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S13.E05: Getting the DCC Look


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I think Kristin meant brake light.   

That color block dress on Kelli is horrible.   It makes her look really short, very wide, and like a cereal box.    And someone needs to go to her house and confiscate those hideous over the knee boots she wore with it.     They are supposed to make you leg look longer I guess, but they don't.  

Jalyn still needs to get darker, and more brown, but I think the red they went with is about the most they could change right now.    It's really hard to change from some shade in one session.  Brennan's hair is way too blonde for her skin tone.    

I loved seeing Courtney again, and I'm so glad she's doing that well.  

Someone needs to get Kristin a top with more coverage, in the dance studio she almost falls out every time she bends over.  

The memory mistakes some of them keep making are certainly starting to add up.    

Victoria's face seems to get rounder every time they show her.   Just saying you know your middle is soft doesn't make it better, and she doesn't seem to be doing anything about it.   I really wonder if trying to fit into the DCC body type is going to hurt her long term. 

My heart breaks for Dayton.    

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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I feel bad for Kristin. It’s obvious she’s exhausted. Driving 100 miles a day in DFW traffic is no joke, add in a 40 hour workweek and training camp. That’s a lot. 




I thought she went easy on Dayton at the salon, and the scenes with Shelly were hilarious. The way she groaned “oh Dayton” during the alumni workout. ? 


love seeing Nicole and Jacie and Courtney!!!!! 

Edited by PrincessLeia
  • Love 20

I’m turning into a total sap in my old age, just like Kelli and Judy. Ten years ago they would’ve cut both Kristin and Dayton for being late. I’m sitting here getting teary eyed over Malena’s compliments, and my heart goes out to Victoria and Dayton. The amount of pressure they both feel being legacies and having grown up with Kelli is obvious. I also have empathy for Kelli... it’s obvious she loves them both and what a tough spot to be in. 

  • Love 19
4 minutes ago, PrincessLeia said:

I’m turning into a total sap in my old age, just like Kelli and Judy. Ten years ago they would’ve cut both Kristin and Dayton for being late. I’m sitting here getting teary eyed over Malena’s compliments, and my heart goes out to Victoria and Dayton. The amount of pressure they both feel being legacies and having grown up with Kelli is obvious. I also have empathy for Kelli... it’s obvious she loves them both and what a tough spot to be in. 

Agree with you. It’s obvious Kelli feels understandably Motherly with both girls and yet she has to be impartial.

  • Love 4

Can we talk about the fact that we literally have not seen Dayton and Victoria together once? They didn't post pictures together during auditions and we have not seem them together a single time during the show. What happened there? They posted pics together last year when Dayton auditioned. They are (or were) clearly friends, along with Samantha Finglass

  • Love 10

Kelli's outfit was all kinds of dumpster fire, but she rocks as a disappointed den mom. And her face seeing Jaelyn's pumpkin process hair was just awesome. I really wish CMT would label the rookies at makeover next time. 

2 traffic pullover excuses? Leave really early people!!

Hands down favorite part was the Courtney update. She was one of my favorites and seeing her do well is so awesome!

Taking bets that Kristen falls asleep during the kick line.

And shut up Victoria.

  • Love 14

Malena is absolutely adorable - her facials when she dances are so fun to watch.  I just love her.

I still really like VK’s personality.  I thought it was so cute how she was like “I’m just glad I’m not cut!!! - omigosh”...  Also how she asked what vet she should work with for help.   She does need to tone her stomach up cause even if she fixes the dance control issues that could still keep her off the squad.

That blonde Taylor called in seems just way too meek for DCC IMO.

  • Love 11

Haha haha - American Sign Language Translation for the Bible Organization is my favorite quote ever from TV and I will use it often from now on. Oh Kristin. Her bags under her eyes have their own luggage! So do Daphne's, but at least she is on-time! 

Victoria does have a soft tummy and will need intervention. Looking forward to Jay's smackdown next week.

I was trying to figure out why Rachel Wyatt bugged me so much when she was so objectively lovely and now I know - she has dead eyes and a small mouth. She reminds me of the asian character from Pitch Perfect who would mumble to the group. Grow a backbone!

I still don't love Jalyn's hair, but her dancing seems great! 

Dayton - Still not sure, but not knowing the dancing and being late to make-overs = nail in coffin!

  • Love 11
13 minutes ago, PrincessLeia said:

Daphne bugs me. There’s just something about her that comes across as plastic. I hate saying that because she’s probably perfectly nice. Rachel comes across as having zero personality. I’m sure she’s very sweet, but geez. Get crazy girl. 

I think it’s her teeth.  They seem very fake.   Like all the same length and too big for her mouth.  My 75 year old mom has completely fake implant teeth (she grew up before fluoride treatments were a thing), that none of which are her real teeth, and they look a ton better and more real than whatever Daphne has going on.  It’s very odd. 

Edited by MyFavShows
1 hour ago, ElenaFR said:


I want to like VK but comes across as too young.

