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Sweet Home Sextuplets - General Discussion

Message added by PrincessPurrsALot

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5 hours ago, bythelake said:

Wales (whales,wails), Rayne,(reign,rain,rein), Blu,( blue,blew) and Layke with a y for a boy? 

My friend’s golden retriever is Blu.

If they wanted unique first names, fine, but give the child a more traditional middle name that they could use if they so wished.

And did I hear correctly that they had the gender reveal at 14 wks with 600 attendees so that they could get money for the babies . I thought that’s what was said,but I may have been mistaken. 

The kids will forever have to spell their names for people. 


“It’s Blu without an e.”

”It’s Layke with a y.” And then I’m sure someone will spell it Lakey. Then he’ll have to say “No, the y goes in the middle.”

And then there’s poor “Rawlings...like the baseball glove.”

  • Love 11
3 hours ago, SabineElisabeth said:

My cousin is a clinical pharmacist at Huntsville Women and Children's, and when we were chatting yesterday evening this show came up, and she concurs about Dr. Rushing.  According to her, he is top notch and rather on the conservative side re the risks of having high order multiples.

Yep.  He is the best.  Has been forever.  

ETA: I hate shows that are based in Alabama in general.  Wasn't  born here but consider this my home and I've raised my kids here.  My youngest was born at the same hospital as these kids.  But I do swear we dont all talk like that.  

Edited by mjstrick
  • Love 4

Hope I can state my thoughts without seeming unsympathetic or not spiritual. I detest when people say "we got word from God". I believe in prayer, I am a Christian and my faith is strong, but I guarantee that most parents pray and pray for healthy babies and it doesn't always happen. Not loving these people, I'm out.

  • Love 17

I liked them more than I expected to. I’m from the south so their accent and general southernness didn’t bother me. Stupid names aside, the older boys entertained me. I especially had a soft spot for the oldest. The one twin, the one who licked the stair rail, made me laugh. He seems like a handful. 

I’ve never watched more than an episode or two of any multiples show. I struggled with infertility and had to go through lots of medical intervention to have my two. For quite awhile I wanted a third but I was reaching an age when it was more of an issue and money and stress, etc. Shows with multiples usually made me feel resentful or jealous or something. It seemed greedy to have so many. But I’m older now and my kiddos are teenagers. The idea of a baby at my age has lost all appeal so watching a show like this is kind of fun. And honestly I saw the ad with the kid tumping over when they were trying to take a picture and decided to watch. 

  • Hugs 1
  • Love 8
On 9/18/2018 at 8:53 PM, SabineElisabeth said:

The parents (Eric and Courtney, I think) are adamant that the sextuplets were conceived using only a very low dose of an oral fertility drug, not IVF.  According to the parents, the mother was diagnosed with a blood clotting disorder which causes a likelihood of miscarriage, and the fertility drug somehow addressed that (they did not explain the connection between the disorder and the drug, so have no info on how they relate to each other).

They are also pretty clear on  the show that they were rather devastated when they found out they were expecting 6 babies, to the point they seriously considered selective reduction.  The mother's parents are on the first episode as well and confirm how upset Eric and Courtney were when they had the ultrasound showing the number of babies.  After hearing them talk about what they went through when they got the news, I have a difficult time believing they thought having high order multiples was a real possibility at all and therefore, they didn't consider taking the drug to be a risky or reckless choice.  It's an even further stretch to say high order multiples was something they were trying to achieve/hoping would happen.  They seem to be trying to make the best of it, but it certainly doesn't seem like it was something they chose/would have chosen.

Thank you.  I came here to try to set the record straight on this too.  She took a low dose fertility drug, and her ovary spit out a whole bunch of eggs, which were all fertilized.  The odds of that are pretty incredible, then of her carrying them for so long with her history of miscarriage, then of them actually all surviving.  Huge, huge odds even with the use of a fertility drug.

  • Love 6
20 hours ago, Honey said:

Thank you.  I came here to try to set the record straight on this too.  She took a low dose fertility drug, and her ovary spit out a whole bunch of eggs, which were all fertilized.  The odds of that are pretty incredible, then of her carrying them for so long with her history of miscarriage, then of them actually all surviving.  Huge, huge odds even with the use of a fertility drug.

