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90DF Live Chat: Rice-A-Roni & Google Translate

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1 hour ago, hisbunkie said:

Angela is upset because Avery did not treat her like an elder. Although she told her to grow up and act like a married woman. 
Angela is a beast. 

Yet she lost her ever loving shit when Michael said he respects her as his elder.  This has been an exhausting three hours yet I am willing to plow through Pillow Talk.  In for a penny, in for a pound.

I was glad when Fidel defended Ben as that whole Akini drinking thing was dragging out WAY too much.  I may not agree with what Fidel said, but I was glad he defended Ben and not go on a "How DARE he treat my sister that way??"  I wanted to yell (not Angela style) to everyone:  "Look, he is not suggesting Akini has a drinking problem, he just did not like the way she got when she drank.  Fair enough and now move along, nothing else to see here."

"Angela has left" translates to "Angela was asked by security to leave."  What a nasty hosebeast.

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1 minute ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

Caesar, when you decide to “date” again, I’d suggest you get rid of the double denim look. 

But that’s the Canadian tuxedo. He’s looking fancy!

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1 minute ago, Brooklynista said:

This could have been cut down to 2 hours if they cut out all the long pauses and awkward silence with people just blinking and staring.

And showing recaps! We already saw the show!!!

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3 minutes ago, PityFree said:

And showing recaps! We already saw the show!!!

Agreed!  DId not need to see Jesse talking about love to seniors.  ( I love my elders, except for Angela, used to work in a nursing home) but those folks had these "Who the hell is this guy??" looks on their faces.

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
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That's it for me. Let's give it a break and see what happens. I'm going to walk around the world now. Come to think of it, for what Caesar paid Maria, she should have taken him around the world.

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6 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

DId not need to see Jesse talking about love to seniors.  ( I love my elders, except for Angela, used to work in a nursing home) but those folks had these "Who the hell is this guy??" looks on their faces.

I had a funny mental picture of little old ladies sitting around the nursing home TV on Sunday nights watching this show until I realized it would be way past their bedtime. 

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10 minutes ago, Horrified said:

WTF kind of segue was that Shaun????  "Does anyone think any differently about Maria?"  Yes, Shaun, some people had some things to say.  So Shaun immediately says "First, let's look at how hard it is to say goodbye"

I know I'm punchy, but hell woman.  

Did anyone notice how Avery was waiting for her overwrought goodbye to Omar to be shown and the disappointed look when they didn’t show it.

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18 minutes ago, Floatingbison said:

I hope this has served as an intervention for Caesar.  If this is real, he really needs some sound advice to not send her any more money.

Personally, I think he should continue to send her all his money.  Maybe leave him a dollar for some cutex nail polish remover.  

He is the least sympathetic "victim" on the entire franchise and I'm including Dani.  

At this point, he is just hoping to guilt Maria into a relationship.  

I'd be annoyed if I was young and fabulous and some ugly, broke jug eared fuck twice my age honestly thought he had a chance with me.  And then wouldn't leave me the hell alone.  

Ceasar wanted to buy a relationship a s it didn't work.  Sucks, but time to move along buddy. 

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I’m done.  Toooo much Maria.  Borrrring.  

16 minutes ago, DanaMB said:

FMLA here otherwise there’s no way I could do this. 

Start my new job next Monday.  Having wine and otherwise I couldn’t do these 3 hours. 

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I’m still a bit behind, but have to say that I LOVED watching Akinyi’s face as Maria was talking about getting money from Caesar. She looked worried, like she was an illusionist watching another illusionist reveal secrets. Akinyi  understands the scamming game. 

Edited by 7isBlue
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