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Amber: A Rill Woman Goes to Gel

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3 minutes ago, JuliesMommy said:

Lmfao!!! I swear hes on my last nerve...Lol i think the fact that i love the stupid asshole so much makes me even MORE sick!!! Lol but you know what KAZ, ill make it work with his dumbass...

P.S. as you can probably tell, ive been sippin on henny since i put my little julie to sleep! Lol 

You are cracking me up. lol 

Ooooh, henny straight or with some juice? ;-) 

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17 minutes ago, JuliesMommy said:

Lmfao!!! I swear hes on my last nerve...Lol i think the fact that i love the stupid asshole so much makes me even MORE sick!!! Lol but you know what KAZ, ill make it work with his dumbass...

P.S. as you can probably tell, ive been sippin on henny since i put my little julie to sleep! Lol 

Me at 20 to my widowed, and single, aunts: If something happened to my husband I'd probably remarry. I don't think I'd want to be alone after being married. 

Me at 37: Women outlive men, right? #askingforafriend


Love my husband dearly but, dear Lord, the older I get the more I understand that scene in THE HOURS where she goes and gets a hotel room for a few hours just so that she can read a book and nap. 

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What “money to take care of my child”? You haven’t paid child support in almost a year!  Matt stole all your money and you still owe the IRS $130k. 

Also, it’s hysterical that she is taking credit for Bew Bew’s college fund when we all know that Gary came up with that and it’s funded by MTV. 

2 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

For like a week, right? 

Amber says 3 weeks but I think it was about 2 weeks with Javi and Kail’s filming. 

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Wait, I thought Amber said she didn't see Leah for a while because she was depressed and suicidal and didn't want Leah to see her like that? Now she was seeing Leah regularly except for when she was in LA working for money for Leah's college fund? So confusing.

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19 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

Me at 20 to my widowed, and single, aunts: If something happened to my husband I'd probably remarry. I don't think I'd want to be alone after being married. 

Me at 37: Women outlive men, right? #askingforafriend


Love my husband dearly but, dear Lord, the older I get the more I understand that scene in THE HOURS where she goes and gets a hotel room for a few hours just so that she can read a book and nap. 

Omg yes!!! Excellent movie btw!! 

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6 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Owning rentals is a job and it is a business. I know, because that is the kind of business I own. 

Kristina's job is being a SAHM. I think Gary does that job as well. Both she and Gary have a large family ranch that requires a lot work, something Amber wouldn't know anything about. I am sure they both work hard with the business of owning rentals. Kristina probably handles the books. 

I wish the idea that people who own rentals aren't working or running a business would change. 

Agreed! Owning rentals is a job. SAHM is a job!

When Amber said “while I was working in boot camp for three weeks they sat on their asses doing nothing” I wanted to chuck my laptop. They take care of three kids (the camera crew aren’t there all the time so Kristina’s other daughter is there when the crew leaves) and I HIGHLY call that sitting on their ass doing nothing. Once Christmas break was over I was so happy to have the kids go back to school so I could work because they wore me out. 

We have to remember Amber has NEVER raised a child so she has no idea the amount of hard work that is involved in raising kids. Not just leaving them in their crib with a messy diaper, but to actually be an attentive parent who teaches, listens, guides their child. Leah’s entering that age when Math/Science homework etc is getting a bit harder than it was and she will need her parents Kristina and Gary to help her.

There’s no clocking out for a real parent while maintaining the home with cleaning, laundry, paying bills, grocery shopping, feeding barn animals/pets...so she can pound sand with the “they did nothing” statement. I have NEVER seen an episode with those two sitting on a couch or in their bed - and they are the ones with an excuse to be sitting or “relaxing” for a minute to catch their breath. GTFOH Amber!

Oops. Went on another rant. I promise that was suppose to have been a short “I agree” comment @GreatKazu these people bring out the worst in me.

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8 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

When Amber feels threatened, she loves to play around with words. And numbers. It's all a numbers and word salad game to her. It likely makes her feel as if she is in control when she really isn't. She does this very thing when she is arguing with someone in person. Basically, it’s a conversation from hell. She isn't actually saying anything at all. She is just talking at you or in this case, tweeting to the people on Twitter. Before one can even comprehend one outrageous statement, she is already on to the next, as we saw how she was going at it on Twitter since yesterday. 