I know, right!?!  I was shocked at how long she managed to carry them!!  What, 1 day shy of 30 weeks, IIRC, with SIX decently sized babies inside a uterus meant to hold ONE!?  I think Danielle on Outdaughtered, who (I think?) was about 5 years give or take younger than Courtney when she had the quints and was also in amazing physical shape, only got to a little over 28 weeks before she delivered, and that was "just" (yes, I know, "just," lol, but you get my point) with 5 babies (and to be clear, 28 weeks and a few days is still a huge feat mixed with a ton of luck).

Amazing effort and dedication by both moms to go through that - forcing themselves to eat a crap ton of calories every day, months of bed rest, weeks hospitalized, trouble breathing because the babies were taking up so much room, pain, etc.  I definitely don't envy the amount of pain and discomfort Courtney was in towards the end (and even Danielle, to some extent), but I guess when you're going to be a momma, you'd do anything in your power to deliver healthy little ones - so good for them and I hope all works out for the kids/families.  :-)

  • Love 5

Well, I'm here for the tea. So far, we have babies named after Confederate soldiers and inanimate objects, Kate Gosselin's transformation into a "psychotic Greek mythological creature," and a poor little girl who will have to grow up explaining that she is named after a baseball glove. This thread is gold!

Frankly, I am torn. Do I hate watch because of the bad baby names, the self-referencing as God's Divine Nine, and the fact that Courtney's dad looks a little too much like Attorney General Jeff Sessions? Or do I just sit back and enjoy what seems to be a sincere couple whose relationship looks strong (so far) and their cute little brood? Decisions, decisions.

  • Love 12

OK, I kept the first episode on my DVR for a week and I've watched it three times.  Maybe I'm getting a little too attached to the show.  :-)

The second episode was cute too, but I mostly felt sorry for them for being exhausted 24 hours a day and Courtney being so worried about volunteers coming into the house at the height of flu season.  I'd be a nervous wreck too, especially with no sleep.

They talked about losing their health insurance since Courtney's not going back to work.  Health insurance will cost $24,000/year.  

And the preview for next week shows the older boys being annoyed that Courtney is delaying playing with them so she can tend to the babies.  Not spending enough time with the older kids = more stress.    

  • Love 2

Did Courtney have to have  a hysterectomy ? 

I missed how they did the nursery. Did they build on a room - with a sink ? I kinda like the set up. everything is right there , even the sofa end two square end/changing tables.

Actually the delivery was exciting. I thought all of the boys was older than all 3 of the girls.

I don't know.. with the little son heart issues - and just getting though the next couple of years, dropping GOOD health coverage... wow.

Unless its changed I thought self-coverage ins, with a high deductible, was per person vs. coverage via a job kinda caps when you do employee + spouse + dependents (no limit) as far as monthly premiums.

Even though it is flu season I really like how they had volunteers ready to come around the clock. Makes me wonder why it was such a struggle for the Busbys.

  • Love 4
On 9/5/2018 at 8:45 PM, dreadfulLeigh said:

The older kids are Saylor, Wales and Bridge...

...why the hatred of i’s? And the abuse of s’s? Alone, each name isn’t my cup of tea but not completely terrible. But collectively, there are no words. 

I sort of agree with you here, but try matching them with the last name Waldrop. 

Saylor Waldrop- sounds fine..... Wells Waldrop- just no- it sounds like the name of a corporation ....... Bridge Waldrop- sounds ok..... Layke Waldrop- sounds ok, but he will spend a lifetime spelling his name for people or correcting it from Lake.....  Tag Waldrop- sounds ok...... Blu Waldrop-  actually sounds ok, but like Layke, Blu will spend a lifetime spelling his name for people or correcting it from Blue.  River Waldrop- actually sounds ok to me..... Rayne Waldrop- sounds ok to me, but like the two boys, she will spend considerable time spelling her name for people.  Finally, Rawlings Waldrop- just no, no, no.  Does not flow at all and it's just not a pretty name.

Actually, the parents will spend considerable time spelling their kids' names- it's just going to be a big burden for everyone.

  • Love 2
58 minutes ago, Pasha Kitty said:

I sort of agree with you here, but try matching them with the last name Waldrop. 

Saylor Waldrop- sounds fine..... Wells Waldrop- just no- it sounds like the name of a corporation ....... Bridge Waldrop- sounds ok..... Layke Waldrop- sounds ok, but he will spend a lifetime spelling his name for people or correcting it from Lake.....  Tag Waldrop- sounds ok...... Blu Waldrop-  actually sounds ok, but like Layke, Blu will spend a lifetime spelling his name for people or correcting it from Blue.  River Waldrop- actually sounds ok to me..... Rayne Waldrop- sounds ok to me, but like the two boys, she will spend considerable time spelling her name for people.  Finally, Rawlings Waldrop- just no, no, no.  Does not flow at all and it's just not a pretty name.

