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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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Kail was working as a dentist assistant when the show went on a break. At one point they were off the air for over a year, I believe? When they came back, Kail had been working full-time as a dental assistant, but jumped at the chance to quit when the show came back. They showed her working with a patient in the little "what I've been doing" blurb, but I don't think we ever saw a single episode when she was still working. She also got involved with javi around that time, and they moved. However, I'll give her credit for starting university pretty soon after that. 

Jenelle spent that year high with Courtland, and that's why "alnost famous" never was on the show. 

Chelsea had switched from beauty school to esthetician school during that break, and seemed more energetic and motivated. I've always suspected that she started adderall then for really having ADHD (not saying the rumors that she abused it are true). I always imagined Randy saying, "okay, the show and easy money are gone. It's time that you get school done." And then she really gave it an honest try and couldn't do it, so he got her diagnosed by a doctor.

leah, I honestly don't remember. I thiiiiink maybe that's around the time Addie was born? I think, because I don't remember her ever being pregnant with Addie on the show. I think she had her miscarriage, and then the next episode Addie was several months old. 

Edited by Christina87
  • Love 4
16 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

Do you think Chelsea lost all her weight using Adderall?

No I don’t think so. She probably just cut back on eating sugars and refined carbs (along with exercise). She’s not very tall, 5’3 or 5’4 and she didn’t lose that much-maybe 20lbs? It mostly came off in her face which is likely from going from teen to adult woman. 

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It has to be exhausting and frustrating to be a producer or on the crew assigned to Jenelle.  

Not only do you get yelled and cursed at, there's always the threat of David doing something.  He's really scary.  If I were any of the extended family - Barb, Nathan, his mom, Jace's bio dad, etc.,  I'd be sleeping with one eye open.   Same thing for the crew when they're down there filming.  

I saw a couple of blind items a few months back- both easily were attributed to Jenelle.  One was that she can't leave him because she stupidly put things in his name, she'd be broke.  Another said she was scared to leave him, as he'd threatened her many times, plus threatened her family if she left.  I could see both being true. 

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2 hours ago, Mkay said:

I’m pride over pity (yes, I admit I read it) I think Kail said she did not finish the dental program. I may be wrong.  It’s been a while. 

I think she got the dental assistant certificate, which is pretty quick to get, and thought she’d work as a DA while going to school for the dental hygienist program that is much longer. Then she met Javi and chose to say f it to school AND her DA job because she moved to be with him and the show started again so she didn’t need to worry about petty little things like working or planning for the future.

22 minutes ago, hoosier80 said:

Not only do you get yelled and cursed at, there's always the threat of David doing something.  He's really scary.  If I were any of the extended family - Barb, Nathan, his mom, Jace's bio dad, etc.,  I'd be sleeping with one eye open.   Same thing for the crew when they're down there filming. 

I feel like David will definitely do something threatening if they’re filming during this “breakup.” Hopefully the crew will refuse to film anywhere near The Land. They definitely deserve hazard pay - imagine how jealous they are of the crews filming the other girls in basically complete safety?

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Welcome to the world of reality teevee, David.  The producers have the power to make or break your image, so it would behoove you to get along with them.  David hasn't even *tried* to pretend to be a normal, well-adjusted, mature, level-headed human being.  The way he has handled his shot at MTV fame has proven his stupidity.  When David tried to threaten and bully his way around MTV, the producers made it clear that they weren't going to let him call the shots, so they packed up their equipment and left, taking the paycheck with them.  Who's calling the shots now, David, who??? 

And Jenelle is just as stupid (I know I'm preaching to the choir here) for thinking that any of the producers are her friend.  It is the producer's job to create and showcase DRAMA and social media headlines any way they can and both of these swamp creatures have made it all so very easy. 

