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S16.E06: Roaring Munchies

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16 hours ago, AntManBee said:

The way Tom notes that his son is a mixologist tells me someone is getting therapy, either now or later.

So true! As gifted an eye-roller as Tom is, that was an EPIC full body eye-roll. 

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58 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

A whiskey sour with egg white is the original (like 150 years ago) recipe for the drink. A lot of the earliest cocktail, punch, and medicinal alcohol recipes had egg whites in them. The ingredient has largely fallen out of favor.



Actually, the original didn't include egg white according to a book by Jerry Thomas in 1862.  Added after that.  Now it's called a Boston Sour if it had the added egg white.

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7 hours ago, cameron said:

I have never had a whiskey sour with egg white in it and I had plenty of them in my youth when they were a fashionable drink.  Maybe that's a Kentucky version, not on the Mid Atlantic where I grew up.

No, egg white's in the original version of the drink from the 19th century. It was still in whiskey sours when I first starting drinking them in DC in the early 80s (the 20th century, hee hee) The purpose of the egg white was to give a silky richness to the drink without adding something like cream.

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Color me surprised. Brother seemed like The Chosen One from the very beginning of LCK, so his immediate boot made all the LCK episodes to date feel pointless. But I'm confused about the format. Is there still more LCK? Is he going to get yet another chance to get back on the show? Has there ever been someone from LCK brought this early in the season?

In retrospect, all this talking heads of chefs saying how scared they were of Brother was your typical reality show fake out.

2 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

A whiskey sour with egg white is the original (like 150 years ago) recipe for the drink. A lot of the earliest cocktail, punch, and medicinal alcohol recipes had egg whites in them. The ingredient has largely fallen out of favor.

News to me. I think a whiskey sour is the first cocktail I ever had, and I've had many since, none of them ever with egg white. (However, egg white is typically used in making a pisco sour, the most popular cocktail in Chile and Peru. Essentially the same drink with pisco instead of whiskey).

Personally, I find the whole Prohibition era thing tiresome and cliched. Hopefully the fad is dying out. A couple of "speakeasy" theme bars in my hipstery city recently closed. One of them even used the gimmick of no outside signage or street number and you had to use a "secret knock" on the door to be admitted. I mean, what do you want to do, drink or play kid games?

Edited by bluepiano
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28 minutes ago, heavysnaxx said:

No, egg white's in the original version of the drink from the 19th century. It was still in whiskey sours when I first starting drinking them in DC in the early 80s (the 20th century, hee hee) The purpose of the egg white was to give a silky richness to the drink without adding something like cream.

What a difference that twenty years makes in the DC area.  No egg whites in the late 60's.  But they did do scotch sours.

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16 hours ago, The Solution said:

I thought it was very difficult to understand the dialogue in that drunken decadent venue. (No, I'm not a secret sunday school teacher. I just take my food seriously.)

I had the same issue. The sound in this episode was not mixed well. It was hard to pick out the dialogue over the background noise and music. It seemed like the chefs were yelling when they introduced their dishes, too.

16 hours ago, Mardo2044 said:

I noticed only Sara really congratulated Brother, which I think is just poor sportsmanship of the others.  It made me like Sara more, just because that is the right thing to do.  

I don't know Brother, I guess I did not follow the season he was on too much, but the other people's behavior was annoying and disappointing.  Fine to be cheering for your girl Nini, but the way they acted towards Brother is not anything my friend would allow in her kitchen!

I agree completely. Something about Brother made me never warm to him (maybe he is just one of those people who is not particularly telegenic) but I was feeling sorry for him in this episode because some of the others (Kelsey!) were being so junior high toward him.

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Oh, Brother!

I would have been happy if either won, but I did give the edge to Brother when he was at such a disadvantage with the chefs reluctant to help him and; he was unfamiliar with their skill sets yet still was able to effectively use them to get his dishes done.

What was the "advantage" that the winning team got?

