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Loathesome!: Characters We Hate

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I think the keys to liking Shaw, if it's ever possible when beginning from the point of hatred, are knowing that Sarah Shahi was really great in Life with Damien Lewis (I try to pretend her USA show didn't exist because...the world would just be better that way) so it's possible for her to do good work, and seeing her character as a distaff revisiting of Reese's character from season 1. I wasn't keen on her at the beginning but I'm used to her now and enjoy some of her one-liners, and her relationship with Lionel.


Root is taking a bit longer. I've loathed Amy Acker since Angel, and Root often makes me roll my eyes, but I love that she calls Harold Harry and that she's ruthless in a different way than Reese and Shaw.


I still resent the shift away from Reese and Finch, because that's why I watched the show to begin with, and I would've been fine with case-of-the-week for a lot longer. However, I understand that the focus of the first 2 seasons was Reese and Finch building trust and a working relationship, which they achieved at the end of season 2, so things needed to shift. I'm not really sold on the new direction yet, but I've mostly enjoyed the ride so far and will continue to watch, while still hoping for more Harold and Bear and John.

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There should be a thread named 'Characters I don't understand.


I don't understand the characters from 'The Big Bang Theory.  Those guys are suppose to be University/College Professors and I know that Professors now days are not the stuffed shirts types. but those guys look like they should be working at Radio Shack or something esp Leonard. lol

Edited by Taylorh2
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Are they professors?  I haven't seen every episode, but they never mention having students, and sometimes you see them presenting in other people's classes, so it always confused me that they didn't teach.  Do universities even employ researchers (who aren't grad students) who don't teach?

Edited by janie jones
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And I don’t know where else to say this but this thing really bugs:  it’s not the characters that are the problem so much it’s their names.  Some shows’ writers simply cannot seem to let some names go, I want to buy them a big book of baby names since they seem so limited in their choices. I mean, the characters are fictional, it’s not like these people just happened to have these names and get thrown together by life. Writers did this. So on StarGate we have two Jonases, a Jonah, and a Jonathan.  Why?  And on JAG we have four Sarahs.  Grandma, a plane, the co-star, and a baby. Seriously, why????  It’s not cute. It’s aggravating.  If any TV writers are reading this, please – invest some effort in names.  Thank you.


And who the hell on the various Law & Orders had the relative or girlfriend named "Serena?" God, I got sick of that name popping up so often.

Edited by CoderLady
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Are they professors?  I haven't seen every episode, but they never mention having students, and sometimes you see them presenting in other people's classes, so it always confused me that they didn't teach.  Do universities even employ researchers (who aren't grad students) who don't teach?

They're all PhDs except Howard (because usually engineers don't get PhDs unless they specifically want to be professors, something the show actually gets right), and they have made reference to a class or classes that Sheldon teaches, a few times. Raj is an astrophysicist, and Leonard is an experimental physicist. So, researchers, yes, and they probably don't teach. They do research studies, and get published in scientific journals -- publish or perish and all that. Howard could also teach if he wanted to, though he'd likely only be an adjunct and not a full professor because again, no PhD. His technical title is aerospace engineer.


Sorry, that's probably way too long and rambling an answer! My mom is a chemical engineer (without a PhD, because she never wanted to teach) and I'm a grad student, albeit in a 'soft' science (linguistics).

Edited by VillaVillekulla
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Allison Cameron  I don't think I've ever had such an intense, visceral, nope reaction to a character before or since.  All I know is this sour, self-righteous, self-important, egotistical (no matter what you say, House, I know you like me) nosy brat got on my last nerve.


Yes, this.  Somehow this reminds me of the characters Elaine on Seinfeld and Carrie Bradshaw on SATC.  I practically have an allergic reaction to these characters.  I watched House anyway (for awhile), but I couldn't watch Seinfeld or SATC because of those two.


From Vampire Diaries, the character I sort of despised was Bonnie.


I am a little sad that all these characters are women, as I like to think of myself as a non-discriminatory hater.  I'll have to come back when I remember some male characters.

