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S04.E06: Call to Action

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Everyone gathers for Thanksgiving but Kara is feeling down after her televised debate with Ben Lockwood about the anti-alien sentiment coursing through National City. Meanwhile, James and Lena argue about the best way to handle the Children of Liberty.

Antonio Negret directed the episode written by Gabriel Llanas & Daniel Beaty.

Airdate 11/18/2018


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So when they started bringing up the idea of humans potentially getting powers and said that alien powers were incompatible with humans, I immediately jump to "why are they not acknowledging the existence of metahumans?" Shouldn't that be a component of the debate? Some "all it takes is one good human with powers" type counterpoint? Or metahumans mistaken for aliens and attacked? Or decent but not superheroic metas who feel conflicted in this? Something? No? No, we're just going to forget metas are a thing until Barry's in town again? Okay.

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Loved Brainy beating up the bad guys... with physics! Also liked the reveal of the secretly marked houses, but it seemed resolved fairly quickly - and seemed like there was two small groups of alien-haters that got disposed of pretty quickly. I felt like there should have been more to that since it was the climax of the episode. 


Also so loved this season’s Big Bad squaring off against Supergirl - except they were both going by their everyday alter egos and didn’t know who they were facing off against!


Also, is Lames done now?? That hallways fight was the end of them, right? Please!

Edited by shantown
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Not one cop could be found to keep the peace this entire episode!

That dog bailed out chasing the couple. I guess he/she isn't really down with the cause!

The DEO's role in matters seem to change when they find it convenient.. 

I would love to pull that sleep excuse on my boss! James should have addressed it the first time he caught her sleeping. She didn't seem to have problem staying awake when it's not work time. Kara can't tell she is lying?

Sorry James! We do need evil people with super powers. The show will be more boring without them.

Not once did we see James talk to a lawyer about his case. How did he think the charges were dropped?

Poor James. Lena tells you what to wear and what to say. Get out of the relationship now.

Are we to assume Manchester killed those tiki torches carrying clowns? If so, that should add more fuel to Agent of Liberty's rhetoric.

Dragon scene with Kara was a waste.

Petrocelli missed Thanksgiving. Too bad!


Edited by mxc90
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I'm enjoying what they are doing with James.. I'm interested to see how deep undercover he's gonna go... Didn't love Alex popping off to her superior.. Mainly because I've never liked the argument if.. My gut was right so its ok I broke the rules... I feel I speak for all sentient beings when I say more Manchester black plz... 

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8 minutes ago, bettername2come said:

So when they started bringing up the idea of humans potentially getting powers and said that alien powers were incompatible with humans, I immediately jump to "why are they not acknowledging the existence of metahumans?" Shouldn't that be a component of the debate? Some "all it takes is one good human with powers" type counterpoint? Or metahumans mistaken for aliens and attacked? Or decent but not superheroic metas who feel conflicted in this? Something? No? No, we're just going to forget metas are a thing until Barry's in town again? Okay.

To be fair, I don't think metahumans exist in Supergirl's world. 

Man, I didn't think that Lena's experiments would be leading to someone getting powers. That's very....Jessica Jones-esque and I don't think I like it. It can't end well. I did think the Lena/James stuff was done decently. I am kind of on James' side here. I knew Lena interfering would turn out to be a bad thing. Plus, yeah, Lena is super super controlling. If James was controlling Lena, then I'd be just as pissed. Walk away, James, before it turns out worse. 

Brainy fights with physics! Yes! 

I didn't mind seeing the different sides to the alien vs anti alien issue being explored. I like that even the ones that aren't like Agent Liberty have their own angle to the issue. 

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25 minutes ago, mxc90 said:

Why did the dog give up chasing the the couple?

Because Kara/Supergirl scared him off.

With James’ revelation about how he was treated last season- I found it really naive of him that he actually thinks he can change the minds of these agents of Liberty. That one dude who he met with and said wasn’t a bad guy proved that at the end, didn’t he???

And next week looks even more ridiculous.

