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90DF Live Chat: Rice-A-Roni & Google Translate

Message added by Meredith Quill

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2 minutes ago, Marmiarmo said:

My oldest daughter was born in 1978, which would make her the same age as Eric claims to be.  And hell , look younger than Eric does!

My Gan Gan that is 99 years old looks younger than Eric!  

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1 minute ago, HappyDancex2 said:

This angle of Aswelu being so young and immature is bogus.  Just because he comes from a simpler lifestyle and english isn't his first language that they treat him like some kind of imbecile.  For my money Kalani is just as immature if not more so.   Her life is incredibly random and unstructured for someone who has a baby but no job, insurance or future.

I agree with you.  And if Asuelo is a little immature it is important to remember he is younger than her.  I was a first time mom at 32, and I would have known a lot less in my 20s.

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1 minute ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Oh yay, let's mock his idioms! I just love how accepting and kind they are. And by that I mean not at all. 

Isn't Kalani's family supposed to be Mormon? Obviously she's not observant if she fooled around before marriage (yeah, we take that seriously), but I wonder how she was raised. People do tease and make fun of each other, but the folks I know would be so much more pleasant, and understanding, and helpful than these people. They just seem rude.  Poor Aseulo needs to go back home. This chick hates him and to be fair, he does seem a little simple. I don't know what she saw in him, even for a vacation fling. 

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3 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Of course he's like a five year old because he never learned before, Alani, you dumb bitch.

Sorry but I hate hearing this woman talk. She has this snide and condescending tone of voice with everything. she. says.

Does anyone else want to smack her? I sure do.

I'm right behind you in the "I would cheerfully smack that smug bitch" line. What a supercilious, smug, pretentious, overweening, self centered twat. 

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