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Star Salvation & Episode Previews Talk

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Star Salvation is convincing me that the producers were very manipulative during Matthew's time on the main show.  I do think he's a bit manic or ADD and I can only handle him in small doses, but I think he has cooking skills that could translate well in certain media.


I think I enjoy this format because it's basically cooking to your own strengths and present it.  

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I'm not convinced about Matthew.  To me, he's one of those people that is so entranced with his own ideas, thoughts and brain activity that he doesn't actually listen much to people, though it may look like he does.  As Alex pointed out, he didn't relate a story about love, as they asked, he just yammered about his mom I think?  


As far as a suggestion from the last episode for him to "tone it down", he obviously didn't really understand what that meant, because he then had to ask them if he did that ok.  His facial expressions are so exaggerated and he opens his mouth so wide that I just can't take him seriously. 


I simply wouldn't watch a show with any of them.  

Edited by leighdear
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I am annoyed that they don't offer this On Demand, but only online.  It would not open with Firefox or Safari on my computer, but only Opera, and none of the controls worked (couldn't pause during playback). 


Alex and Jeff give much more pertinent, useful feedback than Bobby or Giada ever have. 


Matthew seems like he's trying to dial it down, but he still can't resist throwing in douchey comments.  And every time he calls himself the Southwestern Young Gun, I just keep picturing Emilio Estevez.  It's never a good thing to try to attach a catchy label to yourself, you have to let other people do it for you.

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I am annoyed that they don't offer this On Demand, but only online.  It would not open with Firefox or Safari on my computer, but only Opera, and none of the controls worked (couldn't pause during playback). 



What makes it more than annoying is that I suspect the limited functionality of the FN site I get on Firefox and Chrome is because it wants to do things my security related extensions won't allow. It's the only site where I have to fire up my vintage install of IE to watch videos.

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I don't have any trouble watching it in Firefox.


No matter how they edit SS, TPTB will never convince me to watch a show hosted by Matthew. Yeah, he's toned it down a bit, but I take that to be more because he's not up against as many competitors, and the format is more laid back and less pressure filled. He still acts like a 16 year old boy, and to me that's just not good television.

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What makes it more than annoying is that I suspect the limited functionality of the FN site I get on Firefox and Chrome is because it wants to do things my security related extensions won't allow. It's the only site where I have to fire up my vintage install of IE to watch videos.


I couldn't even get it to run on my IE let alone Firefox.  I have not read anything to spoil the outcome, thankfully.  Hoping to see it today on another computer.

I like Rue, but she's making the same mistakes on this show as she did on the main show.  I'm sincerely interested in what south African food is; I actually have no idea.  So, she made what looked like my mother's beef stew recipe and simply said, "This is what I grew up with.  It's Zimbabwe on a plate!"  I don't know what that means -- at all.  PLEASE explain this to me, Rue!


Matthew should be eliminated because he calls himself Southwestern Young Gun, when he really means #southwestern#young#gun.  Come on, Matthew, stick with your POV!


I like Alex and Jeff as the hosts of this show.  Something tells me that if they got promoted to the main show, they'd sound exactly like what we get from Giada and Bobby now.  Its the writing and directing that's the problem with them, I think.  (Bring back Bob and Suzy!  They were my favorites.)

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I've seen 2 different promos for this episode today (I watch too much Food Network). I know promos are notoriously deceiving, but in one, it looks like Emilia's presentation goes way off the rails. If that's what actually happens, it looks like it's because she's trying to be funny and misses by a mile. It's the other promo that has me excited. Eddie is flexing his bicep, shaking his tush and generally being cute and funny. We're gonna need a bigger harem.

Edited by Gbb
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Finally caught up with SS episodes and agree with all who have posted that Matthew is still unwatchable. Not only does he call himself a Southwestern Young Gun but he calls himself THE SW Young Gun. Agree w/ above poster that those type monikers should be assigned by someone else, not by your own self. Ugh.

