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S13.E06: Jump Split Reckoning

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47 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

They have done studies proving the regular two mile run, two minute situps and two minute pushups does not reveal a soldier's true physical strength. The girls are not in the Army. In my opinion, they is a major difference between being a cheerleader and being a soldier. Jay needs to move on to something else and stop treating the girls like they are soldiers and get more realistic about testing to see how well the girls can handle an all day home football game or four hours of practice.

i've never understsood the whole 'everyday person must compare themselves to a soldier or they're not fit' mentality that some trainers have.  not to mention that pushups are more about strength than fitness but that's by the by.  I'm nnot a soldier. I will never be a soldier.  I have never wanted to be a soldier.  that doesnt mean I'm not fit.  I wouldn''t be able to even take part in 2/3 of Jay's 'fitness' test.  doesn't mean my lung capacity isn't good or that my recovery times aren't smack in the middle of the range they should be, nor that I can't swim 2k in under 50min which for someone with severe nerve damage in their legs is damned good.  numerous people I know would fail Jay's concept of a fitness test yet they are very fit. one 'test' does not remotely fit all and you cannot compare a cheerleader to a soldier

Edited by CaseyRe
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I honestly think Jay is kind of an idiot. I’ve been watching the old seasons, which feature a lot of Jay, so maybe I’m just completely on Jay overload. 


Sorry, I’m being rude, but I really didn’t care for the Jay segment and all of the improper form really bothers me. So many girls had terrible form for pushups and sit-ups and they could get hurt. A good trainer is constantly evaluating proper form and making corrections.

Edited by PrincessLeia
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5 minutes ago, PrincessLeia said:

I honestly think Jay is kind of an idiot. I’ve been watching the old seasons, which feature a lot of Jay, so maybe I’m just completely on Jay overload. 


Sorry, I’m being rude, but I really didn’t care for the Jay segment and all of the improper form really bothers me. So many girls had terrible form for pushups and sit-ups and they could get hurt. A good trainer is constantly evaluating proper form and making corrections.

Dear CMT producers . Tell Jay to tone it down and/or cut his segment next season.

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24 minutes ago, PrincessLeia said:

I honestly think Jay is kind of an idiot. I’ve been watching the old seasons, which feature a lot of Jay, so maybe I’m just completely on Jay overload. 


Sorry, I’m being rude, but I really didn’t care for the Jay segment and all of the improper form really bothers me. So many girls had terrible form for pushups and sit-ups and they could get hurt. A good trainer is constantly evaluating proper form and making corrections.

I was wincing all through it.  he doesn't come across as a good trainer at all in those segments. hopefully he just plays it up to the cameras but the 100% yelling, you're all gonna fail at this schtick is ridiculous and the form was awful esp in the pushups and the jerky not-quite crunches not quite situps things were making my back ache

16 minutes ago, Holly85 said:

Yes that was her 

is her hair going to change weekly then?

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10 minutes ago, Christineelgene said:

While we are on the subject of Jay and eating junk food while watching last night’s episode, does anyone remember his show “I want to look like a high school cheerleader, again”?  I actually watched the entire thing when it was on tv.  If you are curious, here is a link to the overview.  


just reading the synopsis makes me want to gauge my eyes out. i know its marketing to get attention because 'high school' for right or wrong  will get more attention than 'college' but you know who looks 17-18?  17 and 18 year olds.  you're a grown woman. you're not going to look 18, even with a diet and exercise. deal with it.  and if high school truly was the zenith of your life, you might want to reconsider some of your choices

Edited by CaseyRe
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I actually didn't think Gina's tears during the "graduation ceremony" were odd.  It could have reminded her of missing her own family or a special event.  Some people just become emotional when seeing others become emotional.  It made me like her more because it showed she might actually be empathetic and not cold as others have depicted her.

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I found Dayton sharing her 8:30 mile time to be so humbling AND REALISTIC. Running is hard! I was also super pleased that there wasn't a scene where she was singled out for her push-ups and sit-ups. As so many have said, those are not indicators of how fit a woman is. And many can't put weight into the palms of their hands and distribute their weight like that, which is why TRX is MONEY. I bet Dayton would kill some TRX push-ups. She continues to be a favorite and Kelli's pointed verbiage to her during uniform fittings is noted once again.

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If Jay shouldn't be using cardio ( and I am expanding the options to any cardio - not just running), sit-ups (crunches, etc) or push-ups (knee vs. or regular) to measure fitness what should he or could be using ?  Or is it better not to attempt to evaluate fitness in the 1st place?

The list of equipment is endless - now that he has a new fancy gym to use. Maybe b/c of his training and background - he just someone who uses old school methods.  

In the earlier seasons he did some kind of BMI/fat percentage test. I can't remember if he had one of those pinchy-tweezer things or scale. I'm sure by now he's (or Kelli) has gotten their weight & height,  so they can calculate BMI. 

Edited by sATL
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14 minutes ago, sATL said:

If Jay shouldn't be using cardio ( and I am expanding the options to any cardio - not just running), sit-ups (crunches, etc) or push-ups (knee vs. or regular) to measure fitness what should he or could be using ?  Or is it better not to attempt to evaluate fitness in the 1st place?

The list of equipment is endless - now that he has a new fancy gym to use. Maybe b/c of his training and background - he just someone who uses old school methods.  

A friend of mine was so excited to take CrossFit.  She said they did push ups, pull ups, burpies and I was thinking, oh you mean what we did in high school if we played sports.  A lot of it is old school and I think that it works for those of us who work out at home and don't have the fancy equipment.  Those resistance bands are wonderful to build up your strength and are inexpensive.

So, more girls fall down next week?  Is this at the same venue where Jasmine fell?  What is on that floor??

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26 minutes ago, sATL said:

If Jay shouldn't be using cardio ( and I am expanding the options to any cardio - not just running), sit-ups (cruches, etc) or push-ups (knee vs. or regular) to measure fitness what should he or could be using ?  The list of equipment is endless - now that he has a new fancy gym to use. Maybe b/c of his training and background - he just someone who uses old school methods.  

