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S11.E03: A New Edition

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Shamari’s head is going to fall off her neck one day. Not a fan of her, or her and her husband’s song. They showed the picture of Blaque from back in the day but she never mentioned that one of the original members died, I thought that was a little weird.

Eva and Porsha working out together was funny, but I’m still a bit perplexed by all her shade at Cynthia, coming out of seemingly nowhere. (Don’t get me wrong, I cackled at a lot of it and don’t feel the least bit bad about it.) Am I forgetting an incident from last year that explains all this?

Kandi is being messy, messy, messy re: Porsha’s man. Is she really interested in moving past their issues? Because bringing up her man before and claiming she’s going to stay out of it, only to be part of another extended scene about him says differently.

Poor Gregg. That’s all I have to say about that situation, it’s just heartbreaking.

Edited by link417
Is, not I’d
  • Love 15

I thought this episode was the best yet of the season.  Even though it was chock-full of out-of-state activity, and FaceTime conversation, my two least favorite things.

I really think it's time for Porsha's ass to become a full-time cast member.  It got more camera time tonight than Cynthia.

Does Kandi think Porsha necessarily cares about these things she's bringing to light about Dennis?  It's not as if she's alleging the Rolex is fake--that is something Porsha would care about, after all.  

I don't like Kandi bringing people on to film their knowledge of Dennis's dirty dealings, without warning Porsha first.  That's below Kandi.  It doesn't matter that they're not friends--they're supposed to be "cool" now.  This is some Phaedra-level shit.

I don't like Shamiri so far.  She thinks way too highly of herself.  WAY. TOO. HIGHLY. She and Cynthia "Bailey-que" Bailey are either going to get along famously, or they are going to throw down.  Cynthia fired the first shot by saying the outfits were dated (while wearing army fatigues, which were popular in 2005). I was glad to see Nene wasn't really having Shamiri either.  I know the long sip during the talking heads has been done a million times before, but Nene's was especially good.

Nene's demeanor during Gregg's hospital visit reminded me of the way Kim would probably be if Kroy ever got sick and needed medical attention.  Except there was less wig petting involved here.

Glad there was no name-dropping on this epi.  Was the new girl in a singing group or something? Is her husband famous?  Is Kandi famous? She was kind of vague about it.  And then the husband telling Kandi to do a better show...Kandi should have shut him down right then and there.  I feel like Kandi has told a son of a gun off for less.  Also, if these two are so fabulous, they might want to get a housekeeper and give their filthy dog a bath before they showcase their "fabulous" lives on TV some more.

Eva...I tried to have your back.  I remember you from back in the day on America's Next Top Model, and I thought the way she repeatedly referred to Cynthia as "Mother" was hilarious, and reminded me as to why I watch this show.  That being said, two things:  1.) stop talking about Marlo.  You're a cast member.  She's a friend-of.  Don't give her light or air.  Probably, also, don't feed her after midnight. 2.) Stop bringing up Shamea, for the same reason.  Also, I had completely forgot that Shamea alleged that Eva dated Missy Elliot until Eva brought it back up.  If you want people to forget the rumors, stop talking about them.

At least this episode made me excited to see next week, and I cannot wait to see what happens with Kandi and Porsha, so something is finally picking up. Damning with faint praise, I know.

  • Love 10
1 minute ago, announcergirl said:

I don’t care for Shamari at all. Nothing. And she’s a lit funny looking. Wasn’t her husband like one of the least lusted after members of New Edition? 

Her twins are cute. All I’ve got for her and her husband.


And then she had the nerve to fix her face to say that Blaque were “on the map” right alongside Xscape and BBD? Where the hell is that “The lies! The lies! The lies!” gif when you need it?!

  • Love 19

Now that I’m rewatching the episode, I hear Shamari give a shout-out to Natina (the third member who passed away) so mea culpa on that one.

I remembered their song “808” but her ATL Live performance on the episode brought back vague memories of “Bring It All to Me,” too. I couldn’t name another Blaque song if I tried, though. She’s making it sound like they were on a level with TLC or Destiny’s Child or something . . . no.

  • Love 2
12 minutes ago, link417 said:

I don’t care for Shamari at all. Nothing. And she’s a lit funny looking. Wasn’t her husband like one of the least lusted after members of New Edition? 

Her twins are cute. All I’ve got for her and her husband.

SNORT!!! The shade is real: thanks for that.

