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S09.E05: Turkish Delights

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I don't understand why Melissa is giving such credence to a sentence uttered by a psychic. Granted, the possibility of there being another sibling seems very real, with her father having a habit of disappearing for days at a time, but,..did she need to hold a special pow-wow with her sisters? And what would be the point of upsetting their mother, who seems to already have cried enough over the man? There's no proof, just some alleged psychic's word.

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7 minutes ago, SweetieDarling said:

I don't understand why Melissa is giving such credence to a sentence uttered by a psychic. Granted, the possibility of there being another sibling seems very real, with her father having a habit of disappearing for days at a time, but,..did she need to hold a special pow-wow with her sisters? And what would be the point of upsetting their mother, who seems to already have cried enough over the man? There's no proof, just some alleged psychic's word.

loved Joe's response when she told him before the sisters came over... "Sh*t can you imagine if that ever happened to me ... and I had two Teresas ... { more cussing }  that would be Hell." .. Melissa crosses herself...

I felt sorry for the man - while laughing at and with him....

he's right... that would be beyond Hell..

Edited by sATL
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2 hours ago, Carolina Girl said:

Oh good, it isn't just me.  When she said "it's like Monte Carlo" I envisioned a lovely home.  The only way this is like Monte Carlo is if there is an establishment there named "Hotel Tacky-Tacky".  

Maybe we misunderstood. Maybe she meant Monte Carlo Las Vegas. 

58201_222_z (1).jpg

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6 hours ago, Kiki777 said:

I'm loving Jackie too - I'm tired of a having an entire cast full of Teresa apologists.

The last couple of seasons they were on, Caroline and Jaclyn were not Tre apologists and we see where that got them...

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1 hour ago, SweetieDarling said:

I don't understand why Melissa is giving such credence to a sentence uttered by a psychic. Granted, the possibility of there being another sibling seems very real, with her father having a habit of disappearing for days at a time, but,..did she need to hold a special pow-wow with her sisters? And what would be the point of upsetting their mother, who seems to already have cried enough over the man? There's no proof, just some alleged psychic's word.

Probably just an excuse for a storyline that doesn’t involve the sister-in-law from hell.

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15 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

Wait!   Jennifer is handing out presents to her spawn and Jennifer's kid says, "she was away.  She owes us."  WTH?

I wanted to barf...Jennifer and her bratty kids are gonna bleed her husband dry. He will never make enough money to support this extravagant lifestyle and the demands of such materialistic children. 

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And didn't you love Teresa's "I really like Jen.....We both have family values."

So Jen and her husband can expect a visit soon from the FBI and an indictment, there. Tre?  Because I don't see bank fraud, bankruptcy fraud, mortgage fraud and forgery as "family values" as much as I see them as "felonies."

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15 hours ago, Emmeline said:

I have not been watching this show religiously as of late, but I just can’t keep my eyes from being drawn to Teresa’s face.  Something is just very strange about it.  I think it’s that her eyes angle downward out the outside corners.  That and her hairline, but she’s always had that.

Agreed! She looks nasty this season...I have never found her to be attractive but she has obviously had "work" done and it's bad. Her body has become one of those muscle bound overly spray tanned messes. Why do I sense that RHONJ is borrowing storylines from the RHOOC? The vaginal rejuvenation, the body building, the cosmetic surgery...and now they're reinventing the Joe/Teresa/Melissa fight club storyline from. a few years ago. It might be time to stick a fork in it and put this franchise to bed.

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10 minutes ago, Carolina Girl said:

And didn't you love Teresa's "I really like Jen.....We both have family values."

So Jen and her husband can expect a visit soon from the FBI and an indictment, there. Tre?  Because I don't see bank fraud, bankruptcy fraud, mortgage fraud and forgery as "family values" as much as I see them as "felonies."