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Another one - it just happened to be playing in the background. Doug Heffernan from King of Queens. Once again, a selfish self absorbed person who only things of themself. One episode had always stood out to me. Carrie really wants to go see an opera and Doug refuses to go. Instead, he does this big rigamarole of leaving a fake voice mail message to make Carrie thing he's working late, therefore unable to go and forcing his friend Deacon to do the same. Then he lies and tries to come across as so righteous, blah blah blah. Doug - just shut up and go to the friggin' opera. It's to make your wife happy. Shut up and do it.


The only saving grace in that episode - Deacon leaving the voicemail. Oure gold.


IDK I find Carrie to be more repulsive than Doug. She's always angry and mad, verbally and physically abuses Doug even though Doug rolls with the fat jokes cause he knows he likes food but Carrie can get pretty vicious with it at times. Also mad at Doug cause he wants to wear a certain cologne that she doesn't like and doesn't want him wearing it. It's like everything Doug wanted she wanted the opposite.


Arthur from King of Queens takes the cake. He just sounds so ungrateful that Doug and Carrie let him live with them even though they didn't have to take him in. Especially when Carrie took him with her on her job interview. All she asked was for him to sit down and be quiet for a few minutes while she was being interviewed and he couldn't even do that. When she explained all the horrible things he did during her childhood it makes Arthur out to be a very selfish father.

Edited by ShadowSixx
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  • Connor from Angel: His brooding and subplot with Cordelia was a major reason why S4 was the weakest. But I did find him more tolerable in S5.

Yeah, it's not like he had anything to brood over, is it? He was just the human child of two vampires, one who basically committed suicide so that he could be born, and another who was too much of a passive-aggressive fathead to put aside his own horseshit. As much as this is probably unpopular, I think Angel brought that trip to the bottom of the ocean on himself, because he did the exact thing that Cordelia told him not to do, he lied to his son. And Captain Forehead threw Connor in the trash a second time because he was mad that the kid slept with Cordy. God forbid that anyone should interfere with kye-rumption. (Barf.) Sorry, Angel, no Father of the Year plaque for you.

Edited by Cobalt Stargazer
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Also mad at Doug cause he wants to wear a certain cologne that she doesn't like and doesn't want him wearing it. It's like everything Doug wanted she wanted the opposite.


I haven't watched every episode, but the one time I got really annoyed at her was when she decided that a waiter in a restaurant which Doug liked had been rude to her, so she expected Doug to boycott the restaurant. When he went there a couple of days later with friends, he felt he had to hide the fact from her. I never found Carrie mean to Doug as often as Debra was pouty to Ray on Everybody Loves Raymond. I didn't care much for Ray either.


I don't like Joan on Mad Men very much. Her Queen Bee behavior towards other women really grates. "Hate" is too strong a word, but I don't feel heartbroken when an episode goes by without her.

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I'm just watching the Friends episode where Phoebe sings in front of Monica's fancy restaurant just to spite her and I'm reminded how much I hate good old Phebs.


I agree about Debra from Everybody Loves Raymond. At least Carrie from the King of Queens know she's mean, but Debra thinks she such a saint.

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I think the keys to liking Shaw, if it's ever possible when beginning from the point of hatred, are knowing that Sarah Shahi was really great in Life with Damien Lewis (I try to pretend her USA show didn't exist because...the world would just be better that way) so it's possible for her to do good work, and seeing her character as a distaff revisiting of Reese's character from season 1. I wasn't keen on her at the beginning but I'm used to her now and enjoy some of her one-liners, and her relationship with Lionel.


Root is taking a bit longer. I've loathed Amy Acker since Angel, and Root often makes me roll my eyes, but I love that she calls Harold Harry and that she's ruthless in a different way than Reese and Shaw.


I still resent the shift away from Reese and Finch, because that's why I watched the show to begin with, and I would've been fine with case-of-the-week for a lot longer. However, I understand that the focus of the first 2 seasons was Reese and Finch building trust and a working relationship, which they achieved at the end of season 2, so things needed to shift. I'm not really sold on the new direction yet, but I've mostly enjoyed the ride so far and will continue to watch, while still hoping for more Harold and Bear and John.