So aside from her hot little body, Shamari don’t impress me much, although I’d love an ounce of her insane confidence; she actually thinks she could share a stage with Beyoncé and JayZ, bless her heart. So her thirsty thot self married and bred with the ugliest member of New Edition—-good for her, I guess? And Blaque, well, they were pretty much a random little pet project of Lisa “Left Eye” Lopez...or a dollar store version of TLC, basically. I don’t even think of them as One Hit Wonders because they never really had a singularly known, huge hit....this was the remix that Kandi worked on for them(and you can even hear Kandi’s background vocals):

That was hella weird that there was no mention of the deceased third bandmate though. 

Speaking of weird, what’s up with Eva this season? I haven’t seen Eva the Diva since her ANTM phase...I’ve kinda missed her sassy self though. Guess she was told to ramp up the bitchy quips a bit. However, I still get annoyed when younger RH’s feel the need to age shame older RH’s—-that’s just so unfair and uncalled for. Terrence Howard-lookin Eva only wishes she was half as naturally gorgeous and elegant as Cynthia Bailey; she’d be *lucky* to look as stunning at age 51 as Cynthia does.


NeNe seems strangely composed when dealing with poor Greg...I’m guessing she chooses to lose her brave face when the cameras aren’t rolling. I wish them the best—-I’d be such a mess if I was having to go through that same scenario with my own husband. 

  • Love 10

Ronnie can talk to Kandi about "placement" of songs in the concert tour that he's lucky enough to be a part of.  Hope that she "places" his ass out of any future business ventures.  He and his wife suck.  Cute kids, though.  Already hoping that Shamari's just a one-season wonder.  To see the underwear tag hanging out of her jeans in her first scene as she hugged Kandi wasn't a good look.

Sure, Kandi is helping the tea to be spilled about Dennis but the dirt was bound to come out at some point. And it is a TV show so if he didn't want to be called out, he shouldn't have bothered getting with someone in the public eye - a Housewife at that - and for pulling the same tricks he's pulled with his other women.

See that Eva is trying to make the term "extra" into her thing.  Well, I think that she's "extra" in every way.  Over her thinking that she's better than Cynthia when she's nowhere close.

Best wishes to Gregg.  I would have opted for chemotherapy but to each his own. 

Can see where Porsha has gotten her shape from: her mom.  Didn't need to see her titty sweat when she was laughing on the couch.  

Edited by Jets4274
  • Love 9
58 minutes ago, link417 said:

Now that I’m rewatching the episode, I hear Shamari give a shout-out to Natina (the third member who passed away) so mea culpa on that one.

I remembered their song “808” but her ATL Live performance on the episode brought back vague memories of “Bring It All to Me,” too. I couldn’t name another Blaque song if I tried, though. She’s making it sound like they were on a level with TLC or Destiny’s Child or something . . . no.

The only song of theirs that I could name off the top of my head is "As If", mainly because I've seen Bring it On more than a few times.

45 minutes ago, Sun-Bun said:

I haven’t seen Eva the Diva since her ANTM phase...I’ve kinda missed her sassy self though. Guess she was told to ramp up the bitchy quips a bit. However, I still get annoyed when younger RH’s feel the need to age shame older RH’s—-that’s just so unfair and uncalled for. Terrence Howard-lookin Eva only wishes she was half as naturally gorgeous and elegant as Cynthia Bailey; she’d be *lucky* to look as stunning at age 51 as Cynthia does.

Eva had some nerve to be talking about Cynthia when she looked like her foundation was made of banana Laffy Taffy. Also, Cyn is the only model Eva knows with a big booty?





NeNe seems strangely composed when dealing with poor Greg...I’m guessing she chooses to lose her brave face when the cameras aren’t rolling. I wish them the best—-I’d be such a mess if I was having to go through that same scenario with my own husband. 

I think Nene is more worried than she's letting on. When she was talking about just wanting Gregg healed, I caught a bit of desperation in her eyes and her voice. It wouldn't surprise me if she is trying to keep her composure around other people.

Edited by Rosiejuliemom
  • Love 6
3 minutes ago, Rosiejuliemom said:

I'm not really feeling Shamari just yet, but I can't knock her husband's vocal skills.

I have too much of a soft spot for Bel Biv Devoe and New Edition.

Me too, @Rosiejuliemom: NE/BBD was among the soundtrack of my middle school years—-I have one too many happy memories of bopping around to some NE or BBD at parties and events...Mr. Devoe was responsible for singing along to some fun hit songs. Not so much for Mrs. Devoe, who somehow seems to think that her own group wasn’t just a bargain basement SWV/TLC——I’d be so tickled if one of the cast members actually called her on it(back in the first 4 seasons, NeNe would’ve had a field day with that).

