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S07.E06: Love Thy Mother

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I totally get the employees making it known that they don't appreciate their work environment with James around but I think it's shitty to call out people running a business for trying to balance business decisions that sometimes means you don't get your way. I do appreciate it was Brittany and not someone else that raised the issue though because she's the only person there that hasn't done anything that would deserve being fired. It just feels disingenuous that all of these people would gladly accept the pay cheques, screen time and the fame that has come with this show because they have willingly chosen to expose their personal and professional lives in a way that intersect and naturally creates drama. I can't take you seriously if when the drama is about you and from someone you don't like, that you can genuinely hold ground that this person deserves to be fired for being a horrible human being. How much would any of them know of James and what is the likelihood that he would know all of their business and be able to put it in a freestyle rap if it weren't for all of their willing participation on this show? So yeah, say you think he's annoying and a piece of shit, but save me this attempt at standing on moral high ground and fighting for the greater good against James Kennedy. He's acts like an immature piece of shit and I don't enjoy defending him, but I can't feel sorry for people who want to have their cake and eat it too (also,I don't understand why this is even a saying...if I have the cake...why in the fuck shouldn't I be able to eat it? lol).

Jax's defensive behaviour when he's essentially being warned about his hypocrisy tells me that maybe he hasn't changed all that much. When you have made a career out of being a lying sociopath and an embarrassment of a human being, when you start talking shit and someone checks you, shut the fuck up and take your lumps because you earned all of them sweetie.

First James and now Stassi's mother...I feel like I understand their fucked up sensibilities better. I'm tired of hearing James go on an alcohol cleanse just long enough to give people hope that there's a decent human being there. Just quit the fucking alcohol you idiot because you simply can't control and moderate yourself.

Scheana is so cringe, I just can't with her, lol.

Edited by RHJunkie
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I totally get the employees making it known that they don't appreciate their work environment with James around but I think it's shitty to call out people running a business for trying to balance business decisions that sometimes means you don't get your way

Employees deserve to work in an environment free from harassment, whether that is detrimental to the bottom line of the business or not.  Agreed that it was best coming from Brittany. 

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Loved Stassi's mom and Billie Lee this episode. Both need more screen time. Make them full-timers next season.

Some of the VPR girls are so mean to Billie Lee. They need some diversity training so they can learn to accept people with different backgrounds.

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12 hours ago, Duke2801 said:

Yeah I remember her being annoying and extra, but not outright cray. I think the outburst might be related to the Big M. I remember my mom having some interesting mood swings when she did. 

I’m not a Billie fan but I didn’t disagree with what she said in the staff meeting. Scheanna too. Sorry but If we’re going to rid Sur of the people who’ve said ugly and disparaging remarks to women, well then we’d cerainly have to fire Jax (again). And Katie herself. They both gleefully called Lala a whore in seasons past. And let’s not forget Jax fat-shaming his own fiancé. James is a hot mess and definitely needs to stop drinking, but he’s hardly the only one guilty of his offenses that got him fired. 

I know Katie and LaLa have both done wrong in the whole shaming department.  I can't remember specifically the circumstances. I think the difference here is that James is doing it on the clock.  He was working. He was DJ'ing and embarassed a client and coworker (aka Britney) by freestyling and rapping about her boyfriend cheating on her and then fatshaming Katie in the back while he was on the clock and being paid by Vanderpump.  I know the one instance where Lala and James fatshamed Katie (and all of them) was when they were drinking in another bar socially, so it's not at work.  But you do give your employer grounds if you do it on the clock.  YMMV.  He also called Lala a whore but I think Lisa isn't bringing that one up in the staff meeting because it wasn't at work....  

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On 1/15/2019 at 7:54 PM, vmarsissmart said:

I know Katie and LaLa have both done wrong in the whole shaming department.  I can't remember specifically the circumstances. I think the difference here is that James is doing it on the clock.  He was working. He was DJ'ing and embarassed a client and coworker (aka Britney) by freestyling and rapping about her boyfriend cheating on her and then fatshaming Katie in the back while he was on the clock and being paid by Vanderpump.  I know the one instance where Lala and James fatshamed Katie (and all of them) was when they were drinking in another bar socially, so it's not at work.  But you do give your employer grounds if you do it on the clock.  YMMV.  He also called Lala a whore but I think Lisa isn't bringing that one up in the staff meeting because it wasn't at work....  