  • Useful 2
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16 hours ago, ravencroft said:

With as much as Jenelle uses the tabloids for her own ends, I wont believe they actually split until I see court documents

I’m with you. David needs the money to buy more guns and until Jenelle starts swiping Tinder for her latest “soulmate” they’ll be back together shortly with the nitwit claiming it was yet another “misunderstanding”.

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I think someone might have told him that HE a man can sue Janelle a lowly female for spousal support.  Why be stuck with her when he can leave AND get the money and possibly even more if he can get at least one of the kids that he is a genetic match to.   

Edited by Chaos Theory
  • Love 11

“Dude, you guys are the worst bosses I’ve ever had…I mean, you’re also the ONLY bosses I’ve ever had but still…”

I DIED laughing bwahahha. No one will hire her because she will never pass a drug test or be courteous to others. She can't even fake it because since 16 MTV has been kissing her trashy behind. She is spoiled brat.

  • LOL 13
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24 minutes ago, galaxychaser said:

“Dude, you guys are the worst bosses I’ve ever had…I mean, you’re also the ONLY bosses I’ve ever had but still…”

I DIED laughing bwahahha. No one will hire her because she will never pass a drug test or be courteous to others. She can't even fake it because since 16 MTV has been kissing her trashy behind. She is spoiled brat.

If trashy asshole is you schtick at least be smart about it.  Save some money in the bank for when the trashy asshole express reaches the station.    She has been doing this for how many years now?  I am guessing she has zero dollars in the bank.  

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18 hours ago, Chaos Theory said:

If trashy asshole is you schtick at least be smart about it.  Save some money in the bank for when the trashy asshole express reaches the station.    She has been doing this for how many years now?  I am guessing she has zero dollars in the bank.  

I agree all their $ goes for drugs and toys for David. And the she shed. I don’t think they save $ for the future.

Edited by galaxychaser
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On 2/18/2019 at 2:13 PM, yogi2014L said:

Dental assistant and Dental Hygiene are very different. My understanding is DA do not make nearly as much (less than 20/hr sometimes) and you just need training certificates. You can start with no experience and get trained on the job. One of my SILs is a dentist and one is a dental assistant. 

Dental Hygiene is much more intense intense schooling, and programs are competitive. Pay can around 55K/yr for even part time hours in some areas. I wanted to be a dental hygienist but I couldn't ( at the time) quit my job to dive back into full time school- which you need to do for a program like that.

Yep. In my (low cost of living/low pay-scale) area, dental hygienists (4 year degree) make around $60k/yr.  Dental assistants make about $32k/yr, which is a little over half of what a dental hygienist makes.  

Kail has a dental assistant certificate, not a dental hygienist degree (a 2 or 4 year degree in dental hygiene).  Dental hygienists are kind of like RNs (with 2 year degrees or 4 year degrees), and dental assistants are more similar to medical assistants as far as training/pay (although some dental assistants, as you said, get trained on the job). Good for Kail for getting the dental assistant certificate at the time when she stopped going to college, but she'd have been better served in the long-run when she went back to college if she'd have done a dental hygiene degree instead of communications when it comes to supporting herself post-TM. 

At least she does have the dental assistant certificate and some work experience, so she can always try to get back into that when her podcasts and those hosting gigs she's after dry up or don't materialize.  And she has completed a 4 year degree, which does at least show she can stick with and finish a 4 year degree program (even if communications is less lucrative than dental hygiene would have been), so dental offices may see that 4 year degree as a plus for hiring her as a dental assistant even though it's in an unrelated field (I'd not expect it to bring in any more money, though).  Jenelle has completed a MA program, but she never passed the exam and can't work as a MA without it (not to mention her arrests/drug record). Kail and Chelsea (with aesthetic license/training and experience) at least have something there to fall back on, even if it will pay way less than TM. Jenelle (and these other girls) have NOTHING. 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 6
2 hours ago, CaliforniaLove said:

No way, MTV doesn't give 2 shits about the kids on this show. Jenelle being the hideous shit show she is = ratings & THAT is all those immoral pieces of shit at MTV care about. 