I have to say that I am getting accustomed to seeing Shaw around. I'm only on Episode 8 of Season 3 but I'm really getting used to her. I should have given her some time. As I said before, my problems with her was how deadpan she is. I know she is supposed to be the female counterpart of Reese but Reese at least shows some pleasure in his job. I wanted Shaw to show at least one positive feeling. But I think I got it when she smiled after punching Root in Episode 6 of S3. Also some of her one liners fall flat due to her delivery, but she sometimes hit a bulls-eye. My favorite line of hers by far is when she appears in Finch's building for the first time:

"You think I should have a hobby? Now, what would that be? Hanging around a derelict library with you, your poorly-socialized guard dog, and Bear here?"

It's funny because Bear is the dog.


I still admire Amy Acker and look forward whenever she's onscreen. You may not like her acting, but I think she can do more than look and act cute. 

Edited by desperatelibrarian
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I am in the middle of watching S1 of The Blacklist and I'm having a lot of problems with the female lead character, who can't even decide what her name is (Liz, Lizzy, Keen, Special Agent Keen, FBI Agent Keen, etc.).  She is well on her way to becoming a character I will hate.  It doesn't help that the actress is as wooden as an old carousel horse.


I never got on the hate train for any of the Lost women, Kate or Ana Lucia.  I always thought of that as more of an ensemble show.  Sure, they didn't excite me (Kate, in particular), but I didn't find her supposed love triangle any worse than any other stupid love triangle.


Showing my age, boy, did I hate the Nanny from the show, The Nanny.  Like nails on a chalkboard, that one.

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I agree with Elena from Vampire Diaries.  She is a shitty friend and suffers from Speshul Snowflake syndrome.


Sookie from True Blood is also a member of the Speshul Snowflake/Shitty friend club.


I have to say I do hate Megan from Mad Men like crazy and I lay it completely at Matt Weiner's feet.  He took a perfectly fine character who started out great and root-worthy and made her unbearable.  He pushed her so hard as the anti-Betty that it made me like Betty more than I ever had out of sheer self-preservation and contrariness.  Oh, look she comes up with the best copy evah!  She's a natural Ad Man!  Oh look, she's fab with the kids, Betty is a terrible mother.  Oh look, she's so hot and sexy singing in a kittenish little dress making every man want her.  Oh look, she and Don fuck like animals on the floor of their penthouse!  Betty would never do that.  Oh look, she doesn't take Don's shit, she fights back fiercely.  Betty just gave bitch-face.  Oh look Megan is skinny and sexy, while Betty is fat and unahppy.  Didn't Don do sooo much better?  Ugh!

Edited by DearEvette
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I have to say I do hate Megan from Mad Men like crazy and I lay it completely at Matt Weiner's feet.  He took a perfectly fine character who started out great and root-worthy and made her unbearable.  He pushed her so hard as the anti-Betty that it made me like Betty more than I ever had out of sheer self-preservation and contrariness.  Oh, look she comes up with the best copy evah!  She's a natural Ad Man!  Oh look, she's fab with the kids, Betty is a terrible mother.  Oh look, she's so hot and sexy singing in a kittenish little dress making every man want her.  Oh look, she and Don fuck like animals on the floor of their penthouse!  Betty would never do that.  Oh look, she doesn't take Don's shit, she fights back fiercely.  Betty just gave bitch-face.  Oh look Megan is skinny and sexy, while Betty is fat and unahppy.  Didn't Don do sooo much better?  Ugh!

To be fair, the show did reverse some of that Supermegan stuff by the end of S5. She left the ad business, where she could have really distinguished herself, to go back to an acting career that seems stalled. She's OK with the kids on a superficial level, but Betty will always be their real mom. When Sally started menstruating, she ran to Betty and not Megan. Betty lost weight and was hot again. Marrying Megan wasn't a good decision after all, because the marriage ended up tanking.