In the earlier seasons he did some kind of BMI/fat percentage test. I can't remember if he had one of those pinchy-tweezer things or scale. I'm sure by now he's (or Kelli) has gotten their weight & height,  so they can calculate BMI. 


24 minutes ago, sATL said:

If Jay shouldn't be using cardio ( and I am expanding the options to any cardio - not just running), sit-ups (cruches, etc) or push-ups (knee vs. or regular) to measure fitness what should he or could be using ?  The list of equipment is endless - now that he has a new fancy gym to use. Maybe b/c of his training and background - he just someone who uses old school methods.  

In the earlier seasons he did some kind of BMI/fat percentage test. I can't remember if he had one of those pinchy-tweezer things or scale. I'm sure by now he's (or Kelli) has gotten their weight & height,  so they can calculate BMI. 


I'd hope Cowboys Fit has  the type of scales that automatically calculates body fat, because otherwise what are they wasting their money on?!? tbh BMI isn't a great indicator really especially as you can be what''s termed 'skinny fat' in which you might have a great BMI but atually a high fat percentage because you're very unfit because skinny is pointless in terms of health. you want fitness.  cardio, the running, isn't the issue with the fitness test because a run actually is a decent indicator, but utilising it as part of a maximum aerobic function test wpuld show more for these girls as they're meant to be quite fit from years of dance.  you wear a heart monitor strap while you run a fixed distance, ie mile or two miles, and you run it while maintaining 75% of your max heart rate (220 minus your age) and time it to see how long it takes you to finish the distance at that level. the fitter you are, the stronger your heart, the faster you can achieve that distance even at only 75%.  the 75% means you're not flat out but shows you could do it faster if need be (ie that you could carry out a much faster or harder dance after dancing something slower for a while) and also with the heart monitor you can determine how long it takes you heart rate to drop back to normal again.  the fitter you are, the faster your heart rate should drop. youre aiming for 20 beat speed drop per minute. the slower it is, the less fit you are, and if it's less than 12 then damnnation you need to start exercising because you're waaay outta shape.
Not all women do well with 'regular' press ups.  I've never had a strong upper body, I trained for months with weights and resistance and was thrilled when I could do 2. absolutely thrilled to bits i managed 2. because my strength is from my legs.  I can crack out a hundred weighted squats without a problem and without stopping.  ask me to do a press up and I can't.  I don't know why the girls couldn't do the modified version if he was determined for them to do them.  a modified press up is worth a hell of a lot more than a very poorly performed regular press up and most of the girls had AWFUL form.

thats another reason for why I don't think the 'test' was particular useful - the form from most of the girls was terrible.  rendering the move useless at best and dangerous at worst.  Lauren, as one would expect, from what i could see of her had good form but someone whose face I couldnt' see had the worst push up form I've ever seen. her back was concave, hips and belly dropping tto the ground putting a huge strain ont he lumbar spine, another was just kinda bobbing a bit with bad hand placement and elbows all over the place.  the sit ups because they were tyring to go fast instead of rights were jerky and putting huge strain on the lumbar spine, which is already under strain from a sit up. not to mention sit ups are less effective than crunches because once you reach a certain height, your hip flexors take over nad your abs stop doing anything.  crunches or crunches on a bosu would have been better indicator of abdominal strength which is super important in dance, ESP the lower abs for kicks.

Edited by CaseyRe
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2 minutes ago, CaseyRe said:

if cowboys fit doesn't have the type of scales that automatically calculates body fat, what are they wasting their money on?!? BMI isn't a great indicator really especially as you can be what''s termed 'skinny fat' in which you might have a great BMI but atually a high fat percentage because you're very unfit because skinny is pointless in terms of health. you want fitness.  cardio, the running, isn't the issue with the fitness test because a run actually is a decent indicator, but utilising it as part of a maximum aerobic function test wpuld show more for these girls as they're meant to be quite fit from years of dance.  you wear a heart monitor strap while you run a fixed distance, ie mile or two miles, and you run it while maintaining 75% of your max heart rate (220 minus your age) and time it to see how long it takes you to finish the distance at that level. the fitter you are, the stronger your heart, the faster you can achieve that distance even at only 75%.  the 75% means you're not flat out but shows you could do it faster if need be (ie that you could carry out a much faster or harder dance after dancing something slower for a while) and also with the heart monitor you can determine how long it takes you heart rate to drop back to normal again.  the fitter you are, the faster your heart rate should drop. youre aiming for 20 beat speed drop per minute. the slower it is, the less fit you are, and if it's less than 12 then damnnation you need to start exercising because you're waaay outta shape.
Not all women do well with 'regular' press ups.  I've never had a strong upper body, I trained for months with weights and resistance and was thrilled when I could do 2. absolutely thrilled to bits i managed 2. because my strength is from my legs.  I can crack out a hundred weighted squats without a problem and without stopping.  ask me to do a press up and I can't.  I don't know why the girls couldn't do the modified version if he was determined for them to do them.  a modified press up is worth a hell of a lot more than a very poorly performed regular press up and most of the girls had AWFUL form.

thats another reason for why I don't think the 'test' was particular useful - the form from most of the girls was terrible.  rendering the move useless at best and dangerous at worst.  Lauren, as one would expect, from what i could see of her had good form but someone whose face I couldnt' see had the worst push up form I've ever seen. her back was concave, hips and belly dropping tto the ground putting a huge strain ont he lumbar spine, another was just kinda bobbing a bit with bad hand placement and elbows all over the place.  the sit ups because they were tyring to go fast instead of rights were jerky and putting huge strain on the lumbar spine, which is already under strain from a sit up. not to mention sit ups are less effective than crunches because once you reach a certain height, your hip flexors take over nad your abs stop doing anything.  crunches or crunches on a bosu would have been better indicator of abdominal strength which is super important in dance, ESP the lower abs for kicks.