I am sorry to say I agree with you. If they cared, I believe they would not keep filming her or the others who had their issues with pillses and injectables or beverages. Sad to say.

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Actually- I was thinking to myself when I wrote the earlier post about the Ruthie episode where they truly did intervene. That was also highly unusual at that point  because we NEVER saw the camera crew or staff then......and really only recently has it changed where the producers are asking the ***STARSS****  different questions and they sit around now and shmooze with their new best friends. I don't remember when that shift occurred either.

  • Love 9
4 hours ago, mayvenne said:

Actually- I was thinking to myself when I wrote the earlier post about the Ruthie episode where they truly did intervene. That was also highly unusual at that point  because we NEVER saw the camera crew or staff then......and really only recently has it changed where the producers are asking the ***STARSS****  different questions and they sit around now and shmooze with their new best friends. I don't remember when that shift occurred either.

They made a big deal about "breaking the 4th wall" 4 or so seasons ago. I remember them doing it, but I can't remember anything that happened that season otherwise.

  • Love 5
14 hours ago, Rebecca said:

The MTV of the past, where they chased after drunken Ruthie from RW: Hawaii, not to get the dramatic footage, but to stop her from continuing to drive drunk and then forced her into rehab if she was going to stay on the show, is long dead. It’s crazy how on the earlier seasons of The Challenge if someone even pushed someone else they were immediately kicked off the show, now they encourage these fights and someone’s ass basically needs to be beat before anyone is kicked off! Look at Brittany and Briana at the last reunion, Amber and Matt attacking Farrah and her dad, and that chick who slapped and PUNCHED the other chick on the new Lohan show and they all got to remain on their shows. MTV has zero morals, just like all the other networks. I wish I could pinpoint when this shift occurred but it really sucks.

They’ll keep on filmjng Jenelle until their own personal rewards are outweighed by the risks and drawbacks...basically when she’s not making them enough money any longer.

The shift probably occurred right after Mary Bunim died. She was the one EP with heart, morals, and grit. 

  • Love 13
19 hours ago, CaliforniaLove said:

No way, MTV doesn't give 2 shits about the kids on this show. Jenelle being the hideous shit show she is = ratings & THAT is all those immoral pieces of shit at MTV care about. 

She pulls in good ratings with her antics.  If MTV cared they wouldn’t continually bail her out of trouble.   I don’t even watch the show and Janelle is the only one I have heard of.  You can’t buy that kind of publicity.

it will be interesting when the show ends to see what Janelle does and the first time she gets arrested and not have MTV bail her out.  I don’t think being a “former MTV Star”. Will hold much water with a judge when MTV isn’t in the courtroom 

Edited by Chaos Theory
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6 hours ago, Spiderella2 said:

The shift probably occurred right after Mary Bunim died. She was the one EP with heart, morals, and grit. 

I don’t know anything about her personally but she died over 15 years ago and things still weren’t like now back then. I did read that B/M was sold to a large French company, Banjay Entertainment, in 2010 so that might have a lot to do with it. The timing seems about right.

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On her Instagram story Jenelle says: 


She must be referring to this Radar article, it says Jenelle and David were seen together at McDonald’s on Monday and the source says they’re back together. https://radaronline.com/photos/jenelle-evans-david-eason-back-together-nasty-fight-teen-mom-2/


Ashley reports that she is demanding Nathan no longer be filmed. (Link below)

All the rest of her posts are clickbait articles and one other where she says she’s not talking to the media. She’s loving all the interest and speculation, imo.

Ashley confirms they are indeed back together (swell): http://www.theashleysrealityroundup.com/2019/02/21/jenelle-evans-makes-statement-about-not-filming-after-getting-back-together-with-husband-david-eason-exclusive-details/

She’s supposed to be going to visit her friend in Kentucky and filming it for the show this weekend.

test smoking GIF

(I just realized today that the rocket 🚀 shaped button on the new board format is for GIFS!!! The above is one of Jenelle’s...eek.)