I’m glad that Porsha appears to be back to her harmless bimbo persona, but I’m still wondering when she’ll find her next adversary this season. Just when I think she’s namasted herself back to video vixen inner-peace, the editors helpfully remind us that this is the same psycho who literally attacked another cast member, has been arrested for assault and isn’t afraid to go straight hoodrat on a bitch. She’s not as harsh and sinister as Marlo, but I’m not buying her syrupy sweet “thot with a heart of gold” routine either—-Eva in particular better watch her back and not get on the wrong side of the ashy police.

  • Love 9
19 minutes ago, Sun-Bun said:

Not so much for Mrs. Devoe, who somehow seems to think that her own group wasn’t just a bargain basement SWV/TLC——I’d be so tickled if one of the cast members actually called her on it(back in the first 4 seasons, NeNe would’ve had a field day with that).

I can hear Kenya saying it. I don't miss her that much but she would have been all over that opportunity.

  • Love 2
11 hours ago, link417 said:


And then she had the nerve to fix her face to say that Blaque were “on the map” right alongside Xscape and BBD? Where the hell is that “The lies! The lies! The lies!” gif when you need it?!

I remember "Boom Like an 808" and "Bring it All To Me" (and the latter was everywhere because it was a collaboration with N Sync in like 2000, so of course it was going to get a lot of pop crossover) but Destiny's Child, Blaque was not. And they haven't put anything out since like 2002, have they? She was doing ENTIRELY too much. Bell Biv DeVoe was real-deal famous in their heyday though. "That girl is POI-SON" can still get a party going.

9 hours ago, Rosiejuliemom said:

I think Nene is more worried than she's letting on. When she was talking about just wanting Gregg healed, I caught a bit of desperation in her eyes and her voice. It wouldn't surprise me if she is trying to keep her composure around other people.

I think so too. She said in the first episode that she sits in her car and cries. I'm sure she tries to put on a brave face for Gregg and her sons, and for the cameras. Because it always bears repeating: fuck cancer.

  • Love 6

WTF? Gregg is pursuing alternative treatment for Stage 3 cancer? After having a doctor tell him (on camera) that the chances of his cancer reoccurring are about 50%, and that alternative treatment doesn't work?

And Gregg wants to help educate and inspire other cancer patients? Let's hope others don't follow his lead on this.

He and NeNe stated several times that they're aware of how chemo ravages patients. Let's see how they feel about ravages if his cancer returns. And generally speaking, chemo protocols have improved. One of my friends had surgery, chemo and radiation (breast cancer) and commented that the hardest part was losing her hair. She does worry about the long-term effects of chemo and radiation on her longevity, but the cancer probably would have killed her much earlier.

I wonder if NeNe and Gregg have health insurance.

Oh great. Another vapid, relentlessly self-promoting housewife. She is unbelievably annoying.

Can we just all agree that the housewives shows have become one long infomercial for their collective business pursuits?

Have to give a shout out to neurochick. I also can't stand Kandi. I've always found her kind of weird; I get the sense that her public persona and her private one and life are two very different things. (But kudos to her for her successes.)

  • Love 9

Seeing Ronnie "sing" in the studio is a reminder why he was just a backup singer who danced in New Edition.  He needs to stick to rapping about big butts with a smile and leave the singing to other people.

Shamari is a bit much, but I think she is harmless. The real diva is going to be Ronisha, who took it upon himself to give Kandi pointers as if Kandi didn't hire him and his group to perform at her wedding a couple of years ago.

I don't think Porsha will be attacking people this season because of her pregnancy.  That's why I'm glad Kenya didn't come back because taking care of yourself and your high risk pregnancy is more important than these women.

  • Love 10

Gotta feel for Greg. Kudos to Nene for how attentive and composed she seems to be holding up for Greg. Wish him the best of luck in his recovery and hopefully the cancer stays away but given he had stage 3 cancer and chemo would improve his chances of the cancer not returning, I'd probably push for him to give it more serious thought if I were a confidant of his. I know chemo really takes a toll on your body and that's a scary thought but cancer is a bitch and it's not surprising that it would need some pretty invasive treatments to attack those cells.