That is where you'd be wrong because Katie and Scheana called Lala a whore and a prostitute at the hostess stand in season 4 episode 2.


And frankly for every transgression and sin that James has committed at work, Jax has already done him one better also at work. Jax has been late to work, he's missed shifts because he was drunk or arrested, he's a lousy bartender, he's stolen from Lisa, he's had screaming matches with various co-workers at work in front of customers, he's been openly dismissive and disrespectful to Lisa, and he's frequently drunk on the job. Except for the arrests and being bad at their jobs, Kristen and Stassi are guilty of the same. And to a certain extent, I can see why Lisa and her partners might equivocate because when Stassi was James' age she was a horror show of an employee. James is at least bringing in extra money to the business. I think James sucks. His behavior is out of bounds, but almost no one in this cast should be calling him out when they are all a bunch of unprofessional shitheads too.

I'm also sooooooo over Brittany because she keeps harping on James' rap lyrics and tattling every time one of their friends expresses concern about whether Jax' is capable of sustaining the commitment. The reality is that Brittany is still at odds with how Jax has been treating her for the last 2 years. He's cheated on her, called her lazy, called her fat, belittled her to her friends, family, and on national tv, and been recorded saying he'd never marry her. James told the truth. It was shitty of him to do it, but the bigger transgression was always Jax'. Her friends have expressed concern about her engagement based on knowing Jax and his pattern for more than a decade. She's so busy externalizing because she doesn't want to address her own fucked up choices with Jax. Her accent has also turned weirdly Hee Haw this season.

I don't know what it is, but I REALLY hate everyone in this cast this season. I've always hated all of them, but there were usually some of them who I hated less. Not this season. They all fucking suck.

Edited by HunterHunted
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5 hours ago, LaLaLaLa said:

Some of the VPR girls are so mean to Billie Lee. They need some diversity training so they can learn to accept people with different backgrounds.

Refresh my memory, because so much dumb/offensive shit gets said on this show that's hard to keep track of it all, but have any of them said anything that would suggest that they're transphobic (I'm assuming that's what you mean by "diversity" and "different backgrounds," but if I'm interpreting that wrong, please correct me)?  I know that Kristen and Stassi got into it with Billie Lee over Arianna's brother, but that was about him being a creep not about Billie Lee being trans.

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People don't not like Billie because she's trans - they don't like her because she's just a straight-up effing bitch!  NOBODY who works with you gives a shit about your gender, even the insufferable morons.  You're just horrible to be around.  Boo-freaking-hoo, you've had people be mean to you in your life.  Newsflash - even the wealthiest, most attractive and successful people have had bad shit happen to them.  It's really difficult to talk to people these days because they play such victims and talk about 'trigger words' - ffs, stop trying to make that a thing!!!  They're just words!!

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10 hours ago, iloveit said:

Employees deserve to work in an environment free from harassment, whether that is detrimental to the bottom line of the business or not.  Agreed that it was best coming from Brittany. 

I agree but that environment isn’t—and never has been—SUR. Stassi gleefully harassed the shit out of Scheanna and Laura Leigh in season 1. And proudly told us that she’d done the same to other girls in the past she didn’t like. So it’s not like Lisa has been running an establishment free from bullying before James Kennedy came on the scene. 

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21 hours ago, b2H said:

Ah, yes, the old 'blame the victim' tack.  I agree with your post about the hostile work environment.  If James is the source of more than one complaint and even, ultimately, a lawsuit, Lisa stands to lose her business - not just customers, but the whole restaurant - in the settlement.

Fat is not  a protected class.

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2 hours ago, Duke2801 said:

I agree but that environment isn’t—and never has been—SUR. Stassi gleefully harassed the shit out of Scheanna and Laura Leigh in season 1. And proudly told us that she’d done the same to other girls in the past she didn’t like. So it’s not like Lisa has been running an establishment free from bullying before James Kennedy came on the scene. 

All true.  Also, a hostile work environment isn't "I hate my coworker" so much as "It's impossible for me to do my job." Katie could easily go about her workday without inserting herself into disagreements between others. 


