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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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Wow, I am dumber for reading this. I can't follow Twitter because I'm a dinosaur but someone was nice enough to summarize the feud. For those that want to protect their brain cells, here is the situation:

Chelsea tweeted that she is launching a new website that deals with skin and hair care. Not sure if she is starting her own line or reviewing existing products or what.


Jenelle then tweets that Chelsea is "copying" her by having a website.


Chelsea kind of laughs it off, but Kail and Randy jump in to defend Chelsea (WHY, Randy?)


Jenelle tweets that Kail is a loser for getting a waist trainer two days after giving birth (um, burn?), and that Chelsea drinks and takes adderall.


Chelsea tweets back that Jenelle has no idea what Chelsea does, and Randy pipes up that he's a bigger partier than Chelsea (Randy, I love you, but WHY ARE YOU ENGAGING THIS FREAK?)


The Jenelle's manager posts an email that was sent from Chelsea's "team" asking him about a possible collaboration, and the manager says he is not interested (classy!)


Then I stopped reading. I just can't with these idiots. I am disappointed in Randy and Chelsea (although she didn't do much) for dignifying these tweets with any response.

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Jenelle thinks someone is copying her by having a website? Has she lost her freaking mind. 


I agree that it's sad to see anyone even responding to her nonsense, but I can't 100% blame Chelsea, as it's not cool to see people saying crap about you. And she's still pretty young, immature, and impulsive. But Randy, come on!!! I love him and I admire that he wants to defend his daughter. But fighting teeny bopper battles is not a good look, Dr. Houska. 

  • Love 6

A lot of girls take Adderall to lose weight, so who knows. If anyone can recognize someone popping pills, it's Jenelle. Why Randy is jumping into the fray is beyond me. It's so immature and uncouth for a man his age. Nobody takes Jenelle seriously so there's no point in even engaging her.

That's one thing that consistently disappoints me about Randy. Seems like he is all over the Twitter nonsense even when Chelsea isn't. I don't really do Twitter because I can't understand what's going on most of the time, but whenever there's a tabloid story involving Twitter and Chelsea, Randy's right in the middle of it.


(edited for typo fix)

Edited by NikSac
  • Love 8

I can sort of see why Chels and Randy are offended by Jenelle's claims of prescription drug abuse. I mean, this is coming from JENELLE. If anyone has no room to judge in those matters, it is her. Plus I don't see her in anyway being close enough to Chelsea to know anything but rumors. In fact, none of the other girls seem to associate much with her.

Randy could cool it though, man is too old to be getting into it with dumb twenty-something girls. None of Chelsea's other family fight her battles, he needs to let hercput on her big girl panties and handle losers like Jenelle.

  • Love 1

The thing is, Chelsea was handling it pretty well on her own. I'd prefer if she would ignore Jenelle completely, but a mild "okay, Jenelle," more or less digital eyeroll is still perfectly appropriate. She came off looking mature and Jenelle looked like an idiot. Then Randy came charging in and starting throwing back accusations at Jenelle which only escalated the whole incident. Honestly, I'd be annoyed with Randy if I were Chelsea.

  • Love 5

Just asking, and it's probably been asked before, but who the hell would hire someone who does drugs as a medical assistant?

Nobody, which is why Jenelle going for a medical assistant certificate was pointless and foolish. She apparently graduated from some diploma mill. I wonder if Jenelle's student advisor gave her a realistic opinion or didn't care as long as the tuition check cleared.

  • Love 3

Janelle on The Doctors. What a load pamper crap that whole story was. The Doctors is produced by CBS and Teen Mom is produced by MTV/Viacom which used to be part of the same company. So Jannelle and her WHOREMOAN issue was just an advertisement for the upcoming season of Teen Mom 2+1 by another baby daddy.

Which one of these clown cars is going to replace Mechelle on the new and upcoming show on TLC "My 19 Baby Daddys AND Counting."

Say what now? Another Baby Daddy? He has one already or she's pregnant again? Oh Goddess NOOOOOOOO! 


The last thing Janelle should ever do is go off her birth control!! That's not the cause of her problems. She has a mood and anxiety disorder that she self-medicated with daily marijuana use. She stopped smoking (did they say why she did? Was it to try to find work?) and all her symptoms began. I'm not a physician but I'm a licensed mental health clinician. She was misdiagnosed by these TV doctors because they aren't mental health clinicians or familiar with the nuances of drug dependency. With that nature of marijuana, the withdrawal effects take longer to appear (versus alcohol and other drugs) so she doesn't associate her issues with putting her bong away.

