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20/20 lost it's investigative journalism badge some time ago.  Too many stupid sting stories, hidden cameras with setups, lottery scams, etc. and the ever repetitive and rehashed murder for hire with an undercover cop hitman stings.  Blech.

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WARNING:  Shallowness follows!


Just watching a pretty interesting show, "Real Estate Roulette".   The 20/20 reporter for the first segment is Chris Connelly.  DUDE...Get thyself to a dentist, STAT!  The guy works on at least 3 shows:  20/20, Sports Center, and ESPN's E60.  Surely he can afford to have his teeth aligned and whitened.  It was so grossly distracting that I almost missed the story itself.  HiDef is not his friend.


Told you it was shallow...

Edited by Tunia
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I've thought that about Chris Connelly going back to his MTV News days.

A day later and I'm so weirded out by that first story last night I had to post about it. The woman that wanted the house so bad she was harassing the owners "because it felt like hers." Putting woman in a position that strange men that thought she was inviting them to hook up to her house is absolutely disgusting. Thank God for the woman who owned the house she wasn't raped, or otherwise attacked and her husband as well. I know not all people that go on such sites are bad but to me that screams the tipping the scale towards a SVU episode. The husband could have been attacked by an angry neighbor because of those notes that Kathy lady sent out as him. She got off far too easily. Sleep Deprivation does not make a person do that. Neither does stress (like that couple wasn't under stress and didn't lose any sleep because of her? Are they allowed to harass someone now?) I cannot believe most of all she still has custody of her child. She is a sociopath. If she really didn't think about what could have happened by making that webpage sending the man over no that she just didn't care, then she is actually dangerously stupid. Over and over she made damaging decisions, how is the system trusting her to be able to care for a child?

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Yeah, I watched crazy house lady because they talked about it on Consumerist, and I was struck by her repeated "I didn't want to hurt them". Yeah, crazypants, you didn't want to be the one to do the actual deed, but I will never believe that you didn't want them to be hurt. You think the person who hires a hit man is innocent? Think again. And having a special needs kid should mean that someone else becomes the kid's caretaker, it's not a "stay out of jail" semi-free card.

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Bitch pissed me off to no end with her "nice lady" façade and psychotherapist in tow.  I wasn't buying it for a minute.  Sleep deprivation, stress and no support system doesn't make you into a monster stalker (otherwise I would be driving down to her new house and harassing HER).  I hope Neighborhood Watch keeps their eyes on her after the ankle monitor is removed.

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I think the worst part is the mastermind seemed to be the best friend.  It was the girl who didn't know Payton very well who was most reluctant.  And the way they described slenderman - a tall man with no face who preys on children.  They know he "preys on children" yet want to impress him. 

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Tonight on 20/20:     "American Scandal"   Barbara Walters interviews  Mary Kay Letournear and Vili Fualaau.


Remember them? May Kay was the teacher who in 1997 gave birth to a child that she had with one of her then- 13 year old students. They now have 2 children (both teens) Vili was 13 when the first child was born and 15 when the second child was born. He is now 31 and she is 53.


They are still married. I can't wait to watch this !

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Wow, I used to admire Barbara Walters.

Now I think she's a fame-whore who will interview any POS to get publicity. Mary Kay is a pedophile..just because she's a woman doesn't make a difference. I'd be in jail for murder if some 34 year old skank slept with my TWELVE year old son. A new low. (aaaand I'll probably watch it..dang you baba wawa!)

Edited by ChiCricket
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I never watch 20/20 but was lured in after Shark Tank. What is wrong with Mary Kay Letourneau? She seems...touched...and acts and talks in a very childlike (and creepy) way. "Master's degree credits", my ass! My seven-year-old niece is more eloquent than MKL, which I guess explains a lot toward how MKL and Vili "fell in love" when he was 12.

OF COURSE Vili is a DJ. Is there a legitimate reason why his former teacher wife couldn't tutor him to pass the GED??

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I never watch 20/20 but was lured in after Shark Tank. What is wrong with Mary Kay Letourneau? She seems...touched...and acts and talks in a very childlike (and creepy) way. "Master's degree credits", my ass! My seven-year-old niece is more eloquent than MKL, which I guess explains a lot toward how MKL and Vili "fell in love" when he was 12.

OF COURSE Vili is a DJ. Is there a legitimate reason why his former teacher wife couldn't tutor him to pass the GED??


Yep, that was the only reason I watched, too. I can't agree more with your assessment of Mary Kay. Vili came off much more mature and with some common sense compared to her, too. Good for him telling his daughters they couldn't have boyfriends in middle and high school due to his experience. He realizes what he and MK did was, and still is, wrong. MK can't buy a clue and her voice was indeed very creepy.