Porsha went from accusing some of drugging and raping her to being the main focus of this season. How in the sorcery did this happen? In any case, her thirst and desperation is not entertaining and is a large part why this season has been incredibly dull so far.

Kandi - I see you. You don't want to get involved with Porsha's relationship by bringing up the tea but you bring your friends on camera so that you can spill the whole damn pot. That's messy girl.

I'm happy for the new girl that she's so in love with her husband...it must be love for her to be bragging about how talented he is. There's no way his voice is released on any song without it being cleaned up and autotune to hell and back.

I wonder how the ratings are doing because from a viewer perspective, this show could really use some Kenya.

  • Love 10

Kandi - I see you. You don't want to get involved with Porsha's relationship by bringing up the tea but you bring your friends on camera so that you can spill the whole damn pot. That's messy girl.

Kandi loves to do that. She did the same stuff with Phaedra/Apollo by having her employees and mama say stuff and she can pretend to be shocked by their behavior.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, drivethroo said:

Seeing Ronnie "sing" in the studio is a reminder why he was just a backup singer who danced in New Edition.  He needs to stick to rapping about big butts with a smile and leave the singing to other people.


Also...yes! He sounded awful (and this is from someone whose own mother laughed at her when singing “Happy Birthday” so I know of whence I speak!) 

Whatever Gregg was singing when going into commercial break got me right in the feels. Awful that he’s going through this. 

  • Love 6

I agree with Nene...it was the wrong time and place but Ronnie told no lies. NE shows, even now, are flawless when it comes to placement, transitions, and moves. I saw a few clips of Xscape on tour and...well, again, he told no lies.

Dennis is fair game just like every other significant other who comes on the show and Porsha has dished it so I have no issues with the tea spilling but Kandi is just so passive aggressive and annoying with it. And are we supposed to be scandalized by the fact that he buys gifts and cooks for his girlfriends? On a scale from Ain't Shit to Russell Wilson, I'd put Dennis somewhere in the middle at this point. Spill something else, Kandi's friends, because right now, your tea is stale af.

  • Love 10

On a scale of pretzel to ocean Kandi's saltiness is right at a great lake and moving rapidly. 

Shamari is doing her husband's quiet image no favors. Can he sing? No. Was he a big *$*&% deal in the day - YES MA'AM.  Ronnie DeVoe has bragging rights.  No other "boy group" can boast every single member having a successful solo career other than New Edition then coming back together and being successful again. Not N'Sync, NKOTB, Backstreet Boys. I hope his ultimate legacy is not tied to her thirst on a reality show.

Edited by Boofish
  • Love 8
3 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

WTF? Gregg is pursuing alternative treatment for Stage 3 cancer? After having a doctor tell him (on camera) that the chances of his cancer reoccurring are about 50%, and that alternative treatment doesn't work?

And Gregg wants to help educate and inspire other cancer patients? Let's hope others don't follow his lead on this.

He and NeNe stated several times that they're aware of how chemo ravages patients. Let's see how they feel about ravages if his cancer returns. And generally speaking, chemo protocols have improved. One of my friends had surgery, chemo and radiation (breast cancer) and commented that the hardest part was losing her hair. She does worry about the long-term effects of chemo and radiation on her longevity, but the cancer probably would have killed her much earlier.

Agree 100%  As a survivor of Stage 3 breast cancer, I did exactly what the doctor asked of me. Chemo for 8 months, surgery then radiation. Chemo was tough, it made me tired but I never once puked. The chemo drugs they have are very much improved. they have drugs that keep you from puking. I realize that everyone is different but alternative medicine scares me when it comes to cancer. There are far too many people dead from using alternative "medicine". (See the beautiful Farrah Fawcett for example) There are so many people out there just laying in wait for someone grasping at straws to heal their cancer and all they care about is making a buck with their unfounded products. I would like to know what Greg & Nene are going to do with the trees.

Everyone has their own opinions, this is mine, nobody's is wrong.

  • Love 20
16 minutes ago, Boofish said:

On a scale of pretzel to ocean Kandi's saltiness is right at a great lake and moving rapidly. 

Shamari is doing her husband's quiet image no favors. Can he sing? No. Was he a big *$*&% deal in the day - YES MA'AM.  Ronnie DeVoe has bragging rights.  No other "boy group" can boast every single member having a successful solo career other than New Edition then coming back together and being successful again. Not N'Sync, NKOTB, Backstreet Boys. I hope his ultimate legacy is not tied to her thirst on a reality show.