I actually refer to this as bologna darts. Throwing bologna against the wall and see what sticks. Amber is throwing out whatever makes sense to her and hoping it will stick with the people who are reading her tweets.  

She claimed she and Matt were together for 3 years, right? Even though it was more like 2 years and a couple of months. I bet she will fiddle around with how far along she is pregnant. 

Right, whenever someone calls Amber out for the myriad of shit we've SEEN her do, she calls the person a dumb bitch or an ignorant C word. And then she brings up her Teen Mom money. When you have to resort to name calling in an argument, you've already lost. She can't refute anyone's points, since they're all true, so she either tries the Leah Messer defense, saying we don't know the whole story and the truth will come out, or she just starts shrieking insults and swear words. Or she brings up her salary, regardless of how irrelevant that is to the argument.


What's sad about her "mic dropping" salary is A. she's done absolutely nothing with it, all her cash is wasted on rentals, car leases, and vacations, she has no hard assets to show for it, and 2. $300K is not really "mic dropping" money. I mean, don't get me wrong, that's a great salary and more than double what I make. And I would be impressed with most people with that kind of earning power. But that is not "snapping up Malibu beach houses and NYC apartments overlooking Central Park" kind of money, nor is it "private corporate jets and yachts" kind of money, and the doctors, lawyers, investment bankers, etc that are in that ballpark of $300K salaries annually are not like, I make $300K. Boom. They would be embarrassed to be seen as thinking that's a jaw dropping amount of money when there are people out there for whom $300K is the monthly payment on a $60 million industrial building they own (I should know this, these honest to god truly wealthy people tend to be my client's clients- I do high end real estate investment risk analysis for banks and other lenders).


So for Amber to feel that this salary (earned by making an ass out of herself on national TV, not like, a talent or marketable skill) is somehow an acceptable end to all arguments shows just how little she knows. And in the grand scheme of things, Amber is dollar wise and percentage wise much closer to the average American with a household income of $45-60K than she is to the true 1%ers out there, even if she is close to the bottom of the 1% cutoff. Except the average American doesn't owe the IRS 6 figures and can also buy a car, if not a house. So boom, Amber.

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Do we even know that $300K is accurate? That is a good living but don’t they also have agents or at least lawyers who take out a fair chunk? They live well for twenty-somethings but their lifestyles are not that unusual for established people in their higher end careers. When they travel on the show, for example, I think MTV either pays for it or things get comped. 

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15 minutes ago, lilmarysunshine said:

Do we even know that $300K is accurate? That is a good living but don’t they also have agents or at least lawyers who take out a fair chunk? They live well for twenty-somethings but their lifestyles are not that unusual for established people in their higher end careers. When they travel on the show, for example, I think MTV either pays for it or things get comped. 

It has never been published what the Teen Moms get. Adam said he was offered $300K for season 8 of TM2, which he declined. The Ashley said based on her sources, she had to believe Adam was telling at least close to the truth. Amber's court documents back in like 2011-2012 showed a yearly income of $200K. At one time, the TM girls were making more than the TM2 girls, but eventually the TM2 girls I believe surpassed the TM girls. But then TMOG started and I believe all sources confirm the salaries were much higher than what they were before TM went on a hiatus. I would say $300K is a conservative estimate at this point. I don't know if Gary and Tyler make $300K as well, although someone reported that Ryan does receive the full $300K. I don't know if I believe that though.


I would say their lifestyles are unusual for people in that income bracket, because people that established in well paying careers tend to own houses, investment portfolios, have 401Ks, health insurance, and not have IRS liens. These girls piss away a lot of money on cars (which they trade in constantly and get burned on the depreciation each time), vacations for them, their boyfriends, and other hanger ons, tattoos, eating out, etc. Amber due to her IRS lien cannot own any assets, so except for whatever is sitting in her bank account, has next to nothing.

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I just meant I do not see them living like Jennifer Lawrence or something. They do not have as much as they think they do! And not enough, certainly, to count as a huge payday when you land one of them (Mackenzie and New Matt). Ain’t worth it. 

I would really love for this to all end so that they would ALL be forced to go out and work like the rest of us. 

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17 hours ago, CaliforniaLove said:

I don't know that I do. He might have quite a nice life living in the "family home" in Malibu with Andrew's parents. 

Remember these parents raised Andrew. And we know nothing about them. 


12 hours ago, Kb60 said:

What a good comeback! Who knew Kristina and Gary we're so funny!