Gee, Ben sure rebuilt his house after it burned down to the ground and homeowners insurance didn’t cover it and he didn’t have a job, rather quickly, didn’t he? ???

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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I would say that the show is getting too over the top with the evul humans but then I read the news of what's happening in the US and I go okay then.,,

When Kara was arguing against Lockwood  and he brought up that the Europeans tried to wipe out the Natives, why didn't she say "you're assuming that aliens are violent because your people are. "

Why is the crabby WH lady (whose name I still don't care about) saying that the Sons of Liberty are none of the DEO's business? Isn't aliens being killed part of their responsibility? In trying to keep her grey they're making her stupid.

I'm glad the dragon was okay.

The conflict between Lena and James felt realistic, which is a nice touch.

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5 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Because Kara/Supergirl scared him off.

Yes but the editing was off. The dog chased the fleeing couple then we see Supergirl arrive to help Manchester and the dog is seen whimpering away. 

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11 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

To be fair, I don't think metahumans exist in Supergirl's world. 

I’m pretty sure Live Wire and Banshee were Metas. Didn’t this show also have Metallo? Meta. And Psi.

10 hours ago, statsgirl said:


Why is the crabby WH lady (whose name I still don't care about) saying that the Sons of Liberty are none of the DEO's business? Isn't aliens being killed part of their responsibility? In trying to keep her grey they're making her stupid.

I'm glad the dragon was okay.

Colonel Haley. According to her, DEO exists to protect humans against the EVUHL aliens.

And that line From Alex to Haley about court martialling her wasn’t only stupid, but wrong. Because unless we missed it, Alex is a Civilian! The stupid on this show just burns.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
Correcting proper rank
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On 11/18/2018 at 7:49 PM, statsgirl said:

When Kara was arguing against Lockwood  and he brought up that the Europeans tried to wipe out the Natives, why didn't she say "you're assuming that aliens are violent because your people are. "

To which he would have simply replied, "No, I'm assuming that aliens are violent because the last three groups of them that came here (the leader of one of which claimed that she and her people 'came in peace') actually were violent and nearly destroyed this planet. How many more chances are we supposed to give them to finish the job they started three years ago?"  And what would Kara's response to THAT have been that wouldn't have made her sound like an idiot for even going there?  Recent history is on his side, not hers.

Edited by legaleagle53
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9 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I’m pretty sure Live Wire and Banshee were Metas. Didn’t this show also have Metallo? Meta. And Psi.

That's a fair point. I momentarily forgot that none of those characters were actual aliens, so my bad!

Now that I think about it, I think Agent Liberty would be just fine with metahumans. He's the one to help give powers to Agent Jensen. His platform seems to be strictly on aliens, not necessarily on metahumans themselves. He seems fine with power, as long as it remains with humans. 

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18 hours ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

How does one train a dog to detect aliens? Do they all smell alike?


And If the little girl didn’t have Spike (gorgeous dragon), would those assholes have beaten her up too? After all, she’s a “roach” too. 

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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I thought that when the Liberty stooge left James holding the dog, someone would be taking video and using it as evidence that Guardian had joined their ranks,  Ben Lockwood even mentioned that James was meeting with members of his group when Ben was on the tv show, (so he clearly knew that James wouldn't be debating him), but nothing came of that.  I almost thought that he recognized Kara when they met before the show.

So Kara's Earth identity isn't part of the DEO's top secret records such that General Haley would know she's Alex's sister?  Or she does know, and is keeping the info for later use?

Manchester Black appears to have killed a bunch of Agents of Liberty.

How does Kara keep straight who she has met as Supergirl, and who as Kara Danvers?  She had to pretend to have heard, not met, about Manchester Black at Thanksgiving, but it would be an easy mistake to make.

Does General Haley expect Supergirl to ignore massive fires, tornadoes, earthquakes, train derailings, etc if no aliens are involved?  Robberies I can see.  The police need something to do.

Looks like Lena will be our next metahuman.  There's no way she would experiment on someone else.  I wondered why she was incinerating the previous tumor specimens.  I guess it was to let her realize that the last one was indestructible.