I was thinking then exact same thing!!! Teresa's "family values"...like bad mouthing your only sibling and his wife, sabotaging your brother's relationship with his only living parent to make yourself the favored child and finally, totally NOT Italian "family values"...blabbering family problems and issues to outsiders and friends. Teresa is a sociopath...no doubt about it. 

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6 hours ago, queenjen said:

IKR?! I kept thinking 'Yeah, whatever bitch. But what would Jeff Lewis say? '. I'm sure all that imported fake Chinese furniture cost a bomb but is practically worthless. 

Dolores needs to jettison this grade school notion of loyalty. Loyalty doesn't mean much when it's for no good reason in the first place and when Dolores is 'loyal' to someone (Siggy, Teresa) she also jettisons all reason and common sense. That kind of loyalty got a lot of people in trouble during the 2nd World War. Think, Dolores. 

Does Danielle know she's being filmed? After all the promo before last season of the suffering her girls went through and her new zen outlook, I was for giving her another chance. But she  just cannot keep it together. I'm not surprised the marriage lasted 63 hours or whatever, the woman is an absolute nightmare and obviously no one but Marg will film with her. Danielle and Dolores would actually make great friends. 

Teresa is the dumbest most ignorant sack of hair I've ever had to endure. Rat cunning, but criminally stupid. I just cannot with this mother of 4 daughters who is so wilfully and offensively ignorant. I bet she knows sweet fanny Adams about any 'tradition' or 'custom' outside of the Italian New Jersey bubble. And she couldn't care less. I hope Jackie (the blonde one that's not from Turkey ) rips Tre's throat out with her teeth. You could see the red mist descend around Teresa when this upstart challenged her about 'controlling your husband '. Perfectly legitimate point that Melissa can't ever bring up 'if you could control your husband why is he in prison after putting you there first? ' Does Tre think it's a contractual requirement that all NJ hos respect the fact that Joe is 'away '. Use the freaking word, you animal. What the fck does she think this is doing to her kids? Who speak to and email their father? She's wilfully trying to create the same parenting conditions that gave us the Gorga siblings and their charming family dynamic. It's not an 'Italians from Jersey' thing, it's messed up, dysfunctional and ugly . Nothing to be proud of. I'm also willing to bet cash that despite Teresa's posturing about the church whenever they're in one, she isn't ever seen in one off camera. She is a repulsive human being that continues to learn nothing of any value. 

Haha, so much this.  Especially the bolded.  Careful metntioning WWII, though, or Siggy might become resurrected.

Melissa needs marriage advice from Dolores like a fish needs a bicycle.

Of course, because it can't be said enough, go Jackie!!!

I'm one of the few that's not offended by Jen.  She reminds me 1.) of Larsa from Real Housewives of Miami, for the seven or eight souls who watched it; and 2.) of someone who grew up poor, but is now filthy rich.  She hasn't really learned how to adjust yet, so she is excited and bordering closely on braggadocious.  Not the worst trait I've seen in a person.  I liked her house, like, a lot, and I thought it was snobby and bordering on ethnocentric for Margaret to comment negatively on Jen's going to China as in [paraphrasing], "of course she'd go to China.  To get cheap shit."  Really?  I think China is such an awesome place, and I'd have so many questions for anyone who had traveled there.  Sorry it's not Milan, Marge.  How did that work out for you, anyway?

I noticed in the final (epic) scene, that the three that argued that one could control a husband (Teresa, Dolores, and Jennifer) are all either divorced, have a husband with cheating allegations, and a husband in the clink (who likely cheated).  The three on Team You Can't Control Your Husband are all seemingly happily married.  My question is never whether you can control your husband, but why you'd want to.  Hmm...

Danielle keeps turning up like a bad penny.  While I find her strangely and surprisingly articulate, she is paranoid and not good for TV.

I was looking forward to a good down home segment between Dolores and her mom, and in comes Teresa to bitch about her problem du jour.  What a downer.