@CaseyRe They should have you work with the girls instead of Jay.

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37 minutes ago, sATL said:

If Jay shouldn't be using cardio ( and I am expanding the options to any cardio - not just running), sit-ups (crunches, etc) or push-ups (knee vs. or regular) to measure fitness what should he or could be using ?  Or is it better not to attempt to evaluate fitness in the 1st place?

The list of equipment is endless - now that he has a new fancy gym to use. Maybe b/c of his training and background - he just someone who uses old school methods.  

In the earlier seasons he did some kind of BMI/fat percentage test. I can't remember if he had one of those pinchy-tweezer things or scale. I'm sure by now he's (or Kelli) has gotten their weight & height,  so they can calculate BMI. 

I do think the girls level of fitness should be evaluated, particularly if the girls can get cut for weight gain and if they are going to make nutrition and fitness a focus of the show. But is the Army PFT the way to do that? Er....I don’t think so....and I was in the Army for 8 years (A. Real. Long. Time. Ago.) In just reviewing everyone’s posts on here, everyone is “fit” at different things and at different levels. I probably could swim if it meant not dying. But for cardio...no way. Now, I’m an Orangetheory fitness junkie. I also used to have a personal trainer, who was a CrossFit coach and he incorporated that style of workout into my workouts, which I still do on my own with additional cardio. Probably in the best shape of my life at 41 now. ( I have a job wherein I have to maintain a certain level of fitness, plus no children...so I do have the time and the facilities available to workout often).

I really wish they would concentrate on teaching these girls the importance of strength training, how to workout properly to not get injured, varying your workouts, and nutrition. I wish I didn’t wait so long to incorporate it into my routine. I was in an Airborne unit and all they cared about was if you could run. At the time, I could. Plus do 66 “real” pushups in 2 minutes. But I def didn’t have much strength. It was all technique. I think a lot of these girls think, “I’m young and I’m dancing all day, I can eat what I want!” I know they touched on nutrition a little bit but they could definitely expand upon it. Between work (or whatever they do) and practice I’m sure they don’t have much time to think about food so they end up with whatever is convenient or quick.  Or they don’t eat at all, which is even worse. (Side note: Love ❤️ Brennan, but the “I don’t eat when I’m stressed” made me blurt out an inadvertent “bitch, please!” ?).

I follow Jay on Instagram and his boot camp is definitely a high intensity interval training type workout. And he certainly doesn’t yell angrily at his clients although he does motivate them. Maybe the yelling was either for effect for the show or he was really annoyed at their goofing off. I think the first cut has now put things into perspective for them. 

I feel like someone from several seasons ago (Kalli? With the dark eye makeup? Very sweet TCC twice but never made it?), wrote a blog that mentioned they had mandatory workouts (even on non-filming days). Wonder why they stopped? Seems like it’d be a good idea. Some of those girls need to get with Nurse Lauren...girl kills it at the gym at 5am.

*Officially clocking out off my soapbox*

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1 hour ago, sATL said:

If Jay shouldn't be using cardio ( and I am expanding the options to any cardio - not just running), sit-ups (crunches, etc) or push-ups (knee vs. or regular) to measure fitness what should he or could be using ?  Or is it better not to attempt to evaluate fitness in the 1st place?

The list of equipment is endless - now that he has a new fancy gym to use. Maybe b/c of his training and background - he just someone who uses old school methods.  

In the earlier seasons he did some kind of BMI/fat percentage test. I can't remember if he had one of those pinchy-tweezer things or scale. I'm sure by now he's (or Kelli) has gotten their weight & height,  so they can calculate BMI. 

Circuit training with medium to heavy weights and HIIT (high intensity interval training) works for me. Both keep your heart rate up, and weights are essential. I can also run, but I have to lift weights too. Just running doesn’t do much for my body. 


The run is a great way to measure their endurance, and I don’t have a problem with the pushups. My problem is a lot of those girls should’ve been doing them on their knees because they weren’t strong enough to do regular pushups using proper form, because they weren’t strong enough. 

21 minutes ago, KnyghtRyder said:

I do think the girls level of fitness should be evaluated, particularly if the girls can get cut for weight gain and if they are going to make nutrition and fitness a focus of the show. But is the Army PFT the way to do that? Er....I don’t think so....and I was in the Army for 8 years (A. Real. Long. Time. Ago.) In just reviewing everyone’s posts on here, everyone is “fit” at different things and at different levels. I probably could swim if it meant not dying. But for cardio...no way. Now, I’m an Orangetheory fitness junkie. I also used to have a personal trainer, who was a CrossFit coach and he incorporated that style of workout into my workouts, which I still do on my own with additional cardio. Probably in the best shape of my life at 41 now. ( I have a job wherein I have to maintain a certain level of fitness, plus no children...so I do have the time and the facilities available to workout often).


I love orange theory... I wish they offered a class where you could just do the tread section because I actually don’t think the strength portion is enough. I like to lift heavier and I seemed to always show up on endurance days filled with box jumps and burpees. Strength days are my faves! 

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I was kind of excited for the Jay power squad segment because I get nostalgic about it in the early seasons when they would film outside at Valley Ranch.  

But this year it just felt OFF -the weird expression Jay had when he marched in and the super awkward scolding (WTH? Trainer Cade even looked startled).  Way to go Victoria for trying to jolly Jay up.

I did like the nutritionist Alyssa part.  Brennan's "I don't eat when I'm stressed" seemed the DCC equivalent of answering the job interview question "What's your biggest weakness" by saying "I'm a perfectionist".  

I see why Jasmine got cut but it felt abrupt. 

UCLA scene -so cheesy and total 'we empower women so don't sue us' crap from Charlotte IMO. 