Actually, the parents will spend considerable time spelling their kids' names- it's just going to be a big burden for everyone.

Waldrop rolls off the tongue like some spiky, sticky boulders. Agree, Rawlings alone is awkward to pronounce, add in Waldrop and you sound like you’re speaking through a mouth full of marbles. 

  • Love 3

These people had a nice family of three boys, and chose to use fertility drugs knowing full well it might result in a multiple birth. And now they are whining that they don't have enough money to raise them and need help...should have thought of that before adding to their family it seems like. Am sick of these families..they end up with their hands out for donations, and in the end, end up being millionaires. Never hear of them helping any one else out after that do you. Usually just still whine about how rough they have it for doing something they chose to do to begin with.

  • Love 14
On ‎9‎/‎26‎/‎2018 at 1:27 AM, sATL said:

I don't know.. with the little son heart issues - and just getting though the next couple of years, dropping GOOD health coverage... wow.

This. As hard as it would be, maybe she should have stayed at her job, or at some job in the school district, JUST for the health coverage. What an impossible situation.


I missed how they did the nursery. Did they build on a room - with a sink ?

I'm wondering about this too. Would like to see how the entire house is laid out.

  • Love 3
On 9/26/2018 at 7:56 PM, Pasha Kitty said:

River Waldrop- actually sounds ok to me.

I think it’s actually Rivers, as in multiple flowing  streams of water. That’s what bothers me about it. River by itself seems okay. Lake would be alright too, while we’re in the waters, but the unnecessary y stuck in the middle annoys me. Hum, thinking about it they seem to have a water fixation:  Rivers, Layke, Rayne, Saylor, Bridge, and Wells. Typing all those water themed names kind of makes me need to go to the bathroom. Who does that leave? Tag, Blu & Rawlings. And honestly those sound more like names you give your pet. 

Okay enough about the unfortunate names. The birth of those babies was speedy! Good grief not even a minute per child. That amazed me. And I know two to almost three pounds is tiny but holy crow she was carrying 14-15 pounds of baby. I don’t know how they tell them apart if they aren’t labeled. I think sleep deprivation alone would mean I couldn’t recognize differences in them. My kiddos are teenagers and I still feel sleep deprived pretty often with them. The idea of six babies, plus the three kids who aren’t that old, makes me a bit twitchy. 

  • Love 3

I have three issues with this show which I need to either address, ignore and/or walk away from. My first/biggest issue was with the emphasis given to the 'decision' not to reduce (and the influence of their faith re: this choice). Let's tip our hats off to science and the medical team for giving the options while we make the decision that affects the life of the woman involved, as well as potentially determines whether the three boys will lose their mother or siblings, or neither. I don't appreciate being manipulated as if this pregnancy was something that just appeared courtesy of God. These people may be very religious, but they're not so religious that they will not accept science to help their womb do its duty. BUT suddenly they are seeing His light (and TLC dollars) when they learn they won the womb lottery. This attitude of "what's meant to be - it's in God's hands" is the wrong show. When you specifically set yourself up to receive multiple embryos, don't act like it's God decision to have the embryos appear. Let's give credit where due and not forget that modern science research, and a skilled medical team can keep these embryos/ fetuses thriving. That's so unfair to suddenly imply the rest of the pregnancy is up to God. This medical team has informed them exactly what is happening to which baby at which time. Boy, I am riled up... The last two issues are relatively mild; can I handle hearing these drawling accents while interpreting their awkward grammar every week for an extended period of time? Then add the last issue involving the most ridiculous names I have ever imagined. I feel embarrassment for these children. This is where I need to back off and say, Okay, if He is responsible for this scenario, then He needs to fix it or accomodate it. Make the show place in the ratings or cancel the darn thing. Put it out of its misery.

  • Love 14
On 9/5/2018 at 5:45 PM, dreadfulLeigh said:

...why the hatred of i’s? And the abuse of s’s? Alone, each name isn’t my cup of tea but not completely terrible. But collectively, there are no words. 

