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S10.E20: Reunion Part 1

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13 hours ago, Giselle said:

So true. I'm not a fan of "the Know It All ex-Sisters" Bethany and Carol but I'm gladCarol had the balls to call him out.

Andy is so full of shit his eyes are a deeper shade of brown. That comes from residing inside Bethany's ass for years.

Too bad we can't get rid of him as his penchant for favorites among the franchises, his unwillingness to call them on their bullshit and ask them the hard follow up questions, or his shutting down those who would... it really does all of the shows a disservice.


Andy is the franchise.  And he sees everything we don't see.  I appreciate his revealing how he really feels!

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Also found this picture - I guess this is when they "toast" at the end of the reunion (the thing Bethenny refused to do a couple of reunions ago).  Look at Andy and Carole.  He IS pissed.




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16 hours ago, ShawnaLanne said:

Tinsley I can see being let go because she's a bore. I like the lightness she brings, but I'm not sure if that is enough.


I'd love her to be replaced with a strong personality the same age as the others.

16 hours ago, bosawks said:

Huh, so Dorinda has a type.

yeah, schlub.

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1 hour ago, artisto said:

Between 07/25/18 and now...the editors had plenty of time

to edit the reunion...and...not in Carole's favor.


May be so - but Carole gave them the ammunition to use so.... she did herself no favors by behaving the way she did. 

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12 hours ago, Jel said:

Geez, was Dorinda's "reason" that it would be too hard for Jill?

Agree with you about Jules -- not cut out for the show at all.

Dorinda said while Jill would be an easy fit, Jules is the one who deserves another season.

I don't think Dorinda wants Jill back. She kept saying on the reunion that she and Jill are great friends. It's almost like if Jill comes back the Supreme Widow Crown will be wrested from Dorinda's head.

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18 hours ago, DBAAT said:

She is beautiful and she does look incredible, but nobody has as few wrinkles as Romona unless she is using botox and filler. I don't care, but she can't claim it's all lifestyle and skin care.

and that triple retouched photo of her at her anti-skincare party sent me over the edge.

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19 minutes ago, mwell345 said:

Also found this picture - I guess this is when they "toast" at the end of the reunion (the thing Bethenny refused to do a couple of reunions ago).  Look at Andy and Carole.  He IS pissed.




great screen cap/photo... curious if anything happened at that moment or it was just coincidence... (that he's giving her a look and she's got a look on her puss). Also - what are the shots - wheatgrass? lol


ETA - at least the rest of the women have smiles on their faces

Edited by BodhiGurl
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14 minutes ago, mwell345 said:

Look at Andy and Carole.  He IS pissed.




It's possible that pic was captured at a moment when something other than anger or irritation was happening.  But in the context of what we know about him shooting eye daggers and yelling at her...yeah, he's pissed.

What are they toasting with? Wheatgrass juice? 

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1 hour ago, KungFuBunny said:

I don't think Dorinda wants Jill back. She kept saying on the reunion that she and Jill are great friends. It's almost like if Jill comes back the Supreme Widow Crown will be wrested from Dorinda's head.

I don't think any of them want Jill back. Ramona and Jill would start arguing all over again, it would be better for Dorinda if Jules came back because she was her personal ally and looked up to her and Bethenny is still 'dipping her toe in' as far as just even becoming friends with Jill again, she certainly wouldn't want to be thrown right into filming the show again with her, that's what led to their break up in the first place. If either of them ever want to be friends again it will only work if they do it off camera.

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9 hours ago, AnnA said:

The reunion was filmed on July 17th.    Carole announced she wasn't coming back on July 25th.

There's a big chunk of their salary payable AFTER they film the reunion. 

O.k. Thanks.  So, besides the money, we still don’t know if she was fired or quit?

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2 minutes ago, ryebread said:

It's possible that pic was captured at a moment when something other than anger or irritation was happening. 

It looks like she's in the middle of a conversation.  Maybe he's just listening intently. 

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22 minutes ago, mwell345 said:

Also found this picture - I guess this is when they "toast" at the end of the reunion (the thing Bethenny refused to do a couple of reunions ago).  Look at Andy and Carole.  He IS pissed.




I honestly think Carole was done when you tell your boss hes full of shit or whatever she told him her mind was made up.

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I just think that Andy’s pure blind anger at Carole is out of proportion for what we’ve seen.  So I’ve developed another theory.  My previous theory is about why Carole is so mad at Bethenny.  It’s out of proportion.  