And he still comes off as really smug. His resting face seems to mainly provide a sneer. And the Joker comparison is spot on.

Count me with any and all who would never watch a Matthew anything, unless it was to watch him eliminated.

Liking Christina quite a bit. Seems to have some real talent and appears to be fairly comfortable in front of the camera. Also glad that Rue wasn't eliminated right out of the box.

Edited by NewDigs
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(ETA: Ack. Lost my first post. Recreated. Lost THAT one. Recreated. Now it's doing all sorts of weird things formatwise. Sorry!)

So I'm shocked honestly, because to echo Cooksdelight, this season of Star Salvation is absolutely charming and is way better than the weirdly tense, mean-spirited main Food Star Show thus far.

I watched the first two and thought everyone came across as sweet and fun (even Matthew) and the atmosphere was supportive and informative. Alex and Jeff were both good critics while also being friendly and likable.


Here's my thing on Matthew -- I disliked him intensely on the first few eps of FNS. But his exit interview floored me -- he was gracious, charming, smart, and came off as embarrassed, very likable and willing to laugh at himself. Then a few days ago, I caught two episodes of "Cutthroat Kitchen" (which I don't usually watch much, but I caught these specifically because Matthew was on them). While he came across as a slightly cocky kid, he was also really funny, showed grace and humility if/when he was faced with losing, and seemed to take the whole thing as a massive in-joke to play the part of a villain without coming off as one in real life.


And then on these so far, he's still showing tons of cooking chops, but he's also much quieter, more respectful, he's funny in a dorky way, and he's very complimentary of his fellow chefs (he complimented others' food more than once thus far, and also showed sympathy at each elimination).


So... I don't hate the guy. I think he tried to play a villain on FNS and just did it really awkwardly and badly, and it got him booted faster than he expected it to. But if the real him is the one from Star Salvation and his media interviews, I could be on board with him getting some kind of show or web show.


And at least Matthew can actually COOK. So many of these people come off like cooking novices whose 'teaching' recipes for us viewers include mixing ketchup and mustard, making wontons with readymade hazelnut spread, or adding sriracha to mayonnaise or white sauces, like that's some huge secret of the universe. The mind reels.


This season, the real show is so flat and kind of forced and awkward (I miss Alton's humor and edge -- he's real in a way I don't find Bobby or Giada to be). It's unpleasant in a way, whereas Star Salvation thus far is just so charming and fun, yet it still gets the job done. Critiques are frank but friendly and don't seem inconsistent or pandering. (And wonderful food story! Breakfast is always good.)


I think my favorite thing about Star Salvation this season is that they aren't letting people slide who can't/don't cook. Sita should never, ever have been cast this season. The woman is awkward and braying, shows no food knowledge, and her food has consistently looked absolutely terrible. Yet Bobby and Giada went on and on about her 'warmth' and it was just ridiculous. Here, Alex complimented that warmth but then sent her on her way ASAP as (rightly) simply, not being a good enough cook. Which I'm sure for Alex is Remedial Food Judging 101, but Bobby and Giada keep people all the time who are disasters if they're "likable" enough. And in the following episode -- I liked Rosa, but same thing -- what she served was embarrassing here.

I know Guy is usually the one people trot out as the FNS "Success story," but for me the real find is Jeff Mauro. He's personable and funny in a way that can't be taught, and best of all, he actually knows food. I actually think he'll continue to do well for himself.

Edited by paramitch
  • Love 7


Ack. Lost my first post. Recreated. Lost THAT one. Recreated. Now it's doing all sorts of weird things formatwise.


I learned the hard way long ago to always ALWAYS hit Ctrl+C and copy what I wrote to my clipboard before sending to any place on the web.  You never know what glitch might happen at that precise second and copying saves you the time and frustration of having to retype what you just wrote.  If your comment goes through OK, no harm done.


Back on topic.......................... The thing I've noticed about this season's contestants is that they don't seem to care about each other like people in previous seasons.  I haven't seen any signs of real regret when someone is eliminated and most of the hugs and stuff have seemed more perfunctory than meant.  I totally agree about Jeff Mauro.  He can get a bit OTT with his clowning around but, overall, I like him a lot and it seems to me that everyone on FN likes him too.