LOLOLOL, thank you so much for this middle-of-the-night, laugh-so-hard-I-woke-my-hubby post. :)

On 9/19/2018 at 2:44 PM, Snickerdoodle said:

The kids will forever have to spell their names for people. 


The kids should determine their own spelling and simply inform people that their parents were illiterate.

15 hours ago, MoreCoffeePlease said:

This. As hard as it would be, maybe she should have stayed at her job, or at some job in the school district, JUST for the health coverage. What an impossible situation.

I'm wondering about this too. Would like to see how the entire house is laid out.

As soon as they both confessed to not being very scheduled or organized I had to turn away.

  • Love 1
On 9/18/2018 at 11:08 PM, mjstrick said:

Well this was interesting to me and I'm going to watch because I live here.  Huntsville,  not Albertville/Boaz.  

Dr. Rushing is probably the most experienced and highly regarded OB/GYN in North Alabama.   I'd venture to guess that if he was the one guiding them through the fertility process,  it happened exactly like are saying it did.  Just my 2 cents. 

Is he the doctor who was shown on their show? He seems to have an odd manner about him, imo.  Not sure what it is.  I don't doubt his credentials.  I did think it silly for him to answer Courtney by saying, "yes ma'am."   I was born and raised in the south and still live here, (NC), and I get the whole respect thing, but, for a grown man, who is older than the woman, to address her that way is inappropriate, imo.  I realize it's proper here in certain circumstances, but, that isn't one of them.   Please disregard if Courtney is older than Dr. Rushing. She doesn't appear to be. 

Did I miss something?  I didn't notice the volunteers washing their hands before picking up the babies.  

13 hours ago, Chalby said:

I have three issues with this show which I need to either address, ignore and/or walk away from. My first/biggest issue was with the emphasis given to the 'decision' not to reduce (and the influence of their faith re: this choice). Let's tip our hats off to science and the medical team for giving the options while we make the decision that affects the life of the woman involved, as well as potentially determines whether the three boys will lose their mother or siblings, or neither. I don't appreciate being manipulated as if this pregnancy was something that just appeared courtesy of God. These people may be very religious, but they're not so religious that they will not accept science to help their womb do its duty. BUT suddenly they are seeing His light (and TLC dollars) when they learn they won the womb lottery. This attitude of "what's meant to be - it's in God's hands" is the wrong show. When you specifically set yourself up to receive multiple embryos, don't act like it's God decision to have the embryos appear. Let's give credit where due and not forget that modern science research, and a skilled medical team can keep these embryos/ fetuses thriving. That's so unfair to suddenly imply the rest of the pregnancy is up to God. This medical team has informed them exactly what is happening to which baby at which time. Boy, I am riled up... The last two issues are relatively mild; can I handle hearing these drawling accents while interpreting their awkward grammar every week for an extended period of time? Then add the last issue involving the most ridiculous names I have ever imagined. I feel embarrassment for these children. This is where I need to back off and say, Okay, if He is responsible for this scenario, then He needs to fix it or accomodate it. Make the show place in the ratings or cancel the darn thing. Put it out of its misery.

I didn't come away with this at all.  I thought the whole religion thing was downplayed.  As a matter of fact, I just assumed a lot of any religious talk had been left on the cutting room floor.  It wasn't really an overriding theme of the show.     

Edited by Gemma Violet
  • Love 7
2 hours ago, Gemma Violet said:

I'm pretty sure it's Wales.  (Of course, I guess you could say Wales is surrounded by water on three sides.) ;-)

Ahh, you’re right. My bad. Thanks! So it’s 5/9 on the water. And then there’s a country, a sports equipment manufacturer, a childhood game and a brand of e-cigarettes. Interesting. Ack I need to let this go! 

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Gemma Violet said:

I didn't come away with this at all.  I thought the whole religion thing was downplayed.  As a matter of fact, I just assumed a lot of any religious talk had been left on the cutting room floor.  It wasn't really an overriding theme of the show.     


Honestly, from the previews, I thought the mom might be a little over the top and annoy me, but I'm a sucker for these shows, so decided to give it a shot....and was quite surprised by them.  And especially impressed with the way they handled the religious aspect of it.  My understanding from the first episode is that prior to finding out they were pregnant with sextuplets, they would have dismissed selective reduction (a/k/a abortion) out of hand.  When they found themselves in that situation, however, they spent weeks agonizing over what to do - and having been raised Baptist in the South myself, I can tell you that the fact they considered it at all, nevertheless SO seriously, kind of shocked me.  Add to that the fact they openly admitted it.  And if I understood them correctly, they ultimately decided to continue the pregnancy with all the babies not because they had decided selective reduction was "wrong" or sinful, but because after weeks of praying, talking over the options, etc, they felt a peace about doing so, and I think it's fair for them to attribute that peace to God.  Not a new concept, at least not in our part of the country.