Edited by Rebecca
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On 2/21/2019 at 9:27 AM, Tatum said:

 She seems to be picking people who don't have much going on in the way of careers, hobbies, families, etc. I kind of see her as Peter Pan, attracting all these lost boys... if Peter Pan and his lost boys were all a bunch of basic bitches in their late 20s instead of a bunch of kids. If these people can jet off to Florida or Jamaica with her on a moment's notice, or be on call to take their turn babysitting on a moment's notice, that would suggest to me they don't have much going on in their own lives. They be trying to fill an emotional void as much as Kail is and that's how they bond. The free trips probably help too.

I mean, you don't see Reese Witherspoon or someone like her pledging to ride or die with Kail :).

Ding ding ding! Yeah, as sophisticated and cool as Kail fancies herself, truly "accomplished," "sophisticated," "smart" people/moms/parents/professionals have no use for her. She's not really particularly smart, and can only come off remotely so in the context of her dumb, underachieving friends who need to leech onto her as babysitters/asskissers in order to have any opportunity to ever travel anywhere or enjoy other spoils of life above minimum wage. 

As a native Delawarean, I can say that even students at U of DE (an institution far superior to Del State, keeping it 100) have to perform at a significantly higher level than a 5-figure donor/"major" (in their context) media figure at Del State. My point is, Kail has exhibited little to no academic/professional achievement to earn her self-perceived status as an awesome, smart, serious bitch. Yes, she has the bitch part locked down, but the rest? Not so much. 

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David says the MTV producers should be locked up for making him look bad...he’s trying to call it a hate crime - what a fucking TOOL, IDIOT, ASS-FACED MORON!!!!!

Why, he didn’t mean any homophobia by comparing transpeople and gay people to flea ridden dogs! We should’ve simply ASKED him if he meant it in a homophobic way and because we didn’t, we’re all idiots. 

This was the best part of the article:

”It’s possible that David may not know what the term ‘homophobic’ means. Back in February 2018, he stated on Twitter that he is not homophobic, because he is not “scared of s**, especially a homo.”


And lookit David usin’ big talkin’ words he clearly doesn’t understand...the definition of a simile is a fucking comparison!!!! 


Notice how he doesn’t tell us what it was “meant as,” if not to be homophobic and transphobic...


Edited by Rebecca
OCD, tbh 😉
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20 hours ago, Rebecca said:

David says the MTV producers should be locked up for making him look bad...he’s trying to call it a hate crime - what a fucking TOOL, IDIOT, ASS-FACED MORON!!!!!

Why, he didn’t mean any homophobia by comparing transpeople and gay people to flea ridden dogs! We should’ve simply ASKED him if he meant it in a homophobic way and because we didn’t, we’re all idiots. 

This was the best part of the article:

”It’s possible that David may not know what the term ‘homophobic’ means. Back in February 2018, he stated on Twitter that he is not homophobic, because he is not “scared of s**, especially a homo.”


And lookit David usin’ big talkin’ words he clearly doesn’t understand...the definition of a simile is a fucking comparison!!!! 


Notice how he doesn’t tell us what it was “meant as,” if not to be homophobic and transphobic...


These two are made for each other because both blame everyone else for them being assholes.

The only way to get these two fucking assholes off of MTV is to quit watching all of the Teen Mom shows. Then maybe both these assholes will go the fuck away. They both are literally biting the hand that feeds them and are so fucking stupid that they don't realize that.

Edited by toodywoody
  • Love 17

I am not the most up to date on the drama of their lives (who can be and still function in life? Need a full time devotion to following their social media!!!) but I will say I agree that David is dangerous. I know you can't arrest someone for being "off" but I sure hope he is being watched so whatever damage he is capable of bringing, and it's a ticking time bomb in my opinion, I hope  he is being monitored so this can be nipped in the bud or minimized.