If anyone watches Married to Medicine, the way that Teresa treats Melissa reminds me of the way Simone treats Tammy.  For Simone, Tammy is a straight female who buddied up to Simone's own husband and undermined Simone's marriage in the process.  Teresa spouts such venom with regard to Melissa as  "the wife" to her brother and others that I am constantly confused as to what Teresa's end game is.  It's as if Teresa's intention was either for Joe never to marry, or to marry the person of Teresa's choosing, and Melissa foiled her plans on purpose.  She speaks of Melissa as if she is some type of mistress or interloper.  It's obvious in the way she "accused" Joe of going out to restaurants with Melissa every Friday night.  Teresa is living in some warped version of Goodfellas where she believes that Friday nights are reserved for the family of origin and Saturday nights can go to the wife.  At least Lorraine Bracco got hip to the underpinnings of living that "old school" (tm Dolores) hierarchy really quickly, and did what she had to do, rather than bitching about it.

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2 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

I don't understand why Melissa is giving such credence to a sentence uttered by a psychic. Granted, the possibility of there being another sibling seems very real, with her father having a habit of disappearing for days at a time, but,..did she need to hold a special pow-wow with her sisters? And what would be the point of upsetting their mother, who seems to already have cried enough over the man? There's no proof, just some alleged psychic's word.

It bothered me when they were all, "Should we tell Mommy? It will upset her..." - well you just fucking told her! On national TV. So she's going to be reliving those days, one way or the other. 

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7 hours ago, mostlylurking said:

I sort of understood what the ladies were trying to say about "controlling" your man....not necessarily controlling him but sometimes the way you say things will have an impact on the way someone else perceives the situation.  Of course Tre wasn't able to articulate this.  I loved the shocked look on everyone's face (especially Teresa!) when Jackie dared to stand up to her.  Jackie was 100% correct, this may be a family matter but if you don't want input from others don't bring it up in a public forum.

I think that an individual can help present bad news to their spouse and maybe even help to temper how the spouse reacts. However, Melissa never should have been involved in this to begin with. This has always been a Gorga blood relation problem from the start. Frankly the more Melissa continued to be involved, the more Nonno, Teresa, and Teresa's awful children (minus Gabriella) would come back on Melissa being the worst person ever. We've already seen a video of Gia pulling this shit. Melissa should only be involved if Joe comes back after meeting with Teresa and says "I met with Teresa and I think we should have Nonno spend at least a weekend a month with us and we alternate Sunday dinners with our family and Teresa's. Is that ok."

6 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

I don't understand why Melissa is giving such credence to a sentence uttered by a psychic. Granted, the possibility of there being another sibling seems very real, with her father having a habit of disappearing for days at a time, but,..did she need to hold a special pow-wow with her sisters? And what would be the point of upsetting their mother, who seems to already have cried enough over the man? There's no proof, just some alleged psychic's word.

3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

It bothered me when they were all, "Should we tell Mommy? It will upset her..." - well you just fucking told her! On national TV. So she's going to be reliving those days, one way or the other. 


I suspect that they have definitive proof at either extreme: a confirmation of a half-sibling or DNA evidence that someone claiming to be a half-sibling isn't one. If you've ever seen Catfish, it came out awhile ago that most of the Catfishers were the ones who usually contacted the show not the victims. I suspect that this individual has already contacted Melissa and her sisters. Or maybe production.

Edited by HunterHunted
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I wasn’t impressed by Jennifer’s Persian/Turkish spread. The Shahs (of Sunset) do it so much better. I had a double take when I saw the marinated mini mozzarella balls. I would be thinking more Feta or goat cheese for the Middle East buffet. She might have been trying to go with what she thought her guests would like. No kabobs or tahdig? No apricots or dates? I’ve also never heard of falafel balls that included meat but that might be a regional dish. 

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2 hours ago, kicksave said:

I wanted to barf...Jennifer and her bratty kids are gonna bleed her husband dry. He will never make enough money to support this extravagant lifestyle and the demands of such materialistic children. 