It's hilarious. What better way to respond to stupid accusations from ages ago? Humor. 

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Gary has grown up so much. I agree with whoever said he's really, really changed since the first season. 

I do wish he would lose some weight. 50 pounds off of him would make an enormous difference in terms of his health and lifespan...and he can't afford to leave all those kids to Kristina alone, because Amber won't be helping.

I find it surprising that Kristina isn't obese. Often couples' eating habits mirror each other. Gary doesn't seem sedentary, so I assume the problem is nutrition.

Edited by Lm2162
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17 minutes ago, lilmarysunshine said:

I just meant I do not see them living like Jennifer Lawrence or something. They do not have as much as they think they do! And not enough, certainly, to count as a huge payday when you land one of them (Mackenzie and New Matt). Ain’t worth it. 

I would really love for this to all end so that they would ALL be forced to go out and work like the rest of us. 

Right. Amber's main trump card on twitter is her income, which, while higher than 95% of people, is nowhere near enough to truly be considered a trump card. The fact that she thinks so shows how little she knows about things.


It's like when someone scores a touchdown and is doing a victory dance, and you want to be like, that's nice and all, but maybe act like you've been here before?

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9 hours ago, CofCinci said:

She keeps referencing “boot camp” like she was fucking deployed and couldn’t see her child.  Bitch, you were on a low-rent WE reality show. 

No shit. She CHOSE to be there. It wasn't something you have to do. And I want to see receipts regarding her claims of this big college fund for Leah. 


9 hours ago, eskimo said:

When Amber has nothing coherent to say she always talks about how much money she makes, or someone else makes because of her (in her opinion).  Money does not make a mother. 

Right? I don't even have a job. I haven't earned money in almost 10 years. Guess I'm not a mother (nevermind that I'm literally with my kids 24-7). 


4 hours ago, crazychicken said:

Gary also does a lot of cooking and sells produce and baked goods at farmers markets. While he does not have a 9-5 job he has income streams that will continue after MTV leaves Amber can not say the same. 

Gary is crafty. He doesn't "work" in the traditional sense, neither does Amber. But Gary does stuff that will benefit them long term. And, quite frankly, he does stuff they can be proud of. Amber's stupid shows are an embarrassment and once TV gets sick of her, she nothing to fall back on. 

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19 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

Gary has grown up so much. I agree with whoever said he's really, really changed since the first season. 

I do wish he would lose some weight. 50 pounds off of him would make an enormous difference in terms of his health and lifespan...and he can't afford to leave all those kids to Kristina alone, because Amber won't be helping.

I find it surprising that Kristina isn't obese. Often couples' eating habits mirror each other. Gary doesn't seem sedentary, so I assume the problem is nutrition.

He still has a tendency to want to push buttons a little, which I totally get. But you can tell he tries to restrain himself.  To me, he is playing this right. He is not harping on Amber but rather leaving the ball in her court and just making note of things. That way he cannot be the "bad" guy by withholding Leah, talking smack in front of Leah, etc. as we often see on this show and in real life.

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23 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

No shit. She CHOSE to be there. It wasn't something you have to do. And I want to see receipts regarding her claims of this big college fund for Leah. 


Right? I don't even have a job. I haven't earned money in almost 10 years. Guess I'm not a mother (nevermind that I'm literally with my kids 24-7). 


Gary is crafty. He doesn't "work" in the traditional sense, neither does Amber. But Gary does stuff that will benefit them long term. And, quite frankly, he does stuff they can be proud of. Amber's stupid shows are an embarrassment and once TV gets sick of her, she nothing to fall back on. 

Right, even if he does nothing all day but cash his rent checks and fields the occasional call about a toilet backing up before forwarding the call to a plumber, he still invested his money in something other than vacations and buying a romantic partner who doubles as a personal assistant. Amber rents a house which she trashes, buys dogs which she neglects, leases cars so they can't be garnished, spends money on vacations in which she lays on the hotel bed and tweets all day, and has to be taken to court to pay her rent. Yeah, there's a real financially savvy one right there.


And yeah, Amber, while you're at it, post a screenshot of Leah's college fund. Maybe do it before Andrew cleans it out, if it even exists.

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24 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

And I want to see receipts regarding her claims of this big college fund for Leah. 