/small voice....there's no salt in lake water.  or maybe you're saying that Kandi wasn't salty.  

  • Love 7
1 minute ago, drivethroo said:

Frankly, from what I've seen and from what I've heard, his thirst is more than hers and he is on track to be the new Peter...except he has money.

Time will tell. What he said to Kandi may have been out of place but it was true. I personally think Xscape and looked and sounded a mess back in the day and nothing has changed.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Higgins said:

Kandi can't sing.

I had this conversation with a classmate back in the day. Some people have great voices, and some people have . . . not-so-great voices but good technique. I believe Kandi belongs to the latter group, with Lauryn Hill and some others.

I do not like Kandi but I LOVE Lauryn Hill so I’m not saying this to be shady, LOL.

  • Love 1

I do not like the new woman. She thinks way too high of herself. Never heard of Blaque either. Were they big? Is her husband a legend too? I sometimes here that poison song on my Sirius channel 90s on 9 lol. I was born in 87 tho so I might’ve missed their big hey day. Either way not impressed with either of them.

Eva needs to stop with her Cynthia insults. Cynthia is beautiful and it’s not like she’s done anything to Eva so maybe Eva should chill.

Poor Greg. What the hell was NeNe wearing when Cynthia went to visit her and Greg. My god.

Kandi came off looking bad with that convo with her friends. Stop being so fake and passive aggressive if you wanna talk shit about Porshas guy then just do it. Her fake little innocent act and fake shock is pathetic.

Edited by Marley
  • Love 2
16 hours ago, Irritable said:

Shamari is enough to make me want to stop watching this season. I had only just come back to it after leaving because of Kim Zolcisk the Horrible, I don’t need to watch a new delusional self-important asshole.


18 hours ago, link417 said:

Shamari’s head is going to fall off her neck one day. Not a fan of her, or her and her husband’s song. They showed the picture of Blaque from back in the day but she never mentioned that one of the original members died, I thought that was a little weird.

Eva and Porsha working out together was funny, but I’m still a bit perplexed by all her shade at Cynthia, coming out of seemingly nowhere. (Don’t get me wrong, I cackled at a lot of it and don’t feel the least bit bad about it.) Am I forgetting an incident from last year that explains all this?

Kandi is being messy, messy, messy re: Porsha’s man. Is she really interested in moving past their issues? Because bringing up her man before and claiming she’s going to stay out of it, only to be part of another extended scene about him says differently.

Poor Gregg. That’s all I have to say about that situation, it’s just heartbreaking.

Shamari...hell no ..already I know I'm not going to like this woman.

  • Love 3

Okay so far not liking this season which is way, way too Porsha heavy.  Adding my agreement: I don't care for Shamari at all. And when Ronnie was giving Kandi performance advice - LOL. Her expressions were priceless. Just wish they would say to the person what they say in the TH segments!

Sad about Gregg.  Just from friends and family situations - my mom had a stage 1 cancer - was told after surgery, treatment was up to her - doctor said it would be good insurance and he would do it if it were him, but up to her and she didn't have to. But like Gregg she was afraid of side effects and opted not to do it.  It returned, and she was dead in less than 10 months. It wasn't colon cancer, but still, Stage 1. Conversely, my best friends' sister-in-law was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer in 2014. After the surgery she did chemo, it came back, she had another surgery and another round of chemo, it came back again,  another surgery, another round of chemo. But she's now going on 4 1/2 years and her scans and tests have been clear for over 2 years. I know it's a personal decision, but I really feel Gregg has made the wrong one and I hope since this was filmed months ago he is now doing chemo - does anyone know?

All in all though, I really find this season boring so far. As much as I didn't care for Kenya, Kim and Sheree, they made it interesting last year. Don't really care about Kandi trying for another baby, and another restaurant or Porsha and her boo, or either newbie.

  • Love 7

I'm fine to sit here at my table for one, but I really don't think Nene is all that affected by the fact that Gregg has cancer past the point that it affects her life.  Someone posted an article in the Nene thread that she did with US Weekly, and it was basically all about her.  She sleeps upstairs, he sleeps downstairs. So...if he needs something in the middle of the night...?  He's SOL?  

The article is all about how Nene feels, and what did she do to deserve this, and there is a whole paragraph at the end about how she thinks about leaving.  Leaving? LEAVING?  And this is what she is willing to say publicly; Can you imagine what she is saying/thinking privately?