I kind of loved her explanation to her husband about how her whole job was taking care of the children so that's why she takes the easy way of giving into them rather than trying to get them to follow rules etc. It's like she's saying she has one job and he ought to respect how badly she's chosen to do it.

Also the conversation with Melissa and her sister about whether or not they want to meet this new sister. Even though they actually have no more reason to think there's a fourth sister today than they did yesterday. A woman who doesn't know any of them made up a random thing that couldn't be checked. 

Although it would be cool if it turned out the psychic knew this secret sister and was angling to reveal her as a storyline on the show.

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Did Turkish girl say her house has been compared to Monte Carlo?  The city or casino?  I've been to Monte Carlo, it is a gorgeous city with beautiful multi colored homes lining winding cobblestone streets and I did not see any house that looked like a Paramus, New Jersey McMansion, not even the palace in Monaco, (which I thought was not as "palacy" as I imagined) looked like the Turkish girl's tacky house.  The furniture placement is odd, it's like a hotel lobby.

And Turkish girl's kids play her like a new toy. 

Teresa needs professional help from the neck up.  

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22 hours ago, nexxie said:

I kinda hope there is a fourth sister - how awkwardly interesting!

I sort of think there is another sibling out there.

What I don't believe is that they all (mom included) didn't discuss this before they began filming. I do think Melissa and her sisters are all close to each other and their mother. I don't see them blindsiding the mom like this on camera.

Edited by KungFuBunny
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Turkish girl's furniture is just, just, ummm, it's, well I will just say it, French whore house -esq. 

When your house is that big furniture will look tiny and lost, she really should have hired an interior designer to help her make sense out of those rooms, pushing identical white tacky sofa's (ala Liberace) and chairs up against the white walls and throwing a white baby grand in the mix is not a welcoming look.  And yes, I totally believe she went to China for that cheap looking crap, lord knows what is really in that diamond tuck upholstery.

For the record, I had a service hall in my house, it ran from the kitchen to behind the dining room to the foyer...so there Turkish girl, so there!

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20 hours ago, Emmeline said:

The furnishings in Jennifer’s house, yikes.  The house itself might be nice, but they need a decorator stat!


20 hours ago, Hockey Addict said:

Sterile, big, houses= not homey! I can remember one house I was in that was like stepping into one of those tiny Christmas themed gift shops that smell really good. I doubt Jennifer's guests would say that about hers.

The house Jennifer moved into was custom built for a very tall man. Most likely an NBA player as there is an outdoor court as well as an indoor court and none of her teletubby kids look like they play any sports..

When the rooms are built is such a size you need custom made furniture to fit the room specs, not stuff it by lining up10 regular sized sofas I do NOT believe she bought the furniture from China - it;s not practical nor cost efficient because she would have paid a ton in "shipping" I could see a few pieces like the chandeliers but not all of her furnishings.

When they showed one of the basement bathrooms - didn't it look janky?

Why didn't she have them in her dining room as opposed to cramping them around the kitchen area?

The food did look delicious.

Edited by KungFuBunny
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18 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

The horrible Jennifer is currently on WWHL with Jackie.  A caller asked about her arranged marriage.  She said she doesn't have an arranged marriage, they were set up, but, she didn't have to marry him.  She hopes to set up her children the same way so that they'll all marry within the Turkish community.  Thought that was interesting.

Jennifer's husband creeps me out.

I realized from watching WWHL - he is overly botoxed. When he'e been shown on the show - his face is frozen in that "surprise" expression.

Jennifer didn't even realize how she dissed her guests when she showed them the room with the piano. This room is for when we have important guests - Hah!

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19 hours ago, Lady of nod said:

Oh no. Next week it's the Danielle show ugh. Why is she back. Is there anyone in the universe that wants to watch her? I don't think so

I know! I forgot she was still on the show until Marge brought up that she was coming over. I was like "UGH" she's still on? 