3 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:


And If the little girl didn’t have Spike (gorgeous dragon), would those assholes have beaten her up too? After all, she’s a “roach” too. 

I was waiting for those "family men" to see her and decide what they were going to do.

This episode contained the alien version of Kristallnacht.

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
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Even though I've been watching this season so far, I haven't really been invested. I get what the show is trying to do, but now it's just getting depressing. They lost me at tiki torches; this is supposed to be my escapist show.

Loved everything Brainy; and loved the dragon fight! As ridiculous as it was. But I may be out until this Agent Liberty arc is over.

Edited by Trini
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Tiki torches. We're way past "on the nose" now. We're talking cartilage.

Good episode, even as a few comic canon bits are starting to surface. The subtlety still isn't present, but then you got James recoiling about the Agents and the barking German Shepherd. That's what makes hatefests on superhero shows fucked up. All races can join in to persecute a new enemy (aliens, mutants, etc.)

I like Brainy Fu. More, please? And Manchester is long past fucking around.

Man, the new lady is a hardass. I don't think she's got an Agent mask in her locker, but she can't get beyond that one note.

Was the dragon the only alien in that house, or was the father also an alien? It would be likely that the Agents scanned the place, put up an "A," and wound up beating the snot out of a fellow human.

"Fewllow"?!? I can spell. I just don't check stuff hard enough.

Edited by Lantern7
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28 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I have to admit that I don’t like that Supergirl is an employee of the DEO. She should be a free agent and allowed to save whomever she wants and go after any bad guy or villain she wants. She shouldn’t be hampered this way.

It doesn't make sense that she has to take orders from the DEO. She has a job so she doesn't need the money. She should be a contractor, not an employee subject to Haley's orders.

8 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

Was the dragon the only alien in that house, or was the father also an alien? It would be likely that the Agents scanned the place, put up an "A," and wound up beating the snot out of a fewllow human.

The Agents said something about his () machine not being enough to hide that he's an alien so I assumed that he was.

45 minutes ago, legaleagle53 said:

To which he would have simply replied, "No, I'm assuming that aliens are violent because the last three groups of them that came here (the leader of one of which claimed that she and her people 'came in peace') actually were violent and nearly destroyed this planet. How many more chances are we supposed to give them to actually finish the job they started three years ago?"  And what would Kara's response to THAT have been that wouldn't have made her sound like an idiot for even going there?  Recent history is on his side, not hers.


She could have replied with the times Superman and Supergirl saved people. Just as not all humans are good or evil, all aliens aren't either.

45 minutes ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

How does one train a dog to detect aliens? Do they all smell alike?

I assumed that it was because they didn't smell like humans.

The gold stars were too much for me though.

Edited by statsgirl
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Loved the Brainy bit. That was great.  Didn't love the blatantly unsubtle "HELLO, I HAVE A NEUROLOGIST FOR YOU WHO CAN WORK YOU IN AT ANY TIME" and the equally unpersuasive lying. Though it was nice and convenient to have the entire cast around plus Manchester for Thanksgiving dinner so they could work out the Agent Liberty plans all at once, and nice and convenient and not at all suspicious for almost all of them to head out at the same time. Which is to say, HOW DOES LENA NOT KNOW THAT KARA IS SUPERGIRL AT THIS POINT, HOW, and also, frankly, after this dinner, shouldn't Nia and Manchester also be suspicious? 

While I'm asking questions: is Supergirl drawing an actual salary from the DEO? Because if she is, surely that has to end up in a bank account with a legal name on it, right, which means that unless she opened an account saying "Supergirl" and took out a credit card or two in that account, either the colonel also knows Supergirl's secret/legal identity, or, Supergirl isn't getting paid. If the first, why is Supergirl holding down a second job over at Catco, and if the second, why is Supergirl following the colonel's orders?

So, with the dragon: did the alien-sniffing dogs actually sniff out aliens, or just sniff out the dragon? Especially since the humans in the house - both the father and the little girl - didn't seem to change form at all, even when the father was getting beaten up. So were they actually aliens, or just Game of Thrones fans who really wanted to have a nice dragon as a pet? And did they make the dragon stay in lizard form to cut down on pet food costs?


