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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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4 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

I would say someone's feelers are hurt that they didn't get invited to the boat birthday party.

If those two put HALF as much energy into parenting their kids as they do into being assholes IRL and on soshul meedya, they would have custody of ALL their children.

Alas, I guess parenting well quietly isn't as instantaneously gratifying as calling people names.

Fixed that for you. I haven't been able to read 'social media' in a non-Danielle voice for years now.

  • Love 9

That Nathan tweet...

#loner is right.

2 hours ago, Mkay said:

And now Jenelle went after Kail on Instagram stories.  

I'd pay Kail to go sumo-style on this bitch. Anything that gets rid of her.

Dear Baby Moses, if Jenelle is removed from Teen Mom, I'd back off of the Kail snark.*


*for a month

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 22

I also appreciate those who give us the details on these Twitter battles and what-not. I don't have Twitter, but I do have IG. Even so, I hardly ever get to watch these videos because my kids are always somewhere nearby. Last thing I need is for them to walk in and hear Jenelle and/or David violently cussing about one thing or the other. 

  • Love 13
18 hours ago, Maharincess said:

I'm glad I'm not the only one who's confused. I have no clue what's going on. Who blew the air horn at who??!! 

I’m joining the confusion party too... wtf are all these people? And how does twitter work?? 


*sorry just caught up reading thru the comments lol thanks @druzy for clarifying that hillbilly boat mess.

Edited by JuliesMommy
  • Love 7
9 minutes ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

I'm so confused. Is Nathan taking Kail, Leah, et al's side? Or is he taking Jenelle's side?

That's what I was confused about too. It was just a picture of a tweet so I went to twitter and it looks like he is siding with Kailyn, Leah, and the non-Jenelle others.

Still not sure exactly what spurred it, but am hopeful that someone else here can give some additional details.

I have twitter, I suck at it. It's not my medium.

  • Love 10

Nathan just wants to be part of their "team". Like that saying goes- My enemy's enemy is my friend.

31 minutes ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

That's what I was confused about too. It was just a picture of a tweet so I went to twitter and it looks like he is siding with Kailyn, Leah, and the non-Jenelle others.

Still not sure exactly what spurred it, but am hopeful that someone else here can give some additional details.

I have twitter, I suck at it. It's not my medium.

It all started when Leah posted this picture on Instagram:


David commented: I can't believe Cory would allow her to wear that much makeup. I doubt he would allow that.

Leah wrote back, asking, Why are you even commenting on my post? She later tweeted I take opinions lightly, cause I don't give a fuuuuuu. ESPECIALLY, if you're irrelevant to my life.

Kail tweeted: David take that energy you have on IG & put it towards something else like.... your own kids.

Jenelle defended UBT in her Instagram story:

Now to me, it looked pretty heavy. To my friends, it looked heavy. So David was the only one who commented on it. He commented on some cheerleading makeup and you guys are sending him death threats. Do you understand how wrong that is? He doesn't hate Leah, but when you go on someone's podcast talking pure shit and when you go on Snapchat talking pure shit, people don't forget that Leah. So David decided to comment on it, he didn't have to go onto her Instagram and comment on it, but you know what, he did and I mean whatchu gonna do about it? I'm so sorry if my husband got on your account and commented on your Instagram, maybe you should block him or delete him and then you won't see his comments anymore. Problem solved. David never said he was against makeup at all. He's just saying she had way too much on.

Kail Tweeted: You literally said I had a baby for ratings on a live podcast... but that's ok? Get the f-ck outta here DUDE.

Jenelle did another Instagram story and said: So now you have the Hulk trying to put her two cents in, aka Kail. I’m just gonna say it. I think it’s really funny that you always have to butt in on people’s drama. How many times do you have to comment on something if it has to do with me? It’s crazy! I’m pretty sure my whole rant was about Leah. It was about cheerleading makeup and it didn’t have Kail’s name all over it. I have one more thing to do, this all started because Kail wanted to start a podcast and you know what, everyone decided they wanted to go on there and talk s**t about me and David, so I am going to say what I want to just like everyone else does. Rant ova!

Kail in response to Jenelle's rant tweeted: Is she on drugs?

To be continued (I'm sure).

Edited by druzy
  • Love 16

Kail does seem to be a bit of a buttinsky, buuuuut.....Leah is incredibly dumb. I'm not saying Kail is a Rhode's Scholar, far from it, but she can articulate herself and debate back and forth and make a point better than Leah. Leah kind of NEEDS someone else to speak up and point out the hypocrisy and double-standards, because she's really not up for it. 