However, I am oddly fascinated with her face and strange lines/sagging under her eyes...I have never seen that on anyone else before.

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6 hours ago, sATL said:

loved Joe's response when she told him before the sisters came over... "Sh*t can you imagine if that ever happened to me ... and I had two Teresas ... { more cussing }  that would be Hell." .. Melissa crosses herself...

I felt sorry for the man - while laughing at and with him....

he's right... that would be beyond Hell..


I laughed at that too.

With two sisters, depending on the birth order, we might have seen a different family dynamic or it could be the lowest ring of hell for Joe.

I like Jackie pointing out the hypocrisy of having Delores pipe up as if she's part of the family. I loved her sticking up for Melissa and don't care that she brought up Joe's incarceration.

That white monstrosity of a house was god awful.

11 minutes ago, pinky33 said:

I know! I forgot she was still on the show until Marge brought up that she was coming over. I was like "UGH" she's still on? 

However, I am oddly fascinated with her face and strange lines/sagging under her eyes...I have never seen that on anyone else before.

I think old Marge looks like shit after her surgery. A pulled tight face with huge long frown lines. 

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3 minutes ago, Giselle said:


I laughed at that too.

With two sisters, depending on the birth order, we might have seen a different family dynamic or it could be the lowest ring of hell for Joe.

I like Jackie pointing out the hypocrisy of having Delores pipe up as if she's part of the family. I loved her sticking up for Melissa and don't care that she brought up Joe's incarceration.

That white monstrosity of a house was god awful.

I think old Marge looks like shit after her surgery. A pulled tight face with huge long frown lines. 

I think Marge Sr. looks better after the face lift, but it could have been better. I don't think the surgeon tightened her enough - nor does it look like it was done symmetrically. The deep indentations at the sides of her mouth is throwing me off. Her face reminds me of a balloon that was blown up - but there's a small leak so there are areas of skin wrinkling and sagging in.

I still can't believe she had such a procedure done in a doctor's office as opposed to a "hospital" setting.

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1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Did Turkish girl say her house has been compared to Monte Carlo? 

I thought it was Monte Carlo in Monaco, but Margaret's remark about "the Bellagio" now makes me think that she meant the Monte Carlo in Vegas.  Since I never go to Vegas, that's not was triggered my brain, but you may be right.  

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2 hours ago, sistermagpie said:

I kind of loved her explanation to her husband about how her whole job was taking care of the children so that's why she takes the easy way of giving into them rather than trying to get them to follow rules etc. It's like she's saying she has one job and he ought to respect how badly she's chosen to do it.

Also the conversation with Melissa and her sister about whether or not they want to meet this new sister. Even though they actually have no more reason to think there's a fourth sister today than they did yesterday. A woman who doesn't know any of them made up a random thing that couldn't be checked. 

Although it would be cool if it turned out the psychic knew this secret sister and was angling to reveal her as a storyline on the show.

Giving into your children’s every demand and using that as an excuse to not discipline them is not parenting. Wait until all five of those kids are teenagers...a dad that is a workaholic and a weak mother that has succumbed to the whining and badgering and just caves is a recipe for disaster when they hit adolescence.

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18 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

I think Marge Sr. looks better after the face lift, but it could have been better. I don't think the surgeon tightened her enough - nor does it look like it was done symmetrically. The deep indentations at the sides of her mouth is throwing me off. Her face reminds me of a balloon that was blown up - but there's a small leak so there are areas of skin wrinkling and sagging in.

I still can't believe she had such a procedure done in a doctor's office as opposed to a "hospital" setting.

That’s how Joan Rivers died! She went in for another cosmetic procedure Against the wishes of her daughter and had it done at an outpatient small facility. I think she went into cardiac arrest and they weren’t equipped to handle it and had to call 911. By the time they got there it was too late.