Carole is so pissed at Bethenny that she decides to take her out.  She starts enlisting her Angry Birds.  Ramona is all in on that.  She loves to be included.  Dorinda is in because Luann will be on the other team.  I’m sure lots of HWs in lots of franchises plan together.  But Carole ramped it up.  Perhaps having meetings complete with 3 year old Trader Joe appetizers.  And someone squealed to Andy.  Maybe someone, Tinsley, actually played Deep Throat and reported daily what Carole was planning.  Andy, egomaniac that he is, was livid that someone was planning to take over HIS reunion.  So Andy calls Bethenny and gives her the heads up.  Works with her on how to handle it.  Assures her ‘he’s got her back’.

Carole walks in all full of herself, Dream Team, I’ve got your back etc.  And the very first thing to happen is Andy giving her the death stare for her phone ringing.

That’s my Andy/Carole theory.  Hopefully things will get so out of control that we actually end up hearing why the F Carole is so pissed at Bethenny.

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12 hours ago, Kiki777 said:

I was a little surprised to hear that Jill is  dating someone already, though I don't know how soon after Bobby's death this was filmed..

i hope they keep Tinsley, especially if Jill comes back.  there would be so much toxicity and she's a nice fluffy antidote.

I was actually wondering if Jill would take Tinsley under her wing, the way she did B long ago, and that would make B so very jealous. 

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11 hours ago, Lemons said:

I just watched this and ewwwww, what is wrong with Carole?  She is ridiculous, like the 12 year old sidekick of the class mean girl.  She made me sick, she has changed for the worse.  It's almost as if when she was 25 years old she acted 55 and now that she's 55 she's reverted to her teen years.  

And why won't anyone call Dorinda on her alcohol problems.  Dorinda has that alcoholic defensiveness that they get when they don't want to stop drinking.  And then everyone but Bethany dismissing it as if "oh we all drink."   No, Dorinda has an alcohol problem.  

Look at what happened to Kyle when she outed Kim on National TV.

Could Dorinda sue for slander and defamation of character in civil court? Would the onus be on the one who said -  "I think you're an alcoholic" to have to prove it in court?

Like Bethenny said, she isn't an expert.

There was point where Ramona put her fingers/hand over her head and made a motion. She said if Dorinda starts doing this in a downward motion, Run! Bethenny said that's not funny.

I also think the reason this doesn't go any further is because Bethenny knows Dorinda is not going to get help - Dorinda does not believe she has a problem.

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On 8/22/2018 at 8:32 PM, Gem 10 said:

WTF?   Looks like the “I Hate Bethenny” marathon.  Looks like it was planned beforehand.  Guess the “Dream Team” is in full force.

She's not all that likable any more.  So to me, the hatred seems genuine.  What we've seen of Bethenny that last couple of seasons, I'd hate her too.  (Although I give props for her philanthropy and for her honesty with Dorinda about her drinking).

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12 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

Why am I also remembering a scene in which DORINDA expressed her concerns for Sonja in regards to her drinking. IIRC it was when they were in Atlantic City or Foxwoods, the next morning - they asked Bethenny to go to Sonja's room to have a "discussion" with her.

I don't remember exactly if Dorinda had expressed concerns (I'm too lazy to go back and even check) but I do remember she was the one taking care of Sonja in Atlantic City when she got really drunk and at one point starting name dropping celebrities she parties with, including dead ones, to which Dorinda pointed out to her...not that drunk Sonja could comprehend any of it, lol.

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11 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

I think part of it is because they don’t want her wrath. She hits low and hard and any more commenting on her state of “abuse” would be construed as offensive. There also might be a plan in place that we don’t know about. That could be her storyline for this upcoming season and Andy doesn’t want her on the defensive to start or it ruined by beginning before they start filming. I’m sure they are all aware that she has issues. It’s not always worth winning the battle if you lose the war. I think there will be bodies stayed this next season and Dorinda has a target on her back. 

Edited to add: They also might be following a script and Andy doesn’t want to get into the booze questions until part 2 or 3. Hey, at least Dorinda isn’t hiding a drink behind her on the couch like she was last season. 

She did that? Hah!

Was there a Blue Bunny wrapped in cellophane?


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3 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

Look at what happened to Kyle when she outed Kim on National TV.

Could Dorinda sue for slander and defamation of character in civil court? Would the onus be on the one who said -  "I think you're an alcoholic" to have to prove it in court?

Like Bethenny said, she isn't an expert.

There was point where Ramona put her fingers/hand over her head and made a motion. She said if Dorinda starts doing this in a downward motion, Run! Bethenny said that's not funny.

I also think the reason this doesn't go any further is because Bethenny knows Dorinda is not going to get help - Dorinda does not believe she has a problem.