Amber is lazy and selfish. I don't believe for a second that she set up a college fund for Leah. She would have to get out of bed, put on her turban, get in her car and go to the bank or financial planner. 

It's more likely that Gary set up a college fund for Leah.

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13 minutes ago, druzy said:

Amber is lazy and selfish. I don't believe for a second that she set up a college fund for Leah. She would have to get out of bed, put on her turban, get in her car and go to the bank or financial planner. 

It's more likely that Gary set up a college fund for Leah.

I believe he has. Stupid Amber probably feels like since Gary earns money because of her (her feelings, not mine) any savings Gary makes is technically Amber's contribution.

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21 minutes ago, druzy said:

Amber is lazy and selfish. I don't believe for a second that she set up a college fund for Leah. She would have to get out of bed, put on her turban, get in her car and go to the bank or financial planner. 

It's more likely that Gary set up a college fund for Leah.

Lmao!!! She probably can set it up for her from her couch/bed too. She would have to just sit up from the bed, log off twitter and sign into her online banking...even THAT'S too much work for her! 

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1 hour ago, lilmarysunshine said:

I would really love for this to all end so that they would ALL be forced to go out and work like the rest of us. 

POS Amber will be at the front of the line trying to draw a govt check for one of her many mental disabilities. For the Shirley's sake I hope these 2 lowlifes move to Malibu, they can lay in bed and let several dogs piss and shit all over the rental where they are living. Disgusting fucking bitch!

Edited by Mr. Minor
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2 hours ago, Tatum said:

Do we even know that $300K is accurate? That is a good living but don’t they also have agents or at least lawyers who take out a fair chunk? They live well for twenty-somethings but their lifestyles are not that unusual for established people in their higher end careers. When they travel on the show, for example, I think MTV either pays for it or things get comped. 

300K is a fine salary, BUT I believe they are paid as contractors, not employees. So no money is withheld by an employer for taxes, and even with the recent tax cuts, most of salary is in the 35+% tax bracket. And it's her responsibility to pay her taxes. Hence she owes money to the IRS, she probably never put any money away to pay her taxes. And again, because they 1099 her, there's no insurance, no 401k, etc. So she should have been doing that on her own with the help of a manager, lawyer or accountant. So she has to also pay anyone who she engages in that capacity, plus an agent would take a percentage also.  Rather than actually taking the money she makes and investing it, which is super boring, she leases home and cars, goes on vacations, etc. So she has nothing to show for it. At least the others own homes. Not only that as a contract employee she doesn't get credits towards social security, SSI, unemployment  andy other employee benefits. Does she think the MTV gravy train will last for another 30 years? 

Edited by poeticlicensed
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Amber's insane twitter rants bashing Gary and Kristina only show how wrong she is and how right they are.  In her delusional, skewed perception of reality she is right though, of course.  You just can't reason with that level of crazy.

If I could speak with her, I have some major questions:  Who will care for this new baby when your depression, suicidal ideations, and generalized psychosis flares up?  Where will you send this child away?  What exactly is your plan?

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Social media is being used against people more and more for all sorts of things from civil to criminal.  People even lose their jobs over stuff they post on SM.  I'm sure Gary is savvy enough to have printed all of Amber's recent round of twitter psychosis and he will use it to keep Leah safe.    Amber is really scary.  I wouldn't trust her with my cat!

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2 hours ago, lilmarysunshine said:

He still has a tendency to want to push buttons a little, which I totally get. But you can tell he tries to restrain himself.  To me, he is playing this right. He is not harping on Amber but rather leaving the ball in her court and just making note of things. That way he cannot be the "bad" guy by withholding Leah, talking smack in front of Leah, etc. as we often see on this show and in real life.

I'm still bracing myself for the next reunion.  Somehow, some way Dr. Drew will twist Amber's bullshit deadbeat behavior into Gary's fault.

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Just now, Brooklynista said:

I'm still bracing myself for the next reunion.  Somehow, some way Dr. Drew will twist Amber's bullshit deadbeat behavior into Gary's fault.

Yeah, I haven't been able to figure out Drew's pattern of who he likes and doesn't like. I used to think maybe he was sexist because he treated Farrah and Chelsea like shit while praising Adam, but then with pairs like Amber and Gary and Catelynn and Tyler he does the exact opposite and gives the women a free pass. Maybe it's just the people who kiss his ass the most?