That giant pic of Madeline M  in the studio looks weird close up.  Her neck looks dislocated.  shiver 

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3 hours ago, CaseyRe said:

i've never understsood the whole 'everyday person must compare themselves to a soldier or they're not fit' mentality that some trainers have.  not to mention that pushups are more about strength than fitness but that's by the by.  I'm nnot a soldier. I will never be a soldier.  I have never wanted to be a soldier.  that doesnt mean I'm not fit.  I wouldn''t be able to even take part in 2/3 of Jay's 'fitness' test.  doesn't mean my lung capacity isn't good or that my recovery times aren't smack in the middle of the range they should be, nor that I can't swim 2k in under 50min which for someone with severe nerve damage in their legs is damned good.  numerous people I know would fail Jay's concept of a fitness test yet they are very fit. one 'test' does not remotely fit all and you cannot compare a cheerleader to a soldier

I agree! I also have nerve damage (peripheral neuropathy) in my feet/legs, but I am still a professional equestrian and am very fit - I just am unable to run.

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27 minutes ago, Rubyslippahz said:

I did like the nutritionist Alyssa part.  Brennan's "I don't eat when I'm stressed" seemed the DCC equivalent of answering the job interview question "What's your biggest weakness" by saying "I'm a perfectionist".  

I would love to see more of Alyssa, useful information that they (and I) could use. If the gals were fooling around during Jay's segment, meaning multiple times - not just what CMT showed us, then as a teacher myself, I can see scolding them. I enjoyed Jay's segments in the early seasons where they participated in "fun" activities - the tire pull, in the pool, the pole climb, etc. You got to see more of the girls' personalities and team building, etc.

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3 hours ago, TexasBorn said:

Dear CMT producers . Tell Jay to cut his segment next season.

Edited your post.

Why was he such an asshole last night? Why couldn't the girls laugh?

I don't hate Victoria. I wish I had a tenth the enthusiasm she has. She's just excited for everything!

Who was the blonde vet Charlotte hugged at graduation?

Edited by woodscommaelle
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1 hour ago, KnyghtRyder said:

I do think the girls level of fitness should be evaluated, particularly if the girls can get cut for weight gain and if they are going to make nutrition and fitness a focus of the show. But is the Army PFT the way to do that? Er....I don’t think so....and I was in the Army for 8 years (A. Real. Long. Time. Ago.) In just reviewing everyone’s posts on here, everyone is “fit” at different things and at different levels. I probably could swim if it meant not dying. But for cardio...no way. Now, I’m an Orangetheory fitness junkie. I also used to have a personal trainer, who was a CrossFit coach and he incorporated that style of workout into my workouts, which I still do on my own with additional cardio. Probably in the best shape of my life at 41 now. ( I have a job wherein I have to maintain a certain level of fitness, plus no children...so I do have the time and the facilities available to workout often).

I really wish they would concentrate on teaching these girls the importance of strength training, how to workout properly to not get injured, varying your workouts, and nutrition. I wish I didn’t wait so long to incorporate it into my routine. I was in an Airborne unit and all they cared about was if you could run. At the time, I could. Plus do 66 “real” pushups in 2 minutes. But I def didn’t have much strength. It was all technique. I think a lot of these girls think, “I’m young and I’m dancing all day, I can eat what I want!” I know they touched on nutrition a little bit but they could definitely expand upon it. Between work (or whatever they do) and practice I’m sure they don’t have much time to think about food so they end up with whatever is convenient or quick.  Or they don’t eat at all, which is even worse. (Side note: Love ❤️ Brennan, but the “I don’t eat when I’m stressed” made me blurt out an inadvertent “bitch, please!” ?).

I follow Jay on Instagram and his boot camp is definitely a high intensity interval training type workout. And he certainly doesn’t yell angrily at his clients although he does motivate them. Maybe the yelling was either for effect for the show or he was really annoyed at their goofing off. I think the first cut has now put things into perspective for them. 

I feel like someone from several seasons ago (Kalli? With the dark eye makeup? Very sweet TCC twice but never made it?), wrote a blog that mentioned they had mandatory workouts (even on non-filming days). Wonder why they stopped? Seems like it’d be a good idea. Some of those girls need to get with Nurse Lauren...girl kills it at the gym at 5am.

*Officially clocking out off my soapbox*

For sure, I'd bet quite a bit of money that they're stuck in the 18 year old (regardless of actual age, apart from maybe a few of the older ones that have faced reality) mentality of having a great metabolism and bcause tey're working out, theyre not thinking about their meals properly.  So I was thrilled when I heard the nutritionist mention meal prepping.  sure it's a tiny bit of effort but literally one day a week, if that, for me, and I can make a week (or more) worth of evening meals and daily snacks.

I know for me, after I gained a lot of weight after my accident, meal prep was key for me losing the weight again because I couldn't work out the way I once could and I was having to fight agaiinst a more sedate lifestyle than ever before while also on a huge amount of opiod medications that made weight loss hard.  meal prep just ensured the fridge always had something ready for when I was hungry or snacky and so I couldn't justify making toast because that was actuallymore effort than grabbing the box of carrot sticks or each night after physio, i just could grab a different box and I had my meal ready to heat and because I'd made it, i knew exactly what was in it, had controlled every bit of fat or sugar and kept it super healthy and the weight started coming off again.  i still have a few jellybeans of an evening to curb any sweet cravings and o I don't feel deprived of yummy sweet things and I have a cheat day every week or two weeks when my downfall of toast makes an appearance or I'd go mad, but after a literal lifetime of very very poor relationship with food and with my own body (I gain weight very easily and man alive is it ever hard to shift once its welcomed itself to the party), i've finally gotten to a place where I'm excited about making myself healthy food that tastes good, that helps me feel good, that's feeding into my fitness level, literally, and is boosting my confidence by bringing my weight down to where I want it, all of which also helps my spine and legs because Im not carrying as much weight so its less strain on fragile parts of my skeleton.  win win win!

If only I was someone who didn't eat when stressed.  I combine, in one unfortunate package, a stress baker and a comfort baker which is dire for my waistline!