I do have to say I think their oldest daughter, Audrey, is absolutely beautiful! But how sad those girls weren't told by one or both of their parents why they are notorious and learned whatever they know from the internet. Sounds almost like how my mother didn't tell me about periods before I got mine (and well before the internet, haha), then handed me a pamphlet about it.


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I felt so bad for those girls, too. I mean, consider the source, but it's incomprehensible to me that MK and Vili didn't tell them when they were young about how they met and the implications.

Macthekat, my mom pulled out the Childcraft book and opened up the section on "menstruation". All I can say beyond that is thank goodness for Judy Blume.

Edited by bilgistic
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I get the impression that Vili wants out of this relationship, but crazy rapist bitch won't let him go. I agree with other posters here - something's wrong in that cow's head.


And why is this sow still being referred to by her first husband's surname (a name that she besmirched, to say the least)?


If she had molested my child, I would have scratched the slut's eyes out.


Notice how I refuse to even type her name. Ugh.

I also got the impression that Vili wants out of this relationship.  I don't think he is happy at all and she claims to be so in love.  The fact that he doesn't want his daughters to make the same mistake he did speaks volumes to me.  I don't get why MKL doesn't buy a clue.  I think Vili sees MKL as both a mother and lover since he appears to have had a rough childhood.  I thought I had read that his mom helped him raise the girls when they were little, so she must have been some support to him and the girls.


 MKL is seriously messed up if she can't realize how she deprived this man of his teen years and completing his education.  She should help him get his GED. I think it's ironic how she is so strict with the girls, but didn't think twice about having sex with a then 12 year old. WTF!!!!!  Vili may have been able to date others and have some fun with friends while she was in prison, but the fact remains that he still had two little girls to raise.  I really do commend him for doing the best he could under the circumstances.  I think we should start a "Free Vili" petition!!!  

Edited by Sammich63
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I got the same feeling about Villi wanting out. I wouldn't be surprised if he made an escape once the girls are out of the house. As Judge Judy would say Mary Kay's affect was off. It was just so bizarre from her answers, to her weird ass giggling and blushing. Emotionally, I think she is basically a 12 year old and at this point Villi has emotionally matured past her.

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I can't agree more with your assessment of Mary Kay. Vili came off much more mature and with some common sense compared to her, too.



Cinder blocks have more common sense and maturity than Mary Kay Letourneau. 


She and Vili are still married, and they presented themselves as having a seemingly good marriage. But watching him during the interview, you can tell that there is a huge part of him that desperately wishes he had a do over. Instead, he is shackled for life to the hobgoblin sitting next to him. Probably more so than if he was literally in chains. And he sits glumly while she delights in all the attention. It was very telling how they acted. She was all dolled up and did most of the talking, while he wore a t-shirt and only answered direct questions from Baba Wawa. 

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MK wanted to be back in the limelight. The expressions on V's face were telling the viewers he did not! I think she uses that baby voice to control people. V can't wait for the youngest to reach an adult age he feels comfortable with, before spliting himself.

I hope her name stays on that list forever!!

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I did not watch the interview. Am surprised that Walter's would damage her reputation by interviewing the se two again. She "retired" but craves the lime light and resorts to interviewing ridiculous people like this couple because she can' t get any legitimate celebrities to talk with.

I recall the case with this mentally ill pedophile teacher back when it happened. Seems like a sorry " anniversary" to highlight with a TV interviewing! I did not watch 20/20 but just from article headlines on Radar Online, etc. which touted it, it scema that the copule is struggling financially and hope the media exposure leads to some paying opportunities for them or their poor Daughters. Maybe a Stick reality show, book del, speaking or hosting work? heck, the Family of four already got a free trip to New York for doing the interview. They consciously want to get their name and faces out there again. And Barbara and ABC were more Than happy to oblige. Shame on them.

Edited by CathInAZ
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MK wanted to be back in the limelight.

Amen to that! When asked why she agreed to be interviewed now, she gave some rambling answer like, "Oh, it's our 10-year anniversary and ... something something." And? So? This is a woman who is seriously, seriously mentally ill.

I don't think I ever saw two people so uncomfortable in each other's presence than she and Villi. These two didn't even behave like they could tolerate each other let alone "love" each othee. And she was flat-out lying about how he "persued" her. I could literally see the wheels in her head turning trying to think of some answer to give to BW when she asked her what the turning point in their "relationship" was. I beloved Villi's explanation while he was testifying at the civil trial...that it was SHE who pursued HIM. Frankly I think everything she said was a lie. She's trying to make herself look good and paint that relationship as "normal." It's not. Not now. Not ever.