And hooray for Eric. He's my fave to win. I was so happy to see the chefs crowd around him with congratulations in the stew room. "Not Today" indeed!

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19 hours ago, dbell1 said:

Glad to see Brother leave. He didn't deserve the third chance he got. 

I'm annoyed they bring back past season chefs for new seasons. Have a second chance season or "all star", but stop mixing people. Guess I wanted Nini back despite her total meltdown in RW.

I am too.  I hate the trend (not just TC) where former contestants are brought back.  I thought it was unfair to Nini (and the others) to have to compete with a former contestant, period.   The former contestants have an idea of how things work - they are familiar with the judges, the stress, etc. - where the new contestants are not, and I think it's unfair to them. And now he gets to go BACK to LCK?????   How many chances is this guy going to get????

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I was thinking  when Eddie, Kelsey and Aaron   Eric were standing there that they could be the final three. I'm pleased Kelsey is doing well because I felt like the show introduced her to us as a blonde pretty face.

And Brother leaves! All that LCK stuff sure seemed like a waste of time. I think the gnocchi guy should have gone - his sounded horrible. A greasy sponge??? 

Edited by Lamb18
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I'm so glad Brother went home. I never liked the guy & I hope he doesn't come back. Even if I did like him he still shouldn't be there.

I don't like any past TC contestants coming back to compete via LCK on a season with all new contestants. They had their season and had their chance. Give them their own season where all are past TC contestants.  

I had no problem with the regular contestants' attitudes towards him. It's a competition not a real life working environment. He had his shot, even made it to the finals and lost. Now they're asked to help him, and not two of their own, win a quick fire so he can get inserted into the competition. Bullshit!

Reluctantly they did help him win and I don't care that they had to sweeten the pot for the "helpers" so they wouldn't sabotage him. They should get something for that bit of producer bullshit.


Brother didn't belong there.  Neither does any past TC contestant.

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20 hours ago, AntManBee said:

The way Tom notes that his son is a mixologist tells me someone is getting therapy, either now or later.

The eeeeeever so slight eye roll that accompanied that statement was HILARIOUS. Must be some fun holidays chez Colicchio. 

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Brother's return obviously had no net impact. But it did show some people's true personalities. The way some of these contestants treated Brother was extremely immature. Justin, Kelsey, Eric, also Sara were extremely childish in the way they treated Brother. This isn't junior high, you are all adults!

Adrienne, Michelle, Brandon, David, Eddie, Brian seem to be much more mature. I am rooting for them. 

Brandon (everyone's villian) seemed to be the only one who interacted with Brother positively. Good for him.

Justin actually did a fistpump when Brother's elimination was announced. I don't think I've seen that level of nastiness on Top Chef for a long time.

Edited by bobbobbob199
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Way to go show... you got rid of an actual Asian person who made amazing food and kept a useless fuck who thinks he's an Asian chef but really isn't, as evidenced by the fact that he failed immediately.  Really?  It's like you just don't want viewers anymore.

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What a let down this episode was, thanks to the ever-expanding monster they've created out of what once was a novel and creative concept like Last Chance Kitchen.

Nini got robbed and the audience and half of the contestants were annoyed. 

Now Brother, a contestant I didn't care much for last season gets to go back to LCK and get yet ANOTHER chance to annoy everyone to death.  And they think this is entertainment???

I agree that the comments made by the chefs about Brother were mean spirited and immature, but I have a feeling they were made after he already was eliminated so they felt freer to air their feelings about him being there.  Not that this excuses them.

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If they were going to restart LCK again they should have eliminated Chicken Ballantine.  He’s more likely to flame out on a challenge than actually execute and he won’t win anyway so better a cheftestant from the season be the Chef to Beat in LCK part 2.  