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12 hours ago, RedbirdNelly said:

Malena--the only way I could see quitting that job is (a) you knew you were on thin ice/likely to get fired anyway due to some other factor or (b) you have a Plan B job lined up that maybe isn't as amazing but is a solid situation and it fits your schedule better. I would think any job involving recruiting would be hour intensive and not a good fit for balancing with DCC.

Graduation ceremony--this actually touched me a bit but it also did look like they'd had to film it 3 or 4 times because Daphne didn't look that excited---or as moved as I would be if it was a surprise.  I'm not that bothered by her missing the ceremony though. Reality is (in my opinion) no one actually likes going to graduation ceremonies (besides maybe my mom). We pretend to but we all sit there from the get go thinking "I hope this doesn't take too long. . . I hope the speaker keeps it short. .. are they really going to read all of those names?" I walked in all of my graduation ceremonies but my husband only participated in his high school graduation--and he would have skipped that if there had been an option to that. And he was the first person in his family with a college degree and with a masters. He's just very practical --though I get a lot of people want that moment.

Lol. I watched the episode after reading the comments, and as Daphne is saying “Oh my god!” she’s quickly turning and walking into her gown. If she was truly surprised you’d expect a moment of confusion, but instead she just puts the gown on and rushes through the group in the same quick motion. 


DCC does nothing to help these young women go to school or manage good jobs, so I’m pissed that they want to take credit for what these girls accomplish. These are incredible women who DCC is lucky to have, they’re not making great women.  

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10 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

They are really pushing we are making Malena look bad because we may cut her at a later date scenes. I do not understand what is so important to lose or quit your job to be a DCC. Charlotte and Kelli must be proud of themselves because girls are willing to give up everything for the honor and privilege to be a DCC..

I remember Shelby quitting her job and then getting cut. Also Courtney Russ quit her job but Kelli offered to help her fins a new one.

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38 minutes ago, MrsEVH said:

I remember Shelby quitting her job and then getting cut. Also Courtney Russ quit her job but Kelli offered to help her fins a new one.

I forgot about how Shelby quit her job - wasn’t Kelli all “why in the hell did you do that?” when she told her?

Kelli didn’t seem to be behind Shelby’s decision at all IIRC, but then she was all for that blonde Courtney leaving her pharmacuetical sales job for DCC - then didn’t Courtney quit DCC after one year to move back to where she can from to move in with her ex-boyfriend?

Didnt something also happen w/ curly haired Kendyl (sp?) and her job and DCC the last time she was in TC?  Didn’t they fire her for missing work for TC or something?

Edited by MyFavShows
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4 minutes ago, MyFavShows said:

I forgot about how Shelby quit her job - wasn’t Kelli all “why in the hell did you do that?” when she told her?

Kelli didn’t seem to be behind Shelby’s decision at all IIRC, but then she was all for that blonde Courtney leaving her pharmacuetical sales job for DCC - then didn’t Courtney quit DCC after one year to move back to where she can from to move in with her ex-boyfriend?

Didnt something also happen w/ the curly haired Kyndyl and her job and DCC the last time she was in TC?  Didn’t they fire her for missing work for TC or something?

I think Kelli knew Shelby wouldn't make it so she was shocked about her quitting the job.

Courtney never auditioned for a 2nd season. Nobody really knows the reason why.

Kyndall said she "parted ways " with her employer. Maybe it was too time consuming and they weren't willing to work with her.

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1 hour ago, MrsEVH said:

I think Kelli knew Shelby wouldn't make it so she was shocked about her quitting the job.

Courtney never auditioned for a 2nd season. Nobody really knows the reason why.

Kyndall said she "parted ways " with her employer. Maybe it was too time consuming and they weren't willing to work with her.

And Kat - like the episode after they featured her at her job.

Edited by DCCme
Corrected typo
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53 minutes ago, MyFavShows said:

I forgot about how Shelby quit her job - wasn’t Kelli all “why in the hell did you do that?” when she told her?

Kelli didn’t seem to be behind Shelby’s decision at all IIRC, but then she was all for that blonde Courtney leaving her pharmacuetical sales job for DCC - then didn’t Courtney quit DCC after one year to move back to where she can from to move in with her ex-boyfriend?



If I remember right, Courtney quit her job and Kelli helped her find a new one and she ended up making the squad. After that, it seemed like everyone was quit their jobs because they seemed to think they'd get the same treatment from Kelli (i.e., Shelby the next year).

Edited to add: I need to go watch this episode now.

Edited by BlueSilver
Keeping it on topic
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As far as I know, the BMI has been proven to be so ineffective at determining how "healthy" you are in regards to the height/weight measurements that it's practically useless.   If someone is an athlete or seriously into fitness,in many cases, the BMI scale will tell them that they're obese or morbidly obese when they're clearly nowhere near it and it's all because of their muscles.  One good way to measure a healthy weight for an active woman is to start at 100 pounds for a 5'0" woman and add 5 pounds for every inch above 5'0" with some variances given for build (a little more for having a bigger/stockier build than average and a little less for being a little slimmer/slighter than average).

I wish I had Brennan's problem of not eating when I get stressed, but I tend to go for the food instead of the walks when I'm stressed/bored/tired/etc.  It's a bad habit and, sometimes, a source of comfort.  These girls should KNOW the schedule by now and, if they have some time on the weekends,put together a week worth of meals and on-the-run foods that they can throw in their bags on the way out the door.  

As for Jasmine's cut, in a way, I'm surprised because she seemed to be a stronger dancer then she was shown to be, but some habits (including dance habits) are harder to break than others and if she's been a competitive cheerleader for years, that may be a harder habit to break than it seems.  I also thought she didn't seem nearly as pretty as she did in that picture someone had of the rookie candidates.  It almost looked as if they thought she looked TOO pretty and wanted to ugly her up some so she would look "average" or "normal".  Her hair looked processed or fried or like someone had sewn a really bad weave in and the two- or three-toned hair (almost blond on pieces framing her face and around the bottom, then a more "normal" brown, then black and frizz at the roots) didn't look remotely natural or pretty.   I love when a beautiful black girl has beautiful natural hair, no matter the style, and is confident in rocking the look.  Too bad Kelli (and Charlotte) can't appreciate it.