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2 minutes ago, kicksave said:

That’s how Joan Rivers died! She went in for another cosmetic procedure Against the wishes of her daughter and had it done at an outpatient small facility. I think she went into cardiac arrest and they weren’t equipped to handle it and had to call 911. By the time they got there it was too late.

Joan Rivers went for an endoscopy because of throat issues. The clinic she went to couldn't handle it when she had an allergic reaction and her throat closed up. That was so sad.

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1 hour ago, KungFuBunny said:

I think Marge Sr. looks better after the face lift, but it could have been better. I don't think the surgeon tightened her enough - nor does it look like it was done symmetrically. The deep indentations at the sides of her mouth is throwing me off. Her face reminds me of a balloon that was blown up - but there's a small leak so there are areas of skin wrinkling and sagging in.

I still can't believe she had such a procedure done in a doctor's office as opposed to a "hospital" setting.

Maybe Old Marge should have gone to China. She could get the same god awful result for a cheaper price just like Peggy Sulahian 2.0 went there for "cheaper" god awful furniture.

Edited by Giselle
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33 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

That was some truly sick fucked up shit right there. As Teresa is busy spitting hate and acrimony, the words "your wife" keeps shooting out of her mouth like they are covered in poison. WTF is going on in that family. And Joe reasonably comes back with an explanation about how he has a job and a business, 3 kids, and a wife. This is a direct refutation of this disgusting intimation that Melissa is the sole reason that Joe isn't spending time with his father. Then Teresa goes on about how Joe goes out to eat every weekend; she sort of swallows the mention of his children. Joe flips out. Rightly so in my opinion.

 You couldn't possibly explain that self-absorbed quarter-wit Teresa that this all comes across as pathologically enmeshed and very incestuous.




Incestuous. You know...like with a family who are really very very close...

Ohhhhhhhhhh, you mean like me and Joe used to be before lying horseyface Melissa turned him against his family. Joe and me are like the same. We put our family first and we both gots good educations. We are very incestellectual. I went to the Burhkkeleey Upstairs Downstairs School of Fashion Merchandising and Typiologyng. I got an association degree. Joe went to a 4 year college until a gold-digging lying prostitution whore lied on him and said he did something he didn't do.

Have I told you lately that I love you?

giphy (2).gif

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When Jen used the intercom to summon Jackie's kids to the kitchen when it was time to leave, it reminded me of a store I worked in while in college. Whenever the one supervisor would use the intercom to page anyone he would say "Sweetie Darling to the office; Would Sweetie Darling please find her way to the office." I laughed to myself thinking how appropriate his script would be, "Would the Goldschneider children please find their way to the kitchen" given the enormity of that house, and the possibility that they really had no clue how to get to the kitchen from where they were.

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2 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

Joan Rivers went for an endoscopy because of throat issues. The clinic she went to couldn't handle it when she had an allergic reaction and her throat closed up. That was so sad.

I stand corrected...I thought she went in for another cosmetic procedure and had heart failure. I believe most health professionals believed she should have any kind of procedure with risk involved, at a hospital given her age.

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2 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

Joan Rivers went for an endoscopy because of throat issues. The clinic she went to couldn't handle it when she had an allergic reaction and her throat closed up. That was so sad.

I just looked up her death..should have done this before I posted previously. Anyway, her death was caused by numerous mistakes this clinic made. It almost sounds like a slip shod operation at a sketchy place...why she consented to have this procedure done at this dump rather than a hospital is puzzling.

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8 hours ago, mytmo said:

Jennifer's daughter reminds me of Violet from Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory

People often compare obnoxious children to Violet.  Violet was a pushy, fast-talking loud mouth, but Verucca Salt has always been the stereotype of spoiled rotten to me.  "Pampered and spoiled like a Siamese Cat".