I don’t even know how they intro Brother for LCK with a straight face.  He’s shown an inability to edit.  That’s why LCK is good for him because the challenge and ingredients and time is so limited that it helps reign in his tendencies as much as possible.  His restaurants are probably very good because he gets to create, taste, tweak, edit, refocus etc before putting a complicated Southwestern Okinawan Cambodian Laksa inspired egg roll soup on the menu.

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I think the mean spirited comments about Brother back in the house were producer shenanigans. I think they were asking “do you want Brother, someone you don’t know, in the house with you or would you have wanted Nini who is your friend?”  Feel free to speak up about Brother who practically won a different season being put into the competition with you!”

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I thought Justin was out of line when he questioned Kelsey about why she helped Brother.  It's like he's the junior high hall monitor.  I think the judges would come down on contestants who actively undermined someone else, having learned their lesson with the Marcel debacle.  All of the chefs can think what they want related to their own actions, but to directly confront someone else about why they helped someone just seems too much.

Unlike others, while I like Nini, I didn't really care that she lost in LCK.  I also wonder if there was so much push back against Brother because the other chefs thought Nini would be easier to beat in the long run (which was not borne out by how quickly Brother was eliminated).  Oh, and the chef (I don't remember who it was) who stated that Brother would try to beat them, well, duh...

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This show was typical of what Top Chef has become...costumes and dress up. I don't see much "Kentucky" in the food or the challenges and am disappointed to see that so little thought has gone into presenting the backdrop of the state and the various towns and historical places where they could have gone for inspiration. It's not all about the Derby and mint juleps...they aren't even trying. I hope that some future episodes take them out of Louisville/Lexington area and into some other parts of Kentucky. And for the record, Tom looks stupid in a hat. Also, what was with the mean girl stuff from the other chefs about not wanting a new person at the house or in the competition? For real? You're adults...if you were eliminated and had a chance to get back in on a forte show you wouldn't jump at the chance to do so? Tacky, tacky, tacky...

Edited by kicksave
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1 minute ago, biakbiak said:

This venue was historic and absolutely gorgeous.

Oh it was...I just would like to see them step outside the cities and venture into another part of Kentucky that has a very different historical perspective and food representation. It's a state of many contrasts and isn't just about bluegrass and horses.

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19 hours ago, nitrofishblue said:

This episode was just one big circle jerk. What was the point of it? Nothing was accomplished. Nobody really left. Brother came back from LCK and then went right back to LCK, what a waste of time.

I can't decide if Brother is too dense to learn from his past mistakes, or too stubborn and determined to do things HIS way. Or both. 

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2 hours ago, kicksave said:

Oh it was...I just would like to see them step outside the cities and venture into another part of Kentucky that has a very different historical perspective and food representation. It's a state of many contrasts and isn't just about bluegrass and horses.

They're going out to a lake in the countryside pretty soon.

I was on a mailing list where an invitation was made to this taping, but you had to send a picture of yourself dressed up in your 20s gear.  I hate to be photographed and didn't have any appropriate clothing so I passed.

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I hope they are not setting us up for the first-ever, totally amazing "second comeback" wherein Brother FINALLY learns from his mistakes and fights his way back against all odds for a second time to take the title!

I mean, if he even makes it back again, he pretty much has to win or it will just be super awkward and ridiculous. 

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4 hours ago, Colleenna said:

can't decide if Brother is too dense to learn from his past mistakes, or too stubborn and determined to do things HIS way. Or both. 

I think you're thinking this is logical.  :). 

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I enjoyed Eddie being driven crazy by everyone yelling at him about his cream! Also Sarah's dumb "I have the last word" joke. I would have done the same thing. In fact, I probably would have gotten so stuck on that stupid joke that I'd have to remind myself not to do it to the judges. Another cute moment was Adrianne telling Graham she hoped they didn't wear the same thing "that would be embarrassing for both of us!" And lastly, Tom laughing hard at Eddie's explanation that his "eyebrows and face" don't always show what he's feeling. 