Edited by EricaShadows
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16 minutes ago, EricaShadows said:

I wish I had Brennan's problem of not eating when I get stressed, but I tend to go for the food instead of the walks when I'm stressed/bored/tired/etc.  It's a bad habit and, sometimes, a source of comfort.  These girls should KNOW the schedule by now and, if they have some time on the weekends,put together a week worth of meals and on-the-run foods that they can throw in their bags on the way out the door.  

I wonder if they have a fridge they can use to throw their snacks in there.  I've seen veterans with containers full of food on their Instastories and I remember blogs where the girls would talk about who brought the healthy snacks.  I would assume that once the rookies get the hang of the schedule they would be able to meal/snack prep.  Then during the nasty commute they can snack

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6 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

Jay reminds me of Bob and Jillian from The Biggest Loser show. They think they are experts, but in reality (no I do not mean reality television shows) they are not all that.

Experts no.. But for those of us at home that do not have the option or have not found a trainer to meet their needs/goals/wish-list  , one's gotta take and use little bits and pieces from whom they can , when they can. I never knew how hard it was to find a trainer until I worked up the nerve to ask for help. It seems like the real non-reality ones that have crossed my path are like Jay/Bob/Jillian - "it's my way or the highway", "no we are not going to do xxx", and "this is the regimen pgm that I do". Maybe that is a job requirement for what they do - to be the most stubborn people in the world. If is not the Army PFT standard chart, they have devised at a set of standards of the their own and expect one to conform. Honestly, I gave up looking for "real-live" one, after I got my feelings hurt.

3 hours ago, Agent Gully said:

I would love to see more of Alyssa, useful information that they (and I) could use. 

RE: I like Alyssa too - from what little they shown of her. And its funny Nutritionists seem to be at the other end of the spectrum - they listen to you and trying not to do the "one size fits all" solution. I like the simple little gesture of shaking the TCC hands and talking with them in a calm voice - coming up suggestions for their plan.  Could be too that my 1st interaction with one was via my health ins plan, so wasn't trying to earn my business/$$. I also had a take away in trying to get sweets (if one must have them) earlier in the day. I grew up on left overs - so the cook ahead part comes easy to me. Most important (to me) Alyssa wasn't pushing Cowboy fit foodies or some other food plan.  I didn't care at all nor would buy salmon from/in a gym - like Caleb? was doing last week. She earned a star from me !

Jasmine said she counts her "macros" = her what ??

Edited by sATL
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Just now, sATL said:

Experts no.. But for those of us at home that do not have the option or have found a trainer to meet their needs/goals/wish-list  , one's gotta take and use little bits and pieces from whom they can , when they can. I never knew how hard it was to find a trainer until I worked up the nerve to ask for help. It seems like the real non-reality ones that have crossed my path are like Jay/Bob/Jillian - "it's my way or the highway", "no we are not going to do xxx", and "this is the regimen pgm that I do". Maybe that is a job requirement for what they do - to be the most stubborn people in the world. If is not the Army PFT standard chart, they have devised at a set of standards of the their own and expect one to conform. Honestly, I gave up looking for "real-live" one, after I got my feelings hurt.

RE: I like Alyssa too - from what little they shown of her. And its funny Nutritionists seem to be at the other end of the spectrum - they listen to you and trying not to do the "one size fits all" solution. I like the simple little gesture of shaking the TCC hands and talking with them in a calm voice - coming up suggestions for their plan.  Could be too that my 1st interaction with one was via my health ins plan, so wasn't trying to earn my business/$$. I also had a take away in trying to get sweets (if one must have them) earlier in the day. I grew up on left overs - so the cook ahead part comes easy to me. Most important (to me) Alyssa wasn't pushing Cowboy fit foodies or some other food plan.  I didn't care at all nor would buy salmon from/in a gym - like Caleb? was doing last week. She earned a star from me !

Jasmine said she counts her "macros" = her what ??

Oh I just saw that in an article - counting your protein grams, carbs and fat.  For example, if you are on a Keto diet, you would want to be sure you are eating more fats and proteins.  If you are low-carb, what are your carb grams. 

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Yeah Kat too!  So that’s like 5 girls just in the past 3 years that gave up jobs over DCC.   What’s sad is all of them didn’t even know they were officially on the squad yet when they had to do so!  It was training camp they quit over, not the actual DCC duties like games, etc.

Edited by MyFavShows
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On 9/6/2018 at 8:48 PM, MelissaMinion said:

Also, this year’s focus on education and career aspirations is clearly (to me, anyway) an attempt at image control after Erica’s lawsuit hit the news. 

I don't care why they're doing it. I just think it is good that they are doing it.

On 9/6/2018 at 8:58 PM, Loves2Dance said:

I don't think the issue is training camp, but instead, football season. College generally plays the night before the NFL and if Malena was expected to travel with her team, how could she always be back in time for the home Dallas games?


18 hours ago, CaseyRe said:

I'm always horrified when the girls give up phenomenal jobs, esp in this economy, to dance on the sidelines at a football game.  sure, i know there are said to be many opportunities, some do go on to get good jobs as a result of contacts within that world, but personally they're a minority.



18 hours ago, bombast said:

It make sense why the VKs, Cassies, Jennas and Ginas of the world want/NEED to be cheerleaders but watching a young, bright, charismatic woman disregard a leadership position, in a male dominated profession, at a large university is heartbreaking.

In my opinion, her title makes the job sound more impressive than it actually is. I posted this in one of the other threads, but Malena was hired the same time as another woman, Emma Brown. They were both hired for the same role. Emma's job description is here.  It lists "filing and bulk mailings" as part of the gig. Draw your own conclusions.