I still do not get HOW they think it was okay for comment about Gracie's makeup, when David's daughter has been posted in the same exact look. Also, I get that they have beef with Leah, but what about her daughter? What did she ever do to you? Gracie is probably only a few years away from having SM of her own; and I know it's Leah's fault for putting all this shit out there, but criticizing a kid is just low. It's nasty. 

  • Love 22
On ‎4‎/‎15‎/‎2018 at 2:48 PM, Christina87 said:

Hope your day improved after work! ??? Friday nights often have a way of turning a bad day around, or at least the thought that Saturday morning is coming up. 

I had a crappy day Friday, too. My boss called me in after work to flip out at me over something really minor. My job is just getting too stressful, and he is the worst. He has caused several people to leave (and I'm about to be one of them), and a few others at retirement age who were staying on because they liked their job to retire. If he doesn't like you, he does everything he can to make your life miserable. He has completely undermined my confidence, and heavily implied Friday that it's a good thing I'm not a parent, because I have bad judgment and would be a crappy one. And I'm telling you, the issue was super minor!

i've just been thinking more and more this weekend about how unfair it is that I (and most of us here) have made the "right" decisions, and then idiots like jenelle are rewarded for being trash. I chose not to get pregnant as a teen, went to college, got a responsible job, worked really hard at my job and got good performance reviews up until now, and didn't have any quickie courtships / weddings / kids with people I didn't know. Now I am 30 and single, no kids, and facing having to find a new job, possibly career. It's just been burning me up more than ever that people like Jenelle (and all of these girls, at some point) have such an amazing life because they are irresponsible hot messes. Obviously, most girls like them are living their lives in shambles, but the ones on this show are so protected from any kind of failure and can make awful choices while still living like doctors. The ones that somewhat have their lives together, like Chelsea, are praised to no end for just taking basic care of their kids and not having a record, and even Jenelle is praised by delusional idiot groupies. Then I am crucified for things like a student quietly whispering something mean to another student while they were doing their work across the room, and I was helping someone else. I know this is slightly O/T, but certainly I am not the only one who feels this way? I usually don't take it so seriously, but I'm just feeling like my life is hitting a real rough spot, people are being so incredibly hard on me, and there is no reward for doing what's right! /rant

Honey, when these girls are your age, they'll be living in trailers and fighting each other tooth and nail for a spot on celebrity boxing.    They have no skills or training to fall back on (Kail has a BA which in this day and age, is practically worthless) and Jenelle is NEVER going to use that PA certificate.  You've planed seeds for longevity in your life.  They're holding on to their 15 minutes by the skin of their teeth and the clock is ticking.  Fast.

  • Love 12
6 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:

Isn't the ears and nose a snapchat feature? It reminds me of something a 12-15 year old would do. Not a grown ass woman in her 20's with 3 kids.  

That's pretty much what I've been saying since she started doing this infantile crap.  She looks like her elevator doesn't reach the top floor (I'm probably right, too).

  • Love 9
19 hours ago, Mkay said:

She is still trying to claim this was last week.  ?



I was going to ask if she realized how quickly kids grow, (which means you can't really fudge a timeline with their pictures probably more than a few months), then I realized, that she probably has no clue how much bigger Jace is now because she's such a shit mother. 

  • Love 15

That video won't play. It reads the media could not be played. Is that happening to anyone else?

You know, David is very crafty. He made that zipline, I assume. He does have a lot of time on his hands, but he seems to know how to put things together. Too bad he is a mutherfucking abusive, homophobic, sexist pig who knows nothing about the basics of laying sod.

Edited by Kazu
Forgot the "t" in "the".
  • Love 15
1 hour ago, CaliforniaLove said:

I hope Kail beats the fuck out of Jenelle at the next reunion...oh wait, that pathetic trollop won't attend because her psychotic bitch of a husband isn't allowed to. 

I wonder what will happen if MTV sticks to their guns and he isn't allowed on the set of the reunion?  Will they let Jenelle be on her phone to him like she was last year when he was waiting backstage?  Will Jenelle even go if he's not there to tell her what she can say or demand she leave if they ask about their psycho life? Jenelle has been using her phone during the last two reunions and it disrupted everything. They need to ban phones from the set. You're being paid $$$$ to sit here and answer questions. Leave your fucking phone backstage!!! I'd also like to have Useless Drew do Barb's segment completely separate from Jenelle. There is no need or reason for the two of them to be together on the stage. It only gives Jenelle a platform to fake cry and accuse Barb of being the cause of every ill on the planet. Barb is the one who knows how Jace is doing and what's going on in his life. Jenelle sees him two weekends a month and spends that time glued to her phone, posting on social media (when she's not toking up in the tub).

  • Love 14

Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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