12 hours ago, novhappy said:

I think the mean spirited comments about Brother back in the house were producer shenanigans. I think they were asking “do you want Brother, someone you don’t know, in the house with you or would you have wanted Nini who is your friend?”

100% - the chefs are being interviewed in those talking heads and of course they'd be asked about how they felt about a "new guy" in the house. And honestly  I didn't see anything mean about their comments at all. All Sarah said was that the chefs in the house were already close and Brother is the new kid with a lot of catching up to do. I don't think that's mean. Kelsey said they didn't want anyone new in the house. I mean, that's reasonable. Brother probably would have said the same thing if the roles were reversed because it's a natural reaction.

On 1/11/2019 at 7:19 PM, bobbobbob199 said:

Justin actually did a fistpump when Brother's elimination was announced. 

What I saw was Justin bumping one fist on top of the other like people do when their standing around. 

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15 hours ago, novhappy said:

I think the mean spirited comments about Brother back in the house were producer shenanigans. I think they were asking “do you want Brother, someone you don’t know, in the house with you or would you have wanted Nini who is your friend?”  Feel free to speak up about Brother who practically won a different season being put into the competition with you!”

I'm not talking about the talking heads though. I'm talking about during the judging of LCK..Justin told Kelsey "How could you work hard for him with a good conscience?". Eric said "I don't care about this dude" (in a rather rude/mean tone). There is no way the producers told him to say that. What did Brother do to them? The way they are acting is extremely childish. Even in middle school you wouldn't treat a new kid so rudely without speaking to him at all. And in context, Eric's hand gesture was definitely a fist-pump. He seemed overjoyed after Brother's elimination in general. 

I also don't buy how Justin and others acted very surprised when there were returning chefs in LCK. There is no way they didn't watch last season.

Interesting psychologically anyways. Kind of funny how you could dislike someone you've never met just from an us vs. them mentality.

Edited by bobbobbob199
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Had Brian lost, I wonder if everyone would have avoided to win elimination challenges going forward. :D.  This is like shades of Top Chef Seattle.

The editing of the show has been kind wonky in general.  Michelle has this hilarious edit, where she would have this random confessional (about her meditating this episode)...and then just goes invisible for the rest of the episode.

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3 hours ago, bobbobbob199 said:

I'm not talking about the talking heads though. I'm talking about during the judging of LCK..Justin told Kelsey "How could you work hard for him with a good conscience?". Eric said "I don't care about this dude" (in a rather rude/mean tone). There is no way the producers told him to say that. What did Brother do to them? The way they are acting is extremely childish. Even in middle school you wouldn't treat a new kid so rudely without speaking to him at all. And in context, Eric's hand gesture was definitely a fist-pump. He seemed overjoyed after Brother's elimination in general. 

I also don't buy how Justin and others acted very surprised when there were returning chefs in LCK. There is no way they didn't watch last season.

Interesting psychologically anyways. Kind of funny how you could dislike someone you've never met just from an us vs. them mentality.

Brother had his shot, he has screwed it up twice before this season.

I saw nothing wrong with the way they reacted.

If as you say they watched last season then they had perfect opportunity to see how he acted as a contestant and form an opinion of him as a competitor.  Maybe some of them didn't care for him just like some viewers didn't. 

"I don't care about this dude." isn't mean or rude. It's honest, acurate. It's a competition and  not a restaurant where they have to work together to make it a success.

Fist pump because another competitor who had his chance...twice... went down.  Relief because I'm one step closer to winning and one of my friends didn't go home. Nothing wrong with that.

As for Justin and Kelsey... Justin was just beaking Kelsey's balls. Kelsey said something like "What am I supposed to do?"  an honest statement.  She did her part to help the get the win. I'm sure she wishes she could have helped a friend more than someone who has already had his shot at the title. 