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While most of the characters on Modern Family have their unlikable moments, Cameron is easily the worst. He overreacts to everything and always has to get his way. There was a time when he was actually funny and likable but it seems so long ago now. I'm not sure if I hate Gloria too but she's definitely gotten more annoying since the show began -- not helped by Sofia Vergara apparently forgetting how to act about three years ago. As for Manny (who was mentioned by other posters), I didn't like him in season 4 but he's been more tolerable lately.

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This one is really unpopular, so please be gentle, but I've gotten to the point where I can't stand Gilmore Girls' Luke Danes. I'm sure it's in part a reaction to just how much most Gilmore Girls fans seem to worship him as some sort of romantic ideal and excuse even his most outrageous flaws and missteps. I personally find him depressing, joyless, alarmingly temperamental, bitter, angry, boring, boorish, sulky, jealous, immature, a poor communicator to the point of being dishonest and not even physically attractive. There are definitely other GG characters equally or more deserving of my dislike, but none seem to be as widely (and, for me, mysteriously) adored as the brutish, surly bore known as Luke. 


I can't stand Broolyn Nine-Nine's Gina. I'm particularly bitter about it because I so love pretty much everyone and everything else about that show! 

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Modern Family: I hate hate hate Cameron because he is a walking/talking stereotype. He is ridiculously over-the-top-GAY.. No way was he once "A Star football player. He can't do anything *at all* without screeching.


He is the only reason why I stopped watching Modern Family

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This one is really unpopular, so please be gentle, but I've gotten to the point where I can't stand Gilmore Girls' Luke Danes. I'm sure it's in part a reaction to just how much most Gilmore Girls fans seem to worship him as some sort of romantic ideal and excuse even his most outrageous flaws and missteps. I personally find him depressing, joyless, alarmingly temperamental, bitter, angry, boring, boorish, sulky, jealous, immature, a poor communicator to the point of being dishonest and not even physically attractive. There are definitely other GG characters equally or more deserving of my dislike, but none seem to be as widely (and, for me, mysteriously) adored as the brutish, surly bore known as Luke. 



I'm not going to judge. I never saw the appeal for those reasons. Every time he griped about the towns wacky traditions and people, I wondered why he didn't just move to a large city where nobody knew who you were and nobody got in your business.

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Ditto on the Amy Pond hate.  The fanbois despised Donna, who was brave, strong, and accomplished things while they drool over Amy Pond's legs and you'll never convince me that it's for any other reason than looks.

Not this fanboy, Donna was my favorite of the modern era companions unless you include Sarah Jane among their number. I didn't like her in "The Runaway Bride" but thought Catherine Tate did a wonderful job of making her a nuanced, mature adult friend and companion to the Doctor over the course of the later season.


On the other hand, while I really enjoyed Spike during his inaugural season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer when paired with Drusilla, I came to regard him as an undead Fonzie by the fourth season. He ate the show, then once it was gone moved to Angel to continue his scenery chewing and limelight stealing there as well. To top it off, I read an interview with James Marsters years later wherein he ungratefully complained about not being given enough story focus on the new show, apparently having missed the memo that it wasn't being renamed Spike in his honor. Ugh, I hope he and his stadium-sized ego end up doing early bird dinner theatre for retirees in Clearwater!

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To top it off, I read an interview with James Marsters years later wherein he ungratefully complained about not being given enough story focus on the new show, apparently having missed the memo that it wasn't being renamed Spike in his honor. Ugh, I hope he and his stadium-sized ego end up doing early bird dinner theatre for retirees in Clearwater!


Let me add fuel to the fires of your hatred, Bruinsfan. James Marsters also said in an interview that if your character isn't either fighting Buffy or fucking her, you aren't going to get much focus. I've never forgiven him for it.

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I can't stand the "smart" sister in a lot of shows. They are just snotty, mean, and rude. I have a feeling we're suppose to root for them more than their popular sibling, but it's the opposite with me.