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8 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

I wasn’t impressed by Jennifer’s Persian/Turkish spread. The Shahs (of Sunset) do it so much better. I had a double take when I saw the marinated mini mozzarella balls. I would be thinking more Feta or goat cheese for the Middle East buffet. She might have been trying to go with what she thought her guests would like. No kabobs or tahdig? No apricots or dates? I’ve also never heard of falafel balls that included meat but that might be a regional dish. 

I'm sure the "falafel balls" were a dish called kibbeh. 

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It's still early but I'm liking Jackie. She seems quite reasonable and almost too normal for this particular franchise.

I dislike Jennifer more and more each week.  It's incredibly fucked up that she would discredit her husband's opinions on parenting simply because he's not home all the time like she is taking care of them. It's not like he's out frolicking about, he's working to afford the luxurious lifestyle she has created for herself and their children. He didn't tell her anything that wasn't common sense and he never claimed it was easy to balance love and discipline with children but it being hard doesn't make it is a reasonable excuse to simply give in each time to shut them up. She had a hand in making 5 children, she had a choice in not working - she only gives her children what they want because her husband works and affords her the luxury of doing it. Jennifer seems entitled so it's no wonder she would seemingly raise her kids with those same expectations. Also, her home looks way too sterile for my liking. There's zero warmth to me.

If Teresa is so worried about Joe not spending enough time with their dad, why doesn't she suggest having their dad stay at Joe's house sometimes? Then he has access to Joe's family even when Joe isn't around. Why does she care so much that Joe isn't spending time with their father but doesn't seem to care that Joe isn't bringing around his kids to spend time with their grandfather? I don't think Teresa is making up the issue (Joe admits that he's not around a lot because he's working) but of course she wouldn't see her broken logic that if Joe didn't spend the time with his wife and kids and spent it with their father instead, then he would be an absentee father and husband. She's coming with the problem every time without any idea on how to solve the matter. To date, Gia is the only one that offered any kind of solution to the issue.

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17 hours ago, Gigi43 said:

I don't know how painful cataracts is but the father very well might favor forgoing pain medication for booze. 

No pain at all...mainly discomfort. Drops numb the eye before/during surgery, and afterwards there are other drops that help with discomfort. As another poster mentioned, there was no need for Nonno to wear that eye patch during the day (except for sympathy), and he's drinking because he WANTS to drink. He & his daughter are a bunch of phonies.

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The problem with Jennifer is that she's creating handicapped children. What happens when you spoil them then they're used to getting their way and believe they can have whatever they want when they want it? They clearly don't eat healthy. Next, they may say they don't want to go to school or do homework? What? You'll give in because they will cry and carry on otherwise? It's sad to see. 

Also there is no excuse for the weight problems in that family. Jennifer takes the elevator in her home to avoid the stairs? It looks like the kids are going the same way. With a huge home and unlimited free time, there is  no excuse not to exercise. Just speed walk or jog around the property for heaven's sake. I only WISH to have time to work out with my 3 kids and chores bogging me down. If I get up anywhere from 3-5am , my youngest comes looking for me and I can't start his day that soon . He'd wake the older ones and THEN where would I be?! 

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16 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

 I’ve also never heard of falafel balls that included meat but that might be a regional dish. 

I think she said kofta. Or similar, there is a meat ball similar to falafel. These morons are so ignorant of anything outside the NJ version of 'Italian' that every explanation she gave had to be referenced to something they could relate to via Italian cuisine (mozzarella balls, as you pointed out) or the crap they see in the Food Court. 

Shahs absolutely do it better. 

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17 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

I wasn’t impressed by Jennifer’s Persian/Turkish spread. The Shahs (of Sunset) do it so much better. I had a double take when I saw the marinated mini mozzarella balls. I would be thinking more Feta or goat cheese for the Middle East buffet. She might have been trying to go with what she thought her guests would like. No kabobs or tahdig? No apricots or dates? I’ve also never heard of falafel balls that included meat but that might be a regional dish. 

No one can touch The Shahs when it comes to their bountiful spreads.  I've never heard of Tahdig but want to try it so bad!