She is a vile predator who ruined his life. Their girls are gorgeous (but vocally untalented) and I feel sorry for them.

Edited by Guest
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54 going on 16 isn't a good look on Mary Kay Letorneau.

Their daughters are beautiful, but they look more like his sisters than his kids. I'm watching videos on the ABC News site, and an anchor is talking to Barbara Walters. "He was the same age as my son when their affair began."

Child rape =/= affair. Sorry, but, no.

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I thought it was telling when BW asked them to name something they liked about the other and Vili responded, "Well, Mary is just Mary.  She's always late." And I think she said he was and always has been "trouble", if I recall correctly.  Very disturbing.  Clearly, she has been sexually obsessed with him forever and he got caught in her web and has not been able to escape.  Oddly enough, their  girls seem happy.

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Oddly enough, their girls seem happy.

I suspect the girls continued to be raised primarily by Villi's mother who had custody when they were young. I wouldn't be surprised if she still has primary custody. To my knowledge, she has never done a public interview for money so she's the one I'd trust.

Mary's 3 year old brother drowned in her care = lose a child

Mary mentors a young lost child = saves a child (logic in her twisted mind).

Edited by AnnieGirl
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I was floored by Mary Kay's answer to "Do you think you ruined his childhood?" A response of, "Well, I was locked up for 7 years and he got to play" was repulsive. How do you have sex with someone who is practically the same age as your child at 13?!? She seemed high and he looked saddened by the path his life has taken.

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I got the same feeling about Villi wanting out. I wouldn't be surprised if he made an escape once the girls are out of the house. As Judge Judy would say Mary Kay's affect was off. It was just so bizarre from her answers, to her weird ass giggling and blushing. Emotionally, I think she is basically a 12 year old and at this point Villi has emotionally matured past her.


I think you hit the nail on the head there.  Though I don't have children, I do understand the anger towards her.  Sure Villi might have had a crush on MKL, but it's the adult's responsibility to say, "Thank you but no, you're a child, I'm an adult.  Case closed."  


I think the anger towards her comes from, "what if that were my son?"  Also for me, I get this sense of a different type of abuse; she was a middle class white woman and he was a poor Hawaiian child from a poor family.  I get why HE fell for her, to him, she probably was like a fairy-tale princess, I mean he was just 12; she totally took advantage of him.  


That said, I feel that the state also fucked him over.  He should have had some type of intense therapy.  From what he said, he didn't get any help from the state either.  They wanted to rightfully jail MKL, but he should have received some type of help.


I too thought their two daughters were gorgeous.  

Edited by Neurochick
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That they put their two daughters on TV is reprehensible. They are probably hoping that the televised interview results in some paying opportunities (DJ work for Dad, a book deal for the family, anything!) so that they can afford to pay for college for the girls. The family's income can't be much and they may be struggling. The interview got them an all expense multi day trip to New York, renewed media exposure, etc.

If the interview garnered big ratings for 20/20 it shows the public is still fascinated by the sick actions of Mary Kay as an adult TEACHER who should have known better against a young boy. And now she is pimping her daughters out to see if lucrative offers come in. Ugh!

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I agree with you CathyAZ, but at this point what are they supposed to do now?  They are married, they have two daughters to take care of.   If this appearance earned money for their daughters to go to college, then good.  


I think what MKL did was awful.  I think Villi NEVER would have married her had she not had children with him.  I think he should have had intensive therapy back then.  But he didn't and it's water under the bridge now.  


Now all these years later, like it or not they're married and have two daughters; and they have to do what they have to do to survive.  I don't like it but then again, I did watch the show on Friday night, so I guess I'm part of the problem.

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Not that I expect any rational, adult thought from MKL, but ideally they could teach their girls that getting paying jobs, staying out of the limelight (because in their case it is being "famous" for a really bad reason), focusing on defining career goals and working hard to reach them is a prudent and reasonable road to take. Even if Villi wanted that it sounds like he would buckle to what ever MK wants. Plus his chosen line of work as a DJ probably is helped by some notoriety and having some name recognition. Does he hold any other jobs? Do they receive any welfare benefits? MKL cold find full time work at any number of jobs but she probably feels that cleaning houses, etc is beneath her.

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Plus his chosen line of work as a DJ probably is helped by some notoriety and having some name recognition. Does he hold any other jobs? Do they receive any welfare benefits? MKL cold find full time work at any number of jobs but she probably feels that cleaning houses, etc is beneath her.

