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S20.E37: Fast Forward; Eviction #13


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I'm sorry to say, I'll miss Sam. I know she had her unlikable moments, but I think she's a good person overall. She came off very self aware and humble in her exit interview - realizing a lot of her issues she brought upon herself; and talking about how much the experience changed her. 

Plus, she gave a lot of laughs. The game itself wasn't really for her, but she made for good TV. I got such a kick out of JC proclaiming that she doesn't even count - cut to Sam sitting on the stairs, eating. 


NOT excited for a JC HOH. But it may be a little exciting to see how he breaks up L6. I like Tyler and Kaycee, But I'm not feeling super pumped about a winner at this point. I feel like a lot of the steam has gone out of this game. 

I just can't deal with JC acting like Tyler has somehow betrayed him because JC was loyal to Tyler all game. Nah, you were loyal to YOU. You simply buddied up to Tyler because you knew he could get you far. 


Aaaaand....just when you thought JC couldn't get any more terrifying....we get to have nightmares of a whipped cream covered JC. 

  • Love 14

The only reason I'm happy JC  won HOH was to somewhat shake up the end of this season and kill the bulldozer that was Level 6 (-3).  He's still a little anal wart, but it should make the next few days interesting.

Poor Sammie.  She really played up the "aw shucks I'm just a hayseed" act with Julie.  Hayseed with a butcher knife in the outhouse!  She's still batchit cray cray.  I'm surprised she made it as far as she did... and in my opinion, she's a contender for America's favorite loony and $25K.

Julie.  Gurl, Tammy WhyNot is not gonna be playing you off.  Stand by yer molester if you must, but honey, keep it to your damn self so you don't look like an idjut in a year.

  • Love 14

For the record, I am NOT celebrating a JC win.  I am, however, celebrating an L6 loss because I needed something to be different this week.  Only one of them can win anyway, at least this is a little more interesting.  

I'm pretty impressed that Sam was able to hold it together for the eviction, especially since it was a "surprise."  Maybe it was for the best since she didn't have time to work herself up about it happening.  In a small way, I think it made her feel better that Brett went ahead of her--almost like it gave her extra validation.  I will absolutely miss the crazy.

I'm hoping that Angela goes tomorrow and Tyler/Kaycee make it to the F2.   

Edited by leocadia
  • Love 12

Thoughts in no particular order:

* Sam went out really well. I was pleasantly surprised and proud of her. 

* Julie is srs about this "Chen Moonves" stuff. Bless her heart. 

* There's not enough "kill me the fuck now" to adequately express my feelings on JC winning HOH. 1) because he's a revolting toad, and 2) because he's robbing one of L3 the spot. But mostly 1.

* I desperately need a hobby. Not only did I get all of those questions right, all but one were a fill in the blank vs true/false. I am shocked every year how invested I get in this asinine game. Definition of insanity, paging IndyMischa.... 

  • Love 16

Wow, Tyler must be freaking out right now, or at least he should be. Assuming JC puts up Kaycee & Angela, he can't try to win veto, because who would he save ? And if JC does put him up, he HAS to win, and he still screws over someone ! Both girls want to go to the final with him so they probably wouldn't vote him out-- I don't know, but whatever happens, it's not too good for Ty. Of course, since he made so many Final 2 deals in the first place, he kind of did it to himself ! I just didn't really want JC to get past tonight- I wonder if they regret voting out Sam now-- she never would have won that HOH. (Then again, no way did I think JC would.)

  • Love 1

I'm not surprised Sam took her eviction well. I feel like she's been checked out of the game for ages and really wanted to be evicted. I think it was a combo of her not really knowing what the game entailed and never finding her groove in the house. But the Sam that Julie interviewed had the earthy sense of humor that early-summer Sam had. I lol'ed when she said "JC's just kind of annoying." 

  • Love 14
32 minutes ago, jumper sage said:

At my house we were all cheering for JC.  I love a shakeup!

We wanted JC to win, too.  The whole L6 thing is boring, and has been for awhile.  This makes it much more interesting.


22 minutes ago, leocadia said:

I'm hoping that Angela goes tomorrow and Tyler/Kaycee make it to the F2.   

