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LuAnn de Lesseps: No Longer a Countess, Still Never a Princess

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5 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

ICYMI / 2-part video.  Scroll for 2nd part.  Luann takes z.e.r.o. ownership. 

Luann is such a selfish cow and has really become insufferable. The girl wasn't hurt about the bedroom. She was hurt that this bitch had the gall to talk smack about her over a bedroom after all she'd done to help her during her lowest period. Bethenny even said she'd sleep in the fish room. She really sucks, which is why Sonja heaved a sigh of exasperation when she was trying to explain to Luann that she'd hurt Bethenny's feelings. Oy!

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On 4/4/2019 at 6:49 AM, SuprSuprElevated said:

Pretty sure she was raised humbly.  The Count marrying her, spoiled it for all humankind.

It didn't even take a marriage to Alexandre to make her insufferable. She met Alex when she was living with her boyfriend. The boyfriend was away for a week on business. Luann met Alex at a party while her boyfriend was gone. She banged Alex for a couple of days, went back to the place she shared with her boyfriend, packed up all of her shit, and left her now ex-boyfriend a hasty note saying she met someone and was getting married. Like WTF!

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On 4/26/2019 at 12:17 PM, Natalie68 said:

So um, this reminds me of Buffalo Bill in Silence of the Lambs when he is singing and dancing.  I am sure that isn't what she was going for.

Yeah this was Buffalo Lu. Legit terrifying 

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I’m wondering why Frankel was part of the intervention and arranging for Lu to return to rehab. Was she spending time with Lu because Lu wanted to borrow money from Dennis and/or Frankel?

I’m confused about why they were even in touch, after wrapping the RHoNYC season, but before filming the reunion. 

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4 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

This will be the final chance that I will give to American justice.  If they allow this self-important, egomaniacal, condescending bitch off the hook again, I will be forced to toe the line and live at the foot of the cross, so that I don't find myself in the thick of trouble.  I don't have a cabaret act, the kind of friends that will forgive years of verbal abuse, nor am I completely deluded about my talents or lack of same.  If $Eleventy six dollars can't get me out of it, then I'm in it for a long bit.

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6 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Lu just needs to give the parole officer and judge free tickets to her show, and this will all go away. 

Or she'll get life without parole....

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So Lu had a performance in Chicago on April 20th and the alcohol was still in her system on April 22nd? If two mimosas can stay in your system for that long, I must be really ill-informed about how long alcohol stays in your system. At this point, I don't think her 'occasional' drinks are to do with being an addict, I think it's her feeling above the law. Feeling the high of her cabaret success that she has lost any and all of the humility she had demonstrated initially when her arrest and first rehab had taken place. If Lu cared about her probation and took the repercussions seriously, she wouldn't be having mimosas and she wouldn't be surrounding herself with people who would encourage her by doing a cheer with her while she's got an alcoholic beverage in her hand.

Usually, it's nice to see a redemption story where someone is able to get back up after making a horrible mistake. With Lu, redemption is the thing that enflames her ego. She'd probably be a much better person if she were broke and no one gave a shit about her cabaret.

Edited by RHJunkie
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Or, just spit-balling here, it could be that she has issues with alcohol and/or is an alcoholic.  Falling off the wagon is something they unfortunately do quite frequently.  Which is why forced sobriety by the legal system rarely works.  Nor does locking her up in already over crowded jails or taking away her ability to travel/livelihood (cabaret tour).  I think it might be time for her to hire a sober companion to travel with her. 

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2 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

So Lu had a performance in Chicago on April 20th and the alcohol was still in her system on April 22nd? If two mimosas can stay in your system for that long, I must be really ill-informed about how long alcohol stays in your system.

Yeah umm who drinks a mimosa w/sugary orange juice in the late evening after a show? 

She probably drank alcohol after the show THEN mimosas at brunch the day of the pop alcohol quiz/testing. She is so full of shit. Luann is toast, stick a fork in her she is DONE. She should be doing time. The full sentence. 

Edited by Alonzo Mosely FBI
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2 hours ago, snarts said:

Or, just spit-balling here, it could be that she has issues with alcohol and/or is an alcoholic.  Falling off the wagon is something they unfortunately do quite frequently.  Which is why forced sobriety by the legal system rarely works.  Nor does locking her up in already over crowded jails or taking away her ability to travel/livelihood (cabaret tour).  I think it might be time for her to hire a sober companion to travel with her. 

Okay.  So you and I are willing to admit that she has a problem.  Unfortunately, that will do little to alleviate said problem.  I'm willing to listen to proposed solutions outside of the overcrowded jails, and forced sobriety, but hiring a sober companion to travel with Diva DeSlipUps just sounds a little too fuzzy slippers to me.  Can't you hear it?  "You work for me Bernard!  I said go downstairs and peel me a grape, then drop it in my mimosa!  The show must go on!" 