Darlene (Rosanne)

Keira (Reba)

Alex (Modern Family)

Kerry (8 Simple Rules)

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I can't stand the "smart" sister in a lot of shows. They are just snotty, mean, and rude. I have a feeling we're suppose to root for them more than their popular sibling, but it's the opposite with me.

Darlene (Rosanne)

Keira (Reba)

Alex (Modern Family)

Kerry (8 Simple Rules)

I wanted to punch Keira in the face at least once an episode

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Let me add fuel to the fires of your hatred, Bruinsfan. James Marsters also said in an interview that if your character isn't either fighting Buffy or fucking her, you aren't going to get much focus. I've never forgiven him for it.

Well, by season 7 he kinda had a point, and that was on the writers not Marsters.

And lest you think I'm a Spike fan, I also hated Spike for half his run and was furious when he joined Angel.

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I liked Keira and Kerry (who was a million times prettier and cooler than Bridget, IMO), but I completely agree on Darlene. I usually like snarky characters, but Darlene was hateful. I mean Gregory House-hateful. She seemed completely incapable of love, vulnerability, or knowing when she went too far. At least when Daria Morgendorffer went too far, she was called on it and/or had the decency to feel guilty. Darlene was just a heartless, soulless robot.

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Well, by season 7 he kinda had a point, and that was on the writers not Marsters.

And lest you think I'm a Spike fan, I also hated Spike for half his run and was furious when he joined Angel.


Maybe, but Marsters and Spike were the ones who benefited from the writers deciding that he should basically become Poochie. I think he can't act, and it amuses the hell out of me that Boreanaz has a show now and Marsters doesn't.

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Maybe, but Marsters and Spike were the ones who benefited from the writers deciding that he should basically become Poochie.


Oh it was a dumb thing to say for sure, unless he felt bad for his co-workers getting the shaft and didn't mind saying so (which, probably not), but still, it is accurate.

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Oooh, a hate thread!

Sadly, I too seem to hate main characters from long-running shows. Apollo AND Starbuck from BSG; couldn't stand either of them by the end. Ditto for Nick and Juliet on Grimm. Definitely whoever that blonde girl was on Revolution. Oh, and Rick on Walking Dead. If his face gets eaten off by a zombie I will not miss him. Clark Kent from Smallville. Whenever I see a little kid wearing a Superman shirt now I want to rip it off him and chew his parents out for child abuse. In fact, I'm think the only character I have hated more than him is Gemma from Sons of Anarchy, the difference being, now that Gemma has stabbed her daughter-in-law in the head with a meat fork, I doubt we are supposed to see her as the future savior of humanity.

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This one is really unpopular, so please be gentle, but I've gotten to the point where I can't stand Gilmore Girls' Luke Danes. I'm sure it's in part a reaction to just how much most Gilmore Girls fans seem to worship him as some sort of romantic ideal and excuse even his most outrageous flaws and missteps. I personally find him depressing, joyless, alarmingly temperamental, bitter, angry, boring, boorish, sulky, jealous, immature, a poor communicator to the point of being dishonest and not even physically attractive. There are definitely other GG characters equally or more deserving of my dislike, but none seem to be as widely (and, for me, mysteriously) adored as the brutish, surly bore known as Luke.


Lol, that's definitely not an unpopular opinion on this board. I was only a casual viewer so it didn't grate on me until his Mary Sue daughter shows up and he hides it from Lorelei. I mean, good God, the woman your dating was a teenage mother. I think she'd been understanding that things happen.

The character from the show that gets my ire is post season five Rory, from banging the married Dean (or Jesse, I forgot which and and glad the actor got picked up for Supernatural so wed never see him in Stars' Hollow again) to flipping shit because one person doesn't pet her and tell her how special she is to quitting school and living with the grandparents like some trust fund baby.

And even worse is: Rory breaking out of her bubble could've been done, and done WELL. It needed to be done. But the wsy it was written just made her seem like a sulky brat. She gets back into school (and still graduates on time >:( ) then starts badgering one newspaper company into giving her a job and nothing of value was learned. Fuck you, show.