16 hours ago, VintageJ said:

I’m thinking that they had the type of attitude I had when I was in my 20s—that everything will work out!

And it will. Giving up the job was probably a poor decision, but not a life-ruining one.         


10 hours ago, PBSLover said:

The girls on the squad have always been accomplished. From the inception of the squad the women have been studying to be doctors, lawyers, professors, etc.


I think a lot of DCC have gone on to become working professionals, but doctors, lawyers, and professors? I think those have been the exception, not the rule. I'm basing that on nothing more than my gut and what I've heard about the team over the years, but if they had a fair number of women go on to be doctors and lawyers, surely they'd be shouting that to the high heavens? I've heard of two DCC who went on to become doctors. I can't think of any lawyers. I don't live in Texas, so maybe I wouldn't know. They do seem to have a lot of women who start their own businesses, which is pretty cool.

Edited by sleepyjean
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2 hours ago, sleepyjean said:
18 hours ago, VintageJ said:

I’m thinking that they had the type of attitude I had when I was in my 20s—that everything will work out!

And it will. Giving up the job was probably a poor decision, but not a life-ruining one.  

Exactly.  She has time.  I may not do it, but she’ll be fine.

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7 hours ago, Stan39 said:

Lol. I watched the episode after reading the comments, and as Daphne is saying “Oh my god!” she’s quickly turning and walking into her gown. If she was truly surprised you’d expect a moment of confusion, but instead she just puts the gown on and rushes through the group in the same quick motion. 


DCC does nothing to help these young women go to school or manage good jobs, so I’m pissed that they want to take credit for what these girls accomplish. These are incredible women who DCC is lucky to have, they’re not making great women.  

I agree SO much. Which is why I hate their mentality that girls themselves are nobodies and it’s the name dcc that does everything. Yes, it’s a well known team, but good luck staying iconic and never equalled with a team solely comprised of girls like Morgan, Savvanah, Yuko, VK, blonde Taylor, Ericas (the attitude part only) etc. and dcc have nothing to do with Daphne graduating from UCLA or girls becoming doctors or lawyers.

Re:being a lawyer. Not sure how it is in the US, but I can’t imagine anyone hiring or taking seriously a female lawyer who has posed for a swimsuit calendar and has multiple photos and videos dancing in underwear. Not that this is in any way fair, but this is a conservative area filled with men.

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47 minutes ago, dreamcatcher said:

Re:being a lawyer. Not sure how it is in the US, but I can’t imagine anyone hiring or taking seriously a female lawyer who has posed for a swimsuit calendar and has multiple photos and videos dancing in underwear. Not that this is in any way fair, but this is a conservative area filled with men.

Not sure who, if anyone, became an attorney, but I wouldn’t be surprised that there were at least a couple that went into law school. Malia Morales (2009) is a Senior Vice President at Merrill Lynch in Houston. Her profile on their website does not mention her time as a DCC. It does say that she went to Stanford University, which I don’t recall being mentioned on the show (this would have been a very early season since her rookie/only year was 2009), but is incredibly impressive. She’s gorgeous and successful - that’s who some of these girls should have as their inspiration, IMO.

I recall one year during finals interviews, one of the finalists said she wanted to be a FBI agent. Maybe Season 6 or 7. I don’t follow the finalists closely so I didn’t know who she was, but I’ve always wondered if she was successful. At least she’d know what FBI stands for...

Going back to the actual episode...gosh there are some really beautiful girls this year...

To me, Bridget Looks like a combo of former DCC Victoria and former DCC Ashley Marie.

I want to see more of Ashlee, please! 

Love the Where Are They Now segments! Please keep it up, CMT! 

I love how giddy Hannah was after receiving her dance praise from Kelly (or maybe it was Michelle). 

Speaking of....love Michelle Keys. Loved her while she was a DCC. (I think she was called into Kelli’s office, maybe during her rookie TCC, and Kelli told her something along the lines of having to do better to make the team and I remember thinking “Shut it, Kelli! Michelle is beautiful!.”)  But those false eyelashes? Dear lord. I dunno if they are extensions or what, but I couldn’t take my eyes off them - in a bad way. I kept waiting for them to come alive and crawl off her face. I know that you have to be a little heavy handed in the makeup department if you are going to be on TV as you tend to get washed out...but I just kept thinking that if her makeup was that intense on camera, I can’t imagine what it looks like in person. 

With that being said, I wish they had Michelle on more. I feel like she has a really objective eye on who has it and who doesn’t dance wise. 

Edited by KnyghtRyder
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4 hours ago, sleepyjean said:

I don't care why they're doing it. I just think it is good that they are doing it.



In my opinion, her title makes the job sound more impressive than it actually is. I posted this in one of the other threads, but Malena was hired the same time as another woman, Emma Brown. They were both hired for the same role. Emma's job description is here.  It lists "filing and bulk mailings" as part of the gig. Draw your own conclusions.


And it will. Giving up the job was probably a poor decision, but not a life-ruining one.         


I think a lot of DCC have gone on to become working professionals, but doctors, lawyers, and professors? I think those have been the exception, not the rule. I'm basing that on nothing more than my gut and what I've heard about the team over the years, but if they had a fair number of women go on to be doctors and lawyers, surely they'd be shouting that to the high heavens? I've heard of two DCC who went on to become doctors. I can't think of any lawyers. I don't live in Texas, so maybe I wouldn't know. They do seem to have a lot of women who start their own businesses, which is pretty cool.

Yes. This was the point of my original post... the women are coming into the show much more educated than they were on past seasons.... I’m watching them all now and season 4 is the first season you see someone’s education even mentioned, when they call Malia Morales “Stanford”. I’m sure there have been other women who’ve been highly educated on earlier teams, but it seems like recently there have been more. Kelli Sullivan teaches preschool, but she also has a masters degree. It’s just interesting and also a reflection of the times. 