Me too!

  • Love 3

I don’t know if Tyler is freaking out or not. After the last question, he gestured towards JC, clearly indicating he knew that JC had won and he seemed kind of happy. I don’t know if he was happy for JC or suddenly realized that JC could do his dirty work for him. Really, Tyler is golden unless someone wakes up and realizes he needs to go. 

I don’t like JC and am a little bummed L6 didn’t make it to the end but I do really hope JC gets something from his family in his HOH basket.

  • Love 1
37 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

it may be a little exciting to see how he breaks up L6. I like Tyler and Kaycee, But I'm not feeling super pumped about a winner at this point. I feel like a lot of the steam has gone out of this game. 

I just can't deal with JC acting like Tyler has somehow betrayed him because JC was loyal to Tyler all game.

But to JC Tyler was loyal to him.  Tyler didn't win the veto and therefor didn't have to worry about pulling JC down.  Nice move on Tyler's part.


2 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said:

I don’t know if Tyler is freaking out or not. After the last question, he gestured towards JC, clearly indicating he knew that JC had won and he seemed kind of happy. I don’t know if he was happy for JC or suddenly realized that JC could do his dirty work for him. Really, Tyler is golden unless someone wakes up and realizes he needs to go. 

He say he did throw it SO that JC could do the dirty work.

4 minutes ago, IndyMischa said:
16 minutes ago, Cherry Cola said:

Did anyone notice the middle witch looked like Sam? 

Thank you! I thought it was just me.

OK, someone has to post a screenshot of the witches.

7 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

I'm not surprised Sam took her eviction well. I feel like she's been checked out of the game for ages and really wanted to be evicted. I think it was a combo of her not really knowing what the game entailed and never finding her groove in the house. But the Sam that Julie interviewed had the earthy sense of humor that early-summer Sam had. I lol'ed when she said "JC's just kind of annoying." 

I do like Sam but she clearly had no idea how the game is played.

21 minutes ago, willco said:

Wow, Tyler must be freaking out right now, or at least he should be. Assuming JC puts up Kaycee & Angela, he can't try to win veto, because who would he save ? And if JC does put him up, he HAS to win, and he still screws over someone !

Tyler has to win the Veto in any case.

  • Love 1

I'm on the "Level 6 loss" side celebration as well. I just get a little kick out of knowing that after all their dominance it was JC the troll that sabotaged their Final 3 plan. I still despise JC.

I think Tyler is fine as far as being on the block, but he will be the sole vote still so that could get sticky for him but Angela is the no brainer choice to keep as everyone hates her.

I hope JC gets knocked out early because the closer he steps to victory the more I throw up in my mouth...

  • Love 4

At first, I was all like HA! I don't even like JC but I liked the idea of a monkey wrench but then I sobered up realizing this will actually make Tyler and Kaycee happy so they won't get any blood on their hands cutting Angela loose...and this actually deprives the last vestige of fun out of the season when I finale night one of the three was going to be left dumbfounded and disillusioned that the HOH didn't take them...now that is all mooted.  Almost from the word go it was pre-ordained Tyler would be in one of the final chairs and Kaycee who literally did nothing for half the summer will be sitting next to him. It's already over. Plus despite all Samantha's bluster she turned out to be a paper tiger. Just one more disappointment in a season of disappointments.

P.S. The whip cream fight was funny 40 years ago when the Brady Bunch did it...here not so much.

Edited by North of Eden
  • Love 2
34 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said:

I must have missed that. When did he say that? There weren’t any DRs after the comp. Or did he say beforehand that he was going to throw it? (I might have missed it. I really only paid attention during the comps tonight.)

He didn't but Tyler is pretty smart and knows when to throw a comp.  Some of us think he threw it.  We all know that Kaycee can't do a mental comp to save her life, pun intended.

24 minutes ago, twilightzone said:

But of the Final 4, JC would have been the next to go.  Now, he's in the Top 3.  And Tyler, Angela or KC will be evicted.

My thinking is that Tyler did not vote to evict JC ever.  I think JC will not put up Tyler.  Tyler needs to win the veto.