They also seemed to get the gravity and seriousness of the risks to Courtney and their existing children more so than other parents of high order multiples with tv shows have - or, at minimum, they articulated their thought process about it better, I guess.  These were not two people who were told they were having six babies and immediately started thinking about tv shows, matching outfits, and how cute and idyllic life was going to be.  Courtney said that when they found out, it took "all their happiness," or something along those lines.  These people were devastated.  And again, they openly admitted it.  I also did a double take when they said that having all the babies home was "miserable."  They were exhausted, worried, overwhelmed - and they were real about it.

Just two episodes in, and not as though you can really know people from tv anyway, but personally, I've been pretty impressed with them so far.....exaggerated Southern drawl and all.  ;-)  

Edited by SabineElisabeth
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  • Love 14
17 minutes ago, ramble said:

Ahh, you’re right. My bad. Thanks! So it’s 5/9 on the water. And then there’s a country, a sports equipment manufacturer, a childhood game and a brand of e-cigarettes. Interesting. Ack I need to let this go! 

But why, lol???  I really like this family, but y'all are cracking me up with your commentary on the names.  :-)

  • Love 2
On 9/19/2018 at 11:02 AM, bythelake said:

And did I hear correctly that they had the gender reveal at 14 wks with 600 attendees so that they could get money for the babies . I thought that’s what was said,but I may have been mistaken. 


Her best friend organized a charity 5K race where the gender reveal was also held. Combining a 5K with fundraising is not an uncommon thing--I'd bet it makes it easier to draw a large crowd because some runners will run any race anywhere--and they threw in the gender reveal too. They didn't force 600 people to pay to see them light smoke bombs.  I'm sure it's common everywhere, but my experience in the south is that there are plenty of folks who want to help their friends and neighbors and this gave them a structured way to do so.


While not very religious southerner, I too was shocked that they admitted to being devastated at the number of fetuses and to seriously considering reduction. That took some guts. 

Props to homegirl for being in full makeup at 30 weeks and on bedrest, a southern belle to the end.


edit: She also seemed to take in stride what was being said on social media about them and the names, which has to be difficult on top of everything else. I wish them the best.

Edited by Toodleoo
  • Love 13
On 9/28/2018 at 4:00 PM, Gemma Violet said:

I didn't come away with this at all.  I thought the whole religion thing was downplayed.  As a matter of fact, I just assumed a lot of any religious talk had been left on the cutting room floor.  It wasn't really an overriding theme of the show.     


Selective reduction is not an easy decision regardless of religion. I believe the final decision was made when she was almost 12 weeks, that's very different from just removing an embryo. Also, they didn't implant that number of embryos, it was from a fertility medication.

There is a risk of multiples anytime you get pregnant, even without medical intervention, same with birth defects. I'm not sure where you draw the line between an "acceptable" risk of a costly unintended outcome and an unacceptable risk. They obviously took a  relatively higher risk, but it was still a low risk.

  • Love 7

Finally watched second episode.  As I watched what they went through during the first 48 hours I found myself feeling completely overwhelmed too. I cannot imagine the amount of work it is going to take to raise six preemies ... while also raising three other children. It boggles the mind. After they went through those first couple of days and started to see what this was going to entail, I found myself wondering if at any point, even momentarily, did they question their decision to have all six. I know that sounds horrible, but its just the pragmatics of the whole thing that get to me. The insurance costs and then the sheer number of hours of unending feedings and diaper changes and the insane quantities of baby supplies. And all those diapers in a landfill.  I think of all the hours and money devoted to the sextuplets that will be taken away from what could have been given to their first three kids.  Our modern culture has so much pressure in it, and the resources of this family are now spread over nine kids vs. three.  They actually almost have to do a reality show to bring in the extra income.

Edited by ChristmasJones
  • Love 4
On 9/28/2018 at 9:39 AM, ButterQueen said:

I say ma’am and sir, no matter the age.  I find it polite.