Along with being "DJ Headline" (*retching*), the voiceover said Vili works at a "garden center" and a picture that was quite obviously of Lowe's was shown. She was said to have taught at colleges and taught piano lessons. I would think she can't be around minors because of her crime, so she's limited in what work she can do, and she's a felon, but yeah, felons are able to get work.


I was gobsmacked that they still live IN THE SAME COMMUNITY in which the shit went down. That said it all for me. She has not one single drop of remorse, and flaunts what she did to others.

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The only interview I ever watched with these 2 people was shortly after they were married.  I remember being struck by his incoherence and her dominance of the conversation.  She was the "teacher/adult" in the interview and he was the child and I was repulsed - and still am.  She is a nut case and he is a victim and I heartily applaud his mom for raising the kids.  I truly hope he has gained some insight and can guide his daughters.  I fear tho' that his lack of opportunities and his, quite frankly, freaky life from the age of 13 has permanently impaired his ability to function as a grown up.


I was a 22 yr. old female teacher of a class of seniors - I was not ugly, but I also wasn't flirty or sexual.  I was responsible and the adult and I was the judge of the kids tests and performances.  I was 'walking the room' during an assignment when a kid (male) flagged me down with a question about something.  I put my left hand on his desk and my right hand on his back----and recoiled when he tensed up like a spring.  I never touched another student while I taught.


I was appalled at myself for not realizing how few years separated us, but I was in full control as the adult and responsible person in the room - there was not a sexual intent anywhere in my head.  And believe you me, my interactions with that student were beyond professional from that day forward. 


And the weird thing is, I was 4 years removed from a couple of the seniors.  They were cute - but in my head they were KIDS, they had so much ahead of them, college, jobs and testing their potential, meeting girls.......such a great invigorating time of life - the years you spend in your 20's.


It boggles my mind that any adult would find a high school- much less a MIDDLE SCHOOL child - a lifetime partner, much less a sexual one. I can never fathom it.  She should have never been allowed to see him again after her jail sentence - still I suppose at 20 - he found some of this romantic or something.

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I live in Cleveland, so I was especially interested in the Cleveland kidnap survivor story.  I loved how Robin called the city "gritty" haha because seriously it's falling apart.  They keep saying the flats and downtown will be saved by Lebron and the RNC, but I kinda feel like it's Gotham in Batman Begins and should just be burned down.


I liked how Gina Dejesus just said she wasn't comfortable talking about the rape, because really, do we need to know the gory details?  I think we can imagine how horrible it was without hearing exactly how horrible it was.  She shouldn't have to relive it for our benefit.  I don't know how I would manage to survive under those circumstances, I wonder if he supplied them with alcohol and drugs, because damn, I would want some just to break up the horror of the days.


I cried two years ago watching a youtube of that cop talking about entering the house for the first time, and I teared up again.  I can't even imagine.  I barely get through my own life!  It's incredible they were able to hold onto their sanity.

Edited by Morbs
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I would like to know why Amanda and Gina have nothing to do with Michele.  Michele did say in her Dr Phil interview that she was Castro's least favorite so it has some roots there in that very small society that existed in the house.  Michele also has some mental challenges.  I have not heard what her problems are in detail.  Tragic that she was not even reported missing.  There is more to her story that I would like to hear.   

Kudos for Amanda creating the best environment she could for her daughter.  She had very little contact with information on child rearing and sounds like she did a good job.  I would also like to hear the problems her daughter had adjusting to life once out.  


This interview was just okay.  So much information is missing.  We have heard about the conditions before.  I understand why they keep details private, of course.  Doesn't stop me from wanting to know more though!  

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I think MIchelle's mental challenges are more than we know, especially since she never had a normal home life and wasn' properly diagnosed.  I don't think she should be living on her own, she seems to have the capacity of a ten year old to me.

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I think MIchelle's mental challenges are more than we know, especially since she never had a normal home life and wasn' properly diagnosed.  I don't think she should be living on her own, she seems to have the capacity of a ten year old to me.


Yes, there is a lot going on with her, that is clear.  Living alone, wow.  I wonder if she has some support system in place from people who stepped up, not necessarily knowing her before this.  I know nothing about her background other than she was not reported missing.  Did she live with a parent?  

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All the girls are being supported by various funds and trusts, I think people were awfully generous and the girls don't work.  This old article about Michelle gives more details: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/may/10/michelle-knight-ariel-castro-how-i-survivedI guess she lived with a cousin.  Her relationship with her mother was tense and she eventually ran away.  She was 21 when she was kidnapped but she's like 4 feet tall.  I saw a pic of her standing next to Tamryn Manning from Orange is the New Black and Tamryn is 5'2 and Michelle was considerably shorter than her.