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14 minutes ago, quarks said:

Which is to say, HOW DOES LENA NOT KNOW THAT KARA IS SUPERGIRL AT THIS POINT, HOW, and also, frankly, after this dinner, shouldn't Nia and Manchester also be suspicious? 

We are supposed to accept that Lena is a genius but at this point I'm expecting Nia and Manchester to figure it out first.

Edited by statsgirl
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2 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

We are supposed to accept that Lena is a genius but at this point I'm expecting Nia and Manchester to figure it out first.

I know that the show is trying to say that Lena doesn't know, but after tonight's episode, that's only possible if a) Lena believes that Alex doesn't have access to her own transportation, b) a pile of rocks is more intelligent than Lena.

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1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:


And If the little girl didn’t have Spike (gorgeous dragon), would those assholes have beaten her up too? After all, she’s a “roach” too. 

Were they actually shown to be aliens? I took them to be humans with an alien pet, and the dog was barking at the dragon.

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1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I have to admit that I don’t like that Supergirl is an employee of the DEO. She should be a free agent and allowed to save whomever she wants and go after any bad guy or villain she wants. She shouldn’t be hampered this way.

As mentioned above, is she even an employee?? It doesn't even make sense that Colonel Haley thinks she can give Supergirl - one of the most powerful beings on Earth - orders anyway. The DEO is helpful for sure, but really, Supergirl shouldn't need them to be a superhero.

No confirmation on whether Haley knows Kara = Supergirl; but it's been an open secret at the DEO for years, so I imagine that she'll eventually find out. (Unless they want to make it a Lena situation...)

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1 hour ago, legaleagle53 said:

To which he would have simply replied, "No, I'm assuming that aliens are violent because the last three groups of them that came here (the leader of one of which claimed that she and her people 'came in peace') actually were violent and nearly destroyed this planet. How many more chances are we supposed to give them to actually finish the job they started three years ago?"  And what would Kara's response to THAT have been that wouldn't have made her sound like an idiot for even going there?  Recent history is on his side, not hers.

And that sums up my problem with the whole aliens=immigrants thing they have going on. Yes, people are taking it too far, and killing innocent aliens is absolutely wrong, but they are acting like it is absurd and hateful for people to be afraid and mistrusting of aliens. We have seen multiple alien attacks. Some aliens have abilities they could use to harm or control others. Supergirl, Superman and John themselves could each burst into the White House and take over the government if they so wanted. A human immigrant from Mexico or the Middle East, on the other hand, is simply human and no more a threat then any other person. The show wants to have it's cake and eat it to. It wants to show dangerous, high-stakes, intergalactic fights, like the Daxamite invasion, while saying aliens are totally cool and should be treated like everyone else.

Is Nia Nial from the comics? Is there a reason she is always sleeping?

Brainy was totally bad-a** using physics to fight. 

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I think this episode was the first time we've seen the other end of Kara's hallway:

Although, if National City is a metropolis similar to New York City, there could be any number of weirdly configured buildings.

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I keep seeing the term aliens as if they're all the same.. Kryptonians and Daxamites were the ones who have tried to destroy the world so far.. And those worlds are gone.. Maybe Kara shoulda pointed that out in her debate... Also I just wanted Manchester to look at Kara and go.. Ur Supergirl.. And then keep it moving... I still hope they play it that way.. He seems like the type to figure it out but not really care all that much

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This was eye rolling and cringy.

Lena suggesting giving humans powers and everyone acting like it has never happened before is just plain sloppy writing. We’ve had Livewire, Metallo, Banshee, Psi,Reactron, etc. Not to mention that Supergirl has been to The Flash world and seen all kinds of metas so to say it could never happen is again very poor lazy writing. They dropped the ball on this issue.