  • Love 2

Ugh JC won HOH. But it should be interesting. Just when Level 6 thought they were safe . . .

Now this is an HOH Sam could have won.

1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

The budget for this show must have been used up by now because those Veto costumes looked like Production handed an intern some felt, some ribbon, a hot glue gun, and some plastic "gold dubloons" from the dollar store and told them to go to town. Yikes. 

Maybe Sam made them, except she probably would have done a better job.

  • Love 5
35 minutes ago, jumper sage said:

He didn't but Tyler is pretty smart and knows when to throw a comp.  Some of us think he threw it.  We all know that Kaycee can't do a mental comp to save her life, pun intended.

My thinking is that Tyler did not vote to evict JC ever.  I think JC will not put up Tyler.  Tyler needs to win the veto.

I have to disagree here.  No way did Tyler throw it.  You don't throw something that gets you to F3 no how no way.  Tyler is is danger of going home now and not making F3.  Only JC is safe and officially in the F3.

  • Love 9

?...they wouldn't let poor Sa-am, join in any whipped cream games...?

Production must've had Sam doped to the gills. She didn't go Hulk Smash! at all. She didn't get any goodbye messages either.

JC. Ugh. I hate this show so much. But he better get rid of Kaycee because at this point I'm not sure even Tyler can beat her. Wonder if Angela's feeling nervous right now?

  • Love 2
53 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

At first, I was all like HA! I don't even like JC but I liked the idea of a monkey wrench but then I sobered up realizing this will actually make Tyler and Kaycee happy so they won't get any blood on their hands cutting Angela loose...and this actually deprives the last vestige of fun out of the season when I finale night one of the three was going to be left dumbfounded and disillusioned that the HOH didn't take them...now that is all mooted.  Almost from the word go it was pre-ordained Tyler would be in one of the final chairs and Kaycee who literally did nothing for half the summer will be sitting next to him. It's already over. Plus despite all Samantha's bluster she turned out to be a paper tiger. Just one more disappointment in a season of disappointments.

P.S. The whip cream fight was funny 40 years ago when the Brady Bunch did it...here not so much.

SInce JC is HOH, he won’t vote. So Tyler, Kaycee, or Angela will be the sole voter. Therefore, Kaycee or Tyler would 100% have blood on their hands for voting out Angela. Sure, the voter will by default have to evict a Level 6 member. But the one who gets evicted could well be bitter.

  • Love 3
6 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

?...they wouldn't let poor Sa-am, join in any whipped cream games...?

Production must've had Sam doped to the gills. She didn't go Hulk Smash! at all. She didn't get any goodbye messages either.

JC. Ugh. I hate this show so much. But he better get rid of Kaycee because at this point I'm not sure even Tyler can beat her. Wonder if Angela's feeling nervous right now?

She’ll likely get them later. They probably recorded them last night and today. 


I thought sams interview with Julie was super adorable. 

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, North of Eden said:

Kaycee who literally did nothing for half the summer

Kaycee was part of a strong alliance from Week One and was in on every vote.

1 hour ago, jumper sage said:

  We all know that Kaycee can't do a mental comp to save her life, pun intended.

Except the Hacker comp. Which she won.

I truly don’t think Kaycee gets enough credit.

42 minutes ago, green said:

I have to disagree here.  No way did Tyler throw it.  You don't throw something that gets you to F3 no how no way.  Tyler is is danger of going home now and not making F3.  Only JC is safe and officially in the F3.

I have no way of knowing, of course, but I tend to agree with you. I feel like Tyler wouldn’t risk throwing it at this point but he’s smart enough to know that this works in his favour. Especially if this was something he discussed with JC in the recent past.

  • Love 11
32 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said:

Kaycee was part of a strong alliance from Week One and was in on every vote.



Yeah, and Ringo Starr was one of the Beatles but its John, Paul and George everyone truly remembers. Take him out and sub someone else in and they still would have been great based on those three. He was just "there"...as Kaycee was just "there" while others in Level 6 lead the way. 