I wondered that, but, I suspect that the ladies have signed contracts/waivers that prohibit them from going after another housewife or Bravo for antics that are within the show's boundaries. Just my suspicion.  Plus, the truth is a defense or that the speaker was just giving their opinion and that they are not an expert. Still, I wouldn't want to go there, because it's just so messy and there is no pay off for it. 

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43 minutes ago, mwell345 said:

Here's a full length pic of Bethenny's reunion dress. Pretty sure it is that one @yourmomiseasy




Usually I love her style.  But wasn't a fan of this dress.  Also, the fake boobs on her is really bad.  She has an amazing body with the exception of that.  She should always refrain from going too lowcut. 

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11 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

Carole is so pissed at Bethenny that she decides to take her out.  She starts enlisting her Angry Birds.  Ramona is all in on that.  She loves to be included.  Dorinda is in because Luann will be on the other team.  I’m sure lots of HWs in lots of franchises plan together.  But Carole ramped it up.  Perhaps having meetings complete with 3 year old Trader Joe appetizers.  And someone squealed to Andy.  Maybe someone, Tinsley, actually played Deep Throat and reported daily what Carole was planning.  Andy, egomaniac that he is, was livid that someone was planning to take over HIS reunion.  So Andy calls Bethenny and gives her the heads up.  Works with her on how to handle it.  Assures her ‘he’s got her back’.

I'm going to go ahead and disagree with this. From what we've seen of Carole, she's never been that motivated to do anything. She's also not stupid and she very well knows, from her relationship with Andy, that B is the queen of that franchise. Carole has also done her best to distance herself from B this season and handled herself pretty well when they've gone toe to toe.  She didn't need help from anyone during the show so why would she need their help now?  As I've previously said, this reeks of Ramona Singer. It's ill conceived and improperly executed and that's her bread and butter. I could see more of Ramona and Dorinda riling Carole up and feeding her, as they did during the season, with more bad things B said about her to them.  Think back to the episodes with confrontations. How did they start? With info or prodding form Dorinda and Ramona. You want your ring-leaders? It's one or both of them. 

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24 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

O.k. Thanks.  So, besides the money, we still don’t know if she was fired or quit?

All I know is Andy wouldn't answer the question on his radio show and I think if it were her decision it would be easy to say so.

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10 hours ago, breezy424 said:

So doing your job is to get out of the car when you see the grieving widow and approach her again for a second time so the cameras can film you and Jill  commiserating about being alone.  Congrats from Andy to Beth.  How sick is that?  And then we have Beth talking about her 'need' to talk to Jill again.   BS on that - Andy inadvertently revealed the real reason.  Once was not enough inside (where there were no cameras),  she just 'had to' talk again outside.  Crap.  What kind of person are you?  And then you bring your daughter to Shiva and talk about how happy 'you've' made Jill.

Yeah Beth, it was a 'moment'.  It wasn't about Bobby or Jill.  It was about Beth.

I loved how the others were saying that Beth is all about the cameras.  Bobby's death is certainly proof of that.  It's probably the only reason why she flew back from Aspen.  She probably got a call from Andy.


All the while muttering, "I don't know why I'm still here, I just can't leave," As if some supernatural force was preventing her from leaving. Oh wait,...there was something keeping her there. *Famewhoredom. Money can't buy you cla-ass.



*Shared with Jill and Andy, not just on Bethenny's part.

Edited by SweetieDarling
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On Bethenny being opportunistic, I'm guessing it wasn't so much her being filmed for the funeral but they doubt the sincerity of her actions.  That her scene with Jill was manufactured to make Bethenny look good.  Ironically, many (although not me) thought she made that talk with Jill all about herself (I'm alone too).  

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20 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

It's fun!  I just switched back to red after years of being blonde.  It's a nice change.

Funny..I never imagined a blonde would want to change her hair color!  Then again I have straight hair who longs for curls.. B's hair was cute and the dress demure which fit well with her sitting back calmly (at least for Part 1 lol)

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1 hour ago, film noire said:

He was a lifetime member of the Council on Foreign Relations, which is an elite moneyfuck of one percenters Frankel could only dream of entering--  he was a power broker of the first order -- if she didn't know that, she's an indiot, and if she did, her envy made a fool out of her.

Yes -- she's certainly not having Bill, HRC and Bishop Desmond Tutu over to party anymore ; )

When, during the cemetery visit, she said, “Richard, I’m not the same person I was then,” I remember thinking, “a change for the worse?”

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1 hour ago, mwell345 said:

Also found this picture - I guess this is when they "toast" at the end of the reunion (the thing Bethenny refused to do a couple of reunions ago).  Look at Andy and Carole.  He IS pissed.