The slow burn of Lena’s villain turn is disgusting. So to make sure it’s not a carbon copy of Smallville, they decide Lena turns because of a spurned romance? The man never trusted her to begin with and now she’s going the whole  “ love of my life/sacrifice anything” route for James?  She has been damseled by this show who are desperate to have a strong male lead, only they have chosen poorly each season. James is just not leading man material. Not to mention he just disobeyed his boss and handed the interview off to someone else? This guy is the worse news editor ever. He is arrogant smug d bag. Fire him already. Lena just let him do to her what Lex always did, belittle her. Lena needs to ditch him pronto. She also needs to hang with Kara more. 

Putting Kara up against Lockwood was a disaster waiting to happen. One Kara can’t help coming from the alien view point, and she’s still in La La land because she’s accepted due to her family ie Superman, she’s saved NC several times, and does save the little guy as well. Second she really had no time to prepare, no research on the issue, on Lockwood etc. This is a woman who in Midvale growing up couldn’t be bothered to learn human history and mixed historical figures up because of similar names.

Ok I know the opening monologue always says that Supergirl works with her sister in the DEO, but I always got the impression the Kara was independent of the organization. She helped them out since they were after rouge aliens and meta humans.  Is she now in trouble if she recuse a cat in a tree or dashes off to stop a terrorist?  Take a clue from Kal El Kara and refuse to  “work” for the DEO. 

I end on this observation: putting Sam Witter and Katie McGrath in one TV show is just too much. Those cut cheekbones, and beauty will make anyone swoon.

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20 minutes ago, rtms77 said:

The slow burn of Lena’s villain turn is disgusting. So to make sure it’s not a carbon copy of Smallville, they decide Lena turns because of a spurned romance?

I'm not convinced this is the direction they're going with her.

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3 hours ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

Looks like Lena will be our next metahuman.  There's no way she would experiment on someone else.  I wondered why she was incinerating the previous tumor specimens.  I guess it was to let her realize that the last one was indestructible.

I'm guessing that Manchester Black will volunteer so he can take up a role more like his comics counterpart.

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1 minute ago, Perfect Xero said:

I'm guessing that Manchester Black will volunteer so he can take up a role more like his comics counterpart.


3 hours ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

Looks like Lena will be our next metahuman.  There's no way she would experiment on someone else.  I wondered why she was incinerating the previous tumor specimens.  I guess it was to let her realize that the last one was indestructible.

Hmm I thought she was incinerating them because they became useless test subjects. Remember she was trying to cure cancer and both hearts showed the tumours growing. She tried to destroy the second subject only for it not to die. She was shocked and surprised by this. Looking for invulnerability was not her goal.

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2 hours ago, MadyGirl1987 said:

Is Nia Nial from the comics? Is there a reason she is always sleeping?


There is a character in the comics named Nura Nal, who is the alter ego of a superheroine named Dream Girl. Nura has prophetic dreams and martial arts training; between the two, she can fight like Brainy did in this episode, a skilled combatant who knows what her opponent will do.

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Yikes, as hard as I'm trying to like this show you guys go and pick out all its flaws, lol.  Lena is so going to be the show's next meta-human.  Nothing about Lena says she'll test her tech on a human subject, even a willing one.  She couldn't deal with the consequences of a failed experiment on a human subject.

And as others have said, Supergirl as an employee of the DEO makes absolutely no sense.  If, as General Haley implies, the DEO is a military organization, wouldn't that make SG an officer with some kind of assigned rank?  Also, since everyone at the DEO seems to know that Kara=SG and Brainy=Alien from the Future, I can't imagine General Haley isn't aware of these facts.  She'd look like the world's biggest idiot otherwise.  Also General...you could have just given Brainy the recipe for your sweet potato pie...I've found that nutmeg, vanilla extract, allspice and a graham cracker crust make for a first class pie, just saying.

Puff the Magic Dragon is the latest baddie to put Kara flat on her butt, it really doesn't take much, does it?  Finally dawned on me, this show is going with a Byrne-esque reduction of SG's powers to make her seem less invincible.  On a positive note, I like how they finally explained why J'onn doesn't like using his telepathy, takes another Deus ex machina off the table and helps keep the character in play.