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8 hours ago, EricaShadows said:


As for Jasmine's cut, in a way, I'm surprised because she seemed to be a stronger dancer then she was shown to be, but some habits (including dance habits) are harder to break than others and if she's been a competitive cheerleader for years, that may be a harder habit to break than it seems.  I also thought she didn't seem nearly as pretty as she did in that picture someone had of the rookie candidates.  It almost looked as if they thought she looked TOO pretty and wanted to ugly her up some so she would look "average" or "normal".  Her hair looked processed or fried or like someone had sewn a really bad weave in and the two- or three-toned hair (almost blond on pieces framing her face and around the bottom, then a more "normal" brown, then black and frizz at the roots) didn't look remotely natural or pretty.   I love when a beautiful black girl has beautiful natural hair, no matter the style, and is confident in rocking the look.  Too bad Kelli (and Charlotte) can't appreciate it.

And Judy.

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?The women are being given a test that even military peeps even have a problem doing. It’s just trying to show the audience that they are super fit women, which I think gets lost in the misscar-uh, pompom-try and drama. Are they doing the test exactly to military standards, whichever branch that may be? No lol, but who really cares, it’s a fun test that is freaking modified for people who OMG AREN’T SOLDIERS/MARINES/AIRMEN/SEAMEN. ? Sorry, just want to avoid this turning into the 2017 doc/nurse-off of before.   ?


Fort Hood, the army base is like 1.5 hrs away so maybe the DCC is trying to get more military people watching by word of mouth that the ladies do some mil-friendly workouts. I think there are some Air Force bases and other places as well, but I’m an Army vet and daz the limit of my knowledge here  


Jay has a great IG account with his classes, and I would totally go and try although my fitness is a no-go. I can still kick high tho hahaha Let’s see Jay kick ?


Episode related: I had my doubts about the quality of dancers this year, but K & J weren’t lying—it will be super hard picking who is greater than great. The kickline is a mess but assuming they spend all summer fine tuning, I can see why a dancer would be anxious doing a jump split while hooked to another or two other dancer. That’s actually scary lol I thought the uniform fittings were cute, Dayton really is made for that uniform. I feel bad for VK-she is a beautiful girl but yeah, her weight is going to be an issue (sad that I am saying this about a damn 18 year old). The grad scene made me be like *any awkward oooookaaayyy meme here* but maybe that’s their tradition? I love when Michelle Keys come on. It’s impressive watching pro dancers pick up choreo and then bust a move. And finally, Tara falling at the SG audition - oh my. 


Please dont TL, DR me. Please read ?

Edited by Cappuccinagina
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5 minutes ago, Cappuccinagina said:

Are they doing the test exactly to military standards, whichever branch that may be? No lol, but who really cares, it’s a fun test that is freaking modified for people who OMG AREN’T SOLDIERS/MARINES/AIRMEN/SEAMEN.

It's fun until someone gets hurt from the incorrect form on push-ups, or from those outdated back-killing sit-ups.

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2 hours ago, dreamcatcher said:

I agree SO much. Which is why I hate their mentality that girls themselves are nobodies and it’s the name dcc that does everything. Yes, it’s a well known team, but good luck staying iconic and never equalled with a team solely comprised of girls like Morgan, Savvanah, Yuko, VK, blonde Taylor, Ericas (the attitude part only) etc. and dcc have nothing to do with Daphne graduating from UCLA or girls becoming doctors or lawyers.

Re:being a lawyer. Not sure how it is in the US, but I can’t imagine anyone hiring or taking seriously a female lawyer who has posed for a swimsuit calendar and has multiple photos and videos dancing in underwear. Not that this is in any way fair, but this is a conservative area filled with men.

I am an accountant and one of the first CPAs I worked for is an award-winning adult film star today. She’s a big deal, too! Someone tried to to report her to a state license board (jealous? or a hater, who knows) but didn’t work. She practices still but she goes from professional business woman to GOODNESS GRACIOUSxxxxxlike *snap*. She has tons of accounting clients, makes bank, and she is super smart. Some people might be sensitive to it, others probably not so much. 

1 minute ago, ByTor said:

It's fun until someone gets hurt from the incorrect form on push-ups, or from those outdated back-killing sit-ups.

Agree! It’s 2 mins though, and the women do jump splits and calypsos, and crazy things that could hurt them, too. If they get hurt, they have insurance.  If they don’t want to do it, they could tell Jay or the DCC athletic director or whatever they have there. Just my opinion *pirouette sassy DCC pose, arm rests on head of perfectly curled locks*


Why are there some vets at the PT test and not others? Support purposes or are they there for their own rating? 

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4 minutes ago, Cappuccinagina said:
5 minutes ago, ByTor said:

It's fun until someone gets hurt from the incorrect form on push-ups, or from those outdated back-killing sit-ups.

Agree! It’s 2 mins though, and the women do jump splits and calypsos, and crazy things that could hurt them, too. If they get hurt, they have insurance.

All the insurance in the world won't get them back to dancing if they injure themselves badly enough.  It's bad enough they can get injured doing the jump splits, but at least that's part of their regular job as dancers, the Jay stuff is extraneous & I'd hate to see something bad happen to someone because they were forced into an unnecessary activity.

6 minutes ago, Cappuccinagina said:

If they don’t want to do it, they could tell Jay or the DCC athletic director or whatever they have there.

LOL I can see Kelli saying behind closed doors "strike one!" if a rookie candidate refuses to do something :)

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Why are there some vets at the PT test and not others? Support purposes or are they there for their own fit rating?


I like Charlotte’s outfit but I felt the grad scene, although sentimental and cool, was contrived/forced?


K & J in the office - they are so cute. Kelli really does get attached. It has to be very hard telling a young woman her dream for the year has come to an end. I think if Charlotte did the cuts... ??? 


I want to ask the dancers if there is a routine they are tired of/music they are super annoyed by ? 

Edited by Cappuccinagina
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