My point was that the doctor appears older than the woman.  IMO, saying sir or ma'am to a person younger than you are could be interpreted as insincere.  I've never  known of that in NC.   Sir and ma'am is reserved for your elders, not peers or those younger than you are. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe

I live in the south and can deal with the accents. The names? Not so much.

It seems like I remember reading in an article that the 3 older boys named the sextuplets. I can’t swear to it (although I sincerely hope I wasn’t dreaming of this show ?) .

As for the doctor and “yes, ma’am”... it could be as simple as he’s nervous about being filmed. JMO

2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

My point was that the doctor appears older than the woman.  IMO, saying sir or ma'am to a person younger than you are could be interpreted as insincere.  I've never  known of that in NC.   Sir and ma'am is reserved for your elders, not peers or those younger than you are. 

I say ma’am or sir regardless of who is older.  I think it’s polite.

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  • Love 7

I was snuggling with one of my little dogs today and I had a stray thought. When my kids were babies I had a horribly hard time leaving them. My first didn’t spend a night away until she was 3 and then it was with my parents who lived 15 minutes away. She begged to go and still I cried that night. I don’t know how they left those babies at the hospital without sobbing like crazy people. I know the babies had to stay but between hormone craziness and exhaustion I would have been on the verge of hysteria. I’m kind of glad we didn’t really see that. I’m a social crier and I would’ve been in trouble. As it is, whenever I see a baby born, on any tv show, I can’t help but cry. My kids are so used to it they just roll their eyes and say, “We know, every birth is a miracle.” 

  • Love 5
On 9/28/2018 at 6:18 PM, SabineElisabeth said:

And if I understood them correctly, they ultimately decided to continue the pregnancy with all the babies not because they had decided selective reduction was "wrong" or sinful, but because after weeks of praying, talking over the options, etc, they felt a peace about doing so, and I think it's fair for them to attribute that peace to God.  Not a new concept, at least not in our part of the country.

That's what bugged me. There's nothing to pray about in that the medical science told them they were putting in 6 embryos. Science would not give them more than they could handle and if her body rejected, science would deal with the outcome. God didn't have to worry in this man made situation. Cripes, and I am the religious one, but this was not God's doing.

On ‎9‎/‎27‎/‎2018 at 9:46 PM, ramble said:

I think it’s actually Rivers, as in multiple flowing  streams of water. That’s what bothers me about it. River by itself seems okay. Lake would be alright too, while we’re in the waters, but the unnecessary y stuck in the middle annoys me. Hum, thinking about it they seem to have a water fixation:  Rivers, Layke, Rayne, Saylor, Bridge, and Wells. Typing all those water themed names kind of makes me need to go to the bathroom. Who does that leave? Tag, Blu & Rawlings. And honestly those sound more like names you give your pet. 

His entire life, Tag is going to have people hit him and scream, "You're it!" Also, if Wales is overweight you know people will call him Whale. I don't know whether to blame their choice of names on hormones, sleep deprivation, drugs or just plain idiocy. 

  • Love 6
45 minutes ago, Chalby said:

That's what bugged me. There's nothing to pray about in that the medical science told them they were putting in 6 embryos. Science would not give them more than they could handle and if her body rejected, science would deal with the outcome. God didn't have to worry in this man made situation. Cripes, and I am the religious one, but this was not God's doing.

There were NO embryos implanted. She took a very lose dose of an oral fertility medication to treat a condition that makes it difficult for her to carry a baby to term.  So not sure how "medical science" put in embryos in this scenario?  I'm sorry, but can you please clarify what you mean by that, as I'd like to understand what you're saying and finding so upsetting, but am having trouble getting it?  Thank you!!

  • Love 8

 Although I do not have kids of my own, my youngest niece was born at 32 weeks.  When she was finally allowed to come home at about 37 weeks, the doctors cautioned us to try and not let her get to a point where she was crying because since she was a preemie her oxygen levels could drop too much. (I helped out with my niece and I remember us getting very attuned to her body language and the sounds she made when she was hungry/tired/etc. so  that she wouldn’t get to the point where she needed to cry.) 

 But on the show, these preemies are crying a lot.   Aren’t their oxygen levels getting too low if they are upset and crying? Granted I understand it’s a lot different caring for one tiny baby versus six tiny babies.

Edited by PityFree

I'm going to go out on a big limb here and say that I thought the babies names were quite cute, unusual and interesting. 