14 hours ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

How does Kara keep straight who she has met as Supergirl, and who as Kara Danvers?  She had to pretend to have heard, not met, about Manchester Black at Thanksgiving, but it would be an easy mistake to make.

Overall, Kara does the worst job in history of maintaining a secret identity.  She's constantly seen with all of SG's friends and acquaintances, it shouldn't be that hard for folks who know both of them to make the connection.  Reminds me of an episode from the 60s Batman show where Robin has to rescue a kidnapped Bruce Wayne from the Joker.  After they beat the bad guys, Robin asks Bruce, "aren't you going to press charges?"  In a rare bit of realistic writing for that series, Bruce replies, "no, then we'd have to appear in court.  You and I have been seen together in public too much as it is."  Hard to believe that no one has realized Kara and SG not only look alike, but travel in the exact same circles.

Edited by Winston Wolfe
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Man, they actually busted out tiki torches for this one.  The smidgen of subtly this show had has truly been tossed aside now.  At this point, I really would not be surprised if Agent Liberty ends up being a narcissistic billionaire named Ronald Grump, whose evil powers come from his combover...

As soon as Kara brought up Thanksgiving into the debate, I knew Ben was going to flip it around by bringing up how it ends with the Europeans almost wiping the Native Americans out.  With respect to all of the turkey and yams, Thanksgiving really isn't the best holiday to bring to the table for this particular debate, Kara. 

Speaking of Thanksgiving, judging from the soundtrack for Kara's party, apparently Maroon 5 is the choice for Thanksgiving dinner jingles.  Who knew?!

Haley is already boring me.  Really, does she expect Kara to just ignore crimes now and only work whatever is under the DEO's purview?  So, if a building is on fire, is Kara suppose to be like "Sorry, folks!  That's the fire department's job, not mine!  Peace!"  Does Kara even really need them (with respect to Alex and Brainy)?  I'd love it if she just told Haley to piss off, and quit.  Don't see the DEO being able to do squat without her, especially if Haley continues to hold Alex back as well.

Love you, Lena, but you really were/are getting too controlling with James.  And now you've might have just pushed him away.  But, of course, it looks like she's busy attempting to give humans powers now.  This should be fun!

What is the deal with Nia and her being cagey about her apparent narcolepsy?

Is Manchester Black going full-blown Punisher on all of the Agents of Liberty now, or will there be more to it?

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8 hours ago, statsgirl said:

The conflict between Lena and James felt realistic, which is a nice touch.

I'd have to go with Lena on this.  The situation James was putting himself wasn't just risky but downright foolish in case something went really bad and he didn't have any back up. He could have at least offered to wear some sort of  tracking device.

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1 hour ago, thuganomics85 said:

Man, they actually busted out tiki torches for this one.  The smidgen of subtly this show had has truly been tossed aside now.  At this point, I really would not be surprised if Agent Liberty ends up being a narcissistic billionaire named Ronald Grump, whose evil powers come from his combover...

This show could be less subtle - the Children could be walking around with red hats that say Make Earth Great Again, but that would make the complete lack of police slightly less unbelievable. You've got a bunch of guys in creepy masks walking around with baseball bats and no one calls the cops? 

Nia needs to work on her lying skills.  If you've been diagnosed with a condition like narcolepsy you shouldn't need someone else to remind you of what it's called.

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9 hours ago, quarks said:

did the alien-sniffing dogs actually sniff out aliens, or just sniff out the dragon? Especially since the humans in the house - both the father and the little girl - didn't seem to change form at all, even when the father was getting beaten up


9 hours ago, The Crazed Spruce said:

Were they actually shown to be aliens? I took them to be humans with an alien pet, and the dog was barking at the dragon.

No, neither dad or daughter changed to reveal that they were aliens, but dad did say they'd lived there for years. Didn't say, "you're wrong! We're not aliens!" Maybe they're aliens that look human? Because at this point, Show is telling viewers their device can sniff out and target aliens.

4 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

At this point, I really would not be surprised if Agent Liberty ends up being a narcissistic billionaire named Ronald Grump, whose evil powers come from his combover...