Edited by Morbs
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This interview was just okay.  So much information is missing.  We have heard about the conditions before.  I understand why they keep details private, of course.  Doesn't stop me from wanting to know more though!  

This episode could have easily been two hours.  I wanted to know more as well.  Guess we'll have to read the book.

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This episode could have easily been two hours.  I wanted to know more as well.  Guess we'll have to read the book.


I don't think the relationship they have with Michele will be mentioned.  Michele is mum on that, too. 


The link in Morbs post above is interesting.  Amanda was alone in a room of her own.  Gina and Michelle shared a room and took care of each other and lived together for those 11 years.  There is a story behind why they do not speak now and I would love to know it.   I can make some guesses and speculate but I would like to hear from Gina on that.  

Edited by wings707
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Michelle was the house's whipping boy while Amanda was the favorite. When Amanda refused to perform certain sexual acts, Castro forced Michelle to do them instead. That sort of dynamic is bound to create resentment, especially if it played out for over a decade.

On her Dr. Phil interview Michelle said she was saddened by the fact that when Amanda called 911 she only mentioned her and Gina being missing and said nothing about Michelle. I don't blame Amanda or Gina but it wouldn't surprise me if they followed Castro's lead and began to treat Michelle poorly as well. People under high levels of stress will often turn on each other.

Regarding Michelle not being reported missing, she was a legal adult who had disinterested parents and a history of running away as a teen. Even if her parents had filed a report her case would likely have received only cursory attention.

Edited by BitterApple
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Amanda is by far the most articulate of the bunch, and I believe the most intelligent.  Gina was in special needs classes, and oh so young, when she was kidnapped.  I think Amanda was better at manipulating Castro.  Knowing to ask for a diary and using it to get your thoughts out and writing positive notes to keep yourself going was a pretty good move, and I bet she had others.  Michelle seems to be on the opposite end and didn't have the capacity to find ways to make things easier on herself and got most of the abuse.  So I think that's the source of them not getting a long.  I think Amanda can't really come out and say Michelle was difficult to get along with because of her mental challenges and childlike personality, so she just says stuff like, "We are different people," just to be diplomatic.

Edited by Morbs
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Yes I get all you said.  I get all of that.  It is very clear where their differences lie.  I thought Robin Roberts did a poor job with the interview.  I have never been impressed with her.  She got cancer so no one was comfortable talking about her lack of skill. And then she came out as gay.  Shame on her for hiding her partner.   Not a big deal anymore.   

Edited by wings707
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I just watched this interview On Demand and was left wondering the same thing as many of you: what is the deal with Amanda and Gina's relationship - or lack thereof - with Michelle?  I saw a separate interview with Michelle on E! with Giuliana Rancic and was suprised to see that Michelle is actually a lot more articulate than I expected.  Yes, it is clearly evident that she has some challenges (some were present prior to her kidnapping, but I believe there are a lot more as a result of her severe abuse during her captivity), but she is pretty well spoken and observant as far as I could tell.  I also saw the last hour or so of the Lifetime movie about their ordeal and it seems like Michelle would at least be close with Gina because they appeared to be locked away together for the most part.  So, even if Amanda doesn't have a relationship with Michelle now, I really wonder what happened with Gina's relationship with her.  It's all very puzzling to me.  Regardless of the reason(s), however, I do hope they continue to be diplomatic and never turn on each other.


Edited to add:  I don't think Amanda was the first to get a diary to write in.  I'm pretty sure Michelle had gotten at least paper to write on and eventually a diary/notebook even before Amanda was kidnapped.  Michelle also seemed to have a pretty good read on Ariel and could manipulate him in her own ways to her advantage when needed according to what she has said in her own interview.  Needless to say, I think they all did what they could as far as their interactions with Ariel and their own ways of surviving the hell.  Michelle's "challenges" may make her seem childlike, but like I stated earlier, she was a lot more well spoken and even mature than I expected.  I thought Gina came across as the most childlike in the interview, even moreso than Michelle.  I attribute that to her being so young when she was kidnapped.

Edited by LIGirl
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I think a lot more went down in that house than what's been revealed. As far as Michelle and Gina, it's hard to say whether their rift was caused by normal aggravation from being stuck together or if something more sinister happened. On the surface the Amanda/Gina bond makes more sense. They were closer in age and came from similar backgrounds.

All three girls admitted that Castro fostered mistrust between them, but given Michelle's mental delays, she may not have been able to see the game for what it was and developed an irrational jealousy towards Amanda. But to hear Michelle tell it, Amanda was the one who was clueless.

Edited by BitterApple
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