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  • Connor from Angel: His brooding and subplot with Cordelia was a major reason why S4 was the weakest. But I did find him more tolerable in S5.


Agreed. And in a way, Cordelia would be on my list. That whole season (4) made me want to puke. Having him sleep with her was just WAY over the line.

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This most recent episode of Scandal confirms that Fitz Grant is the single most loathsome character on TV to me. Who uses the death of their child as an excuse to stalk the man your side piece is now fucking? There are no words to cover what a complete POS this guy is. Many of the names that I hear Fitz get called have also been used against Bill Compton and Enterprise's Jonathan Archer and Victor Newman who I have hated for years on the Young and the Restless. The lot of them are archangels compared to Grant.

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And even worse is: Rory breaking out of her bubble could've been done, and done WELL.



Agreed. That could have opened up a wealth of stories from her deciding whether or not she wanted to be a journalist or explore other careers. Or deciding she wanted to be journalist and to work harder. Even taking a break from school she could have tried different jobs and see what she liked. Nope she dropped out, acted like a spoil brat and only made up with her mother when she didn't like the rules at Grandma's house. I'm not an Emily fan she was living rent free in their pool house for months, her grandparents paid for everything from redecorating a pool house, to her lawyer who defended her when decided to steal a boat when she was upset about the bad review she got but the minute her grandmother started laying down rules she's out of there and thinking their evil.  


What makes me even madder about it is Lorelai and her parents have a difficult relationship, which Rory has always tried to make better. But when mean Mommy won't let her move home to bum around she goes whining to her grandparents to let her move in with them. Knowing full well by doing it would destroy Lorelai and her parents' relationship. But she does it anyways and it does, She had absolutely no problem causing a riff between her mother and grandparents just because her mother said no. 

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Nope she dropped out, acted like a spoil brat and only made up with her mother when she didn't like the rules at Grandma's house. I'm not an Emily fan she was living rent free in their pool house for months, her grandparents paid for everything from redecorating a pool house, to her lawyer who defended her when decided to steal a boat when she was upset about the bad review she got but the minute her grandmother started laying down rules she's out of there and thinking their evil.



Agreed with everything but THIS, THIS was the ultimate straw for me. As you said, when Mommy wouldn't let her throw her life away because ONE person gave her negative feedback, she ran to her grandparents, affecting the tentative truce that existed between Lorelai and her parents after years of not speaking to each other. Then once she didn't like Emily's rules after Emily put her foot down, she ran back to Mommy and suddenly acted like her grandparents were these horrible people, ranting to Lorelai about how she didn't blame her for leaving when she did years ago and how she didn't know how Lorelai could put up with them.


Her crowning moment though was after Christopher came into his inheritance and offered to pay for the rest of her college, Lorelai had to practically force her to pick up a damn phone like an adult and call her grandparents and thank them for all they'd done for her education (oh like the fancy private high school and the first year of the Ivy League school she bailed out on for a semester) and let them know Christopher was now taking over the payments. And Rory rolled her eyes and acted completely put out that she had to do that. That was the moment I thought, "wow, what a spoiled, entitled, self-centered brat."


And the fact is, Rory being who she was wasn't surprising when she'd existed in a bubble for most of her life, where EVERYONE told her how special and amazing she was. As I noted in another thread, of course she fell apart when one guy didn't kiss her ass and tell her she was the greatest thing since sliced bread considering she'd gone through her life with an entire town that just thought she was epitome of perfection, grandparents who worshiped her and a mother for whom she was her whole world. It's the same reason she felt perfectly fine to sleep with and pursue Dean while he was married because she decided she wanted him back and well "he was my boyfriend first." Just ugh... And then of course that was only to dump his ass quickly when she met more exciting Logan (not that I cared about Dean anyway but still).