We already know that Agent Liberty isn't a billionaire. His father losing his factory and Ben himself losing his job because of his sudden xenophobia, and homeowners insurance not covering the loss of his home is the reason he became Agent Liberty in a Destro* wannabe mask.

And this needing a human subject to be a super soldier is something Lex did in Smallville. Except he used a cadaver to do it.

* TM @Cthulhudrew

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3 hours ago, cambridgeguy said:

This show could be less subtle - the Children could be walking around with red hats that say Make Earth Great Again,

You think this isn't going to happen? This is totally going to happen.

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1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:
6 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

At this point, I really would not be surprised if Agent Liberty ends up being a narcissistic billionaire named Ronald Grump, whose evil powers come from his combover...

We already know that Agent Liberty isn't a billionaire.

Agent Liberty is just the face/mouthpiece of the movement. We already knew this from when Mercy Graves recuited  Ben Lockwood in the back of the stretch limo. Mercy said she wasn't the head of the Sons Of Liberty and I assume whomever is, is rich and has been paying Ben Lockwood, which is why he now has a nice home to live in.

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On 11/18/2018 at 10:16 PM, cambridgeguy said:

Kara has blonde hair, is immune to fire, and gets along with dragons.  She must have some Targaryen blood in her.

This is CW, not HBO. We can not expect to see Melissa Benoist au naturel (although she did do it elsewhere).

As for the dragon, at the end Supergirl and Alex are embracing the then-lizard and saying that it was only trying to protect its owners. But what about all the property damages it caused? What about the cars it hit and holes on the road it created? That is the the problem with comic book stories, is it not? Who are responsible for all the damages? And I tend to agree with Lockwood that aliens do create damages and perhaps casualties that they never have been accountable for.

Edited by TV Anonymous
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43 minutes ago, TV Anonymous said:

This is CW, not HBO. We can not expect to see Melissa Benoist au naturel (although she did do it elsewhere).

I remember that episode of Homeland.  Because Melissa looked so young it was really uncomfortable to watch.

2 hours ago, Trini said:
5 hours ago, cambridgeguy said:

This show could be less subtle - the Children could be walking around with red hats that say Make Earth Great Again,

You think this isn't going to happen? This is totally going to happen.

It will make for a great acronym though - MEGA.

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Well, they already used Make Daxum Great Again, so maybe they want to give us a little time in between. I mean, ticki torches? Really show? Did you not think we got it yet? Did you think there was one person person out there like "oh my God, now I get it! This season is about immigration being good! I never picked up on that!"? 

Maybe if your going to have a counterpoint style round table thing, have a journalist who is a bit more hard nosed than Kara. Sweet Kara still freaks out about internet comments, I cant imagine her doing much against someone like Ben Lockwood beside talking about her human interest pieces on nice aliens. She could have used facts or statistics on how many aliens are actually violent, how many are living in the city, etc. There are points she could have used, but Kara, God love her, isnt really great at tough question and answer sessions. Also, holy CRAP is Ben Lockwood smug. His smug smirk is getting smugger by the day. 

I already love Manchester Black, he can stick around. He is so not close to playing around. 

Wow, James actually gets a decent plot! I actually like the ideas the show is discussing with the role journalism plays in politics and culture, especially with these fringe group types. Lena wants to condemn them and basically ignore or fight them, which means its harder for them to spread their message, but it also just makes them more pissed off and feel more disenfranchised (even when they obviously arent), while James wants to actually try to understand them and reason with them, which does hopefully make them feel like pissed, but also gives them a platform. Theres a lot going on, and I think its pretty interesting. Also, Lena really does control James too much, booking interviews and stuff without telling him. Thats why its sometimes awkward when your dating your boss. 

Loved Brainy kicking ass...through physics! Also loved his instant love of the general ladies pies. I really question how this lady can even tell Kara/Supergirl what to do at all. Isn't she basically a private citizen who just volunteers with the DEO, or does she get a paycheck? 

So, whats up with Nia? I think there is more to this than narcolepsy. She and Bariny are still cute. 

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