's previous (and seemingly on-going) debt has kept them in the red.  If they are paying only the interest on their mortgages, what happens when they move?  Does the lending institution reclaim the houses?

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On 1/20/2019 at 6:52 PM, itsadryheat said:

Meri is hard to watch. She believes the shit she's saying. 

She is super transparent.  She plays her little games when delivering whatever news she has to share with the others.  Who are CLEARLY over her.  She has a giggle and an I can't believe it kind of way of describing news that she knows will will be different from what she had previously told them.  I think she and her mother ALL ALONG had it planned that they wanted to buy the house and live in it.  First resident is her mother (Bonnie?) and then Meri would move in at some point.  It is her retirement plan away from the family.  After she has taken her share from the TV money.  Once that goes so does she.  She also wanted the family money to pay for part of it but probably knew that was a long shot.  I see her scheming as she tries to secure what is (in her mind) rightfully her share of the familial pot while there are still contents of said pot and while still filming.  I was hoping that someone would say oh good, we have a place for ALL of our moms to live now while Robyn, Christine and Janelle tell their moms they get to move to Parawon and live with Bonnie.  Why does Meri get to buy a house for her mom and the others don't?? 

I sort of think that she has a lot more in common with Mariah than she is comfortable admitting. It is a feeling I have had for a long time.  I think she wishes she could be as open about her real life as her daughter is.  Just a hunch.

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3 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

Also, she could have legitimately not wanted their dirty mitts on her fambly home and to do that with integrity, all she had to say was, this is a loan WHICH I WILL PAY BACK! She never once talked about PAYING IT BACK. She just wants the rest of them to pony up 40k, and be in their way, thank you very much. Man, she has balls the size of Montana. She’s a real vile piece of crap. Her entitlement knows no bounds. 

Exactly.  Her business loan plan should have outlined how much profit she would make (based on previous owner's data), how much she needed to put in the BnB for maintenance, upkeep, the cook, renovating the Caretaker's cottage etc., and if what remained was not zero or less, that is what she would pay back.  How long would that take?  It is unimaginable that it would be a "short term" loan as she claimed.  Did she really think she could make a profit (after inventory costs and taxes) of $40,000 by selling LulaCrap in 10 days?

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21 hours ago, Kyanight said:

A page from the book written by a millionaire businessman:  


Good gawd almighty, that is downright painful to try to decipher.

I wonder if this twatwaffle knows Grammarly is free.  

I wonder if the text messages with Meri were this incoherent and indecipherable and, if so, how she ever took this person seriously.  

I realize the Browns aren't the sharpest tools in the proverbial shed, but surely even dim bulb Meri should have realized shenanigans were afoot.

This abomination makes Mr. Persnickety's drunken texts to me now seem downright Shakespearean.  

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10 hours ago, aulait said:

I had three epidural births and one natural birth. … But seriously NO ONE notices my little physical defects and they can’t believe the scoliosis was so bad and I look so normal now.

Thanks for your story, aulait.  I guess it is safe to say that the surgery did not interfere with your ability to wear a pretty dress, which was Christine's main concern (which has always been odd since their religion supposedly dictates dressing modestly).

Edited by deirdra
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On 1/21/2019 at 6:42 AM, laurakaye said:

Do you think it's a tanning bed or just massive overuse of the foundation shade called "Orange You Glad You're Not Meri?"  I mean, between the foundation and the eye makeup, she's approaching Tammy Faye territory.  She always looks hot and sweaty.  Yuck.

Maybe this is what inspired the move to Flagstaff!  HA!  She has to know what she looks like and must think she looks A-OK.  Might I suggest an eye check up?  She really is a handful and it is CRYSTAL CLEAR why Mariah is the way she is.  Sludge needs to look at Meri and see if that is what she wants as her future.

On 1/21/2019 at 6:47 AM, TurtlePower said:

Tanning generally doesn't tun anyone orange, but spray-tans or bad bronzers will. 

So this leads me to wonder if Robyn's niece is responsible for the orange hue on Meri's skin?  If so, sweetie, stick with childcare.

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Kody: I never had any intention of staying in Las Vegas.

Also Kody: We have to get these homes in Las Vegas so we can put down roots for our kids. This is going to be their home base and where my grandchildren will be visiting.

Me: What?!?!?!



Edited by SL16
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1 hour ago, crgirl412 said:

Did Kody ask Meri for the divorce???  I thought she offered to be nice she Robyn had offered to birth her a baby but then I thought it would Meri's way of getting out of the legal marriage when she thought that she was leaving Kody for Sam. 

I think Robyn planted the seed to Kody that her big bad meanie ex-husband was somehow going to be able to take Robyn's kids if anything happened to Robyn, and that if Kody legally married Robyn he could adopt her kids or some such cockamamie nonsense.  My guess is that Robyn and Kody dropped enough hints to make Meri feel guilty about being the legal married wife, since legal marriage supposedly means nothing within their Kodified religion, and they let Meri come to them as if it were her selfless idea.  I don't think for one hot second that Meri ever would've relinquished that marriage license unless underhandedly pressured to to do by her beloved Kody, under pressure from Robyn.  As gross as the whole situation is, it's poetic justice that Meri brought Robyn into the family to undermine the bond between Janelle and Christine, only to have Robyn steal the one thing that Meri had to hold onto, and she had to do it with a smile...for the "fahm'ly." 

EDIT: pretty sure the divorce happened quite awhile before Sam came a'calling, but with this show's twisted timelines, I'm not really sure.

Edited by laurakaye
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4 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Gee, Meri. The opening episode of the new season and I already hate you more than ever. 

I think the gloves are off for the rest of them and I’m totally there for it. Long time coming, pass the popcorn. 

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I read Almost Meri'ed free on the Internet--fifteen minutes of my life I'll never get back. There were a lot of grammar and spelling errors, but I don't remember anything as bad as the monkey-typed page in the screenshot. I don't think I could have read past that. Maybe a copy editor got a fleeting crack at the project. 

Princess Eugenie (Andrew and Sarah Ferguson's daughter) had scoliosis surgery. She intentionally wore an open-backed dress for her wedding to call attention to the scar and the condition. She also posted pictures of x-rays showing the pins and plates. The surgery is quite extensive, but Eugenie apparently had good results. 

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