This is a competition. Not real world. They don't have to like each other. They don't have to like that he's back taking the place of someone they are familiar with. I'm sure in real life, outside of competition their work attitudes towards each other and meeting & working with someone new would be different. At the end of the day, and the next, and the next they would be in it together. They are not competing in a contest, within in a small stressful time frame for cash, prizes, recognition and exposure to future investors.

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2 minutes ago, Giselle said:

As for Justin and Kelsey... Justin was just beaking Kelsey's balls. Kelsey said something like "What am I supposed to do?"  an honest statement. 

I believe that they were both on Nini’s team on the challenge that got her eliminated when they all had issues, though hers were the worst, also played into their reaction.

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1 hour ago, Token said:

I feel like I watched a different episode than many others, because I didn't see any bullying or mean girl-ness.

You didn't see/hear the snide comments from Kelsey, Sara and even from the some of the guys about not wanting anyone else to be in the house and how they have a close knit group and yadda yadda yadda...if I didn't know any better I would have thought these chefs were in middle school not grown ass adults.

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18 minutes ago, kicksave said:

You didn't see/hear the snide comments from Kelsey, Sara and even from the some of the guys about not wanting anyone else to be in the house and how they have a close knit group and yadda yadda yadda...if I didn't know any better I would have thought these chefs were in middle school not grown ass adults.

I'm not Token, but I saw all that and didn't find it mean or immature. And nothing different from what Brother or any other cheftestant would have said if the roles were reversed.

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12 hours ago, Giselle said:

Brother had his shot, he has screwed it up twice before this season.

I saw nothing wrong with the way they reacted.

If as you say they watched last season then they had perfect opportunity to see how he acted as a contestant and form an opinion of him as a competitor.  Maybe some of them didn't care for him just like some viewers didn't. 

"I don't care about this dude." isn't mean or rude. It's honest, acurate. It's a competition and  not a restaurant where they have to work together to make it a success.

Fist pump because another competitor who had his chance...twice... went down.  Relief because I'm one step closer to winning and one of my friends didn't go home. Nothing wrong with that.

As for Justin and Kelsey... Justin was just beaking Kelsey's balls. Kelsey said something like "What am I supposed to do?"  an honest statement.  She did her part to help the get the win. I'm sure she wishes she could have helped a friend more than someone who has already had his shot at the title. 


This is a competition. Not real world. They don't have to like each other. They don't have to like that he's back taking the place of someone they are familiar with. I'm sure in real life, outside of competition their work attitudes towards each other and meeting & working with someone new would be different. At the end of the day, and the next, and the next they would be in it together. They are not competing in a contest, within in a small stressful time frame for cash, prizes, recognition and exposure to future investors.

I understand that they don't have to get along or anything. But personally, I prefer the chefs who act with decorum when meeting someone new. I understand the rude comments were "honest, accurate", but were they really necessary? Was the fist pump in front of Brother really necessary? It really shows the true personalities of some of these chefs. Justin was the biggest offender by far. Combined with the Restaurant Wars blowup, I think he really is the villain this season.

I don't like Brother as a chef either. But that doesn't excuse the behavior of the other chefs, nor would I treat Brother like that had I been on the show. Did anyone act like that towards Lee Anne last season? Did anyone fist pump when she had to bow out? No, actually all the chefs were exceedingly nice towards her, and they actually seemed sad when she had to go. They didn't act like that towards Claudette either, even though they had good reason to. This is the first season I have seen any animosity towards a LCK winner. That is why I liked last season so much more.

Edited by bobbobbob199
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20 minutes ago, bobbobbob199 said:

Did anyone fist pump when she had to bow out?

I went back and watched this “fist pump” because I had no memory of it. When Brother is eliminated Justin exhales and then taps Kelsey three times on the back with what is not even a fully formed fist, it wasn’t a fist pump of celebration st most he looked relieved that the people who he liked didn’t go home not uncommon and not poor sportsmanship and Justin like everyone else went up to and said goodbye to him.