To me it looks like he's looking at Dorinda. He doesn't look pissed to me, but whatevers. YMMV

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29 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

Usually I love her style.  But wasn't a fan of this dress.  Also, the fake boobs on her is really bad.  She has an amazing body with the exception of that.  She should always refrain from going too lowcut. 

That dress is one of those that looks better in person than in photographs. I loved it. Although it would have looked better on Tinsley, because of her little bubbies.

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10 minutes ago, Sharonana said:

To me it looks like he's looking at Dorinda. He doesn't look pissed to me, but whatevers. YMMV

Someone needs to spill the tea. Andy looks irritated, Carole looks like she knows she stepped in it.  But who knows, it's just a second in time. C'mon Sonja. Pick up your Page Six Bat Phone.


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6 minutes ago, ryebread said:

Someone needs to spill the tea. Andy looks irritated, Carole looks like she knows she stepped in it.  But who knows, it's just a second in time. C'mon Sonja. Pick up your Page Six Bat Phone.


What's the green stuff they're drinking? Are they doing shots of Immodium?

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I think the Andy vs Carole thing comes down to disrespect perhaps. I was thinking of professional debates or a prominent person giving a speech, or even being in a movie theatre. When that one person in the audience or on the team doesn’t turn their phone off or heckles someone in a professional environment. I wonder if Andy took it from Carole as a sign of disrespect and even sabotage of his show.


To top it off, she later told him he’s full of it while filming. That’s two strikes from Carole publicly toward Andy. Now, if she was also difficult behind the scenes or during the season, Andy might have already found her causing too much stress for him to get his product (the season) done and out the door. Maybe that look and his attitude with her had been building behind the scenes. I wonder if we will ever find out. He does look done in terms of this show with her. Maybe they’ll be able to stay friendly after.... ?

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11 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

Wait now.  Are these three reunions AFTER Carole quit or was fired?  If yes, why did she do the reunions?  Did the contract say she had to finish either way?   If so, then she can’t just walk off as somebody said.


10 hours ago, AnnA said:

The reunion was filmed on July 17th.    Carole announced she wasn't coming back on July 25th.

There's a big chunk of their salary payable AFTER they film the reunion. 

Carole didn't announce anything, she let her publicist issue a statement.

She was fired. Had she quit it would have been done during the season while filming. If she had money, she would have walked off set. Bravo told her to get her ass gone and allowed her publicist to issue an ambiguous statement. The statement "I have decided to return to what I do best —  journalism and producing.” No, I quit in sight.

Word on the street:

Carole produced and is starring in a new movie "MeeMaw's Monkey Sex Marathon With The Earl Of Red Onions"

There's no reason for Carole to be sitting at the reunion with a sour puss on her face. For a person who allegedly found her voice she seems to only mutter under her breath.

I can't believe the 10 years ago line she muttered. What Remains was over ten years ago. Her journalistic work was over 15 years ago. Her one night stand with George Clooney was 20 years ago.

I loved how Bethenny shut her down when she was talking to Ramona.

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13 minutes ago, SweetieDarling said:

What's the green stuff they're drinking? Are they doing shots of Immodium?

I guessed wheatgrass juice.  My second guess would be undiluted absinthe. Once upon a time it was banned because it was thought to create criminal behavior and social disorder.  That would explain so much. 

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6 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

She was fired. Had she quit it would have been done during the season while filming. If she had money, she would have walked off set. Bravo told her to get her ass gone and allowed her publicist to issue an ambiguous statement.

How do we know she isn't held by contract to stay mum until the season has been completed (which includes the reunion taping)? Viewers get invested in ongoing story lines so for her to announce it during the season seems ridiculous since the viewers would no longer need or care to know what happens with her and Bethenny throughout filming. The moment she announced she was leaving, her relationship (which drove much of the drama this season) is no longer interesting to viewers.  They know her shelf-life. Bravo benefited the most from her holding this information until filming was completed. So whoever's choice it was for her to terminate the relationship, I can't see why they would announce it during filming.  

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1 hour ago, sasha206 said:

Usually I love her style.  But wasn't a fan of this dress.  Also, the fake boobs on her is really bad.  She has an amazing body with the exception of that.  She should always refrain from going too lowcut. 

I'm wierd, but I didn't notice the bolt-ons looking grotesque so much in this dress.  I just think the dress doesn't suit her style.  She's not usually one for the ethereal.  If this had a more covered bodice, this would be more of a Tinsley dress imo.