I thought the couple were very nice and had a genuine loving bond, but I felt bad as you could see the huge toll just 2 days with 6 babies took on them. I figure they can start to relax a little once the sextuplets are about 4, but I'm worried what state their relationship will be in by then. I really hope they can hold onto their loving and positive outlooks. 

  • Love 5
On 9/29/2018 at 10:11 AM, Toodleoo said:


Her best friend organized a charity 5K race where the gender reveal was also held. Combining a 5K with fundraising is not an uncommon thing--I'd bet it makes it easier to draw a large crowd because some runners will run any race anywhere--and they threw in the gender reveal too. They didn't force 600 people to pay to see them light smoke bombs.  I'm sure it's common everywhere, but my experience in the south is that there are plenty of folks who want to help their friends and neighbors and this gave them a structured way to do so.


While not very religious southerner, I too was shocked that they admitted to being devastated at the number of fetuses and to seriously considering reduction. That took some guts. 

Props to homegirl for being in full makeup at 30 weeks and on bedrest, a southern belle to the end.


edit: She also seemed to take in stride what was being said on social media about them and the names, which has to be difficult on top of everything else. I wish them the best.


If I'm not mistaken she had updated her page last year when she was going through all this, from what I remember she had left her Dr's appointment and he had sent her to another doctor for a consultation on what to do. She said they pulled up to and she looks up at the name on the building and it was an abortion clinic, she wasn't aware that's where the appointment was. She described a gut wrenching moment at seeing that, up until that moment I don't think she had associated "reducing the number of fetuses" with abortion, that's how I took it anyway.  Also on the first episode Eric said they wanted another baby but he didn't want anymore multiples, after the twins. I don't think they ever thought they would get pregnant with 6 babies.

Edited by Whyyouneedaname
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22 hours ago, SabineElisabeth said:

There were NO embryos implanted. She took a very lose dose of an oral fertility medication to treat a condition that makes it difficult for her to carry a baby to term.  So not sure how "medical science" put in embryos in this scenario?  I'm sorry, but can you please clarify what you mean by that, as I'd like to understand what you're saying and finding so upsetting, but am having trouble getting it?  Thank you!!

My apologies for the vagueness, but therein lies the mystery of science and procreation. I am using some personal experience as well as what I have gleaned off the site but the medication she took is extremely important to increase the ova numbers, rather than one (or two) eggs per month. For some reason the two parents had difficulty creating and maintaining a pregnancy. Once her eggs were harvested I gathered they were fertilized outside the womb. Then once the six embryos were reintroduced the HUGE waiting part is whether they attach to the uterus wall. How exciting that all six "rooted" and the medical society is such that we now have meds to offset our bodies attempts at early labor. The cervix area can be temporarily sealed to keep the babies in, etc. I think today's medical community is so amazing, and such a relief for anyone out there truly wishing for a baby and having trouble conceiving. We've come such a long way since (even) 20 years ago.

49 minutes ago, Chalby said:

My apologies for the vagueness, but therein lies the mystery of science and procreation. I am using some personal experience as well as what I have gleaned off the site but the medication she took is extremely important to increase the ova numbers, rather than one (or two) eggs per month. For some reason the two parents had difficulty creating and maintaining a pregnancy. Once her eggs were harvested I gathered they were fertilized outside the womb. Then once the six embryos were reintroduced the HUGE waiting part is whether they attach to the uterus wall. How exciting that all six "rooted" and the medical society is such that we now have meds to offset our bodies attempts at early labor. The cervix area can be temporarily sealed to keep the babies in, etc. I think today's medical community is so amazing, and such a relief for anyone out there truly wishing for a baby and having trouble conceiving. We've come such a long way since (even) 20 years ago.

No. She didn't have IVF as has been stated before. She took the same fertility drug as she did when she got pregnant with the twins. Nothing was fertilized "outside" and then re-introduced. There was no huge waiting part to see how many implanted. They were floored and very upset when they found out she was pregnant with six babies.

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3 hours ago, Evenshorter said:

No. She didn't have IVF as has been stated before. She took the same fertility drug as she did when she got pregnant with the twins. Nothing was fertilized "outside" and then re-introduced. There was no huge waiting part to see how many implanted. They were floored and very upset when they found out she was pregnant with six babies.

Well thank you for the clarification, interesting how many sites are messing up. This is all good to know. I wonder if they'll be in the Guiness Book of Records as this sounds so cool/ unique.

Message added by PrincessPurrsALot

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