4 hours ago, SarahPrtr said:

People don't not like Billie because she's trans - they don't like her because she's just a straight-up effing bitch! 

I forget.. what bad thing/s did Billie Lee do? 

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14 hours ago, iloveit said:

Employees deserve to work in an environment free from harassment, whether that is detrimental to the bottom line of the business or not.  Agreed that it was best coming from Brittany. 

Of course, but this isn't a normal business environment. The environment is intended to create and manipulate drama because the show has become a bigger business than the actual restaurant and they all know that. Why aren't any of them threatening to leave the show? Because they share more than just a place of business at Sur, they share a place of business on the show itself but it seems all of them enjoy the perks too much to threaten to walk away from that. You know what helps a working environment? Quashing a friend and former employee from bringing personal drama to the workplace to be  confronted. You know what also helps? When the drama doesn't involve you, get someone who has the authority to diffuse the situation and keep your mouth shut to avoid a provoked employee lashing out. You know what also helps a working environment? Not bringing making any reference to someone's personal appearance or dress while they are provoked and clearly out of control. Katie was part of the problem that day, not the solution and while that doesn't make James' reaction understandable or defensible, it has to be fairly acknowledged that the result of all this shit is because of grown people who don't know how to be professionals and the only person who seems exempt from that is Brittany. James doesn't make for a hostile work environment. He makes for an uncomfortable work environment and that's partly because that group can't keep his name out their mouth. Unlike Stassi, Katie and Kirsten of seasons past who actually harassed people at work on the day to day and took work time to spread gossip about their co-worker and shame them, James' nastiness is often influenced by alcohol and his need to be extremely reactionary to anything and he just goes below the belt. James is not guilty of anything that any of them except Brittany is guilty of. In fact, James has yet to surpass the sins of some of these VR people. They are the people living in glass houses throwing stones. 

Edited by RHJunkie
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9 hours ago, Steph J said:

Refresh my memory, because so much dumb/offensive shit gets said on this show that's hard to keep track of it all, but have any of them said anything that would suggest that they're transphobic (I'm assuming that's what you mean by "diversity" and "different backgrounds," but if I'm interpreting that wrong, please correct me)?  I know that Kristen and Stassi got into it with Billie Lee over Arianna's brother, but that was about him being a creep not about Billie Lee being trans.

Diversity training isn't about curing discriminatory phobias against certain peoples, it's about educating people about all that's different around them and how to work and/or live in such an environment that promotes inclusivity and encourages everyone to live in their own truth without judgment from others for the things they can't change about themselves.  It can shed a lot of ignorance which is often what triggers offensive speech (this Stassi has been guilty of but her more prominent examples are from her podcast though the show did make reference to her ignorant comments made about speeches about award shows'. I would disagree with your premise that 'they're just words'. Words matter...they matter a whole lot. Words are the most effective tool used to preach hatred, to instill fear, to oppress and discriminate and often are the precursor to violence. Asking people to be considerate and learn how to use their words is the better alternative to me. While you're definitely going to come across people who think they're the PC police, I would rather use my energy to defend myself against them than to live with the alternative that those who are ignored, oppressed, etc. should just learn how to grow thick skin in order to accommodate a society that is willing to live in ignorance. If truth makes people uncomfortable, well then be uncomfortable. As you learn and understand people that different from you, that discomfort will fade.

Edited by RHJunkie
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IMO, real-life employment laws don’t apply to a reality show set...until someone either threatens or actually does file suit (see Corrine v. Bachelor in Paradise). I also imagine that the SUR back alley is lawless land like boats traveling in international waters—anything goes in the alley! It does seem like that’s one of the “behind the 4th wall” rules of VDPR. Lisa doesn’t like it when the cast fights on the restaurant floor but it seems that everyone is encouraged to stop working and go out to the alley to confront each other about whatever asinine thing. This happened in the alley, so #freejames. (And, trust me, I really don’t want to take James’s side on anything ever.)

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18 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

Somebody else on some other show fairly recently had a wooden bow tie (and he made a big deal of it too) and I just cannot recall who it was!