Edited by CofCinci
  • Love 4

While watching the Catch Up special last night, I was once again struck by that moment when Nipples said it ALL. They were arguing in the kitchen and he told Jenelle that she's a bitch and that's why every relationship in her life fails. He then tells her that until she gets some counseling, nothing was going to change. He's still an ignorant tool of the highest order, but every now and then he makes sense-haha!

  • Love 6

While watching the Catch Up special last night, I was once again struck by that moment when Nipples said it ALL. They were arguing in the kitchen and he told Jenelle that she's a bitch and that's why every relationship in her life fails. He then tells her that until she gets some counseling, nothing was going to change. He's still an ignorant tool of the highest order, but every now and then he makes sense-haha!

...except for when he's being shoved in the back of a cruiser, sobbing "Why am I a guy?" 

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She wouldn't know anything about work. She lays around, spins fairy tales about her relationships, goes to doctors out of state for dumb plastic surgery shit, and then turns into the devil when things don't go her way. So Janelle tweet about your fucking kids, about your mother who keeps your first born, tweet about going out and doing something, besides loom for cock and plastic surgery. Because Janelle, I don't give two shits if he works or not, grow up, be a mom, and quit being a hypochondriac and live in the real world. Quit spending your money on stupid shit. For fucks sake, give alot to your mother, she deserves it for putting up with Janelle and taking care of Jace while Janelle ran all over the place with her latest.

  • Love 7

One thing that stood out to me on the Catch up special - Jenelle claiming that she gave her mother "temporary" custody of Jace.  No she did not.  It was permanent Guardianship.  Barbara has guardianship of Jace until Jace is 18 years old.  Unless, of course, Jenelle can successfully convince a Judge to vacate the guardianship and give custody back to Jenelle.  But she needs to stop pretending it was just a little temporary thing, just so she could get back on her feet!

  • Love 7

I don't know about on camera. I thought Gary was the one she accused of strangling her with a blanket. But, as far as I remember, they BOTH went to jail and were BOTH given no contact orders. I'm not excusing any of these guys, but I feel like Jenelle often instigates things and then wants to cry to all her friends that her dude "beat her up". 


At any rate, I thought Gary was the one Barb actually sort of liked, and was also the one that seemed most interested in Jace. 

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Nathan has filed for custody of Kaiser and calls Jenelle and her soulmate of the moment out in the filing

I hate that poor Kaiser's parents are Jenelle and Nathan. Can't Brandon and Theresa come get him?

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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Stargasm has photos of a younger Barb. I think it said Janelle posted them on her website. I can't link right now, hopefully someone else can. It's pretty neat. One is from grade school that looks like Jace and the rest are very similar to Janelle.

I haven't seen the pics but one thing is for sure, babs and Jenelle HAVE THE EXACT SAME CRY. The talking while crying thing they do...they sound exactly the same...the tone in voice the sniffling In between and the mouth movements.

Wow! I need a life.

Edited by Calm81
  • Love 2

That is a BUNCH of court dates for sure. And I love how she claims her soulmate of the moment doesn't have a criminal record. Jenelle, we can all Google.

And I hate that anyone makes me side with Nathan. Ugh. I wish there was an option C.

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How many retirement beach condos do you think Jenelle's lawyers have bought off her legal fees alone?

I don't think they keep her as a client long enough to be able to invest in real estate with her legal fees. Could you imagine having Jenelle as your client? Yeah, thanks for working on my behalf to figure out a deal but I've got this Kesha concert. So, I'm going to completely disregard your legal advice because I've already got these feathers in my hair.
  • Love 9

I can't even explain how pissed I'd be if I was one of the other TM2 moms and I had to wait around for hours because Jenelle couldn't film because she was "sick" (with a hangover). According to that article, she even asked for an ambulance but MTV said she was over-reacting.


Damn, Jenelle. Even Leah can get her pilled up behind on the set on time to scream out "monkey."


I hope Kaiser is with Barb.

  • Love 7

Damn, Jenelle. Even Leah can get her pilled up behind on the set on time to scream out "monkey."

I hope Kaiser is with Barb.

No kidding. Hell even pregnant hungover Maci made it to the OG after show taping.

I hope he's not with Barb only because she's already got Jace, and that other little boy. How many kids under 7 can the poor woman handle? I wish Kaiser was worth an adoptive family.

(ha sometimes autocorrect gets it right, I meant with, not worth, but it fits so I'm leaving it)

Edited by NikSac
  • Love 3

Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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