I think they have good reason to pay attention to his moves.

I agree TheRealT

  • Love 14

I know, he is ridiculously scary. I loathe Jenelle, and I'm even worried for her. I would love to see her with a partner that made her life just unpleasant all day. She TOTALLY deserves that. I'd relish seeing her with a selfish dude who treated her the way she treats her kids. Ignoring her...putting his own needs first every time...storming out of the house if she inconveniences him (the equivalent of throwing Kaiser in a room with a bottle for crying)...crying for himself and not her. BUT...even she does not deserve David. He is freaking scary. It really floors me that anyone could feel safe in a house with him. I'm really glad she has some supervision by MTV. I really worry for her the day the cameras go. 

  • Love 10
9 hours ago, Christina87 said:

It really floors me that anyone could feel safe in a house with him. I'm really glad she has some supervision by MTV. I really worry for her the day the cameras go. 

MTV hasn't been allowed on The Land since they fired UBT. No one who might threaten UBT's total control is allowed. So he can and is doing whatever he wants without any concern for supervision from anyone.

What's even crazier than the way things have unfolded is that UBT's original plan was to get custody of Jace and get Barb fired from the show, thus clearing the path for him and Jenelle to become the new Chelsea and Cole. He seriously thought that they could pull off a "happy, normal family" act that would fool everyone. Apart from being clearly mentally ill, drug users, and assholes, UBT and Jenelle are utterly lacking in charm and personality. It shows how far gone he/they are that they really thought they could turn the audience against Barb and get people to cheer for them treating Barb like shit, taking Jace "back," and cutting Barb out of their lives. UBT was shocked and infuriated when that didn't work, and resolved to redouble his efforts to become an MTV star in his own right (I guess).

It's all so bizarre. I guess UBT thought he could be some kind of "cool" millennial MAGA supporter (which would make him stand out in the herd of famewhores, but that "utterly lacking in charm" thing is such a buzzkill). Barb is a "fan favorite" who was on the show for almost a decade before UBT came along and she is a sympathetic figure (not sociopathic, worked for a living, raising the grandson her daughter discarded). UBT is a sociopath who hooked up with Jenelle through being cellmates with her ex. It's just so weird to me that he thought/thinks he can hide like 98% of who he really is and what's really going on in his life from broad swaths of the public and become some kind of "media darling." He lies about being employed; he lies about abusing his ex-gf, stepson, and wife (at least); he lies about Barb being drunk/abusive; he lies about doing drugs; etc., etc. Then he seems genuinely shocked and hurt when his lies are (easily) exposed. Obviously, a big part of it is that he's very stupid, but, even so, you'd think that, in his 30ish years on the planet he would have learned that he can't fool everyone with lame stories.

  • Love 22
10 hours ago, TheRealT said:

MTV hasn't been allowed on The Land since they fired UBT. No one who might threaten UBT's total control is allowed. So he can and is doing whatever he wants without any concern for supervision from anyone.

What's even crazier than the way things have unfolded is that UBT's original plan was to get custody of Jace and get Barb fired from the show, thus clearing the path for him and Jenelle to become the new Chelsea and Cole. He seriously thought that they could pull off a "happy, normal family" act that would fool everyone. Apart from being clearly mentally ill, drug users, and assholes, UBT and Jenelle are utterly lacking in charm and personality. It shows how far gone he/they are that they really thought they could turn the audience against Barb and get people to cheer for them treating Barb like shit, taking Jace "back," and cutting Barb out of their lives. UBT was shocked and infuriated when that didn't work, and resolved to redouble his efforts to become an MTV star in his own right (I guess).