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Wow. The liar, liar, pants on fire award goes to Emilia! When Alex and Jeff asked her what got her sent home from the show, she said, with a perfectly straight face, "I froze up in my presentation and just got really stiff."


ETA Okay, I went back to rewatch that part to get the quote right and she actually said, "I freeze up in my presentations and come off kind of stiff. So I was able to get rid of all of those nerves..." and it cuts to Jeff saying, "well good."

So I'm thinking the rest of her sentence was something like "So I was able to get rid of all of those nerves by getting drunk and insulting the other contestants and they canned me" and the editing monkeys cut it out ;)

Edited by Gbb
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That was......interesting......

Emilia was hyped up and showing teeth like Giada. I mean, I've never seen her so jumpy and animated, it was sort of creepy in a way.

I don't know what Rue was thinking with those huge chicken breasts but she managed to figure it out in time and slice them in half and get them back on the grill.

Bye Christine, we hardly knew ya! She never got her presentation skills right and her food was just so-so. That salad looked like something her daughter might have thrown together.

Are they coaching the contestants while they are sequestered? Everyone seems to be doing better on SS than they did on the show. There are still issues with their presentations, but they have improved. They seem to be executing their dishes better and it feels like the contestants project more of the "food authority" that Susie and Bob look for.

Are they coaching the contestants while they are sequestered? Everyone seems to be doing better on SS than they did on the show. There are still issues with their presentations, but they have improved. They seem to be executing their dishes better and it feels like the contestants project more of the "food authority" that Susie and Bob look for.


I think they're coaching them right there, we're just not seeing all of it. They did show Alex telling Christine that Bobby would add the juice from the olives...which she did....and then got dinged for it being too much olive taste.

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I was skeptical of the tip but stored it away for possible future use. I like to use the juice from a jar of capers sometimes, though ;).


I was hoping they'd ditch Emilia. I actually thought she was the worst and I hadn't even seen the regular episode yet, so only had the reactions on here to go on from that. Oh, well. Christine came off well in Star Salvation over all. She seems easy to be around, which is saying something in this crowd.. 

Edited by akr

Just catching up on the latest and Jeff cracked me up.  There were at least 3 times that anytime Matthew opened his mouth you can practically see the eyerolls from him and Alex, but when Matthew was declared safe and he was "woohooing" in that obnoxious manner I loved when Jeff finally opened his mouth and said "oh boy". Heh they're probably waiting for his food to actually suck.

I have decided that Matthew has a bad case of resting b@*%h face.  Well, resting, talking,.....


Listening, breathing, being, laughing . . . it's his #realface.


I haven't been watching Star Salvation but I'm keeping up here.  (I will probably tell my husband who's coming back right before they swing the Doors of Doom open to reveal the big surprise - it's a pleasure I need to reserve for myself as the show itself has sucked away all the others).  From what I understand Hashtag is now calling himself "Southwestern Young Gun."  I play poker with a guy just like him who also calls himself "Young Gun."  We cheer when this idiot is taken out of the game.  So I see it as a nickname.

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I love Emilia. For some reason I can't quite explain she's the one I've chosen to root for even though I know she has no hope of winning. In my recaps I call her SpicyMayo. It kind of kills me that the ones who have lasted longer in the competition aren't notably better than the ones who were eliminated early. I mean, it kills me recapping it and I cringe from second hand embarrassment as a viewer. I like Rue as well but those two are not making it easy. Matthew is definitely on a redemption arc on Star Salvation. On the whole though, spending more time with everyone who has been on Star Salvation just reinforces why they were eliminated. Alex and Jeff are not bad as hosts though. She needs to stop with the turning off the TV thing though. It was clever the first time. 

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I watched it on demand on Comcast. So it's your cable company's fault.