4 hours ago, Kdawg82 said:

Veruka, I think you meant? "I dont care how/i want it nowwww!" Yes agreed. 

Oh yeah my bad.  Thanks!

11 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

People often compare obnoxious children to Violet.  Violet was a pushy, fast-talking loud mouth, but Verucca Salt has always been the stereotype of spoiled rotten to me.  "Pampered and spoiled like a Siamese Cat".

I did confuse them.  I need to watch that movie again - a classic.

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On ‎12‎/‎5‎/‎2018 at 7:02 PM, FairyDusted said:

Yeah Tre trashed her face. She must have went to the OC. 

That conversation was crazy. I FLOVED Jackie telling her she couldn't control Joe or keep them out of prison. HA! 

Right?  How do you have one wife whose husband called her a cunt on national television and verbally abused her and their children multiple times on tv and another wife whose husband cheated on her yet she still lives in some fucked up domestic copy cat situation and didn't even tell her when he was disbarred telling the one wife who actually has a happy marriage to control her husband?  How'd that work out for you guys, Teresa and Dolores? I can't with these idiots. 

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10 minutes ago, lezlers said:

Melissa really is damned if she does, damned if she doesn't.   Teresa spends the last episode telling Melissa to "fix it," meaning, tell Joe to see his father more.  Melissa says she wants to stay out of it and that's not good enough.  So Melissa tells Joe what Teresa said.  Now Teresa is mad that Melissa told him?  Come on, now.   Melissa TOLD Teresa that Joe would blow up and that's why she didn't want to tell him.  Teresa insists she talk to him anyway.  She does and Joe, predictably, blows up.  And it's somehow Melissa's fault?  We all know Teresa hates Melissa and has always hated Melissa.  SHE wants to be the only Gorga woman.   So she's going to look for any excuse to blame Melissa for anything she can.   She's so transparent it's infuriating.   And Dolores, the mindless foot solider, can't see beyond her own blind allegiance to even consider Melissa's position in all of this.  Also, the irony of Teresa and Dolores, one who's husband called her a cunt on national television and sent her to prison and the other who cheated on her non-stop and didn't even tell her he was disbarred, lecturing Melissa on controlling her husband is NOT lost on me.  That one was REALLY rich. 

And watching Teresa go completely off the rails and blowing up herself when Melissa had an ally that defended her and basically told Teresa she was  full of effing shit was the delightful.  Oh, no one is allowed to mention your felon husband?  And I see she still says "away" like the walking turd is on a business assignment.  I wonder if she even has come to grips that SHE herself is and will always be a convicted FELON.  I think what I find most annoying about this show is that they seem to want to act like she was away at a Spa for 18 months and we won't talk about her part in multiple frauds.  

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9 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

If Teresa is so worried about Joe not spending enough time with their dad, why doesn't she suggest having their dad stay at Joe's house sometimes? Then he has access to Joe's family even when Joe isn't around. Why does she care so much that Joe isn't spending time with their father but doesn't seem to care that Joe isn't bringing around his kids to spend time with their grandfather? I don't think Teresa is making up the issue (Joe admits that he's not around a lot because he's working) but of course she wouldn't see her broken logic that if Joe didn't spend the time with his wife and kids and spent it with their father instead, then he would be an absentee father and husband. She's coming with the problem every time without any idea on how to solve the matter. To date, Gia is the only one that offered any kind of solution to the issue.

Well, because the real problem is that Joe isn't spending enough time with Teresa, at her house. No way she would allow her father to stay at MELISSA'S house. God forbid Melissa was a better cook, caretaker, etc. Tre's head would spin off her body and out into orbit. I think a lot of us give Joe a hard time about his "work" but really, I can't fault him for wanting to spend time with his wife and kids. Especially knowing how much it hurt him not to have his dad at his games, I think it's sweet he doesn't want to miss all of his kids' life events. 

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