It's all so bizarre. I guess UBT thought he could be some kind of "cool" millennial MAGA supporter (which would make him stand out in the herd of famewhores, but that "utterly lacking in charm" thing is such a buzzkill). Barb is a "fan favorite" who was on the show for almost a decade before UBT came along and she is a sympathetic figure (not sociopathic, worked for a living, raising the grandson her daughter discarded). UBT is a sociopath who hooked up with Jenelle through being cellmates with her ex. It's just so weird to me that he thought/thinks he can hide like 98% of who he really is and what's really going on in his life from broad swaths of the public and become some kind of "media darling." He lies about being employed; he lies about abusing his ex-gf, stepson, and wife (at least); he lies about Barb being drunk/abusive; he lies about doing drugs; etc., etc. Then he seems genuinely shocked and hurt when his lies are (easily) exposed. Obviously, a big part of it is that he's very stupid, but, even so, you'd think that, in his 30ish years on the planet he would have learned that he can't fool everyone with lame stories.

Oh, I know they can't be on the land, but at least they're there once a month or so and expect Jenelle to film. Can you imagine what will happen when they leave? He could isolate her completely, cutting off Barb and everyone else. He could kill her and it could take a looooong time for anyone to notice. He at least can't kill her in cold blood before MTV leaves, or else it's going to be suspicious when she doesn't show up and they can't get in touch with her! Low bar, for sure. We're over here talking about how Chelsea might have to stop splurging on hundred dollar leggings when the show's over, but then speculating that Jenelle could easily be totally isolated and killed. And I'm not even ruling out him killing her before then, in the heat of the moment, but I don't think he'd kill her in cold blood until he realized contractual obligations were over, and no one was keeping tabs on her and expecting to see her. 

  • Love 3
17 hours ago, Mr. Minor said:

Now they film Jenelle through her car window or some random parking lot. MTV is lame AF!

Yeah because that brings in the viewers. And by the numbers they continue to circle the toilet. 

They need to just let this show go. Most of the women's heads can't even fit into the studio anymore because they think they are something. 

Let them not live off of MTV money for 10 years then do a follow up on their asses and let's see where all of them are. 

  • Love 16
2 hours ago, toodywoody said:

Yeah because that brings in the viewers. And by the numbers they continue to circle the toilet. 

They need to just let this show go. Most of the women's heads can't even fit into the studio anymore because they think they are something. 

Let them not live off of MTV money for 10 years then do a follow up on their asses and let's see where all of them are. 

I'd totally sign that petition if there was one.  These bitches shouldn't have been paid since day 1.  I realize watching enables this mess but I'm willing to give it up.  It's ridiculous every last one of them are "celebrities" for getting knocked up at 16.  What a message to send to young girls. 

  • Love 12
5 hours ago, toodywoody said:

Yeah because that brings in the viewers. And by the numbers they continue to circle the toilet. 

They need to just let this show go. Most of the women's heads can't even fit into the studio anymore because they think they are something. 

Let them not live off of MTV money for 10 years then do a follow up on their asses and let's see where all of them are. 

Hahahaha I would love that!

sadly, Jenelle will either be dead, in jail, or living off Barb while continuing to pump out babies with soulmates. 

Leah will be living off child support, and she'll just keep spending like there's no tomorrow, and be in debt that she can't understand. Her baby daddies will have to bail her out. One of her kids will be a teen mom, and Addie will be giving her major attitude. 

Chelsea will have a pretty normal life, but lament on camera that she has to limit her target runs and buy things on sale. She might work part time depending on how many kids they have.

Bri will be okay too, since they're not as used to the money. However, the coven will now include bri's girls, and they'll sit around outside at 4 am and criticize nova's teenage boyfriend. 

Kail will grumble and moan about her average, middle-class office job she is working, acting soooo dramatically about how she has to get her boys from one activity to another while working full time. Like she is the ONLY mom who's ever had to do that!!!

I think the ten-year follow up will be fun, but I'm even more here for a two-year follow up. I'd love to see them at the point where Kail realizes she actually has to GET a normal job, or Jenelle realizes she's flat broke and can't attract a soulmate anymore, or Leah has a check for something frivolous bounce and says, "huh? What just happened?"

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Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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