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1 hour ago, druzy said:

Amber is lazy and selfish. I don't believe for a second that she set up a college fund for Leah. She would have to get out of bed, put on her turban, get in her car and go to the bank or financial planner. 

It's more likely that Gary set up a college fund for Leah.

Neither one of them set it up on their own.  The judge ordered one to be set up before sending Amber to gel (prison) and getting custody straightened out for Gary.  That's how we know she was earning $200,000 back then.  

Edited by MissMel
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2 hours ago, druzy said:

Amber is lazy and selfish. I don't believe for a second that she set up a college fund for Leah. She would have to get out of bed, put on her turban, get in her car and go to the bank or financial planner. 

It's more likely that Gary set up a college fund for Leah.

I'm sure he has. Completely independent of Amber. I don't think any of this "big money" Amber has been earning has gone towards Leah. (Except to set up Netflix in her room, so she doesn't disturb Amber's many naps.) 


1 hour ago, Brooklynista said:

I'm still bracing myself for the next reunion.  Somehow, some way Dr. Drew will twist Amber's bullshit deadbeat behavior into Gary's fault.

Yuuuup. Gary should have welcomed Andrew more. Gary should have paid Amber's CS for her. Gary should have taken care of all of her 25894 dogs while she was depressed. Why can't you nice, Gary???

(I swear when I'm watching the reunions I have to wonder if Dr. Drew is from The Upside Down. He's always so damned ass-backwards!)

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1 hour ago, Lm2162 said:

Yeah, I haven't been able to figure out Drew's pattern of who he likes and doesn't like. I used to think maybe he was sexist because he treated Farrah and Chelsea like shit while praising Adam, but then with pairs like Amber and Gary and Catelynn and Tyler he does the exact opposite and gives the women a free pass. Maybe it's just the people who kiss his ass the most?

Drew doesn’t watch the series.  He doesn’t write his own questions. The words that come from his food hole are from the producers. That includes faux concern and dramatic scorn.

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41 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

Drew doesn’t watch the series.  He doesn’t write his own questions. The words that come from his food hole are from the producers. That includes faux concern and dramatic scorn.

So the producers are deciding who to scorn and who to praise? Then why the pattern there? It's very weird. I'd think Chelsea would get better treatment than the rest of them in that case.

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7 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

So the producers are deciding who to scorn and who to praise? Then why the pattern there? It's very weird. I'd think Chelsea would get better treatment than the rest of them in that case.

Nah, if she gets pissed and quits, big deal. If one of their cash cows that bring all the drama on the other hand leave...


ETA: Look at the people that get the worst of Drew's wrath- Chelsea, Corey, and Gary. All even keeled people who aren't likely to throw a big fuss.

Edited by Tatum
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7 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

So the producers are deciding who to scorn and who to praise? Then why the pattern there? It's very weird. I'd think Chelsea would get better treatment than the rest of them in that case.

Hasn’t she?

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On 1/16/2018 at 10:54 AM, Booger666 said:

Reminded me of an episode or two back when Gary was encouraging Amber to talk to Leah about her feelings and dumb-ass Amber made it all about her and only asked Leah if she was upset that Amber and Matt broke up.

Yeah, she said something like, “I don’t know how Leah feels.” And Gary said, “Ask her.” And Leah was right there. Amber has the maternal instincts of a grapefruit.

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1 minute ago, CofCinci said:

So the producers are deciding who to scorn and who to praise? Then why the pattern there? It's very weird. I'd think Chelsea would get better treatment than the rest of them in that case.

1 minute ago, CofCinci said:

Hasn’t she?


She gets a good edit, but Sad Panda always sticks up for Adumb at the reunions. No matter how horrible he treats her, how negative he is, Panda always wants Chelsea to acknowledge that he tries/loves his kid/whatever. And he always wants Randy to do likewise. It's infuriating.  

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Amber posted something on Instagram and the comments infuriated me. Someone posted Amber isn't a bad mother and that Kristina and Gary help her out sometimes. Um if Gary and Kristina were not there for Leah she'd be an orphan. I have more contact with my nieces and nephew then Amber has, with her own daughter! Amber acts like some distant relative that sees Leah when it's convenient for her and it's rarely convenient. She either doesn't feel well, wants to travel or hang out with some loser. Absolutely everything takes priority over poor Leah! That's not a mother at all. Being a parent is a 24/7 job you don't get to  call off when ur sick or because u need a break 

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