This is probably not what you were thinking but Murr on "Impractical Jokers" got made fun of by the other jokers for wearing a wooden bow tie.  And please no judgement on the fact that I watch IJ-my comedic tastes still have a lot in common with 16 year old boys I guess.

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THANK YOU! That is exactly who it was! 

(Haha, no judgment from me: I am a woman in my late 40s and I quote it all the time--mainly "the pizzaaaaaaaaah..." and "My name is Pal and I sell awwwwto pahts!" Also, we have been known to do Sal's floppy-body dance here.)

Edited by TattleTeeny
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Katie doesn't give a shit that James called her fat.  Katie, Kristin and Jax want James off the show-not just out of Sur, but off VPR, so they are really pushing that James is just unbelievably, beyond the pale awful, despite the fact that he hasn't done anything worse than they have done.  

I know Sandoval can be annoying, but I think he (and Schwartz) have always realized that they've all lucked into this show, that no one person makes the show, and by cutting someone out, whether it's James or Scheana or Lala or even Kristin and Jax, means cutting that person out of a life changing opportunity and that's not something you should do lightly.  That's why Sandoval's always tried to maintain friendships with the person who is on the outs and I think that's why he dislikes Katie (and Stassi): they're always trying to close ranks and exclude somebody for made up reasons.

Which is shitty and also stupid because Katie, in particular, has nothing to offer the show and if it depended on her to attract viewers, it would have been cancelled all ready.

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1 hour ago, ninjago said:

Katie doesn't give a shit that James called her fat.  Katie, Kristin and Jax want James off the show-not just out of Sur, but off VPR, so they are really pushing that James is just unbelievably, beyond the pale awful, despite the fact that he hasn't done anything worse than they have done.  

I know Sandoval can be annoying, but I think he (and Schwartz) have always realized that they've all lucked into this show, that no one person makes the show, and by cutting someone out, whether it's James or Scheana or Lala or even Kristin and Jax, means cutting that person out of a life changing opportunity and that's not something you should do lightly.  That's why Sandoval's always tried to maintain friendships with the person who is on the outs and I think that's why he dislikes Katie (and Stassi): they're always trying to close ranks and exclude somebody for made up reasons.

Which is shitty and also stupid because Katie, in particular, has nothing to offer the show and if it depended on her to attract viewers, it would have been cancelled all ready.

Thank you! I've admitted having a soft spot for James, but even if I didn't I'd still blame Katie and Kristin for this latest clash. All they do is bitch. Great assessment of how the Toms are grateful for their luck and don't go out of their way to mess with others' money making abilities.

What's up with Billie? She's angry this season.

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1 hour ago, ninjago said:

whether it's James or Scheana or Lala or even Kristin and Jax, means cutting that person out of a life changing opportunity and that's not something you should do lightly.  

Maybe James should take a little accountability and quit shitting all over his life changing opportunity.

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1 hour ago, Mr. Minor said:

Maybe James should take a little accountability and quit shitting all over his life changing opportunity.

The only person on the show who has shit all over the show is Stassi, who told everyone she would never associate with the show or any of the castmates again, only to crawl back a year later.  Jax and Kristin have shit all over Lisa much more than James has.

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On 1/15/2019 at 10:34 PM, HunterHunted said:
On 1/15/2019 at 8:54 PM, vmarsissmart said:


That is where you'd be wrong because Katie and Scheana called Lala a whore and a prostitute at the hostess stand in season 4 episode 2.


Thanks for the clarification.  This doesn't surprise me at all that they did it at work.  Pot, meet the kettle. I couldn't think of a specific instance at work at the moment which is why I said that.  It was clear that James was out of line on a few instances in the work place.  The girls on WWHL last night mentioned that James is doing this still and while it's clear that they are all basically friends now, Lala has changed out of that mode as has Katie the last season or this season at least.  They've shown some changes, James has not.  James also mocks them after the fact in his TH's so. I feel they are going to go on a James redemption story for a SL which is going to be annoying because I find him vile. I used to find Katie, Kristen and Stassi vile as well but since I started listening to Stassi's podcast, I kind of adore her and I like hearing their real life friendship, not their show friendship when they do podcasts together.  