Look if she was so vital why where there ENTIRE episodes where she would appear as a fleeting background player without even speaking and that was for over half the summer. She floated along on the backs of others like Winston and Rachel who paid the price and benefited IMMENSELY from the near constant bumbling from the other side of the house. A Kaycee win won't truly be deserved. I don't even like Tyler but I can't make a case that he wouldn't deserve to win over Kaysee...no way, no how.

  • Love 6

So, I guess TPTB aren’t planning on showing us any more JH footage, ever.  

The last JH entry footage we got was Scottie’s first entry into the JH, prior to the JBB.

Since then Fessy, Scottie (again), Hay, and Brett have walked out the FD, and - nothing.


3 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

I lol'ed when she said "JC's just kind of annoying." 

So did I - both times.  :D

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, Callaphera said:

The budget for this show must have been used up by now because those Veto costumes looked like Production handed an intern some felt, some ribbon, a hot glue gun, and some plastic "gold dubloons" from the dollar store and told them to go to town. Yikes. 

Good gravy, yes. And as someone pointed out a week ago or so, what the fuck happened to the season of technology? Between those shitty-ass costumes and the lame-ass cardboard cutouts (wtf was with the stock photo of two wolves and the Windows Paint version 1.0 wizard??), this was like the equivalent of a Project Runway comp in which they search through the discarded scraps of fabric to make a Derelicte look in 30 minutes.

3 hours ago, IndyMischa said:

* I desperately need a hobby. Not only did I get all of those questions right, all but one were a fill in the blank vs true/false. I am shocked every year how invested I get in this asinine game. Definition of insanity, paging IndyMischa.... 

Hand me a straightjacket! I felt rather creeped out when I realized, holy shit, I'm getting all of these right, not because I have a great memory, but I can actually imagine what these people would say - and in most cases filled in the damn blank myself! Then again, about 3 nights ago I had my first BB-related dream of the season, which is a hallmark every year. After mainlining BBAD and this site, I'm surprised it wasn't sooner.

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, leocadia said:

For the record, I am NOT celebrating a JC win.  I am, however, celebrating an L6 loss because I needed something to be different this week.  Only one of them can win anyway, at least this is a little more interesting.  

I'm pretty impressed that Sam was able to hold it together for the eviction, especially since it was a "surprise."  Maybe it was for the best since she didn't have time to work herself up about it happening.  In a small way, I think it made her feel better that Brett went ahead of her--almost like it gave her extra validation.  I will absolutely miss the crazy.

I'm hoping that Angela goes tomorrow and Tyler/Kaycee make it to the F2.   


3 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

I'm not surprised Sam took her eviction well. I feel like she's been checked out of the game for ages and really wanted to be evicted. I think it was a combo of her not really knowing what the game entailed and never finding her groove in the house. But the Sam that Julie interviewed had the earthy sense of humor that early-summer Sam had. I lol'ed when she said "JC's just kind of annoying." 

Agree with both posts. JC is a loathsome individual, but I was thisclose to fist-pumping, just so that something mildly interesting can happen. It's about goddamn time for Tyler, Angela and Kaycee to start sweating, Tyler especially. I still generally like Tyler, but he's been acting awfully smug the last number of weeks. But then, if I was in the house, and things were going that well for me, with several allies willing to take me to Final 2, I don't know if I could stop my own smugness from seeping out. But I still wonder why people make so many Final 2 deals? I know it gives the illusion of safety, but do people making F2 deals not think people will talk? "Wait, you have a F2 with so-and-so?! I have an F2 with so-and-so!"

Granted, the cast is mostly idiots this year, but they are every season. And hey, at least they're not the dumpster-fires that comprised last year's cast!

GROWSONWALLS, agree with everything you said. I was a Sam fan in the beginning, and became a lot less of one during her slut-shaming rant(s), but have to say, her exit interview reminded me why I liked her in the first place. And it is pretty refreshing when people realize their mistakes and that a lot of her issues were brought upon by herself. It is annoying when people continually find others to blame for their own behaviour, so I was very glad to see how self-aware and humble Sam was. I will miss her accent though.