See that's the thing.  The world loves to forgive, but it is generally accepted practice that one asks first.  This is unfortunately, an illness unlike those other illnesses.  This one has a whole bundle of social and familial messiness that goes with it.  Unfair?  Perhaps.

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4 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

So Lu had a performance in Chicago on April 20th and the alcohol was still in her system on April 22nd? If two mimosas can stay in your system for that long, I must be really ill-informed about how long alcohol stays in your system. 

Maybe she was using one of these glasses.

Or one of the glasses from Football Town Nights.

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42 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Okay.  So you and I are willing to admit that she has a problem.  Unfortunately, that will do little to alleviate said problem.  I'm willing to listen to proposed solutions outside of the overcrowded jails, and forced sobriety, but hiring a sober companion to travel with Diva DeSlipUps just sounds a little too fuzzy slippers to me.  Can't you hear it?  "You work for me Bernard!  I said go downstairs and peel me a grape, then drop it in my mimosa!  The show must go on!" 

See that's the thing.  The world loves to forgive, but it is generally accepted practice that one asks first.  This is unfortunately, an illness unlike those other illnesses.  This one has a whole bundle of social and familial messiness that goes with it.  Unfair?  Perhaps.

Diva DeSlipUps!!   Hysterical!  😂

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Did Lu actually try and sell the idea that when she was drinking she had control but “ liked to have a good time”, and looking “ugly” was the reason she “got sober”?! Classic addiction mentality that SHE is a special case.....

I was rooting for her, but now I think she has a big wake up coming. And she deserves it. 

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7 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Lu just needs to give the probation officer and judge free tickets to her show, and this will all go away. 

Ok...I've had a very, very bad day.  

Have to admit when I first read this I stopped at 'free'.  Not sure if I blinked too long or what but I know I sat up a little straighter, was a little taller.  Got my only giggle of the day.   Pretty sure LuLu is known for giving out freebies.  Just not sure if it's tickets.  

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8 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Lu just needs to give the probation officer and judge free tickets to her show, and this will all go away. 

If I were the judge I would give her life without parole for this offer.

Lock the bitch up and let Dorinda take over her show.  Bahaaaaaaaaaa

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2 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

5 demerits for not reading the thread Tina.  😉

Another publication of the story (moving to the corner)

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8 minutes ago, Cherrio said:

Does Jovani make sequin covered ankle monitors?

And do the monitors heckle, because that would be enough for me to by tickets to her yet unsold out show in a small venue in Atlanta (of course I already committed myself to go outside said venue with signs, one that said Jovanni and the other that said “lock her up”). Think I may need to make the lock her up sign larger.

two tickets in the front row havent even sold yet, however, she might have to cancel the show as she might be the guest of the Florida Correctional System by May 30.

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Totally with you Bosawks!  For science, of course! And I wouldn't even try to sing! OR wear Jovanni!

Other thing is, where are these really LARGE  venues Lu was referring to?  Just curious...

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2 hours ago, Cherrio said:

Does Jovani make sequin covered ankle monitors?

2 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

They're out of R & D and producing prototypes as we speak...

2 hours ago, Stats Queen said:

And do the monitors heckle, because that would be enough for me to by tickets to her yet unsold out show in a small venue in Atlanta (of course I already committed myself to go outside said venue with signs, one that said Jovanni and the other that said “lock her up”). Think I may need to make the lock her up sign larger.

two tickets in the front row havent even sold yet, however, she might have to cancel the show as she might be the guest of the Florida Correctional System by May 30.

On Reddit, I suggested a Chanel ankle bag


A couple of chunky Kenneth Jay Lane bracelets above and below the ankle monitor or a big old necklace doubled on her ankle


Or an artfully tied Hermes scarf to cover the monitor


Luann could also try to bring leg warmers and spats back.

Edited by HunterHunted
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11 hours ago, snarts said:

Or, just spit-balling here, it could be that she has issues with alcohol and/or is an alcoholic.  Falling off the wagon is something they unfortunately do quite frequently.  Which is why forced sobriety by the legal system rarely works.  Nor does locking her up in already over crowded jails or taking away her ability to travel/livelihood (cabaret tour).  I think it might be time for her to hire a sober companion to travel with her. 

I'm an alcoholic. Yes, setbacks happen, but there are a lot of people who attend their meetings with that little piece of paper daily or weekly, or however often ordered by the court. If they are trying, it say they are trying they are always welcomed. They comply with their probation or they end up back in jail. We alcoholics often like to think we're smarter than everyone else. It'll be interesting to see what happens.

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6 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

On Reddit, I suggested a Chanel ankle bag


A couple of chunky Kenneth Jay Lane bracelets above and below the ankle monitor or a big old necklace doubled on her ankle


Or an artfully tied Hermes scarf to cover the monitor


Luann could also try to bring leg warmers and spats back.

Any of those would work, but I would prefer she not need them, because she would be behind large metal doors.