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The biggest issues with James are that except for Raquel, he's the youngest person in the cast, he was absolutely predatory about getting on to the show (he specifically dated Kristen to get into the cast), and most importantly, while his professional future was improving his family life turned to shit. We've watched the rest of the cast just be awful human beings for years until they grew out of it or they were doing well enough that they could afford to stop being petty and nasty. However, James became a full cast member by being calculating, manipulative, and awful. He continues to be awful in hopes that it guarantees his place in the cast because he and his family need the money. So he has this really negative feedback loop. I'm not making excuses for him. I actually can't stand him. I actually think his romantic pursuit of a relationship with Kristen is truly one of the nastiest most evil things he's ever done. This shit with Brittany and Katie doesn't come close to comparing.

I used to like Stassi, but her ignorant comments from her podcast completely turned me off. It was so obvious that she was being willfully cavalierly ignorant. As a woman and a minority, I can't abide that.

Lala has suddenly become a new evolved person because she moved into the wife spot and feels like she has to clean up her act now that she's around actually famous and wealthy people.

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I don’t like Billie Lee as a person. Not because she’s transgender. Again go back and read all my other posts. I emphasize with being different(I have a physical disability, it’s not the same but I get it). As I’ve said she’s mean. No one on the cast has said something about her being transgender on an episode. Or

maybe they have and I missed it but I’m like 98 percent sure they have not. This is what they have done: Stassi and Kristen warned her about Jermery. She took offense and gossiped about it to Lala and Schena and then made it a thing to bring up at the reunion and it appears next week she is making a big thing about not being included at an event hosted by girls

she isn’t friends with. It won’t be because. Of her being transgender. I know this because it happened over social media this summer.

Anyways. As far as Lalas changed behavior and stuff, I listen to a vPR podcast and the hosts speculated that her changed behavior which includes not drinking(or at least not as much) night have to do with her fiancée and his kids and ex wife. I wouldn’t be surprised if this was true. 

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Some ramblings on things that set me off (disclaimer: I don’t like James, I’m hot and cold on Sandoval, and don’t know enough about Racquel apart from her relationship with James to really have an opinion)

1. How come James is in more trouble for joking out loud about the bad thing Jax did than Jax is?  Brittany want James out for humiliating her?  It was JAX who humiliated her!  Yet the opinion seems to be that Jax gonna Jax, what can you do, she gives him the obligatory “you’re a bastard, get out” speech, then she “angry” fucks him, throws him a birthday party and also takes him and the gang on vacation together to further celebrate.  She’s got to “follow her heart”. James is an insensitive idiot, who definitely brought it up for the drama, but he’s not the one who hurt you, Brittany.  That was your FEE ON SAY

2. And Sandoval is the worst most awful best friend ever, because he dared suggest that Jax might be behaving differently/better because he’s still in grief mode. Jax wants him off the best man job.  Yet Jax fucked Sandoval’s girlfriend, in Sandoval’s home on Sandoval’s couch, while he was asleep in the bedroom.  I’m having a hard time getting this scale to balance.  One seems just a bit more bad-friend-deed than the other!   Why would they even still be friends in the first place.  Not to mention that Kristen and Jax girlfriend at the time, Stassi, are friends again too.  Wtf?  But Sandoval is the worst friend ever in history.  Okay.

3. Racquel was busy in school for the last few years.  No doubt James was dogging her behind her back but she wasn’t paying that much attention.  Now she is 21, and moved in with him, and trying to really make sure before she walks out.  We know it’s true, but she doesn’t want to know it,  I do have to give her props for speaking up to the witches and holding her own.  However, she comes from California and can easily move back home without damaging her life.  Yet she is considered the biggest moron ever and they verbally abuse her and pile on her.  If they’re trying to help her see the light, there are kinder ways. Contrast this with Brittany, who everyone just adores.  She found Jax on social media, contacted him, met him, then packed up her car and drove across the entire country to move in with him.  (Still remember his face when she showed up, with all her boxes, to his tiny apartment, he looked like he couldn’t breathe.) Jax has continually lied, verbally abused, and cheated on her.  He has not only cheated but disparaged her to the girl he was cheating on her with.  She knows all this and never leaves him for more than five minutes, yet the entire cast rallies around their brave trembling heartbroken Brittany.  But shits all over Racquel.  I don’t get it.  I know they’re making a tv show, but come on 

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I have pondered Neveragain's post and here's where I'm at.....maybe.  It's new in my Vanderpump head space.