She may very well have the most juvenile personality we have ever seen on this show. And we have seen plenty of girls just as young as her. I couldn't believe Kelli had to ask her if she brushed her hair before coming to the salon. Like, come on VK...

I found it especially bad when she completely cut Kelli off at the end of her office visit. She just butted right in to ask "which veteran should help her". It is a major pet peeve of mine when people cut you off when coversing

  • Love 20
3 minutes ago, NMDD43 said:

She may very well have the most juvenile personality we have ever seen on this show. And we have seen plenty of girls just as young as her. I couldn't believe Kelli had to ask her if she brushed her hair before coming to the salon. Like, come on VK...

I found it especially bad when she completely cut Kelli off at the end of her office visit. She just butted right in to ask "which veteran should help her". It is a major pet peeve of mine when people cut you off when coversing

Abigail would have just said "Cool."

  • Love 9
3 hours ago, ElenaFR said:

I want to like VK but comes across as too young.


3 hours ago, 123DCCWoooo said:

Dayton just seems SO young, and Kelli’s assessment of her is spot-on. She’s going to have to step up her game. Big time.

repeating what I said last week... they both need to dance on another team first.. And its no shame in dancing for another team. I know others have came literally from HS and made it , but these two need time and experience,  Seems like they spent too much time getting classroom dance experience and need to spend time getting professional dance team experience. 

Edited by sATL
  • Love 6
2 hours ago, ales-ya said:

Why do they always rush thru the make over portion?  I want to see more!  More reactions!  More change!  More Marshall!  More!  Give me more!

With one or two exceptions, it doesn't look like they had too many drastic makeovers. But, I definitely agree with you, I love watching the makeovers and the uniform fittings. They never show enough of either one for my liking!

2 hours ago, jmarie said:

Surprised Dayton was called into the office again even though she got compliments from the alumni,  when Kristin seems like she’s on something. She dropped the poms and she looks like she’s half asleep. & Cant forget about her being late. 

Kristin has large eyelids which adds to that "droopy" look. I was surprised that she was not shown as being called into the office (other than when she talked about her hours of work) , although she probably was, just not on a day they were filming.

Edited by Agent Gully
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Thoughts on this episode:

Malena - so charismatic! She's so easy to root for and she popped tonight. Her personality and look stand out to me.

Of all the rookies, I liked watching Jalyn, Ashlee, and Brennan (!) best. Rachel is so beautiful but a snoooozefest. 

I liked that they put some focus on Caroline's makeover because it really did her eyes favors. They didn't focus much on her dancing but I saw her in the periphery occasionally and she looked powerful!

Dayton and Victoria - everyone hates on VK around here but I thought she came across as so fun, albeit a little unpolished and naive. I was annoyed by how she cut Kelli off in the office, but this girl is a fresh 18 and has been around these women forever. I think we're so used to seeing girls petrified and overly proper in the office and that made Victoria's actions come across as even more young and seemingly unprepared for the environment she's in. But she seems funny and playful and I don't think it's a coincidence that they recommended she meet with Kashara. Dayton also seems really young in her interactions, and unfortunately, being late and "unenthusiastic" doesn't often do you favors in training camp. I dont dislike her, but Victoria at least brings energy and excitement.

I wanted more from Courtney Cook's segment even though I was SO EXCITED to see her on.

Nicole seemed cold and Jacie seemed contrastingly warm in the alum segments.

Tons of dancing this episode! And I thought the producers have been choosing really good background music this season. It's been noticeably more exciting to me this season than the past few.

Don't really care too much for Jay's segments. The only good one was a few seasons back with TCC Taylor and her cinnamon rolls and Cheetos. I'm betting Hannah or Jalyn come out on top for rookies in the fitness challenges.

Edit to add (maybe a stretch): does anyone else here watch Survivor? Jalyn sounds exactly like the winner of Kaoh Rong, Michele. Jersey girls!

Edited by PollyHowell
  • Love 6
3 hours ago, Collette1104 said:

Jacee’s hair looks so killer! I always hated her DCC hair, and I’m so glad she lets it go natural and cool. 


3 hours ago, Monique said:

One day I hope we can see an AA girl with her natural hair on the team. Weaves and extensions aren't bad but I wish their natural hair would be as accepted. 

The DCC specializes in "hair whips and flips" so I'm not sure if a short natural will work.  Also the heat and humidity - after 4 hrs of dancing. Her style does like really nice on her though.  The style goes well with her face. Rockettes wear their hair pulled back into a bun style, so that is easy to do and maintain.

I guess  rockettes audition each year , too ?

Edited by sATL
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, sATL said:

First - giving thanks and appreication to all the brave people who work in law enforcement, trying to maintain peace and safety in our communities.

Now - with that said - two drivers... pulled over going to the same place - appx the same time and day? hmmm..

I was waiting for Kelli to ask for tickets or written warnings like she did w/Kaitlin LeGrande. 

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