Edited by biakbiak
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1 hour ago, kicksave said:

You didn't see/hear the snide comments from Kelsey, Sara and even from the some of the guys about not wanting anyone else to be in the house and how they have a close knit group and yadda yadda yadda...if I didn't know any better I would have thought these chefs were in middle school not grown ass adults.

That's not bullying.

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7 hours ago, Nordly Beaumont said:

I'm not Token, but I saw all that and didn't find it mean or immature. And nothing different from what Brother or any other cheftestant would have said if the roles were reversed.


6 hours ago, Token said:

That's not bullying.

I didn't say it was bullying...I said they made snide remarks. I have no idea if Brother or any other contestant would have behaved the same way or not. To me this group seems cliquey and personally I don't get where all the hate for Brother was coming from unless they are all insecure about their skills as chefs. I thought Brother was humble and non confrontational...he seemed to sense the vibe from the other chefs as non welcoming. 

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49 minutes ago, kicksave said:


I didn't say it was bullying...I said they made snide remarks. I have no idea if Brother or any other contestant would have behaved the same way or not. To me this group seems cliquey and personally I don't get where all the hate for Brother was coming from unless they are all insecure about their skills as chefs. I thought Brother was humble and non confrontational...he seemed to sense the vibe from the other chefs as non welcoming. 

You clearly implied it was bullying by your response to my original post.  The group did nothing wrong.

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5 hours ago, Token said:

You clearly implied it was bullying by your response to my original post.  The group did nothing wrong.

I wouldn't say it was bullying, because it wasn't straight up to Brother's face. But it was very rude and mean. Especially Justin, who made remarks during the judging of LCK, and fistpump during Judges Table; in both instances Brother was there, and could see Justin possibly. Was it "wrong"? That is a matter of personal value. 

Edited by bobbobbob199
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16 hours ago, Nordly Beaumont said:

I'm not Token, but I saw all that and didn't find it mean or immature. And nothing different from what Brother or any other cheftestant would have said if the roles were reversed.

Last season the roles WERE reversed. I did not hear Brother (or any other chef) say anything mean to Lee Anne. As a matter of fact, they were all extremely nice to her, Brother particularly. Brother gave a big hug to Lee Anne when she came back and seemed genuinely happy for her... Claudette received a warm reception as well.

What a stark contrast...when the results were announced last season everyone was extremely excited and clapped strongly--a strong display of respect (despite TWO people, a newcomer and the most disliked person in the house, coming back). This season everyone was extremely pissed. The only person who hugged Brother was...incidentally, someone from last season, Carrie...

Edited by bobbobbob199
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4 hours ago, bobbobbob199 said:

The only person who hugged Brother was...incidentally, someone from last season, Carrie...

They had known him for a day not hugging him is not weird. Tons of contestants don’t get hugs when they are eliminated. Carrie huffed hom because she knew him.

Also, I forget who it was because they were shorter but two people definitely hugged him at judges table when he was eliminated.

Edited by biakbiak
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Top Chef has become my TV comfort food, basically. I haven't been super excited about any of the seasons since 11 (I both loved and hated it, which means it was great TV), so I can't get too bent out of shape with any attempts at drama. No one's a really nasty villain, no one's even a villain. I just find some of the chefs lacking in skill and circling the drain (BRIAN). Justin's the closest to actively annoying me, but even he isn't particularly unbearable.

I'm really happy that Eric won a challenge because he's been one of the more interesting chefs to me right from the start. Kelsey is another one who's been impressing me. I still have a bias against Eddie because of his boss (speaking of season 11), but he's good. I just hope David knocks him out at some point, because they feel basically interchangeable, only David's a lot less clenched all the time. 

I don't have a problem with Sara or Kelsey. The end.

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@Rai  Who is Eddie’s boss?

If his boss was on TC also, that might be the reason he seems so tightly wound.  I would imagine that there is a lot of extra pressure right there. 

I seem to have developed a soft spot for him after that meat budget fiasco.  

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