I've watched everything you said.  I think my annoyance with James and Raquel is that I'm not interested in repeating Jax and Brittany's storyline for 3 seasons:

  • He doesn't cheat on me y'all!
  • Is he cheating on me y'all? 
  • He effing cheated on me yall!!'!
  • I've changed him yall!
  • We're engaged yall!!!!

No.  I do not want to watch this again.


I think that this show became what it is because it was about a tight group of incestuous friends.  Not about being employees at SUR, but their incredibly messy lives and lack of self awareness.   Some of them really do hang out without cameras rolling.  It's organic.

James, Raquel, Schaena, Billie Lee did not organically become part of the group.  Production added them.  So I think there's an element of "Why are you forcing me to play with these guys when there's already enough of us to play"?

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2 hours ago, dosodog said:


James, Raquel, Schaena, Billie Lee did not organically become part of the group.  Production added them.  So I think there's an element of "Why are you forcing me to play with these guys when there's already enough of us to play"?

exactly, and there are some tertiary group members that might be interesting enough to watch....Zach & Rachael & Alex, etc

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Stassi's mom is a hot mess.  I would have liked if James's mom was invited though to provide additional hot mess material. 

At least Stassi's brother has not been inflicted on us again as he was so often in earlier seasons.  I am really surprised he hasn't shown up to fulfill one of the "nepotism busboy" positions in SUR.

I think this happened last week not this week, but I have to say how much I love when Sandoval engages in deep conversations with castmates while decked out in costume with elaborate headpieces and creepy colored contact lenses.  It happened last season with his Maleficent get up and it happened again at the Winter birthday party.  

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9 hours ago, dosodog said:

James, Raquel, Schaena, Billie Lee did not organically become part of the group.  Production added them.  So I think there's an element of "Why are you forcing me to play with these guys when there's already enough of us to play"?

Here's the funny thing if you can find one of those really old interviews with producers, they actually reveal that Scheana used to be friends with Kristen and Katie when they all worked at Villa Blanca before the show started. In fact, Scheana and Katie used to be super tight. When LVP moved Katie and Kristen over to SUR, their friendship kind of fell apart, but never with any real animosity. This is part of the reason Scheana thought she could move over to SUR with no problem. Villa Blanca is also where Sandoval and Ariana became "friends."

In actuality, the issue with Scheana being accepted by the group is Stassi. Stassi's been on this campaign to destroy or isolate friendships that started without her or didn't include her. Stassi has admitted that the primary reason that she was a nasty evil cow to Scheana in the earlier seasons was because she wanted Schwartz to be a full cast member. I love Schwartz, but about half the time he's as active as a sea sponge. Many viewers had a hard time telling the difference between Katie, Kristina, and Rachel in season 1. Katie was boring as all get out. When we were finally able to tell her apart, we realized she was an asshole. And while I don't think Scheana is as interesting as the producers do, I'm never going to deny that Scheana did all of these assholes a solid by letting RHoBH bring the affair up again and again and drag her through the muck for a season and a half to generate interest in this spin off.

Stassi spent that entire first season demeaning and isolating Scheana because Scheana had an affair with Eddie Cibrian. During the first season Stassi was already cheating on Jax with Frank and lying about it from the first bit of footage she shot. Jax was cheating on Stassi. Kristen and Sandoval were actively cheating on each other. Schwartz was cheating on Katie. They fucking lie like they breathe. Their isolation of Scheana has always been self-interested as is their sudden about face regarding Lala. Lala is now actually around people with money and connections so suddenly the witches of WeHo have something supportive to say about Lala and MyMan's deep abiding connection. Fuck them! I know where this is coming from.

Furthermore, LVP has been working on her new Vanderpump Lounge Las Vegas. Scheana spends a lot of time in Las Vegas. LVP said that if she decides to do a show about Vanderpump Lounge, she'd probably include Scheana. I'm sure this set Stassi off again. However, LVP has always been really grateful about Scheana's willingness to play ball.