  • Love 9
4 hours ago, IndyMischa said:

* There's not enough "kill me the fuck now" to adequately express my feelings on JC winning HOH. 1) because he's a revolting toad, and 2) because he's robbing one of L3 the spot. But mostly 1.

Two minds with but a single thought....


4 hours ago, IndyMischa said:

* I desperately need a hobby. Not only did I get all of those questions right, all but one were a fill in the blank vs true/false. I am shocked every year how invested I get in this asinine game. Definition of insanity, paging IndyMischa.... 

You too, huh?  Although I did miss one - and for some strange reason, the fact I didn’t know what was going to come out of Pinky’s <BLEEP>ing mouth filled me with a sense of irrational happiness....  ;)

  • Love 2
50 minutes ago, Nashville said:

So, I guess TPTB aren’t planning on showing us any more JH footage, ever.  

The last JH entry footage we got was Scottie’s first entry into the JH, prior to the JBB.

Since then Fessy, Scottie (again), Hay, and Brett have walked out the FD, and - nothing.

I'm fairly sure they'll still show the Jury House briefly. If they need it as a filler segment tomorrow, we'll see Fessy to Sam's arrivals, likely with special emphasis on Brett's as the only big blindside. We may or may not get a peak at Fessy/Hayleigh's showmance status just before Sam arrives. Otherwise, they'll show all the entrances in the finale and then use that to lead into the segment where the jury discusses among themselves their preferred player from the F3.

Edited by DrBriCa
  • Love 2

okay, i've watched the whole season but i haven't come on here or on any other forum. which i realize has been stupid of me because i have been yelling at the tv and at my senior service dog cocoa chanel and my gigantic transgender kitty Bobby Seale the Black Panther.

this is what i care about. i'm wondering why others hate angela because i certainly feel the same way. to me she felt like the wicked witch of the west, kind of putting a shadow over everything this whole season. one thing cracked me up about her and that was the sense of smell thing. that was the only thing they could think of to single her out. which was just sad. that and, finally, the backstory about the gymnastics and the long jump or whatever. which is why she has no feelings. but, hey, many years have gone by. so how about some therapy and how about another facial expressions. one that isn't a smirk?

wow, okay. so is any of this why others hate her too?

  • Love 4

I'm assuming KC is in serious danger and knows it.  I suspect JC won't put Tyler up and Tyler wouldn't vote out Angela.

It fell lucky for Tyler because his remarks at the start of the episode about wanted to go with the tougher competition to the end were just bad gameplay, whenever someone says that kind of thing in a reality show I think they either don't mind if they win or their friends do or they don't understand the game.

The HoH comp was the standard 50% luck set up as you could see them all guessing on several of the questions (if not all).  Though maybe that was the only way we were going to get any kind of slight twist at the end of this game. 

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, jumper sage said:

He say he did throw it SO that JC could do the dirty work.

How can you throw a comp where guessing is a big part?  Obviously if it all goes a certain way, say KC is evicted, Tyler may then try and claim he threw it, but hard to get evidence.  KC is actually in a stronger position to claim she threw it as she at least finished last.

  • Love 3

****Disclaimer**** I am not, nor ever have been, a JC fan! But...

I am so happy he won the HOH because Kaycee, Angela, and Tyler have just gotten so smug and its nice to see them squirm now. You KNOW JC will put the girls up so ultimately, its going to make Tyler choose and make someone mad at him. I keep saying this, but every week I am amzed that I can dislike Angela even more than the week before.

  • Love 3
10 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

I'm not surprised Sam took her eviction well. I feel like she's been checked out of the game for ages and really wanted to be evicted. I think it was a combo of her not really knowing what the game entailed and never finding her groove in the house. But the Sam that Julie interviewed had the earthy sense of humor that early-summer Sam had. I lol'ed when she said "JC's just kind of annoying." 

She never really HAS been playing the game. But I think she genuinely made some friendships and was struggling with the idea of "betrayal" on THAT level. When Brett went out before her, I think she realized that being evicted doesn't mean someone doesn't like you. It's a game and you all have to go eventually. Maybe I'm naive, but I do think it finally dawned on her that it's not personal.

  • Love 7

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