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90DF Live Chat: Rice-A-Roni & Google Translate

Message added by Meredith Quill

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2 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

Ashley probably broadcast her wedding and every single detail of their sex life among other things. When you put your privacy out there on the inter webs, you should expect whatever you get. 

This comment sounds like victim blaming.  “If you get racist comments that’s your fault.”  No, it’s the racists fault, period end of story.

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I don't tell everything my boyfriend does to my family because I want them to like him (and don't need to air my dirty laundry). Kalani tells everything to make Asuelo look bad. If she loved him she would try to lift him up, not cut him down on everything.

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Just now, Pepper Mostly said:

Kalani. Shut up. You are not some holy martyr because you took your baby to see his grandparents. 

And you LOVE that your creepy over involved sister is witnessing this. 

I know!! The baby took an airplane trip, he didn’t donate a kidney. What’s with the tears?!!

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2 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Kalani, do you have enough f-ing guts to handle this stuff yourself? No, you have to bring your bitch sister with you.

While she sits and passively evaluates his responses while giving his needs wants and desires zero consideration.  God these people are the definition of poison, dude GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE 

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20 minutes ago, Suzywriter said:

Steven is punishing Olga for being a tired mother healing from surgery. He has not said "I love you" or "Can I get you anything?" even once.

He's making me want to slap him, too, but I still cut him a little slack because there is no one there to smack him upside the head and tell him how to act. There is no one he can talk to in English. They both need to be around an older couple or a church group, but that's ain't gonna happen in Russia. He seems to have a good relationship with his grandparents. Maybe when they get back to the States (if 'they' get back), he will get some help. It is a long shot, tho. 

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A box spring with a thick mattress pad! Eric doesn’t even have a mattress?!? Go sleep on that air couch. Let’s see whether Eric will pull a Debbie and not let Leida buy furniture.

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Kalani and Asuelo are like a bad SNL skit.  It’s like Jane asking Tarzan to go to couples counseling.  What does Ausuelo know from your hurt feelings?  You’re clothed, you’re fed, you live in a big house in America...he’s not out pig farming for his dinner.  He’s just happy to make the baby smile and go to the Golden Corral buffet.

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4 minutes ago, HappyDancex2 said:

Who sleeps on a box spring with a thick mattress pad on top of it????????????????????????????

He seemed awfully proud of that thick mattress pad, like the fact that it was luxuriously thick.

Edited by CoachWristletJen
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Just now, For Cereals said:

Kalani and Asuelo are like a bad SNL skit.  It’s like Jane asking Tarzan to go to couples counseling.  What does Ausuelo know from your hurt feelings?  You’re clothed, you’re fed, you live in a big house in America...he’s not out pig farming for his dinner.  He’s just happy to make the baby smile and go to the Golden Corral buffet.

You nailed it! Great description.

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Most, if not all, of the couples on this show will be married by the time the season ends. Some are probably married already. A lot of this drama has to be producer driven, but damn, show, stop making these people look so horrible. Can't we have a little joy?

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Ashley needs to delete comments and turn them off.  It’s easy for people to sit at their keyboards & post racist shit. Don’t allow it. 

Does Leida have any money ?? She keeps mentioning her ‘family’s’ money but what about her? She’s an adult !!! What kind of mother expects someone to stop paying child support ? Leida is such an immature spoiled brat. I hate every couple this season. HATE 

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1 minute ago, DNR said:

Ashley needs to delete comments and turn them off.  It’s easy for people to sit at their keyboards & post racist shit. Don’t allow it. 

Does Leida have any money ?? She keeps mentioning her ‘family’s’ money but what about her? She’s an adult !!! What kind of mother expects someone to stop paying child support ? Leida is such an immature spoiled brat. I hate every couple this season. HATE 

You are right about Leida.  Somehow it is up to everyone to support her, but she thinks nothing of putting out Eric's daughter.  She's awful.

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