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3 minutes ago, esco1822 said:

How do we know she isn't held by contract to stay mum until the season has been completed (which includes the reunion taping)? Viewers get invested in ongoing story lines so for her to announce it during the season seems ridiculous since the viewers would no longer need or care to know what happens with her and Bethenny throughout filming. The moment she announced she was leaving, her relationship (which drove much of the drama this season) is no longer interesting to viewers.  They know her shelf-life. Bravo benefited the most from her holding this information until filming was completed. So whoever's choice it was for her to terminate the relationship, I can't see why they would announce it during filming.  

That's why I stand by "she was fired"

Had she quit she would have done it during the filming of the season. She would have posted that statement all over Social Media. Carole would have said contracts be damned - sue me!

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52 minutes ago, ryebread said:

That dress is one of those that looks better in person than in photographs. I loved it. Although it would have looked better on Tinsley, because of her little bubbies.

Speaking of Tinsley's little bubbies, it's sad that she is ashamed of hers. She's mentioned over the seasons, at least three times, that they are "not good".  I hope she doesn't feel that way because she compares them to these overworked bosoms that are often awful.

Edited by ryebread
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1 hour ago, noveltylibrary said:

All I know is Andy wouldn't answer the question on his radio show and I think if it were her decision it would be easy to say so.

Andy has an ego the size of Skylab.  Perhaps it wouldn't be an ego stroke for him to admit that one of his puppets cut their own string and ran off.  I don't know if she quit or was terminated, but I didn't think she looked to be having a particularly great experience throughout the season, so it's not that much of a stretch for me to think she told him to shove it.

53 minutes ago, Sharonana said:

To me it looks like he's looking at Dorinda. He doesn't look pissed to me, but whatevers. YMMV

I thought it could have been either Carole or Dorinda he was looking at.

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44 minutes ago, ryebread said:

That dress is one of those that looks better in person than in photographs. I loved it. Although it would have looked better on Tinsley, because of her little bubbies.

I loved the dress too.  It might be one of my all time faves. 

I also thought, hmm, a dress covered in stars. For the star of the show.  Coincidence or coded message? ;)

21 minutes ago, ryebread said:

I guessed wheatgrass juice.  My second guess would be undiluted absinthe. Once upon a time it was banned because it was thought to create criminal behavior and social disorder.  That would explain so much. 

Don't forget about "brain rot". 

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3 hours ago, artisto said:

Between 07/25/18 and now...the editors had plenty of time

to edit the reunion...and...not in Carole's favor.


I agree.    Bravo and Andy had to be pissed at Carole for announcing her departure before the reunion aired.    That said, it was also pretty obvious that Andy wasn't happy with Carole during the reunion either.  

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15 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

I don't think Ramona and Bethenny hate each other at all, they have a weird dysfunctional mother/daughter relationship.

If they all come back, I see Ramona having a better chance at making up with Bethenny than Dorinda.


I totally agree!  She and Lu also have a family-ish relationship.  They can say stuff that is awful to each other but put it aside and move on like nothing happened.  I respect that.

14 hours ago, kicksave said:

Thanks but I had already read it.  I just don't agree.  I also don't necessarily believe Aviva's account.  No one can MAKE you drink.  But as you said, agree to disagree.

Edited by Natalie68
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30 minutes ago, ryebread said:

Speaking of Tinsley's little bubbies, it's sad that she is ashamed of hers. She's mentioned over the seasons, at least three times, that they are "not good".  I hope she doesn't feel that way because she compares them to these overworked bosoms that are often awful.

Tinsley has said many things during her seasons on the show. IIRC she said a man called her boobs "little uglies" I'm not sure who she is referring to - is it Topper, Nico, or one of the guys she dated during the other reality show she was on. When she and Carole were getting massages and then going down to the sauna - she said she doesn't want to get naked in front of anyone ever. She couldn't relax while getting a massage.

I don't know how long she has had body issues and there are plenty of shots of her in a bikini from before. Tinsley and KooKoo Kelly 2012.


A clip was shown where she says that she are Scott break up all the time. She said while they are broken up Scott dates other women.

I hope someone sits her down and she listens. Scott is throwing out hints left and right. If she wants a baby and a marriage, Scott isn't the man for her.

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1 hour ago, noveltylibrary said:

Funny..I never imagined a blonde would want to change her hair color!  Then again I have straight hair who longs for curls.. B's hair was cute and the dress demure which fit well with her sitting back calmly (at least for Part 1 lol)

HA!  It wasn't naturally blonde either!  I wish I had either straight or curly hair.  Mine has crazy bends that just looks messy.  Color is fun to play around with.  But since its pretty coppery right now it will take quite a bit to change it back to blonde if I decide to go back.  

I did like B's hair.  She did handle herself well.  Looking forward to ep 2!

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