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On 4/19/2019 at 7:40 AM, SuprSuprElevated said:

Insufferable.  I really, truly don't wish it, but I can't help but know think that she is headed for a really hard fall.  She is far too in love with herself, at a time when there should be a lot of questions, and deep introspection.  mmv 

Apparently it’s going to take something drastic to knock her off the pedestal she’s placed herself on.  A lengthy stay in jail may be able to accomplish that, because the arrogant bitch thinks she’s so special that the rules don’t apply to her.  She’s a felonious drunk, and that ain’t special.

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14 minutes ago, farmgal4 said:

I'm 20 years sober, thanks to AA, and I'm also a lawyer. I've seen people time and again think they're special and different and that such trivialities as court orders don't apply to them, only to the "little people". There's usually a rude awakening at some point. It might take some serious jail time for the Countess to hit rock bottom and to finally understand that actions have consequences.

Yes, all true. My mother was an alcoholic who never accepted delivery of the fact, just drank way the hell too  much, fell out a window and generally made life often unpleasant. Hence my choice to simply not drink. Period. Luckily, I happen to like iced tea (and not the Long Island kind).

With any luck Lu's reality check--should she ever have one--won't include vehicular manslaughter for drunk driving...a too common thing, unfortunately.

Edited by Beden
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32 minutes ago, farmgal4 said:

She’s a felonious drunk, and that ain’t special.

Maybe when that passes through her mental cabaret-star filter, she hears it as "She's Thelonious Monk," and it reminds her what a musical genius she is. 

I have a feeling that filter is working overtime these days.

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On 5/2/2019 at 8:09 AM, RHJunkie said:

So Lu had a performance in Chicago on April 20th and the alcohol was still in her system on April 22nd? If two mimosas can stay in your system for that long, I must be really ill-informed about how long alcohol stays in your system. At this point, I don't think her 'occasional' drinks are to do with being an addict, I think it's her feeling above the law. Feeling the high of her cabaret success that she has lost any and all of the humility she had demonstrated initially when her arrest and first rehab had taken place. If Lu cared about her probation and took the repercussions seriously, she wouldn't be having mimosas and she wouldn't be surrounding herself with people who would encourage her by doing a cheer with her while she's got an alcoholic beverage in her hand.

Usually, it's nice to see a redemption story where someone is able to get back up after making a horrible mistake. With Lu, redemption is the thing that enflames her ego. She'd probably be a much better person if she were broke and no one gave a shit about her cabaret.

I did a quick google and it says this:

ARTICLE SUMMARY: Alcohol stays in your system and is usually detected in urine drug tests 12-24 hours. Still, it can sometimes be detected for up to 80 hours after you end a drinking session. Alcohol can also be tested in saliva for 12 hours after you stop drinking.

I personally think she was drinking like she was part of Motley Crew in the early 80s.  Throw her ass in jail or at least make her wear the ankle monitor.  Why her probation officer gives 2 fucks about how that might affect her performance is beyond me.  I am really losing my patience with entitled people.

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20 hours ago, Cherrio said:

Does Jovani make sequin covered ankle monitors?

No but she could buy a bedazzler and do it.  Or Frankel could make one, slap Skinny Girl on it and sell the shit out of it. 🙂

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On 5/2/2019 at 8:29 PM, Cherrio said:

Does Jovani make sequin covered ankle monitors?

Well, maybe, but I bet Skinnygirl jeans designer/developer Bethenny could knock one out really fast - as long as the SG logo is prominently displayed on the outer ankle!    😉

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5 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

No but she could buy a bedazzler and do it.  Or Frankel could make one, slap Skinny Girl on it and sell the shit out of it. 🙂

GMTA....I just posted the same thing!  And again, I should read the entire thread before posting!  

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5 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

haha every time I am in the grocery store and see Chobani greek yogurt I say (almost) under my breath: "JOVANI! JOVANI! JOVANNIIII" and snicker.

I saw a large poster in the window of a formal shop the other day that was advertising Jovani prom dresses. My husband wondered why I suddenly started laughing for seemingly no reason he could discern.

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12 hours ago, njbchlover said:

Well, maybe, but I bet Skinnygirl jeans designer/developer Bethenny could knock one out really fast - as long as the SG logo is prominently displayed on the outer ankle!    😉

Not to mention, many of her jeans styles are ankle monitor length. The "shark bite"  as well as other unfinished hem stylings will allow one to be fashionable, without destroying the hem of one's jeans from the pesky friction of the ankle monitor.

I think I've figured out her target demographic.

Very well thought out Bethenny. Kadooz to you.

Edited by SweetieDarling
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Since Luann did not adhere to the conditions of her probation, could the judge extend her probation?  I think Luann needs to be in a no frills court ordered long term (60-90 day) rehab facility.  She needs to be hit with some real consequences to break through her sense of entitlement and denial.  Luann is spiraling at this point.  Alcoholism is a deadly disease and it may be the only way to stop her from hurting herself and or others.

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