The content provided though on demand is usually dictated by the content owners and not the cable company.  I also get it through Time Warner's on demand service, so it could just be a timing problem, where Food Network and your local company haven't updated the library yet.


I'm irritated that Rue was told to explain the location of Mozambique. I understand that Americans are terrible with African geography, but that just reinforces the ignorance.

I disagree. I like it very much when somebody slaps up a map of Italy to show me where the particular cheese or ham came from. I don't feel like it reinforces my ignorance of geography when somebody tells me that Asiago Cheese comes from the town of Asiago way up in the mountains in northeastern Italy. Nor do I feel ignorant for not knowing things like that off the top of my head.  (Well, I know it now, but that is only because somebody slapped up a map and showed me.)

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For those of you wondering, Michelle did NOT do Star Salvation. They still held the competition and winnowed down the field by one more - Matthew (whose deep fried avocado, as part of a BLT-inspired salad also featuring deep-fried brussel sprouts, was quite accurately deemed not innovative, since you can probably get deep-fried avocado at most state fairs these days, and certainly on any competitive food show where they have access to a deep fryer - it has become a cliche). I don't know if he was the worst or not, and in their position I'd probably want to not risk having only one woman left in the competition and then having that woman blow it in a way they couldn't cover up - so, Rue and Emilia are still in it.


Rue was attempting some sort of avocado and peanut butter vinaigrette that turned out way too thick, so she improvised and grilled some spiced shrimp, plated that on what she was now calling mayonnaise, and put some grilled avocado on top. They didn't much like the mayonnaise (because of the peanut butter), but did like her explanation of why she chose a particular variety of avocado (Pinkerton, for its supposedly grassy, clean, maybe it was citrusy? taste - ok, if so, I actually learned something, and it's my only takeaway from the episode - but I'll still opt for Haas) and for a story about her grandfather's avocado tree, which to me was pretty tacked onto her presentation. After they complimented her on her avocado tree story, everybody else managed to mention their family history with avocados (Emilia also grew up with avocado trees; Matthew's grandfather made guacamole. Woo-hoo.)


Emilia made a cake in the microwave that didn't really work all that wall, and a coconut avocado cream to go with, and they found her to be likable this time around, and they said the innovation saved her (she was the first one through). They didnt like the food, but appreciated that she'd "met the brief." Clearly their concern with her was, is she going to be off-putting again. She wasn't, so she got to stay. Concern with Matthew - does he follow directions? - still there. 


Honestly, even though Matthew didn't really press things, and even though his deep fried avocado was less inspired than he tried to play it up to be, I think the real issue is that having no women in the contest at all for weeks at a time would be a problem for ratings. He learned to play well with others and has responded to criticism by switching things up, so I predict he'll continue to get tried out on various shows until he gets it down. They seem to think they need a young guy on staff.  Rue and Emilia are fodder (barring a self-destruct from Eddie (and possibly Jay), but they need one of them to come back into the competition at some point, so getting rid of either of them now that Michelle is also gone would just be too risky.


Somebody please tell Matthew to lose those stupid suspenders hanging down below his knees - what an affectation. Is this big among guys his age? I haven't noticed. Then again, if somebody my age isn't telling somebody his age that his clothes look ridiculous, he's probably not trying hard enough! I'm not the person he's trying to impress. But I do reserve the right to roll my eyes. 

Edited by akr
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I'll totally miss Matthew because he is very good TV and seems a passionate and skilled chef. He has that natural camera quality that Jeff Mauro always had but, unlike Jeff, he is a developing immature kid. Maybe if we met him down the line as a mature responsible man with his own family (like when we met Jeff) he would be able to realize his full FN Star potential. 

Edited by anonymiss
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I'm a big fan of Alex and Jeff as a duo. Bobby is so over it, and frankly, I'm pretty over Bobby Flay. Giada is my least favorite on the entire network. Jeff is super smart and quick and has a warmth, genuineness about him. Alex is very mellow, warm, sharp and has a great sense of humor. I'd love to see them as the regular hosts.

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