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59 minutes ago, TheRealT said:

Did Maci actually write a book of poems? That's hard for me to imagine, but you can't have a poetry book ghost written, can you? Well, I'm sure you can, but is that a thing? Has Maci ever released a poem she wrote or mentioned writing poetry?

Maybe she and Tyler have been getting together on the DL and riffing on some poetry. Ty's probably teaching her a thing or two, you know.


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21 hours ago, TheRealT said:

Did Maci actually write a book of poems? That's hard for me to imagine, but you can't have a poetry book ghost written, can you? Well, I'm sure you can, but is that a thing? Has Maci ever released a poem she wrote or mentioned writing poetry?

When Maci wrote her last book (which was basically just a glorified outlet for all her rage at Jen/Larry for raising such a useless turd of a son and not being able to force him to act with any class or maturity once he became a father), at the end of each chapter she included poetry that went with the theme of the chapter. I did not read any of it and this is not solely a slam on Maci. Admittedly poetry is something that I just don't "get". That said, I bet it will be absolutely cringeworthy and I find it shocking she got a publisher for this.

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33 minutes ago, Tatum said:

Admittedly poetry is something that I just don't "get".

You are not alone.  I mean is there even really a market for this?  People that are interested in Maci read poetry?  I certainly am not and even less so because it’s not someone noteworthy.  I just don’t see where there is an audience for this.  But what do I know.

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On 4/30/2020 at 4:51 PM, geauxaway said:

You are not alone.  I mean is there even really a market for this?  People that are interested in Maci read poetry?  I certainly am not and even less so because it’s not someone noteworthy.  I just don’t see where there is an audience for this.  But what do I know.

Actually yes. I read quite a bit of poetry, Just not anything written by a Teen Mom. I am a fan of hers.


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Those tweets are 8-9 years old, from when he was a young man of 21-22 - an adult, yes. But brains don’t fully mature until about 25.

Glad I did not come of age in a time when every stupid, transgressive thing you said or did was immortalized. Sad my own kids are coming of age now when it is like that and people are so unforgiving. (And I don’t even like Maci and Taylor. But damn if these aren’t tough times to mature in.) 

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1 hour ago, lilmarysunshine said:

Those tweets are 8-9 years old, from when he was a young man of 21-22 - an adult, yes. But brains don’t fully mature until about 25.

Glad I did not come of age in a time when every stupid, transgressive thing you said or did was immortalized. Sad my own kids are coming of age now when it is like that and people are so unforgiving. (And I don’t even like Maci and Taylor. But damn if these aren’t tough times to mature in.) 

True, but I NEVER said anything even remotely similar to what Taylor did, at any age.

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1 hour ago, lilmarysunshine said:

Those tweets are 8-9 years old, from when he was a young man of 21-22 - an adult, yes. But brains don’t fully mature until about 25.

Glad I did not come of age in a time when every stupid, transgressive thing you said or did was immortalized. Sad my own kids are coming of age now when it is like that and people are so unforgiving. (And I don’t even like Maci and Taylor. But damn if these aren’t tough times to mature in.) 

 But this wasn't a one-time thing; he had a pattern of saying this nasty shit. There's a lot more than just these 4 Tweets.

And if he's really changed and ashamed of his past behavior, now would be a good time to let the world know. And yet, he's been silent on the issue for weeks. Methinks he has not changed.

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3 hours ago, lilmarysunshine said:

Those tweets are 8-9 years old, from when he was a young man of 21-22 - an adult, yes. But brains don’t fully mature until about 25.

Glad I did not come of age in a time when every stupid, transgressive thing you said or did was immortalized. Sad my own kids are coming of age now when it is like that and people are so unforgiving. (And I don’t even like Maci and Taylor. But damn if these aren’t tough times to mature in.) 

Yes, but MTV fired a woman that posted similar tweets 8 years ago when she was a teen.

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On 7/24/2020 at 12:16 PM, Tatum said:

Bentley looks more like Maci each year.

He looks like her mom!


I think girls like Chelsea and Maci could possibly write books that would help young women just from the aspect of being in super toxic relationships as teenagers.  Both had to deal with addicts and mental abuse and unfortunately are now permanently attached to those relationships until the kids are 18. My brother was a full grown adult and had 2 kids with a drug addict and he didn't know how to handle it. It took him 6-7 years to finally realize she was not his responsibility (they weren't married and thankfully she let go of custody easily).

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On 8/9/2020 at 10:23 AM, Dmarie019 said:

He looks like her mom!


I think girls like Chelsea and Maci could possibly write books that would help young women just from the aspect of being in super toxic relationships as teenagers.  Both had to deal with addicts and mental abuse and unfortunately are now permanently attached to those relationships until the kids are 18. My brother was a full grown adult and had 2 kids with a drug addict and he didn't know how to handle it. It took him 6-7 years to finally realize she was not his responsibility (they weren't married and thankfully she let go of custody easily).

I think they could. Chelsea for all of her issues did go to therapy and let go of Adam. She and Maci would be able to offer perspective to other young people going through the same thing. 

Parenting with an addict has to be so hard, just the unpredictability, the hope they might get better, wanting to protect your kid but also not wanting them to think the parent just doesn’t care. It’s hard. 

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On 9/29/2020 at 6:12 AM, Booger666 said:

Does TTM still exist?

Unfortunately, yes.  This anniversary collection checks all of their boxes.   Beer:  Check.  TTM logos: Check, Check, and Check.  Formal attire with exposed tattoos:  Check.  Poor grammar:  Check.  Bonus:  Non-models trying to look like professional catalog models.