I think she is ok if he dies.  She just wants this to end.  (And I don't really judge her for that; a lot of people grieve their loved one's loss before they're dead, and they have little quality of life.  On the other hand, it's not as if the guy is on artificial life support).  I just feel like I've been watching a different show than some of y'all last night.  What I saw was that Gregg would have possibly tried chemo, but Nene didn't want it, hence the tree.  It was very subtle, but it was there.  I have seen and read about this phenomenon.  One partner simply thinks another has lost their usefulness, and they convince the other that they shouldn't fight to the death. (And I'm not going to say whether he should keep fighting one way or the other.  That's a personal choice).

But I abolsutely think Gregg would be making a play for chemo if Nene were relying on Gregg to help her raise children or for income.  This article, plus the footage, shows me that Nene is worried about Nene.

If he dies, I predict she will have a public boyfriend in a hot minute.  It wouldn't surprise me in the least if she already has one now.  

This is not a ride-or-die couple.  He went to the radio station and gave an interview about how she was messy with his money, she chewed him out for doing her dirty on national TV, they divorced because of money troubles, she was publicly receiving gifts and affection from another man while they were apart, and then they remarried probably in large part to get a Bravo spin-off and that $.  I think they were more like companions, even prior to the diagnosis.  So it doesn't surprise me that she is handling it this way.  I don't think this is some tragic love story by a long shot.  No judgment.  Just calling balls and strikes.  

  • Love 19

WTF? Gregg is pursuing alternative treatment for Stage 3 cancer? After having a doctor tell him (on camera) that the chances of his cancer reoccurring are about 50%, and that alternative treatment doesn't work?

Yeah, I shuddered at that. I'm biased because I work in pharma, and while I don't begrudge people looking for alternative treatment, this is not one of those times. I empathize with his fear because it's scary AF, but I hope he reconsidered. 


5 hours ago, ridethemaverick said:

Spill something else, Kandi's friends, because right now, your tea is stale af.

Agreed! It's super weak. So, the issue is ... he dated other women besides Porsha? I don't think getting excited about someone tattooing your name/face is the move, but hey, if she likes it, I love it. However, Kandi's tea is a double pour at best. 

I don't remember why Cynthia and Eva got off on a bad foot, but I still say that Eva will be lucky if she has half of Cynthia's career. And while I understand her Shamea dislike, because Shamea was out of line and messy, the black/blaque joke was suspect. I didn't blame Kandi for the side eye. 

  • Love 5
12 minutes ago, Sheenieb said:

Yeah, I shuddered at that. I'm biased because I work in pharma, and while I don't begrudge people looking for alternative treatment, this is not one of those times. I empathize with his fear because it's scary AF, but I hope he reconsidered. 

Agree. Oncologist over here and Stage III is no joke. It also sounds like he had pain and had to have emergency surgery, which makes him even higher risk than if he had found it on a routine colonoscopy. Poor Gregg. The side effects are bad, but as someone said above, cancer is bad, so the medication has to be strong enough to kick cancer’s ass. 


So so far I’m not a fan of Shemari. She seems obnoxious and her head is too big for her body. I was excited to see her because I did like Blaque and Bell Biv Devoe back in the day. Destiny’s Child they were not, but they were definitely one of the girl groups on the soundtrack of my college life. 

Kandi does not understand how to take the high road. It’s not the first time I’ve looked at her and thought that she just needs to shut up and sit back. People were on her side and she was the wronged party in Lesbiangate. I’ve now lost any sympathy I had for her. She’s messy. 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, LibertarianSlut said:

I'm fine to sit here at my table for one, but I really don't think Nene is all that affected by the fact that Gregg has cancer past the point that it affects her life.  Someone posted an article in the Nene thread that she did with US Weekly, and it was basically all about her.  She sleeps upstairs, he sleeps downstairs. So...if he needs something in the middle of the night...?  He's SOL?  

The article is all about how Nene feels, and what did she do to deserve this, and there is a whole paragraph at the end about how she thinks about leaving.  Leaving? LEAVING?  And this is what she is willing to say publicly; Can you imagine what she is saying/thinking privately?


First, the sleeping upstairs vs. downstairs. That is one huge house they live in so she could find a way to sleep on the same floor with him.

I was ambivalent here about Nene’s handling of this,  but reading this article, it is all about her.  Of course she could have been asked pointed questions and she may be releasing suppressed emotions - caregiving is so hard on the caregiver.

Even taking all the above into consideration she still comes off really, really bad in that interview/article.

  • Love 5

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