Edited by HunterHunted
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20 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

Furthermore, LVP has been working on her new Vanderpump Lounge Las Vegas. Scheana spends a lot of time in Las Vegas. LVP said that if she decides to do a show about Vanderpump Lounge, she'd probably include Scheana. I'm sure this is set Stassi off again. However, LVP has always been really grateful about Scheana's willingness to play ball.

If by playing ball you mean she's vapid & phony enough to do anything for camera time, then yes, but I think LVP is smart enough to know that Scheana can't carry a show. Most find her antics cringeworthy, certainly not a protagonist or someone to root for.

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6 hours ago, dosodog said:


James, Raquel, Schaena, Billie Lee did not organically become part of the group.  Production added them.  So I think there's an element of "Why are you forcing me to play with these guys when there's already enough of us to play"?

I hear what you’re saying and agree to a point.  But need to state that scheana one hundred percent was a part of the initial group.  In fact she was the star and focal point and was there from before the first minute.  Brandi Glanville was at that time on RHoBH and scheana was her ex husband’s former mistress, the one she blamed her divorce on.  In one RH episode if I remember correctly, Brandi confronted scheana at a restaurant, scheana walked away, into the kitchen or something, and that was the kitchen at Sur and the opening moment of vanderpump rules.  Nice segue, it was kind of cool which is why I remember it to this degree. She was always in the show, but she got outshone by the others

also Lala was not there at first, yet she wound up feeling like a true cast member, to me anyway

But I take your point, some people just feel shoveled in, like Billie and James. I won’t count Racquel just like I don’t count carter or beau or any SO except Brittany who went on to become a cast member 

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On 1/16/2019 at 10:16 AM, jmcd44 said:

This is probably not what you were thinking but Murr on "Impractical Jokers" got made fun of by the other jokers for wearing a wooden bow tie.  And please no judgement on the fact that I watch IJ-my comedic tastes still have a lot in common with 16 year old boys I guess.


I LOVE "Impractical Jokers!" I'm right now proudly wearing my "Scoopski Potatoes" shirt! It's a hilarious show and they seem like legit nice guys. Joe's Twitter is constantly about uplifting others and I love him. Yay to IJ!!! 

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8 hours ago, snarts said:

If by playing ball you mean she's vapid & phony enough to do anything for camera time, then yes, but I think LVP is smart enough to know that Scheana can't carry a show. Most find her antics cringeworthy, certainly not a protagonist or someone to root for.

Yes, Scheana is thirsty for camera time. She is self-absorbed and kinda corny, but she isn't calling Lisa a nosy old woman in interviews like Stassi. She isn't screaming at Lisa in her own restaurant like Jax and James. She isn't actively causing chaos in the restaurant like Jax, James, or Kristen. I love how not routinely getting into arguments with LVP is now a negative. 

So yeah Scheana is phony and obsequious, but is she any worse than Richardson Chery (Pump) or Peter Madrigal (SUR). Or even Sandoval and Schwartz and to a lesser extent James who have come to realize that it's better to play ball with and put coins in Lisa's pocket than challenge her outright. So if Scheana ends up in a Peter type role in another spin-off, I don't think there's anything wrong or pathetic about it.

Stassi has had to really hustle to achieve her measure of success. Kristen isn't doing as well. Lala fucked her way into fortune. And Jax has huge Q scores, but only got a spin-off because he'd miraculously managed to sustain a relationship with a relatively nice person for a couple of years.

There's nothing admirable about Jax' refusal to eat bitter, continue to be an asshole, and act like it's a heroic act. The reality is that LVP is a multimillionaire and a producer of the show. Unfortunately, this is a black and white situation. You can play ball with LVP and be handed a boon or be an asshole and hope you create a pathway to monetize your dickishness somewhere down the line. Where is Jax' chunky sweater line, his fitness app, or the restaurant he allegedly is a partner in? Scheana doesn't have an interesting original idea; there's a bit of wisdom in not antagonizing the person in her life with ideas, connections, and capital.

Edited by HunterHunted
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On 1/15/2019 at 6:48 PM, RHJunkie said:

I can't feel sorry for people who want to have their cake and eat it too (also,I don't understand why this is even a saying...if I have the cake...why in the fuck shouldn't I be able to eat it? lol).