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“The Edwards were informed that Maci’s reps wanted to go a different direction and showcase all of her abilities.

Um, what? What abilities might these be?


Also, from what I keep reading she's already the most boring segment there is. Is she under the impression people are going to be riveted by watching her trying to turn herself into the Face/Spokesperson of a medical condition for which there is serious doubt she even has?


I can't believe this show is still on.


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20 hours ago, edie3 said:

Gotta get real jobs now.

Doubtful.  Mac will go the “influencer” mommy blogger route.  Didn’t she also have some half assed wedding planner business she was trying to launch?  

Ryan will probably try to get rated as unable to work.  He basically appears to be highly incapacitated. 

If any of these people from ANY of these franchises ever ended up just fading away and entered the workforce going to a day to day actual job with hours and salary and benefits, I would fall over.  

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Sorry, Maci!  What other "abilities" do you want to show us?  This show is about parenting, presumably.  It's "Teen Mom".  So the kid and situation that got you there are part of the package.  What else are they going to show:  Maci cleaning her giant pile o'crap on the sideboard?  Taylor gets a beard trim?  Maci advocates for PCOS by running a mile?  I'd rather watch the Mav and Jade show!

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I, for one, am glad they were fired. Ryan is a liar and a deadbeat Dad. He blames his ex baby mama for his poor relationship with his son  when he makes zero effort to have one with him...zero. His parents are enablers and co dependent. Instead of standing up to their bully lazy ass son and telling him to be a parent to his first born, they jump on the blame wagon and sit idly by while Ryan and Mac trash Bentley's  mother on TV as "mean" and a "bitch". From the get go, Ryan was content to have his parents fill in for him so he could party, get high and date an endless string of bimbos. Fitting in quality time with Bentley was not a priority...ever. MTV did the right thing by firing the whole lot of them after years of MTV enabling Ryan and his weak parents. Mac was unlikable from the get go...toodles!'

Edited by BrownBear2012
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18 hours ago, Marisagf said:

Sorry, Maci!  What other "abilities" do you want to show us?  This show is about parenting, presumably.  It's "Teen Mom".  So the kid and situation that got you there are part of the package.  What else are they going to show:  Maci cleaning her giant pile o'crap on the sideboard?  Taylor gets a beard trim?  Maci advocates for PCOS by running a mile?  I'd rather watch the Mav and Jade show!

Maci's segments will be divided into Saint Maci storylines in which Maci heroically helps women with  PCOS or since no one believes she has PCOS, she might eventually try to spin herself into a hero and role model for families affected by the opiod crisis.  

Unfortunately, the other half of her segments will be her humiliating Bentley for story lines such as when she asked him if he pooped at school and informed the whole world that he was afraid to use the bathroom at school, or when she thought it was a good idea to have a discussion about sex ed with Bentley on camera (it's really good to discuss sex ed with Bentley but not on camera for MTV).

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It will be interesting to see Maci's storyline shift.   As for what Ryan will do now......what does Adam do?  


Larry has been threatening this "truth" for  long time and I want to just know what it is.   May it be as boring nd as unenlightening as the Meghan and Harry interview.  No real accusations or bombshells.   I want names and details, motherfuckers!   

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On 3/29/2021 at 5:14 PM, IDreamofJoaquin said:

It will be interesting to see Maci's storyline shift.   As for what Ryan will do now......what does Adam do?  


Larry has been threatening this "truth" for  long time and I want to just know what it is.   May it be as boring nd as unenlightening as the Meghan and Harry interview.  No real accusations or bombshells.   I want names and details, motherfuckers!   

We all know the truth.  Ryan is a lazy, selfish, worthless individual with a drug addiction (his addiction did not make him worthless; that is incidental to his many character flaws), Larry and Jen are enablers deeply in denial to the point where they are now culpable themselves in the situation, Mac is a fame hungry wanna be star fucker who could not have picked a worse "star" to hitch her chin-less wagon to and is too stubborn to admit defeat-the list goes on and on.


I can't stand Maci, but them continuing to rag on her only makes themselves look even worse and Maci more sympathetic in comparison.


At this point I consider them being fired as a mercy killing. I just feel really bad for the kids Mac and Ryan brought into this mess. Ryan should have gotten a vasectomy after Bentley.

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On 3/29/2021 at 3:14 PM, IDreamofJoaquin said:

It will be interesting to see Maci's storyline shift.   As for what Ryan will do now......what does Adam do?  


Larry has been threatening this "truth" for  long time and I want to just know what it is.   May it be as boring nd as unenlightening as the Meghan and Harry interview.  No real accusations or bombshells.   I want names and details, motherfuckers!   

I have little to no patience in real life or reality tv life for people who constantly hint at some shocking information they could drop but don’t. It’s almost never true. If you have something to say, say it or shut up. Larry doesn’t know anything that could hurt Maci that hadn’t already been all over the tabloids and the show. What’s he going to say? Maci likes to drink? Maci probably drank while pregnant? That she doesn’t want Ryan to take care of Bentley without Jen there? That her only real income is the show? That she’s annoying and self centered? We know all this. He just can’t accept Ryan’s behavior and thinks he can explain it all away.

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25 minutes ago, FozzyBear said:

I have little to no patience in real life or reality tv life for people who constantly hint at some shocking information they could drop but don’t. It’s almost never true.

Yeah over on the TM2 threads we are still waiting for Leah's 'the truth will come out' to happen and it's been 5 years.


"There's so much I could say right now" = "I've got nothing and don't want to admit it".

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