Edited by truthaboutluv
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Nothing really happened with Logan while she was with Dean, but there was definitely some flirtation and she started embracing more of her privileged life style and hanging around the same people she avoided and disliked at Chilton. Things with her and Dean got strained and they finally broke up a night after he waited hours for her at her mom's, only to have her show up stumbling out of a limo with Logan and his friends. Dean wasn't angry, he just pretty much said they weren't right for each other anymore and she was heading in a different direction, had a different life than him. Of course I guess one can argue that the breakup also had to happen because Jared Padelicki had gotten cast in Supernatural and was leaving the show.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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Everyone on Two and A Half Men is horrible in their own way, but the character I despise most of all is Lyndsey.  I hate the fact that the writers keep bringing her back because she's a character that gets progressively worse.  When she's with Alan, she constantly puts him down and rubs it in his face that he can't supposedly get anyone better.  And whenever he goes out or even tries to get with another woman, she acts all possessive and jealous and ropes him in again, even going as far as to string both him and her current boyfriend along for a full season.  If this were a guy, nobody would hesitate in calling it out as an abusive relationship, but nobody seems to care because Lyndsey is a woman.  And when Alan finally did find someone better, she went and sabatoged everything by calling the ex husband.  Not to mention the fact that she's a disgusting drunk.


There's only one way to describe a woman like that, and it starts with a capital C.

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Rodney McKay from StarGate.  Criminy, he is the most annoying character ever and he never ever shuts up. He is always in a state of hyperhysteria and when asked to do the impossible in five minutes he will take five minutes complaining about how he can’t possibly for four and a half of them and then magically do it in the final thirty seconds.  He absolutely ruined StarGate Atlantis for me.  Gawd.

This, I could never understand why there are so many fans out there that are absolutely in love with the idiot.


Count me on the Hat Ziva on NCIS train.  Her character devoured the show.  I will always dislike Shane Brennon and all of his projects for how he ruined the show.  


I too cannot stand Amy Pond, I liked her at first but she just wore me out by how special she was supposed to be.  The same with Donna.  


Equal opportunity hate, I couldn't stand George Costanza and Kramer was just too much after a while.  And dating myself, I could not stand BJ Hunnicutt on MASH and I thought that Hawkeye was a self righteous ass.  (of course that could be bleed over from Alan Alda)  


I know there are more characters out there that I hate that others seem to think are wonderful but I cant stand but that's it for now.

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This, I could never understand why there are so many fans out there that are absolutely in love with the idiot.


Count me on the Hat Ziva on NCIS train.  Her character devoured the show.  I will always dislike Shane Brennon and all of his projects for how he ruined the show.  


I too cannot stand Amy Pond, I liked her at first but she just wore me out by how special she was supposed to be.  The same with Donna.  


Equal opportunity hate, I couldn't stand George Costanza and Kramer was just too much after a while.  And dating myself, I could not stand BJ Hunnicutt on MASH and I thought that Hawkeye was a self righteous ass.  (of course that could be bleed over from Alan Alda)  


I know there are more characters out there that I hate that others seem to think are wonderful but I cant stand but that's it for now.


Count me in on that train too. Could NOT stand him at times, and after he'd slammed Occupy, I really didn't like him (as a person) especially.

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Laurel from How to Get Away with Murder, this character is a boring stiff, completely monotone, sleeps with her teacher's assistant, whatever Frank's job is to Annie. She really adds nothing to the show and if she was killed off, she would't leave a dent at all.

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I've been rewatching some Torchwood lately (not nearly as good as I remembered) and I have a name to add: Owen Harper. What a horrible, horrible slimy person. HOW could Tosh be so over the moon about him for all that time? I'll throw Gwen on the hate pile as well.

Edited by joelene
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Gina from Brooklyn Nine Nine. I generally love the characterizations on that show, but she's the very glaring exception. She's maddeningly obnoxious, egotistical and entitled with pretty much zero reason to be, and just a generally hateful person who's inexplicably tolerated and even liked and helped by the other characters anyway. All this might be okay if she were actually snarky in a way that was funny, clever or amusing, but she's just mean in this really dopey, witless sort of way. And the actress either can't or refuses to enunciate and has this irksome, affected drawl. I just can't!


Oh, and...pretty much any character played by Amy Acker or Alyson Hannigan belongs here as well for me :)  

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