Once you eat it you won't have it anymore :)

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10 hours ago, princelina said:

Once you eat it you won't have it anymore :)

Oh, you can have it or eat it. I feel like Jax trying to figure out the meanings of common terms. But, in our defense, the phrase really uses the incorrect conjunction. And what’s the point of having a cake if you’re not going to eat it? Choose eat every time. And don’t even get me started on “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” It’s the egg. Evolution, silly!

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4 hours ago, JenE4 said:

And don’t even get me started on “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” It’s the egg. Evolution, silly!

I don’t think it can be the egg.  An egg without a rooster to fertilize the hen will just be an egg and never becomea chick.  So there had to be a chicken first.  (Two of them actually).  Also I think the egg has  to be sat on by a chicken and kept warm to stay viable.  So an egg by itself will not further evolution.  A fertilized pregnant chicken, that’s what had to come first 

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10 hours ago, Neveragain said:

I don’t think it can be the egg.  An egg without a rooster to fertilize the hen will just be an egg and never becomea chick.  So there had to be a chicken first.  (Two of them actually).  Also I think the egg has  to be sat on by a chicken and kept warm to stay viable.  So an egg by itself will not further evolution.  A fertilized pregnant chicken, that’s what had to come first 

Dinosaurs hatched from eggs, so eggs have been around longer than chickens.

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After the show I was still laughing at Stassi saying she was an "erect" dick.  Like no reason to add the adjective but I thought it was so funny and so Stassi.  Her mom shaped who she is but Stassi still has a sense of humor. Her mom just comes across as shitty. 

The cast looked fucking TERRIBLE the day after the birthday party.  They are going to look so haggard in 10 years. 

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4 hours ago, IDreamofJoaquin said:

The cast looked fucking TERRIBLE the day after the birthday party.  They are going to look so haggard in 10 years. 

I give it five (though plastic surgery may push it a little--or speed it up).  And Kristen has a helluva head start.

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5 hours ago, OnceSane said:

I give it five (though plastic surgery may push it a little--or speed it up).  And Kristen has a helluva head start.

No way. Kristen is model beautiful. Kristen told us so herself!

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On 1/18/2019 at 6:49 AM, JenE4 said:

Oh, you can have it or eat it. I feel like Jax trying to figure out the meanings of common terms. But, in our defense, the phrase really uses the incorrect conjunction. And what’s the point of having a cake if you’re not going to eat it? Choose eat every time. And don’t even get me started on “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” It’s the egg. Evolution, silly!

I think it's the correct conjunction because the point is they want both but can't have it.  Now I just went out of town this weekend and took a friend two bottles of Vanderpump Rose so that she could have one and drink one :)

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On 1/19/2019 at 4:48 AM, IDreamofJoaquin said:

After the show I was still laughing at Stassi saying she was an "erect" dick.  Like no reason to add the adjective but I thought it was so funny and so Stassi.  Her mom shaped who she is but Stassi still has a sense of humor. Her mom just comes across as shitty. 

The cast looked fucking TERRIBLE the day after the birthday party.  They are going to look so haggard in 10 years. 

Meh, I used to party like that, possibly harder. Drink lots of water, moisturize 🤣

They can’t keep it up much longer tho.

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On 1/15/2019 at 7:01 AM, Diane Mars said:

Wow ! Between Stassi and James moms, I'm suprised they are both so.... "well" rounded. I was... sad (yes, sad) for Stassi. And I was also disappointed in Kristen. But I liked the discussion Lala had with James.
Lisa's attitude was so... not ok.... It was not condescending, but... quite... (why asking questions and having a meeting if you are not willing to listen to what they have to say ? To remeind them that, whatever, you're the boss ? That was a plain and bitchy move, under the desguise of a "meeting". I'm proud of you, Jax. You were on point with what you told Lisa and Brittany later.)

Weird episode.

I couldn’t figure out the point of the meeting if Lisa was going to be so defensive either. 

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On 6/15/2024 at 12:34 PM, RealHousewife said:

I couldn’t figure out the point of the meeting if Lisa was going to be so defensive either. 

It was for Lisa to act like a Big Tough Boss on camera - since no one is actually scared of her even though we're supposed to believe they are 😂

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